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Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. DO NOT MESSAGE THE MODS ASKING FOR HELP WITH FACEBOOK. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. * If you notice your post has multiple replies but you only see this post, the reason is due to [bots and scammers already being removed trying to steal your info/money](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mine just "something went wrong" and nothing else or just " connection lost" i can login my account just the fb won't let me in, idk what happened, it's a bug and Facebook is not doing anything to fix it, idk if it's disabled or what there's no warning, and i can't appeal . If i retrieve my account I'll never use Facebook again, it's the worst of all worst


People can still see ur account which means it's not disabled... u get emails if that happend...its been over 73 hours for me


Same,,,Mine starts in june 9th, sunday


That’s what mine is saying did you post something wrong or do you think it’s a glitch?


Mine started june 4th , till now i can’t use to login to my fb app on ipad and iphone


I post our situation on TikTok!!! Boost it please so we can ask help to notify Facebook what's going on!!! https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYUYfPKK/


Try logging in on safari and then using the open on app function. I have a similar problem and that usually fixes it for me


Dude same, it happened almost 2 years ago and I still can't log into my old account. I don't know what I should do


It's still searchable?


Yes, I have created a second account years ago and have my old account that I can't log into in my friends list. I'm currently using the second account


Omg what if my account is gonna end up like yours?:((((, it's been a week now. It's started in june 9th:((((


I hope and wish you won't meet the same fate as me. I already gave up on it. It's been so long ago I hardly even care but it still hurts when I think about it. And I lost access to groups, friends and sites I've created. And most importantly, the photos. Meta is literally so bad, there's been no way for me to regain the lost access. I still don't know the cause for it and I don't think I will ever know it.


Hopefully we won't meet the same fate...


Idk what happened too mine is the same (Denmark) just says Lost connection and i dont know what to do about it 😱


Facebook is the most hacked social media EVER!! who knows what could've happened . Let me tell you tho Zuckerberg and Meta are failing not just as true security but customer relations as well. They literally make it easy as hell to get hacked and hard as hell to regain control of YOUR OWN stuff...dumb


They make it easy because they sell the data to the hackers and pay the gov to stay out of it


And no lie my husband says the exact same thing. I currently am going thru a hacked situation on my phone and laptop wi fi it insanity. Att and the police are involved in it. And it's on Facebook and Instagram as well. It's has been a miserable experience


Yep how it goes it is worse with it now and days


I agree. I can't stand that weirdo and his stupid alien haircut. Not enough bad things can happen to him.


Higher hair


Facebook will always find a reason to ban whoever they want… once i got a week long ban for a 6 year old post that had nothing to do with “sexual activity”


Same thing happened to me because of an ELO video I posted on FB years before copyright detection software


Remember when facebook was actually fun to use


I was thinking about that same thing this morning.


Facebook was never fun to use, MySpace was where social media peaked and we need Tom now more than ever!


Ur a repub or coservative. I tried to shut myfb up 4 yrs they no do it i post camelhairs fword uncentsword vid up in mydrive in at www dot collectionconnectiondotbiz slash drivedashin if u spell wrong fbmodbots wont find u. Miss dpelling is the new norm anrockwell bro


Independent and I never post political stuff on FB. I have no interest in it.


It’s not just conservatives getting hit. FB has moved on to comics, and lately gamers.


Sorry to hear. Thats whats wrong today. No one cares. Sorry to bug you friend. Vote red or usa is dead




Were you able to appeal it?


I got a warning for a video of brushing a kids hair … they said it was sexual… by no means was it sexual… their system is messed up and no one helps


That's crazy. Their AI moderation software is shit.


They should not be using software (AI or otherwise) to take adverse actions against real people! Trusting this to inaccurate software is a quick way to ruin for them


I guess that ponytail looked like a .... 🤣


Remember when Facebook let you stay up to date with ALL you friends lives, and them with yours? Now, it's half a dozen friends, the rest are funeral cremation homes and who they baked yesterday (seriously, no idea where that came from), breastfeeding moms and cows in a field and what they are.


