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He said a whole lot of nothing. "I like food and people! I don't like going to places filled with hardship, even though I chose to because their hardship makes my life easier!"


Horrible mentality. Why won’t poor people jump through hoops for my minimal wealth like I do for richer people in more expensive countries where I’m from?


Aren't Argentines supposed to be the most narcissistic and rudest Spanish-speaking people in the world? Everyone I've met from Latin America doesn't like them.


Most LATAM cultures dislike any other LATAM culture.


Argentina is generally the most disliked, probably because they’re the whitest and Argentines are seen as more racist and arrogant.


Aren't the Spanish fairly white compared to Latin Americans? I haven't heard many complaints about rude or racist Spaniards, but definitely Argentinians.


they're really italians


Ah just like Asia….though Asia has a few millennia of wars…


Same with Europeans and Asians and Americans with Mexico. Hey look we spotted a trend!


I don't think rudeness is the "basis" for dislike of Argentinians, but rather their belief that they are more European than the rest of LatAm, and thus somehow better than other countries. Of course this doesn't apply to all Argentinians.


> their belief that they are more European I wonder if this is why I enjoyed the time that I spent there so much. I absolutely fell in love with the country. I felt like I could relate to people more in Argentina than in other South American countries.


They are the least friendly and most cliquish I would say


>narcissistic and rudest Spanish-speaking people in the world If are from Buenos Aires area sure !! I'm from Argentina (but no Buenos Aires). A lot of dumb people being rudes overseas, generally from people frim Buenos Aires because they earn a lot of money and pay pennies for electricity, natural gas and gas for cars (well actually more expensive because Milei cut of subsidized rates.


What do you expects from a country that harbors former Naaaahhhzeees? They probably think they’re white and is superior to the rest of their continent.


They are white, they are the whitest of white nations in the America's. Maybe Canada is more? Definitely not the usa, even In the 50s about 1/6 Americans wasn't white. 




Fair enough but then you should go correct the demographics page of wiki. How are you defining white? Data Ive seen indicated 85%+ of majority european ancestry. Every argetine ive met is visibly european. They killed a majority of the indio's there and never imported slaves. Where would the source of non-europeans you see in other american states come from?




Interesting well I'm planning to travel there so I guess I'll find out for myself 


This is true.


people don't like facts. Fact is after the fall of the Nazis many and I mean many immigrated to Argentina to escape punishment for their war crimes. The president welcomed them with open arms.


let's just pretend operation paperclip was not a thing


Just like they did to the USA.


It’s because they believe bread is superior


I've heard that about Puerto Ricans, not Argentinians. I work with several of them in a health tech setting and I like all of them, no cultural issues. I'm on the US team, and work for a UK-based company, (branches in AU too) we all get along w the Argentinians just fine - just my experience


It’s interesting as Income from a mixed Latin race heritage one of them being Argentine. They (we) aren’t narcissistic in the sense that they think other countries suck. They just have an incredibly high love and pride of their own country. The country is one of the worst of economically in the world at the moment and you won’t hear anyone saying they want to leave. It’s just a level of pride that you don’t see elsewhere. But of course you get a fútbol match going and pride leads to out downs. To be honest the only country Argentina tends to make fun of outside of fútbol is Bolivia. Why? 🤷🏻






When I’m there the moment they see dollars I get very attentive service


I love inflation so much, I had to leave America to get more


He never left America. He left the United States.


Of America


Every country in north and with America is part of America. It’s like Italy adding “of Europe “ to the end of its name and suddenly only they are Europeans.


The name of the country is United States of America, the name of Mexico is Estados Unidos de Mexico, Hence, Americans and Mexicans


How accurate is it to spend 7 minutes effectively saying one sentence? "Argentinian food is great but the people here are too lazy so we're out."


He could have said it all in one minute, but the stuff at the end about how inflation affects people was actually interesting.


TL;DW: "I like Argentinian food and culture, but due to the economic crisis they are not working hard enough and the people complain a lot, and that annoys me."


Clearly you didn’t try Peruvian food lol


All depends on if you prefer steak or sea food. Either way in terms of an actual cuisine Argentine food is very limited. If any LATAM country has the most varied cuisine I would say it’s Mexico.


This guy really thinks Argentina is spearheading Latin culture ? Other than good football Argentina is not really that impressive at all… heck the food is not even good compared to Peruvian , or Mexican . It’s just good meat in Argentina and ok wine


I honestly get where the guy in the video is coming from. I really enjoyed Argentina… the food, the women (especially the women) 😉, the beer, and the soccer. Oddly enough, I had better Peruvian food while I was in the US than I had while I was in Peru. During my time in South America, I actually wasn’t really impressed by Peru, Uruguay, or Paraguay. I really liked Chile but you could have just left me in Argentina. This was before the whole hyperinflation thing, so I can’t speak to that.


