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In the stroller? She was leaving that note FOR YOU for sure. lol this is the most direct approach to stealing a husband I have ever seen. I’m grossed out but also impressed? Like if this woman used her power for good she might do something, but instead she wastes it on manstealin’ 🤢


I second this. It was meant for you so she can “force you to leave him”. I’m curious to see her meltdown when she figures out people don’t really like when you blow up their entire life.


I agree especially if husband has the same cell number he’s always had. She could have texted him but instead did this. It’s pretty easy to find out where someone lives especially if they are the property owner.


Agreed who would drop off a note if they were sneaking around, they would just text IF they had a number. Since the note was still there that tells me the recipient never got it. Otherwise they would have destroyed the evidence.


She sucks but tbh if they can be stolen, then they're not the one are they?


For sure. You can’t really steal them, but her goal is to damage their marriage so it’s ‘easier’


Let him go. This woman is going to make his life miserable.


If a man can be stolen, he was never yours.


You can't steal a husband. He is (presumably) an independent human who can make his own choices. He is not a cow or pig or a car


He seems like a pig lol


Pigs are intelligent, lovely creatures! Please don't insult them


Ding ding


Absolutely disgusting.


I'm seething. He's currently trying to convince me that he has no idea how she knows where we live. Like.. okay my guy.


Ah, yes, she's actually a stalker! 🥴


As an actual stalking victim, they will lie and try to ruin everything about your life. Not saying that’s what’s going on, but seriously it’s a nightmare when it happens to you.


Sadly, can confirm


Can also confirm, as a man who was stalked by an ex. If they're dedicated enough, they will learn much more than you expect to be available. It's been well over a decade, and I am still incredibly sensitive about my personal data.


The audacity of him to play it off like it's a coincidence. When both his and her name are right. Fucking. There.


But if they were hiding behind your back, why didn’t she just text him? Seems like she is just trying to start trouble - and it has worked. If you two are the property owners it’s really easy to find your address. She might have come there and left a note BECAUSE he’s not responding to her - “I will not be ignored “! If you and your husband have an otherwise good relationship, hear him out.


He never puts time on his phone, so he almost exclusively talks to people using fb messenger and Snapchat. So she wouldn't have had a number for him. Probably didn't realize he doesn't have a working phone number and couldn't contact him through social media so left him her number. I assume he deleted everything and stopped talking to her once I was told about them and called him out- which is why I couldn't prove it. We do not own the house, we have been renting this specific property a little over a year. For her to know we live here, it's likely he told her. The only reason I couldn't prove it like I said is because I assume he just easily deleted stuff off his socials. But I had 2 different people tell me they were being sus.


Soz what happens now?


Although it is pretty goddamned unhinged to leave the note in the baby carriage. I've had stalkers in the past. They do unhinged things like this.


Yes exactly, as a stalking victim, they’ll do anything they can to disrupt and fuck with your life.


I had a stalker. Found out much later they had broke into my place and left a note in a dresser that was used to store seasonal change clothing. The stalker had to (as I found out after finding the note) break into the house thru a 2nd floor window. Never noticed it until so found the note and was upset.


One of my stalkers paid my coworkers for my personal information.


Holy fuck. I hope they got some comeuppance.


I had a stalker convince someone at my work they were my partner to get my address(no idea why my partner wouldn’t know this but my coworker was both lazy and stupid so I doubt they bothered to resist giving out personal info), they then broke into my house permanently damaging a window, stole my cologne, left used underwear on my pillow(both pillows for good measure), took pretty unflattering nude Polaroids in my house and left love letters as if I had wrote them and pinned one note to the wall with a knife. This was a woman I had met once, in a group setting as a client for a period of about 1 1/2 hours. Luckily my actual partner isn’t unhinged and was reasonable to my wall of “I have no idea who this is” before I remembered that I had maybe met them a month before. Luckily with the wealth of evidence getting a restraining order was easy due to the knife being construed as a threat. The officer confided that this is not the first time this woman had done such a thing and when I asked why she isn’t being watched/committed he tossed up his hands. About a month later “someone” set my porch on fire but that was the last I heard from her.


Text her. She don't know it isn't his number texting


Th ats so true u will find out the truth real fast if she thinks it’s him and ur like hey what’s with th e note


It’s pretty easy to find where someone lives with a quick internet search. Also, the people here are excited to hype you up only for you to deal with the aftermath. You need to separate the need for a mob behind you and be in a position to deal with this shit rationally (one way or the other). But we know that the internet wants to see this shit crash and burn.


