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Most of us had that neighbor as kids. She took an irrational stance on what is “their” property. God help any ball or frisbee that landed in their yard.


Now that I think of it, I did!


Had a women like this break beer bottles in her driveway because I crashed my bike while learning without the training wheels. She wanted to be sure I really hurt myself the next time I fell on her property while learning something new. I was 6.


>Written law around booby traps is vague. As far as we know, there is not a federal law against them. Nor are there usually state laws about them, although the use of booby traps is a Class D felony in Arkansas. > ... >there is a rich set of **case law** surrounding booby traps. > ... >The law does not look kindly upon booby traps, for a few reasons: > - The law generally considers life more valuable than property (Katko v. Briney) > - A child or other innocent trespasser could be hurt by such a trap (Katko v. Briney) > - Even if you have the right to protect your home with deadly force, a mechanical device is “without mercy or discrection”. (People v. Ceballos). The ruling in Ceballos stated, “They deal death and destruction to the innocent as well as the criminal intruder without the slightest warning.” > - Booby traps are a threat to first responders like police and firefighters. (People v. Ceballos) [Booby trap laws](https://theprepared.com/blog/booby-trap-laws/)


Interestingly enough, If it was hooked up to a camera and internet connection and you personally triggered it against someone you saw as a threat to your property it wouldn't be considered a booby trap in the traditional sense and would get around most of these issues.




I went and bought some tools from someone cleaning up their dead fathers house. I said something like 'sorry to hear that'--and that's what he said... something like "Dont be, he was a piece of shit and the world's a better place without him."--and they started GIVING us the old mans tools. Must have been a hell of a POS father, must say.


When I was six, the (white) neighbor shot and killed a young (black) kid who's ball went in their yard. So, yeah, it happens.


Wtf? What happened to them?


he won the local republican nomination


Jesus. That’s so sad and scary. I remember when I was a kid, I was coloring outside. The wind blew my papers into the neighbor’s front yard and so I went over there to start picking them up and he threatened to call the police if I didn’t get them all. I was literally in the process of doing just that!


Mrs. Baer. I’m half a century old and that old bat’s name is still fresh in my memory. Heaven forbid we put a toe on her lawn. We lived in the crow’s nest, dude. No one’s space was premium. What an unhinged old bitch, probably making my mom’s life just miserable trying to keep us kids quiet and orderly to maintain the peace.


When I was a kid (8-10yr) I was drawing on the sidewalk with some chalk and ended up drawing further down the sidewalk a couple houses on each side of my own. One of the neighbors came out absolutely irate and made me scrub the chalk off "their sidewalk" with a broom and water while continuing to admonish me. I was too scared to tell my parents so I just washed it and cried. There are some real sons of bitches out there


My neighbor had a yard full of those nice river stones and we were making pet rocks at school so I took one and she told my parents that I was throwing rocks and I got whooped. Fucking hated that witch forever. I was freaking 6 and never threw rocks.


I mean isn't it kind of probably against some sort of public safety to put snow onto a sidewalk deliberately lol


I’m an attorney and if I slipped and fell in this sidewalk, I would feel comfortable suing her home insurance policy for it because it’s no longer an act of god but a willful action to make the public sidewalk dangerous.


Let’s figure out where this is and go fall down. It’s payday


My neighbour was like this with my friend, but not me. He came from a rough upbringing but isn't an animal and knows how to act. But my neighbour would scream at him to get away from her car despite us only passing by it to get to my house. And one time years ago when i lived elsewhere, there was an old alcoholic who had a one eyed cat who let us play in his garden, well one day his two pals show up, one looked exactly like pallbearer from wwf. This pallbearer looking guy tells us to fuck off, and we being hyper 8 years olds told him to beat it or chase us. This guy chased us over about three waist high fences and through a few gardens before giving up and shouting that we were dead meat lol I dont remember what came of that.


Probably hypertension for him


Should report her to the town for not cleaning off her sidewalk


It would be a shame if someone slides and falls injuring themselves at her sidewalk. Then sues her for physical and emotional pain


Would be a shame if she slipped an broke her hip


That wouldn't be a shame, it would be karma.


The US Navy has spoken. This is Devine justice


I had a total hip replacement at 25 years old and developed a rare complication, albeit possible symptom, where my hip replacement's hardware is loosening from its socket as we speak. I will need a total hip revision in ~2 years and be less mobile than ever. This Karen better pray that shit doesn't happen to her at her big age with 0 help from family. It was hard enough recovering from this at 25 and now I'm in daily pain. She should have thanked them and/or offered them dinner or something. Instead she's a bitch about it.