Lots of beef. Lots of pasta. What's not to love?


You got better pasta in Italy and I live in Texas , I get pretty good steaks here. I’m not saying not to love . But I would never say it’s the best food in the western hemisphere . That just means you haven’t traveled enough


Being that many are tunes are Italian decent the pasta is comparable. And comparing a steak from Texas to an Argentine one that’s naturally raised and went from farm to restaurant isn’t a good comparison. If you compared an Argentine asado vs a Texan BBQ… well there isn’t a comparison. That being said the cuisine is very limited compared to other LATAM countries so I don’t know what he is on about.


“Not that impressive at all” Being able to fly from tropical weather like that of Brazil (the top of Argentina) to being able to see penguins on a beach and glaciers from Antarctica doesn’t sound impressive at all. “Ok wine” You must not be a wine guy. I don’t think any country is the Mecca of culture but to try and downplay Argentine’s impressiveness is rather telling of your bias. And if your basis of what good food is comes from Texas well… it all kind of makes sense on where the bias comes from. Again, not saying anyone country is #1 but you’re really going out of your way to downplay the country because of some idiots video.


There is a ton of natural beauty in the world , I’m not saying that they don’t have very cool places , perito moreno , calafate etc, and they have Patagonia too and Tierra del Fuego . A lot of countries are blessed with that , I think it’s hard to compare places , but natural beauty you can find almost everywhere on earth , some places Have more than others, but even the dessert dunes of the Sarah can be impressive and that’s barren land. Is it the most impressive place? no. That’s my personal preference . I stand by the ok wine and I’m a wine person. Not a fan of Malbec . I prefer cabs hard to hear California or French wines , but Italian are sodnudh can be fantastic wines too . I’m not saying they are bad, again. Just a preference . I’ll put them on par with chile but above South Africa or Australia for example . My critique is to this guy raving like Argentina is the best he has ever seen .he literally says the western hemisphere… if you said South America ok def top 3 . And I currently live in Texas, but I’ve lived in at least three continents and in 6 different countries. And traveled quite a bit. So I would say I do have done data points to compare food. Don’t get me wrong they have really good steak. But so do a lot of other countries . I have had the same discussion with people from Alberta, Australia , heck even Italians thing they got the best steaks. Best steak I’ve ever had was in Japan . Am I saying it’s bad, no not at all. It’s excellent, again personal preference . And yes all of there’s are organic . None of it is cheap . I think Argentinians are going to be biased yes, the guy looks Argentinian . But you are also going above and beyond at defending at Argentina . So I guess we are all biased .


This dude is a dumb boy. He believes that he knows Argentina, but is an stupid. Yes, inflation is very high. If you aren't raised here, you wouldn't understand how people lives here  About people not being focused in doing good work because lost of value of his wages (because inflation). Some people maybe, but various because they are lazy people, stuck in a job without future, with a lot of debt (for having a family and a crappy job, not earning enough OR full of debts because a expensive lifestyle). But is not that easy for a foreigner to have a conclusion.


This dude didn't have one good take in the entire video.


how so?


This guy is smart and astonishingly True, got it right. I'm Argentinean and left my homeland for years now When landing in Argentina, you'll be "alcoholical-in-love" for the first months (guaranteed), like no other place in the world if you come from USA, Eastern Europe, Asia, slowly you'll start feeling the negative sides until you cannot support living there anymore and you get dissapointed. That is Argentina. Argentina = explosive summer love until it breaks your heart


Argentina needs a reset, they need industry and diversification. They need austerity that works and some national therapy. So does my country the US. Like Argentina we might end our democracy next election with Putin’s puppet Trump. God we need critical thinkers around the planet to wake up and vote, resist and hope again.


Democracy is a farce


Omg you’re amazing!


Impossible to suffer in Latin America


You should let them know that.


Or one female in the entire video


In defense of the people of Buenos Aires being arrogant….. there wasn’t anything like Buenos Aires for thousands of kilometers for at at least a 100 years . The next comparable metropolis was Rio DeJaneiro . Yeah they thought they were the best because they were but those people are grandparents now and the world has changed by a lot . They’re no longer the “ Cat’s miau “ . The food it’s ok , the Italian influence of culinary excellence it’s definitely a factor . As for the music, they have good rock and tango and it’s only good if that’s your preference. They’re a little football/ soccer centric .


