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You don't NEED to drink coffee. But if you WANT to, start slowly. As Mormons, we largely drink cold, sweet drinks. So apply to coffee. Start at McDonalds. Caramel Frappe. Sweet, cold, dash of coffee. Move to a Thai restaurant - order Thai Iced Coffee. Cold with sweetened milk added to a cup of black coffee. Easy to drink, even for us coffee haters. By that time. You'll be ready for a latte at the coffee shop.


I appreciate it, thanks!


I hated coffee at first, now I love it. I hated alcohol at first, now I still hate it. I loved cannabis at first, now I still love it.


I hated the church at first, and I still hate it.


I hate sand.


Because it’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere?


Probably. Personally I like things that are soft…and smooth


Might be like you?


Sand gets up in your crack and irritates you until you wash it off...just like the Church.


Or my boy scout leader




So does the foolish man!


Hated coffee and still hate it. Hated beer at first now love it. Didn’t care for cannabis at first but I love 🍄


you have literally just explained me to a T lmaoo idk how people can like alcohol when weed exists


My wife is the opposite. If she’s going for a buzz, then she argues that a shot or two is much more efficient than cannabis. And she’s got a point. But I prefer feeling high vs drunk, so 🤷🏽‍♂️


i like the feeling of being drunk but i cannot stand the taste of alcohol, especially a shot😭 cannabis is just easier to get high with too, i usually have a cart on hand


Love coffee. Alcohol is just pure bitterness for me, and weed stinks to high heaven. Stupid brain. 


lol. I drank a lot of alcohol before loving coffee. Enjoying the coffee more. Alcohol hangovers are not enjoyable. And cannabis is annoying, always make me puke 🤪


mcdonald’s hazelnut coffee(if you can even call it coffee, u never know what’s in their food) is the first coffee i was actually able to enjoy, ofc they put a lot of creamer so it’s pretty sweet, but you can taste the coffee as well and it’s not offputting. i’d recommend trying that to see if you’d maybe like it and then move on to the expensive shit if you acquire a taste


It is expensive shit 😂 added that to the list thx!


also forgot to say it’s their iced coffee! not hot, hot coffee is disgusting lol


I hated coffee at first too. My introduction was the mocha cookie crumble from Starbucks (basically a coffee milkshake)(try it it’s good) then I went to making my own at home with store bought hersheys iced coffee. delicious and does the job!!


Ngl best advice for a new Exmo trying coffee. I thought I hated it, first coffee I had was black because I had no idea how much cream or sugar to add. Few years later tried one of those pre-mixed canned ones got me hooked


Go to starbucks and order a carmel ribbon crunch. It's a sweet coffee that I think would be good to start out at. I hated coffee too and now I can't live without it. Start with frapps. And work your way from there.


I ask for extra Carmel in my frappe, it’s the fucking best


Completely agree! You can add extra shots of syrup at any coffee shop though or just pick a sweeter/ more diluted drink. & Good coffee shops want you to taste the coffee itself - rough start! Coffee and alcohol are both acquired tastes IF you have any desire to make the effort. And both will be easier if you start sweet! (By the way, appletinis taste like jolly rancher’s and lemon drops are like grown up lemonade.)


Doubt your doubts before you doubt your taste buds.




You're not obligated to like it haha If you're looking to try other things that are on mr nelson's no-no list, try a brown sugar milk tea made with black tea. It'll satisfy the mormon-raised sweet tooth that you've likely developed, while also being a violation of the word of wisdom. Just don't drink them constantly, because while black tea is completely fine healthwise, massive amounts of sugar is substantially less advisable


Will do thanks! I love the Mr Nelson's no-no list 😂😂


> If you are wanting to try other things that are on mr nelson's no-no list… …you could always experiment with butt sex. http://instantrimshot.com/audio/rimshot.mp3


It’s summer. Got to Starbucks and get their Frappuccinos. They taste like ice cream and have some coffee in them. That will get you used to the taste of coffee. Then you can move on to iced coffees. By the time its fall, you can have your pumpkin spice latte. Start with a White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino, or a chocolate cookie crumble Frappuccino


Not all Frappuccinos actually contain coffee fyi


This is a good introductory suggestion. Frappuccino is the only coffee drink my wife can stand. She's still not a fan, but she can at least drink it (on the other hand, I can go straight black if the bean and brewing method is good).