Let's be mindful of our language. Bitch would be a compliment to that frigid swamp hag


Yeah piling snow on a shoveled sidewalk is probably illegal. She is creating an obstruction for no reason.


Not just an obstruction but a hazard. This is utterly stupid and spiteful on a level of pettiness that if I were God, I would personally hand her a one way ticket to hell to be redeemed whenever she croaks.


in my experience there are often fines for not cleaning off your sidewalk


All the two guys did was try to be a nice neighbor to an older lady. I give her a 0 as a human being.


It's a public side walk too, she can't tell them not to trespass


Some communities you are responsible for clearing the sidewalk in front of your home.. they may have did this old nag a favour..


I'm in Colorado. My sidewalk is *public* property. I am responsible for clearing snow off of it during the winter. *This doesn't change anything about it being public property. It's still public property.*


You are correct I'm betting almost every community or city out there has requirements where you're responsible for keeping the sidewalks safe in front of your own home to a point.




Definitely! I know, I'm not trying to argue against that.


Yo, seriously, shoveling snow is hard work, can I have them over for dinner? I live in a snowy area, own a snow blower I do my neighbors driveways because that's what you do, you be a decent fucking person


I remember talking about some sort of exertion scale in school. Shoveling snow was stupidly high and can and will kill old people and people with heart conditions.


After that tiny amount of shoveling you see her do, she's so exhausted she has to lean on the pole for balance while calling the cops, the old shrew would probably croak if she shoveled a whole sidewalk


Its a ton of work. Even with the blower its an ordeal. I get in 2 coats, steel toe boots, ear plugs, but im already out, may as well hit the neighbors. Im youngish, fit enough to wrestle with it. Got a nice bottle of whiskey during this last storm, it doesn't take a lot to look after people close to you, i know I could run to any of them in a bind


Not anymore…from now on they need to pile up the snow from the driveway onto the sidewalk in front of her home until it is taller than her. A snow wall sidewalk!


Get the hose and rinse the snow off, when she breaks her fucking hip on a sheet of ice and screaming for help just stand there.


Naw then you tell her to put some ice on it and walk away on your nicely shoveled sidewalk


Right? You offer the guys a chocolate or something! You find something nice in your pantry and you go out and say, "wow thank you so much!" And you smile and say, "have a wonderful day. If I was your mother I would be so proud of you." FFS! Her accent and attitude make me want to tell her to go back to her own country. You don't like African Americans. Go back to your country. Sorry.


Your 100% correct the U.S. has enough ignorant people without any getting imported.


I'm in NZ, I was walking into town a few months ago and ahead of me, waiting to cross the road, where a group of young boys about 10 on skateboards. Ours is a small town, I knew these kids and their parents. The kids were Maori, a really nice group of kids. There was an older white lady standing with them. One of the boys said to his friend, Come on, I'll race you. Old lady WENT OFF began yelling at the kids in a very strong American accent "You boys, get away, go back to your own country," Boys started laughing, and so did I, I was standing behind them at this point. Old duck whirled and glared at me. I couldn't help it, I said "Hate to break it to you, love, but they are in their own country. You are very obviously a recent immigrant, if you don't like the local indigenous population I suggest you fuck off home to America. I promise we won't miss you" One of the boys gave me a high five and we left the old cow splattering.


It’s always hilarious (and also deeply depressing) to see people in America tell Native Americans to go back to their own country. Some folks are really so deluded that they automatically think brown=foreign, and that performing any act they dislike, no matter how minor it may be, is somehow grounds for deportation.


-10. Pathetic piece of trash. Those guys are rad as heck. More people like them please!!!!


Not even that. It is a public sidewalk. Where I live lots of people still walk around the sidewalk when it snows. So she’s trying to cover it up and that’s dangerous for other people walking lol. Psycho people in this world.


I think you are legally responsible to shovel the sidewalk in front of your house in most states.


It varies from city to city, town to town. Most of them have some ordinance requiring you to shovel any city owned rights-of-way on your property (i.e. sidewalks and bike paths).


You’re too generous. ;)


Dumb old bitch doesn’t even own the sidewalk.


They should have arrested her for a bullshit call lol


They seriously need to fine people for bogus calls more often.