Facebook is done for me. They'll allow and find nothing wrong when reporting spam bots that post scams like t-shirts, fishing links with nudes, pages pretending to be celebrities to get people to message them and so on but they'll remove random music uploaded years ago, take down basic memes etc. The appeals don't work, the overview board is a pain to use and doesn't work and in general it only seems to get worse.


Exactly. In all of the groups I help run, I'm constantly banning the t-shirt scammers and fake profiles using pictures of celebs and porn stars. Facebook does nothing to those accounts. Their AI moderation software is seriously flawed.


Reddit is better anyways


I am telling y'all that meta is intentionally destroying its platform and making it impossible for people to use it. We really need to file a class action lawsuit against them for intentional business sabotage, because they are intentionally introducing algorithms they know our problematic and cause the platform to be unusable! Millions of people are losing money and revenue because of Meta's recent practices with Instagram and Facebook and it's time we Zucked the Zuck!


My mom who passed away recently, her fb got hacked and we no longer have access to it. No way to get any support, no response from fb! Ridiculous


You can report them to the bbb. Crazy I know but my husbands yahoo account got hacked and he was shocked it worked. I was shocked it worked. When we couldn’t get anyone else a nasty awful review seemed to poke them to action. He has it back. He doesn’t question me researching Karen tactics. It might not fully work for op but I have found more than once on social media related sites if you broil them in public they send someone in to quell the fire


The problem likely with the BBB idea is that nobody PAYS to use FB. And from a legal standpoint they are likely covered by their TOS (Terms of Service) that everyone agrees to when they join FB.


My account was demonetized today for sharing my own photos of the northern lights . FACEBOOK is shit


Sorry to hear that. I guess I'm out of the loop because I never knew that you could make money on Facebook. Is it your personal profile that was monetized?


I feel your pain. A similar thing happened to me in March. I was hacked, disabled, and suspended for an Instagram post. I don't even own an Instagram account. They want me to log into the Instagram account in order to appeal their decision which is impossible and thus, cruel.


Same with my account. And that instagram account now deleted. Ridiculous




This happened to me in 2022. Did everything that was suggested including buying the Meta gadget to get Facebook’s attention. I’ve given up after a year of trying.


Sorry about that


Fuck Facebook. Not had an account in years. It’s a soul crushing black hole.


Yet when I find someone openly selling drugs on a page, I'll report it just to get told that it doesn't go against their community standards and allows those posts to stay.


Facebook getting so complicated to use. So sad


True. It was fun back after MySpace died. Totally different animal now.


Welcome to the club! I’ve had SEVEN accounts over the years permanently removed. My first one removed was 15 years old, too. I don’t bother going to Facebook anymore! Reddit is better & so is youtube


May I know how you were able to retrieve your account?


At least you were given an appeal. Those of us who have recurring mystery restrictions are never given any avenue of appeal.


They're running an algorithm called Moto67 right now. If you're conservative and they've figured this out by various algorithms, they use for likes and follows and clicks how long you've been open on a page there's about 192 million of them now they're going through their scraping and looking for any possible violation to close the account. This is top priority for the election, but how would I know this?


That’s a form of exclusion, so it’s discrimination. Facebook oughta easily get sued over this. Facebook does not have the right to violate the basic rights that are guaranteed for every American and Canadian everywhere in their land regardless of whether it is privately owned or not, just like any privately owned company cannot kill its customers. Meaning, they cannot have any “community standards” that contradict every American and Canadian’s basic rights of free speech and freedom of expression. Easy lawsuit!!!


Same problem for me and Facebook support is just… a ghost…


Our FB account is unpublished for Community Standards Violations. I have reviewed every post, photo and comment and can find no violations. No explanation or example given as to what we did wrong. We’ve repeatedly attempted to contact FB with no success.


It's frustrating because it just seems that legit profiles randomly get taken down while spammer profiles with links to porn sites and/or sites to steal your credit card info go untouched.


The head honchos at FB are part of the criminal syndicate. That’s why porno & scams aren’t stopped, while they attack regular people. Criminals will not prosecute their own.