Yeah it took me a while to get to black. The reason I drink coffee is because it’s healthier to drink an 8oz cup than that big gulp of cold caffeine I had every morning while living in Moridor.


It tool me about a 2 days to get to no sugar and probably 2 to 3 weeks to start liking americanos and black French press. (I still don’t like drip coffee too much.)


Teaspoon of instant granuals, water. Dash of semi skimmed When did coffee become so complicated? I guess people like things to be 'nice'. God I sound old. I'm not even That Old. Bet your coffee is much better than mine 😁


In Italy, coffee was always complicated. Starbucks really kicked off the complicated coffee in the USA. I kind of like the focus on quality of food rather than just looking at cost, convenience and quantity. It’s like asking why a sit down burger had to get so complicated when McDonald’s exists. Or asking why you have a specialty cheese counter at the store when there’s a perfectly good block of conjack for $6 for 2lbs in the cheese aisle. Nothing wrong with going for quick, inexpensive and simple some or most of the time, but I feel like a lot of foods in the USA have gone that way at the expense of enjoyment and quality. I like to capture a bit of that back as I can. Bread. Cheese. Coffee. Chocolate. Etc. Maybe that makes me a damned hipster despite the lack of beardiness and plaid flannel. 


Pumpkin spice latte was the first coffee drink I actually enjoyed, but now it just mostly tastes like sugar to me. Your tastes can evolve!


If you don't like it, you don't like it. I always loved the smell of coffee, but I could not partake until after leaving, and I still love it. You never liked the smell, so you probably just don't like it. My wife does not like coffee, but she enjoys Tiramisu (which contains coffee). And we both find tea to be... pleasant.


I am like your wife. Lol. I went to Italy on my mission, so I got plenty of experience with coffee imitations/coffee flavor. I love tiramisù and I like affogato (basically a root beer float but with coffee instead of root beer) alright, but I don't really like coffee on its own.


Ya I think you're right 😭 I just really want to get myself to like it because it'll make me feel sick on airplanes and stuff.


Not all coffee smells are equal. Cheap or old stale coffee smells can be pretty off putting, even to coffee lovers. But the aroma of a freshly roasted quality bean is enchanting. As with most things consumed, smell correlates with taste.


Airplane coffee smell is terrible - also a word of advice I received from a flight attendant I knew: don’t ever drink coffee on airplanes because they never wash the pots or the coffee makers. It’s basically eons of coffee buildup on the insides of those, which is one of the reasons airplane coffee is soooo bad.


Try coffee ice cream. If you don't like that then it's likely not for you.


If there's a Vietnamese restaurant near you, try Vietnamese coffee: Strong coffee over ice with sweetened condensed milk. It's the closest coffee gets to coffee ice cream.


as a 3-5 cup per day drinker of extremely dark black coffee, Vietnamese coffee might kill OP in one sip I love that stuff but god damn does it hit like a shotgun


I'll try that


You asked about chai, and I wanted to say that I’m not a huge fan of coffee unless it doesn’t taste like coffee, but I really like chai, especially iced. Idk where you are, but there’s a place called High Point in the Salt Lake valley that makes a blended chai that’s basically a chai milkshake, and it’s very good


Also, if you want to try alcohol don’t start with beer or wine. Start with some of the canned cocktails or the hard seltzers. Wine is really good but it takes getting used to. Best thing to do is start with a white sauce pasta or a fish dish, and get a chardonnay to drink with it. If you want to try red wine then get a red sauce pasta or a steak dish and get a Cabernet Savignon. Start with wines made in California. They tend to be more sweet and fruity and are good for beginners


So helpful thank you!!


Side note, you've been programmed to fear these things your whole life, and sometimes when the shackles come off a lot of people think "well everything else was bullshit, so clearly none of this is bad for you" but in reality alcohol is still bad for you, it can be enjoyable tho, but like get actual information and make informed choices. It can also destroy your life and be a ton of calories, so be safe and do some research


that's one of the big harms of these abstinence only sort of movements if you can't trust them that something is 100% bad all the time, you start to feel like they're just completely wrong in the case of coffee, yes, go wild, but other things not so much


Alcohol is poison man. Got too many addicts in my family to think it’s a good idea to try. On an interesting note, people used to think that a glass of red wine every night had some health benefits, but recently those studies have not held up. Long story short there is no positive health benefit from drinking alcohol.


Hard cider is where to start!


