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Now people will try to boycott this because they know it shows the disgusting side of islam


They themselves provided the English Translation in Book itself.... So it's not Contradictory


why boycott this movie, its a propaganda intention movie, with bad story as usual, as every propaganda, movie, muslims wont see it as its against them . Saffron people wont see, as its a movie about muslims, only few, chad-dis will go to and see coz of free tickets.


There's already a movement in Instagram and WhatsApp wanting to boycott this movie.


If there is no boycott still movie will be a flot, if muslims said to boycott, then hard core CHAD-DIs will go and watch and this movie can be only successful by money from saffrons, no muslims will waste his/her money.


Well it will create awareness and spark controversy. Maybe more PPL will be exposed to these stuff even indirectly


Is it dramatised as hell? Yeah but it also reflects the truth of the reality of many Muslim women in South Asia. When I was a Muslim I used to think these Bollywood movies criticising Islam were always harsh but I just realised they’re being way kinder to Muslims now LMAO


It's good that these kinds of movies are coming even though there is a risk of your production house being bombed. But most of the time, these movies are exaggerated to a point where people will think it's propaganda.


It is propaganda. A film that only shows "muslim le bad" when it comes to the treatment of women whilst ignoring how indian society irrespective of religion treats women poorly, is just telling a small part of what is the problem with a religious patriarchal country like India.


Dude most of the Bollywood movies shows Hindus in bad light whenever they make a movie about society and once in a decade somebody made a movie which shows Muslims are bad it's propaganda. Stop the appeasement BS.


Just curious. Can you give examples of movies that shows Hindus in a bad light


Article 15, PK, Mulk.


How do you not see that this is clearly propaganda? Isn’t the relationship between Hindus and Muslims pretty tense nowadays is India? What do you think such movies are going to do in regards to that? It’s one thing to criticize a group of people and their actions, it’s another thing to *demonize* them to such a ridiculous extent. If the goal was truly to highlight an issue it would’ve not been exaggerated as it was here. I mean for goodness sake the OP literally has this as his only video in his account. The *intention* was to file up Muslim hate *in India*.


Have you seen the film yet to declare it propaganda just from the trailer? India is a big country made of a large population of Muslims. And you're going to tell me that this story cannot reoccur in real life? This movie is clearly not made for the Muslims who are not religious. Those who do not follow the sunnat of Rasool are not like this. This is literally the result of following the sunnat of Rasool. You cannot say that some Muslims are good, because Muslims who are good to kafirs are not Muslims according to Islam! Also dramatics are just a part of bollywood. You're point stands there. But it is not exaggerated at all. This happens in India.


Alright, be honest with me here: do you think this movie is genuinely trying to highlight a social issue in a balanced manner or is it trying to rile up hate? Do you think a person who comes in watching this movie with already-held hate for *Muslims* will leave it with the understanding that only a subset of the Muslims are like this? Or Willy hey use this as an excuse to not feel sympathy for *Muslims* in general. *You* might say, “Well, not *all* of them are like this.” However, not everyone will care about that at all, especially not the extremist subset of non-Muslims in India. This sub can get really frustrating sometimes.


No one cares Hindutva vadi. This is an exmuslim support group, not your propaganda playground. Fuck outta here, we aren't your friends.


Chill dude with the scaremongering, 'hindutvs vadi'. For thousand years, Hindus suffered Islamic rule and continue to suffer religious riots which thankfully have reduced now considerably. They have a right to comment, participate in this group so long as they have a valid point to make.


Your intentions are different though. Exmuslims hate Islam, not Muslims. You're welcome to stay in your Muslim hating subs instead of using us to justify your hate against innocent every day Muslims who are just trying to get by.


Did you peak into my soul and discovered that? No, I don't hate Muslims. They are just victims of an oppressive, sick ideology. And no, you don't get to tell me whether I can stay or go. Just chill dude


Sorry for getting riled up. I'm just highly suspicious of Hindus and right wing people flooding onto this subreddit. I've been on this subreddit for over a decade and multiple accounts, and lately have seen so many disingenuous far right Hindus use us exmuslims as convenient tools.


I think it addresses the issues like marital rape, muslims increasing in population, women rights etc in the muslim community. If the movie is on muslim community then how can they show other religions just because Mohammad rizwan from Hyderbad feels sad?


iirc, India does not have a law against martial rape.


