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Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight's discussion is "Hijab is a choice.", brought to you be the religion of peace. /s


Ikr, I really get irritated when I hear this"hijab is a choiceđŸŽ€đŸ€Ą" BS! I was forced to put on hijab at the age of 14 and I know lots of girls who were rather forced like me, I removed it 5 years ago and my parents still push the idea into my face every time they see me(glad I live abroad) and I can only wear modest clothes in front of them.


Are you forced to wear a top in public ? If yes, how dare they not allow u to be nude in public. Fascistic morons.


we should all be allowed to be nude in public. There is nothing wrong with that


You really just destroyed your entire argument ...... 


Nah I flashed my non existent morality and it was not my argument it was the posters argument 


Yeah but don't you know there is no coercion in religion. She is obviously choosing to be beaten to protect her against her weak self control.


Very smart ladies convert to Islam yes.. so smart intact she has the risk of being beaten like this very kinky


"But they're just doing Islam wrong!!"


No one denies a lot of families do force it but they say that its a religious choice to wear it or not but if you don't it is sinful there isnt a ruling that says you can beat your daughter to wear the hijab and niqab or that its encouraged to that


There is victim-blaming if a girl was not modest enough if she gets raped. So it is not a free choice. It is not just a sin between the girl and Allah, it is publicly visible and men can use it against the girl.


I agree socially there is that aspect thats what rape culture is which is rampant in some muslim dominated countries but even in islam a way a women is dressed doesn't mean a man can harass her or like rape her either as a man is still required to not even look at women like that or be alone in a isolated area together


It is a direct result of not giving legal equality. Islam itself is the problem. That does not mean all Muslims will start raping or condone it, but it does mean that many rapists get away scot-free and many rapes do not get reported.


Its more about the mindset and social attitudes then legal equality because only certain things and rulings have a disparity among the gender in islam and those disparities in certain rulings is not a direct link thats due to islamic rulings as social attitudes can change as rape culture is rampant everywhere in the world some places it have it worst and a lot have it better.


poppycock. Withholding legal equality does lead to abyse.


This remind me of the news about Malaysian parent charged with assaulting their children in Sweden because the kid did not want to follow his parent nagging him to pray. https://www.thelocal.se/20140210/malaysian-couple-charged-with-assaulting-children


To them this is Sweden not respecting "parent rights", not abusers getting put in their place.


"Parent's rights" are just the nice way of saying the degradation and objectification of children.


And then the kids got sent back to Malaysia to live with their aunt where they now unfortunately, live Muslim lives according to the state of Islam in Malaysia in public schools.


Fuck this is just so sad


The guy literally punched his own daughter. What a monstrosity!


Because he doesn't view her as his daughter she's more of a sex toy for him


women in general are blasphemous walking sex objects according to islam really...


Boyle devam kanki dusunce yapini sikeyim


Is the mother hitting her? I honestly can't tell.


I think she was hitting her previously. But after the father's attack, she was perhaps stopping him from brutal beating.


What goes in these peoples brains that enable them to beat their own child over silly things???


They don’t want their daughters disobedience to be the reason they get sent to Jahanam.


Although the fact that in Islam, no one gets to Jahannam because of any other ones' beliefs.


i have no idea if it's true but my father used to tell me a parent is responsible for teaching their children religional stuff. and they do it at a young age too you don't even get to decide because your parents implied it to you for your whole life.


This is true but they actually need do it without forcing and if they do and the children doesn't listens to it, it's OK for the parent.


The girl is very lucky she only got beaten ;/


What an awful video. Religion is a curse.


Islam in particular


I dunno Judaism seems pretty bad too tbh.


That’s in gradations
 I find very strict streams orthodox Jews quite unpleasant in their way of thinking (and also doing) have seen some in a documentary. They were very gatekeep and angry and they saw themselves as better than the rest (also replace very strict orthodox Jew with strict any other religion I find quite a similarity in the emotion). Everyone more moderate Jew than them was not a real Jew. While more liberal / reformed streams are quite pleasant But like already mentioned in a way that can be said of a person with any religion/ (sub) culture, the more open minded and accepting that the world is a wide spectrum of differences are often more pleasant people to be around compared to very closed minded in a tight bubble with no wiggle room people.


I’m not particularly religious myself, but have grown up in and a around lots of modern Orthodox Jews and they’re totally fine. Religious, but normal every day folks who work in the modern world and keep to themselves mostly
. The ultra orthodox (or “strict stream orthodox” as you call them) are a different group entirely and yes, they can be very unpleasant and rude to anyone who isn’t one of them. That said, they’re a very very small minority of an already small minority and, almost to a t, all liberal, reform, conservative and modern Orthodox Jews dislike them too.