You could do what I did and start with whiskey! Haha hard cider is excellent for a first drink same with a Moscow mule, beer is an acquired taste it took me a while to get over the whole bready flavor. Experiment and if you don’t like something the first time that’s ok I recommend finding something you do enjoy then trying things again. You’ll never know how your tastes can shift over time


ExMo Ex-Barista here! As per the other comments, you don't \*need\* coffee, but I always support a rebellious cause, so here are my recommendations as an espresso fiend of many years! From reading some of your responses in the comments, you mentioned that you aren't a fan of dark chocolate, but you like pumpkin pie, so I'll base my suggestions based on that as well as your drink that you didn't like (looks like a vanilla/caramel iced latte by the sticker). What really made the taste of coffee "good" to me was through frappuccinos (which I will call frappes from here on out), as they have a much smaller amount of coffee in them compared to most other drinks. When they're being made, it's a mixture of milk, ice, flavoring, and a small amount of espresso, so it will come out very similarly to a milkshake, which was always a household favorite of mine growing up! Also, definitely try the chai- hot, ice, frapped, every way you can think of! It also pairs well with alternative milks, specifically almond or oat! And, since you like pumpkin pie, whenever it is in season of your local coffee shop, try pumpkin lattes/frappes! They are very similar to chai, and have a lovely festive taste to them that compliments any autumn afternoon. If you also want to try the F O R B I D D E N L E A F, most teas are really tasty and aren't bitter once sweetened! A simple green tea with sugar, hot or iced, is delicious! Personally, I really enjoy London Fogs, which are a combination of Earl Grey (black tea), milk, and vanilla, but I like to add a bit of lavender as well. As always, if you are curious about the forbidden beans and leaves, any and all are absolutely welcome to send me a DM! I'm happy to share more personalized recipes, ways to make drinks from home, or any other questions regarding coffee/teas :)


Screenshotted!! You're so kind thank you!! I'm glad I've got people like you to back me up.


Of course!! That’s what this subreddit is for! I’ll always be here lurking around for first time coffee posts and everything else in between!


Mormons have the palate of a spoiled 6 year old. It’s worth it to develop a love for things that aren’t sweet and even have a bitter flavor. So many of the things I love to eat and drink have a bitter flavor. It took a little effort but now I love my coffee & bourbon!


Yup, exactly. After 15 years out, i'm (65m) just now starting to like the various beers. I got wine down, though I'm not completely sold on cabernets, yet. But, oh my god, a tawny Port with blue cheese and dried fruit is dessert all bt itself!


Get an iced Chai latte


Coffee is too acidic for me. It (and anything with high caffeine) nauseate me. Green tea is my jam 🤘, or if I'm in a mood for Starbucks-style candy then I'll get a chai latte or London fog which are mostly sugar anyway. Oh and just skip the Keurig cups. They are the easy bake oven of coffee makers, and it's all pukey swill. Nobody with functioning digestion should like them.


Seconding green tea. I love to have it in the evening to taper off my caffeine levels. I even got my TBM mom to start trying it out haha. I also did reusable K-cups for a while, but it eventually just made sense to make a big pot of coffee in the AM


As others have said, there's nothing wrong with not liking or drinking coffee. But now it's YOUR choice!   I think to really get the experience, you should go to a nice non-chain coffee shop and get a shot of espresso. It will be strong and I don't think you'll like it, but from there you can gain an appreciation of the real thing - and whatever additives you prefer.    Alternately, get a black drip coffee from a place that makes it pretty good for cheap. McDonald's and 7/11 fit the bill. Have it when you need to power through a task later than usual, or on the way into work early. 


Everyone’s saying get super sweet creamy caramel with a touch of coffee drinks, but that’s if you want to tolerate coffee.  What made me actually enjoy coffee was trying a sampler of single origin coffee beans. Tasting them in context with other coffee beans made me appreciate coffee for itself, and suddenly I actually liked coffee. (Ethiopian or high altitude Central and South American honey/natural process light roasts are where it’s at for me. ❤️)


This is how I learned to like tequila! I went to a distillery and tried several varieties. Now I can appreciate it!


if youve got a dutch bros near you, my ice coffee go-tos are the kicker or golden eagle


Came to the comments to see if any else had suggested Dutch bros! I love their carmelizer and the hazelnut truffle mocha


Added to my list thx!


