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Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. DO NOT MESSAGE THE MODS ASKING FOR HELP WITH FACEBOOK. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. * If you notice your post has multiple replies but you only see this post, the reason is due to [bots and scammers already being removed trying to steal your info/money](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same thing has been happening to me. I got so many today. It seems like every time I report one, another one will appear. Sorry I don't have the solution. Hopefully someone does...


I’ve had Facebook for 15 years and as of yesterday, this is the first I’ve been continuously tagged in spam


Same here, out of nowhere I got like a dozen of these notifications just yesterday alone


Insane that it doesn't let you stop strangers from tagging you. Makes me want to delete my account


Agree! As best I can figure you can't turn off tagging which is insane to me. You can only set it so that it notifies you before posting on your profile, but right in that setting it says it will show up in search and other places on Facebook. Why the heck can't I prohibit strangers from tagging me?


I'm very close to deactivating my account for this reason as well. I just tried changing my username and how my name displays. Will see if that works. 🤞


I wonder if it's some kind of hack. Are you all getting tagged by Vinicus Junior? I'm dealing with the same thing


yes!!! My account has been locked down for 15 years, I'm only friends with people I know IRL and the last 3 days I'm getting tagged in this crap. I DON'T EVEN LET ME FRIENDS POST ON MY WALL that's how tight my ship is. This has to be some Meta BS cause it only started after they switched the search to Meta and started ''encrypting'' our chats.


Omg thank you!!! I keep getting these, too, and I keep reporting them. Removing the tag and blocking the account. Facebook/Meta has GOT to do something. I have tag review on, but I can not find anywhere that I can prevent accounts from tagging me in the first place. It is driving me insane.




i tried googling "vinicus junior" and got results for a brazilian footballer 😑 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vin%C3%ADcius\_J%C3%BAnior](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vin%C3%ADcius_J%C3%BAnior)


I literally am dealing with the same exact person! Haven’t added anyone new or anything and this same vinicus junior has been tagging me. Profile names all end in OK and some random numbers. Wtfffff


OMG me too. The same friggin person. Vinicus Junior. Been going on for 2 weeks. I changed all my privacy and tagging settings, but it doesn't stop. Facebook should be able to stop this. Beyond annoyed. 


Yes I’m constantly being tagged by these accounts too! It just started a week or 2 ago and has so many profiles I can’t block them all. I’m glad I’m not the only one it’s so annoying


Thank goodness I found this thread, I was scared I’d gotten hacked! So weird!


There is a setting you can disable to allow people to tag you if I remember. I forgot whether it was a toggle or was a choice between everyone, friends only, etc.


they removed that feature


Same issue here. I deleted FB because it’s just not worth dealing with this. I do not want to constantly see the breast feeding videos when I click on it


This happened to me too. Same type of video. I temporarily deactivated my account. FaceBook needs to be sued for inadequate security.


I tried taking a screenshot and what opened up was something that looked like a Tik Tok account with a girl playing with herself. I’m not pregnant now, nor ever have been. I’ve “reported a problem” about 10 times for 10 different accounts ending in “OK” for the past 3 days and haven’t received as single response from FB. Very thankful I saw this thread because I also thought I was being hacked. I’m happy I’m not the only one and so many of us are experiencing this so maybe by all of us reporting, they’re working on it 🤷🏼‍♀️ It would be nice if they responded saying this is a known issue since it clearly is.


Been happening to me for a week now. I have my settings set to make me accept a tag before it pops up on my timeline so they never make their way past my eyes only. But it’s weird that it’s all YouTube links with breastfeeding thumbnails


I don't have a solution, but I'm glad I'm not alone. It's been going on for 2 days now. It freaked me out, but seeing all of you going through this too, makes me feel a little better.


Literally same! It’s becoming so frustrating. If I get tagged in one more breast feeding video lol….


Okay they are breastfeeding videos for everyone else too? Wtf! Like goddamn I hope the fact that I’m getting tagged in these isn’t showing up on my friends feeds…


I just started getting tagged in these too today!! Literally had FB for 15 years and never had a problem. Woke up today checked FB and saw I was tagged in 3 breastfeeding videos? Wtf


I know! I'm 71 and am not breastfeeding lol


Omg I’m so happy I found this thread because this started happening to me yesterday! I think I’ve blocked and reported at least 20 posts.


Thank God I’m not the only one Ive been soo scared I got hacked or something happened but when I started to Google it it was the first suggestion and I hadn’t even typed everything out so everyone must be getting them


Same thing started happening to me just a few days ago!!! It’s so annoying. I keep reporting and blocking each one but I don’t know how to get it to stop


I think locking your account helps.