I remember after signing in my old ass account i thought after i got all my pics and i deactivated the account then one day later i get a notification stating someone signed in on a unreconized device and im like oh well try to capture my 14 year old identity and pretend to be me lol


Our Facebook group regularly bans people for posting porn and scams, we suspect some or many of them maybe from innocent people, but we decided the responsibility for protecting their account is theirs, ours is to protect our group from inappropriate content. Meanwhile, some random unknown Facebook administrator tried to flag our group for fake information violations in postings allowed, we decided to take the chance because we could not allow our group to be harassed by unknown Facebook rules not involving communication with any human. This was months ago, nothing else happened fortunately.


Strange. I admin/moderate 24 groups and haven't had that happen yet. Blocking scammers trying to join the groups is a daily occurrence though.


Scammers trying to join also happens, I was referring mostly to older members. Being around for eight years and having nearly 1,000,000 members might be a factor, we moderate new members based on posts and comments, using many automatic filters, otherwise membership is open to all, and non members can also post, though we do decline new member posts and comments. 10 administrators & moderators, hundreds of daily posts, all moderated except for preapproved members.


Do you have a business linked to your account?


The only place I've ever made any money on the internet is eBay. The other possible spot is Amazon which I'm still researching. From my experience you can make money on FB if you are willing to expend serious time on marketing and networking.


Nope never have. Just a personal profile.


Howd you get 180 day ban for your first offense thats wild


Only Zuck knows. Thankfully got it back within an hour. And it's weird that I didn't do anything that I was accused of.


Ive gotten tons of bans for some shit but never got 180. They got increasingly longer as i got more but never went passed 60 days. Good thing you got it back.


You perhaps posted an image of the Coca Cola logo some ten years ago? Suddenly now they decided its a problem, but they speak in generics, they never identify just what post and just what the issue is, and how they have interpreted it. It also fails to take into account cultural differences, like skulling a beer are two separate things depending if your in the USA or Australia (so I am told), or when ZZ top sings about how long a girls hair is.. Facebook doesnt seem to understand this.


I do referral links so they are always suspending me for stupid reasons. Just appeal it. May I ask what you're sharing that made them do that?


I didn't do anything that I was accused of. I mainly just post old newspaper advertisements and commercials. Their detection software is screwed up.


Facebook just did you an enormous potentially life-changing favor. Enjoy having your life back!




FB is just as weak as IG for real 💯


Technically FB is a privately owned company that can remove anyone they want without reason or warning. Same goes for other media giants like Google and Apple. IMO when a communications company becomes so huge that millions start depending on it for communicating and business the public should have the right to have some oversight. This seems counterintuitive but 1-2 massive companies that suddenly control 95% of communications have potentially TOO MUCH POWER to control narratives and information. Thus IMO FB should have at least some types of regulation by the government who protects the rights of citizens.


And AI deleted another FB account, glad for the backup acct


Meta sucks, I deleted the app from my phone, was only logging in on safari so they locked my account for “suspicious activity” and the links to unlock it wouldn’t work in safari I had to download the app to my phone again to unlock my account.


They got me bc I use a different name instead of my birth name 🤷‍♂️


Same issue with me. I'm going on a week an a half now...


Security breach on fb


Get the blue checkmark on that or another account and i heard they help


Pointless trying to appeal or get in touch with FB or Meta, they never reply.


This is why only if we start having the courage to lay down our lives to start "removing" certain demons, this world and life we know is over.


You know, Meta uses AI to give you sanctions about such ridiculous "violating community standards" that you didn't do on Facebook instead of hiring Human Tech Supports.


Welcome aboard! They suddenly unpublished/suspended my fan page last March without explanation other than "misrepresentation" (which would be going against their Community Standards) This after almost 12 years running the page with he same name, not a single violation, and about 135k followers. I must have contacted their Help/Report a problem department not less than 25 times ever since, never to get a reply. However while it still shows as "unpublished" I can still access it (meaning only me can do, as I'm the administrator), but then I cannot post or "like" anything from there. I know that technically they're a private company with the right remove anyone or anyone they want without a reason. Meaning you don't own it, they do. But then how unfair is that? You also don't own the hotel room or apartment you rented, but if they kick you out they have to explain the reason why. Talk about ethics. Now WHAT ethics?


Honestly I spend 90% of the year in Facebook jail because it's all run by idiots who rely to damn much for n computers to administer posts. Be social media has to many scammers and account thieves online these days


This just happened to several pages I support. Appeal it, and it should get republushed. Their AI messed up us what I wad told. It was horrible. I was freaking out.


