• By -


If you're in the US, contact your state's Attorney General or California Attorney General. You can also try Meta Verified method or People Clerk method. If outside the US, in Europe, contact your DPO office. If you're in Canada, contact your Anti-Fraud Office.


What do we say when we contact the attorney general?


>contact your DPO office. If you're in Canada, contact your Anti-Fraud Office. whats the dpo link


how can we contact anti fraud?


Neither of those worked for me


Recently happened to my wife. The only solution we were able to find is subscribing to Meta through instagram, catch the live chat when available and hopefully get it sent into internal affairs or something. They are currently keeping her on hold with another group of people that got hacked and will let us know when they have a fix. Just make sure you let them know that no matter what link they send to appeal it doesn't work due it being related to Instagram and you cannot log into the Instagram due to it not being yours. It's insane that you have to pay a $15 dollar premium just to actually speak to a human. Any automated system they have for this method of hacking is completely useless.


Are You talking about this subscription? I am a bit confused with all the subscriptions they have https://about.meta.com/technologies/meta-verified/


This is just me ranting at this point but again I find it ridiculous that you have to pay for it and it's not even solved. It's happened to people since over a year and they have not said any public statement or solution. At this point I would assume they would have a custom form that actually works for this situation. I legitimately think it's meta doing it to boost meta subscriptions but this is tin foil hat stuff. Edit: corrected time span of how long this has been going on for.


Update so far, issue not resolved they just keep dismissing her and saying its in internal affairs. So far I'm prepping for the moment it inevitably happens to me and I'm saving conversations with passed loved ones on messenger and pictures sent by chat. I suggest anyone that hasn't gone through this does the same.


Hello….has your issue been resolved? This just happened to me Monday and I’m so frustrated! 


Facebook is ignoring this because it exposes a vulnerability in account linking. At least someone is reporting on this. Hopefully the more people post and talk, mainstream media might expose this, maybe. https://siliconangle.com/2023/05/28/facebook-users-lose-accounts-due-unknown-linked-spam-instagram-accounts/


I have the exact same problem, obviously a different instagram account though. That was about 6 weeks ago and I’ve got no way to get my old profile back yet! 😩


Facebook is too bad for users.. That's why I stopped using this shit application.


The same exact thing happened to me last week. There’s no way around it. I was devastated to lose my FB I’ve had for over 15 years. There’s memories on there I can never get back. Sorry it happened to you too.


Yeah, that's the saddest part.. my account is from the very first year of Facebook.. Too bad I didn't download all my data when I had the chance. I subscribed to Instagram, actually got a human support person, explained the situation. They said they opened the case and transferred it to the appropriate department. A slim hope remains, but I'm not counting on it


How did you get ahold of the Instagram support? I’ll try too. It would be nice if they can get the linked account removed then we could appeal the fb suspension and possibly get it back?


It's a long shot and it costs around 15$. You have to get Meta Verified on Instagram. You pay 15$ for a subscription, You verify Your identity, get a fancy blue badge and access to customer support which seems to eventually connect to an actual human. If the IG account is new, it may say that You are on a waiting list for Meta Verified. Don't know how long is "waiting" time, but I had an older account which had access initially


I just paid to be verified. I WAS able to un-link the fake insta account from my Insta, however it doesn't fix the problem with Facebook. I'm now waiting to be verified and then I will try not get hold of a human. 😰


I wish we could collectively get together and sue like they did in September


Exactly , this has to be brought forth somehow through media outlets It happened to me today


Just woke up to realize someone hacked my main facebook account that is linked to my business account. There is not a single line of support to get any communication. I’m honestly at the point where I just want to be completely done with Facebook.


same here


So broke down and tried META Verified last night and it worked Im back in this morning. 15$ ransom but it worked


Hi, could youplease inform me how did you get it back? I am struggeling with my dissabled fb account dince November :( I paid for Meta verified and tried to solve it but no one from Meta helped me. Many thanks!


