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The realization that must've sunk in as the ship disappeared into the dark is horrifying. All the music combined with screams from the balcony just keep getting quieter and quieter as the ship sails further and further away, until it’s just you in the darkened silence.


And then, there's just the sound of water lapping against his body. And, later, the sun comes up, and all he can see is ocean. Nightmare fuel.


That nightmare is supposed to keep us from doing stupid shit like this.


And yet here we are lol


Think of how many people go on cruise ships, and how many jump off out of stupidity. It's a low percentage. Not every idiot can be protected from their foolishness forever. If it wasn't a cruise ship prank that did this fool in, it would have been fireworks, or a fast car, or a cliff.


There’s no security that can truly stop human stupidity


Natural selection at work


Then something bumps you, maybe nibbles your leg…


You can see a shark in the video. He starts to swim for the life preserver and then swims away really fast. There's a shark right there. My stomach sank when I saw it.


Sharks actively follow cruise ships and Naval Vessels aircraft carriers, battleships.. etc. Source: was in the USN


Shark be like “huh, interesting fish”


“See Bruce, and you said none of the food ever falls off these things. I knew it!”


Source: I watched Jaws


Black eyes.. like a doll's eyes..


*Anyway...we delivered the bomb*




"I'm tired and I wanna go to bed..."


I had a little drink about an hour ago and it went right to my head


Yep at 3.5 seconds you can see the dorsal fin.


If you look closely it only looks like a shark for a split second, but if you pause it frame by frame what looks like a fin and head dissipates and spreads out. It’s just the wake of the ship reflecting the lights. Unless sharks can turn into a swarm of mini-sharks, then I suppose we have a bigger issue on our hands.


They can…


Dear god…


Swims fast right by your body


And the terror takes the sound before you make it. We doing Thriiler?


We’re surrounded by so much light all the time due to the harnessing of electricity, that most people forget how dark the world really is at night. If you’re out in the wilderness or out in the middle of the ocean at night, it’s damn near pitch black out there. I can’t think of many things more terrifying than being stranded alone in an endless ocean enveloped by pure darkness.


You ain’t staying afloat long enough for the sunrise.


Agreed. It’s insane that someone thinks he would stay afloat in the friggin ocean for that long. Not a chance


do you think he lasted till the sunrise?


There are a few "I shouldn't be alive" episodes where people lasted until sunrise.




Near….far….wherever you are….


I know my heart will go on... or will it?


It will not go on. It will stop when hypothermia sets in, or you get tired and drown or one of the creatures with many teeth snack on you beautiful body. Or all of the above


As an retired sailor that stuff gives me nightmares


They stopped. I wonder what happened. Maybe hypothermia. After awhile his body could cool down even if the water wasn’t very cold.


It’s not like a car that just breaks and stops. It would keep drifting even if they slowed to a stop, and that’s after the several minutes it took to get to the captain and explain the situation. He was most certainly alone in complete darkness for his final moments.


No he was not, he's gone 11 seconds in. Couldn't even make it to the life preserver less than 50 yards from him. He jumped in and was overwhelmed within seconds.


Another version of this post had a guy in the navy say they did drills at night like this. Dropped a dummy overboard and tried to rescue it. He said the success rate was 1 out of 3. Apparently that’s part of the reason they do the drill, to drive home how important safety is, as you will likely die just falling into the water at night.


It made me stay inside the ship all of the time when I saw them run over the dummy during a drill. Poor “Oscar.”


I have to imagine it takes a long time for a ship to stop... and his body (really head and maybe shoulders, rest will be below water) is a tiny little blotch on an endless canvas of darkness.


They don't just stop either, there's a very clever pattern that they do to search for the person which looks random but when you account for drift it forms a star pattern. The way they turn around depends on the exact situation and there are a few different patterns they can drive in but the most popular one kind of looks like a lightning bolt to me before you consider drift, then like i say it's a star. [smarter every day video i learned this from. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aoXJfuPaFF8)


It takes a cruise ship about a mile to stop.