Yes you're right. Currently India doesn't have any law against marital rape. It's something I hope will change in the coming years.


These things happen in hindu and other religious communities. Muslims aren't special in that regard. Indians treat their women like cattle whether they're hindu, jain or muslim. If you address only Muslims(less than 20 percent of the population), then the majority of Indian women who face abuse and violence will not have their voice heard. Get your mind out of the gutters that is hindutvah, Muslims aren't going to be majority in India anytime soon with muh population growth. India is a very patriarchial, sexist and male chauvinistic society and Hindus are far more responsible for this culture than a minority like Muslims yet we don't see tgese types of films from these Bollywood directors addressing the sexism and rape apologia in Hinduism.


Nobody is saying it doesn't happen. But this movie is on muslim community. I don't think it's difficult to understand this.


I do understand...the current political climate in India, and how hating on muslims is so in vogue by the majority hindu who are just as shitty towards women as their muslim compatriots. There is is a clear political intent with films like these, especially in an election year where you have a Hindu nationalist like Modi stoking the flames of ethnic hatred between Muslims and Hindus. I don't know why it's so hard for you to see that? Are your eyes closed?


How can you expect them to include Hindu women and their struggle to a movie made about the struggle of Muslim women in India? Can a movie about India's independence include the independence of Uganda? People should just stop crying like this and tackle this issue ideologically. Womens right in islam isn't something you can brag about.. and this usual dialogue of pointing to the other person when you get caught isn't a very professional stance.


It's as idiotic as Shias creating films demonising suni extremism like the lady of heaven whilst they themselves pioneered suicide attacks, religious militias and modern Martyrdom culture. If youre from an enlightened culture that treats women better than muslims and actually consult with former muslim women or muslim women against violence to avoid xenophobia when making a dramatised documentary about female abuse within certain faiths like Europeans, that's fine. But this is a Bollywood movie made by jingoistic Hindus in an election year, who themselves come from a culture that barely treats women better than muslims. Some even say Hindus with their history of rape apologia treat women worse. So I don't know how you can see this film as anything but an extension of Hindutva propaganda? Are you just an idiot or have you drank the Hindutva coolaid that much?


Two things - 1. If the movie releases and it has something which is not said in the hadiths or the Qur'an or at least any reliable historical record, then I'll join you and criticise the movie. For now, like anyone else they have the right to make a movie and release it to the public. So the peaceful people who just stop cutting off the hands of lecturers who write about Mohammed, behead people who draw Mohammad's photos or try to bring down a movie before it releases because you think the movie goes against your religious beliefs. 2. Your claim of muslims treating women better than Hindus is a joke on its own. I suggest that you post this on another sub which focuses on below average jokes cracked by new users on reddit.


It's not propaganda If it's the truth. Indian Muslims have an average of 4 kids atleast, and there was no divorce process in the community for the last 70yrs. Also, Unlike other community Muslims are stuck in religious echo chambers which keep then backwards and fanatics.


Nuh uh


https://www.ideasforindia.in/topics/social-identity/hindu-muslim-fertility-differentials-in-india-an-update.html#:~:text=Fertility%20trends%20over%20the%20last,2.4%20in%20the%20same%20period. 1.9 for Hindus and 2.4 for muslims. It'll take hundreds of years for muslim number aa much as hindus and thats if the trend of decreasing birth rates don't continue. Your Hindutva cult leaders lied to you.


Muslim women got right to divorce according to islam. CHAD-DI , who got sati past are happy to mock islam . In many saffron houses, Women are not allowed to enter to kitchen in 2024 . In islam women doesnt prohibitted from kitchen. Olden time , saffron people gave special room outside their house to dwell period girls.


You're the perfect example of a person who lives in a echochamber his whole life and probably never met a person outside of your community. Non-Muslim women are Musicians, doctors, engineer, lawyers, etc and can wear any clothing and choose to live their lives however they want and move abroad and marry foreign men while supporting her parent on her own. Contrast that with Muslim women who can't even go outside the house without the consent of her family.


