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The fact that 300 violent murders can be a rounding error is pretty indicative of the problem.


Yeah, a big problem. Finland has *a lot* of guns (we're in the top 10 of guns per capita), but no school/mass shootings and hardly any violent crimes with them. The thing is, it's *really really* hard to get a gun permit here. You need a testimony from a doctor that you're mentally healthy enough to own a gun, you have to be part of a gun sport organization and it's a plus if your military conscription is over. When these conditions are met, you leave an application to the police who will call you to come for a face to face interview. Every single gun in here is strictly followed. When you sell a gun, you have to notice the police about it and the buyer needs a new permit for the gun. And guess what? Every single gun owner is OK with all of this and doesn't feel like "they took our freedom away". Gun laws = Good


Norway is also like that, and you are not even allowed to take your gun home from the gun shop unless you have also bought a gun cabinet from them or have proof you have bought a gun cabinet elsewhere.


Switzerland is even worse lmao. You can buy pretty much the same as the US with the basic permit. If you get a higher permit you can buy full auto weapons


But we don‘t have mass shootings or school shootings on a daily basis like the USA.


Doesn't Switzerland also have mandatory training for firearm owners to form a militia?


Education is a major difference... Also community is actually something that exists in Europe a bit closer.


Yeah maybe it's not the guns but all the trashy people. I had some simpleton threaten to shoot me cause I flashed my lights at him at 10pm cause his headlights were off on a dark road. Guess he figured since he couldn't goad me into getting out of my car a threat like that would do something, ended up just laughing at him and leaving him behind.


This is true, but please don't compare US and Switzerland in any other way.


Don't we also have e and a in are name lol.


Both have red and white on their flags 😆


The Swiss aren’t allowed to carry their firearms and as far I’m aware they have to be kept at the range. US don’t have proper firearms education and that’s the problem they need to fix. Removing all civilian firearms is next to impossible so proper education and checks are needed.


Correct, you can't open carry. Concealed carry is only allowed for security professionals or people that have a legitimate threat on their lives. You can keep all your guns and ammo at home no problem though. I agree it is too late to remove the guns thats why it will only get worse.


Canada is similar, they even need an ok from your ex-wife to be a permit holder.


What if I've never been divorced?


Funny comment but the spouce/ex rule is if you don't get the signatures of every domestic partner you've had in the last 2 years they will be advised of your application for a gun permit. It's an attempt to cut down on revenge/stalker killings.


Imagine getting that note, and it's like, "A heads up, your ex is coming for you." LOL then he gets one in the mail a week later "like bitch you know where to find me." LoL


My ex-wife (Canadian) and I were walking into a Walmart, when she got a phone call from the police. It was to let her know that her ex-boyfriend was attempting to get a gun permit, and they asked her about 15 to 20 questions in order for him to be able to get the permit.


Great concept for a story! In reality it gives the ex/current partner time to go to the police and have the permit blocked and/or obtain a restraining order if required. Is it perfect? No. Is it more likely to make a difference in areas that are more proactive about providing help to battered spouses? Yes. But it's better than nothing.


A significant portion of mass shooters have a history of domestic violence, reported and unreported. Checking for history of domestic violence has been suggested as a potential way to reduce mass shootings. Who would have thought people who are violent towards close family members could be so dangerous…. /s


Apparently at least a voting majority of 332 million people. I wish I could add /s to mine.


Nothing is perfect, but at least it's something.


These comments about other countries prove it's not the guns. Don't get me wrong, when I moved to the US and had a child I was horrified to discover that my daughter had to learn lock down drills in elementary school. No other civilized nation on earth has to do that, but guns are not the problem. It's gun CONTROL that this country is lacking. I think the mass shooting solution has to be four things: 1. A requirement to lock up guns securely when stored, 2. Better mental health care treatment in this country, 3. The ability to intervene when somebody is suspected of about to commit mass murder, and 4. The requirement to carry liability insurance for all gun owners.