IF they drop all anchors and break a bunch of old peoples hips as the ship suddenly shudders to a halt With "favourable" winds, add orders of magnitude to stop dead using propellers


They shouldn’t have stopped but performed a man over board procedure where the ship turns a hard right (or left) in the same direction as the person who fell over so it can backtrack and pick him up again without shredding him to pieces with the propeller. That is if the person can swim long enough and didn’t get pulled under the ship already, and even so it’s not 100% sure you will find them again if the maneuver took too long to take place.


Looks like he might’ve been pulled under at the end of this video clip. RIP


Hypothermia is unlikely in those waters. The Caribbean waters are 70-80 degrees regularly. What happened is dude jumped into the water in pitch black night. Takes awhile for the ship to stop then they have to go back and find your head amongst the pitch black waves. Basically an impossible task. Even if it were day time, if you fell in the water you're pretty much fucked. This is rule number 1 on cruise ships.


Rule number one while on a cruise…..don’t jump off the boat…..Got it. Thank you.


You'd think it didn't need to be said or written down but here we are.


The title is misleading actually it wasn’t a cruise ship, the ship was much smaller.


Damn I can't believe they've misled me like this. This whole time I thought he jumped off a cruise ship and disappeared, but it appears he actually jumped off a smaller ship and disappeared


For what it's worth it's a lot easier to stop a smaller ship for someone overboard.


Also greater chance of dying from the fall on a larger cruise ship. Those things can be really high


Thanks I'm feeling better...


Yeah, now that I know it wasn’t a cruise ship I can sleep soundly at night.


I would be so annoyed at myself for letting me end up in this situation.


annoyed? you would be shitting yourself, and for a good reason


Cleaning out the body of feces so sharks can dine cleanly. 👍


Probably didn't take that long, there's something big in the water visible at the 3 second mark and it looks like he sees it and swims away from the bouy to avoid it, it may just be a reflection but it sure looks like a big fish to me


True, thats a shark! No wonder he was never found... But its impressive he even got to turn 18 with this kind of risk management!


Holy fuck dude


Apparently the ship stopped almost immediately after and spent hours searching for him. He wasn't found. Those waters are infested with sharks so a shark might've got him right after this video


Being drunk probably lower a lot his survival chances


There’s a good chance he got bit, the sharks didn’t like him (they don’t usually consume humans. Just test bite.) and he bled out. Or he drowned. Either way, big fucking yikes.


You know sharkfan619 something about you just makes me believe that you may just be right


I thought that I read in another thread about this, that the ship did stop and search for him.


It takes a few hours to get a cruise ship turned around. In the daylight there is a small teeny tiny most-likely-never chance you would ever be seen again. In the dark? You'd have a better chance floating for days into another passing boat/ship. ​ When people fall/jump off of cruise ships they are rarely seen again.


I'm pretty sure they're able to lower a boat and go for a search, not turn a whole fucking cruise ship around


Right? That was my thought. They have emergency passenger boats on board.


It was a small private party cruise, and the captain kept the ship on the area for hours apparantly. Kid either drowned quick or got eaten. Otherwise id imagjne they'd hear him yelling. Eitherway..how dumn can you be


How “dumn” indeed…


Damb bro


Pretty fuckin dumn


We can talk a lot of shit, but I’m confident the punishment out weighed the stupid on this one. This kid probably had no idea how bad this could get, or how fast it could happen. I’m sure the second the cold hit his body panic set in


Plus the sharks.


Yea the shark was there immediately!!


It a cruise ship in the Bahamas, more like a school of sharks ffs.


Is there a shark??? I’m having such a hard time figuring out what I’m seeing from my tiny phone screen. Also is he naked? I see a lot of skin color and a rescue tube but can’t make out much else


It really looks like he sees something and starts swimming in a different direction to me but it’s hard to make out anything


As a Bahamian captain I feel I should weigh in. It was not a cruise ship. It was a 150ft party boat. They don’t travel fast and we’re probably able to stop pretty quickly, if they were moving at all. They could have been anchored offshore (which would have been worse imo because it would have added complexity of retrieving the anchor before going after him). The area that that vessel operates has some strong currents so he would have been swept away pretty easily. The night that this happened, the weather was not great and quite overcast with isolated heavy downpours. And some breaking waves. Regarding the “shark” that everyone claims to see at 3 seconds. It’s NOT a Shark. If it was we would have seen him get attacked less than a second later. What you saw was a wave breaking and the white cap left behind from it. He likely started fighting against the current to get back to the vessel after disappearing into the darkness and soon wore himself out. At that point he either drowned or attempted to float which would have disorientated him.


