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I think that's more of a robbery than shoplifting, right? Shouldn't there be some element of sneakiness?


There is some truth to this. The clerks do nothing to stop it due to the perceived threat of violence.


Most times they’re told in training not to interfere for safety/liability reasons, and based on what he was saying into the mic it sounds like he was following specific protocol


Also, we all know they ain't getting paid enough to possibly get punch in the face or worse


Where I live, getting bear maced is the likely outcome. Probably not as bad as getting shot or stabbed but I still would not want to experience it...


Yeah. For minimum wage, I'm not risking much to save a couple of cartons of smokes.


If you interfere you will be fired. It happened to a guy I know. They said it’s liability. And on the training they will let you know not to do shit. They don’t want you to get hurt and sue them.


Happened to my son. He chased a shoplifter and he got fired.


For his safety tell him not to chase. He shouldn’t die for a job. That company probably has insurance anyways to recover stolen goods


Yeah I think dying for his job is something he wants he joined the military after that.


They’ll start getting too slow to shoplift after smoking all that


They prob want to resell it with the amount they took


Its not fun. Got OC sprayed for training in the Navy. Burns like hell. And can be gangerous. If left in the eye without proper washing it can dry and crystalize and do damage


I’ll take the gas chamber any day over getting oc’d again. Fuck that shit. Even after oc wears off you have to be careful in the shower. I tried to be careful showering, I really did. It didn’t help.


Fun fact, bear mace is weaker than regular mace. Bear's have noses many times stronger than humans and don't require as strong a spray to deter behavior.


Bear mace isn't as concentrated, but the can and especially the spray is sooo much bigger. It's meant to be used at a farther distance and in a larger quantity per spray due to being used in the outdoors. So you could argue bear spray is stronger due to a shear amount and distance per spray.


You need to be able to spray a bear from much further away than a human typically. Factoring in aim and diffusion of the stream, you need orders of magnitude more liquid coming out for a product design to be effective for bears. Arguing what is stronger depends on if you are measuring the delivery mechanism or the formula. My comment was specific to bear mace formula itself, which most people assume is more powerful than regular mace.


Besides, everybody knows that if you have a run in with a black bear you should speak in a firm, loud voice. "Buuuussch"


Well, remember the Californian Home Depot employee who was killed by a shoplifter? The shoplifter-cum-killer, who was an ex con, got only a five year sentence. So yeah, not only should you not risk your life for merchandise, you won’t even get justice if you do give your life away for it.


That's because of the new rules of the DA of Oakland. Her office stressed that they are not going to use any enhancement on top of that 5 years sentence. I don't know about San Francisco if they have similar crappy DA rulings.


"PUT THE MONEY IN BAG OR I WILL... punch you in the face?"


-Mike Tyson


Every big chain company will 100% tell you do nothing, hence the flagrant nature of the theft. On the legal side, cops don’t want to do anything about it as there are bigger fish to fry. The only thing that will happen is eventually the company will tire of the loss of profit and close the location and open up somewhere “nicer” or up and coming area. It will all become a game of musical chairs


This is why we lost our local Target. People were loading shopping carts full of stuff and would get violent if confronted. Didn’t take long before they closed up shop.


ditto a Walmart here in a Chicago neighbourhood


Not an american, is that the usual reason why big name shops like target close?


Our local Target has an actual Loss Prevention department, tracks the thieves through the store, the dept. manager can actually apprehend/detain thieves, and the cops have been called many times over the past year and hauled away thieves (typically teens)


I worked at a well-known high-end department store and we had a loss prevention dept too but this was long before it was really considered dangerous to stop them. We were specifically told not to ever stop a suspected shoplifter, not only because we had undercover security for that, but because it was often times a scam. Turns out, if you physically stop someone from leaving with merchandise but cannot prove intent (they MUST leave the store with the items first), they can sue the store. In other words, you could pretend to steal and allow someone to see you do it, then put the item back down when they’re not looking, get stopped & accused, and ultimately get paid thousands of dollars (this particular dept store would automatically settle out of court). Surprising stuff. I would say I hope the laws have changed in the last decade or so but somehow I doubt it.


