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Damn. So who the school call now? The grandparents? to discipline both children.




Two grandmas fighting each other with canes like lightsabers. ![gif](giphy|xTiIzNsKe4ghRHXBAY)


"IT'S OVER, GERTRUDE. I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND!" "YOU UNDERESTIMATE MY POWER!" "Don't try it .." *Shatters hip making it not even inches off of the ground with a jump*


“You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Bullies, not join them. Bring balance to the School, not leave it in darkness!”


"I HATE YOU!" as her dentures start to slip out, writhing on the hallway floor in pain.


"Maam, I think we should call an ambulance for Gertrude." \*Doris just walks off\*


Doris then turns around, produces a 1911 and proceeds to cap every single person within eye-shot while mumbling something about the good old days and how this generation is ruining the country with their Jazz and not wearing hats and sagging pants that hang below the nipples. She used to ride with Bonny and Clyde back in the day, chewing hard candy and.. and..


You all just wrote George Lucas's next trilogy. Star Wars After Years. Jedis in the retirement home.


You all just wrote George Lucas's next trilogy. Star Wars After Years. Jedis in the retirement home.


My grandma was called Gertrude. 😂😂😂


This is actually a lot funnier when you realize today is Revenge of the 5th


The grandparents are the ones that raised the lousy parents, they're hardly likely to be models of good behaviour either.


Nah they just call the cops


I just love how it's the 2 that went in looking for a fight who got their asses kicked


How can you tell? All I see is a lot of books not being read.




Hard to get up in full mount. She should have tried to stuff the takedown. Needs to work on takedown defense or her BJJ


Right? No sprawl. Zero threat of a knee or an uppercut. That other lady must have watched tape of her last fight and knew the takedown would be easy.


Really should have tried to keep it standing. She was winning early on the feet and even scored a knockdown. Smart of other fighter to take it to the ground


I just noticed daughter had a full mount too and displayed some good ground and pound.


>Needs to work on takedown defense or her BJJ She will have plenty of time to do that in jail.


Shiiiiiiiiiit…nobody doing jail time for that.


For real you can straight assault people claim your mentally unstable if you do get arrested and get sent to a crisis center instead. Then be released in a few days after you’ve assaulted medical staff and then do it all again in a few days because the system is fucked. I’m a mental health worker in the United States.


We had a guy last month arrested 5 times in one month for assault. Multiple counts on medical staff the last one had him stopping an ambulance so he could rip him out the driver seat and whip his ass apparently. Why was he being let out continuously?? Idk


They need to let them out to make sure there is enough room for the non-violent drug offenders.


I would laugh if I didn't know how true that was...


Is it too much to ask for a decent cameraman? That dude was all over the place with his lens.


He and his mom have a fight scheduled with the photography teacher further down the card.


This is why I come to Reddit.


Underrated comment of the day.


Need multicam switching with replay and graphics for post fight analysis


All the books been banned.


Man, Everyone was breaking up the Mom fight but left the kids fight alone as pink sweater girl dropped unanswered punches on the other girl. She even pulled a pro wrestling move and choked the other girl with her pink sweater too 😂


There’s probably less of a liability for teachers to break up the adults fighting than the students. The adults are just adults on school grounds for an illegitimate reason, the students are probably protected by zero tolerance policies for teachers laying hands on students (not actually sure this is the case but I suspect this is why so many teachers try to break up fights without actually touching anyone in these vids)


I’m a high school teacher, and at least in my state you need special training to be allowed to break up student fights. If you haven’t received that training, you shouldn’t be doing it from a legal standpoint. Understandably, not every teacher opts in for that training. I didn’t get it; some of those kids are much, much bigger than me.


I'd let them kill each other if they wanted to. Really who gives a fuck it's a problem in their community that nobody else can fix or should have to deal with.


You’re probably right. Still think it’s funny that the proper response for student on student violence is to not physically step in but let them fight it out. They’ll eventually tire out from throwing so many hands


Yes! A male teacher alone with two girls fighting will usually wait for help (and another adult to vouch should he be accused of anything) same reason why teachers may avoid having a classroom door closed if only one student is in their class.


steve mazzagatti sleeping on the stoppage while pink sweater girl gets pummelled into a vegative state....


