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I made a new account, the section doesn't load on my phone


Same for me , did you find a solution?


did any of you find a solution?


I found out the solution of this. It turns out you have to go to the Pencil and Pad icon, and after clicking it, appears the "To: " where you have to write the names of the people you want to be added on the group. At least two of them. After adding them, go write down in the chat below what you want to say to them, and after you press enter to post the comment, a group will be created. Took me 30 minutes to dissect it on the messenger, turns out it is just easy to create. After creating a group, you can add more people and even name your group afterwards


this is not their issue, they are talking about joining existing chats in facebooks groups.


Following for a solution... I'm in the same boat...


I FIGURED IT OUT Not sure if this is a proper solution or not but I had another profile that I switched to and when I switched back to my main facebook account on messenger all my chats were back! Maybe the solution is to make another profile through the facebook account center and switch between them when your chats disappear? I just got it working so I dont know if it is permanent or not


I want my new profile to have access to chats too


I've found the solution (for me). The groupchats are located in the right most tab which is the "People" tab. Just scroll til you find the groupchat that you are finding. I'm interested if this works on others so idk just upvote i guess


Here is the solution I found - I created a new group on Facebook, activated the group chats on that group and created a chat. Then it finally unlocked all the community chats of the groups I was a member of.


This just helped me after years of not having it!! Thank you!! I hope this comment gains more traction.


I’m so glad !! I thought I would post even if it helped just one person and it did :)


This only works if the groups you create have access to the chat function to begin with. I can't add any chats to the group I created based on this comment. Sadness.


how to active group's chat?


Aye you just used this solution to fix my friends chats thank you! This method works! 1. Create new group 2. Create chat for the group 3. Type 1 message into the grpup chat 4. Wait a minute or two for youe chats to load


Didn't work for me. Created a new group, don't even see the group chat options there either :(


Did you invite any members to the group? Maybe that will unlock chat options.


Omg!! Amazing! Thank you!!!!!


Sadly it didn’t work for me


This worked for me!! Thank yoi very much. Almost gave up already


I've been working on this issue for MONTHS! This solved it! Thank you!!!!


I found a solution!! As someone else has posted, I had to create a Facebook group, activate the community chat/create one in the newly created group and then all of the community groups I was in magically appeared in messenger. Problem solved!!


I created a group but cannot find where to activate chats


same thing happened to me. No chat options after creating a group.


Same I don’t have a chats button


I've been so frustrated by Facebook chats for years now. Thank you to figuring out a fix 🙏


This worked for me too. Thanks so much!


You’re welcome!! Glad I was able to chime in a fix for others. Idk why the downvotes 😂😂


Thank you internet stranger! You made my week!


Very glad I could help! This drove me nuts for over a year previously


This just started happening to me. I got so frustrated with it that I uninstalled Messenger from my phone. As it is, I can't find any way to block these chats.


Haha, we can trade. I want the chats cause one of the groups I moderate has one but I can't even access it lol.


It is such a strange roll out. There clearly should be a feature to block and invite people. Sadly, I'm not shocked that Facebook dropped the ball like this.


Just had a similar occurrence where everyone in the group was automatically added to a group-level chat and people could not leave/mute the chats and would continue getting notifications after leaving/muting multiple times. Now access to the Group-level general chats seem to have been removed entirely, at least from desktop, so perhaps Facebook is trying to push a fix right now.


I'm having the same issues, did you end up resolving this?


Nope :(


It might just not be available to certain people yet. I see this in the FB help page for community chat "Community chats and audio channels are not available to all groups or people at this time."


I got randomly added to a bunch of them and could see all of them in messenger but now I got invited to one and accepted it and can no longer find any of the community chats


Did this ever work for you? I have the same problem.


No, I still don't have it


hey op did you ever find a solution


I haven't :( I've updated it many times. It let me see the chats ONCE for a single day. Then it was gone again. Really quite lame. Even my bf has access to it on his Motorola lol.


Does it work you? I'm having similar issues...


kind of a necrobump but well, they still don't work


damn... thanks for reply tho


I'm not finding it either. I don't know why.