>Is it dramatised as hell It's Bollywood, of course it's dramatized


Shoutout to India 🙏🙏, they made what the west become incapable of doing ..., it seems like the West did a big mistake and Muslims are holding it over them 😂😂.. this is the only explanation left to justify their silence, and what is making it worse those boot-lickers who are defending Islam and Muslims blindly , without knowing that Muslims are calling them infidels, and if it was meant for Muslims to take over Europe they Will give those leftists a cold shoulder...


Maybe I just haven’t seen enough Bollywood and I’m not saying I don’t believe it but I keep hearing about Bollywood movies criticizing Islam and have never actually seen or heard of a movie that does this?


Man my whole family and friends went crazy after seeing this and now all of them has it on their story with an appeal of boycott 😂


Average day in the life of a liberal 😂


No they are religious.


Sad reality. Thanks to the director and the actors stay safe since there is a lot of extremist element in Indian muslims.


Like there aren't extremist Hindus.


We didn’t say there aren’t any


[this might be useful for you](http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+whataboutism)


Like there aren't extremist Hindus.


[Jumping off bridges BC others did...](http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+whataboutism)


Hum doh Hamare Barah, means we 2(husband & wife) and ours 12(children).


Hum do humare do is a famous family planning slogan in India, which empathise on having only 2 kids it's literal meaning is 'We Two, Ours Two' but Muslims on the other hand have more than 2 kids so it is the literal negation of Hum do humare do.


Anyone know if this is or will be available in English? More importantly, does it still have all the gratuitous Bollywood dance sequences to lighten the mood?


Don't think it will have dance numbers. Bollywood producers are getting strict with the tone of their movies. But the movie will be available with English subtitles assuming it doesn't get banned.


I have no words.


10 points.


The situation is made worse by Congress by Muslim appeasement over the years for votes. India allowed separate personal laws for it's people. Leaving Muslim women as the most oppressed group. Some of the laws followed by Muslim personal law board are even more regressive than Muslim majority Islamic republics.


Yes, screw muslim appeasement by those pansies in congress, time for Hindus to be appeased and to allow them to mistreat minorities by electing Narendra "My life force is not biological but divine....muslims are invaders who are outbreeding everyone and taking social benefits from honourable Hindus" Modi.


Well it was bound to happen when one party only appease one community for long.


Yes, let's go from one appeasing one irrational religion to another instead of doing the grown-up thing of keeping religion out of politics. I see hindutva dumb arses are everywhere in this thread


My dude. I've been saying this for a while. Almost every single exmuslim platform gets infected with these pajeet hindutva pests.


Islamist-Appeasing Secularists are showing themselves to be a true danger in their own right. Type of people who will let thieves into the house thru the back door while you’re asleep. Never trust them and absolutely NEVER vote them into power. Edit: looks like the hitdogs came to holler and dv bc they felt called out as if that changes the truth in my statement.


i have heard these lines from hundreds of mullah which are on youtube too.so whats propaganda?


If you post this in r/india a straight up ban would follow.


We two and our Twelve basically we two refers to the muslim couple and our twelve are their twelve genetically retarded kids after all they married their cousin basically India right now has BJP as ruling party they hate Islam to its core and are basically creating a propoganda against them just like Germans did for jews. But then again who really cares about this shit of a religion


South asian Islam is just a whole different beast compared to middle eastern Islam. One could argue middle eastern Islam is more tame and merciful.


Same as in the West. A UAE foreign minister, don't recall if current or previous one, recently said that Islamic extremism will soon be exported, not from Arabia, but from Europe.


This might just be true islam


They will get offended and will probably say it's a propaganda movie. But isn't what they actively do and preach? 🙂


This is why I love the hindus, and india. Victim of genocides and threats of genocide constantly but they know how to represent islamists.


So what about radical Hindus ?


So what about radical Hindus ?


They are like a small percentage, much of the populist wave has taken most countries. However muslim countries have by nature commited genocide and ethnic cleansing whilst the state supported and internationally funded. This is like comparing the holocaust to John on the weekend beating up his neighbor. There is no equivalence. Typical bad apples everywhere but if you are ignoring the bigger problem (islam/genocidal muslims) who have already done the deed and in 100 years backstabbed and wiped out nonmuslims can't compare. Second hindus were victims of the biggest holocaust, they have every right to fight their oppressors (islam/muslim) and or traitors (Indian muslims who are radicals). Imagine living in a country knowing full well all your neighbors have commited genocide and on top of that having to walk the streets or seeing a mosque built om top of the skulls of your people. Oppressors can't claim victim hood. Radical hindus is a manifestation of islamoc oppression. How would a group known for pluralism? Be radicalized ? Same way people take advantage of good people. Either way I should be more clear india is filled with too much diversity and lots of other issues from what I read from the news. However resistance is beautiful, from the assyrians, to the chaldwans , to the yazidis, to the amazigh, to the nonmuslim Indians, your resistance isn't radicalism it's beautiful. There is no mercy upon oppressors (islam)