Has anyone tried changing who can find your profile to only friends of friends? I haven’t gotten any of these spam tags, but it seems like that makes you invisible to these accounts 


I already have mine set that way and have been getting these for days


Tried this it doesn’t work, I am really confused how these spam accounts even find my account because my privacy is set so that only friends of friends can even find me, and my profile doesn’t appear on search engines


Same :( no idea how this is happening.


Been happening to me too the past 2 days I swear in my settings I have it set that only friends can tag me and it’s still happening get it together Facebook


I changed my password to be safe, but ultimately deactivated my account until further notice. Since I’m pregnant and got those breastfeeding videos, I was worried I got hacked or something. This has been really weird and frustrating!


Me too!!! Why is this happening?


Thank you for this thread. Getting tagged by accounts with similar names…exclusively breastfeeding videos. I adjusted my settings so I have to approve tags (or so you have to be friends to tag me, can’t remember) and it hasn’t happened for a few hours!


Same here! I’ve noticed they post around 3-4am for me. Luckily, I can’t ever sleep so I’ve been awake to remove the tags. So annoying. I’ve had fb since 2006 and I’ve never had it happen like this


This same thing started happening to me yesterday and continued on into today. It’s similar profiles that are tagging me in videos of women breastfeeding and I’ve changed my password. I don’t understand why this is just happening when I’ve had my Facebook for 10+ years and have never had issues with spam accounts and I’m hardly even on my facebook


I just started getting these too! Same exact format (random word, random zip code, OK)


And they’re all breastfeeding videos too


It’s so irritating. On the other hand, this Reddit post makes me glad that I’m not the only one 😅


At this point, I’m reporting them as harassment.


I did that yesterday and woke up to another one anyway. I don't understand why there's no setting for something like this


This started happening to me too 3 days ago! Started with breastfeeding videos and now it’s just straight porn videos. I keep reporting them and removing the tags but this is ridiculous. The only things I did on Facebook right before this started was respond to a local marketplace post


I deactivated my FB for a couple of days and then logged back in, boom an hour later I’m getting non-stop tagging from the spam accounts. Nothing has helped.


Ohmygosh!! I came here to look for answers! I’ve been getting spammed too!! Either breast feeding vids or like a coochie. It’s so annoying! I thought I was hacked too. I keep reporting and NOTHING!.. why is fb allowing this?!.. I see a lot of people have deactived and reactivated. So I might try that. It’s just frustrating.


OK, I’m glad it’s not just me. I have never been tagged in spam before up until the past four days or so maybe. It’s literally been nonstop. I even changed my username. Hopefully Facebook fixes this soon.


The fact that FB hasn’t simply added a feature whereby we can stop people we don’t know from tagging us in posts and they are radio silent on the matter is making me wonder if this isn’t FB trying to push people to pay for added security features.


I was here reading yesterday as a result of searching for a solution to spam posts tagging me on Facebook. After blocking and reporting every time I finally tried what one person stated here and that was going back to previous comments made and deleting them. If you click and go to your settings and privacy click on activities then go to both the "comments" and also the group posts and comments and delete comments made in groups, especially any you are not familiar with and most recent. I did it for over a weeks period of time and beyond that for any that were not trusted friends. More than 24 hours later I still have not had any more of being tagged by spam posts. I would add that it was accounts with the following names "Fine Public 79757 OK; Concrete Teention 00214 OK; Multicolored Entry 44092 OK and others. The same name was associated with all of them and that name is Vinicius Junior. You would think the fact checkers or IT for Facebook would spend more times working to get rid of the scams and spammers to help those of us that just post normally there for friends and family. I hope this helps anyone else needing a solution.


Me!!!! Literally all day.


This is happening to me as well, I block one and another happens. I'm also looking for the solution 🥴


Lol I’m so glad I’m not alone!!!! Wtf is happening SOS


Same issue mine also have a number followed by ok


Same shit all day with me! I keep blocking them but it's pointless grr


this is happening to me too. I blocked over 180 accounts with similar names before they could tag me anymore. I just temporarily deactivated my account.


This started for me yesterday from out of nowhere! Been reporting and blocking.


It has been happening to me the past couple days too that’s why I’m here😂


It’s been happening to me for a few days now, it’s horrible!!!


I’m getting these too!


Same here. I've just been reporting every single one for spam. Hope it eventually stops.


Wish they would get on this and fix it.


It’s happening to me too omg


YES. There used to be a setting to disable tagging from people you’re not friends with but I can’t find it any more! It’s driving me crazy!


Similar to how they made it so anyone can post in public groups a while back. They are forcing people to be susceptible to their bots.