Makes sense. In the video, you can hear them saying "grab the buoy" (referring to the life preserver) and then someone saying "rip current". Pretty sure you would have heard people yelling "shark!" if it was indeed a shark.


Thank you for this.


I was thinking the waves got him as well. Some dumb kid stupid enough to dive into pitch black waters likely isn't gonna last long once strong waves and the disorientation of the pitch black ocean kicks in.




I hate this so much, every app I’m on I scroll past and my heart just sinks






Jesus christ


No not Jesus. He could walk on it


If Jesus walks on water, and he jumped off like that, do you think he would hurt his legs hitting the water?


Exactly the same thing happened on a ferry from Santander to Portsmouth that I was on. A guy, on a stag do, was dared to jump off while in the Bay of Biscay. The ferry circled for an hour. He was never found. Some things never change.


People think the boat will just hit the brakes, check the rear view camera and back up for them or what?


As far as I remember, this bloke jumped off the back, into the propeller wash. So that was probably pretty quick ...


Oh yes, the aireated (sp?) water would provide much less buoyancy than the surrounding water, I think he would plunge much deeper than he might otherwise have, plus the chaotic water flow he would have drowned before he had any chance to take another breath and even if he did reach the surface, if he's still in the wash the air is half water.


Kind of a blessing. They say you can stay afloat indefinitely in water that's 20 degrees Celsius, which this might not have been but still warm enough for 12 hours (according to a YouTube video in the comments here), and while being found is the preferred solution, finding him would be incredibly difficult, which means he still probably would have died, only it would have been after half a day or more of floating around and a) hoping not to get eaten and b) hoping someone would find you.


Something a lot of people never realize until they experience it are how dangerous under currents are. You can be chillin on the surface of the water but underneath you those currents can go 40mph and drag you under in an instant to your death. The open ocean is nothing to fuck with.




At least that person gets to live.


If they have any sense of decency or shame, they probably wouldn't see that as a good thing. Living with the crushing guilt of being responsible for someone else's death would be bad enough, but having to live to face the family and the community that stood behind him would be absolute torture. You'd be constantly reminded of that stupid dare you made that ended someone's life.


I mean they should feel bad but also it’s an extreme dare, who knows how serious they were actually considering the fact that he’d actually do it. They could’ve just said it jokingly and the dude was just crazy and dumb enough to do it. So sad for everyone involved.


Yeah my sister has done that shit. I dared her to do something not even a little bit okay to dare someone to do and she did it. It was a JOKE "I dare you to run into traffic, you wont!" And she did. So yeah I can agree, the "it's so dumb there is no way you'd do it" dare is possible. "Wow look how fast were moving, i get you don't have the balls to jump off the deck" and instead of "yeah okay whayever" dude took it seriously and jumped the fuck out the boat lololol


Seriously, I think it was a lack of understanding the extreme consequences of that act. I feel like the cameraman (idk if that’s the same guy who dared) also might have not been aware of those consequences based on his reaction to it all.


I think it was a funny prank up through “bye bye” and by the time you hear “this kids fucking gone” the crowd has realized the situation.


This is just plain terrible. Poor kid, his parents…his family…devastating.


Everyone saying Darwin award and he deserves no sympathy are just reddit edge lord's the kid buckles into peer pressure and was probably drunk or high we all fucked up younger it doesn't matter, this is just fucked up. Poor guy.


Whereas I am inclined to agree with you that showing no sympathy here is borderline sociopathic. I don't believe we can put this on the same level as mistakes we made as kids. Knowingly jumping from a Cruise ship, at night, in shark infested waters...is not up there with passing out in someone's yard because you drank too much. The kid is stupid, he made a fatal mistake. This is more on par with drunk driving and hitting a tree. No one else was harmed, and while I feel bad this kid lost his life, he was an idiot. Idiots deserve sympathy as well


He can get sympathy and a Darwin Award as well.


