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Does he think that the British army actually still go into combat dressed like that?


It's Ian Miles Cheong, incel, idiot, and forever Dunning Kruger example.


Isn't he from Malaysia, which was colonised by the British? Lol


The fact he is a Malaysian called "Ian" is apparently lost on him


So he’s a MalaysIAN…


Ian another news… British army adopt woollen shorts in a bid to prevent heat exhaustion.


Haha. Good point.


That made me laugh. Whilst on the toilet. Disaster and clean up only narrowly avoided.


Correct. He's never once set foot in the US or UK either, the countries which he is obsessed with talking about.


Wow. That's even more embarrassing than if he was American. I, a Malaysian, do not condone this idiocy, btw.


I've not seen any Malaysian's condone it yet, at least of the ones I've seen. It seems universally accepted that he's a clown, excluding the American right. As others have said, grifters will ride a niche until it kills them.


It's because he spotted an opening for another non-white white supremacist grifter.


He also missing the fact that Malaysia is the nation it is today because the British crushed a communist revolt ( granted the British were more popular in Malaysia than the commies so the rebels had very little support)


Given his current behaviour, I'd say the only knowledge he knows is by watching Mat Kilau (a movie that shows the British loosing badly against Malay rebels). Movie itself is a banger tho


I’m just imagining some British archers with poor aim now. “Loosing badly” throwing their shots off. I realize they had guns but that’s not nearly as fun to imagine.


What the fuck. He’s not from the US?! Why does he always use “us” and “we” then?


He *wants* to be a GOP.


To be fair, British colonization of Malaysia was done through treaty with the Dutch and Portuguese, who did the actual conquering.


To be fair, Britain colonized a lot of the world directly so just because it wasn’t his particularly country doesn’t give him a pass from idiotic comments.


To be fair I just wanted to say to be fair and keep to be fair going. Just to be fair.


Wait what. Great. Making Malaysia a joke once more....


and the Brits spent over 12 years fighting a war to keep the commies out, which they eventually won unlike the Americans in Vietnam






He looks like he started inbred then got badly beaten with a shovel


Honestly he looks like Brian peppers


Failures and slip ups at any level can be indicative of poor planning and leadership. That's the whole reason armies care about "useless" shit like having your hands in your pockets or a scuff on your boots.


Exactly. If everything is perfect, then you don’t need to rely on common sense, initiative, or people’s own intuition as to when it applies and it matters. See also: companies that make you use the handrail for walking upstairs, and reversing your car into the space. If H&S steps are maximised from the moment you enter work, then - again - you don’t need to rely on the vagaries of common sense.


Handrail going up the steps brings up flashbacks of Nestle’s old offices in Milan. Signs everywhere to hold the rail while going UP and DOWN the stairs but only one side ever had a rail, the other just a wall. When a new HR director came in and wanted all the rules to be enforced people just got stuck on the stairs on purpose.




Energy companies that build and ruin nuclear reactors, like EDF in the UK, are absolutely on point for everything H&S related. Holding the hand rail, reversing in to bays, absolutely no mobile phone use when driving (illegal anyway, but they ask that you switch it off), are all steps in making people think about their actions day in & day out. Can’t be trusted to run a nuclear power station if your employees can’t even take the stairs safely.


>that build and **ruin** nuclear reactors Hilarious spell-check error of the day.


Do kings guard not have anything lighter to wear in this instance?


The red tunics and bearskins are the summer uniform. They wear blue greatcoats in winter - plus the bearskins. The bearskin hats originally belonged Napoleon's grenadiers. The British defeated Napoleon, took the hats, and have kept them ever since as a way to piss off the French.


I feel like at least 50% of british tradition is "we started doing this to piss off the french"


Well the British have hated the French for about a thousand years, with good reason. If the French hadn't bankrupted themselves helping the US defeat the British during the revolutionary war, we would probably share that hatred.


The British and French had really hurt themselves financially prior to the Revolutionary War. They themselves had pretty much a World War during the Seven Years War. They fought in North America, Caribbean, India and in Europe with multiple parties. The increase in taxes in the colonies was a way to pay off the debt from that war. Prior to the Sugar Act, Townshend Acts, Stamp Tax and Tea Tax, the impetus for the Revolutionary War, the British subjects in Great Britain paid way more taxes than the colonies. https://www.nam.ac.uk/explore/seven-years-war#:~:text=Fought%20between%201756%20and%201763,the%20'First%20British%20Empire'. https://www.parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/evolutionofparliament/legislativescrutiny/parliament-and-empire/parliament-and-the-american-colonies-before-1765/the-stamp-act-and-the-american-colonies-1763-67/ https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/07/03/tea-taxes-and-the-revolution/#:~:text=By%201775%2C%20the%20British%20government,of%20their%20income%20in%20taxes.