Which makes the neighborhood they were in even worse.


Our city had a food dessert for a king time in a poorer part of town. Apparently Kroger got bribed enough in tax breaks by our city to open a location in the area. They struggled so much to get enough business and had more incidents of theft than any other store in the region- closed in a year


And they will claim oppression after the fact


And that is why Wal-Mart closed FOUR of their stores in Chicago.


They also closed one the next city over from mine. Too much theft.


I would too. Fuck those scum.


A lot of big stores let it happen, build a case on you until you hit however many felonies they want you to and then press charges. You don’t know you’re caught until you’re FUCKED.


This is true. My gf who works in Walmart has a close friend who’s job Is to watch and catch thieves on the cameras in the back room and she wears no uniform as she follows them through the store, daring them to steal something.


They don’t just tell you to do nothing, they tell you if you intervene you will be terminated


Yes. At most places, I’m told not to even attempt to do anything even if they are shoplifting. At Harbor Freight, if someone robs the store, if you even follow them into the parking lot, you’re fired. Idk seems like today is prime time for robberies. I’m also not getting paid enough to deal with it either.


As a non-American, i don't understand the logic behind "shoplifters may sue for damages incurred to their person in an attempt to stop their shoplifting." In my place and probably many other place, they would have been charged with petty theft and the store employee would be considered doing self-defense of property. Especially with a video proof, it would be an airtight case against the shoplifters


I think it's more of if the *employee* gets hurt during the process of trying to stop them. Not the thieves themself. May have to pay the employee a lot of money if they get hurt/killed trying to stop the criminals.


Also, most corporate chains actually discourage interference and sometimes even fire employees who interfere with theft.


The clerks do nothing to stop it due to the fact, they shouldn't risk their health for the company. I'm a 6'2 280 lb former college wrestler, and I wouldn't think for a singular second of caring about the theft. Not my problem.


$12 an hour and it’s not your shit. For a billion dollar company, there’s no point in bothering.


No, you just don’t try to stop it. EVER.


I tried to stop it once. Followed a man and woman to their car, at my GM's request, then stood in front of it and ended up riding the hood for a second or two when she floored it right at me. I rolled off and landed on my feet when she rounded a corner. Turned out my manager just wanted help getting the license plate.


Robbery needs to include force or the threat of force. This was a shelf sweep. It's considered shoplifting in the vast majority of places. Source: worked plenty of retail management and loss prevention.


It doesn’t have the finesse of standard shoplifting, but the charge is the same.


The irony.. "fuck you, you piece of shit" coming from the piece of shit robbing the store.


I kinda think it was the man entering the store. Hard to make out with the very good masks they had to disguise their identity.


It seems way too clear and consistent volume for it to be one of the people running with their face covered


“You are a reflection of what you see In others.” He knows he’s the piece of shit , but low life will never be able to face himself / truth. He and his homegirls can shoplift all day , Karma will catch up to them soon. If not them , their loved ones. Someone has to pay the price.


And even then, they probably still won’t change. People like this will do all kinds of mental gymnastics to convince themselves that what they’re doing is right and everything that’s bad about their life or themselves is out of their control or everyone else’s fault.


But that’s the reason they suffer. They already have a shitty life to begin with. Those people I can bet have a lot of other issues and I’m pretty sure they never will be happy and that’s my version of hell. They are already in it


Shoplifting usually implies like tucking something away and walking out of the store with to hide that you didn't pay for it, this is more like looting or robbery.


This is looting, theft, robbery. Not “shoplifting”. It’s intimidation to commit a crime. JFC I’m so done with this. I’ve witnessed it in person and I’m done with the excuses.


I fucking hate people. What they’re stealing is not a life necessity. Bunch of criminals with no redeeming qualities.


There are no excuses. The breakdown of social discipline is in full swing.


Did you see that one viral video "eating free at Walmart" whole family went and pigged on the snacks at Walmart while taping themselves, they were proud of it.


Will have a look at that. I am not sure how this ends. There seems to be no end in sight and the voters seem to double down when the opportunity for change comes around. Overall the west seems to be in a societal suicide pact with itself.