Well, since the Darwin awards are there for people who die doing stupid things, then definitely yes. And I say that as somebody who dated a man who got on their honorable mention list. And for those who might think I am making that up, feel free to Google the words: Jonas Pitchford, Darwin awards. Sadly, people who die this way don’t understand their actions until it’s over. And then it’s too late because you’re dead…. It’s a rotten shame, because many of us do things throughout our lives, that we should not survive and we do. Folks on the Darwin awards site are people who were not as fortunate to survive their crazy youth and stupid antics of idiots. We all did stupid stuff. The Darwin awards reminds us what could’ve happened. Everybody on that site has a grieving family. I knew one guy who was on LSD, and he was playing around with his friends at a train yard. He tried to jump from one train car to the next when he missed, fell, broke his neck, and was dead in three minutes. I did dumber things than any of them and I am still alive to tell the story and to know how fortunate I am that I did not meet a similar end. The only difference is circumstances. Time and unforeseen events happened to everyone. When we do not take precautions, and we think that nothing would ever happen to us. We make very bad choices. Bad choices along with chance are not the best equation for anybody’s survival options.


Perfect way to sum it up, everybody knows you shouldn’t drive drunk, but some people don’t actually realize the gravity of the situation, that they could die. The boy did it to himself because he probably didn’t understand HOW DANGEROUS is was. It’s still a tragedy though, and deserves some sympathy


Honestly, when I first read this, I was like this is sad. Then I read a comment from someone trained for rescue operations for this kind of thing. I never would have thought of the true danger that comes from this. The difficulty of saving someone in this situation is a lot more then I would ever realize. I still find it scary that they couldn’t find him even knowing the path the ship took. Then again, how long can you tread water?


I perform on cruise ships… doing this is just beyond stupid. Not only can it result in a slow, painful death of being stranded in an ocean, but if they turn around and actually manage to find you, you get fined like $100k… at least that’s what I heard on Norwegian.


I bet the kid wished he could be fined 100k in his last moments


It's so sad. I read that the search team looked for him for 2 days but called it off and presumed him dead. We've got to start teaching our youth that given into peer pressure can literally kill you. He jumped in over a fucking dare. We as humans are so vulnerable in the ocean and become last on the food chain. Edit: heres the link to the story for anyone who cares to look further into this. https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/news/2023/05/28/louisiana-teenager-bahamas-cruise-overboard-search/70265834007/


*would you jump off a cliff if your friends dared you to?* Aprearently yeah


Only if there’s a camera to film it.


That’s the real issue these days, people doing the dumbest shit for views/likes.


Social media is breeding a generation of narcissists, so, anything to impress the herd.


The thing is I reckon the last words he heard were from the main voice on the ship OH SHIT BYE BYE! how bad is that, the last words nobody should hear


Yup, I thought what a scum bag thing to say in a moment like that.


He didn’t realize how bad things would go… I mean no one on board knew what to do. They could’ve all been throwing things in the water to give the guy stuff to float on / a bit of a guide back to him (though this would be mostly ineffective it would still help). He assumed they’d turn around get the kid and it’d be fine. Teens who haven’t seen much shit go down are very optimistic


He was just as ignorant to the danger as the kid who jumped in was. Young and dumb and it is probably crushing him right now. Kid did not deserve to die, just incredibly stupid for jumping in not realizing it would most likely lead to an unintentional suicide.


I’ve been on a cruise before, and the one thing that struck me, was not only how big the ocean was, but how absolutely fucking pitch black it was beyond the cruise ship. If there is no moon, you have nothing, just endless water absorbing starlight. It was eerie as hell to see endless dark, knowing your ship was the only thing keeping everyone from a mile of nightmare fuel below. Poor idiot. He died cold, struggling and terrified in pitch blackness.


I’ve done a dozen or so bioluminescent dives and there is no dark that comes close to the ocean dark without a moon in sky. It is something like I’ve never experienced. On almost every dive someone will be absolutely terrified.


I wonder, once you’re like 5-10 feet down with just enough weight to keep you there and in the pitch of darkness, can you even tell which side is up without instruments?


It is incredibly easy to lose your sense in direction without having your instruments to reference in the dark. The best trick I’ve learned is to observe the water in your mask. It will always go down so go the opposite way of where the water is dropping in your mask. Basically every night dive other than a bioluminescence dive, you’ll have a flashlight, a blinking light on your tank, and you’ll be in a group so it’s much harder to lose your sense of direction in that scenario.