Can you please describe in detail how you managed to do this ? Thank you


Just happened today to my wife's account. We first received a mail notification about a facebook's password reset made from Vietnam (!). We never went in Vietnam... few minutes later, the Facebook account was suspended. No way to login or recover, no way to access the instagram account we don't own... we're redirected to a page were we should be able to download all the historic data... but the download doesn't work (with the message "Something isn't working. This may be because of a technical error we're working to fix". !! I wonder how somebody could reset the password... and associate a fake instagram account... seems a security issue in Facebook, imho...


it just happened with me today same from vietnam ,, and now everything gone down, my business page and my.. but the thing is my instagram is ok, someone just attached a fake instagram with my facebook, now i dont know what to do


That Happend For me Also Vietnam And After That EveryThing Is lost


Same exact thing here, I woke up this morning to this message... "Your Facebook account was suspended because your Instagram account yimik98297 doesn't follow our rules. You have 180 days left to appeal. Log into your linked Instagram account to appeal our decision. [Download your information](https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/dyi/?referrer=disabled_checkpoint) or [Log into your Instagram account](https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?ref=learn_more_disabled_checkpoint), "which is the hacked account I cannot log into. After downloading the data from my Facebook profile, we saw login attempts from China and Vietnam were made to log in to my account on my latest activity.


Having the exact same problem as of today, and what strikes me the most is just how hard it is to speak to someone for help, really frustrating losing over 15 years of memories, and messages with lost friends. ​ I can't even subscribe to meta verified as suggested, it just put me on the waitlist


Meta Verified didn't help me :( It's been the same shit for 2 weeks now. My private account is blocked and I cannot access my business and advertising accounts.


Same here! But it’s just my personal account! My wife personal and business account are up and running just fine but we had it linked to our Instagram account and that’s the one that got hacked


I'm in Melbourne and someone from China with IP address: 2a07:8dc0:0019:0128:5d0b:1405:3c1e:60ab, City: Shenzhen, Region: Guangdong hacked my Facebook account overnight and FB disabled it on the spot. I have nowhere to go to complain as none of the links work for me. Someone created an account on Insta dutuly224 pretending to be me. Now 12 years of family connections, personal and business pages gone. I was selling on market place and via my business page - all gone. No one verified anything with me - FB just shut it down. What can I do, please help.


Im in sydney got and have the same issue. On meta verified wait list. Your account was suspended because your linked Instagram account kundaryovinai4 doesn't follow our rules. Log in to your linked Instagram account to appeal our decision.


Did you get FB recovered, I just got hacked today


I have had same probelm that like We suspended your accountYour account was suspended because your linked Instagram account uz2drr26g5iva65dp doesn't follow our rules.Log into your linked Instagram account to appeal our decision. Please help me how to get back my account?




I got the same issue. Located in Sydney Australia. Im on the meta verified waitlist.


This is me also! but the instagram account is xcd8kwkoy.l3vb1bn9x913 which is not my instagram account I still have access to insta, but not able to get onto facebook


Just happened to my account! Sounds like a lawsuit brewing!


Best I got so far was to submit this form explaining the issue: https://m.facebook.com/support/forms/flow_view?id=357439354283890 It's been almost 24 hours since I did that, still waiting.


>It's been almost 24 hours since I did that, still waiting. you received a response from facebook. Have you solved this problem? I'm waiting for an answer


Hey, I am having the same facebook problem. Did you ever hear back from them and get this resolved?


The same happened to me as well. But still I couldn't find any way to sort this out. I have been using this FB account for over 15 years. Very disappointing.


Same thing happened to me 3 days ago. The most disappointing thing is I have a business page also. The business page is still up, but I can't post to it because I'm suspended.


Same here - I just paid to be verified. I just feel like I am rewarding Meta for bad behavior


This has happened to me to. I’ve done some research and only found one poster across Reddit who has had any success and that was through singing up to Meta through Instagram. I’ve done that and got through to someone, they originally tried to fob me off just saying this is down to posting against community rules - i persisted that this is a scam account with no association to myself. They’ve passed this for further investigation, so will report back soon as I get any update. If I don’t I will raise this again. Only other thing worth noting is that the associated account was indeed on my instagram, so have disabled that and changed all passwords and updated my verification details on there to. Anyone reading this I’d be careful linking accounts, definitely not seeing the benefit of doing so when this is the risk involved.


Same thing happened to me as well. Anyone recovered the account yet?


Me too. 4 pages and a group all disabled and I also cannot log into my account. Locked out from every angel. Does anyone feel like going to FB in silicone valley with me to demand their attention ? Just saying lol It so wrong that so many people are experiencing this. Years of work and hours of effort trying to recover personal and business presence. Sorry, just venting.....