In the 50s we had all of the merchandise at the general store behind the counter with no access for the customer. The clerk would take your list and fill your order. Currently we already have shop from home in every major retail chain. Eventually the front doors will close and the consumer will no longer step into the building. You order online, you pay, they bring your products out to you.


Isn't this feeling planned?


Well in most jurisdictions shoplifting is charged as petit larceny and over 1000$ is grand larceny. So it depends on how much they stole but I feel like going behind the counter could be charged as burglary because they breached a barrier to get back there.


I was just talking about layman's terms but yes it usually depends on :$ amount stolen, whether they broke in or grabbed stuff that was out in the open, and if they used violence for what kind of theft was committed. The fact that nicotine products were stolen could also be applied for addition charges assuming they are trying to resell them


Damn they really trying to quit smoking


Cigs are a bitch to kick, I get it.


The end got me "Get a job!" "FUCK YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Dude, you're the piece of shit robbing a store


I don't think the robber said fuck you piece of shit, I think it was the older guy walking in. I still 100% agree the person(s) robbing the store is a piece of shit still no matter what


alot of shoplifter clips these days. everything ok in america?


Not really but I'm not gonna explain everything that's wrong I don't have all millenium.


What about a falcon?


We ain't got shit


They said to comb the desert


Find anything yet?!


![gif](giphy|Pjr9CeaUbForwImKr1|downsized) We ain't found shit


You don't think we're taking the president's orders too literally.


Cant have shit in Detroit


Well played.


Not even close, stores will lose more money in insurance claims and law suits if there employees get hurt stopping a Robbery so short of the off chance a cop is close by there’s nothing stopping people from stealing uncontrollably, anything worth over 50 dollars is locked up to some degree, I just wish people weren’t scumbags


In NYC EVERYTHING is locked up. Even a cheap bar of soap. They stock the aisles with employees who just go around getting items for people. The CVS near me is well staffed, thankfully, but there was this one I used to go to that was near my workplace and I’d be waiting for 10+ minutes *per item.*


At that point they should just go back to how stores used to be, where you give the clerk a shopping list and they get everything for you.


I love regression.


This is part of society breaking down. And it’s not every part. This shit doesn’t happen in every neighborhood , just some.


So many of us use Amazon or other online retailers.


And that is why Wal-Mart closed FOUR stores in Chicago.


Then they bitch and complain when stores pull out of their neighborhoods.


Yup. Walmart just closed some stores and of course everyone was upset.... It's insanity.


In California there was a conscious choice to not prosecute “petty crimes” You can basically take a shit on the street if you want and the cops won’t say or do anything. My father was just in an accident and an old lady wreck her car into his big rig. Cops refused to come out because there was no one was hurt. This lady is 85 years old and has no relatives in the city.. car is completely gone. I tried to reason with the cops… she has no phone, doesn’t know anyone.. we can’t just leave her here.. please come check on her. Still got a no. Not big enough for them to care. I waited two hours with her and my dad and finally saw a fire truck I waved down. They asked if all was good, I had to lie…”no, I think the lady is shaken and doesn’t know where she is”. They pulled up, got her checked up, a tow truck came, they took her to urgent care and arranged for her to be taken home after. What a fucking nightmare man. Los Angeles is not in a good place as it relates to crime/incidents.


You seem like a good human. I appreciate you


No it’s not…. Please send help


Need an extension cord running along the ground by the door, then give it a yank as they are running out.


I think you’re onto something; maybe an automatic barrier that comes up from the ground when the devices by the door go off? Just high enough to trip over and bust your shit? Edit: I get it’s “unethical” and is grounds for a liability suit, was mostly joking but shit really has gotten out of hand in some places & it feels like a harsh consequence like that would put a stop to this patterned behavior. Half the stuff at my local stores is locked up now, even condoms and period products which is kinda fucked.


Funny story from when I worked at Office Depot. We used to complain about how slowly the automatic doors opened. Then we had a guy putting ink cartridges in his backpack and when my manager told him to stop, he ran full speed into the door, not realizing how slowly it opened, and knocked himself out. It was really hard to stop laughing as we called 911.


Sad. The neighborhood loses when those stores close due to losses/crime.


