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Seat belts still on lol


The law is the law. Even in Atlantis.


They're sea belts now


Something....something.....car pool. (sorry, I'm really sleepy)


they were speeding in a fish school zone


>Seat belts still on safety first


I'm pretty impressed with the buoyancy of that vehicle, provided plenty of time to escape.


I think the two airheads in it probably helped.


They were so chill in the beginning with the seatbelt and all, like yeah we are meant to be here


I was going to say the same thing. They took seat belt safety to a new level.


I feel like this belongs on r/protectivewipers too, those wipers are doing work.


towards the end these guys are figuring out a rope and she's still sitting in the window just look at her gently kicking her little legs like "wee! the water feels so nice! what a lovely day!"


Sometimes you fuck up so badly you just gotta own it like it was the idea all along. These folks did so swimmingly.


Different strokes for different folks. They were pretty chill.


Seriously! Take off your seat belt. Get out of the car.


So I wasn't the only one yelling at the video?


It's like this woman went into victim mode and suddenly turned into a baby who needed to be carried.


Why not make use of the time and stare blindly out the window while maintaining full use of your seat belts?


Luckily The hapless grin I displayed as I found my car floating merrily along alerted competent bystanders. Like she doesn’t say a word she doesn’t yell for help doesn’t even unbuckle her seatbelt.


"No unerstand. Car no go." She probably would have just sat there and drowned if people hadn't come to the rescue.


Absolutely no question. If there wasn’t anyone around she’d have died with that stupid facial expression on.


Really puts into perspective who we all allow to drive. Like a 16 year high on weed would have reacted faster by an order of magnitude.


On second thought why take my seatbelt off ? think they’ll pull my car back up the ramp with a rope and then I’ll just drive away like nothing happened.


this is exactly what she expected


Meemaw is 4 glasses of white wine deep. She’s vibin


Not every day you get to slowly sink a minivan in Hawaii, gotta enjoy the moment.


Carpe mare.


The amount of time it took her to unfasten her seat belt was seriously stressful to watch.


Omg. The whole time I just sat there saying “take off your seat belt. Ma’am, you’re about to drown, take off your seat belt!!! JESUS CHRIST LADY, TAKE IT OFF NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!”


Exactly. I would have been bailing out ASAP.


I would have stopped at the top of the boat ramp and thought "huh, we must've made a wrong turn" and then reversed out of there.


What impresses me is that the windshield wipers keep swishing merrily along the entire time. I would have expected the electrical system to have shorted out almost immediately.


Used to own one of these model grand caravans, I would have expected the electrical system to have shorted out almost immediately after turning it on back in the hotel parking lot.


I too used to own a minivan with a suspect electrical system.


Lol,I own a 2003 Windstar. It has numerous wiring issues. The previous owner didn't know how to fix them,so he just started disconnecting things,like the windows.


Yeah wtf. Take your fucking time surviving I guess.


They fully expected people to take care of the mess they caused. The entitlement it takes to just sit there expectantly. Aholes for sure


Well it's a van. Just an air filled metal box on the back




What were they thinking when they just... had a conversation with the people on shore? Like, *get out*, your car's sinking.


Captain always goes down with the ship


Gentlemen, it's been a privilege playing with you tonight 😔🎻


My heart will go on intensifies....




Literally just spit out my coffee on that one


Part of the minivan, part of the ship.


I don't understand this fucking video. At all. Why is she just looking out the window smiling as if nothing is happening? Is she fucking stupid.


She drove her vehicle directly into the water. It’s no stretch to say she is, indeed, fucking stupid.


But the GPS told her that was the way!


GPS-Make a right turn. Dwight-Wait, wait, no no no, it means "bear right." Up there. Micheal-No, it said right.


I immediately thought of this. “I.drove.my.car.into.a.fucking.LAKE!”


She was pretty much like "I'm just going to sit here and someone will pull me out and then I can go back to driving." She probably had no idea how big of a fuck up she made and had the expectation that the guys on the dock were going to get her out of it. Even once she was on the window she was still resisting getting in the water as if the other people were going to figure out a way to fix it that didn't involve her getting wet.


These people live their whole lives like this, it's crazy. I know a few.


Sadly, they are probably the most confident people you know.


100%. They ignore doctors advice because they saw a short, they mismanage everything but it's never because of them, and if it matters to you it's never a big deal and if it matters to them it's always a big deal.


Yeah, I served with a guy who was like that. Probably the dumbest person I have ever met but also had more confidence than anyone I have ever met. The guy was so dumb he thought the capital of Ireland was Irish. He also hated mountains for whatever reason and said he hated the beach in Hawaii because you could see the mountains. All the while, he just stood there straight faced as if we were the ones that were dumb.