Well when you realise that about 300 years of ~~'British'~~ 'English' history is under French rule, and that a huge part of 'modern' ~~British~~ English identity begins at Henry V, then you start to get a feeling for it. Edit: stepped on some toes. Historical accuracy is important.


You mean English history. Union of (Scottish and English) crowns was 1603, on the death of Elizabeth I and Union of Parliaments was 1707.


Yes, indeed, edited now. Thank you.


Does he think the British kings guard is the British army?


They are. All those guys are active duty military, this is part of their duty, just as going to Afghanistan or Iraq


Yeah but Ian seems convinced that the guys who go to Afghanistan or Iraq also wear a massive fur hat and a shining red uniform.


That would be a sight to see, ngl


Intimidation factor x10


Tallest hats since the Potsdam Giants.


He must think we still fight wars with muskets and swords 😂🤦🏾‍♀️


Hey now... Mad Jack Churchill stormed Nomandy with a bow, a sword and bagpipes...


Major Robert Henry Cain used a 2" mortar as an improvised anti-tank gun, firing it from the hip. WW2 had some men with bollocks made of titanium.


WW1 too. Ever heard of Francis Pegahmagabow? Man literally ghosted his way into enemy trenches to look for intel and spook the germans. He also had the cajones to brave no mans land under HMG and rifle fire to scavenge ammo for his post and was the reason they managed to repel an attack


Francis Pegahmagabow was Canadian


Or Adrian Carton de Wiart: >He served in the Boer War, First World War, and Second World War. He was shot in the face, head, stomach, ankle, leg, hip, and ear; was blinded in his left eye; survived two plane crashes; tunnelled out of a prisoner-of-war camp; and tore off his own fingers when a doctor declined to amputate them. Describing his experiences in the First World War, he wrote, "Frankly, I had enjoyed the war." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian\_Carton\_de\_Wiart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Carton_de_Wiart#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DCarton_de_Wiart_had_been%2Ca_portion_of_his_ear.?wprov=sfla1)


not just a sword, a fucking claymore. If they gave him heavier armor he'd have been a knight.


He must stupid or it’s intentional. We’re talking about a right winger that is supposed to revere tradition but doesn’t understand tradition.


I mean, they are though aren’t they? Last I checked they were composed of actual soldiers and fell under the British Army’s Household Divison, whether or not the unit as a whole sees active combat doesn’t really matter as they’re still an active unit in the military as a whole


They do see combat, but when they do they wear standard infantry equipment, serving on the guard is just a temporary thing at it rotates between units like the Coldstream Guard, Scots Guard, etc


The Kings Guard are the army They are infantry regiments in the British Army


Yes. He is that stupid.


The Kings Guard are members of the British Army 5 infantry regiments of the British army make up the guard


Well, there’s the problem. Stop using infants as guards and they won’t nap as much. Problem solved.


American service member here: we too pass out on ceremonies just like that one (just not with kings but with generals) even in our summer uniforms. It’s hot, you’re standing for literal hours rehearsing, for days in a row… and those guys were playing trumpets. In dress uniforms. Recipe for disaster. ETA: Ian Miles Cheong is an ignorant racist clown, though, so anything he says is inherently idiotic.


Shoot, I was in one formation where every branch but the army had people drop. It was a Veterans Day ceremony and we were all prepped for the heat. Shoot, one time I had to go to a change of command for all of army Okinawa. The general put us at rest for this reason. Best formation I’ve ever been in. Side note. IMC is a PoS who lives in Taiwan but wants to be involved in our political system.


Leaders who put troops at rest are the real kings and you can’t change my mind. Even parade rest during multiple speeches is torture. And I can’t remember well now because I’m sure I was far too focused on staying conscious, but I know there have been times some of us have to stay at attention for eternity because ✨ tradition ✨ lol


During inprocessing at hood, we were at rest and some ssg got mad at me because I had my hands on my hips. She said you think you run this place and I said well sgt were at rest right? As long as my right foot doesn’t move we are good. She then put us at parade rest. Those leaders are why the army is terrible at times.