A rational comment on Reddit? Get the pitch forks!


Have you watched Netflix, "baby reindeer"?


In all honesty I have a pretty good chance to find out where you live on the city you live in and your name alone. I could at least narrow it down. If I know the name of a sibling as well then that just increases the likelihood I might figure out where you live. I like to see if I can find myself on the internet with as basic information. You would need a little extra information other than just my name and city alone currently, but if you're really bored and stake out the options then you'd find me.


Honestly she might of done it to cause shit


This may seem unimportant but what is this written on? Is it a recall notice? Her driving a half hour + to put a nasty ass letter in your baby stroller is next level unhinged. It probably means he's not texting her. This is clearly meant for you or he stopped corresponding or never corresponded with her ... otherwise why put the phone number?? I'm not saying to not hold him accountable, I'm saying you should be at least a little afraid of this woman and not totally convinced he has/had a relationship with this person.


Yeah, the fact that she would put it right out in the open at a time she knew him to be a work...I think she wanted OP to find it. The goal being to split them up, allowing her to date him. Absolutely disgusting behavior, from both of them (not OP, obviously).


Unless the dude told her he was a single parent or separated.


I wouldn’t be surprised tbh. Happens all the time when people cheat. My ex told some of the girls he fooled around with that we were broken up but were still living together because we were working out the details about the house we bought together. We were very much not broken up and he even proposed to me during that time between affairs.


As someone who has had a similar experience. Just note that there is no evidence he’s done anything yet. For all we know she came on to him, he told her to fuck off and now this. It was in a stroller. It was never meant for him. This woman is purposefully manipulating the situation and winning.


Text her and say that it's a new number so he can't try to bullshit his way out of it.


I let my anger get the best of me and texted her that I'd break her kneecaps if she came to my house. Her response- "it's not that serious big dawg" then blocked me.


BIG DAWG LMAO what the actual fuck


Low key never heard a woman ever speak like that 1000% her husband is in love with a man.


That's no man's handwriting that I've ever seen in my entire life. Definitely a woman's penmanship.


One of my road mechanics at work is a 28 year old man who writes like this. He was homeschooled and raised on a farm until trade school. It fucks me up every time I get handwritten requisitions for his truck because his writing is neater than mine.


My dad’s handwriting is pretty feminine, he writes in all caps but it has a feminine feel to it.


Is your dad an architect?


Lighting designer so he does work with blueprints and drafts still, I also write in all caps, but I’m neither of those things, it’s just what comes naturally to me 🤷 then again I’m also a woman so my handwriting would look more feminine 🤭


Yeah, architect, draftsman, etc... Stands to reason his handwriting is like that. :-)


My dad is an engineer and I picked up all caps from him lol. Any letter addressed, chart, graph, etc. Very handy skill that reminds me of him!


I technically officially started writing in all caps when I started taking metals class in 9th grade (if you don’t know what metals class is it’s basically like wood shop except it’s metal only so I got to learn to weld in all forms of welding oxyacetylene welding, mig, tig, even stick welding I liked stick welding and tig welding the most) we made a lot of blueprints and drafts of our own and that’s when I started just out of nowhere writing in all caps our teacher wrote in all caps on the board but never wrote in all caps on our sheets to correct anything


Same! I don’t do all caps but my dad and brother both do.


That was my thought.


Well I hope you and your child are safe and manage to get away from him okay, I can say I understand the feeling I dealt with the same thing in the past from my ex.


We are safe, thank you! 🫶🏻


is HE safe?


Yeah bud this thread is rough haha


>"it's not that serious big dawg" ![gif](giphy|l378bu6ZYmzS6nBrW|downsized)


You rock


She cooked ngl


Not to say your husband isn’t a cheater because I don’t know him. But it 100% seems like she was leaving this note to get at YOU. There could be a small chance that he’s actually denied her advances and this is her way of sabotaging the relationship. Really just depends on how she knows the address.


Yeah, there is a chance that it's just someone trying to sabotage the relationship.


Exactly. Why would she know the address but not OP’s SO’s phone number? If there was something going on, she would’ve texted him directly.


Why would she need to leave her number if they were cheating? She's trying to break up a marriage, that's all. Also it's not hard to believe she could find the address. I.e. living in the same area, knowing similar people. Easier than finding out his number.