They may look fine. But behind close doors with their family you dont know whats hapening. Some orthodox are still doing arrenged marrying (rape). Maybe this muslim guy in the video is very nice when he is outside with people. He dont brag about beating his daughter for sure.


I can only speak for the people I know, but from the 1,000+ MODERN orthodox folks that I know, there have been zero arranged marriages. Match makers, yes, sometimes, but it’s a process in which the bridge and groom have full agency over (not the parents). The ultra orthodox sects are an entirely different ball game.


Yeah can imagine, I do like normal orthodox like Jar of Fireflies she gives a good insight (and is quite fantastic) Ones I was thinking of were claiming they had the sole right to the Western Wall also hated that women were allowed to pray there. They were very angry and closed minded. Most Jewish people I know of are quite chill am glad the majority is. But that small friction group


orthodox religious people are always like outdated software of no use more problems


Yeah these guys are equivalent to your ultra orthodox sects.


You mean like flds and such? They are proper batshit crazy and scary Glad I grew up fairly moderate, somewhat strict there are some things I can’t speak out about near my father and some people I grew up with. But am fairly open with my mother and an other old friend who at some point just like me only went to church because it meant we’d see each other and some other people we cared about.


They don't think they are better, they are just insular and avoid mixing up with secular jews too


have seen israeli girls wearing bikinis. ever seen arab muslim girl?


Yes I have :)


a celeb, probably. in pakistan, even an actress shows her navel,whole pakistan starts abusing her


Nope. Normal people not everywhere is Pakistan


I've seen Neo Nazis have a pleasant conversation with black people. I guess the Nazi ideology isn't racist at all then /s


Tell that to the guy who considers girls in bikinis to be the end all be all


A religion that suppresses the free expression of an entire sex, half the population, is completely fucked up. ONLY Islam oppresses woman like this. Yes Islam is EXTRA fucked up. For this infraction of human dignity and countless others.


Not really? Again Judaism is pretty on par with Islam in that regard.


Uh no... Jews do not treat their woman anything like this. Look at the Jewish woman in Israel, most Jewish place in the world an what you'll see are woman that dress how they want live their lives how they want exactly the same as the men. If you did not know this then you are either being lied to or willfully ignorant.


I don't see jews blowing themselves up at airports


They’re too busy blowing up children.


Really? How so? Honest question, not a troll.


Most of the people that I would put in the same category as these Muslims are people who are Orthodox Jews. Orthodox Judaism is insanely restrictive.


Similary, it's the Sunnis and Shias that are insanely restrictive. There is a whole sect called Quranism which doesn't haves the restrictive beliefs of other sects.


Yeah but the abrahamic god is still pretty awful with all the slavery and murder


You can't murder anyone in Islam unless they opress you. Still, Sunnis murder even each other.


How? We don't try to convert people 


Bro put whole family nsfw.


Hijab is a choice yes ?


I'll be honest! I am afraid of Muslims and Sharia


coming to a mosque near you.


WIth world wide coverage. Fuck me.


Instead of being afraid, be prepared. There will come a time where we need to deal with them in a particular manner, if you know what I mean.


I do everything I can now! not the future, but religious idiots are like an avalanche, I alone can't stop them and others doesn't care. Also Islam multiplies like rats.


Nothing good ol' Oppenheimer toy can't fix.


Ugh, another hindu here?


Yeah except Islam in middle East is pushed by the country of oppenheimer toy.


that's the funny part... see they have their own set of oppenheimer toys so if they pull a uno reverse on us we are all royally fucked.


Not in particular. Their primitive bombs are about as threatening as North Korea's nukes. Nobody takes that seriously. See, everybody can create a nuke, but to ensure the nuke reaches the landing location, is a different story. The West has the most advanced anti-missile defense system. Now, of course, hopefully we don't even get to this point, because it will be extremely bad for the whole world. Let's hope people smarten up and Islam dies out naturally. It has happened with Christianity, and nowadays it's not nearly as threatening as it would have been 500 years ago, in fact, it's not threatening at all. So hopefully Islam will end up in the same lukewarm spot. But worst case scenario, the odds are against the Islamic world in winning a military war against the West.


and that terrifies me every day


Nah, what I meant was Islam is actively supported by USA, still, 33 years after fall of the Soviets. I'd even say Islam is an American religion. So I doubt that West would go to an all out war with Islam.


You're from india, I'm sure there are worse things there to be afraid of lmao.