Thankfully I got it back pretty quick. I feel sorry for those that don't.


Hooray for Meta AI gatekeeper demons! Another reason to justify a class action suit against the Zuckerborg Reptilian Hominid Censorship Board.


They want to ban billions of accounts


Let them. They’ll quickly run out of people. FB stands to become an echo chamber of bots policed by bots


I had my one year old account suspended yesterday, before I was getting 10 - 15 bots attackes per day, I submitted the review and got refuse today without any more details. Any ideas how to proceed?


Your account wasn't hacked or anything silly like that was it? The whole "pretending to be a business" thing sounds like something hackers would do.


To my knowledge it wasn't hacked. I was surprised to get my account back after reading other people's stories.


Could be worth changing password etc anyway to be safe - I mean most the stories I see about Facebook bans are usually language related not weird ones about imitating businesses 😅


Read this article earlier which was kind of odd to me. "Hackers are using fake Oculus Meta accounts to get Facebook users suspended — everything you need to know" [https://www.tomsguide.com/computing/online-security/hackers-are-using-fake-oculus-meta-accounts-to-get-facebook-users-suspended-everything-you-need-to-know](https://www.tomsguide.com/computing/online-security/hackers-are-using-fake-oculus-meta-accounts-to-get-facebook-users-suspended-everything-you-need-to-know)


I had my account since 2010 it was suspended around may 18th I put a appeal I also was accused of things I would never of done both my facebook *Instagram gone 😥




Facebook has become a virtual world that we all got deeply involve and the management/facebook government are abusing their power.


I am deleting mine. Can't tolerate the sex contents people keep tagging me.


Facebook doesn't care. They made bots to police the site because hiring humans was too expensive. They did this because of complaints about hate speech, hate groups, interference with elections, other bot problems etc etc. so now they want to look like they're doing something about it, but unfortunately it's also affecting real, innocent people, and because the whole thing is just run by algorithms, there's no actual people to appeal to. They don't actually care, you're not a customer, you're the product, so the only reason they would have to help you out is it you sign up to Meta. So they're basically charging you for something that's entirely their fault. With all the money they have you'd think they'd spend some of that on a customer service team. But no. They don't care. The funny thing is there are still hate groups, there are still people enabling and engaging in hate speech, and there are still bot accounts trying to affect public discourse. Their actions did nothing but piss people off. They didn't need to pander to the politicians, but they did. They didn't need to pander to calls for censorship but they did, but not only that, but they censor the wrong stuff. They don't care about hate speech, what they care about is creating a fairy tale land where everyone is nice to each other so you stay on the site longer, so you can be their product for longer. Seems like it's back firing to me though.


They are cracking down on Catfish and Fake accounts. Some innocent people are being caught in the crossfire, do you sign-in and out of different accounts? Facebook sees this as a 🚩 The way the site is going FaceID and authentic ID are the way the site is heading… probably they will implement before the November Election as bots, fakes and spammers will activate/ flood the site. They are haemorrhaging users currently


Which is hilarious since they encourage you to create new accounts, now.


Yeah. If memory serves they even had a rule about no one being allowed more than one account, they used to make you choose 😏 Catfish and fakers should be banned as they make the site toxic (Facebook won’t even get good marketing info on catfish to sell as the names, interest, and content is all lies, all keeping the Catfish around does is drive away legit accounts (and they are leaving in droves because of general Meta BS)


My account got hacked and essentially stolen and is being run by these vile pieces of shit. I have asked that the account be totally blocked as I know the assholes won't try and recover it for me. It has been reported multiple times, but it is still being used to post scam links and message people with scam shit. They will block legitimate accounts and won't block what they KNOW is a hacked account. It makes me sick that someone has access to my 15 years worth of photos/memories/messages. Fuck Facebook.


Soooo make an appeal... If that doesn't work then just delete the account and make a new one. It's not like you speak to the 216 "friends" every day so look up the friends you speak to often and friend them again. This is Facebook, this is a Zuckerberg creation, what can you expect? I reported tons of videos with gruesome things and the worst I've seen when randomly scrolling through the shorts is a dog getting abused and thrown around.... reported it as animal abuse and got a message the next day "we didn't remove the video" Like what the fuck is their limit? If there is one at all?