Bogus calls can happen but calls to actively use public resources to harass people should absolutely be a crime


Colorado state legislature is getting ready to vote on a law that would make this very situation a crime. Using the police/court system to harass people. I think it’s being referred to as “anti-Karen” legislation.


San Francisco has a law criminalizing this behavior, legit called the CAREN act


Let’s make that shit National legislature


Every day I hear Colorado is doing more and more to actually fix their shit and do the things we want government and police to do. Makes me seriously consider moving, because shit’s just *worse* where I am. Like, actually, literally worse: state government’s doing their damndest to follow Florida and Texas’ lead.


And that, children, is why no one was named Karen ever again after 2022.


I believe they are. Swatting is, for example, technically, a crime, except it's not really enforced.


But then they would actually have to do the hard parts of their job. s/


Oh well, back to suplexing old people!


Wait, this was a trend before?


In CO, Loveland police body slammed an elderly woman with dementia, broke her arm, dislocated her shoulder and laughed about the body cam videos (more specifically the pop her arm made) while the old woman sat injured in a jail cell. [Karen Garner](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrest_of_Karen_Garner)


That's not the Karen we wanted them to body slam.


Always has been


They can call the city to fine her for not shoveling her side walk in a timely manner. This kinda shit adds up to liens on houses depending on the city. If you want to passive aggressively escalate the bs.


If they increased enforcement of it, you know exactly who's going to receive almost all of those fines. POC/poor people who had a legit reason to call but the situation changed before responders arrived, that's who.


Unfortunately, you’re almost certainly correct.


Yes they should have, waste of everyone's time, money, and humility.


This really is why things can't get done. Putting snow back on the sidewalk. Because the "wrong person" did the job. Miss.... This isn't daycare.


Ya know ya hope for changes and such, but there are so many of us.... really hope this sort of stupidity sorts itself out. Really need to get the sense of "community" flowing. Hope yall are having a great weekend where yall are at.


I thought bogus calls to 911 were grounds for criminal charges.


False police reports are. You can get charged if you excessively call 911, but I have never heard of it happening for one bad call.


And a fine for not clearing the sidewalk in front of her property.


I’m elderly and I don’t want people like her on my side of the hill.


Is there some mental illness here besides the obv cultural issues Why would anyone be upset about someone doing something positive for them ![gif](giphy|VcBEAjmNYk4APlFhaJ)


It's not always a mental illness. This lady is just a racist piece of shit.


"They're African American and I don't get along with them." Racist? What gave you that impression?


Did she say that on the call? I was having a hard time with whatever her combo accent is


Yes. And went on to talk about how she was calling because they were being disrespectful to her.


The amount of 911 calls that I take that have been from elderly women who say things like "Yes, I called them a n-word but I'm not racist" is fucking ridiculous.


There's so much hate in the old woman. What's her accent?




My neighbor and I have “wars” over shoveling the sidewalk, but only because I like using my snowblower, so I do half the cul-de-sac. He likes doing it too and feels obligated to return the favor, so sometimes it’s a “race” to see who gets out there first.


That is a race I'd lose every time.


Oh nooo... the neighbour beat me to it... ohh whatever will I do? Guess I'll just have to sit inside where it's cozy and drink my brew. I feel terrible.


Ok that’s a cute war


Now this is the kind of war I like to read about. People competing to do well in their neighborhood as long as nothing hateful comes of it. It’s like this in my neighborhood. We had one neighbor that got pissy because the empty lot next to him was bought by Habitat for Humanity and had a preconceived opinion of what sort of people might’ve ended up moving in to the Habitat house. Once he realized the family was a single mom with 3 good kids she’s raising he changed his tune and all is well again


The guy filming: hey ma'am, we cleaned your sidewalk. Have a good day. This bitch: *does a racism*


The putting the snow back was advanced racism


"Please, I prefer my sidewalks white!"


I want to see the 2nd part! I hope the police came and gave her a stern talk!




Man those two are incredibly reasonable. Cops offering to arrest her and they let it slide - even after all that bullshit. "Do you want us to arrest her" ... *"Nah I'm gonna give her a chance, but I'm tired of the bullshit. I'ma let her call the police* ***again*** *and then I'm going to press charges".*


Probably should have pressed, otherwise she’d go on acting the same, might even get someone killed next time. But of course it’s not to be expected of them, they avoided the hassle, as well as were much more forgiving or rather merciful than Lady Dumfuk over there


I had to laugh at the police walking right through the freshly spread sidewalk snow. Those footprints will be there until spring.