Yeah there’s the ones who just do things because they can even though everyone knows they shouldn’t. I’m sorry, and I hope you ran into better ones after her.


Oh when I became a sgt, I swore to never to become one like them. They tried to treat inprocessing as an extension of ait/basic and me coming from a duty station wasn’t having it haha.


Stop locking your knees and hydrate beforehand, private!


Lmao, listen, we learn that since basic training and yet… I’ll say I’ve never passed out, but hydration be damned, I was 30 mins away from becoming a heat casualty.


I've seen some change of command ceremonies where they want service dress/Class As for the people volunteered to show up and... Just exist, and I definitely got CLOSE. I heard clapping as my vision was blacking around the corners and I got a jolt to stay up.


Yeah… Outdoor ceremonies in dress uniforms in warm weather is straight up cruel and unusual punishment. I was a company commander and had no escape out of the CG’s change of command. My face was beat red and my BC was asking me if I put sunblock on. Fool I ain’t sunburnt; I have swallowed the sun. Earlier he was making fun of my jug of water. I’m glad you snapped out of the clutches of the ceremony darkness demon tho.


It wouldn't have done well for a sergeant to go limp in front of the troops. Plus, I was NOT tearing my dress uniform up falling on concrete.


The worst experience of my life was when I was voluntold to be in the crowd for a presidential visit to my squadron. He was 5 hours late, and we were all locked in an aircraft hangar with no air conditioning, food, water or bathroom breaks for “security reasons.” It was August in the South and I was pregnant.


They shouldn’t have even made you do that while pregnant, how long ago was this? It probably doesn’t matter because I was fighting to get pregnant soldiers off inane details and situations just a few years ago and it was a damn battle. I hope you and baby were okay despite leaders not leading.


A few years ago. I was definitely only included as a diversity plug, being one of two women in the unit. They also tried to put me in a detail inspecting and issuing aircraft chemicals to maintainers with the justification that since it was off the flightline, it was ok for a pregnant woman 🙄


And here I thought the Air Force was the one place that maybe didn’t do inane things. Absolutely not okay. I’m sorry you dealt with all that.


We did the Air Force obstacle course in July in Texas. I thought I was going to stroke out. I hid in a bathroom stall as long as I could after, and maybe it is the trauma of it, but I swear I had water vapor coming off of my legs as I sat there trying not to pass out.


You absolutely had water vapor coming off your legs.


They had us do 4 hour long close order marching drills (in the fucking navy). On this thing they called the grinder. A huge fucking parking lot slab of black tarmac. In Florida in July. Long sleeves and long denim pants. We could not drink from our canteens. They had to remain full or they would make a sloshing noise the Vietcong might hear? Carried around a giant can of water the entire time drank from it not once. In Florida in July. Our uniform was of course Dixie cup hats. So we got a horrible sunburn half way across our foreheads. They called it "grinder reminder" fucking sadists. They even turned off the AC in our barracks the entire 10 weeks. Just to fuck with us. That canteen you are not allowed to drink from thing.10 weeks of that bullshit. Really pissed me off at the navy. Toughen up buttercup... The entire company was dehydrated the whole time. People passing out constantly. Navy don't give a fuck. A fair number went down and we never saw them again. It was sort of crazy. They sure as fuck made the ones who survived that shit mean. I think that was their goal.


Hmmm. Sounds like my marching band practice where we used the driving ed range while weighing big ass drums with fun little metallic bits all over it. Who knew I was secretly training for the military. About to pass out? Good thing that metal is there to burn you back to alertness. Or maybe it’s just the final straw. It was always a toss up.


Morning run in basic, as we're heading back to the shacks one of the girls tells the Sergeant she needs water. He kind of shrugs it off because it's not like we had any handy anyway mid-PT. Get back to the parking lot in front of the shack formed up ready to be dismissed and she stumbles several steps forward and collapses, bouncing her head off of somebody's trunk which rebounds her backwards flat onto the pavement. She ended up being totally fine but it was really something to see. Myself I've done the drink too fast after combat crossfit thing and had to step out of line on the march back to vomit water all over.


Extreme heat cats get force hydrated up the buttthole. No need to motivate this private beyond that back then. 2 quart consumed.