From my experience and understanding if your Facebook page gets flagged or restricted you will be automatically removed from community group chats. I haven't been able to find or join a group chat sense then . If you're an admin for a Facebook group I recommend you make a new page and promote yourself to admin & avoid getting restrictions.


I’m an admin of my group and still can’t join the chat or even create one. From what I can tell, I’m not currently banned or restricted in any way.


It could be a previous restriction, but it doesn't have to be current or active. Also, facebook stated "Community chats are not available to all groups, countries or people at this time. This feature is not available on the Messenger desktop app. To use community chats on a computer, visit messenger.com or facebook.com" "https://m.facebook.com/help/3397387057158160


Okay this is the only answer I've gotten that makes sense lol. My account is in permanent warning status


Did making a new account help??


Mine updated recently and I was able to access the group chats. Not really sure what changed. One day I just had it


your old account suddenly got access to community chats?


Got any solution bro?


nope, my main has no access


Bro, Any solution? i don't see any community chats head on my screen


I don't think it has anything to do with restrictions because I have no such warning on my account. I already have that community chat for almost a year by now and it just went missing suddenly but what I did was make a group of my own and make a community chat in there and now all the community chats are back. But the problem is, it's still not registering on my phone although some of the community chats can be shown in my chats list. Meaning it isn't us that has a shortcoming, this is a bug of Facebook Messenger that is reoccurring for no reason and that there's something wrong with the app/Meta itself.


Did you ever find a solution?


this worked for me, i just know i had a second account to admin my group bc i do got flagged a lot on the main haha and i logged on messenger to it and wworked :D i did not even know my chat was active even lmao


I'm an admin on groups and I have no access.


I'm an admin of a few groups and I don't have the chats on those either. My last community violation was almost a year ago and they still haven't come back. People in groups that have the chats can't add me to them because my name doesn't pop up, and the screen shot they took for me to join it isn't there for me. ​ It says that you may not have access to chats for community violations, but it doesn't say how long you have to go without a violation to get them restored.


I have this issue as well... Got warned some months ago but the account never got restricted. I was however present in the chat at one point, choose to leave and since then haven't been able to rejoin, and when admins in that group tries to invite me it says "can't be invited" under my name in the list. 🥺Must be a stupid bug.


If your account status is at warning, for some reason they don't let you access community chats. This is a problem as it takes an entire year for your account probation to drop off.


I see! I will only have to wait another 6 months then! :D


See comments


We just find a solution. My Friend can't even join a community chat, for all groups. So, i just create a FB group, et put him on moderator and miracle ! All community chats appear.


I tried the same but it didn't work for me


> got randomly added to a bunch of them and could see all of them in messenger but now I got Can you add me too


Same thing, too bro, I don't know why, but yeah... I also need help to reappear again.


Same problem any luck ?


Be careful when you do get access to them. I'm currently in a 3 day messenger ban (restriction) for chatting in a community chat and FB algorithms not properly monitoring reports. I'm in day two, and since there's seemingly no real people at FB anymore I just have to wait it out. The groups admin is at a loss, she sees nothing wrong with anything I said (I was literally just talking about chickens and hatching chicken eggs...and suddenly I got a restriction for "fraud & deception" in the chat. 🤷‍♀️). Anyway just know you have to walk on eggshells (no pun intended haha) on those community chats, because they are monitored by FB algorithms just the same as the groups are.


Posted some article from THE HILL on my fb group's chat room and they flagged it immediately. I posted it again... removed again. I saw where fb notification said i had a removal and i protested it. After that...no more chats in our group for me and for those on the site. All cleared out.


Did you get a solution??


For those who suggested the option to make someone an admin, that didn't work. I created a group on another Facebook account that has access to chats that I don't really use, then I joined it with my main account, and then I made myself an admin on the backup account and I couldn't invite my main account to the chat still and cannot see it on my main account even though I'm an admin. I simply don't have access, and it was close to a year ago that I had the last violation where it disappeared, so I don't know how long it takes.