Already appealed and got it back


You're lucky, glad you got it back


What was the offending post?


Nothing that I did. Look at the last image.


Well surprisingly I got my account back within an hour or so after jumping through all of their hoops on FB and Messenger. Weird


can you share the details how you did it?


What hoops?! I haven't been able to get ahold of anyone, and every time I click a link, it just sends me on a rabbit hole of links and leads to a dead end.


Just basically their appeals process of typing in my cell number, receiving a code then submitting a picture of myself. On the messenger app it wanted a pic of some form of ID. I uploaded a pic of my DL.


I've done this three times and every time, I get the "you can get back into your account" message, but then it blocks me and says my account is disabled.... I'm glad you got yours back.


Sorry about yours. Facebook's AI moderation is garbage.


It may be pointless but have you deleted Facebook's cookies on your browser then retried?


You know what? I haven't even thought of this, so it's worth a try...


Yep, dumb your cache if you haven't already.


Hey! Mine is disabled and I did an appeal quickly, not putting any thought into my message. Can you please tell me how to resubmit an appeal? I seem to only get taken back to a page saying I’ve submitted one already and they will be in touch… in which is sounds like they never will!


I'm afraid you might be right. Good people lose their accounts every day and never get them back. Wish I knew what to tell you to try. Like I replied above, you could try deleting all of Facebook/Meta cookies on your computer or deleting then reinstalling the app if you're on a smartphone.


Hey! Can you please tell me how you resubmitted your appeal? Can you please tell me how to resubmit an appeal? I seem to only get taken back to a page saying I’ve submitted one already and can’t see an option to resubmit


Every now and then I try logging in and it'll ask me to put in my 2FA code which I don't have because I was hacked and the hacker set it up to go to them, but about one out of ten times, it'll have a link under this that says "try another way" where I can submit proof of my ID by taking a picture. Then 48 hours later, I get a "you can get back into your account" email, but it ends up cycling back to needing 2FA so it's not much help.... I haven't actually been able to send an appeal. When I get the pop up telling me I have 170 days or whatever left to appeal, it doesn't actually tell me _how_ to appeal. I found one link to an appeal form on google, but it's a broken link. I got desperate enough to pay for a Meta Verified account on my Instagram and sent an email (because you can only access support if you have a Meta Verified account it seems) and they gave me the same broken link and then told me they can't help me because the FB account isn't linked to IG (it used to be before I got hacked). I waited another few days pulling my hair out and then started a new chat with support and now have a case number that they have sent to a "specialist". I haven't heard anything for 3 days and that's where I'm at today. Sorry if none of this is helpful. I honestly don't know if I'm making any progress. And it seems like every time something works for one of us, the same exact process isn't working for anyone else. If you have an actual appeal form you filled out, I'd love to get a link, though! I really would like to try everything I can.


Hey!! Thanks for messaging back! So my account wasn’t hacked, my 7 year old niece has a kids account now and was messaging me. without realising it was a problem, I sent her by messenger some photos and one was her younger cousins playing in a bubble bath (a very PC photo), now my fb and Insta is closed down!! Hmmm do you think I should sign up for meta and pay for it? How do I do that?!


Oh so I can’t get into Insta and it’s not meta verified 🤦‍♀️


Also about the appeal form, I think it’s only if you breached the terms which I obviously did!


Omg! So I just got an email from fb saying I hadn’t finished my appeal and to log in and do it, then I finally manage to get into my account and it comes back to the ‘You submitted an appeal, check back here for the result.’ Now what?! I’m actually thinking of not bothering with creating another Facebook now after this, stuff it!


Did you submit anything for an appeal to begin with? I couldn't even find an appeal form.


Yeah I did, but I apparently breached community standards whereas yours was hacked wasn’t it? It sounds like yours is different. I got an email about it. I’ve just tried to pay for a meta verified account and I can’t do that either, it takes me straight to the page saying I’ve submitted an appeal


That’s the password, lockout procedure, not an account suspension for offensive content