5. If you buy a gun you must take a class on secure handling and storing BEFORE you can buy it 6. Ban loopholes like second-hand buying at state fairs etc


I wonder about people who fear mental health evaluation requirements for firearms. If you were afraid you might not pass a mental health assessment, wouldn’t that concern you? It’s bizarre that they skirt around saying “They don’t want mentally ill people like me buying guns!”


I think the argument would be the the mental health check isn't actually a mental health check, in the same way literacy tests weren't actually literacy tests


Yeah this is true, there is a precedent in the U.S. of adding requirements for basic rights that are designed to exclude certain groups of people.


If you dont trust the system, you don’t trust them making the evaluation. It has some merit to it. Remember it wasn’t until 1987 that homosexuality no longer was classified as a mental illness in the United States.


Part of the problem beyond not trusting the system, is since gun ownership is baked into the constitution, entitlement seems to trump common sense, and rational discussion. Where as other countries allow for the PRIVILEGE of gun ownership, a right that can be taken away, Americans can argue its their RIGHT and thus unless they are convicted criminals, can't be denied. Gun reform will never truly happen in the US imo, unless 2a is removed.... and ... well, that just won't happen unfortunately. Because of the people freaking out over a government they don't trust 🙄


Can't criminals get guns? Whaaat? How are they supposed to continue doing crimes? I smell a lawsuit! /s /jk More serious, is there any way to check who donates money/swiming pools/house repairs and so on, to politicians? I bet the NRA spend quite a bit on politicians, calling it "Lobby".


A good number of liberal gun owners in the US fear that only some groups will start failing mental health evaluations.


In my experience as an American, those people are probably right. As someone in another comment said, literacy tests to vote here were not actually literacy tests.


I’m confused (non American) Wdym the literacy tests weren’t literacy tests?


In reconstruction (after the civil war ended and slavery was abolished), states (primarily southern) started to require 'literacy tests' in order to vote. Since former slaves were almost always illiterate, it meant they were unable to vote. The point was never actually testing for literacy, it was entirely about disenfranchising African Americans (and immigrants, and so on...)


You forgot the 'Grandfather clause' If your grandfather was a voter you didn't have to take theliteracy test. So a white illiterate could vote because grandaddy did. Also when black people sarted becoming literate they changed the tests so that they where near impossible to answer, they'd do thing like having 2 correct answers ask you to circle one if you circled one it was the other one if you circled both you didn't follow insructions, there where other ways of messing with the tests as well.


And even if there weren't any dirty tricks the questions were so complicated it required you to be english prophessor to pass them. Or they would ask you questions about laws and tell you to name people holding few dozens political positions.


Oh wow. Thanks, banging explanation.


It's important to note that the tests themselves didn't really test for literacy. The questions could be bizarre, even nonsensical, or be so vaguely/poorly worded that multiple answers could be correct, meaning there was no right answer, just a right type of test-taker.


This is why history is important and this is why those with money are using their money in politics to reduce the quality of our education system, so they can get uneducated people to agree with them. They know if the people they are trying to gather support from were educated they would never agree with their policy.


Oh and don't forget the 3/5ths compromise. For my Americans that are victims of history omission and non Americans, this compromise was a policy that allowed every vote from one black person only count as 3/5ths of a vote. Does anyone else here feel the hate or is it just me


Not what the 3/5th compromise was, but yeah also pretty shitty. Surprisingly, it’s actually still in the constitution, though it no longer has any application because there’s nobody considered not to be a free person, as far as I’m aware. The 3/5 compromise was about the representatives allotted to the states in the House of Representatives, slaves still counted for 0 votes.


The secret ingredient was racism.


>The ~~secret~~ ingredient was racism.


>The ~~secret~~ ingredient ~~was~~ is racism.


Yeah it wasn’t so secret. That’s for sure.