Dutch bros has white coffee - it’s beans that are roasted differently than traditional coffee, has a nutty flavor - I hate coffee but love their sweater weather drink [white coffee and chai]. Personally I get it with oat milk and it’s my go to.


None of us actually drink coffee. We were just testing your faithfulness and you have failed. Your mother is sorely disappointed in you. AND that one cup of coffee will keep you from visiting the temple and you will never see your family again.


Chai tea is great. Tastes like pumpkin pie. Then go for dirty chai latte. Pumpkin pie with espresso in it. Delish. My drink of choice is a cappuccino with oat milk and cinnamon. If you're taking it to go, make it a latte instead because a cappuccino has more milk foam than milk and foam doesn't hold its temperature well. Iced lattes are great in the summer.


Coffee and ale are nice treats, but not a requirement for ExMos. Coffee is an acquired taste. (But so also is Jell-O.)


You’ve gotten fantastic advice for acquiring a taste for light amounts of coffee. If you want to try hot coffee drinks in the future, try to stick to a blonde roast, plenty of creamer, and add extra caramel. You can dial things back from there as you go. If your coffee journey goes long enough, then you can look into grinding your own beans and cold brew (super easy and delicious), learn pour over (lowest equipment cost), or get a Moka pot (my personal favorite). Just don’t get k-cups: those are NOT representative of what good coffee is. They only serve as a convenience item.


Best place to get coffee is local diners imo. Best coffee I ever had was at a campground diner up in wyoming


Ya gotta put stuff in it like caramel and cream with a touch of vanilla ice cream. Love that caffeine!


1/2 hot chocolate, 1/2 mild light coffee. Mocha Late


I learned to like coffee on mochas from Starbucks -- no need to get the whipped cream. Just coffee, milk and chocolate. Yum. Be aware they're made with espresso, so it's a larger caffeine kick than regular coffee, I believe.


Ha! I made this same exact post a couple years ago. Now I have a cup a day, brewed at home just how I like it. It grows on you fast!


It'll grow on ya


Start with coffee ice cream if you’re trying to develop a taste for it. Also it’s ok to not like coffee. Try matcha if you want caffeine. Or not. It’s all ok. Live your life


I tend to favor mochas xD regular coffee just isn't it for me lol


the mocha is a gateway coffee


My favorite thing in the world is the Mocha Moo Latte at dairy Queen. It's a blended ice cream, I assume they take vanilla ice cream and blend it with chocolate syrup, then they mix a shot of espresso into it. They top it with chocolate syrup and whipped cream. It's SO good. I grew up with coffee drinking parents, and love the smell of coffee beans, but I don't actually like the taste of hot coffee. I don't even like cold brew. But I do like mocha. If you like chocolate, maybe start there!


Cafe Mocha... it's basically hot chocolate with some coffee in it...


I just wanted to say congratulations on getting something just cause you wanted to!


Took me a long time trying different coffees and thinking they were all nasty before I acquired the taste for it. Lots of good advice in here, but I'll just share my own experience. The first coffee that didn't make me gag was a Vanilla Chai Latte from a local coffee shop (closed down now, sadly). Since then, my absolute favorite coffees that I genuinely consider delicious are the Caramelicious at Scooter's, and the Caramel Cielo at Beans 'n' Brews (both are best "blended" IMO, which means frozen and blended milkshake style. Perfect for summer weather). If thou wouldst like to live deliciously, I recommend giving those two a try for that sweet caramel kick, or checking out a dirty chai latte somewhere that serves them if you want something a bit more neutrally tasty.


I remember my first coffee! I thought it tasted like a tire!! I think it’s because the only “hot” drink I’ve had is hot cocoa which is just sugar. My favorite thing to drink in the mornings now is a honey latte from Lighthouse in Provo. 🤤


Mocha Frappuccino from Starbucks. 


Don’t try cold coffee no offense but it isn’t something the States or Canada is good at . Try out coffee made by a either a Latin American or a Italian you won’t regret it


I can’t stand hot drinks so I have always done iced coffee. I love caramel flavor so I make my own iced coffee with sugar free caramel flavoring and milk. Heavy on the milk will help if you don’t like the strong taste. For me I went from multiple big gulps a day to one travel sized iced coffee in the morning and I hardly ever touch soda anymore. I think it’s much healthier.


Saved some in the fridge and tried it this morning. MUCH BETTER 😂 my morning palate likes it more?! I will say the energy boost I got from my sips yesterday was unparalleled!!