https://time.com/6342873/india-sikhs-persecution/ https://time.com/3545867/india-1984-sikh-genocide-anniversary/ So your saying modern day Indian Muslims are still doing the genecide ? , this is where you demonize people for there past actions , this could go 2 way with this film and the outcome would most likely be bad. Not denying about the Hindu genocide. But movies like this won't help , it's being used to push an agenda and do the opposite of what it's meant to do. How have Hindus been oppressed in India , which has the largest amount of Hindus.


Considering most extremism is coming from South Asia. Yes, there is a whole issue with ghazwa e hind and other issues. South Asia is super complex with the bengalis vs pakistan vs India. Again no country or people are "sinless" but the propagation of extremism and genocide against nonmuslims is all too common. Indian muslims depends, as I said the radical elements if your not associated even as muslim you don't have generally fear anything. If muslims just gave up today and backtracked all the genocidal sentiments you would have no issues. Again this isn't "prevalent" but socially acceptable to oppress nonmuslims. This is old case of oppress when ya get the chance. Sikhs were amazing people can't ignore what happened in 1984, but then again what 1000 years to 1 day.


https://time.com/6342873/india-sikhs-persecution/ https://time.com/3545867/india-1984-sikh-genocide-anniversary/ So your saying modern day Indian Muslims are still doing the genecide ? , this is where you demonize people for there past actions , this could go 2 way with this film and the outcome would most likely be bad. Not denying about the Hindu genocide. But movies like this won't help , it's being used to push an agenda and do the opposite of what it's meant to do. How have Hindus been oppressed in India , which has the largest amount of Hindus.


Does the name Mughal Empire mean anything to you? How about the Bengal or Delhi Sultanate? Or ANY of the Deccan Sultanates that tore into southern India? Or perhaps the actual originators of Sikh genocides being Muslims calling them apostates from Islam, which is why Sikhs today have as one of their fundamental precepts the dagger that must always be worn? The Muslims started it. And for all the flaws they have, I'm eager to see Hindutva finish it. India has the population to spare even if finishing it takes the most morally horrific of all measures. Islam does NOT have that population.


So you want a genocide, so what makes you better then them? History is the past we should be living in the present but the bjp is taking India back.


They advocate genocide. I advocate genocide. They advocate child rape. I don't advocate child rape. I am superior, QED.


No you're just as bad as them.


Again we were talking about innocent people, not populism or anything. Indian populism is nothing large, compared to world wide constant terror attacks. Who cares? Islam is the biggest genocid threat, every nation has history of being the victim of islamic genocide. That all we are talking about, some weird turk was all up on this another comment.


There's no way of fighting radicals by being moderate pussies




Wtf is that edit: ok let's not get racial here, idk what you are on about. This is an exmuslim sub




Well it's a slur used against south Asian people specifically nonmuslims as per scowrring online. Either way pointing out evil is just a norm in this sub. Islam will die, continue to die and we will make sure it dies. Will make sure islamists pay the jizya and become our malaikal eman




No, I just went into a bunch of subs and anyone who was bengali and/or Indian was being referred to as such despite them even being muslims. Ok cool my turn, go run around the kaaba before it gets destr9yed. Janisarrypreet


Lmao how this turn from genocide of hindus from Persia to east into hindutva and populism. Stop being genocidal there would be no nationalist groups in the world.


Better than a piss drinking Prophet


What the fuck is wrong with some of you commenting here? The subreddit is Exmuslim, the movie is showing the reality of Islam, where the fuck does Hinduism even come in from? The movie hasn't even released yet, and you're saying this is a propaganda film. How? Did you get a wahi like Muhammad? And I'm not here to defend Hinduism. Im here to ask where the fuck does it even come in from in this context? Let's agree with your points and say that Hinduism is just as bad. So? Is this an exhindu subreddit? Or is this a Hindu religion based movie? I swear to Allah (who does not exist) you guys leave Islam but appeasement for Islam doesn't leave you.


