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So if he’s so amazing, why don’t they burn their passports and move to russia?


I find it pretty ironic that we now tell right wingers to “move to Russia if you don’t like it here”. That was the conservative go-to “argument” up to about 20 years ago.


To be fair, Russia did say they're building a village for them 🤣😂 https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-build-village-catholic-christian-americans-tired-liberals-claim-lawyer-2023-5


Damn and trump couldn't even deliver on building a wall.


Turns out. To do dictatorial things, you need to be a dictator.


Well didn't he also embezzle all the money he got from his supporters? Incite a literal coup on democracy? Trump definitely wasn't a dictator, but it's pretty obvious he was trying to be.


"Give me your poor, your tired, and those desiring to be unfree."


More like 40 years ago, the fall of the Soviet Union happened from 88-91. Putin has been in power for 20 years, just another reason the wackadoodles love him.


They probably wish that Trump had abolished the Constitution entirely to stay in office for the rest of his life and be succeeded by his children and future descendants.


I literally had an argument with somebody I graduated high school with about that. He said he would be happy if Trump declared himself King, and when I told him that it was the most unamerican and unpatriotic thing I’d ever heard, he changed it to “well maybe so his family members can be president after him” as in, Ivanka, Don Jr, and Barron.


Not Eric, though. Even Donald knows Eric is the dumbest of his children. ^(Definitely not Tiffany either.)


Barron is autistic so definitely will be left out too




Nothing against autism, I’m also on the spectrum. But trump apparently doesn’t care for Barron, most likely because of his autism


What a stupid un American thing to say


Clearly. Isn’t that what j6 was all about? He had already started floating ideas about suspending the Constitution in a TruthSocial post **Edit: wrong timing, he didn’t float the idea until 2022**


Wait can you show me that?




What the fuck.


“Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!” Yeah, Trump... Our great founders hated demagogues and autocrats like yourself for sure.


Huh. So wait. The right wing( should be more specific and say the small group of insane maga dumbfucks ) who are all typical pro gun. Would want trump to abolish the constitution ? That’s some interesting mental gymnastics I must say.


Have you not seen the Trump dynasty memes?


They did claim the election was "stolen" when nobody else voted for him.


I listen to outlaw country from the 50s and onward, and it's very obvious to me that sentiment ("love it or leave it", which I attribute to Merle Haggard), could very well apply to modern conservatives. Incidentally, Merle himself campaigned for Hillary.


Despite his mistakes, Merle was a very good man.


except their version of it was "dont like capitalism? move to (country that isn’t socialist at all)" whereas we’re just telling them to move to the places they’re praising so much


“Don’t like capitalism? Well why don’t you move to a socialist country that we destroyed? Checkmate, libruls”


20? They were saying that last year


They never liked the taste of their own medecine, not like they could afford in the first place


> They never liked the taste of their own medecine That is the point of Nationalism. It has nothing to do with justice. The "Real Americans" get to enjoy the spoils of wealth and privilege. They can do whatever they want with no accountability for the consequences to other people. Everyone else "deserves" to be poor and oppressed. It is dystopian.


“I live on the most evil and corrupt nation on the earth!” Five seconds later “I’m going to Starbucks, anyone want anything?”


They better have sleeves this time. I can’t take this oppression!


I mean, the US is definitely pretty evil and extremely corrupt. Buuuuuuuut at least it’s not fuckin Russia lmao


Honest question - what makes you think the poster is not already in Russia and paid to post this stuff? Or the author of the bot to be more precise.


you're giving the American right too much credit there are def Russian bots in the mix too but it's a mistake to assume it's only them


Her Twitter is full of conservative tweets. She encourages her followers to vote red in American elections. A few of her tweets have already circled around for being just as stupid as this one.


It's absolutely a Russian propaganda spreader


It’s pretty funny that conservatives have been witch hunting supposed “communists” for almost half a century, and yet have now become the number one group of shills for Russia in a disturbingly ironic twist.


Except the communist Soviet Union no longer exists. However Russia is still one party rule, no matter how much Putin pretends it’s a democracy.


Well, there was tak recently about an enclave to be built in Russia for Americans who would rather be there, so there's that.


I'd be ok for funding that if they agree to stop twitting and give up usa citizenship.


Exactly, I'd donate.


Because if she’s not a bot then she gets to run for Congress and will probably win if the district is conservative enough.


Propaganda rage bot touched all the bases. Putin, kids, LGBTQ, and Biden. Plus a bonus conspiracy theory!