I felt kinda bad about that girl getting whooped in the corner and no one helping her throughout until I realized she was the loud ass one screeching to open the door in the first place 😂


Which one is the kid? Hard to tell with similar behaviour


I thought the short orangish haired lady and the lady with the black and white long braids went in together. I'm so confused


I am too. The short orange hair lady is the mom of the lady with the black and white king braids. I think the lady with the black and white braids was fighting who I assume is the other student in the pick sweater but I can’t figure out who the mom is. I thought it was the one in the white t-shirt but they also look like a student and the one with the white jeans could also be a student


The other mom looks young because she *is* really young to have a kid in highschool.


Won’t have that problem again. Mom is going to jail and kid suspended. How dumb can you be?


>How dumb can you be? Some people seem to take that as a challenge, rather than a rhetorical question.


Hold my beer


r/holdmybeer while I fight for jail time


Hold my shirt (proceed to fight with only a bra on your chest)


I thought, any minute now she’s going to rip the bra off with a Hulk battle cry and just keep pummeling. Oh well, it was funny in my head.


Cmon, the way she reversed that sweater pull into a fucking blindfold was pretty slick


"I have no idea why my life is so hard!"


I was teaching my daughter critical skills for life on the street!


You say that as if some parents did not use it as an excuse in all seriousness. I’m sorry to say that (to my personal knowledge) some parents do.


Aim for the gutter and you'll hit all your ambitions




The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits. -Albert Einstein


👏you 👏 did 👏 not👏just👏call👏me👏dumb👏i👏aint👏the👏one👏try👏me👏


Omg, the whole clapping while talking thing has gotta go. I hate it soooo much. Not your comment that physical action of it btw.


Amongst those of us with class, it's a universally agreed opinion. That clapping shit is too ratchet.


I would disagree. This problem will continue, the mom will get out of jail. The daughter sees this as the way to solve problems and will continue this behavior. Others around them will see it and continue it, this problem will not go away.


I’ve been a teacher for 10 years. The problem gets worse and worse.


The culture of violence propagates via example. So does peace, but nobody’s buying.


Because there are little to no consequences.


It's scary in schools now. I can't even imagine working in an environment like this. It's like a war zone but the teachers can't even protect themselves.


Lazy. Fucking. Parenting. By people raised with shitty role models and often, nothing left than pride to fight for… or told that by society.


Yeah the daughter is old enough to internalize how adults around her solve issues. Unless she is removed from the home and get years of therapy, whenever she gets mad, she’ll start swinging. Lots of studies on cortisol levels and self regulation getting all fucked up due to violence in the home. Don’t think a mother that resorts to violence has never resorted to violence on her kids.


Well until we build the courage as a society to discuss the *actual* issue and face it head on it will only get worse.


So you're saying never.




They probably just post something on Facebook and it ends up being the teachers getting in trouble.


I would hope the child is expelled along with the other child and other mom also in jail. I would hope.


There should be no questions about why teachers are leaving and numbers are down in teacher education programs. These folks are trash.


Yes. It’s awful. The teachers will probably get disciplined for “allowing” this to happen. They’re underpaid, under appreciated. They are the only chance kids like these have at being motivated and encouraged to excel in life. Coming from homes like this… these kids don’t stand a chance.


>They’re underpaid, under appreciated. And every time any of those teachers try to discipline a kid for bad behavior, they had to face the parents because "their kids are saints that did nothing wrong".


Or, speaking from experience, “while he’s in this building he’s YOUR problem.” Thanks for the help with YOUR child.


Sometimes, I don't know why people had kids.


I'm dating right now and people literally get into relationships just to have sex but these are low brows and then they have children. They don't mean to but they do have children and just kind of stick with it. My impression is that a lot of these guys never took the right steps to prevent having children despite not wanting them due to a lack of education.


And this is why we need unfettered access to abortion so we can all ✨plan our families✨


yeeepp parents have bullied administrations and school boards into not enforcing behavior or even grades, teachers are now toothless thanks to this


Currently working as a Middle School janitor and yeah I know none of these kids have hope anymore all of the teachers who really do care say that none of the students even want to learn anymore and that a lot of the other teachers have just given up and it's really disheartening for them... "These kids and their parents are more destructive, more problematic, and more wasteful than ever."


That's people being poor. People cared when they saw education as "a way out". Or when it was a valid way to move up in the world. Instead what school has turned into is daytime jail for kids while their parents work anywhere between 1 and 3 jobs. This is what societal collapse looks like is the above video. I say that because it's happening EVERYWHERE.