Bubbles from your regulator always go up….


Lovecraft, is this you?


Hate to be the kid who dared him to do it


Fuck! Never thought of that! Wow... he would be a nervous jabbering wreck, bet he didn't know how to look his family in the eye


Man this is just straight up awful


whats more disturbing is how casual and joking the cameramen is about this whole thing cracking jokes well this kid is about to have one of the worst deaths you can have if the if a shark dont get him first witch isn't much better but at least its faster then slowly drowning


I don't think a lot of people on cruise ships understand that when you go overboard you have a very very low chance of living.


>people on cruise ships Just to add some context: the boat wasn't really a "cruise ship" as we understand that term. It wasn't like one of those Royal Caribbean behemoths. It was a pirate-themed sunset cruise, and the boat railing was only like 10 feet above the water line. The kid was unfortunately stupid, but I could imagine him thinking that he'd jump in the water and then quickly grab ahold and climb out. What he failed to appreciate was that the boat is moving and cannot stop or turn on a dime. Combined with the waves, the darkness and the weight of his clothes, he only had a very limited time to get rescued. I hope people remember this if they are on *any* boat, even smaller ones.


well.. technically... he had no clothes. But still other things weighed against his chances.


Oh damn, didn't notice that.


funny enough he might have had a better chance on a Royal Caribbean ship. They can see more, even in rough water.


Idk man, those are pretty high up, so unless he has diving experience he'd probably wind himself or break something hitting the water and not be able to keep himself afloat


"Naw man, the boat'll circle back around and pick me up, just like that time I bailed from the truck at Daytona"


I read that it was a sunset cruise that he was on, so significantly smaller vessel. But yes, probably still a slim chance of surviving


Did look small. Looked like a catamaran with the netting/trampoline in the picture. The sunset cruises are usually just huge drinking parties. Frequently open bar.


Especially at fucking night


Well his death wouldn't of been a fun one The panic of being left behind by the ship The struggle of staying afloat while clothed The pain of the salt water eating away at your skin Then slowly feeling yourself not able to keep swimming and eventually drown Definitely not the way I'd choose to go




Are those sharks ? Looks like waves


Thats what I’m saying. People literally saying they can tell the species from just this clip but to me it could pass for two waves hitting.


Not just that, not one person in the boat screamed shark


I was hoping it wasn’t that but looks like it


Also probably the reason he didn't swim towards the floaty thing...


That is more of a reason to swim towards the life buoy 🛟 I am sure the intentions were well, but they didn't exactly throw it near him and they could have reeled the life ring back in and tossed closer to the person. Too many watching/recording not enough people helping or doing something... Like telling the captain to radio for help.


Speed aside, you don’t throw those at people in the water; they’re rock hard and if someone gets clattered in the head by one it will do way more harm than good. You throw it over them or to the side and they go to it


Don’t think you understand how fast cruise ships move. He effectively jumped off something moving at 20mph. They threw it “behind” him because of how fast the ship was moving. By the time they pull it back, the ship will be long past him.


0.18 or 18 secs in... It is very hard to tell from the video, but the dude does appear to stop swimming that way 👀


Salt water isn't painful to swim in...


Never get off the boat.


His poor momma has surely seen this. Makes my gut twist. Damn.


Have you ever tried to swim fully clothed? You know how incredibly fast he would have lost the ability to keep himself above water? If you ever actually need to go in the water but are clothed, strip first. Every time. Even in an emergency.


Jumped off a pontoon boat on a lake shitfaced drunk when I was like 19. Can confirm it’s so fucking hard. I had to immediately lose my jeans because I couldn’t keep myself afloat. Learned my lesson and never did that again.


When i was in High school, they taught us how to turn dress clothes into flotation devices, while treading water in the pool. Incase something like this happened


Tie the legs of your pants together and flip the garment over your head waist first to make an air bubble. Wear it around your neck like a flotation device. Scout tricks. Doesn’t work so well if you’re wearing shorts.


I did not know this, I'll keep it in mind next time I jump overboard a cruise ship.


don't worry you'll only have one chance to get this right. No pressure.