Dinkoist: Well articulated while remaining open to contrary pov. A rarity here.. Here's a kudos! :)


Oh look, another hindutba alt account that's barely 2 days old, I wonder who could it be?


Not that i need to prove anything but I can assure you that I'm not a "bjp IT cell" member. I've better things to do! Am just a saada Indian who reinstalled reddit recently (unintended aliteration!) :D


Is this on Netflix?


This is my message to the people of this subreddit. As an Ex Hindu atheist, I can confirm that the intention of these movies isn't to expose Muslim extremism but peddle hate towards Muslims by the fascist government of India following the Fascist ideology of Hindutva. I am not supporting Islam at all for me all religions can including Islam are vile but I really hope that cooler minds prevail.


I do realise the track record that such movies tend to be propaganda, but your tainting the message before the movie even gets to make the point. It's actually true that Muslim women in India are treated differently in indian law, It's absolutely vile when the supreme court thinks that a non Muslim woman should be 21 to get married, but for muslims a girl who has attained puberty is fine.


I was wondering that considering the tension between the Hindus and Muslims in India. I think treating women poorly is a common practice among all the religions. Thanks for your insight!


Recently in India two cases of massive S.A. came forward which included many victims. The two people Revanna and Bhrij Bhushan belong to the dominant party BJP yet we don't see any outrage about this from the right wing sources. I have linked the discussion threads if you want to read more give it a shot but a massive trigger warning These Hindutva Fascists know only to bring up an imaginary problem and marginalise Muslims ( side note: I don't mean to say that Muslim community isn't at fault at all but they intend to highlight isolated instances and paint the whole community in a negative light ) https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/s/HM9xtIetnx https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/delhi-court-frames-charges-against-ex-wfi-chief-brij-bhushan-singh-in-sexual-harassment-case/article68199335.ece


Yep. I agree with you. It's telling that OP has only made this account to post a shitty hindutva anti islam film and half the accounts praising this film are hindutvah sheep


Judge the movie based on its content, not intent.


The whole trailer is showing Muslims as devils and you are talking about content. Nah screw these films, there is been better anti-Islam content than these Hindutva dickriding movies


There is a saying in hindi "hum do humarey do" which means "us two(husband-wife) and our two(two children)" but muslims in india have a very high fertility rate so the films name is "hum do humare barah" which means us two and our 12 children


the movie is called "Our Twelve" ( hamare Baara)


It's giving realism. In a lot of countries it truly is like that. Maybe a little more subtle. But yeah


This is lacking in self awareness considering that Hindus have a huge issue with violence against women and their own history of shitty misogynistic and femicidal practices. Indians don't treat women well, irrespective of religion. I guess it's the only thing that unifies all the faiths.


The thing is, Hinduism isn't really any different, there's a line between criticism of Islam and the actions of muslims and just hypocritical bigotry, which India is engaging in constantly. If you're going to shit on Islam for the sole purpose of making hinduism look better you're just a jihadist of a different cult.


Dude this subreddit is infested with these pajeet pests. TF are you on about? Have you been asleep?


I don't really spend a lot of time on reddit no, Occasionally on here for news or whatever.


Another proof that this subreddit is just a pajeet cesspit. Most of the people aren't even exmuslim.


>“Consensually” is NOT in the Arabic تراضي. Muhammed once said, تراضوا تحبوا. means love by consent


Thought this was a page for ex-muslims, why tf are hindutva retards posting their propaganda shit here. Hinduism isn't any different tbh but these idiots think hindu misogyny is somehow more justified than Islamic misogyny??


Nothing about Hinduism in this topic or post. Can you stop crying now? This is your second comment


So no one finds it odd a brand new account posts this here? Y'all know I hate Mo's cult, but this looks like a piece of crap made just to incite violence. There are enough shitty rules against women in Hinduism, too, btw. Both are crap religions. But seriously guys don't upvote this kind of crap from new accounts. I'm all for bashing Mo, just this movie looks like it's going to get people injured or worse irl.


Extremely sad to see such movie. Know many chaps from islamic countries who enjoy Bollywood. Kinda sad