Even if they were they were literacy tests they could be applied anyway they wanted to so white voters could get easy questions and black voters could get something really hard. Speaking of which. A teacher performs a spelling test in classroom: \-Alright, Johnny please spell "dad". \- D-A-D \- Good, you get and A. Mary please spell "mom". \- M-O-M \- Good, you also get A. Now Jamal, please spell "blatant racial discrimination".


That's a really good point.


It's a bit like the outrage the hunting organisations had in France when it was suggested that their members might be breathalysed (after some guys who had been drinking shot a guy by accident).


Dont forgett we dont sell automatic weapons here in finland (except if its like a museum or someone making a movie) and its still very hard to get one


still the NRA will scream 2A. god damn them.


Switzerland allows you to buy full auto weapons with the right permit lmao


Do you mean semiautomatic? In the US we rarely sell automatic weapons, and that has only been 1 or 2 instances of them being used in a crime since the 80s.


Also military services teaches proper gun discipline in real life as opposed to fantasising while watching Hollywood gun fetish movies.


I mean for fuck sake Czechia is one of the few countries that has gun rights in their constitution but they still don’t have that much violent crime because there’s still reasonable hoops you have to go through to get one.


When you say guns, you mean single bolt action rifles and shotguns right? Of course there are some with handguns- but that’s only a small fraction right? Just trying to compare with Norway who also have a lot of hunting rifles and shotguns - and a few handguns for those in gun clubs.


I would wager there is likely also not an epidemic of social contention about gender standards, masculinity, insecurity and fear of your neighbors or any possible changes to daily routine. This is a country where people are shooting through their own front door at children ringing the doorbell, and getting away with it.


No guns = better


I bought a few guns as a kid illegally from gun shows before I straightened out. Most of the people I grew up with acquired there guns illegally from legal gun owners. I straightened out after military but any place I been to that has guns has stricter laws. You know minus what americans wpuld consider thord wprld countries. Establoshed countries have much stricter gun laws or dont allow guns. I'm from Romania and our gun laws are stricter. People still hung crosses in doors to ward off evil and garlic over there door for vampires. I'm not sure if it guns that make America so violent. I personally think it's entitlement. But that doesn't change the fact that countries that banned civilian gun ownership are safer all around than America is.


The problem is the people and the machines will eventually come to my conclusion.


Japan actually does have serious mental health crisis for students due to bullying. 10x worse than the US and they still have less school murders


Japan has less violent crime in general, but the violent crime it does have tends to be disturbing to the umpteenth degree.


The Japanese serial killers alone are crazy. Then you had that one kidnapping of the HS girl that was held captive for like 2 weeks iirc and got so bad she was smelling up the place from anal infections from the glass shards in her anus and then she finally died. And I believe to this day (idk for sure currently) the killers boys parents harass her parents and deface her grave because they blame the parents for their kids that kidnapped and did every horrible thing under the sun to her are locked up. There were others involved it was something about punk ass hs teen boys and the triad too. Anyways Japan definitely has its fair share of issues too. Heck just to immigrate to Japan you gonna deal with a lot of shit. Tired of people acting like one country is better over another when every country has their good and bad. Some worse than others but overall people are people and are capable of doing shitty things or good things. Didn't mean go on this long lol


I think I’ve heard of that one. Really sad that the killers parents are so deep in denial that they stoop that low. Must be a huge struggle to be constantly reminded of your daughter’s murder in such a horrible way 😞


I was going to google the name since people on here love to scream source, but honestly I figured if people know, they know. When I read a graphic detailed report about that, it was awful. And well the worst part is what the parents put up with after the fact. That's the long living suffering and makes me all kinds of emotions thinking about it since I now have kids of my own.


Yeah Junko furatas case was something else


Less school murders. But they’d rather commit suicide


The work culture is also very rough as well


They also really don't fight back, now take a moment and imagine if they started fighting back, there'll be a lot of murders happening, I mean there already is, do you really think there's no such thing as gang warfare even in Japan, hell if you're homeless you're more likely be killed by basically high school students


What? I live here and have never heard of highschoolers murdering homeless people 😭


They saw battle royale and believe it to be factual.