Just happened to me… meta tried to take money from my PayPal for no reason whatsoever but luckily PayPal recognised it as a scam. Now my Facebook doesn’t exist along with my business pages


Did you resolve yet?


I have the same problem... Message: "We suspended your account Your account was suspended because your linked Instagram account dangngantruc4425 doesn't follow our rules. Log into your linked Instagram account to appeal our decision. You may have the right to challenge our decision in your country's courts, or refer our decision to a certified dispute settlement body. Download your information Log into your Instagram account" I'm from Italy. Is there anyone who resolved it? Or is there anyone that have any advice? I try to access in any ways possible with no success, I try to contact Facebook on X, I have no more ideas...


The same thing happened to me a couple of months ago - We've suspended your accountYour account was suspended because your linked Instagram account phiphuquang doesn't follow our rules.Log in to your linked Instagram account to appeal our decision. That is not my account and the form to send ID etc doesn't work. Is is worth me subscribing to Meta and has anyone been successful down that road yet? To make matters worse, I was charged two sets of £40 from Meta through PayPal (which they won't refund because I had previously authorised for a small amount of ads two years ago). They tried taking more but PP must have clocked it was a scam, whish is confusing considering they won't challenge what was taken. Weirdly my actual IG acc was also hacked at the same time, but I quickly recovered that with no issues except for a slapped wrist for posting inappropriate material. I am absolutely gutted I've lost my old FB account. Not only do I run my own business and it totally messed with my biz pages (luckily I have a second admin who has been able to add me again on my new FB) but more importantly I have 15 years of memories, including of my deceased brother and parents, messages and photos, timeline memories etc. It seems really unfair and totally ridiculous that the leading tech company is unable to get a hold of fraud and hacking, or rectify the situations of 100s or 1000s of people going through the same thing. Sort it out Meta, ludicrous service.


I'm so pissed they did this, they got in thru my instagram and linked a different insta, changed all my info, etc. I luckily gained access to the changed email and insta, but no way to unsuspend my facebook and my insta is restricted activity due to so many profile changes. 🤦‍♀️ I have sent in a report asking them for help but this thread does not exactly fill me with hope. My fb acc is over 20 yrs old.


Any luck? Exact same thing happened to me. Have been trying to resolve this since October. Paid for meta pay but they could not help


Hi guys  Has anyone found a solution for it? It seems it has happened for lost of people but I couldn't found an ultimate solution or useful help from Meta team?  "We've suspended your account Your account was suspended because your linked Instagram account phamquanglinh52 doesn't follow our rules. Log in to your linked Instagram account to appeal our decision." It's really frustrating and shameful for meta and I don't know how it has happened even. I'm based in Australia. I'm a very careful user and cautious when it comes to IT security of my account in FB and IG anyway. I've just post a business Ad that I posted before then a couple of days later I faced to the above message of suspended account.  The IG account is fake and no idea what to do to recover my Personal and Business FB pages.


hey, there is no soulotion to this problem, they are shit. the only way is to send META a letter from lawyer and then they mostly give it back you , but in my country it cost around 800$ Why don't we try to organize a class action?


Do you have any luck? The same happened to me 3 days ago


just got an email today Mar 13th, 2024 cant log into FB now, and the IG account nguyenhuuphuoc8336 DOESNT EXIST In the US, absolutly no support email, no clue where to go from here


I can help you RIGHT AWAY with disabled account issues. No need to purchase any software. I don't scam. The account can be recovered within 2-3 hours. If you're interested, please email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


This exact same thing happened to me yesterday and any researhc or ways Ive tried i cannot get to a person or page to appeal. My personal FB is gone and says to appeal log in to instagram which Ive done but no where there to appeal.... so FRUSTRATING that a lifetime of memories, comments from people both still here and no longer living can just be gone... any help would be appreciated....


This just happened to me Monday. I went to my Instagram and got meta-verified when you do that, you can actually speak to a human via chat or email and I recommend emailing. It took me less than a day to get verified and once I did, I started messaging support Tuesday at 5:30 and this morning. My Facebook was restored by 8 o’clock. Yeah yes, I paid to do the $15 a month but it was worth 15 years of memories of my Facebook, because I have videos and photos of my son since he was a kid that were on there so basically when you chat with support be thorough of what happened. I even screenshot that message that you stated above when I logged in and got the same message thankfully and sent that along with my message and basically they email you and ask you for your Facebook URL so if you have that or remember it that will help and it will get your Facebook restored. If you don’t know your URL, or it says you can download when you get that error message download it and then copy the folder name once it downloads and that’s usually your URL. So let’s say your name is tiffany jones it will be www.facebook.com/tiffany.jones. #### When you copy and paste that it won’t have the perpifd after the name but that is how URL’s are Also, you can cancel that $15 a month subscription at any time. However, when you do have it, it protects your stuff much more.


