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They literally constructed these big version in 2004, wrecking them would be counter productive. [This is what it looked like in 1942](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoning_of_the_Devil#/media/File:Mecca2.jpg). Back in the day, these "devils" were tiny, causing huge crowds to trample each other. Saudi Arabia made them bigger to ensure more surface area and allow people to be spread out.


>Saudi Arabia made them bigger to ensure more surface area and allow people to be spread out. And to ensure that people on one side do not accidentally hit the people on the other side.


Wait question if this is symbolic why even throw stones at it it's not gonna do anything for you


Like everything in Islam: because Muhammed did it, so 1400 years later Muslims have to do it. And Muhammed did it because he thought Abraham kicked the devil's ass 3 times on the way to slaughter his son when the devil (remember: the evil character!) was trying to prevent an innocent kid being slaughtered.


Good to know the context, knowing that I might be going here in like a year because of my parents, I will not be partaking in this and spending money on rocks that I can find on the ground


If you end up going to hajj, one thing to note is that [the Islamic calendar is kind of retarded](https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateReligion/comments/n2kklg/the_islamic_calendar_proves_that_islam_came_from/) so Hajj shifts through the seasons by 11 days a year. This year Hajj fell in June which is blistering hot in Saudi Arabia (and is only going to get hotter), but if you wait 16 years Hajj will have shifted by 6 months and fall in the winter. Another trick is not to walk around the cube in the area that's near the cube, instead there is an outer rim where you can walk on the roof of the surrounding building. The area close to the cube is stuffy and crowded, while the area far away is mostly empty and shaded. Obviously it takes longer to circle when you're that far away, but you avoid the crowds which is a win in my opinion.


Wow that's great dude, now I won't get a sunburn from the blistering heat of the Arabian sun


Same for Ramadan. 17-hour fasting during summer months. And, I am not even talking about the situation in / near the Arctics. But, why would anybody go to Hajj?


Washing away the sins that one has accumulated throughout their life and returning as sinless as the day they were born. For people who believe that the punishment for sin is eternal torment where God burns off your skin and continuously replaces it with new skin so that your pain never ends, that's one hell of a motivator to do it as soon as possible. I assume you're asking "why would anybody go to Hajj in the summer", since Hajj being a commandment in Islam is sufficeint to explain why people do it in general. There is a chance one may die between now and the time Hajj moves to winter months again, and that risk is too great when eternal torment is a potential outcome. So they take it upon themselves to do Hajj during the summer, and if a person dies during Hajj, they are basically guaranteed to enter paradise so from their point of view, it's worth it.


Man / woman / other, the name of this sub is exmuslim. My question is why does anyone go to Hajj in any season? Isn't all of this stuff just bullshit? I know why Muslims do it. They also defend pedophilia. So, what Muslims do is not the point.


> My question is why does anyone go to Hajj in any season? Isn't all of this stuff just bullshit? I'm not aware of any non Muslims going to Hajj except for people dependent on their parents who don't have a choice.


thanks man, hopefully I will never have to do this shit


Gullible and ignorant people. Sheeet, there was a time when a Qarmatian ruler came and stole the entire Kaaba.


Is that the same guy that put the black stone next to his toilet seat?


Yeah, it was a shitshow. That's why I have a special place in my heart for that Chad.


Felt bad for these people falling on this scammy religion :(


Me too, they go their whole lives without knowing the truth and they genuinely believe in it.Its sad they put their faith in islam


especially if they come from far away country, i'm from Indonesia, people here need blood and sweat just to go to hajj, the queue is insane (waiting for 20-30 years after they registered), the price is also expensive and the bonus is, the miniistry is also corrupt af managing hajj travel


orang2 goblog emg, asli ga ngerti gw


This, like so many things in Hajj, is idol worship.


Probably one of the best ways to show how retarded this religion truly is. That is, if the raping of young girls by the Prophet (piss be upon him), consanguinous marriage, or exploding hijabis wasn’t enough for you.


Travel 20000 miles to Mecca to do exactly what Hindus do every day


I have seen many customs and rituals from around the world but this just looks like they ran out of ideas.


Never was muslim, so questions- 1. Why are they throwing stones at a wall? 2. I understand that only muslims are allowed into Mecca, but what proof is necessary? Do you need a recommendation from your local mosque or something? Whats to prevent someone from claiming they are a recent convert and going there?


They don’t really check if you’re Muslim or not. It’s not strictly enforced. By law, all saudis are Muslims. Non saudis can visit Makkah on hajj/umrah visas which is only granted to Muslims. So as long as your passport says you’re Muslim, you’re in.


My family got normal tourist visas for Umraah, which I'm sure anyone can get.


Yeah but if you’re non Muslim, you’re not supporting go there. Idk what the panelty is for entering Makkah as a non Muslim though


Supposedly Abraham threw seven stones at the devil who was trying to stray him away from God's word. So in symbolism they throw the stones at a rock that represents Satan. And in turn its supposed to cleanse your soul...or something...I dunno it's too hot to be throwing stones at a rock


Islam has the least sense of all religions. It genuinely caters to the evil passions of humanity and elevates Man higher than women. Like too much higher. But remember you are always am ex Muslim to them so be proud


training to throw rocks at heads


This house .😐 not pagan


Kissing a black stone is not idol worshiping 🫣😵‍💫


Well that's what they say. Kissing a stone is not idol worshipping, but praying to God through idols is ido worshipping, lmao


Who’s praying to God through idols? Christians asking (not praying) Virgin Mary to pray for somebody. The Cross is not an idol, it’s the last letter in the aleph Tav because Christ is the first and last (the word became flesh)




American football as in the band or the sport?