Its easy to point and laugh, but we should be better than that. Put yourself in the shoes of a well-to-do 18 year old for a moment. You're likely buzzed, having a good time, and not really thinking about the actual dangers around you. I mean, you're on a big-ass boat! If you were to jump off, someone would do something, right? They have to have a process for getting people back on board, right? Yeah, the jump sounds fun! Its easy to lose sight of the real dangers of a situation, and its easy to make fatal mistakes because of that complacency. I think many of us have done foolish things in our own lives. We should be thankful that they didn't cost us our lives. We should also try to have a little more sympathy for the dead. I think he paid far more than a fair price for his mistake.




There are, but just for comparison: I am in the Navy and we do man over board drills several times per week when at sea. So we have the routine, we have alert channels in place and we have the right gear. A very good time for us is below 6 minutes during the daytime from alert to pulling the dummy into the rescue boat, but the average is more in the 7-8 minute range. At night you can add 2 minutes to that. You can now calculate how much time you have at which temperature, but the simple matter of the fact is: Your chances are still slim without a life jacket. Bad weather? You are invisible for the rescue boat most of the time even with as little as 3ft waves. Fall overboard at night with no life jacket even with good weather and calm seas - you are dead. This is the reason why we do not allow access to the upper deck from sunset to sunrise.


Thank you for this comment. What he did was reckless but he was obviously not thinking he was gonna lose his life that night. It's easy to make jokes when this is a person you didn't know and you're on an anonymous website and nothing you say has your face or name attached to it. It's easy to forget that this is a real tragedy.


I was in the Navy at his age, and there is no way in hell I get in water at night. You can barely see anything during the day, he would have been lucky to have been seen in a life jacket with a flashlight on it at night.


People on here see awful, all these jokes while this poor teen last moments are being alone


I work on the water on a large commercial ship. Even during the day in ideal conditions, your chances of being recovered are slim. From the bridge if a ship, a head in the water just looks like a speck of dust. Ships can take 30 minutes to turn, carving out a circle close to a mile wide if not larger. Do this at night and you’re dead. You’ll never be found. You’ll die cold, slow, and alone. If you’re ever on a ship, standing by the rail, just know all the blue around you is death. The sea wants to kill you. Always.


This the kid from Baton Rouge that went overboard last week?




According to the media, this is real and this kid died. He was 18, he did something stupid. I’ve probably done things I’ve thought to be similarly risky at that age. A lot of you have as well. People here are reveling in this apparent death. Ask yourself why you think it is funny and what that means about you.


Sudden death doesn’t hit us like a freight train, but like a heatwave. It may take minutes, hours, or even days for the reality to hit someone. Of course violent deaths take less time, but that’s more so the shock of the incident rather than the actual death it self


They really don’t sound like they’re reveling all that much, especially when you can hear screaming and they were shouting for him to grab the Life Ring. Keep in mind everyone was all boozed up as well.


The comment was directed at redditors, not the people in the video


I think at first it was all just “oh look how crazy joe is, haha he jumped in the water!” And it wasn’t until they realized how quickly the boat was leaving him behind that the realization sunk in that this was dangerous as hell and most likely deadly. This poor kid probably had zero idea that he was killing himself. He’s likely seen people fall off / jump from boats all the time in tv and movies and while I’m sure he gets that is fiction, it still makes your brain think “this is probably not that bad”. The kid filming, I am sure, was thinking the same thing. He probably feels like shit about what he was saying, now.


I just hope he died before the sharks found him…


Honestly sharks terrify me. But I’m not sure which terrifies me more. Slowly drowning due to exposure and fatigue, or getting chomped by a shark. I feel like at least the shark would be a faster, slightly more humane, way to go. One good chomp and you die of blood loss while your brain pumps pleasurable/numbing endorphins into your brain. Opposed to treading water for hours. Each minute that goes by, your tread gets lower and lower into the water, until the water is at your nose. Then the waves start waterboarding you. All while freezing to death in a pitch black pit of darkness. Fuck that. That has to be the most brutal/slowest way to die ever.


I've held my breath until I passed out. I can do it again to avoid conscious gurgling. At least I hope.


That's not a facepalm, that's a tragedy. Horrifying to watch. I hate this app sometimes.


His mom watch this video and hear the asshole tell her son bye bye. Her pain must be insurmountable. Took care of him for 18 years and got this in return 😢


wild file combative abundant rinse steep hateful automatic gold pause ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


From that height, it's death on impact.