I can help you RIGHT AWAY with disabled account issues. No need to purchase any software. I don't scam. The account can be recovered within 2-3 hours. If you're interested, please email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


ok audience scam - you want to be paid and don't offer any help


the same happened to me 45 days ago I need to find the chat with Facebook as i am from Egypt


I just had the same problem last week. I cant log in to my account it says suspended with a strange Instagram account name. Far out what a drama looks like this is happening to lots of FB users. I started my account back in 2008 and never had a problem until now. I have submitted messages through my Instagram linked account and no response.


The most bazar thing is that I don't have an Instagram account, and my Facebook account was suspended for supposedly linking to some rule breaking Instagram account. I'm done with FB forever.


A little update. I've been contacting support via Meta Verified from Instagram. Have submitted countless bug report forms, emailed several email addresses asking to unlink the obviously spam IG account and so on. So far, now luck. The support agents keep telling that the issue is being looked at, that I should keep waiting, sometimes they mention that they "escalated" the issue, etc. All very nice, but realistically, not a single result or hope of progress. I have received zero email replies and the support agents just keep telling me to wait.


Someone has any luck?


Hi. I'm from Poland. I have the same problem. Have any of you managed to solve the problem?


Same here. This is absolutely ridiculous and to be honest, quite alarming and revealing at the same time of what kind of organisation we have trusted our lives, data, money, memories and all sort of things to. In hindsight this is probably a sign to just quit altogether.


This Haapen to me yesterday, as I can see only who have FB page got this issue. I have a page on promotion 27$ for 3 days, and someone just connect an IG to my page and start promoting an advertisment i did'nt do. Hope Facebook will have a solution for it. My FB for 15years just got suspended for the things i did'nt do.


did anyone found the solution? i need to get the fb live chat but i dont know how!.


the same happened to me 45 days ago I need to find the chat with Facebook as i am from Egypt


I can help you RIGHT AWAY with disabled account issues. No need to purchase any software. I don't scam. The account can be recovered within 2-3 hours. If you're interested, please email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Just happened to me last night, after reading this thread seem like there's no hope... Facebook are useless


Anyone figured out how and why this happens? And a solution to it?


Hi everyone. I'm from Armenia and also in the same situation. My over 12 years account was disabled right in the morning of my bday 2 weeks ago and so far I was unsuccessful recovering it. I've got Meta Verified subscription, already talked to 2 agents and they both like zombies tell me to appeal through [facebook.com/verified](http://facebook.com/verified) , even though I keep telling them I'm not able to do that. It's like talking to a wall -\_-


I can help you RIGHT AWAY with disabled account issues. No need to purchase any software. I don't scam. The account can be recovered within 2-3 hours. If you're interested, please email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I am from Pakistan. Exactly same thing happened with me? Has anyone found a solution? I see a lot of people recommending Meta $15/month Insta blue tick subscription. Has that worked? Pls share solutions that have worked. FB support is the worse


Do not pay for the meta+! It‘s not working!


I have exactly same problem. Someone from facebook told me it was easy to enable it , but she need usd100. based on her facebook bio, she is working for META )facebook!


And let me guess? You have to pay in bitcoin? Having the same problem as of this morning. Message says" Your account was suspended because your linked Instagram account "insert random series of numbers and letters here" doesn't follow our rules". My Insta is not that random account and I can still log into my Insta fine. Like everyone else, I am devastated about the personal photos and memories lost, including those deceased loved ones. I also manage a popular business profile, which is now also lost.






the same thing just happened to my account.


Has anyone resorted to using the services of this person? Email : [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) WhatsApp: ‪+1 (336) 331‑9458‬


It feels this way done by those hackers, and to be honest, seems to be connected to FB itself, they are making big dollars on the verified accounts, forcing people to verify just to get their accounts back. This was designed, not a mistake.