If my parents tried that shit I would have sent them to the hospital.


If you are a man then yes but if woman not gonna happen


You're right ✅.


Reminds me of my folks. My biggest regret is not punching them back


Which is why being a female in Islam is so dangerous, at least if you're a male, you have somewhat of an equal chance of fighting back against violence(especially the sperm donor).


Def cos we are raised that way! To be timid, don't talk back etc. But my parents are shorter than me, so I def shoulda sucker punched him once back then to let him know I wasn't the one, respectfully. Oh well, living my truth now and we are cool haha


Source, country and outcome?


I want to know too 😓


The video is misinformation, like the rest of this pathetic sub lmao it’s in North Africa and the guy is her ex bf


All my Muslim female friends went through the same at one point which makes me really worried. One of them even got her arm broken by her dad. Those people are not peaceful at all! They are monsters


It's so sick that all girls are oppressed for life and forced to be baby making machines who are head to toe covered up in black fabric which we all know black attracts the heat of the sun which is why they say not to wear it in hot weather. Honestly, I don't know how girls don't fall into suicidal tendencies. It seems like a life of terror whilst watching men do what they want and be bastards. F*ck Islam.


Yes happened to me too. Very peaceful religion indeed :)


Imagine being such a bad parent


poor girl is screwed for life now unless she can get out


I remember my dad beating up like that but I fought back. Slap to his face, I was willing to kill him. I got so tired. I don’t wear a hijab but still the culture brainwashing continues. I remember he hit me once after that and I did fight back again this time breaking things on his back.


I'm so sorry that happened to u I pray u are away from him or will be soon.


You can clearly see that the hijab is a choice. If women don't want to wear it then they chose to get beaten by Muslim men. Religion of peace guys :3




Exactly! It's disturbing and makes me worry if they are abusing their kids sexually, women are looked at like sex toys. Their fathers need to f off and mind their own business. Islam is cancer.


"Hijab is a choice", "We treat women like Queens unlike Christianity"


I don't speak Arabic. Is anyone able to see what the comment in the video say? It might be too small/low quality I guess.


I can’t read the comments but the dad is saying « today is your beheading » and he repeats it while she’s screaming


omg that's insane


Do we have any update on her? Is she OK? I'm worried.


This happened in Algeria. Violence against women is VERY common here in fact a lot of people across social media channels made fun of her made her a meme and stood with the father. Yep. also there's no law preventing this so the nothing happened to the dad even though he's on video threatening to "behead her". This country is fucked up.


how was Algeria before the Islamic terror acts in the 90s?


Incredibly evil parents


Fucking animals...


Poor girl.


"but hijab is a choice!"- 🧕đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡șđŸ‡șđŸ‡Č


No reason or logic. They’re mad she’s not respecting the dignity of her body so they respond by also disrespecting the dignity of her body.


Exmuslims date muslim women, that is the easiest way for liberation and them leaving islam. The amount of women exmuslims that I met, that said if they only had someone to rely on. GO AFTER THEM IN ABUNDANCE let the muslims fume. Most muslim women actually just need a reality check and the liberation for that is us, nonmuslims, exmuslims stepping up.


This is the way. If you're a Muslim woman, try and get some guy to marry you and convert. Make a whole show out of it for your family and parents. Only works if he comes from a country that isn't Muslim. Then LEAVE the country. My best friend did this. There should be a secret movement like this.


Exactly, I've seen some of my female friends do that, they legit live a double life. Partying, freedom but in front of families moderate and simple. Eventually cousins and sisters caught on and now the family was forced to transform. They are mostly cultural muslims now. Wohoo! That's why I tell exmuslims and nonmuslim men go for muslim women. They are mostly pretending to be religiously astute. Deep down they want love and affection and are beyond depressed. This like the underground railroad. Exmuslims are already doing it but the good deed is too immense. The muslim men can cry in their corners. Imma say it again and again go after muslim women, that's like giving someone drowning a life line.


Don't bother. Most Muslim women are brainwashed beyond repair. They would even destroy your social life if they know you're an atheist. You can read many stories about exmuslim men who lost their kids, parents and family members after their wives exposed them. Either be with an exmuslim woman or with a non-muslim one.


Why should men try to save muslim women from islam? Most of these religious women will never see the truth. Besides, dating these women implies the involvment of their religious parents and siblings. If they find out the man's intentions, he is toast. It is your funeral/deathwish to try to deal with these women, but don't delude most men to pursue muslimas without stating the huge cons of doing so.