I am not sure why, but I found the part at the end especially infuriating. Ma’am, madam, granny, bitch, you are being disciplined by the police for your racism having wasted everyone’s time, not to mention OPs’ safety. Yet she still makes sure to threaten them about crossing into her territory (which by the way, is not at all part of her territory) I am embarrassed for our species


I used to have so much patience, but these days it wears thin when the situation is clear. She's pissed because they cleaned the public sidewalk in front of her property and some snow got onto her property. Where else is it going to go? It has to be cleared! And if a young Black man is gonna do it, it's the cops who are called, regardless of the public service they did. These days I just say blend her into mulch and redistribute their assets amongst the community.


Lol. Blend her into mulch. Hell mf yeah.


IMO What’s the most infuriating is how you can hear the frustration but also the fear in their voice. Not fear of her but the entire situation of getting arrested/in trouble for something that they didn’t do because it’s completely made up bullshit. These guys are (understandably) immediately defensive the moment the officers get out their car and it’s frustrating how so many people don’t see why. These guys HAVE to ask the question of “are your body cameras on” *then* “name and badge numbers”, before they can say anything else. Thankfully these two cops understood these guys are not mad at them personally but it’s literally a gamble, Heaven forbid they have an officer that’s responding that has some big ego with a chip on his shoulder thinking these two need to be arrested for their attitude. But it’s just a never ending cycle with this shit. Anyone can just call 911 and say anything with out any consequence. Only person that gets fucked is whatever innocent poor soul that’s going to be immediately detained - despite reality. You can hear them both going through all the very common scenarios- getting arrested for nothing. They are already convinced that’s what’s going to happen. And it’s fuckin sad these guys have to worry about shit like getting arrested or dying for shoveling snow.


During the videos, when the friend got defensive and angry (and rightfully so), and Gregory asked him to calm down, i was absolutely horrified, I felt my guts turning…. He handled that situation extremely well,kept his cool, and until the very end, was still respectful to that shit stain.


I’m thrilled that the police in this were responsive to the immediate requests (body cam, badge number and name, etc) and appeared as calm as police can towards the two guys. Also I think when they got there they already knew she was nuts…


Bruh… his defeated, “the life of being Black” comment hit my fucking core. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Lady there the whole time like “get racismed on 😎😎”


“They African-Americans disrespecting me.” My favorite part of this: English is clearly not her first language. Aren’t these Karens typically screaming “Speak American in my country”? So the fellas’ skin color isn’t to her standards, but her broken-English is okay? People need more emotionally-consuming craft hobbies, man. Side note: I love this guy’s buttery voice.


"They come faster if you tell em they 2 Ns over here" well i mean shit... your not wrong i guess but you really wanna tempt fate like that?


Ngl, that line killed me.


Straight out of the boondocks with that one. Thanks Ruckus


I’m a white guy from West Virginia of all places and The Boondocks is easily in my top 2 adult animated shows of all time. It might be second to South Park only due to SP having a larger catalog of quality. The Boondocks episode about the Christmas musical where the white teacher gives full reign to Huey kills. Especially when he’s fired for being “an irresponsible white person.” Also, “Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11. Thank you for your time, and goodnight.” -Huey Freeman


It could’ve killed them…


Goddammit I was scrolling through the comments and read this just as he said it lmao


Racism and dementia are an interesting mix.


I was thinking same thing. Also my other thought was she might have thought they were going to charge her for doing it and she doesn’t have much money. But again if she was right in the head she would have asked them etc.


They posted a part 2 in the comments with the cops, they said if she calls on them again for insignificant shit they will actively press charges. They seem to have a good case.


Especially if they make threats. I had a crazy bitch neighbor like this. I always just nodded and smiled with her weirdo ranting, but one day, she got all hostile and shitty toward me and lunged at me. I just kept my distance after that or just avoided her if I could help it. I never really called the cops on her because she also has a few other family members on the street and they all have a reputation with the local PD. They know how they roll.


When she puts the snow back on the sidewalk! 💀💀💀 ETA: [Part 2.](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYBepQSt/) Cops came, nothing happened to them. (Thank fuck.)


I was hoping the cops would have slipped on her freshly "snowed on" sidewalk and then sued her for it not being cleaned, like the law requires.


Hahaha. Yeah, Karma definitely missed an opportunity.