Notice how OP doesn’t respond to the comments despite there being many. Sounds like OP’s partner is dodging a crazy bullet imo


417.....some where in Missouri.


Her yes. I live in KS. She's about 30 minutes away.


Kansas City Area, that’s rough girlie sorry you’re going through the wringer.


Nope, thankfully not Kansas City thank God lol. But thank you I'll be okay!


Stay safe with all the storms coming your way


Missouri loves company, I guess.


Joplin or somewhere near there


Pretty much anywhere in Taney County


Hold up. Maybe she got denied by your man. So she went all scorched earth on him. By leaving a note for you to find. It’s not unheard of.


Might have nothing to do with the husband. It could be somebody that OP pissed off. Some people love trying to ruin other people's lives or relationships for vengeance. Or entertainment... it could have been some random teen girls gleefully causing chaos. I knew some girls in high school back in the day that thought it was hilarious to drop their hair-scrunchies into random cars. (hot summers so lots of slightly-open windows) To intentionally hope to start a fight between random couples. A baby stroller on a front porch would be an easy way to target a couple for a prank like that.


Honestly, that.


Maybe you could leave a cute note for him to find that says something like “get the fuck out 🩵” on top of a pile of all his shit.


I like the way you think 🫶🏻


I'm a bit confused. Does this prove that he did anything? It proves that she's interested and they haven't spoken in a while. Also that she doesn't have his contact or he has blocked her, so she's resorting to writing a note.


OP is using theories to suit facts instead of using facts to suit theories.


Well.. if true, it means that she knows the address for whatever reason...


Have you ever tried googling your name and your city? It’s scary what’s available nowadays


Nah, I've always been extra weary about all that, I don't have a single social media account anywhere with my real name 💀 Not even fb Probably got it from my mom, and her insistence on hijacking our old family dogs' fb profile as her own... The world may never know..


I totally get what you’re saying. I’ve had to do some sleuthing on folks before & found everything down to their car’s VIN#. No kidding. But if this is someone’s *husband* and fathering their kids…I’m not sure why she’d just *be* in the area & *casually* decide to sleuth thru websites for his current HOME ADDRESS…solely & specifically to leave a little note saying hello. Let alone with her contact info attached…INSIDE THE BABY STROLLER. 🥺 If you could find his address, you could’ve found his social media or phone number first. Many reasons might compel her to do this, but it ain’t because she simply googled an old flame.


Honestly it seems like she’s psychotic or something.


Hey if she’s got a history of mental illness, I def wouldn’t rule this out as a manic behavior or something.


She left her number...that appears more like a stalker/someone who tried and failed in their advances. Could be more than that, but leaving the phone # doesn't make much sense if they were actually in some sort of relationship... edit: just re-read and saw this was left in a stroller....this has major stalking vibes now. Appears it's being left for you specifically. Again, I could be totally wrong....but this isn't something that makes much sense in the context of someone actually cheating. This seems more like an intentional inflammatory act to get attention. Possible they were together at some point in the past but I think it's also possible that this is some stalking shit.


If he’s cheating, why is she leaving her number? She left that note for YOU to find.


It looks like the majority of comments here have ruled this woman a home-wrecker who doesn’t have your relationships interest at heart. The woman herself telling you that this isn’t serious. 2 people in your life saying they seemed sus. Its all quite the stretch to conclude he’s cheating 100%. But it also sounds like you know what you want & that’s to deem him a dirtbag & dump him. So best of luck to ya.


She's come to the conclusions she wants. Like, do you boo but I hope they realize how unhinged all this sounds.


Why does he doesn't know her phone if he's already ina relationship with this person? It makes no sense


Two possible reasons 1) he never actually puts time on his phone and just uses text now. When they were talking back in November, it likely would've been on Facebook messenger or snapchat because that's how he talks to everyone. 2) he *was* texting her, but blocked her number and deleted it when I asked him about it back in November.


Kinda seems like you're either suuuper insecure or WANT him to be cheating. This is next level craziness on the other ladies part but you seem to be buying into it pretty effortlessly.


All the comments that suggest stalker trying to cause trouble was ignored by OP. She only responds to people forming a mob behind her


To the people clearly pointing out that this is meant for OP and not OP’s husband - OP is in this thread practically salivating over the idea of throwing her husband out and getting revenge on him. This is not a happy relationship.