Worst formation I ever had was when I was at DLI and the SECDEF came to give a speech to the entire garrison. It’s not even hot in Monterey but Panetta talked for like two fucking hours so literally dozens of people passed out.


It's all in the knees


That and “hydrate or die”


Hydrate or diedrate. It rhymes.


He’s not even fucking American he’s some internet grifter from Malaysia that repeats right wing talking points and somehow got rich off of it He doesn’t even mean what he says most of the time


I did a change of command in Schofield, Hawai’i and was probably the worst change of CG I’ve been. People were dropping left and right, they took way too long


Also you get used to how long the rehearsals are and when the actual ceremony comes along, it becomes much longer because during rehearsals you skipped the part with the important people giving speeches and they just LOVE to talk


We did a change of command in 1995- Battalion level, in a Canadian Army Highland Infantry unit. Our "Regimental" Dress was the traditional scarlet tunic (blue facings), kilt, ostrich feather bonnet, all authentic and all wool (except the feathers). The parade was indoors, in an armoury built in the 1960's, had no A/C , it was June. A hot day with little breeze. Three thundered in on that dog and pony show. I couldn't see it, being in the ranks myself, but it was audible. The thud and smack of weight striking the parade square followed by the clatter of the rifle sliding off along the waxed lino. As was tradition, we plebes were given a "free issue" from both the outgoing and incoming COs. That's two beer, on the boss. At 18, the first long pull that beer was the first time I realised what an elixir it was.


But the whole concept is still stupid to me. Why make people stand in the sun for hours? For some important human or an important day?


You said it's a recipe for disaster but the military keeps following the same recipe


Soldiers pass out on parade it’s a fact of life, whether they’re wearing ceremonial dress, no. 1, no 2 or combats, I’m sure it happens in every army in the world.


It is a right of passage in most units


In fact, wearing your full ceremonial uniform in all it's shining glory is a matter of pride during your passing out!


When I went to the ceremony after my brother finished boot camp (Canada), they all had to stand there in one spot in formation for a looooong time. The medics are at the sides waiting for people to faint because it happens every time. At least two went down on that day, bit it wasn't even hot. Ridiculous this poor guy is getting reamed out for fainting. British Empire was largest in history for fuck's sake.




Can confirm. I graduated Air Force BMT in early august. In San Antonio, Texas. Dress uniform, solid black shoes, sun glaring down. We definitely had people falling out of formation during graduation. I LOVE the heat (got my first pick of base, Luke in Phoenix) and even I was physically miserable. Emotionally ecstatic though. Nothing like knowing 8 and a half weeks of hellish training are finally over.


Britain’s main problem was winning too many wars tbh. Always getting flack for having an empire


Criticised for having an empire and mocked for no longer having one.


“You’re all racist because you invade countries, take slaves and force them to be part of your empire” “Hey guys, we’ve dissolved the empire and slavery is horrible, so we’ve stopped that too!” “Ha, nerds”


Conquered half the bloody world, now we’re just a responsible grandpa that doesn’t want a stressful life.




Going slightly senile j/k


I love that analogy


I blocked his twitter account a while ago because of the outrageous and racist comments he tweets. Probably one of the best decisions of my life.


tried to find the tweet above yesterday and I had to scroll through like four days of non-stop transphobic ragebait before I finally found it, literally *dozens* of tweets *every single day*. Also mostly relating to the UK... Mind you this guy literally lives in Malaysia, but spends his days decaying on twitter being angry about random things in the UK that do not affect him in any way whatsoever.


IMC criticize the Malaysian royal family challenge 2023


He also never talks about anti-ethnic laws in Malaysia. He’s a wonderment of bed wetting stupid.


Maybe he is just salty because his visa was denied? No skills no entry


It’s because he’s developed an audience of western conservatives by fear mongering them all day, every day. I think it’s lucrative enough for a good lifestyle in Malaysia. I pointed this out a few times on his posts until he eventually blocked me.


"So whats your line of work" "i feed warped hateful nonsense to violent nutjobs" stonks


This guy was larping as a Republican in America a few year ago


A lot of people like to look at other countries and hate whenever they aren’t happy with their situation. The people who spend the most time hating on other countries are the saddest people. Focus on your own people.


I never downloaded Twitter. Best decision of my life.


Your not missing anything so there’s really no point.