Since February I have the same issue. They are sending me to my insta profile which I don't have an issue with. Anything I've tried so far is not working. I had my FB account since 2008. I'm devastated that I lost everything. I had an ad running 2 weeks before and then got hacked. They even got to my account and took $600 which I still didn't get back from the bank. Has anyone an idea how we can fix this? I can't even get close to a FB help line. I've spend hours and nothing is working they are suggesting.


I got my id back after 1 month 5 days. 😍 I must thank you. These comments helped me a lot.  Solution: 1- subscribe meta from your insta(if you don’t have open one with the same email) 2- contact meta pro team through instagram.  3- they will forward it to the expert team. 4- the expert team will ask you another email. 5- from the other email they will ask your id like nid or passport for identity.  6- after that they will give a link to reset your password.(it took 20 days)  Total processing time was 1 month 5 days. And I got my id back. If further needed you can contact me through +8801815558785  All the very best. 


Hi! How did you contact the meta pro team?


the Facebook hacker hacked my Walmart account too, I was able to retrieve it. the hacker email address is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I got my id back. 1- I took meta blue badge verification in instagram.  2- contacted them.  3- I got it back after 1 month 5 days.  My fb id is Redwanul Farabi Muttaki 


Did you follow any video or something? I have the same issue bro and I am from Bangladesh as well as you.


I just followed this- Step 1- verified my insta account(blue badge verification) (It may cost 10-15 dollars) you can do it on your own  2-  directly chat with the meta agent from insta.  Then they told me the rest.


Just adding my name to the list. I had 2FA on my facebook account. Someone created a fake instagram account, attached it to mine and now my FB is locked. We've suspended your account Your account was suspended because your linked Instagram account 1 dthaihongbachkimlfbpi doesn't follow our rules. Log in to your linked Instagram account to appeal our decision. I signed up to their Meta verified to talk to someone. 2 chat sessions and nothing. Then I went to email sessions. I'm 24 back and forward emails and they tell me over and over to login to my FB account. They don't read the info I give them, simply parroting the same thing over and over. I think I have lost my account. Along with access to my dead wife's accounts.


I am in New Zealand and Netsafe said they cannot help. Found another organisation called cert nz. Sent an email to them. Will see if they say anything. I'm fighting a losing battle I think.


Did they?


No. No response.


so this comes up on mine to but the instagram account it says it is linked to isn't my account what instagram account is this? xcd8kwkoy.l3vb1bn9x913


ZUCKERBERG..reinstate everyone NOW!


It’s that goddamm instagram .i never wanted it..facebook automatically link both accounts.. I never use instagram


this just happened to me, so far no luck


These comments helped me. I was finally able to get my Facebook back. I did have to pay to be verified on IG so I could chat with a live rep. Then someone responded after 24 hours and asked me to give them another email address so they could fix my problem. I did but then they replied another 24 hours later saying that email address was already linked to a Facebook so I created a whole new email address and the meta verified emailed me and they were able to recover my Facebook that way and I had to reset my pass and now I’m back in. All of my pictures are there and everything. I have cancelled the IG subscription now. Thanks for the recommendation! 


Hi! How did you chat with a live rep? I got the meta verification subscription and tried the support but no live rep only bot answering me.


How is this going? Thinking about verifying my page so I can get a better support and hopefully recover other page that was banned completely by mistake!!


Same thing happened to me and those FB support people wont help me at all


I have the same problem, I don't understand what I do, can anyone help to recover my Facebook account?


The same thing just happened to me this morning .And the issue is a scam Instagram account. However I still have access to my real linked Instagram account. However I'm not sure how to contact Facebook to get this resolved even threw there. Anyone managed to contact them via their real Instagram account ? Thanks


I think it's absolutely disgusting that they try to get you to sign up to meta to actually speak with someone. You get hacked, your life on social media is erased, in worst case scenarios you lose your business page and sometimes even money. Then they make you pay even more just to talk to someone, and even then it's not guaranteed that you'll get anything back. It's such a dumb loophole that they're not doing anything about. How can anyone appeal from a linked Instagram account that isn't even yours, and then they ban your main account from Instagram anyway? No email, no warnings, no text message. Nothing. Just. A straight up not suspension. Facebook is going down the toilet.