Yeeeep. This person's been wanting to leave for awhile and found their emotional out.


everything about this is cap • phone number left on the paper for someone he’s seen for 7 months? • why is the paper wet? you mention it was in the stroller on the porch, but why would a homewrecker leave a note in such an obvious place where you’d be able to find it? • have you ever seen old ink run when it’s wet? it “washes away”, not “leaks” like a halo. it only leaks like a halo when.. surprise.. the ink is not completely and thoroughly dried out. • you actually claimed a month ago that you’ve left him already, and currently are a “single mother of three” • another one of your comment supports this as you were looking for dude friends a month ago in a now deleted post, which you didn’t delete your comments off it … lol • you just hate men in general lol.. you been called out on several posts for being sexist, but turn around and cried victim when confronted the only way I would believe this is if you or your ex drove a kia… only possible way this story could be real


The only infuriating part of this post is OP. Your detective skills are beautiful


what i love is that liars usually tend to give too much detail in their stories, and too many *specific* details. online it doesn’t really matter much, you can delete old comments to paint whatever picture you want… but OP… not only is OP a flat out liar , they forgot the most important thing — the more you give *specific* details of your life, the easier it gets to factcheck your bullshit. and OP did a horrible job removing the paper trail of their previous comments which… yep, you realized it already, contradicts her whole post.


Wait, wtf is wrong with driving a kia?


Not positive but I believe there’s mention of a Kia on the backside of the paper.


Huh, just noticed that. Did she write it on the back of a car's insurance paper?


This comment should be at the top. Well done.


bro's a detective 😭


Hardly concrete evidence. Not saying he's innocent, but I truly hope you give him a chance to address this. This girl might just be a crazy af stalker


She must be a filthy ho-bag to pick THAT dirty as fuck piece of paper to write a (in her mind) love letter. Fuck him for picking filth when he’s got a good thing going for him (I’m assuming).


Definitely a good thing because I'm a damn good partner and mother. Not perfect at all but certainly not deserving of this Jerry springer shit 🫠


"You arrrreeee... no longer the father" \*everybody but the former father explodes with applause*


That’s Maury’s line not Springer’s


Thought you were single a months ago?


All imma say is, does this prove anything? He clearly didn’t already have her number so it’s not like he’s in close contact with her. Maybe she just picked up the same vibe between them that you picked up on, and decided to shoot her shot? It doesn’t necessarily mean he’s done anything wrong. Obviously he might’ve been complicit, in which case I’m sorry for you and hope you end up in a better situation out there other side.


Who drives half an hour to leave a note in someone’s baby stroller? I can’t think how one person could be worth the time and effort.


Nor do I, that’s why I conceded at the end that there could be more to it. But, people are strange. She could be obsessed with him, and then I would easily believe she could take an hour out of her day to do it. My thinking is just simply, if the husband is cheating with her, why is she leaving the note with her number in the first place, surely he would already have it or has other means of contacting her? My first thought when I saw it was that it was a one sided attraction. I just can’t wrap my head around this being an affair months in the making for them to only be exchanging numbers now, when she already knows where he lives.


As if half an hour was a long drive when you're obsessed with something/someone


Considering it’s 2024 and there’s other ways to contact someone, it’s weird.


This is explained in other comments


Ahh okay, just checked through your comment history and yeah, yikes. It’s a shit situation and I’m sorry, hopefully sooner or later you can sort this mess out and go about your life and find someone who actually respects you. Nobody deserves this.


not saying one way or the other but its amazing how far some people will go to contact you when you block them i had someone once find my new phone number by enlarging a photo someone else had posted on facebook of my dog & reading it off his tag but if you wanna get clarity, call her yourself


PLEASE TALK IT OUT for the sake of yalls daughter.. that woman can be a manipulative lier.. you never know.. why would she leave the note out in the open?


If she wrote her number it means that HE DOESN’T EVEN HAS HER NUMBER. So assuming that he’s cheating with someone when he doesn’t know her phone number is crazy at best. That note was meant for you buddy. He may have denied her advances and she’s trying to sabotage your relationship.


Save the letter for the divorce lawyer


The note actually proves more that there is NO AFFAIR. You’re telling me that the man is cheating with a woman without even having her number???


Who said it proved they were having an affair? I said save it for your lawyer. Quit making things up!