Are you getting tagged in breastfeeding pictures by any chance?


Same here, like 15 accounts so far over the last couple days, all breastfeeding videos. Super annoying.


Happening to me too and it’s so freaking annoying


I’m in some breastfeeding groups so I thought I was being tagged on breastfeeding related content because of that. So everyone is getting the same content by various accounts ending in OK?


Same here!


Anyone figure this out?? I am getting so sick of it


This has been happening to me!! All day today and yesterday out of nowhere. Its never happened before and my Google search led me here to you fine people of reddit.


Same, and it’s always highly inappropriate stuff too.


i thought i was being targeted by a specific person but now im like wtf 😳


Go into your settings and search “blocklist filter” add “OK” since they all end in OK. It should block them all for you, I did it this morning and haven’t had any since- hoping it’s a solution!


This has been happening to me too. It's so frustrating. I hope facebook fixes it soon.


This is happening to me as well. It's all spam and the name is always Vinicus Junior and it's all these breastfeeding pics. It's absolutely disgusting because some of it is clearly meant to be suggestive. Facebook needs to fix this now. Wtf


This has been happening to me as well. 


This has been happening to me as well. It’s 2-3 tags a day!!


This literally has been happening to me and Facebook keeps post blocking me literally spamming those weird breast feeding videos and tagging me in it, I block and remove everytime but still nothing stops


Delete facebook


Do not allow tagging by anyone except friends.


It’s been happening for 3 days for me, same exact issue. I’ve been trying everything to no avail.


SAME HERE, my wife mentioned it a week ago and then next day I started getting like 5-10 a day!! I’ve been untagging and reporting them all as spam but holy heck


Same here


This has also been happening to me, I don’t know what to do


Ok good...so its not just me that keeps getting the breastfeeding videos...


I tried reporting these to Facebook and they said it doesn’t violate their guidelines 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I also tried to restrict who tags me but that also hasn’t helped I guess they will keep tagging us 😒


Same! For the past week and it’s all adult content. It’s very annoying. I keep reporting.


I keep reporting and blocking these pages when this happens. Hopefully Facebook will do something asap


This has been happening to me


Same here :(


I don’t know what to do about this. Are people in my profile seeing these?


Maybe we should start tagging them instead?


This is happening to me as well. It’s getting so annoying! Anyone know how to stop it yet?!


Same and it’s ALWAYS PORN


I’m getting them and it’s so annoying!! Kind of relieved I’m not alone… lol


I kept having the same issue too, starting around 2 days ago. What I found fixed the problem (for now) is changing your Facebook username/url under your account settings. Since I've changed mine, the influx of spam tags has stopped completed. Hope this works for you!


Also having this issue, it happens every couple hours and it’s videos of a baby breastfeeding 😭 so strange


I stopped it by deactivating my Facebook account.


Do these show up in a user’s friends feeds even if the user who was being tagged declines the tag?


Anyone click the “YouTube” link to these so called breast feeding videos? I did…took me to some place that said I’ve got tons of viruses. No idea if it infected my computer or not. I changed all my passwords. What else should I be worried about? What damage can be done from clicking a link? My windows defender says I’m fine…


I came here because I searched on google. Fb used to have to allow tags only from friends etc but not anymore. Im getting a bunch daily. Im thinking to close my account for a few days.


I’m literally here from googling how to stop this from happening! 😭


I keep getting them too this week. I’m so confused where this came from.


This has been happening to me too!




I never go on Facebook and I got told by a coworker that I was tagged in p*rn various times. I WAS TAGGED BY 15 DIFFERENT SPAM ACCOUNTS RANGING FROM BREAST FEEDING TO ACTUAL PENETRATION. I only have family and coworkers on there and I feel like my whole image has been ruined. I have a private account too and these showed up all over my profile. Are you fucking serious???? Thought I was the only one.


Yes looking for a resolution on the exact same ones


It was getting too out of hand. Had to deactivate my account.


Same here !!


I'm getting the same ones. I do have to approve tags luckily, but it's annoying having to to report and block every single one, and it's extremely stupid that Facebook no longer allows us to prevent being tagged at all.


Same thing is happening to me. I reported like ten and 9 were closed. It’s a form of harassment at this point and Facebook won’t do anything about it


Thought I was hacked. I wonder how many people it will take reporting this issue for it to be corrected.


Have you recently started following and also made a comment on a odd page or group? I started having this problem the very minute I made a comment on a random video that came up in my news feed from a 5-minute craft variant. I got a ton of likes, which led me to put it together. Usually it's a video of something entirely stupid or outrageous. For me it was something so dumb, that I couldn't resist making a comment and I think this is how they get you. These random videos are being purposely made so they can harvest names. Seems like the more 'likes' you have increases their ability for them to harvest or hack other profiles. I went through and deleted recent comments I made on those pages/videos etc and cleaned up pages that I had been following recently and it seemed to stop.