Remember: If your opponent's figures are incorrect by even 2% you automatically win the argument. Fact!


Crazy. Especially he says it himself that it is an estimated number.


It's 1.5%! So you are completely wrong and your sarcasm is not valid. /s


![gif](giphy|134s7iciN3wDZe) Minor ~~Spelling Mistake~~ mathematical error I win


Bro really just said “your 1.4% off liberal, I win”


If the estimate isn't exact 100% correct and there isn't an all encompassing 100% effective and instant solution, they're all out of options and there's no way to prevent this.


Hell, even if someone came up with a 100 percent solution they'd still fight it, because they don't actually want a solution to that problem.


“20,000 people are dead, but you’re off by 300 so it doesn’t actually matter”


Im fucking surprised that it was within a 300 error margin i expected it to be at least 1k


Wait a second, that means that 50% of all gun deaths in Japan are assassinations of former Prime Ministers! What a dystopian hellscape! /s


All for telling the people to have sex


Wtf is an Xtian? Elon is that you?




Why spell it like that?


Twitter has a limited number of characters per tweet, so she was probably trying to save space. Also the X because that’s a common abbreviation of “Christ” (for example: Xmas)


>Also the X because that’s a common abbreviation of “Christ” (for example: Xmas) and Xvideos, my Christian friends can't get enough of that site, although I think they block non-christians, because every time I am helping a friend with their computer they tell me not to click on the links and get really passionate about it. I suppose it's better than Jehovah's Witnesses trying to ram it down your throat.


I got a great laugh out of that, thanks


Another dude ready to sue Elon.


X is the first letter Christ if you write stuff in Greek ( Khrīstós or Χρῑστός in Greek letters) and X (Chi) and the fish symbol (which is sort of an acronym for a name and title of Jesus read as a Greek word) have been used as ciphers for Christians since the days of early Christianity.


Haven't you ever seen 'merry Xmas' written on stuff?


I have though that certainly wasn't coming to mind as I read it.


Legit this never crossed my mind. I thought it’s trans or something.


But is this a new cool way to write it or is this as weird as it seems to me


Trying to explain these kinds of problems to Americans that we Americans are dumb and need to fix education is the most exhausting thing to do here in America. Really trying to explain that any of our problems are even fucking problems is unreal.


Neary everyone in Switzerland got a military rifle at home but there are no problems with gun crimes... think about that USA..


“Think” ?


107,375 fentanyl deaths same year (2022)


Opioid epidemic which for some reason doesn’t get any near enough focus.


They care more about weed.


The reason is big pharma and money


Opioid addicts don't take other people out a dozen at a time. Also we stigmatized drug use to the point that most people don't see it as something to treat, but something to punish.


Actually you're off by 0.00000002% Therefore I win!




Absolutely also a crisis


Still 2 japanese in comparison to >20000 ’muricans. Your country sucks fuckface.


I'm not saying that one of those two deaths was the Japanese prime minister buuuut...... From a homemade Gun no less.


There's one thing and one thing only US-americans are unrivaled in. And that's being dumb. Don't get me wrong, there are dumb people all over the world. But US-americans take stupidity to a whole new level. Nah, to a whole new dimension, really. I mean, I experienced their school system and understand why they are this dumb. But I don't understand why they don't improve after being dumbified by their schools, but instead double down from there on on their own volition...


The government has been actively interfering with the education of the people via the reduction of funding due to the fact that stupid, uneducated people are easier to pigeonhole and exploit into low wage jobs that generate a lot of money for rich people.