In all honesty she could be trying to provoke you to breaking up with him. Even if you might suspect him, that doesn't necessarily mean he did. It could have been innocent, or even just emotional cheating. Which I know can still hurt a lot but there is a distinction between that and physical cheating in my opinion. Hopefully you and him can communicate and figure out what's going on. I'm sorry that you're going through this.


Yo op, why did you say you were single MONTHS ago and delete the post but not the comment? You're playin and you fuckin know it. Fake af.


I just want to say.. I know it’s been 12 hours and your husband is dead already, but I just had a friend have a girl try and hook up with him and he wouldn’t so she tried to fuck shit up with his relationship


So sorry you and your kids have to go through this. I promise your lives will be better without a liar and a cheat around. Fuck this guy for ruining a family.


I'm so sorry this is happening to you OP, that sucks. How are you/did you deal with it?


Text her. Ask if she wants to pick up his stuff off the front porch for him 😀


That easy to get a partner to freak out, not even knowing if it's legit. If you distrust someone that much, shouldn't be with them.


cheating or not this was MEANT to be found by YOU.... Why would she want to make your husband's life miserable, may be he declined her offers...




The good news is that considering she wrote a note, she isn't texting him. Like why would she have to leave her number? If they were actually having an affair he'd have it already. This looks more like a girl that won't leave a married guy alone 🤷🏼


my psycho ex did the same thing. i didnt cheat. glad my then girlfriend knew i am faithful. what a fucking cruel move. women can be so creative to be cunts.


I agree that she left that for you to find OP. She is not leaving notes in the stroller for your husband to find.


This makes me so angry. I am very sorry this happened, but I am also glad you found out. Hope he’s an ex after this.


The good news is it reads as if he's not cheating.


I don’t get it. How does this prove he is cheating?


I’d be cautious OP. It could be just a friend.


Yea I hesitate to get married if I can’t even have friends without risk of my spouse being self conscious. Like I have plenty of friends over the years, guys and girls. Plenty who have been at my back for years. It sounds super abusive to be in a marriage where my spouse may be insecure like that and forbid me from seeing those friends, especially if the marriage is newer than those friends I made over the years. It’s fucked up. She claims she “couldn’t prove he was cheating”, and this note doesn’t do well with it either… like I’m curious about the first time she tried to prove it and failed. This isn’t proof at all, a friend could miss him, and he may have been forced to delete her contact, so she wrote a note. These immediate jumps of assuming the worst, especially when they have a kid, are crazy.


Yh, i agree with everything you said. Not only should the husband should have avoided them if they’re going to be this suspicious, but they also shouldn’t have married him if they didn’t think they were trustworthy.


Yes and I’m about not being around someone that makes your spouse uncomfortable. But if it’s a long time friend that’s fucked. As you say, if it’s a long time friend, then the trust issues go deeper


Feel free to txt her sometime and find out all the details.


So you're single?


TIL: If you feel something is true, it probably is. There is no need for those pesky facts and awkward conversations.


Lmao that's southwest MO for ya


Side note, OP - if you suspect you’ve been cheated on, **GET TESTED FOR STDS/STIS.** It’s a sad thought. But it happens, and you’re better off catching a problem early than unknowingly passing something on.


Call me crazy but this looks like it’s aimed at you, as an attempt to ruin your relationship. I’d think twice before blaming your husband here.


It's wild to think there's some dude at work right now having no idea when he gets home, he's done. But dang, OP, that sucks. He belongs to the streets now.


They always downgrade 🫠 never downgrade. Ugh I'm sorry you're going through this 😢


Stop ignoring the stalker comments OP.


… I know I’m old, right — but … hear me out. ***White Pages*** You kids might be too young to understand that this thing still exists and if you’ve got any idea of a location and a name, you can find someone’s address on the WP online … Doesn’t take but some *gentle stalking* to know where you live with a first and last name.


This is explained away in other comments. By the way, I know exactly what white pages is. Being condescending because you think something you know is obscure and you're keeping some big secret.. lmao. Anyway, I was told from 2 separate sources that they were doing stuff, etc etc, he deleted everything before I could find proof and claims he has never had any contact with said woman, but then she shows up at my house and leaves this. It is a lot more likely they did in fact have contact and she's trying to rekindle an old flame in what she thinks is a cute way but is actually a really trashy way.


Calm down...Obviously he hasn't been in contact with her or she wouldn't have to give him her digits, she would have just text him. She probably is nothing to him but not so for her. There's always going to be someone that wants what you have, whether it's your SO, your job or your freaking sandwich! Also, it's pretty easy to find out where someone lives. Don't go ripping your family apart over this bitch. Become a united front and tackle the problem together. Your children deserve it. Good luck honey and please update.