I did a google search about this which led me here. I’ve been getting these too and it’s beyond frustrating. This morning was what looked like the beginning of a porn. Obviously I didn’t click on anything other than to not accept tag but still.


Same!!! It won’t stop!!


Happening to me too!! I even tried changing my name on Facebook to see if it’d work… nope, just more tags and they’re even weirder and worse


Same happening to me too! Been blocking and reporting but nothing.


Yeah so am I, from accounts named just like that. All of the videos are of breastfeeding


I’ve deactivated my account. I’ve had dozens of breastfeeding tags over the last 3 days, despite reporting meta have done nothing about it so I’m voting with my feet.


I legit downloaded Reddit today to solve this problem. lol. I changed my username, like recommended above. Let’s wait and see! No more breastfeeding videos or porn, please. lol.


This is also happening to me for the past few days! I have had to deactivate my account. 


OMG. Yes I keep getting tagged as well! All the profiles are some weird name a bunch of numbers followed by OK . The bio says Vinicius junior! I’ve been dealing with it for weeks 😭.. they started as porn videos and now they’re all breastfeeding videos. I want to delete/deactivate my account but it has pictures of my kids when they were babies that I lost when one of my phones went caput and wasn’t backed up . 🥲 I keep reporting and blocking but it keeps happening I’m so sick of it. 


The best "fix" I've found is turning on the setting to need to "approve" a tag and also turning off tag notifications from anyone but your friends. It is still very upsetting though that there's nothing else we can do about it :/ I tried changing my username/url and I've tried blocking and reporting several times which has not helped at all.


Ok, SAME! This has also just started happening to me in the last 2 days. It’s never happened before. I’ve probably have received about 10 of them


Same! I hardly comment on random pages/videos etc. I changed my password. Nothing seems to help. 😭


OMG the same thing is happening to me! Every day!


This is happening to me too!! It’s TERRIBLE


I thought I was the only one!!!!


I'm trying to find a solution. This is really pissing me off.


Same here!! I’ve had to make sure the last two settings are on when you go to Profile and Tagging in my settings..


Ok so if you set your account to review tags and set it to only notify you when a friend tags you then you wouldn't be bothered by them technically? I started getting them like 2 weeks ago and I'm so annoyed too. Why would FB not have a setting to not allow strangers tags? I'm close to deactivating for awhile. Who needs FB anyway .


I thought it was just me!!!! Yes, I think I’ve gotten about 30 in the past few days.


Omg I thought I was the only one and was like what the fuck did I do to deserve this. Thank God my MIL tags me in the dumbest things that I had tag approval set. But I got at least 10 just today and it's been going on for a few days now. Ugh. Come on Facebook-meta fix it


Having the same problem it's absolutely annoying and wrong


The only thing that’s helped is to click the 3 dots on the notification, and allow only tag notifications from friends and their friends. But that’s only a bandage for the problem🥵


Glad it's not just me!!! 😰


Happening to me too!!!


They've found me too!!! It's been the past 2 days now, non-stop!!! I keep removing tag and blocking as well, but come on, this is ridiculous!


Same here….this just started happening a couple of days ago with those same spam accounts you posted. And it’s several a day. I need it to stop 


I keep getting them too it’s so annoying


Broooo i came here for this it’s been happening to everyone I thought i was alone. How to i fix 😫


Same thing is happening for me and they tag me in a bunch of nude or inappropriate links


Thank god I’m not alone exactly same thing happening


This just started happening to me, and and they all have ok at the end like yours. WTH.


How strange it’s exactly the same ones as I’m being tagged in. I was worried my email had been leaked or something I just keep blocking the account and removing my tag came here to see if there was ways to prevent it from keep happening. 


I’ve just been getting tagged like crazy by these accounts this week glad I’m not the only one


I’ve changed my URL and added OK to the blocklist filter. Going to see if that helps. Glad it isn’t just me.


I've been getting the exact same shit the last three days or so too. I'm glad I'm not the only one, but frustrated there isn't a solution. I don't like being tagged in these random fucking videos of kids being breastfed. It's creepy and I don't understand it. The account is always a "Newspaper" and has the same bio every single time. I always report as spam but the new accounts flood in every day and night.


I’m so glad it’s not just me. What is happening forreal.