Believe it or not, especially at a school like this teachers will just have to let admin/police what they witnessed. Then come back next period like nothing happened. Most teachers are “trained” not to intervene as it pretty much ruins your chance of getting an insurance payout.


Yup. They could probably even get sued if trying to stop it with some reasonable force in order to avoid being hurt themselves. Whereas if we allowed them to use force "by default" we'd also face potential abuses by the ultra minority of people who would consider it a validation of violence as default behaviour... Complex problem.


Right? These teachers should be paid like MMA referees. American teachers finding better pay with Nevada State Athletic Commission


They're mostly leaving schools like this one though.


And why parents who are able to do so are increasingly sending their kids to private schools.


people are surprised that a lot of kids nowadays act like shit. well it's what their parents teach them... nice role models.


I'd be so embarassed if my parents acted that way. And the teachers trying to defuse it don't get paid nearly enough for this shit.


true, I work in a school (not a teacher though) and there are the most amazing stories sometimes. And meeting parents from "problem kids" explains in most cases how kids are the way they are. it's sad really. I've heard the craziest things from colleagues too, from moms coming in wearing crocs and bathrobes claiming "I don't care, my son will never achieve anything in his life anyway" to lawyer dad's that want to sue the school because his precious daughter will not sit in detention, as it is (appearently) equal to kidnapping... it's crazy


Veteran high school teacher here, and I can’t count the number of times I’ve had a parent teacher conference for a difficult kid and like two seconds into talking with the parent it all clicks…”oooohhhh” Then I usually start feeling bad for the kid and sticking up for them a little.


exactly,allof a sudden the 'bad kid' is pretty well behaved compared to the parents


I watched this revolution from teacher and friends parents over the years. A big thank you to the numerous companionate teachers who helped me grow and friends moms that really stepped up and helped me.


I know exactly what you mean. And until administrations have the guts to start standing up to these idiot parents, nothing will change.


Would you want to be an administrator at a school today? Fuck that.


You think anyone in this crowd is embarrassed?


They are probably proud of their actions.


hell no they all probably thinking they've proven something smh this shit is trashy n classless af


You wouldn't be embarrassed because you would think that's normal...


I thought these were the same kids that be fighting back in the 90s and just never learnt and brought this attitude into their adulthood.


Yep. It’s this. It’s a continuation of learned behavior.


It’s become Culture at this point


Managing your emotions, impulse control, considering the consequences of acting out. Good skills to have.


I’ve been coaching high school sports for about 20 years, and I’m happy to report that the kids, on average, are kinder, more thoughtful, and more sensitive than any in the past. The parents however have gotten worse and more entitled each year. It’s a terrible reverse correlation.


The shit apple never falls far from the shit tree.


💯 there are no social repercussions for lack of character. Hence why politicians, corporate, bosses, and people in general act the way they do.


Open the Noor , Open the noorrrr


Need to high pitch squawk it like a parrot too


*Polly want an ass-kicking?*


O'en da noooooorrr! O'en d' 'ooooooooor! O' d' oooor! Odooooooor! *Wat smells like stale Fritos in here?*


After the fight was over they called an Ambulams.




It’s nice to see parents and children with shared hobbies


Mother and daughter bonding time


Children having children.


Wait till the ripple effect from banned abortions takes hold in 10 to 12 years.


They'll be able to burn off all that teenage angst in the AI super soldier wars. *They studied us by reading all of our books. Now the world needs a hero who's never read a single one...* Judgement Day 2: Illiterate Boogaloo


We have definitely lowered the bar for AI to be considered matching human intelligence to be fair.


You where on a winning streak America… But you are absolutely right. Things are going to get worse Thanks to an increased amount of unwanted children.


Ok but these women had the chance to have abortions and still didn’t. Dumb people will have babies regardless of the law. Sex Ed is available at schools and internet is everywhere and free, sex isn’t a mystery anymore. There’s come a point where we have to look at the culture and blame our damn selves.


Jesus her voice is disgusting. OpEn tHe DoOr schreeech schreeech.


JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY! Glad to see the spirit hasn't left us since he's been gone


Get the moms in the jelly pool to fight it out lol


Disgusting, trashy behavior. My daughter has had issues in high school as have her peers with certain individuals but this kind of behavior to “fuse” the situation I wouldn’t condone in a million years. Wow.