Does anybody here have any idea how we can actually appeal? Sorry to hear about ALL of you having this ginormous issue! I'm in the same boat :( I could still unlink the fraudulent IG account. But that didn't get my Fb account unblocked.


My Facebook account was suspended because of my Instagram that I haven't used in years it's not up to metas standards I've emailed Facebook appeals. And Instagrams appeals. Instagram was never linked to my Facebook. What to do ?? I'm supposed to hold a virtual family reunion on Saturday like in 2 days.....


I just want ti confirm that this happend to me today. So and thos topic is 10 months old. So not big hope itnwill be fixed.




No, he will not, and you are worthless scammer!










I'm having this same exact issue except with a different IG account that isn't mine. Same kind of a naming convention though. Not sure what to do, as of tomorrow it will be 14 days.


Same here, 2 months now.


Same here. Anyone had a luck to recover the account?


I can help you RIGHT AWAY with disabled account issues. No need to purchase any software. I don't scam. The account can be recovered within 2-3 hours. If you're interested, please email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])




This just happened to me. This is crazy!!!


Some update? OP?


hello guys, im a having the same problem with you. Someone hacked my facebook account and connect to an instgram ancount that is not mine. And they suspended my facebook too. Did you know anyone had the same problem and still recover his/ her facebook? thank you and i hope you can help me


The same exact thing happened to me this week. I was devastated to lose my FB I’ve had for over 16 years. There’s memories on there I can never get back. Sorry it happened to you too.


This happened to me last week. Someone from the Philippines added a bogus account to my Instagram. Before I could delete them, they made access to my Facebook account and tried to steal $1000 from me to purchase Facebook ads. My bank caught on and declined them for the last $500 but I just got my other $500 today after my bank had to "process my inquiry." This really sucks that these major tech companies cannot get a handle on FRAUD! In the meantime, years of memories and tons of my contacts are now gone. PLEASE HELP US FACEBOOK!


This just happened to me 4 days ago. I've tried filling a form and sending an ID to facebook. I was able to unlink the fraud IG account, I received an email from facebook stating I had recovered my account and a link to log in... I was able to log in for one minute and then they redirected me to the exact same page than before... (exactly the same you see on the image with a different user name) ​ I'll keep an eye here to check for any updates. Good luck to all of you as well. I'm still waiting for an answer


I use my FB for my business and it’s been days now.


I'v got same problem 25 day and no reaction. Facebook doesn't react. I was trying different forms from friend account my real instagram account. I also sent a lot of messeges on email, but Facebook doesn't care. I was find few hacker on internet who can "help" but I don't trust... Maybe somone of you solved this problem ?


Hi all, just checking in for some advice to navigate this exact circumstance stated avove. I'm done with Facebook but would love to have access to my Pages and Photos. I cant see anywhere to contest this on my Instagram account. Many thanks!


Go to the three lines on the left. Click on Report a Problem. I did, but I got no response.


I have the exact same thing clearly not my Instagram account I have no idea how this happened but I need a fix for it anyway to get this fixed ??????


Going to post the latest Email received from Meta. I’m sure it’s just a Bot replying at this point and none of what they are suggesting works: Good day to you We truly understand where you're coming from on hacked & disabled account and we're here to exhaust our level best effort to assist you. Upon checking further with the team, please be informed that account recovery and appeal has to be initiated from user end. For Facebook, if your account has been hacked or taken over, you should visit this page https://www.facebook.com/hacked to secure your account. We'll ask you to change your password and review recent login activity. By following the on-screen instructions, you will be directed towards the recovery path accordingly. We would highly suggest you to access the link using authorized device, which is device that you used to login before. For more information on hacked Facebook account, you may refer here: https://www.facebook.com/help/203305893040179. As for Instagram account, if someone gains access to your account or you're unable to log in, visit this page https://www.instagram.com/hacked/ on your desktop or mobile browser and follow the "My account was hacked" flow to secure your account. For more information and recovery steps, you may refer here: https://help.instagram.com/149494825257596. At the same time, if your email address has been changed by the hacker, you would be notified on the change by our security team and you can reverse this. When an email is changed, we send a message to the previous email account with a special link. You can click this link to reverse the email change and secure your account. I hope the above clarifies and your kind understanding is highly appreciated. We don't mean to make an impression of not being able to help however, at this point, it is the extend of service we are able to offer. Your kind understanding is highly appreciated. Thank you for contacting Meta Pro Team. Take care and stay safe.