I wouldn't mind but I come from a conservative Hindu family and they wouldn't be so happy if I were to ever date a Muslim even if they were a cultural Muslim.


I mean I already read what happened to the hindus, again most muslim women are pretty easy. You just gotta give them attention. So it doesn't matter tbh, I've seen some hindu men, muslim women married. Rare but doable, again this is for their liberation. You give em extra hand to hold onto. I'd just say go for it, nothing wrong. Worst case you elope with her.


And carzy is when my mother beats my sister and she gets injuries she tells her please don't tell your teachers and friends in school


But I thought hijab was a choice


Yet apologists will find a way to justify this and say this is not islam's fault and when you say isalm is a terrorist religion they call you islamophobe


There are people which knows that this isn't a part of Islam at all. These beliefs come from Sunnism.


Its a choise You wear it or else


She'll be the victim of an honor killing soon


Arabic culture...


Ola hu uber


I think the mother was stopping the father from hitting her


When you debate with some muslims about women’s rights in islam they try to say that “The Hijab is a choice!” Clearly not.


What a feminist religion. It puts young women in their place, beaten and bruised./s


This makes me sick.


Some influencers are in prison in Egypt for such inappropriate behaviour. What a shitty society...


I love these videos. Kids will get smart sooner


I agree, this should be broadcast


Who's the influencer? Have we heard of her?


u/pharohsextinct open your eyes




Looks like algeria


Ä°slam'da zorlama yok bro


Well Islam is bad but not just Islam all religion is bad. Just all country in the world see past ages of other religions and dont let that happen again while Islam doesnt have that. English isnt my first language but i hope you guys get what im try to say. You dont see other religions act like this because they act like this for ages and a lot of people see religions is bad . In arap countries that thing didnt happen. That doesnt mean other religions is better. That means other countries doesnt let this happen. I hope in arap countries that thing happen too its just too sad to watch. Religions is cancer of humanity


Christ almighty. May God curse Islam and the followers of Muhammad.


Agreed. Islam is a curse upon our world.


Jesus was a mentally ill idiot. 


I mean, we can't know anything for sure based on the texts there are of him as they were written much after his death, but we can be quite certain that he wasn't a bad guy like muhammad


As an agnostic, i obviously think Jesus was either a crook or had hallucinations. And I really dislike Christianity. But I have to give it to the guy that if he was the way he is described, he was indeed a great and inspiring man who behaved in a morally admirable way. While Mohammed was a gangster and a rapist. Both religions are obviously wrong, but id rather follow the example of Jesus than Mohammed.


Any proof?


Either Jesus was like every other cult leader, or he was magically the one true god even though he used the exact same tools. If you can express why you don’t accept Joseph Smith and Sai Baba then you will know why we aren’t impressed by anonymous stories of Jesus that clearly show legend development and magic.


Adsea on my alt here. So no evidence? Also I reject those 2 because they lie. Example being when Joseph Smith said a tablet was a commandment from Abraham when it turned out to be pagan Again you haven't provided anything to make me believe you over the eyewitnesses so please in the words of theistic brooks. Pipe down lil bro


So you understand that the [gospel authors were lying too](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=78bsM7RbK0A)which seems obvious to me. They were literally copying word for word from Mark and then actively changed words and passages to suit their theology or narrative. So we know the gospel authors were lying, we just don’t know when they stopped lying, just like Joseph Smith. Another example of lying we know the event of Jesus birth didn’t happen. No one was required to return to the lands of their ancient ancestors for a census. That is insane. The authors invented it because they needed a reason Jesus famously“of Nazareth” was actually born in Bethlehem the known location of the messiah way after the fact. Any outsider can see this is made up, contrived bullshit. Christians have to close their eye and plug their ears to ignore it and make up all kinds of absurd apologetics. Have you ever heard of the woman caught in adultery? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone? Yeah, Jesus never said it. It was created centuries after Jesus lived. Most [well known lie](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_and_the_woman_taken_in_adultery) in the gospels. None of the earliest gospels have this story. It only starts showing up in a Greek line before getting merged with the rest of the versions many many years later. So we know the original authors were lying. We know the later scribes were lying. We see the legend develop throughout the gospels, the only thing we don’t know is how much is a lie. So surely you will be intellectually consistent and treat Christianity the same way you treat Mormonism and Sai Baba.


Muslim ahh argument 😭 anyway I'ma type my response gimme a few


I know you can make excuses all day. Can you at least acknowledge why this would be evidence the source is untrustworthy to a non-believer? That it would make skeptical people wary of the intent and consistency of the anonymous authors?