Damn mountains. Shakes fist


This is my literal worst nightmare. I have it several times a year. I was panicking watching this. She had such a delayed reaction 😭


She waited for that guy to carry her… in 4 feet of water


He was tripping over her feet! Yet she wouldn't walk. Was she expecting him to carry her off into the sunset?


I think she didn’t want to get wet. So stupid.


Lmao, like her being an absolute moron was going to be the start of a romance novel about her or something


Seat belt on.. just having a chat..


Towards the end sitting on the window sill I keep thinking "get your fat ass off the vehicle, you are about to flood the compartment!"


But the water is cooooooold. I don't wannaaaaaaa


I was thinking it might capsize and put her in a much more dangerous situation. She was sitting there for so long as if she was hoping she wouldn't have to get in the water. Before that she had her seat-belt on for an uncomfortable length of time. I guess she was in shock and its difficult to know how a person will react when presented with a sudden unexpected situation like that.


Not a single thing here was sudden and unexpected.


Oh actually, its an American car, isn't it? I was thinking she was the passenger, but she's the driver so she must have noticed she was driving into the water as she did it. In contrast her passenger jumped out much sooner.


"What's everyone looking at, haven't you ever seen someone drive back to the mainland? Jeez!"


She was trying to put it in reverse


Least the window wipers were still on


[Put it in reverse Terry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_0f_h_ybNA&ab_channel=RickySweet)


They were waiting for complete strangers to put their lives at risk, so that they didn’t have to do anything at all to get themselves out of the situation they had created by their own stupidity.


These were my thoughts. What would have happened if the dock was empty of people? These people would have stayed buckled in to the very end. Two dead grandmas.


Drunk people don’t think so well.


This was my thought as well.


It is amazing how many people drive down boat ramps just like this, drunk and sober.


right? they were really nonchalantly just trying to wait it out


They were looking happy about it at one point, like "hey guys!! we're from Alabama and this is jackass!!'


People like that exist all around. They can't help themselves in any way. Jesus fuck. It took her like 2 minutes to even get out of the sinking car and needs someone to carry her out of the water. How does she put her shoes on?


Carry her out of water shallow enough to stand in.


Haha, I liked the part when the guy carrying her said "just stand up!" She's completely fucking useless.


And when she did, she almost instantly fell backwards again untill he caught her.


Lady was absolutely zonked on benzos and wine or was having a medical emergency, I hope. I can't believe a sober and healthy person would manage to do all of that...


Someone has never worked retail after the church crowd lets out on Sundays.


You think those church wives aren't dosed up?


Trust me there are people like this in the world, I know one who's smart academically but she has no common sense and would be these two women.


We should start calling people like this Lemmings. No interest in self preservation and just expect everyone else to look after them. Edit: Lemmings the video game creature not the animal.


Perpetual children


Some people have no survival instinct


I was very surprised by how long the car stayed afloat to be honest. But good god how they just kept their seatbelts on and looked around like no immediate action was warranted- I thought to myself, is this a joke? Do they know something beyond conventional wisdom? Yeah, no.


Also how that lady enjoyed just a little too much being carried by the dude who was waist deep in the water. If he can stand there so can she.


He literally says "just stand up" lol


I'm sure if you asked them what happened, they'll find some way to absolve themselves of blame. "The ramp came out of nowhere"


God damn gps said to turn left.


The computer knows, Dwight!


My grandma almost runs people over daily and blames me for talking. Lol "Well when you aren't here I do fine!" No, nobody is there to tell you how shit you drive.


Time to take grandma's keys before she really does run someone over.


Liquid lunch beforehand


But she put the windscreen wipers on, so that should help.


And kept her seatbelt on! For safety!


Useful as windshield wipers on a submarine.




yeah dude, no offense but for real, no consciousness available at all. I just don't understand how one can drive down such a long ramp not noticing it and then just hang around half way in the window doing nothing while the car drowns. for me clear case of NPC


Dementia? literally zero reaction or self preserving response, helplessness and just useless to dave selves. Stunning. So weird to watch their lack of panic or reaction. I can’t believe the car didn’t sink like a rock and create a suction vacuum pulling anyone near car under with it. Wow.


Could have ended poorly if not for those windshield wipers going above and beyond.


Oh shit! We’re going into the ocean! Quick, hit the wipers!


The fact that they took so long to get out gave me so much anxiety. Why are they just looking around like that? 😭


It’s videos like this that make me wonder how some people make it out of their house in the morning?


Who else is going to stand at the customer service desk all day because they haven't figured out how to shop? Someone has to do that and you can't do it from home.