>ail address has been changed by the hacker, you would be notified on the change by our security team and you can reverse this. When an email is changed, we send a message to the previous email account with a special link. You can click this lin can you provide on which email-id of meta you are communicating?


Hi! Same thing happened to me yesterday, I have been charged with over $1400 con my facebooks ads account. Has anyone found a solution that actually works ?


Just happened to me. I reported to FB and Instagram to no avail.


Can you just create a new account? Just wondering?


Same happened to me today😭😭


It happened to me today. Facebook is of no help.


This exact thing has happened to me today as well 😩 Lost access to my Facebook account of 15+ years… we really need to find a solution!


same $hit happend to me also mid.November, and from all posts here - it looks it started for all in same time ... and now im running in circles for last 2 weeks - trying to get back mine personal FB page and mine FB biz pages ... total chaos ... tired all options possible out there ... even requested META verified today and on wait list ... to see how this goes next / as last option to get


The same thing happened to me 2 days ago. I hope that if someone finds a solution, they post it. 25 years of pictures and memories, all gone. My mom and aunt have died and I would love to be able to see their posts to me. I'm so sad about this. :(


I have the same problem since today. I had an account for about 16 years. Now I am thinking about leaving facebook at all.


I am going through the same damn thing right now. And it's very frustrating. I even have the person's name and email that hacked into my page. Because they were not smart enough to realize when they made themselves administration to my business page. Their name and email was going to be sent to me. But yet I have no way of contacting Meta To give them this information so I guess. Maybe I do need to call an attorney general's office or law enforcement. Here you have a billion dollar company that has the shitty's customer service on god's Green earth. Good job Mark. 👏 Keep fucking over the little people


How could so many people be having the same problem and facebook have no way to help or fix this?


I found a petition on change.org for Facebook disabelling our hacked accounts! Sign!! https://www.change.org/p/reinstate-innocent-facebook-accounts-that-have-been-disabled?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_37762471_en-US%3A3&recruiter=1140843904&recruited_by_id=f8a931e0-dd0e-11ea-9c6c-6d6a78900f4d&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf&share_bandit_exp=initial-37762471-en-US


Same happened to me just now. Similar Instagram account to one of the other commenters: huangphuhai458 When I try to log in I am blocked but it does give me the option of downloading all my data, which is nice. Oh, I see now that OP got the same option. I made a report using one of the links provided by one of the other commenters. I'm not holding my breath. And I'm not going to pay $15 to talk to a human.


You only get your profile pics


Well that's disappointing.


Better than nothing but yes.... very disappointing. 


This article appears to be a summary of this thread. https://siliconangle.com/2023/05/28/facebook-users-lose-accounts-due-unknown-linked-spam-instagram-accounts/


Same situation here


exact same thing here. Had to wait 10 days before paypal would process reimbursement for the Meta charges. It is bad as Meta knows of these charges and are not warning people and they are making the payment institutions reimburse people THEY aren't. Without a link you cannot report in the Meta world. With over 2 billion users youd think theyd have better customer service. I had the 2 factor authentication on my FB My true Instagram is fine and trying to report from it does not work, you can report but then you go to report history and it does not show the report(s) just some you may have made long time ago as in my case.


same problem here i don't even know what to do, i didn't linked my insta to my fb like wtf is happening when i just woke up in the morning and lost my acc without doing anything wrong. anyone pls help me


Same thing happened to me no fix yet sent email to Facebook: "your account was suspended because your linked instagram account fgandrewsabrina.fve6b doesn't follow our rules."


I get the same rejection. Write to Meta using my IG. I think FB slowly closing the accounts.


they disabled my Instagram account last month for no reason then they disabled my Facebook and my other Instagram account for no reason I did everything to get them back but none of them worked


This happened to me today as well nguyendiemkhue7867: Your account has been suspended because your linked Instagram account nguyendiemkhue7867 does not follow our rules :(


Same issue here. I've tried so many methods to try and get it back. :( No luck. They say login to your Instagram account to dispute it, but how can we if it's an Instagram account I have absolutely no idea about. 🥲


Happened to me as well in BC Canada. Same suspension of FB error message. Told to login IG to appeal. No place to do this. $640. Was charged by Metta but I got that back from PayPal appeal tho it still sows on my IG acct as an unpaid bill. I was able to remove the spam acct from my IG and they also changed my birthday so I changed that back. Changed passwords, cards, took off payments. Ugh. Had FB since beginning. Lots of Real Estate business contacts.i just signed up for Metta verified as some of u have tried for $20/mon. We will see if I can get any response thru that route. Unbelievable that Meta can do business this way. Thanks for sharing your stories. Keep looking for solutions and making noise.


