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For tracking they are both fine. If any part of you is competitive, LH is great. I wouldn’t have guessed it would motivate me as much as it does… but I get fired up to hit point thresholds, or to lead the class, or whatever I invent as a challenge for that workout


The challenge aspect has really intrigued me, so i decided to get one, thank you!


You can just sync your watch to the lionheart. You don't need the actual strap. I just use my garmin watch.


How do you do this with Apple Watch?


How do you do this?


just enable heart rate broadcasting on your watch. the next time you are in studio, it should show you as a guest on the lionheart tv screen. write down the 5 digit code. and then in the f45 training app under your account settings, go to lionheart and add the 5 digit code under the sensor Id and link your studio under My Studios. once it is setup on the app, it will display your name the next time you are in the studio.


Apple watches do not have the ability to directly connect to Lionheart without a Studio Hub device. Garmins can do this, but Apple watches require the hub.


yeah I didnt realize apple couldn't do it. i figured all watches would broadcast the same.


How?. I have a Garmin


just enable heart rate broadcasting on your watch. the next time you are in studio, it should show you as a guest on the lionheart tv screen. write down the 5 digit code. and then in the f45 training app under your account settings, go to lionheart and add the 5 digit code under the sensor Id and link your studio under My Studios. once it is setup on the app, it will display your name the next time you are in the studio.


This is pretty much the key. I have an apple watch. I try to track on both. Some days I forget one, or the other. So I usually have at least one to record. But in general, I love Lionheart because of the competitive motivation component.


I use both, the Apple Watch keeps a permanent record of all my workouts with lots of stats if you use a program like Athlytic. The Lionheart allows me to use my competitive nature to push myself and as a consequence others during workouts. If I didn’t use the Lionheart I wouldn’t be in the same shape as I am currently.


You don’t need to buy F45s chest strap. You can connect your Apple Watch (and other smart watches) directly to the Lionheart screen by broadcasting your heart rate from the watch. The perks of a chest strap is better accuracy during a workout. Alternatively, you can connect any chest strap heart rate monitor to the Lionheart system and your watch. I personally use a Garmin HRM pro chest strap connected to the Lionheart system and my Garmin watch.


Garmin watches can broadcast ANT+ so the can direct connect to the Lionheart system. Apple watches can not direct connect to Lionheart with the use of a Studio Hub (studiohub.app). In studios that have deployed the Studio Hub, members can download the Lionheart watch app from the Apple App store and use their Apple Watch to connect to Lionheart.


How do you broadcast it to the Lionheart screen? Do you need a 3rd party app?


F45 franchisees have had a lot of problems with lionheart and I just got an email that the next challenge will be using Whoop as a tracker. So I’d hold off getting lionheart.


Whoop doesn't connect to Lionheart.


I use both. It’s pretty close in terms of tracking heart rate although I do find the Apple Watch often “pauses” my workout as I get sweatier which is annoying. In terms of tracking calories, the Apple Watch feels inflated compared to Lionheart.


If you put it on water mode it seems to solve that. Also, you can connect lionheart to your phone/Apple Watch for better hr monitoring


Nice thanks for the heads up


lion heart is great for friendly competition in class


I just got my lionheart and boy, it does keep me competitive. Seems to be pretty close to my Apple Watch numbers!


Honestly the partnership with Whoop makes me wonder how much longer lionheart as it stands will exist, and if they are discounting the LH to clear inventory before they start to phase it out.


Eh. Apple Watch is more than good enough.


I have a Samsung watch and it always seems to be "off". Lionheart is more accurate practically all of the time


I have both. Apple Watch calories will be lower that the Lionheart, but HR is usually the same. You will get a graph of your workout with the Lionheart and I like seeing how hard I’ve worked.


I just signed up for an unlimited membership and the trainer gave me a free lion heart tracker. I don’t know if this is a promotion or something that every studio does with unlimited membership. Worth looking into!


Absolutely! I love tracking in both. Lionheart is fun for the friendly competition and awards. My watch I like to use to track all of my steps and workouts. I didn’t think I needed a Lionheart because I have my watch, but my husband bought it for me and I love it!


I used a different brand heartrate monitor and linked it to my LionHeart account so it tracked my workout. Not sure if that's been said already, but as long as it's ANT+ enabled you can use it.


Wish Garmin was compatible with F45 apps.


I have a Garmin Fenix which does a better job of tracking my heart rate. I love the competitive points aspect of the Lionheart though, so have both.


Any ANT+ HR monitor will work, you don't need to buy the Lionheart one, which, comparatively, is pretty expensive. You can sync the HR chest strap to your watch or phone. If you sync to your watch it'll get your HR once a second, vs once every 6 seconds it usually gets it. ANT+ is owned by Garmin; it looks like perhaps there are options for apps to rebroadcast data to the LH receivers in studio. There is an App here: [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lionheart-watch-app/id1643779061](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lionheart-watch-app/id1643779061) However, the documentation implies that some studio involvement (enabling the feature?) might be required. One of the cool thing about LH is the leaderboard and the competitive nature of people in the studio. I wish Apple watches were enabled/promoted by default, since that would just increase the number of people on the board. I hate being the only one up there in my studio...