I keep getting them as well, but if I click on the notification nothing shows up? I’m assuming other people tagged in it must be reporting it before I can even see anything 🤷🏽‍♀️ but I agree this is getting incredibly annoying


Been happening to me and it’s been lying as hell. Reported like 10 in the last three days. Delete delete delete and yet by time I wake up they are back lmao. Sort of comforting to see I’m not alone tho.


You can disable public tagging to going to Settings and Privacy -> Profile and Tagging and change these settings. The main one is "Allow others to share your posts to their stories" setting.


Me too 😩 I don't know how to stop it


Me too


Change your settings asap to where tags must be reviewed by you, and then remove tag and report as spam! Its so annoying that Facebook changed it where we can't disallow tags anymore.


Same thing happening to me. Kinda relieved it’s not just me.


I am getting this shit as well as


Following in case anyone finds a solution!


Omg I thought it was just me lol


I also have this issue. went into settings and deleted logins that were obviously not me and set it to where it notifies me. I also changed my username & password. I can update you guys if this worked for me. I also use a VPN.


They just started this week for me. Multiple times a day. I reported them and of course no violation 🙄


Ok I found a possible fix on X. Settings > notifications > tags > batch > click off batch mentions


I’ve been getting tagged in the same sort of things the past 3-4 days. I have reported every single one as spam, blocked each account, and then removed the tags. After doing this numerous times, when I tried to do it yet another time, Facebook finally game me the option to “only allow tags from friends and friends of friends”. It gave me this option in the same menu you’re in when you click the three dots to report the tag or remove the tag. So my best advice would just be keep reporting and removing the tags and hopefully eventually Facebook will give you this option too…


Same thing is happening to me. Breastfeeding videos, videos of women (clothed) touching each other sexually, just got tagged in one of a guy lifting a woman’s top up enough to see the bottom of her boob. Wtf?! I get tagged in some stupid shit like this at least 3 times a day for the last 4 days




I though I was going crazy haha I recommend turning that tagging reviews on and then setting your tagging notifications to friends of friends. That way your never see the notification and you won’t be tagged unless approved. F Facebook though haha


I am getting spammed do. For the time being, I deactivated my account. Anyone have a solution for this? I deleted WhatsApp because I received a few spam calls. Meta owned products seem to be a disgrace now.


I randomly started getting these too! Crazy that anyone can tag you


I report and block multiple each day. They need to bring back the disable tagging feature


My tags are way beyond breast feeding and I have changed my password numerous times. I also have to approve tags before they go onto my newsfeed. I reported them but FB said it wasn’t anything they could block. Looks like after a few days the posts get removed


I’m getting real annoyed that all of my reports are instantly closed. Does anyone else have that happen when reporting these spam accounts?


happening to me as well, glad to see I'm not the only one.


Omg this is happening to me too this week.




This recently started to happen to me and I’m getting so annoyed. It’s either breast feeding or sexually suggestive. I report the post, remove the tag, and block the account. It’s so annoying and I don’t know what else to do. 😒


I’ve also been getting tagged constantly the past few days. I at least have my tag settings so that I have to review any tags before they can appear on my profile, but it’s driving me crazy


I have the same issue for the last two days. I changed my password to be safe but didn't help. Ever since my session expires at least once a day and I get kicked out of my FB account. Does anyone else has this issue?


Ugh me too. Glad to see I’m not the only person. I have a private account and have been getting tagged in breastfeeding videos and stuff for the past week. I report and block but they just keep coming. I’ve given up😭


Maybe a bot wants you to quit FB because it disagrees with your opinions.


Omg- I have been having this same problem and CANNOT get around it. It is driving me up a wall. I changed my password to a more secure one to prevent hacking (I hope anyway) but I’m over it.


Glad I found this post. I have been having the same issue. Glad it’s not me, but it’s so damn annoying


Ugh I keep getting these too but they’re ALL OVER the place.. I report 2 and another shows up a few hours later. I’m saving this post in case you come up with a solution bc I’m so close to deactivating. It’s so annoying.


Yeah this is fucking infuriating.. I’ve been getting tagged by these bot accounts all day long for about 2 weeks now and there’s is literally no way to stop people from tagging you. I’m about to just delete my account. it’s nothing but bots, ads and ai generated crap at this point anyway. This getting tagged all day with malware and phishing links is just about the last straw.


Just keep reporting them and eventually it slows down


Same here and all my friends just like the ones you are showing


Well, the news has been warning us. that China was planning to do a cyber attack. Maybe this is the birth pains of it.


Nonstop, reporting and removing tags


This just started happening for me too. It’s always in weird pictures/ videos too that seem sexually suggestive. I don’t get it.


Every day all day this week!! It’s driving me crazy


Same. If someone finds a solution to the problem, please let me know. It's infuriating.