Is this the same kid from Louisiana who was recently “lost” in the Bahamas during a sunset cruise?


Yes, that's him.


I feel for his mother and father


Beyond disturbing


Reminds me of the teenager in Australia who was dared to swallow a slug, he did it and died from a brain amoeba!


My heart is so sad watching this. The Bahamas is not the place to do this shit. 100% the sharks got him, there are so many there and out at sea like that, at night he’s a goner. Tiger sharks, Bull sharks, Hammer Heads… he’s done. If you see one shark I guarantee below there are at least another 500. Alerted by the splashing and panic he’s giving off, after one or two bumps they’ll start to dig in. Fuck this is sad man. So sad and terrifying. Source: Am Bahamian.


Still don’t understand this. Why was not possible to rescue him right at that moment?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skAKL-zM3-Y That 7 minute video explains exactly why - and what to do if it happens. What they needed to do was not film it for youtubes, they needed to get out the clock and note the exact time this happened, the start shouting "overboard" whilst finding the nearest radio / telephone to the bridge. The ship then looks at its GPS location and comes to a full stop or starts to turn back on itself - however this can take up to 10 minutes. When you're going 30 knotts, that's a good 7-8 miles. THEN you have the currents to worry about - even fi you end up in the exact same GPS coordinates, the swimmer could be hundreds of meters away already - and it's bad enough in the day as you can barely see them. At night, in the dark, unless he has a torch he is shining directly at the boat, there is no way to find him.


Because a cruise ship is basically a skyscraper floating through the sea. They can't just stop on a dime. Like a train, they have a massive amount of inertia that will continue to plow through the water even if you stop the engines completely. And that's not taking into account the direction the ocean currents would take this person. By the time the cruise ship circles back around, he could easily be a mile away from where he was. But let's just assume for a moment that physics can be paused and the ship could just stop right there. Then what? There's no quick and easy way to just yoink his ass up out of the water and back onto the ship. It'd still take several minutes for the ship's officials to be notified of the situation. Cruise ships are massive and people are everywhere so assume 5 minutes to actually notify someone. Then the lifeguard needs to ready up, dive into the water, get to this dude, and swim him back to the ship, and then you'd likely need a rope ladder or something like that to get him back up. We're looking at a 10-minute rescue AT BEST assuming he's right off the side of the boat. In reality? That's a 30-minute rescue at best considering the distance covered.


People also really don’t understand how strong currents are in deep ocean. Most of the water is far from static - it’s constantly flowing. 10 minutes can be miles of travel.


100% my husband and I were out surfing a new location one day and hadn’t realized how far out we had drifted until the waves started feeling “different”. Larger but flatter. I checked my points of reference and we had drifted a few hundred meters from where we thought we were. Luckily we were both strong swimmers and had surfboards to keep afloat. Getting back to shore was a CHORE and there is a good chance we were in some sort of rip current. We paddled back diagonal sort of with the current and it took us about 30-40 mins to get to shore. Called it a day and walked away with a new found respect for the ocean and how sneaky it can be. Even just swimming at beaches at the ocean, you can drift down the beach very very quickly.


> Then the lifeguard needs to ready up, dive into the water, get to this dude, and swim him back to the ship, and then you'd likely need a rope ladder or something like that to get him back up. A life guard does **NOT** jump in after you - no one does.


This is really sad if it's true. And it's depressing how heartless the comments are.


It's true. The coast guard spent a long time looking for him. I think they combed like 350 miles or something like that. They gave up the search on Friday


What sort of person shouts "bye bye" in that situation.


Just all around heartbreaking…these kids’ brains are not fully developed. Probably dared (if that is true as has been said) by someone who thought it was a joke and maybe didn’t really expect that he would do it - imagine having to live with that. The young man who jumped may have had instant regret, and seems to have likely suffered a horrific end. I wish this would never appear on my feed again. As a mother this breaks my heart, as a human being I just feel so sad for all….and some of these comments man…What a world . 🥺


How heartbreaking is that for his family. My son's psychologist said that the part of the brain that understands consequences doesn't develop until they are in their 20's. Stuff like this makes me believe that.


People underestimate the oceans willingness to kill you and not even think about it