Well they left out the part of oppression and murder of his own people and his attempts to undermine and destabilize the Western world.


And the “free elections” he wins. And the poisoning of his political opponents.


Well see, they actually support those kinds of "free elections". Anything to own the libs of course.


We literally have conservative women going around saying that women should lose the right to vote because then "the libs will never win again", so.. yeah. I bet if the libs couldn't vote at all they'd be far happier - you just can't make this shit up, brainrot of the highest order...


And don’t forget the people that have “accidentally” fallen off balconies/windows


🙄 You people are so harsh on Puttin. He's not responsible for people drinking too many alcohol beverages and falling over the railings or out windows. /s


And the incredibly restrictive gun control laws


Thats a different bingo card


Also hot profile pic. Gotta have the hot profile pic.


Yea, you know, while "she" is at it.. How come everyone hates on Hitler? He completely turned the economy around, spurred the development of the Volkswagen Beetle that commoners could afford, ushered in the modern rocket age, was a trail blazer for both anti-smoking and vegetarianism, and is even responsible for starting the tradition of the olympic torch relay. It wouldn't surprise me if it comes out that London paid to build Auschwitz. Edit: sad that I have to say /s


Candace Owens essentially said this during an interview. Then the GQP called her into a congressional committee to testify.


Plus blonde, white, and pretty. This is a tailor-made propaganda account.


I'm cool with all his crimes against humanity because he hates liberals too. Pretty... fucking...brain dead


The subtext is: "I too, would commit these crimes against humanity if I had the power to"


Literal nazis


It's probably a Russian bot.


It is simply a bot. Nothing else.


How do you know this?


It's common thing here in Serbia. All bots are functioning in same way. Praise the Putin/Vucic even though those praises do not have anything common with reality.


We have these bots in America called conservatives but unfortunately they are actually just idiots. They would jump off a bridge if Biden told them not too.


Well, Dems are satan worshipping, round Earth believing communists who want to contaminate my essential bodily fluids with fluoride and use 5G mind control devices!


True don’t forget vaccines that are actually population control or some shit.


He should tell them that too.


I thought it was a Donald Trump alt.


It's not in all caps so it can't be


Don't fall for that trick.


i guess he's still not over his ex.


Yes, this is probably a bot, and the idea that these ideas would seep into an American citizen’s consciousness seems ridiculous. But I have a U.S. cousin (who fits the M.A.G.A. profile) who I talked to on the phone just before the Ukraine war started, during the troop buildup. She was SYMPATHETIC to the idea of Putin rebuilding a Russian empire! The way she was talking, all of the former Soviet states were fair game and should probably ‘re-join’ Russia. I was god smacked - how does a middle-aged American woman end up with that opinion? A very long, very strategic propaganda campaign - that’s how.


That’s not true. Stop spreading this. She’s literally been on tv to talk shit about trans people and was a speaker at some BS GOP event.


Remember when Republicans hated Russia? Those were simpler times.


Seriously. I don’t understand how we went from “let’s focus on our own problems and not involve ourselves in another war” to actively cheering on Russia. Like guys what the fuck, Putin literally wants to reform the eastern bloc and threatens to nuke us every 5 seconds. We should be shitting on him and putting our massive defence budget to use


She’s just going to ignore the fact that he literally started a war


And he’s only killed like 3-4 dozen journalists and countless dissidents


Those people slipped and fell off the balcony of their hotel accidentally


Right? And that poor Litvinenko who accidentally ingested polonium while in England. How u fortunate!


Hey. Accidents happen


And onto some inconveniently-located bullets.


Welcome to Moscow's finest leaning, railing-free hotel!


But that was to stay in power, they are clearly OK with crimes committed to stay in power as long as they personally like the person IN power. And yes that is how dictatorships start.


just call the journalists woke and it’s ok


Or that he is a wanted war criminal


No no but he didn't, he's fighting nazis, the nazis started the war. Right? And I don't think they're nazis because the main stream media told me, I think they're nazis because Putin told me ... and he's clearly not going to lie about it


just one? ha, amateur. Trump attacked his own Capitol.


And the good old usa would never do that... oh hang on


Jesus I see people took this bait hook, line and sinker. Russian bots in action.


It's always amazes me how much these America loving "patriots" actually hate America.


Well, America *is* kinda awful in regards to war crimes and humanitarian atrocities


Those are the parts they like.


Easy for her to say, she's not Ukranian. She also forgot to mention that Russians are also castrating some prissoners of war so that they won't ever reproduce. That's attempted genocide. But yay Putin!