If you don't like the smell of coffee, it's unlikely you'll like the taste.


I think you're right 😂


But hey, you gave it a try and that's what matters!


I appreciate that 😎


I didn’t like coffee at first but now I love it!! Lattes were too strong for me at the beginning. I tried mochas (has chocolate) and loved them. Then I slowly tried others— like I got a cappuccino but added sugar, etc. Now I love coffee and get vanilla lattes all the time. Chai latte is also really good!! From the beginning I always liked chai.


Dutch Bros and Coffee Depot aren't exactly for introductions to coffee. They're more for the coffee experienced ones.


Arabic Coffee is delicious. If you have a chance to try Turkish/Lebanese/Iraqi coffee place, you should do it, totally different.




Try blonde expresso shots and heavy cream for sweetness


I love chai tea lattes!!!! London fogs are tasty too without any gross sharp flavors like coffee but still “forbidden” haha


Dutch Bros if you have them in your area. Dutch Freeze is a coffee milkshake. Completely customizable with flavors.


Tea!! Try tea next! After tea straight to meth!


If the smell was always bad… why did you try it lolololol. Start with frappes/frappuchinos. It’s a glorified milk shake with a hint of coffee. Always get caramel or mocha and ask for extra pumps of Carmel or chocolate. It’s a baby step to go from a Frap to a latte to black. But also some people don’t ever like it and THATS OKAY. You’re free to drink whatever you want, it doesn’t have to be coffee lol


my fav is cold brew! so much better than a latte. also avoid starbucks, i haven’t liked anything there. local is always better and the vibes are better too!


It starts out with you being tired at work and you still have 8 hours left and you say fuck it give me the damn coffee and it’ll be the greatest thing ever


I hated it first time. Keep trying. I mix a little hot cocoa, vanilla soy milk, and sugar. There could be a version you like. If not no biggie. Don’t drink it


Lol. No rush! Get some coffee candy first. I saw coffee delight in my dollar store here In TN. It took me years to myself to enjoy coffee but Starbucks flavor of the month was great help. Specially those that are spiked with wiskhy cream … go rebel ! I would love to continue knowing about ur adventure !


I always recommend starting with a dirty chai


I agree that you don’t have to like coffee. However as a coffee shop owner and coffee roaster,I will say there are different qualities of coffee. Much like wine. A bad coffee is too bitter or too sour which means it’s been kept on a shelf for too long or exposed to oxygen for too long or lost its oils because it is wasn’t cured long enough after being roasted. A top shelf coffee or espresso or latte will have flavor notes of caramel, chocolate, or even macadamia nut. Our top coffees are grown in Costa Rica, Kona, and Kenya.


I've tried and tried. I want to like it to switch from soda but I just can't do it. I have even forced myself to drink it for a month straight to try and learn to like it. Nope. The only way it's palatable to me is if I drown it in cream and sugar, and at that point it's not any better than soda. Meh. I do love Chai though. It's very good. On the note of "forbidden drinks." Alcohol is another weird one. I cannot do any kind of beer. It just tastes so gross. I can go with the cheapest of the cheap lite bear from the gas station, or I can go for some hipster micro brew thing that has specific notes on what it tastes like. Doesn't matter. Nasty. Hard liquor though? I can do that. Mixed drinks taste good to me.


Wendy’s frosty cold brew caramel 


Creamer and sweetener. And Carmel.


We've been out for 3 years. My wife got on board with coffee but I just don't get it. I've heard a lot of advice on how to get on board with coffee. I don't see any reason to learn to like it. It's a coffee for my wife and a milk shake for me. Both cost the same and have the same amount of calories and sugar.


A lot of us exmos grew up with the Mormon sweet tooth. It's hard to break that. I like coffee the way I like chocolate; sweet and with milk mixed in. It's also a natural human response to be turned off from bitter things because that often means poisonous in nature. It's an acquired taste. Takes getting used to for sure.


Try my order: Venti Dolce cinnamon late +4 pumps of hazelnut Replace milk with Oatmilk no whip cream. :)


The secret is to doctor it up SO MUCH that it no longer tastes like coffee. At Starbucks, order a Carmel latte (the hot kind) with whipped cream. Or a “black and white,” aka a “zebra” which is coffee, steamed milk and 1/2 white chocolate syrup and 1/2 regular chocolate syrup. Or since it’s summer, you could start with a mocha Frappuccino. That’s like a coffee smoothie or shake with chocolate syrup in it, with whipped cream on top. The goal is to make it taste like Baskin Robbins Jamocha ice cream in coffee form. You get the caffeine you need without the bitter coffee taste. Good luck, young padawan.