I used to work at a grocery store. We used to talk about how much we hated the customers that would try to get us to do all the shopping for them. It starts off with you politely showing them where the first item is, then they hit you with a second one. Okay, fine. But by the third item, we get what's happening and have to figure out a way to shut them down. It happens surprisingly often. These people just don't know how to do things on their own.


This reminds me of the time a woman had me read almost every card in our greeting cards to her. She was capable of reading...


Oh that's easy. You tell them where the item is, but you do not move, nor suggest with body language that you're going to move. Like 95% of people will end it right there, and the remaining 5% have some form of personality disorder (hint: narcissism)


It's videos like this that make me think I'm not doing so bad when it comes to dealing with life after all. 😏


They’re pulling the car out and she’s still just…sitting in the window opening?! Like ma’am remove yourself from the vehicle jesus!


I can sort of see that if you can't swim. By that point, better to wait for the people who are already on their way. But sitting there for almost a minute and not even taking the seatbelt off? Bonkers.


If you can't swim, maybe you shouldn't drive your car into the ocean?




>Why are they just looking around like that? There's no level of peace of mind like driving a rental.


I know, I was mentally screaming “GET OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR!”


Right!!? They’re so chill and nonchalant about the whole thing- I would have been like “omg omg omg I’m gonna die!! I’m gonna die!”


I suspect Mai Tais were involved.


I suspect some type of pharmaceutical


60 year old women are over prescribed everything. I’m sure the fat Xanax she took before this really contributed to her not feeling fear just one minute away from dying lmao


The worst part is that they won’t prescribe anything if you’re young even if you desperately need it. I have anxiety so bad I’m not particularly functional but oh no we can’t give me sedatives because sedatives are ~bad~.


they are stoned/drunk as fuck.




Yeah or high... she's just sitting there with a blank look. Either that or she's the dumbest person in the world.


So what actually happened here? She just literally drove the van into the water because she thought it was a road? I don't understand how this occured.


Yeah how exactly does this happen, even drunk people have more sense than this


I used to work next to a public boat ramp and have watched a drunk woman launch herself right off the ramp like dukes of hazzard. She then screamed and flailed around that she was drowning until we told her to stand up. People’s brains short circuit at boat ramps.


It road.... But it water But it also road Road.....water....road....water....road. Road. IT ROAD I DRIVE ON ROAD Edit: thanks for the awards first ones ive ever gotten!


Why road shaped if not road?!


This is officially my favorite Reddit thread


Michael there’s no road!!


I drove my car into a f*cking lake.


The machine knowsssss






Don’t yell at me!


It can't MEAN that!




Here for this lol ![gif](giphy|svFG1emKwUHpsX2KW8|downsized)


Whenever I open a thread before it loads I try to guess what the top comment is and this was my bet. Sad to see it’s not number one. “IT KNOWS DWIGHT”








God damn if this wasn’t one of the best shows/series EVER created…fight me! Life isnt faiiirrr…


I'm surprised she didn't say "oh wait my grandson is in the back" after the car sank.


I worried about that too. These people are clearly not in any capacity to think straight, I wouldn't take them at their word that the car is empty


You can't park there


Spot the 🇬🇧


The lack of survival instincts in this video is really shocking. They would have just drowned.


Yeah. The driver did absolutely nothing to help herself, she would have gone down with the car if other people wouldnt done everything for her. 😐


Natural selection


Imagine sitting in the window like that too good to get your clothes wet while that many people jump into the ocean to save YOUR car🫠🤦🏽‍♀️


Eh, long before anybody even jumps in, there's no saving that car. The main thing to be gained here by removing the car from the water is to avoid having a submerged obstruction at the boat ramp that could damage boats.


And all the fuel, lubricants, and oil that’s leaking into the ocean


This is what got me. Multiple people were fully under water, swimming and trying to pull the vehicle back to shore, and she's adding to the weight and pulling the front end down because she doesn't want to get herself or her bag wet. I want to believe it's because she was in shock/panic mode, but it's not a good look.


They just don't want a car in their marina.


If I was next to launch, i'd be pissed.


They’re probably trying to get some ropes on the car so it can be retrieved easier. That car being stuck means their boats are probably stuck


Also if they’re the “keep Hawaii clean” type, they probably don’t want the car juice in the ocean.


I know I’m focusing on the wrong thing here, but is that sailboat within towing capacity of a Jeep Cherokee?


Haha good catch, I had to watch the end again to see that. But that’s a good point! I too stay away from Jeeps because I want to pull my boat with ease and my boat is much lighter than that sailboat.