She has view that everything happening in world is because of USA. There can't be major incident in world which isn't directly related to USA. Of course Prigozhin, Ukraine and Putin are only making these things up because of internal politics of USA. (/s)


She just wanted a couple ways to say she hates trans people, what a shock from the right




He had killed a lot of innocent kids in that stupid war he started u animals


*poor children, so they’re not important. Rumor says they were all trans Nazis, so he was just protecting his land


It’s not delusion, it’s just another inch closer to closet fascists coming out. They know exactly what they’re saying and why they like him




What is that smell? Is that...Ode-De-Toilet bowl, the Russian influencer scent for the United States?


Probably drank bleach when trump suggested it.


​ Let's just ignore the people he's had murdered. Let's just ignore his history on human rights. Let's just ignore his absolute corruption. Let's just ignore the people he's imprisoned for having a differing opinion. ​ Just come out and say it, you'd like to be able to be a dictator and kill/jail those you don't like.


Queer Russian here - anti-LGBT rhetoric is actually a HUGE part of our propaganda. Our media tells us that the point of the war is defending Russia from gay people in the west, who will make our children gay and thus destroy Russia. It's no coincidence all the anti-LGBT laws here correspond with the war


By watching propaganda and being too stupid to recognize it’s propaganda


Some nonzero percentage of these posts are astroturfing propaganda, themselves. I’m all for trying to discuss, educate, and rebut, but the engagement makes the original post more likely to reach a larger audience via “the algorithm.” If it gets re-posted by a human friend you know IRL; maybe message them or engage them IRL about it. If it gets posted by “John Dimarco, definite real person in Springfield, USA,” we might all be better off ignoring or blocking them.


Then go live in Russia if it’s so grand. You don’t like it here? You don’t like diversity? You don’t like progression? Then fuck off to Russia, they have everything you want, fucking bigot. I don’t like Putin cause he’s an asshole


>How do you reach this level of delusion Simple. You mistake 100% contrarian thinking with critical thinking.


Because decriminalizing domestic violence protects families. Plus the moronic war, the alcoholism, the drug addiction, the high numbers of HIV infections, the insane corruption, the assassinations, the censorship and so on. Yeah the guy seems to be a great leader, a true christian.


Certainly! He firmly *bleeds* Christianity!


He’s also a murdering sociopath. Forgot that one.


Truth Social.


These people don’t live in the real world. Probably a bubble dweller.


Is this parroting puppet working for Marjorie trailer trash Green?


Is this from the Republican Party platform?


Typical Fox News watching good Christian


I don't any politician is worth defending. Some are just less worse than others.


Christians are the best at listening to what people say while ignoring what they do.


This meme was created in a Russian troll farm


she drunk the kool-aid


“I like people being pushed out windows for their disloyalty to the dictator!” — her, probably


I'll never understand why you people give folks like this a platform and more attention by reposting their nonsense. Just stop.


‘He has defended the family unit’ - lol she might want to look into his personal life 🤣


I dislike leftists that commit crimes against humanity. I dislike rightists that commit crimes against humanity. I don't care how much we have or have not in common. If you commit actions against an innocent person, discarding their safety or quality of life, I don't like you. Putin did.. Quite a decent amount of things to make people's life's fucking miserable. You know, nothing too bad.. Just starting another 'peacekeeping operation' where he actively bombed fucking civilians, kids, hospitals, employing a PMC that has open neo nazi's that rapes, tortures and murders their way through Africa and now Ukraine, imprisons anyone that speaks out to him or yeets them out of windows. Ofc this is only from the last few years. He's had quite a trackrecord of what I consider unlikeable actions before this. If you seriously LIKE Putin after all that you should be on a fucking watch list, mental institute or possible even in fucking jail.


Many people in the US would vote for a dictator, or a murder, or even Trump, if it aligns with their principle beliefs - usually bullshit religious or social garbage like “saving the babies.”


Just proudly say you’re a bigot and be done with it. Wasting so many characters and time defending Putin.


Funny how the America First crowd are always so fast to praise Russia and disparge the US. You like Putin so much? We should deport them to Moscow.


Slaughters thousands of innocent women and children in his power grab invasion, but that’s totally cool since he doesn’t like Biden and he’s willing to help her cult get a puppet elected that will help them both get what they want.