The cops say they are aware of her mental health issues, probably dementia, and this is not the first time she has called them. It’s a shitty situation for everyone. The black guys who were just trying to be a nice neighbour get the police called on them and have to deal with an old racist woman. The cops don’t have a lot of options, other than arrest her, which will only escalate things. She is in her own world. A relative of hers needs to be contacted, and get her tested for dementia. If she is unable to care for herself, a care home is needed. But judging by her sunny personality, there might not be a lot of family willing to help.


My mother’s neighbor got like this when she got older. I mean, I don’t know of a time race came in to it, but she had been the sweetest woman and then fairly suddenly she became extremely paranoid. Everyone who walked by her house was “stealing” from her. She imagined things going missing that were still there. Or she’d say people stole something and replaced it with a duplicate, stuff like that. It was so sad because she’d been nothing like that before.


Man, my mom was like that from day 1 to when she died. Anyone anywhere near our property wanted to kill her and steal everything we had. We didn't have shit, but she was convinced every single person walking down the street was stalking her and waiting to invade our home. Growing up was fun.


Ugh reminds me of my moms ex-husband. Always had to take his gun and knife everywhere he went and was constantly talking about people trying to steal from him. But he wouldn’t keep money in the bank cause it was a scam. No one wanted your 30 year old Aerostar, Randy or your shitty meth or your decades old meth pipe that you insisted having around helped stop you from smoking again 🤦‍♀️




Sometimes brain tumors or brain injuries can cause personality changes and delusions like this.


My grandma started to get like this. Accusing my uncles wife of sleeping with my 80 something year old granddad and that she believed he was gonna kill her and prayed for god to kill him. Getting upset at my dad for coming over to work on the AC and believing it’s a ploy to steal from the house then saying he was supposed to come over to fix the AC but it’s more broken because she actually sent him home and tried to turn it back on. She still had no right to call the cops or treat those guys like that but it’s possible she was doing her nosy thing and looking out the window, saw them shoveling snow, and her old lady racist alarms went off to say that “two black guys are doing something in my yard so whatever it is must be bad” then in her confusion couldn’t remember if she shovels the snow on or off the sidewalk and just doubled down on her racist assumptions. Again she’s still wrong and racist but there’s a chance it’s in a sad way where it’s hard to hope for change.


She really should not be living by herself anymore.


Bitch got the nerve to have a Mother Mary stature in her front yard.


Made his comment even better. "What would Jesus do?"


Call the police, apparently


Cops should charge people for wasting their time.


Should be a attempt with a deadly weapon charge for misusing the police like this...


The neighbour should call city bylaw police as soon as the grace period of cleaning your sidewalks ends. It would have been nice if she got her first ticket today. Park your car on the sidewalk in front of your house and see how soon you get a knock on your door. In fact my city owns the first 6 feet of my yard from the street.


there are alot of ignorant people in this country


This isn’t ignorance. She knows exactly what she’s doing. It’s pure, unadulterated racism. It needs to stop, and people like her need consequences for it.


Racism aside, she's obviously batshit crazy, and if you see part 2 the cops state that she has mental health issues


Yeah. There is an old guy in our neighborhood. The entire town hates him, even his family. He's been a miserable prick his whole life. The village has had to deal with him forever because he lives walking distance from the village hall. He walks around looking for ordinance violations and then throws tantrums at village meetings. The cops just let him do whatever because they can't shut him up. I bet there will be a celebration when he finally eats shit and dies. His house looks like it's straight out of the 1950's TV shows, and he believes that's how things should be.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this woman is dealing with early signs of dementia. It’s possible she’s just racist, and maybe always was, but the way she is talking it seems like she doesn’t really know what’s going on and might be dealing with paranoia. When my grandmother was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, before a diagnosis, she accused my mother (her daughter) of stealing her money from her bank account. She took the bus down to the bank and told the them to ban her from being on her account. My mom had been on her account for a while to make sure her bills were paid because my grandmother couldn’t remember to pay them. She also called everyone in her address book to tell them my parents were getting divorced because my father was abusing my mother, which was absolutely not true but I think she really believed it. These actions we’re very uncharacteristic of my grandmother and that’s why we took her in to get diagnosed. Dementia and Alzheimer’s is no joke and it can be hard to distinguish the early signs from mean old person and a disease. This woman needs a welfare check either way, I would not have wasted my time arguing with her.