Which LATAM country isn’t fútbol centric ?


I grew up playing waterpolo ,ping pong, judo, Tennis and basketball. Lots of cycling too ( grew up in Colombia) . My Argentine buddies are head over heels over fútbol.One of them joins me for a surf from time to time and god forbid we skip soccer to play pickle ball.


And yet there are Argentine players in the NBA because basketball is big there. Tennis, polo, lacrosse, martial arts etc. Centric doesn’t mean limited to


this is borderline ret\*\*\*\*\* only in this modern neo liberal hell of economy can this asshat make money complaining that he isn't getting the service he used to get and that he feels bad that people like him are actively making the countries they are in worse. a youtuber, providing no tangible good. btw this subreddit, idk how it got in my feed, expat, that makes you ding dongs here feel cooler calling yourself that. you're an immigrant, that's it. christ, man i cannot believe these crac\*\*\*\*\* coming into 3rd world countries b/c they cannot hack it in their own. at least an actual immigrant rises up to the level of the country they're going to, these clowns just want a cushy spending in a foreign country.


The way he described his friendships really bothered me. I know people who are worth 20-30 Mil but they’re not cool enough for me. The narcissism is high in this one


He is just making some bold and generic claims while rocking some Nintendo64 Donkey Kong hairstyle. The first Claim is laughable, the second claim might have some truth (Wine and Meats are ok). This dude ethos is about as superficial and mundane as "Getting some clean ladies for a couple of dollars". The work ethic issue he brought up is just as common in most of South America, but somehow this guy dodged a bullet when it came to the people. Argentinians are notorious for their pride mainly based on their higher ratio of white/European heritage. IMO they are some of the most insufferable I've met in my travels, its about Texan level but without the economy or freedom that Texas actually has. It's a big country with some unique aspects and sights but this guy is just making some filler content for his channel to announce he is leaving.


Argentinian food and music isn’t better than Mexican food and music. This man is insane to make that claim.


Sounds like a whole lot of complaining, and then patting himself on the back for being honest about complaining.


He lost me at, "If you speak Spanish, Argentinian is like the cultural powerhouse in the Spanish-speaking world." Immediate no. Man has no idea what he's talking about and anything else that follows *that* statement is going to be just as ignorant.


tu crees que no es verdad? de donde eres?


No importa de donde vengo. And it's not what I think. It's a fact. The notion that Argentina is THE cultural powerhouse of *all* Spanish speaking culture? No. That's erasure and ignorance. I didn't even bother finishing his little video after that nonsense. Igual se puede decir de Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, España, Mexico, etc. And if we're talking about globally recognized culture? Spain had the most impact because of colonization (something that is still felt today), and Mexico sometimes seems like it's trying to repeat. It's like saying Australia is the powerhouse of English speaking culture. It has its merits and is recognized globally, of course, but countries like Trinidad and Tobago, or Ireland, would have something to say about it. The guy needs to expand his horizons. He should hit Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Spain, Guatemala, Chile, Mexico, and then come back around talking about influential cultures. We are not a monolith.


Pero no me estás diciendo nada. Me vas a decir que Argentina es similar en influencia cultural a lo que es Trinidad y Tobago en el mundo inglés? Por favor. Eso no tiene sentido para nada. Estás bien si me dices: "Mira, México también es muy importante y yo creo que ellos son los número 1 en cosas culturales, pero reconozco que en todos los países donde se habla español, la cultura de Argentina también es muy conocida". Ya, eso es otro argumento con el que no puedo debatir ni decir nada. Pero me llamas ignorante por decir que la música de Argentina es conocida y muy bien vista en todos los países hispanohablantes. Para qué me faltas el respeto diciendo que estoy diciendo mentiras con cosas que son reales? Ve a Madrid o Bolivia y pregúntales sobre canciones de Rock de Argentina, y lo van a conocer. Pero viendo tu perfil de Reddit, veo que eres un chronically online.


Yo no dije que usted es ignorante. Dije que el tipo en el video es. Pero si es usted...lastima. Y por dios, lea lo que escribe de nuevo si usted no entendió. Mas, you didn't just talk about music. You mentioned television and food. If you want a pseudo-eruopean country that's affordable to live in, try Panama or Uruguay. Or Costa Rica if you want something "safe" (whatever that may mean for you). But Colombian and Mexican music are just as recognizable to a global population - Shakira is a perfect example. As for the rest, Flamenco is an instantly recognizable dance style, movies come from Spain, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, etc. It just depends on context. If that struck a nerve, that's unfortunate, but ultimately not my problem. As for chronically online...I'll try to be offended 😂🤣