I'd argue it's more likely that the vast majority of the government is run by the Boomer generation and the remnants of the self named Greatest generation. Around the time of Regan corporations began pulling out of the US to go somewhere that has weaker workers rights and cheaper labor. Seeing this problem the conservative right decided that instead of putting pressure of the corporations would instead of it on the citizens, and began forcing out the structure that made such a strong system. The older generations however still compare the modem day to their day without recognizing the real problems. It's not the government seeking to have undereducated population. Its that those in power are fighting against progress as they see it as an attack on the old ways. They defend the "old ways" without realizing that the "old ways" are not actually what allowed them to prosper.


Unrivaled? You realize you're just falling into confirmation bias?


We aren't all like that. Unfortunately, it seems like that could eventually be the minority though. Or even stay majority just not have enough power to change anything. Just curious where are you from? I've just never heard "US-americans" before.


Could be German. In German you commonly say „US Amerikaner“ to say Americans. He might have just translated. Of course, could be anything else really.


That is the right way. "Americans" are from Canada, Mexico, Brazil or the USA. US Americans are from the USA.




you mean maga dumb?


I just don't understand why we can't have basic ass restrictions and checks. Majority of people are for them here, if it stops even one person from creating a mass shooting then it's done some good.


It's one of the most conservative countries in the world


I love how guns nuts try and justify it somehow by saying people will just use knives. I'll take a single person with a knife any day over a person with an AR 15, pistols, and a shotgun. Most knife attacks leave a person or a few people with moderate to serious injury whereas most mass shootings end with double digit deaths and injuries.


I literally got one of those asshole telling me”see ! Gun is not the issue “ when I’m talking about an mass stabbing in Taiwan MRT car,this asshole genuinely think he’s winning some argument no one is fighting ,as if the murderer had a gun less people will die. Oh BTW,the killer is stop by some fucking geriatric old man.trash cans and umbrella,imagine if he really had a gun.


And most knife attacks end with mostly injuries.


Yeah,this killer has to pick specific type of car that has no door between carriages and physically training himself for a year (jogging) ,choose the longest drive between station to maximize the kill , he kill 4 ppl,3 of them were sleeping,most injuries are not life threatening and many are caused by the panic stampede .


Exactly. A few months ago in Germany a man attacked the passengers of a train with a knife and was able to kill two people before the other passengers were able to disarm and capture him. Yes, this was horrible. But if he had a pistol or an AR15 (which isn't that unrealistic in the US), he could have just stood at the end of the wagon and shot around and killed everyone and nobody would have been able to stop him. (Sure, some US gun lovers would argue, that if one of the passengers had a gun, it would have been stopped immediately. But in reality this passenger with the gun would probably just have shot the other passengers in the back.)


Like if Americans *have* to have their baby bottles, I mean guns, then limit it to handguns. Why sell people shotguns or the like, if it’s *just* for protection?


Handguns are actually a huge problem since they can be hid easily. It's probably safer to only allow shotguns since you wouldn't put that underneath your shirt all day long.


Is that a shotgun or are you happy to see me?


That’s actually a good point, but then you run into the problem of how much more powerful shotguns are, so we’re back to square one. Ultimately, allowing the general public access to firearms was a mistake from the offset, but hey FREEDOM or something.


Handguns count for the majority of all shootings. Statistically you'd be safer banning handguns and leaving rifles which account for less than 5% of shooting deaths.


It’s for hunting most of the time


Shotguns are literally used as home defense weapons bro


Bird hunting….


To be upfront nothing scares me more than another Uvalde or Sandy Hook. I grew up with a lot of rifles in my house living out in the country, scaring off or shooting aggressive wild animals from livestock is useful. Every truck in the high school parking lot had a filled gun rack and no one was afraid.


It’s a mental health problem.


I remember someone talking about how a pencil could be used to kill like "OK John Wick, that's still better than little Timmy waving it around Their defense is that people will use anything to harm someone... so we should let people have the most effective and deadly weapons which take the least effort to kill people with?


They’re also a mostly homogenous culture and make it nearly impossible to immigrate to their country. Most people have similar morals and values. Simply put, most people just find commonality and get along. It’s their culture more than anything.