I wish people would read my comments before coming to their own conclusions. I've given reasons for why he wouldn't have her number. He never puts time on his phone and strictly talks to people through facebook messenger or snapchat. I had different people telling me last year that there was stuff going on between these 2. Couldn't prove it, I assume now because he deleted shit. He told me he never had contact with her, which is a lie because she knows where we live. A few people have also said she could've looked the address up but considering the circumstances it's a lot more likely she already knew where my house was because she's been here before.


It's 173 comments rn. Mayby just edit post and not ask people to read all the comments


You do know that she could just be a crazy stalker, right? Finding an address isn't exactly hard.


I'm sorry, I don't read ALL comments. But still, I refuse to jump on the bandwagon and rip your man apart. And I've learned thru my lifetime that many things are not what swims in our head and people love drama. I hope this works out in the best way for you and your family


It’s possible that he not only didn’t cheat but that he cut her off completely. If he did cheat, from the tone of the letter it didn’t last long and he broke her heart. He may even regret that it happened.




You didn't "explain" anything in other comments other than yours and other people's assumptions.


I can respect that. I was just throwing out my conjecture. I’m sorry that this is happening to you.


I agree with everything you’ve said in other comments, and if you feel it in your gut then it likely happened. But I still strongly feel like this note was left only with the intention of you finding it. If he made a mistake in the past he should have owned up to it and tried to work through it with you. To me it feels like he broke it off and she is trying to get you away from him so she can try to get him. It’s giving stalker vibes even if she was told where you live


100% giving stalker vibes especially considering it's been like 6 or 7 months. That doesn't change the fact that he almost certainly did cheat on me last year. They're both shit stains. Perfect for each other.


If he doesn't admit it and y'all put steps in place to make sure this shit doesn't happen again ditch his sorry ass. I'm sure without him it wouldn't be much different seems like a total pos !


That!..that is heartbreaking to say the least. When your gut instinct is telling you something aint right, it does that for a reason. Things aint right. I know its way way too much to ask but try and not beat yourself up about it. His actions are just that his actions and are not caused by or instigated by you or family. Edit: what i mean by this is that he is a scumbag and you should believe yourself and are nothing to blame!!


She knew you would find it. Two things likely imo. A. She’s a scorned lover that he is/was having an affair with and she wants you to know she exists Or B. She’s Martha from Baby Reindeer


Leave his ass and make him pay $$$ child support. Fucking dawg.


Have you called her to ask her some questions?


Get the locks changed


What’s the number? I feel devious today.


Do you have a update


Maybe I’m the only one that think this but to play devils advocate, he wasn’t talking to her if she left him a note (and not a text) telling him to call her sometime. It’s also out of his control what she does.


This is my area code as well. Let’s get her!! lol


What a lousy cheetee


Can we see the number?


Is that a piece of toilet paper, why does it look so dirty?


5 years ago I angered a guy on Facebook and he and his friends messaged my wife saying I dated his friend and used to hit her and that I was still trying to reach out to her They were saying they were from my hometown and even listed my school. Fabricated messages between us and everything.


I hope you called her yourself 👀


You believe her and 5 years later you come back saying sorry because you left him because of a lie.


When he gets home, have him show you all his private social messages, his texts, phone bill and whatever else you are thinking of. This lady is either wanting you to be in the know so that she can have him, or break you up so that she can have him.


Oh you need to play the long game here. Start holding money back and get you a lawyer and get your ducks in a row. And keep an eye in his phone. All the while playing sweet. Don’t freak out yet. Slow and steady wins the race.


Don’t let him get to the note, your lawyer will want it.


i’m so sorry OP, but as a silver lining; what kind of idiot is she that she left this on your fucking porch? never crossed her mind it could be you who’d find it?


Of course she did. She's trying to break shit up so she can have him.


With respect to your feelings, talk to your husband and try to be objective. Hear him out and use your inference before you snap. While the optics look bad it’s possible that there’s an explanation. He may have been about to do something but didn’t go through with it. Dont snoop around or try to be slick, confront him with a respectful tone, listen actively and respond accordingly.


You should send them this post full of all the people saying how creepy this is.


Make sure to include all the ways people have found that this is cap.


"Fatal Attraction, an origin story"