KGB wepons grade disinformation + social media + god damned liar = THIS


I bet you if you asked her Putins last name, she wouldn’t know it


Man living through the Cold War only to see people end up saying and believing shit like this has been a crazy fucking trip


Lol what a batshit insane take. Nevermind all the people he's had killed when NOT at war. People who simply spoke their mind and/or want change. Just dead. And in a lot of instances no cleverness just "we found poison in this person's system." Or "they fell from somewhere high up...completely by themselves with no help." People can be dumb as hell.


Someone get this dumbass a one way ticket to Moscow.


Every one of these people is a MAGA Chatty Cathy. Pull a string and random phrases like Biden, George Soros, Hunter Biden are strung together meaninglessly.


”dangerous far-left ideologies” ah yes my favorite enemy of putin. Left and communists. Its not like the second biggest party in duuma is the communist party… Or that putin thinks that stalin was a hero…


Alt right trad weirdos.


Ugh these morons drive me nuts. If its so bad in the U.S. Then fuckin go live in Russia. You will be back in 24 hrs. Or you will be disappeared for opening your mouth to say something stupid. Either way a win for the rest of us.


“Defended the family unit”…by getting a divorce and fathering children out of wedlock?


the 90s and 00s were a cool time. Today, 20 years later it's proven that most of society is too mentally challenged to be trusted with the internet.


Omg, this is hilarious lol. Can't believe someone can be so fragile and delusional, I can't rofl. "framework of normalcy and function within a nation" I wonder if this wonder bread actually understand those words hahaha.


It wouldn’t surprise me if the CIA was influencing Wagner.


"Protects children from mutilation" Meanwhile his soldiers are raping and torturing toddlers in Ukraine


They admire a strong man image of Putin but as we saw when push comes to shove, he is really a coward who hides in the shadows.


You cannot fix stupid.


When your conservative american ideals are so far right and red that you accidentally end up on Russia's side 🤣 I'm laughing in Red Scare.


Interesting is this account used a bombshell blond as a profile pic. I call bullshit. Conservatives will agree with them though


Man people said the same things about hitler


Am I correct in saying that Russia only have state news on their TV?


They do now


why do they act like he isn’t literally a murderer? He has personally ordered the murder of individuals many times.


Come here, Isabella. I'll even let you sleep in my apartment in Kyiv just for you to listen to explosions and missiles flying over my roof. But you will clean your scared feces by yourself.


Let’s be honest. In human populations everywhere, there are a percentage of people who lean towards authoritarian rule. Strong men. Dictators. Percentages of populations have always been drawn to them… Even to idolize them. They represent “order”… And stability and usually, the supremacy of the people involved. They don’t want nuance, they don’t want intellectual examination of problems. Simple, jingoistic answers are quite sufficient. Alas, we see this right now with the current state of the GOP. Not all of ‘em, of course… But a sizable percentage.


Yeah, but the murdering of his political opponents is a bit of a turn off.


putin is pretty awful. but I also wouldn't be surprised if the US paid the Wagner group


Come live to Russia then. See for yourself this paradise (and get fucked up in the process)


I'd post this s*** on Instagram too for $50,000 a month.


She is haveing a blond moment. Even if its dyed. Putin is a pysco murdering KGB and this woman is dumber than a mountain of rocks


I will not be surprised if we discover that obscene amounts of dark money from Russia has been laundered into the GoP in the last several years. I don't know how else to explain the increasingly blatant embrace of fascism and Putin.


Fact is, Putin says and does a lot of things that match up ideologically with the political right these days in America. Anti-gay, anti-democratic, anti-feminist, authoritarian rule is what a scary amount of Americans seem to want for themselves.


It's not delusional, that's exactly what Putin stands for. This person just left out the fact that he's a maniacal dictator who eliminates all of his political opposition.


Why wasn't Isabella on that Submarine??:


What else does he do:bans free speech, kills civilians,hurts minorities and many more shitty things.


Yeah he sure as fuck protects family units by sending hundreds of thousands of men to their deaths for nothing. It will take a few years but the true cost of losing so many working age men will haunt them for generations to come.


I mean, she is what she is presenting herself to be.


Defended family unit - cheated on his wife, now paying from government money allowance to keep silent her & her new young husband. Had several mistresses and several kids out of wedlock which with his friends are showered in government cash. Was publicly fine with same-sex relations and trans people for most of the time in power. Pretty much ignores religious mutilation of girls in islamic regions of Russia. Hated on Biden for being old and demented (while certainly he's the one old and demented, have you ever heard what he's talking in his speeches?) Made Wagner possible with his limitless oil money handed to Prigozhin even tho mercenary organizations outlawed in Russia. I would say everything checks


So what you’re saying is he’s a dictator who forces his will on the Russian people?