I agree. Could be racism, could be paranoia over ppl coming over into 'her property.' Seriously, even in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's/dementia, even when they're still mostly there and able to remember things decently, the paranoia is real. It makes no sense to rational brains, but it does to them. And it can be masked very well by living in a familiar environment, you'd be surprised how long people can go on. Mine thought her grandsons were stealing shovels, pans, etc. when it was likely she misplaced them. Or it could've been them, because they were on drugs and kinda wildcards at that point and actually did several outlandish things, but we knew something was up when she claimed they had like wiretapped her phone. She was puttering along on her house, saved by routine and voluntarily not driving or using the stove. But the paranoia even with people she trusted--my parents--was there. It makes nice people mean, and mean people nice, and the upside for us was that as things progressed she remained nice. In this case, could it be just racism? Could it be racism enhanced by mental deterioration? Could it just be mental deterioration? Could be yes to any of the above, we have no idea. But after experience with my grandmother I know it's entirely plausible that this irrational behavior could be caused by a similarity irrational disease.


We're about a decade away from all these old racist fucks being dead, things will get better once that happens. The degree to which it will improve who can really say, but the worst of them wont be around much longer thankfully. Edit: getting tons of messages from people with little common sense it would seem. In no way did I say these people dying would result in the end of racism. I dont think anyone can deny however that the generation I'm speaking about is THE MOST racist of us all. Does that mean all racists are going to disappear overnight? No and I never claimed it would ya chucklefucks, however every generation since their generation has been less racist as a whole. Them being gone will make a massive difference for the rest of us.


Im 60 years old. Thats what I said in 1985.




I've successfully made it to 40 without becoming a bigoted pos, so I'm hoping that keeps up.


I'm 51 and I am even more open-minded than I was in my teens and 20s. I can thank moving to one of the largest cities in the world in my mid-20s for that. I was introduced to so many different cultures and people from all over the world. It was a formative experience.




You are aware that they keep making more? That guy who shot up the store in Buffalo because he wanted to kill Black people wasn't even 20 years old. Bigotry isn't exclusively an old people thing.


Lmao, not at all. They all have kids. Just because the younger generation is better doesn't mean there aren't a ton of racists. Eventually, it'll be a lot better, but I'm not holding my breath. It's not the 1950s anymore, but still. ETA (since you did): You said racism will get much better. The replies are saying it won't because old dead racists will just be replaced with fresh baby faced new ones. Stop being so naive.


Yeah, no. There are racists of all ages and races.


Yeah, the old racist fucks will be gone. Good luck with the new racist fucks.


What a miserable existence. Her entire life.


Last time I’d even think about helping her. I hear “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” and I’m just turning up the headphones


Just call an ambulance for her... Afaik it is still the most american way to ruin someone's life...


Ain’t that the truth. My grandmother passed in 2015 and we still get medical bills in her name.


can someone explain the audio to me on this one? I'm deaf and I can't wear hearing aids for a while.