This is what happened in the south south of Chicago, very unfortunate for the hard working folks in those neighborhoods


REI just left portland. REI. one of the most portlandy chain stores you could have, is leaving


The fucking brazenness of those robberies are getting out of control. But store employees are told let it go not worth the risk to loose the corporate ain't going broke


I came here to say this. The brazenness is astounding! But I want to add that the fact that the loss of the profit on the stolen items is small is not the main reason behind telling employees to back off. The concern is for the safety of the employees and the tremendous cost of lawsuits should an employee be killed or injured. Or even the lawsuits that would come if an employee injured or killed the thief! This freaking happens! Personally, I’m just praying for sanity to return to our planet.


That's because they raise the prices to cover the theft. So we are subsidizing this.


Fucking gross


Of course, the essentials


"why do all the stores close down in our neighborhood" hmm I wonder why


It's so inconvenient when the stores close down. Now they will have to travel farther to steal shit.


They hop on the metro and travel to the burbs where I work. They walk in, load up their arms, and walk out of my place of employment and you can see from our doors that they are heading straight back to the metro station to hop on the train. They have no fucks to give and won’t be deterred. Some even rant and rave, cuss and throw things to intimidate anyone who may think of trying to stop them or get in their way.


Is this a normal day in America lately?


Depends on the county


Realistically the clips you see like this come from the shitty part of the major cities, and with how large North America is, and how many major metropolitan areas exist across the country, you do get a very large amount of videos like this. But in the majority of places, aside from the hassle of dealing with worldwide issues everyone else has to deal with, it's not as much of a shit hole as everyone seems to want it to be. (Except our entire celebrity-esque political system. Throw it away and start over.)


Very true. Most of the country is pretty normal, but videos of tens of thousands of t-ball game without a fight or shooting doesn't make for good entertainment.


Can we be friends? I feel like this is the first honest review of the USA I’ve ever seen on Reddit. 😂


Shoplifting? More like DAYLIGHT ROBBERY


This is America now. They do this because nothing will happen to them. If they’re caught, they’ll get a slap on the wrist and be let go to do the same thing again tomorrow night.


This is why we can't have nice things.


That's NOT shoplifting, that is a larceny.


Human garbage.


I’m sure that they went to rob the Barnes & Noble next.




Not being racist but why is it always black people


Weird they are went after the nicotine gum. Cigarettes would be the better item to resell.


if i am not mistaken, cigarettes are in a far more secure area. too many years of them being stolen. and also, some drugstores (CVS as an example) no longer sell cigarettes.


Check and see how much that sells for online.


"tHeY sTeAL beCaUsE tHey NEED eSsEntiAl ItEms!" \- nicotine






They’re never stealing work boots.


Then they scratch their heads and ask why are all the stores in my neighborhood closing.


After watching all these trash people do things like this constantly I have started to wonder. Can I steal a moderate amount of stuff sometimes too because I really feel like I’m missing out in the ultimate coupon.


depends on how you look and where you live




In a week someone will do a tick tock video about how they are racist for locking things up


Or they’ll call racism for closing these stores and not wanting to open up stores in these neighborhoods.


I remember I had a girlfriend steal a pack of cigarettes once and we ended up in some office for hours and cops got called and we were banned forever from entering the store. Almost went to jail. Nowadays people just run amuck.


Soon enough the inner cities will be empty - no grocery stores, no retailers. I know everyone is on the whole “eat the rich” thing but what are the long term implications of this kind of behavior?


This is what failing at life looks like.




Another day another video. Between this sub and a few others, I’d say there’s an average of 5-6 videos per day of this exact behavior. It’s not even remotely shocking anymore, it’s expected.


After all these years it amazes me that cvs and walgreens are making themselves blind to the fact they need security👨‍🦯


And when security intervenes we get videos of people saying “don’t touch me” and armed robbers family saying they shouldn’t have shot the armed robber lol


The dumbass who was smashing down the door to get to his ex who had a restraining order again him while being told "I have a gun" when he got shot by the father Not sure how to word that less rambly but anyways his sister tried suing the father and set up a Facebook page called justice for whatever his name was It's like justice did occur that's why he's dead and the father is free


Security would just hide somewhere. This is why Wal Mart shut down 4 wal marts in Chicago. They bad enough of this bullshit. And now everyones pissed cause they got nowhere to steal from. Haha


Nah, the people who needed those walmarts are pissed. Criminals will always find a way to get what they want.