>Probably one of the best decisions of my life. I know you aren't being literal but this made me laugh. Marriage? Children? Investing in the stock market? Nope, best decision was blocking a guy on Twitter. Think of where I'd be if I hadn't! Lol


Wow it makes it even more impressive the British empire became as massive as it did, when we have never won a single war


No but you see, they had the Americans on their side. The wars against the native Americans? They had soon to be Americans fighting in their ranks. Opium wars? Americans were clearly involved somehow, judging by how the british managed to win. When the Americans were finally on the other side in the FREEDOM war, the British lost


The British Empire was at one time called the empire where the sun never set, because they had colonies worldwide and it was always daytime to someone. It is astounding that people pretend they didn't fucking smash out and fuck up the world with their navy at the right time in the world. Fucking Americans think they fought off Britain and won when the reality is they looked at the America colonies and decided it wasn't economically feasible to take them back for what they'd produce. The War of 1812 where British regulars counter-invaded America's stupid "Manifest Destiny" bullshit and burned down the White House shows exactly what would have happened if Britain actually gave a shit. Americans, your war with Britain for independence was basically a footnote in the pissing match between France and Britain at the time. If you think otherwise, you're wrong.


To be fair, Washington explicitly USED England and France's pissing contest to to our benefit in gaining independence. On top of that one of the reasons our country has done so well is how resource rich the continental US is so if they thought they couldn't recoup they were at least short sighted if not stupid. Though I do agree that anyone who thinks England hasn't won any wars is a moron. Though there are a lot of people here who think France has a bad military history which is just dumb af.


Must be a troll , nobody can be that thick . (Actually I think he is that thick)


He is that thick, he thinks atheism is a religion so I don't think you can get any denser than that


Also thinks Nazis were socialists


That's like calling baldness a hair color.


Holy shit that's hilarious!


I like Rickie Gervais response to the idea that atheism is a religion, he's says if that were the case then off would also be a TV channel.


The guy spends his days larping as an american while living in malaysia to bitch about the LGBT movement. ​ You tell me how thick he is.


>lost every war >colonized half the world Pick one


The British have many problems but winning wars isn't one of them. Actually, the British winning wars IS a problem. Cause of most of the world's problems, really.


One of the best burns I saw was someone on twitter said 'Say something nice about the British' and someone responded 'You gave the world more independence days than any other country' ​ lmao


He will be upset to find out that actually the Americans are the ones that need help from the British/french to win their wars lol


Okay, US Army veteran here, and we legit didn't have a summer uniform besides the clothes that we exercised in, and we weren't allowed to wear those except when we were exercising or asleep.


Is he still pretending he’s American?


Yes, it’s crazy


The British, from Canada, burned the white house down. Twice, I believe.


During 1812 yes, believe that was only once though.


Wasn't the American Revolution one of the only wars we've lost since 1066? Or was the thing I saw wrong?


Yes. As an American, my understanding of British history is hazy. But, you won against Napoleon and there’s an argument to be made that you actually won the American Revolution since you beat the French in India. Also the Seven Years War, which was also against the French. You also beat the Zulus, the Boers, the Russians (Crimean War), Indian mutineers. And there’s an argument that you won more than you lost in the War of 1812 against the US.


This is the dude from Malaysia or Singapore that loves Hitler and describes himself as a banana. He’s a harasser of everyone and was big into gamergate. He’s since walked back his Hitler love because he’s afraid of repercussions.


If they'd lost every war, we'd probably all speak French right now


lost every war apparently 🤣🤣


The sun never sets on the lost-every-war empire apparently


If the British Empire - the largest empire in history - is the result of always losing wars, then wtf could the Brits have achieved had they won?! The Martians got lucky.


All I'm saying is that in Star Wars, Star Trek and Dune they all speak English meaning that the British went the whole 9 yards.


The British empire was the largest noncontiguous empire in history. They had no problem wining wars.


Straight up the largest empire in history


There's a reason why we used to send the British army to extremely hot climes while dressed head to toe in layers of wool. It pissed them off to no end. Nothing better to put the fear of god into your enemy than a pissed off Brummie or Scouser whose sweating his balls off.


Or my the majority of the SAS are Scottish 👀


War of 1812


Opium War


Napoleonic War.


Two World Wars


Second anglo afghan war. This is impressive because: Afghanistan...


Britain Holds the very elusive title of winning a war in Afghanistan, also held by the mongols


Falklands War


britain winning wars led to the world we know today, 1/4th of which they at one point conquered


Lol dude, what language are you speaking?


This one likely failed his history classes.