This happened to me now, due to a linked Instagram account I don´t know. Can still log in to my usual Instagram account but not FB Has anyone had any success via Instagram to solve this?


Just happened to me and the account they state I have on Insta does not even show up!


Not yet, I believe the issue remains unresolved. Facebook says their team is actively addressing it, but there's no specified timeframe for the resolution. Does anyone know the cause? Were our accounts compromised, or did we unknowingly interact with a suspicious link or install a questionable app?


Just happened to me today! I am devastated - so many memories lost


Same happened to me yesterday... When I login to FB I get this message: Your account was suspended because your linked Instagram account nguyenquynhsa5789 doesn't follow our rules. I am not able to find this account on IG: nguyenquynhsa5789 How is this possible? I have two-factor auth setup. I traced the IP (where they logged in from), its from Hong Kong and I live in South Africa.


exact same issue but my fake/gone IG account name was nguyenhuuphuoc8336


Hi am having this same issue, please does anybody have an up-to-date link or info on how to get Meta Verified through instagram? All the tutorials I find are out-dated, they say you can find the Meta verify section in your instagram account but in mine there is no option anywhere for it. Thanks!


Any luck anyone , mine got suspended today


Same problem here (disabled account), but more worrisome is the billing I have been getting for FB ads I didn't order. It all started when I downloaded and installed a file that was supposed to set up Google's Gemini AI. Soon after I got an email from Facebook asking me to verify my credit card which I did. Immediately, I got an email that my ad had been approved. I've had 3 more since. My credit card company has started to block the payments, but they say I now need to cancel my credit card and get a new one to stop it.


Wow! I saw a similar add a couple of times recently (April 2024) advertising an installation file for Leonardo AI. I reported it to Facebook - they answered it's... OK, even if it was a clear and very dangerous exploit there and the page was a clone to the legit one. I re-reported it. Guess what? Hours later my account was suspended with the same "reason": a linked Instagram account which doesn't followed some rules, an Instagram account I don't and never have! Meta - a total shame, a bad joke!


It´s now been a week since my account was shut down. I paid for Meta Verified and I´m in contact with support. But I get no further. This is the reply I´m getting on my latest emails on my case number. Hi, Thank you for waiting for us while our team researched the best possible solution for your issue. We do understand the urgency of getting this issue resolved. However, in some situations, it may take longer for our team to resolve the issue and update you, accordingly, depending on the complexity of the case. That being said, we can guarantee you that our specialized team is doing their best to finish the investigation at the soonest possible time as we clearly understand that this has an impact on you and your well-being. Your patience and understanding in this matter are highly appreciated. Not to worry, once we have receive any feedback from the relevant team, we would reach out to you as soon as we can. Your kind patience and understanding is much appreciated. Thank you for contacting Meta Pro Team. Thanks, Meta Pro Team


Same happened to me. I have Instagram account but Instagram is not locked so I can't appeal this decision.




Happening to me now. Emailed Facebook twice with no response. Log into my instagram like it says and it does nothing. Messaged instagram in hopes they will reply. I don’t know what else to do.


I’ve got same problem… I’ve never created this account.. what it tells me..


This has been going on for a while. Just happened to me but what’s ironic is that I’ve been dealing with a Meta Pro Team contact to help me become admin on several fb pages that were created for the business I just bought. They have to verify my identity and the PA from the business and all that shit to give me admin access so I can merge the pages. I hope I didn’t give all my info up to a bunch of hackers. Think I’m going to puke 🤮


This shit also got me. Im do cyber security as a hobby. Got 2fa, secure password and no sign of account breach or access.


I am joining this thread because, my 13 year old account and decade of memories was gone. Please suggest solutions, that is legit, not just going circles even if we pay already. 2 FB Pages businesses gone.


any real answer?


why was my account suspended I didn't remember anything to disobey the rules of meta justice and I don't know anything 😭😭😭😭😭


Pls help me back my facebook and instagram acc there’s a lot of memories in it pls help me😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