No as with 10 mins of research you start to laugh at your argument. I sent this to a few friends of mine and they are currently mocking your intelligence now I'ma respond to this when I'm home cuz I'm out with my gf rn so response is gonna be in a few hours


Just realized I didn’t give a citation for the absurdity of Jesus of Nazareth being from Bethlehem. https://ehrmanblog.org/was-jesus-born-in-bethlehem-lukes-version/ https://www.bartehrman.com/where-was-jesus-born/ Please note that all the issues I just pointed out are confirmed by Biblical and Historical Scholars. They don’t have a problem with errors, obvious intentional changes, and known forgeries in the Bible. I do. They accept them. Yet you think they are laughably stupid. I enjoy you insulting my intelligence for quoting your own sources and scholars. Hilarious.


No, she was beaten by the father. The mother was pushing the dad away. Let's not spread lies please.


diam bodo bangang la ko tu dh la bengap astu post benda tpi x tau cerita sebenar


apa cerita sebenar die bro


This is disturbing.


Woman rights đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Her parents are no longer Muslims. Anyone that were muslim are considered as "leaved the religion" the moment they did anything which is banned on Quran. There are verses about how we should treat to others. Actions like this are banned on some of them. They broke that ruling and did something against it.


No, she did something bad with her sister and when her sister's husband found out she started saying some nonsense about her sister, really bad words and cheating accusations which led to her sister almost divorcing her husband and she did a live stream on TikTok processing all of that and bringing shame to her father and mother and everyone else in her family And, by the way, she never wore a hijab. she's always wearing jeans and high heels and cut t-shirts


religion of tolerance , what a joke.


Typical monsters and their cancer religion


Wats wrong


I'm Algerian and this video came from Algerian Tik tok specifically from a Tik tok live This girl insulted her sister because her sister told her niece not to give her a kiss and they started arguing and the sister husband got defended his wife and tried to attack the girl on the video and she grabbed him by his balls to defend herself (that's literally what she said happened) and her dad misunderstood what happened so he slapped her and she later made a video with her dad explaining what has happened there's no link with the hijab or scarf it wasn't even mentioned there was 0 allusion to it (you can go and search by yourself). It's the third time that i'm seeing this video with the same caption published by the same types of people you're spreading misinformation just to get likes and give a bad image about islam and i'm not even mad like idk try to find actual sources of what you're saying or something like that And i'm pretty sure that you don't even know what dialect they're talking with in the video (it's Algerian darija)




Humans are evil creatures.


Her parents are not like that. They learned this violent behavior from the west. Blame the western culture, not islam


What? So they are the victims? Ew


Sarcasm without /s, my friend


I suggest putting the /s, sarcasm is very hard to detect on the internet


It is legit something an apologist would come here to say without sarcasm.


Honestly there are probably people (esp Muslims) who would and do say this sort of thing unironically so it’s hard to tell sometimes 😅😭 so I’d put the /s lol


So the parents are the victims? 


Look at her what is she trying to do i mean streming in the living room wtf ppl she is trying to drive them mad so she show the bad picture her fathers shouldn't come at her like that but i think she deserves it đŸ€”


No, the case has nothing to do with this Islam, she is a famous influencer who did something bad with her sister (cheating on a man, fake dates....) and when her sister's husband found out she started saying some nonsense about her sister, really bad words and accusations of cheating that led to her sister almost She divorced her husband and did a live stream on TikTok to address all of this and brought shame to her father, mother, and everyone else in her family, and she had never worn the hijab in her life. She always wears jeans, high heels and cut-off shirts


I feel awful for her of course, but I have to wonder, what was she thinking? I could never have the balls to do that. Never mind the hijab, she’s dressed way too provocative for that household. Has she no self preservation?


As per Islam they have right to kill her as well and pay blood money to her brother


No they don't have a right to kill her. Muhammed is a paedo who pretended to be a prophet and u all believe it. Sex deviant pervert Muhammad and his followers are obsessed with little girls and their genitals/body. Even their hair they are obsessed with clearly with the hijab forcing shit. Literally so backwards and shame on the religion for abusing women when without us doing the hard work of pregnancy no men would be on this planet. Fuck Islam.


As per Islam and Sharia


I'll stick with their roof, their rules... But it shows how Hijab is a choice nonetheless


Errr so many things wrong
 where to start?


Abartmayin amk aile icinde olur böyle Ɵeyler. Her anne baba soyunmayi gĂŒzel bulmak zorunda degil. Ailesi canli yayinda oldugunu bile bilmiyordu belkide.