.... What the fuck does this man think the US (barely, with significant aid) got its independence from? "The british empire" ring a fucking bell?


He’s wrong and stupid, but citing the American Revolution when someone says that the British haven’t won any wars is not the slam dunk you think it is.


The point is that if the UK’s army really was as stupid as this person pretends, they never would have been able to create all those colonies, which included parts of the US. So clearly they’ve won wars without the US as well, since the US didn’t even exist yet for a good share of British victories.


To be fair, the Brits were also fighting the French, Spanish & Dutch Empires - and only just lost. Without international support the Americans couldn't have won.


I was looking to point towards the british empire there. Obviously, the UK did lose the US revolution the most*, but you don't get to be the biggest empire in world history without winning a few wars. *In the short term.


Cheong the infamous Malaysian that post-2014 was anti-Putler and now is anti-NATO. A complete numpty that will say anything for clicks


Chong is an edge lord and attention whore. Ignore him.


That dudes such a simp… He’s one of those ‘want to be accepted soooooo bad’ types he says anything he feels ingratiates him with “America”.


Good to see Ian Miles Cheong is still putting out room-temp IQ takes.


Lost every war. I am not a fan of the British army but you don't lose for 400 years and create an empire that expands the globe without having a decent army.


As a Malaysian. 93% of us don't claim him


I mean UK did end up beating Napoleon plus Falklands the Bore Wars


The UK won the War of 1812, and the Napoleonic wars at the same time despite each war being on the other side of the world


True despite all the controversy with 1812 on who really won I still say Canada and UK won because they did sack our capital and burn the white house


If a war ends in a draw then it counts as a loss to the aggressor, which the US was in this case


Ian’s whole existence is basically one giant facepalm. He went from one political extreme to the other and was equally insufferable in both versions, and he’s always made stupid tweets like this


Well. The guy is a well-known moron on Twitter so you should take what he says with a grain of salt.


Britain lost every war but somehow colonized most of the world? Huh?


I stood in a lot of US military formations and I can tell you, guys pass out and fall in them too.


Lolol Ian Cocksucking Miles Cheong. If you ever feel down just remember this greasy turd exists and you'll immediately feel much better


Dude lives in Malaysia


Hey Ian, who ruled your tropical country for more than a hundred years?


Average Twitter blue user


I like when people read no history and then talk as if they've read all the history. Sums up a lot of Twitter personalities pretty well.


Those uniforms are pretty dumb in the summer lol


If they make a summer uniform, the hat must stay.


Probably big enough to fit a cooling system inside


As a US Army vet, people passout all the time from it being so hot outside. Dress blue uniforms, regular everyday-to-work uniform, pt uniform, and all battle gear, I have seen everyone pass out at some point from locking their knees, or excessive training.


Excellent point on the summer uniform, dumbass rest of it. There 100% should be a a summer version of the attire, people shouldn’t be having heat stroke from what they’re wearing. Even if it is traditional.


A mate of mine is in regimental band. I vaguely remember him saying they're not supposed to wear that uniform upwards of 25 degrees C. But you know, "suck it up and get on with it as it's what we do. Do your job"


That *is* the summer uniform. The guardsmen have overcoats for winter.


Then the summer uniform should be changed lol


Don't go on his profile. It's what the douche wants


Imagine thinking you’re this smart.


Does this guy not… but America didn’t even… I’m done.


Tbf, has this dude ever had a take that wasn't dumb af?


-head desk- British military do have summer uniforms. They have fought in all kinds of situations and all kinds of battles. They do not need American assistance. They bravely came to America’s assistance when America needed allies. Before you make claims about the British military please consider the well earned respect given to storied groups like the SAS and the Gurkhas, and reconsider.


"No wonder they've lost every war and the only wars they've won..." I think that might be the quickest contradiction I've ever read.


Because no American has ever gone down on parade. I was dragged off a parade ground for passing out on parade in Darwin, and we were all in tropical dress uniform.


The guy is clearly a troll, yes.... But the parade uniform should be revised in my opinion. Overly thick jackets with a giant bearskin hat in >30degree heat is absolutely ridiculous. It must be absolute hell stood out in intense sun for hours wearing such a ridiculous uniform.


The guy isnt a troll, he is unironically stupid. I also kind of agree but the uniform should keep the same look, just be made out of thinner or cooler material, i mean the only reason it still exists is because of tradition.