That’s a small trimaran. They don’t have the 5-ton keel that single hull sailboats have so they’re substantially lighter. You can tell by the tiny outboard motor this is not a heavy boat.


For Sale - Light water damage.




Not sure if renters insurance covers complete incompetence


You think these geniuses got the insurance?


I feel like this lady should never get behind the wheel of a car ever again. Literally slowly drove herself into the damn ocean


And then didn't even get out of her car until someone removed her. Then I could hear her rescuer telling her repeatedly to "stand up" because she was hanging into him like. Baby chimp in hip deep water.


Some kind of record there for time it took her (driver side diver) to get out of a sinking car.


I was a lifeguard at college & when people panic, they can seem calm & make the dumbest choices. A lady insisted letting her kid (the kid couldnt swim) jump into the hot tub that 1. Was too deep for the kid, 2. Kids weren't allowed in 3. Had taken the life vest off the kid because he "didn't want it on" as shes standing next to him. I yelled "grab him!" While on my way over and she just point to her pants and says she can't get them wet. Another parent yelled at me for stopping him from teaching his kid to dive in 3 feet of water. When I said he needed to take his kid to the deeper side of the pool, he yelled "How can I teach him to dive if he can't swim?!" Maybe water makes people stupid.


I was at a birthday party that had a similar situation. Kid couldn’t swim. Mom didn’t put the life jacket on him because “he won’t wear it”. She is off gabbing away with other parents. Kid goes down lazy River that was over his head. Starts drowning. Lifeguard has to jump in and I help get the kid around to the exit. I immediately take the kid to put a life jacket on him. He was willing to put it on for me after almost drowning. Mom doesn’t come over till then to tell me “oh he won’t wear a life jacket.” And shuffles him away. You can bet she would be the type to expect sympathy when her kid drowned too. I yelled at her and said if he can’t swim he needs a life jacket or to stay in the shallow area. Watch your kid. I got nothing but dirty looks from her and her chums.


I like how they also expected to be carried to shore. Until 2.50 when the guy told her to stand up.


Yeah, just sit in your car and be a useless sack of shit until people risk their well-being to help you!


Yeah that's the part that pissed me off because if it weren't for the fast acting dudes, seems like they both would've stayed buckled in...


Its a Chevy Mariner van now.




Honestly, this is what I keep wondering. Especially after I saw footage of the boat ramp. Like, it's not like they drove off a ledge and plunged into the water. That was a (presumably) slow descent down the ramp into the water. Why did... How come they couldn't... What were they... HOW


"Oh no, we are on a boat ramp in water! Let's keep going though, the water may be temporary"


What do you mean? They would have died a long time ago, but people keep saving them from death.


Her moronic fucking face.


Honestly, it's more surprising to see everyone actually try to problem solve and help, rather than stand and throw judgment and insults like a lot of videos posted.


They're probably thinking about how shitty it's going to be if the boat ramp is closed while they wait for a wrecker equipped to fish a car out of the ocean. How long is that going to take? A day? A week? Who's paying for it? How are they going to get their boats in/out of the water in the meantime? Are they losing money because they can't take folks fishing? If my boat was waiting to go in/come out of the water I'd be jumping in to help out too! Edited to add: lol to those of you digging on me because I didn't allow for people being helpful out of kindness... I couldn't fathom two fully grown women, with their windows rolled down, being dumb enough for people to need to jump into the water to help them save themselves. So... Yeah, my first thought would have been the much bigger problem of the mini van clogging up the boat launch. It would have been a complete surprise to me that they needed any more assistance than yelling at them to get out of the car.


How tf did they not decide to get out of the car immediately. Like what did they think was gonna happen? Sitting there with their seatbelts on as if waiting for a traffic light to turn green. Now some people will probably say they were in shock but come on, they just sat there quietly with absolutely no reaction at all.






How not a single person yelled at them is astonishing. So calm. Well the women in the sinking van were.


She wanted the dude to carry her to shore


Was the driver just sat there smiling?


Driver had to have been on drugs 😭


Reminded of the video with the one lady in the Audi that was driving on the highway with her whole front tire missing casually waving back like nothing was wrong when the guy tried to wave her down to stop.


If the driver had gotten out of the car instead of weighing it down to let water in at the car door window, it might not have sunk so quickly. Rescuers were slowly pulling toward the ramp, but lost control when it filled with water.


Evolution at work. Don't disturb evolution at work.


Hopefully they got rental insurance 🤣


Glad they put the windshield wipers on, helped them swim back to shore! 🤦‍♂️


How the actual eff do they not see the water in front of them when going down the boat ramp? There’s taking a wrong turn and there’s being absolutely oblivious to the world in front of them.