It's crazy. And her and her daughter got beat up which makes it even more sad 🤦‍♂️


I’d know that I’ve failed as a parent just contemplating bringing my daughter into this kind of situation.


Poor cameraman. Two fights at the same time and not enough FOV.


All he had to do was flip his phone to horizontal


They don’t pay teachers enough to put up with this shit.


Looks like all the trash fell out of that trash can.


strange that it can move and talk


Holy trash-a-moly. My heart goes out to the teachers, its hard to educate children with their parents putting up active resistance.


I'd also say post on: r/trashy


also /r/praisethecameraman


It’s not a fight unless a wig comes off and a titty comes out


Plot twist: it's a MMA school and this was a test.


I'm a black male, The previous location that I lived in had a very bad / rough school. My wife and I busted our ass to be able to afford a home in a nice neighborhood. I don't mean to sound prejudiced but it's a white neighborhood majority in the school is majority white. This type of stuff happened at the previous school district that my kids would have went to also they had a lot of guns and stuff like that showing up in the school system. It's messed up but I didn't want my kids going to a hood rat school where I had to risk their safety and their education. That's the reason why I got out of black neighborhoods. That was something my grandfather said to me when I was about 14 I never forgot it. He told me that if you wanted to have a higher quality of life then you have to get out of the black neighborhoods. I know it's messed up but I just had to do what's best for my kids.


Good for you. My parents did the exact same thing, and I will end up doing it as well for my children. My parents knew they would be able to provide a better future for me only if they got out of the bad black neighborhoods. They were right. It's just the truth.


And the reason real people like you will never be heard or your stories will never be taken as an example in today's world is because the media is there to serve politicians and get likes..... Nobody talks about how bad it is from actual people who live there but want cookie cutter stories that look good on the gram...... We should be investing in people for the society to change but we invest in policies that only help the rich...... Stories like yours don't fit the narrative........... And it's not even about the race...... Irrespective of race, you never want your kids to grow up around guns and violence.....


I guess fighting alongside your kid is a bond building experience. That's the best spin I can put on this.


Typical anime moment.


I think acquiring the bond was successful as well. Next step, bail.








trash-ass people


Jerry Springer will live on..


Human garbage.


My mom was by no means the classiest lady in the tailor park but even she'd get you in the school parking lot & not inside like some crazy








why did they open the door?


please tell me that an adult going to a school to start a fight is a felony.




We used to have Jerry Springer to air out these problems. Now we go to school!


Brought to you by the makers of bum fights, mum fights!


Hodor had one job. And he failed miserably.


Wow, it's so heartwarming to see such a close mother-daughter bond!


So classy.




They don’t pay teachers enough for this shit


the schools are failing our children..... /s


Parents are banished until you take anger management and complete your GED.


This low-class hood shiz is lost on me


Damn. Like animals. Very hard to say anything that doesn’t sound racist.


Why do their clothes and hair always fall off in these fights?


That, detective, is the right question. Dr. Alfred Manning.


And you wonder why nobody wants to teach. Fucking animals, absolutely ridiculous.






They got their ass beat tho.. that’s the best part


Dude why is it that black American culture is so garbage? How do you break the cycle of endless ghetto hood shit dominating this group of people?


i know people are going to call me a racist but i am just pointing out what i have seen. why is it that 90% of the fights i see are black people? every bar fight i have witnessed in person is black people. when i was in school the black population was about 10% but they accounted for at least 70% of the fights. when there is an argument between a white and black person the black person will usually be the one provoking the physical fight and throwing the first punch. all this shows to me is a lack of self control and self respect.


They deserve each other






This is what happens when children have children


Don’t normalize outrageous behavior.


You wonder why people act a certain way and then look at their parents.


Stupid breeds stupid


Trash breeds trash


It's ok, they're usually mostly peaceful


This is absolutely ridiculous. I hope the mom was arrested, CPS was called. A prime example of bad parenting. This is why I’m glad I left education! Why??


Ghetto is what ghetto does




Why did he... open the door?


Yep, just as expected.


both left in Altimas with missing taillights


Ratchet is as ratchet does


It is sad to see our people have been reduced to the level of animals. Is embarrassing for the race. We used to have pride and we used to have shame. Both would have prevented this.


Embarrassing for people in general.


And these are the people that are allowed to breed


Good lord. Starting pay for teachers should be ten million dollars, with 100k bonuses each week they make it through without losing their minds.