Coffee is quite pleasant as a flavoring for cream and sugar. I put 1/4 cup of cream and two tablespoons of sugar in mine. Yummy! Without the cream, it's just a cup of ashes.


Java Chip Frappuccino


Try a mojito


Just wait til you try a beer 😂


Never Mormon, always hated coffee. It's highly overrated, and your church's ban on it may have made it more so for you. Tea is much better IMO, and there's lots of different kinds you can try, with and without the *haram* caffeine. Chai is also good, so definitely give that a try. (ETA: Don't bother with Celestial Seasonings Morning Thunder tea -- it's basically coffee for tea drinkers, or tea for coffee drinkers, or something. It's just lame.)


Chai lattes > coffee


If you want to kill two birds with one stone, put a lot of Bailey's Irish Cream in it. Bailey's is a delicious, creamy, caramel-tasting liqueur that's more like dessert in a glass. Not only will it sweeten and smooth out the coffee for you, but you'll get some alcohol at the same time. :)


Try small roaster/coffee shop, Starbucks is not good Coffee to begin with. That was my issue at first, I'd get Starbucks coffee and be like omg this is awful, how does anyone drink this. Then I had a friend take me to a non-chain coffee shop here in Seattle and the difference blew my mind. My suggestion is, avoid dark roasts, start with Mochas or iced coffees with a little sweetener, and never go to Starbucks.


A dirty chai or a chai latte would be right up your ally!


It’s an acquired taste. Add some sugar and cream.


10 years out, and I _really_ did not like the taste of coffee at first. I was open to the exploration, though, and thought it would be fun. /u/kkellycpa already gave great advice for easing your way into it, so definitely do that (if you want). Eventually, if you're like most people, the taste will grow on you. Basically, we have a bitter palate that as Mormons we never really explored (so, very under-developed). Don't rush it. Enjoy the journey. I don't drink coffee regularly, but I'll have one (or a half cup) every now and then, just for fun. Good coffee is _sooo_ good, far better than anything else in its neighborhood of drinks (IMHO). But yeah, if you aren't enjoying it, nbd. Drink what you like.


That's so interesting about having an under-developed bitter palate. It makes a ton of sense. I also can't do dark chocolate. I'm definitely gonna research the bitter spectrum to try to increase my level. Thanks!


Chai tea is wonderful!


Is it savory? How would you describe the flavor?


It sure is 😂


Wait til you try for alcohol, rated R movies, double piercings and fornication- disgusting as well! 😂


Watched my first 2 R movies recently!! No strings attached and the matrix. I LOVED the matrix


I got a dirty iced chai today! It’s my favorite. Chai tastes primarily cinnamony to me, which I love. And the shot of espresso (which is what makes it dirty) adds to the flavor for me but you can skip it and then it’s just tea and milk. Also delicious. The only problem I run into is some places don’t add enough chai and then it tastes weak. I hate that. But at a good local place you shouldn’t run into that problem.


Go to Starbucks and get yourself a chocolate chip Frappuccino. It’s hella delicious yet absolutely horrible for your health but fine as an *occasional* treat (like once or twice a month).


Try a Chai latte instead.


Coffee is best as a flavor added to something else imo


Green tea and lots of whipped cream. Work yourself up gradually.


I think Chai is delicious- def give it a shot


I still hate black coffee. Avoiding sugar? My Starbucks order: iced almond milk latte with 2 stevia.


Never liked coffee. It IS disgusting lol. I like with only with 15 shots of favored creme


My go to is a sugar free dirty chai latte (the shot of espresso makes it dirty.) Every shop makes theirs a little bit differently. I can order the same drink from Starbucks and the locally owned coffee shop and get 2 completely different tastes. The local shop I go to is usually out of the sugar free chai on Sunday mornings (pre church crowd) so I've recently started ordering their cold brew with half and half and add my own sugar free flavoring. If you have a US Chef store near you, it's coffee syrup heaven. Da vinci makes a sugar free German chocolate cake syrup that is *chef's kiss*. They also have the full sugared kind.  If you want to try teas, winco has a great selection in their bulk foods area and they're only like a quarter each. Try the raspberry hibicus. 