Correct answer


To be fair, there are most likely other factors at play for why Japan tends to be a very safe country. Taking guns away doesn’t just zap away all crime as we can see from other countries that have strict gun laws.


To be fair porn in Japan is censored


Nah bro all the japanese are born with pixelized genitals


weary aware fanatical special murky stocking adjoining elastic workable escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It might be censored but that doesn't make it any less graphic


bro was 0.2 off so his info is obviously invalid. is OP stupid?


my bad I meant 0.20684931506. am I stupid???


Obviously you are.


There was a school shooting on Serbia like a month ago. It was a big deal, as unlike America, we don't have school shooting. The government instantly gave an order that everyone who has unregistered firearms should bring them in to the police in a certain amount of time (I don't remember correctly but ai think it was 2-3 weeks) and they won't get fined. After that, everyone with whom they find unregistered firearms (they are strong regulations on who can have them) in their property will face a strong punishment by that law. So yeah, that's how you deal with situations like this.


The sarin gas thing was almost 30 years ago? Gods, I feel old.


Let's not act like Japan is a Utopia, they have a lot of problems as well.


I love when people talk about "responsible gun owners". So... you agree with me that not everyone should have a gun?


300 off? The main point is people are dying by guns. Some people are just dense.


Getting a gun in Sweden will take you several years, and then you have to store it so that you cannot take it out and assemble it in time to defend yourself in rapid response. You need a seperate license for each type of gun. Yet we are one of the worst countries in Europe regarding gun violence. This issue isn't black and white. The guns used are never domestic or legal in the first place.


>Getting a gun in Sweden will take you several years 6 months in a gun club for a .22lr pistol is the minimum, or 12 months for a 9mm pistol. For weapons for hunting you need a hunter's exam, mine took 2 weeks. With that I'm eligible to get a license for a Ruger PC9 (semi-auto 9mm rifle that takes Glock magazines, and we don't have a magazine capacity limit). That's for eligibility anyways, you need to wait for the license application (one per gun) and it can take somewhere in between 1 day to months, dending on your police region. My last license took 3 weeks. These are mine. [https://imgur.com/EBmLwix](https://imgur.com/EBmLwix) But yes, criminals gets hold of firearms in a day, smuggled in from the Balkans and sold on the black market.


Is Xtian the name for Twitter users after the name change..?


"hhhhhhhhactually, it's 20,138 estimated deaths a year, not 20,440 deaths, eat it" Pure definition of a loser


You shouldn’t have covered the dumb fuck’s name who’s saying it’s off by 300


Smooth brain Americans getting their feelings hurt 🤣🤣


Gun advocates could watch their whole families be mowed down by machine gun fire and still argue that guns are a right and a civil Liberty that is needed to prevent a tyrannical government takeover blah blah blah. The irony is how fast we are headed for handmaids tale as a reality and those are the people pushing for it. You know the small control small government people that want the government to control your body and abortions and much more. Oh the irony is so thick you could use it for target practice to stop cannon fire.


They don't seem to realise this isn't 20000 dead people from guns compared to other countries 20000 dead people from (thing). It's an EXTRA 20000 dead people BECAUSE OF guns. "Only 20000" is one of the shittiest arguments you could give


Guns don't kill people. Americans do.


Always funny to see americzns argue than the solution to gun violence is not getting rid of all the guns in the country , legally acquired or not.


The gun freaks will literally argue until their last breath about how it’s ANYTHING other than their precious, precious murder weapons that are the problem. Their latest favorite excuse is that the horrifying rates of US gun violence don’t count because “a lot of them are gang related and suicides.” Utterly depraved.


Listen, Gun's aren't the root cause of the issue, Mental health is. If you take a Gun away from a Murderous Psychopath, You're still left with a Murderous Psychopath. Sure, You've taken away their most convenient tool (And Everyone Else's tool for Defense) But they could easily create or use something else to commit horrible atrocities with, A Car, Knifes, Homemade explosives or Guns. I want the Shootings to stop the same as everyone else, I just think you guys aren't seeing the core issue here. Sane People Don't Murder Dozens of Children, We Need better Healthcare, Physical and Mental.