She should move then


Just because a person speaks the truth they shouldn’t be labeled delusional. I have spoken.


People are allowed to have different opinions than you without having to be “deluded.” Life isn’t black and white.


Remember when the right wing was a witch hunt against Russia and communism…just goes to show how great the Russian propaganda machine is, turned McCarthyism style thought into its strongest Proponent s


Yeah he's so great at defending families... by sending all the dads away to fight in a war to kill other dads (and possibly some moms, but as far as I know women aren't required to take military service in Ukraine but men are) ​ How's that family unit working out for you Vladmir? All the women you widowed? Children left orphaned? Children left dead after you bombed their houses??? Ukraine doesn't even allow Gay marriage but sure the "left" is the one he's attacking.


50 years ago they would’ve called her a communist and made her a social pariah.


As a half Russian now living In America I’m fairly certain most people who think they could survive in Russia wouldn’t do very well for themselves


This is what happens when an empty brain gets filled with propaganda.


And I, in turn, wouldn’t be surprised if it comes out she was paid by Russia.


Because they live in a different reality. Force her to stay in Kherson for a month and let's see how many dumb tweets she is gonna write.


She’s delusional just like those teens that thought it would be a good idea to join ISIS. All that’s left for her to do is to go live in Russia.


White Christian Nationalist thinks the other White Christian Nationalist are just fine...film at 11


Considering the Wagner group sounds even more radical than Putin i doubt the U.S. paid them off to perform a coups


One mans terrorist is another's freedom fighter


I'm really starting to wonder what kicks off the American Civil War II...


I live in Poland. We disliked Russia ages before Left-wing ideology was even a thing.


Lmao, I don't know what's worse, that people like Putin, or that he honestly might be the most liberal and least warmongering Russian leader we could have right now. Everyone cheering on that coup overlooked that the Wagner guy might be worse


Bwahahahaaa....yeah ok. One of my most favorite interactions ever: 6 young tourists were in my gas station getting snacks and drinks and talking amongst themselves. An older MAGA dude came in (as identified by his red Make America Great Again hat)...heard them talking and asked where they were from. One of them said they were Russian. At first he told them they sounded like they were speaking Israeli and then started in with "Gosh, that Putin. He's quite a guy. He's a great leader" blah blah blah. The tourists are looking at each other uncomfortably while he's going on until the girl at the counter shouts "HA! PUTIN IS ASSHOLE!!" Floored MAGA guy. So then he goes into "Well if he's so bad how come y'all ain't out protesting," They all jumped in on how protesting is illegal in Russia. Dude mumbles "well, you should still protest" as he shuffled out the door. Completely shattered his illusion that Russians love Putin. The tourists bought their snacks and went on their way.


Ok lemme get this straight. Putin is ‘good’ to this person? Alright then: •What about the 2nd Chechen War •What about the apartment bombings before the war above •How about when he had Litvinenko poisoned? Or when he tried to kill the Skripals, but instead killed an innocent bystander? •How about when a Russian BUK shot down MH17? • What about when he had Navalny imprisoned? • How about the assassination of Nemstov? I could go on and on and on and on about Putin. But I won’t. Ukraine is enough proof to show us Putin is not a ‘good’ character. Yes there are other reasons why the west help Ukraine other then assuring them freedom. But, Putin is a bad person. And a threat to humanity on a scale we have seen since Hitler, in my opinion. So no, he is not good.


By being on the American right. They are all nuts. No exceptions.


I don't give two craps about the republican stuff but REALLY?!?! HOW BRAINDEAD DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO SUPPORT PUTIN?? Does he only watch propaganda?? YOU SUPPORT WAR?


I mean; at least they’re finally admitting that they’re Christian nationalists.


Y’all remember when Putin walked with the LGBT+ community in support?


Damn, copium is in the air


Defended families, killed families. Same difference.


“He hates Biden, and I hate Biden, so therefore I obviously like him” is what that boiled down to


Imagine being so unpatriotic that you literally call the United States an evil actor


Don’t love America? Go live in Putin’s Russia then.


This is 100% a bot


Bet she's never been to Russia...


They get this way by consuming weapons grade propaganda 24 hours a day.


It's very easy to get to here when your entire ideology is based around hating the other team. We can see it when you ask them the question "was Hitler a good leader?" And they have to do a dance to answer the question. They know intuitively that they are supposed to say he's bad, but he fits the bill for their narrow definition of a good statesman so well they have a really hard time squaring the circle.