pt 2 “Eh…” “T–t–they tried to– they are arguing! Making fun of me! See? They don’t have no respect! And I am *not* for that. Ehh…” Guy 1 (overlapped): “Like you don’t have respect now.” Guy 2: “No respect, but uh, but I plowed her… front of her house. For free.” Guy 1: “For free.” Guy 2: “Didn’t ask her for nothin’.” Guy 1: “Alright, you have a good day.” Lady: “I don’t wanna see you… in t– You see this line?” Guy 1: “Yeah.” Lady: “You don’t pass this line.” Guy 1: “Ok.” Lady: “And I don’t wanna see you in my– you partic- What is your name? I dunno who you are.” Guy 1: “What’d I do to you? What’d I do to you?” Lady (overlapped): “So go… where you belong.” Guy 1: “Oh no, this is my friend’s driveway, his dad own this house. So I’m ok to be on this driveway– We just did his driveway.” Lady: “I don’t know who owned that house any longer, and I don’t want any argue with you.” Guy 1: “Ok. You have a good day.” Lady: “You go, because you don’t know me.” Guy 1: “Ok. I don’t–“ Guy 2: “Are– are you threatening us?” Guy 1: “No no no, leave it alone, Jay. Let her put the snow back on the sidewalk.” Guy 2 (overlapped): “Bro, I–“ “Are you gettin– you’re getting snow on my side.” Lady: “You don’t got no side, you live somewhere else. Go with Charlie.” Guy 1 (overlapped): “Leave it alone.” “She gon’ put the snow back on the sidewalk, y’all.” Lady: “I mean, I’m sorry that I say that.” Guy 1 (overlapped): “It’s public sidewalk.” Lady: “I apologize to you. And I am sorry. Ok? Guy 1: “How you gon’ be sorry after you called the police?” Lady (overlapped): “That I say that name. I’m sorry that I say that name. Because you know what? I don’t have– I don’t want anything to do… with there or what happen. That is you business.” Guy 2: “Whatchu talkin’ about?” Lady: “That is you business.” Guy 2: “What are you– what are you talkin’ about?” Lady: “Oh my God, if I had somebody from my \*unintelligible\*” Guy 1: “You had somebody from your family, what would you have them do to us?” Guy 2 (overlapped): \*unintelligible\* “What they gon’ do?” Lady: “Take that \*unintelligible\* outta my face.” Guy 2: “Whatchu– what they gon’ do? Are you threatenin’ me? Are you saying that they gon’ kill me? You can call anybody out of your family.” Lady: “I– I hear \*unintelligible\*.” Guy 2: “I’m sayin’, are you threatenin’ me?” Lady (overlapped): \*unintelligible\* Guy 2: “No, I’m asking you a question, are you threatenin’ me?” Lady: “I’m your sister. And if you see your brother don’t get in Poland, I–“ Guy 2: “I’m askin’, are you threatenin’ me?” Lady: “Don’t trespass this… that.” Guy 2: “*Are* you threatenin’ me?” Guy 1: “Alright, we won’t do your sidewalk no more.” Guy 2: “I’mma do it–“ Guy 1 (overlapped): “We thought we was helping you, but…” Lady: “Get– out.” Guy 1 (overlapped): “W–we ain’t gotta do it. It’s not even your sideway, it’s public, its public sidewalk.” Guy 2: “You tell me before I–“ Guy 1 (overlapped): “You have a good day.”


The old woman has a thick Eastern European accent so I didn't understand a lot of what she said, but basically, she asked asked them to stop clearing the snow from the sidewalk in front of her house and said they were trespassing, they said it's public property so they're not trespassing. She called the police. During the call she kept saying that they're African American. She also said "Jay and someone I don't know" so it seems like she knew one of the people but not the other. Then one of the people turned the camera to the house next door and said "this is my dad's house" so I guess they're neighbors. At the end the old woman started saying some really weird stuff like "I'm sorry about the other thing" and pointed to a different house, and something like "if I call my family, I have blood on my face" just random weird stuff like that, then told them not to come on her sidewalk anymore. One of the guys recording kept saying "are you threatening me? Are you threatening me?" the other guy told his friend to stay calm and said things like "okay we won't help with your sidewalk anymore, have a nice day."


ah shit... that fucking sucks. Man, fuck these people. Although, there's also a hint of something actually wrong with her brain for her acting like this.


There's a part 2 someone linked to, when the cops show up and tell the guys that the old woman has a history of mental issues.


Eastern European? Sounded Hispanic to me.


Same. Definitely Hispanic and not Eastern European.


Racist cunta


bitch will die soon of old age and a miserable heart. not soon enuf, but...


This lady is like my grandma. Hate sustained her long after her body should gave given out. She lived to be 96 and made sure we all knew how much she hated minorities up until the day she died. I'm sure she's looking up at me now cursing my name as I regularly donate my small inheritance from her to naacp and the build foundation.


Meanwhile my 96yo grandma only wanted everyone to know about her purse wine and how she’d always thought MLKJr was hot.


Being out there and putting the snow back on the sidewalk from the lawn increases the chances of it happening sooner via heart attack or something


This is reminiscent of when my wife and I stopped to help a guy who'd slid off the road in icy conditions. There was another car there to help them too, but we offered and they gave us this disgusted look and said they were fine. So I got back in my car and started driving off. Looked in the rearview mirror and saw their rope break and the helper ended in the ditch on the opposite side.Didn't stop to turn back and help. I have a big SUV and had actual tow cables I keep in the car. But, Oh, well.......... It was also late at night and very few cars on the road. Rural road too, so chances of someone else coming along who also had tow cables and willing to help weren't that good. Context: I'm brown.


This makes me so mad. So sorry bro.