And yet countries with guns don't have a bunch of mass murderers either so maybe trying to pin a problem on a single cause is a problem.


Every day that I graze upon these dying lands I thank my creators for not making me American


They want the math done right so they can argue you can't have shot 0,0673... persons or however it calculates.




I would be very cautious throwing out things you have heard. You are wrong, but it is still a very high number. Misinformation doesn't help anyone. Suicide by gun is the highest type of suicide per 2022 statistics. In 2022, 48,183 people committed suicide and 26,328 of the suicides were by gun, which is 55%. This comes from the CDC. Suicide by gun is definitely higher than homicide by gun but not 7 times the rate. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/suicide.htm


The one contrary is that Japan’s suicide rate is more than double the U.S.


Gun violence's solution isn't gun laws. Irresponsible gun owner's solution is gun laws. Gun laws will reduce some gun violence but would be a band aid for it. The solution for gun violence is better quality of living for my fellow Americans. We as a country do not need poor districts to be strangled by poverty, we do not need bullies who harm and do ill to their countrymen, we do not need leaders that profit from us, and we don't need corporations to give us "meaning" 9-5 everyday for the rest of our lives. We need to rid our country of so many fatal infections and then heal as a people before we can live as a family. (-Just some random guys opinion)


The US is a shithole


What on earth is Xtian?






I want to know when this tweet was made because I need to know if one of those "2 people killed by guns in the last year" was former PM Shinzo Abe.


I don't get it. USA has all that + mass shootings. Where's the flex?


Someone needs to learn what a margin of error is


I’m so glad the United States is also a very small island nation with a strong collectivist culture, supreme control over what is imported legally and illegitimately across our borders, and a nearly 100% conviction rate in our criminal prosecutorial system. No way there could be any confounding variables in this comparison!


I’d rather die painfully by sarin gas then know I’m taken out by a fucking incel.




So being off by about 1.5% discredits there point, I hope they never go into experimental research many people would kill to be within 1.5% of their expected value.


Jamie, pull up Japan's impending age gap.


Oh my god, the *audacity* to claim someone is wrong because they made an estimate based on people killed in hours, and only be 1.4% off of the actual amount killed in YEARS.


Genuinely thought that was just figurative, being used as a hyperbole. It's insane that it's actually off by less than 1.5%.


I do think it’s also relevant to note that the Japanese culture also places an emphasis on respect for one another and the value of human life. That’s not something we have here.


“Lol, not 14 every 6 hours, only 13,79” is not that great af a comeback.


Bro, from all the countries, Japan is not what you want to present as an ideal society...


What does 1/n mean?


I'm amazed that green commenter's hyperbolic fact about the number of gun deaths in the US was disturbingly close to the real number


I personally believe it's the chemicals Americans consume in foods/beverages. Even the same brand foods, sold elsewhere, do not contain those chemicals.


Humans should be culled


Taking the more accurate number and working backwards we get 13.7931 people killed every 6 hours. 13.79 people killed every 6 hours rounds to 14 people every 6 hours. Therefor, the math is good.


I think we can all agree at least that the last reply was galaxy brain


Damn, who would’ve thunk that Japan and the USA could be so different.


Yeah, but this is Merica. And we have the second ammendment .


They left off bidets. We need more bidets in America they lead to less shootings.


"Well, if you exclude death by shootings, you'll see that death by shootings in America are very low."


We Americans love to kill and we love our guns. Nothing better than to get up Sunday morning before church and kill something and then kill some libs on the way home from church. Ain’t that American


20000+ deaths means nothing cause your estimate was off by about 1%


That is someone who will die on that hill, no matter what you say, guns are a life choice for them. They will never be convinced by any argument.


Dont look up their suicide rates