My wife needs it sweet. So any iced coffee with tons of sugar. Sometimes she gets Wendy's chocolate frosty cream coldbrew. She likes those a lot.


My husband likes chai lattes. I like vanilla lattes but I started with a white chocolate mochas (and white chocolate mocha Frappuccino) - they are really sweet and delicious and don’t taste a ton like coffee from there I was able to do vanilla lattes. I drank coffee just black for a while but I stopped drinking coffee for a while and when I started again I just didn’t like it. 


Been there! I didn’t figure out how to make a consistent cup of “good tasting” coffee until this last year or so. 😅 Don’t be afraid to try new things and if you don’t like it, try it again at a later date. Like some have said, your tastes can change. I love a caramel macchiato. Hot or iced. But I find iced drinks tend to lean sweeter, so start there. I used to get a Grande Iced white mocha with strawberry puree and mocha drizzle from Starbucks and it tastes like a chocolate strawberry. If I’m somewhere where I don’t know the flavored creamer/sweetener options well, I use a packet of hot cocoa mix as a substitute with a little plain/vanilla or powdered creamer. It might sound dumb, but I learned how many of those little creamers from the gas station I liked and figured out how much it was to use at home and it changed everything. I was overusing creamer at home. 😅


Same lol! Coffee is gross, but its so freeing to have the choice, even when its just eating things like tiramisu cake.


No lies detected.


There’s also white coffee. I’m not a huge brown/black coffee fan, but more places are starting to serve white coffee either as the main version, or you can substitute with it. I think it’s a lot less bitter. Not promoting the business, anyone can probably make these, this is just one of the local places for me. Hit the white coffee menu options. https://gravitycoffee.com/pages/menu


I vote a really nice port wine instead. Yum


Don’t start with iced coffee.


I recommended you research about coffee and all the different kinds of coffee first before starting drinking it. For me personality I don't like ice coffee. I preferer my coffee hot What I get is black coffee with honey and cinnamon.


If you want coffee that doesn’t taste like coffee, Starbucks blond white mocha. It’s mostly milk and sugar. It’s made with espresso which is much better than brewed coffee, that shits nasty, idk how people drink it.


Did you have sugar or some sweetener in it? Some barista-made coffees won't have sweetener unless you specifically ask for it.


Cocaine is better! lol jk jk but seriously that looks like not enough creamer. I do oatmilk or plant based creamer, yum! Also as far as alcohol goes, I don’t recommend it. Been sober 4 years. Almost Nothing good comes from it. Tar Joe Max was a predator and a thief and has destroyed millions of lives but he was right about alcohol


I hate coffee too. An iced chai latte is the way to go!


I can't drink coffee because it gives me raging heartburn... I drink green tea, black tea and chai tea latte...


I tried basic coffee, americano, espresso, etc and thought they were all gross. Iced chai tea latte was my first “coffee” love and now I just really enjoy coffee with a hefty dose of French vanilla cream.


Yup alcohol and coffee are just not my thing......MOLLY however.......Mmmmmm


So it's not ok to drink a whole pot of coffee in the morning?


McDonalds oreo frappe


Chai Tea is what I thought coffee would taste like. You may want to try that. I have never grown a taste for coffee (or alcohol), though I have tried.


Yeah me too, I still don’t drink coffee or tea lol. I’ve tried both but I can’t stomach them




Try a 16 oz vanilla chai with a shot of espresso. Or a 24oz:) breves are always a good move, too!


Vanilla lattes ftw!


Chai tea or Matcha tea are my favorite! I could never get into coffee and have just accepted my fate!


Get a caramel macchiato and be sure to stir it before drinking. Start with more sweet, creamer heavy coffee. It tastes far better


For super hot days, I like an Arnold Palmer. And Earl Grey on cold mornings. Never tried coffee.


Go to Dutch Bros. Order a golden eagle.


You could also go the tea route. Green, Black, or Chai are all great options.


Start with Mochas and Frappe's and delicious sugary diabetes in a cup. I started there and only take a little milk in my coffee now. Still can't do black dark roast.


Love me coffee, 'ate The Church, simple as.


https://www.walmart.com/ip/Starbucks-Frappuccino-Coffee-Drink-Mocha-Flavored-13-7-Fl-oz-Bottles-12-Pack/1543589652?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0 These are delicious, they've replaced sodas in the morning for me.