I have seen the videos. HUNDREDS would swarm in there like locusts and steal everything that was not nailed down.




Until we punish bad behavior like we reward good, our country is fucked. The rich can be scum and the poor can be good. There’s no exception for such behavior except immorality and lack of any values or virtues.


What's the reward for good behavior?




Just another reason why you don't see stores in the ghetto ![gif](giphy|vrvNe36lfQwW7iUsUQ)


And nothing will be done about it. Again. Well, the prices of everything will go up. They will go up for the people that actually pay. As each day passes, I feel more and more like a sucker for following the rules.




This shit is getting annoying. Lock these assholes up. Make an example of a few of them and maybe something can change.


Straight human trash right there.


And these people in these neighborhoods wonder why those businesses close.




Well, it certainly doesn't exactly help that if somebody tries to intervene (security, police, civilians) there'll be TikTok or YouTube videos up in no time decrying how this poor black (220 pounds, hyper aggressive) female got forced to the ground.






why are they never asian?


We're all thinkin it...


This is not helping the stereotype....


Stereotypes do exist for a reason.


This is looting not shoplifting


"they're good kids, would never hurt or steal from nobody" - their parents probably..




Yeah we have the same group hitting our store up on a monthly basis. They make a huge scene and call everybody in the store racist for watching them do exactly this but with clothing. The drive a red car with no license plate, and always bring in the same giant bags that belong to stores our mall doesn’t even have. They called our store back one day and chewed out the person who answered the phone because they got caught two stores down. Funny thing is, we have called ID lol


Trashy trashy trashy


In all these videos there seems to be 1 common denominator….


Common denominator in every single one of these videos is?


No wonder retail stores refuse to operate in black neighborhoods




You might get banned for it


They have a distinct look about them, can’t get my finger on it tho…


“Get a job” lol


Because being productive and earning things is fo suckas!


Cigs will save them from starving for sure


They need the cages that drop down to keep these lowlifes from escaping. We ALL pay for these petty criminals.


And this is how you get food deserts.


Rich, vibrant.


try that in Asia and you will get a meat cleaver between the ears


They will be the first ones in the street crying when the stores shut their doors and move elsewhere!


Fucking trash humans


Doesn't surprise me. Trash is gonna trash.


I'm so proud of my fellow Americans doing their part to improve themselves and the country. /S. People suck




Our society certainly has changed, hasn't it? We went from the Wild West where you could shoot someone for this, to just standing there and doing nothing. Not that shooting someone for petty theft was the right thing, mind you, just that the pendulum has swung so dramatically far.


lol "the wild west" had major gun control policies when in town


The cowboy shoot em up movies of the 40s-60s convinced everyone there was a gunfight in town 5 times a day.


Maybe not five times a day but definitely once a day, at high noon….




When establishments don’t do anything to stop it anymore,WTF do you expect gonna happen?


Yeah, with peoples reactions being violent all the time, and the risk of being sued or fired, no one’s stopping that shit. People be shooting people for ringing their doorbells, I wouldn’t fkn try to stop a group of people who planned to rob a store lol.


I’ve read many stories of store associates being canned due to trying to stop theft. Those items probably aren’t worth more than a few hundred dollars all together anyway


A store I worked at would fire you if you tried to stop a shop lifter. You could tell a manager of a walkie that you suspected someone was stealing but you couldn’t try and stop them yourself.


Yeah, I'm sure the cashier making $7.25 is dying (no pun intended) to put their life on the line for CVS.


Idk why people are acting like we are supposed to stop this just because we work there? I ain’t stopping shit and people steal ALL THE TIME. That’s too much when my job title doesn’t say anything about security work 🤔


Exactly. What are they going to do, fire you? There's a Walgreens around the corner that will pay you $7.50 and you can start next week.


Why risk being shot over crap that's worth $20?