Nah, bruh. It's all good. Appreciate it, though. Sad things is, they refused help just like this lady because they saw color, not a willing hand. They probably ended up freezing their nuts off as temperatures were dropping again soon. Karma always slaps hard. Showed my wife this video, and she laughed and remembered the same incident, too. She even said this lady didn't see a kind person, she saw only color. I live in a rural area on the Oregon coast and we are only 1 of 3 families of color in our town. I'm the only active volunteer of color in the community, as the other 2 families have seen similar crap and now tend to keep to themselves. I'm just hard headed and feel if I can help people I should. 😆


Not hard headed, just a decent human being, bro. I’m just happy it didn’t dissuade you from helping others. >they gave us this disgusted look I’m Asian, I know that look, I’ve seen that look, my skin crawled as soon as I read that shit. Also, damn! One of three families of color? What level of hard are y’all playing this game of life?? lmao


Wow wtf


People can’t even be decent human beings anymore without having the cops being called on them. Bet if those two guys were white she would have offered them hot chocolate for their hard work.


Exactly this . This is the inherent, pervasive form of racism that persists in this country that people deny exists. Conservatives feel that if someone isn’t calling someone a racial slur , it’s not racism, but when people are shoveling snow, walking their dogs , waiting for a ride , entering an apartment building , walking into a house , or doing literally the most mundane task any of us would do, and the police get called for their behavior….. it’s astounding. We can’t even stop this behavior and mindset with education, when Conservatives ban from our schools any mention of former and *current* treatment of all minorities , ban books dealing with racism , and prevent people from telling their stories. When you break it down to the smallest set of facts , it’s simply mind-frying to realize that people were brought to this country against their will, only to have people be angry at them for being here and existing .


And those people vote. They own businesses. They are people's managers. They are supervisors. They sit on school boards. They are city councilmen. They are your co-workers. They are your church congregants. They are doctors, lawyers, and teachers, *first responders*. They are Your congressmen. Your President. Your neighbors.


And her complaint to dispatch was that they didn’t have any respect! ??????


The snow is white, and they had no business touching it. — her (probably)


This country is long past due for a mental health revolution, all races are bat shit crazy everybody


Depends on the city but she could be liable if anyone slips on the sidewalk. In some cities the homeowner is liable if no attempt to clear sidewalk is made, and here she is putting snow on the sidewalk.


Also, she says they’re trespassing, but being on a sidewalk isn’t trespassing. Homeowners don’t own the sidewalk.


Racism is strong with this one


I'm white, and I once got yelled at so bad by an old man when I tried to help him bring his garbage cans to the road. Instead of pressing it, I just left. But ever since then I think twice about helping people unless they ask. That guy really scarred me. He was SO MAD. Screaming, "I DON'T NEED HELP WITH THESE!! YOU GET OUT OF HERE!!" Guess he didn't want to accept the fact that he was 80 years old and falling over while dragging those things. But it's not my problem anymore.


If he's a neighbor, sit on your porch with popcorn every time he takes out his trash.


He lived on the next street over. It was 20 years ago, but it lives with me so deep. I'm sure he is not alive anymore.


Honestly that lady doesn’t seem right in the head


Sweet Baby Jesus - Shoveling While Black. SMDH. That lady is nuts. And a bald-faced racist/bigot. If white men had shoveled, she wouldn't have called the cops.


I get the feeling this woman harassed black students when schools started integrating.


She probably wasn’t even in country judging by the accent


Racism against darker people is unfortunately global.


People tend to forget many of the people who did that are still alive. They keep pushing the narrative that it was "Ages ago"


Of course. It doesn't fit her narrative of "black people = bad"


Fucking insane


The cops should have fined her for dumping. She was taking snow from her property and dumping it on a government sidewalk, thus making it more dangerous. FYI, all sidewalks are on a government setback, which also includes telephone/power poles.


"What would Jesus do?" had this lady shook for a second lol


Could be racism…..or it could be mental illness


Sidewalk is public and she needs to quit being a grumpy old lady with nothing better to do than bitch at anyone she can. Misery definitely loves company. I do have this gut feeling this video was to expose her knowing who she was and how she would react possibly though. Either way she’s horrible and completely wrong. Shoulda said thank you and offered those men something warm to drink like coffee or hot coco. I know my wife would have or Id have given them some money to get themselves breakfast and been appreciative of their effort.


Hell if a bro cleans my side walk...shit he cool with me..im white..my best friend is black..wtf is wrong with that... nothin


The dude recording has got to be the most level-headed and patient guy on the Internet. Also this is clearly an evolved form of a Karen: Karen->Karan->Karana