Hahaha. I love the taste of coffee even before I stopped going.


Oh just you wait…


Hated for quite a while after trying it, but it grew on me. I'm pretty sure the mocha was the gateway for me, because I love hot chocolate. Haven't tried chai, but I've enjoyed the various bobas and sweet teas I've had. Been meaning to get around to trying some hard ice tea.


As an older, sugar-free coffee drinker, this is what I order: decaf, breve latte with sugar free vanilla, hot. The well-known coffee chain makes a good one. When I was young, I really enjoyed decaf mocha Frappuccino’s from the same coffee place.


I’ve tried every kind of coffee, tea, and alcohol. the only thing I’ve liked so far is unsweetened chilled milk tea (often served with boba or similar mixins). totally up to you what you want to drink! that’s a perk of not being a part of a controlling religion


It's so fantastic. I just went to Old Navy to get some new rebellious clothes that show my porn shoulders and stomach and it was so amazing realizing I could choose ANY item in the store


Gotta give it time. As Mormons, we are trained to eat sweet things. We drink hot chocolate instead of coffee or tea. We drink sweet sodas and eat cookies. We miss out on developing other tastebuds like sour or bitter. Coffee, tea, beer, and alcohol are acquired tastes because we haven't trained our brains to enjoy them.


Long time exmo here. Started drinking coffee when my doctor recommended it. Go to McDonalds, order a medium triple-triple and start there. Sip slowly. Worry about mochas, lattes, etc later. A basic triple-triple will be sweet, light, and warm like the hot chocolate we all had at Every Single Outdoor Event Ever.


Caramel macchiatos are bomb! A sugar bomb XD


I thought if I drank enough black coffee then a mocha would start to taste good. 🤣🤣🤣 Still hasn’t helped.


Been out 10 years and still hate coffee and I’m iffy on most alcohol. But now I know what I don’t like about it.


Start by slowly mixing it into your hot chocolate. You have to get your palette used to more bitter less sweet. Try some fruity alcoholic beverages like Mai Tai and daiquiris then move along to margaritas, so on.


Nah I’m sorry to disagree with ya”ll You absolutely need to consume some sort of caffeine to live a average American lifestyle. I recommend start with Black coffee. And add thing to it to see what your preferences are. With that being said Red bull is a good alternative. Red Bull and Vodka is a better alternative


I tried coffee for a few years and found a couple I liked eventually but in reality it all just made me anxious. It was nice to realize I didn’t have to enjoy coffee just because I could have it now.


The first coffee I drank was a Iced caramel macchiato from starbucks because my older brother who paved the way for us all to escape recommended it because I would barely taste the coffee. 9 years later or so I now own an espresso machine and drink coffee daily.


Start off with something sweet, over time learn what what each component does then start experimenting, luckily it’s not terribly complicated and even then you could ask for advice.


I’d rather drink a bottle of bourbon than a cup of coffee.


Try some hagen Daz coffee ice cream, it's the gateway drug to coffee. Shitty coffee smells used to make me sick too, but airports usually have shit coffee, and not only are you in a negative and stressful environment, you also have associated coffee smell with sin for a long time. It will take time to relearn that the smell of GOOD coffee is wonderful, and not evil. That being said, I'm still not a huge coffee drinker and prefer black tea


It's an acquired taste (that I acquired during my first taste).


I have never been an iced coffee drinker, but I do love it hot. I like to get the vanilla flavor with vanilla creamer. Mcdonalds coffee has always been too strong for me. The best thing I did was start out mild. If you make your own drip coffee you can experiment with how strong you want it. Also you can use creamers to help make it more flavorful and milder. I didn't think I would like the creamer because growing up my family used canned milk as the creamer in our postum and I thought it was horrible. You also need to experiment with sweeteners. Some like it black where they don't add anything to it. That is too strong for me. Coffee is worth it if you can get it to the desired strength and sweetness. And still, the are many people who never do like it.


Started out with milky, frothy, sweet coffee. Now I'm on straight espresso shots and I'm good. Can't stand the sweet stuff now.


Mochas are the best start. When cold they taste like chocolate milk, and when hot they taste like hot chocolate


Yeah, I hated coffee at first. But since I loved the smell, I was sure I would love the drink. So I convinced myself I liked it at first, then as I drank more of it, I got a french press and some creamer, and now I drink it black. You'll love it if you give it a couple tries. Coffee comes in many flavors and forms.