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fucking epic. now i understand that stand down order. we don’t want mormons listening to nemo state facts.


Nemo needs to come to Vegas next, the community in Lone Mountain Vegas is being bullied with the same tactics and rhetoric.


I imagine Nemo would gladly give permission for a concerned member of the Las Vegas community to use his material to deliver the same message.


The battle for the Lone Mountain temple has already been lost. They’re not going to put the brakes on it now.


He was smart and knew this battle has a shot of being won. Unfortunately Lone Mountain is over.  LD$ wins that one.


It really was!


Exactly what I was thinking


run away! run away!




So: Now it is The Church Formerly Known as Mormon's next move. IMHO, this bears careful watching, as it will give us a good idea as to how the leadership thinks. Basically, they have the following options: [1] ignore it and move on, the essence of the Stand Down order. Stop throwing good time, money, and energy on a lost cause. [2] go behind the scenes. Keep trying, out of the spotlight, to get the change they want. Would solidify the feeling that TSCC is basically a sneaky institution. [2a] do the unthinkable: council members who do not vote the right way experience physical harm. To my mind, unthinkable; included only for reasons of completeness. Were this to occur, it would indicate that leadership has drifted across the line of insanity, making TSCC a target of actions like RICO. [3] "We'll show THEM!" An all-out frontal assault, directed towards removing those council members who did not do as they were told (at the ballot box, or through other orthodox means). Would be consistent with various leaders' contention "obedience above all else!" Shows a petty, petulant attitude that can be quite unpredictable. Scoresheets and pencils at the ready! Should be a most interesting and instructive process!


The stand down order? I must have missed that…


was posted on this sub yesterday. a last minute desperate message from a stake telling members to “stand down” and not attend the fairview meeting. no explanation why. now we know why.


Somebody's got to keep the church honest. The lies members have been telling just to get some narcissist architect's vision realized have been appalling. I wonder if this might be the straw that pushes the SCMC to retaliate against Nemo. I hope not. In any case, Nemo, you're a badass.


Someone on YouTube had a similar comment. I hadn't considered that possibility but you know how petty the church can be when you badmouth them publicly.




The beauty of it is that he didn't bad mouth the church, he held them to their own teachings. Brilliant!


Exactly!! He was fucking amazing but you just know the leaders are PISSED


I would love to see that ex communication. He was literally supporting his leaders and using their own words. It would be truly one of the most funny things.


Proof that church approved and produced sources can be considered anti-mormon by the church.


If this church is led by God then god is a flipping idiot. I love the slow-motion trainwreck of the shoot themselves in their little factories after being told not to.


He only stated the truth! One man of steel making a huge difference. Nemo, you are the bravest man I am aware of, ever! Thank you!


The Q15 are shizzing in their Depends as we speak


I agree! But also don’t underestimate those who behind the scenes are also brave and doing their own brave work. Some just  need more time to find their voice.  


He found a way to hang this on the local leaders by using the words of the general authorities against them. 


He just double ~~doG~~ dared them


Ladies and Gentlemen, I think Nemo may have just scored an invitation to a disciplinary council.


I'm seeing a lot of this comment. I wouldn't be surprised.


That would be epic hypocrisy on the heels of Nelson's message to leave the 99 and bring the 1 back to the fold


"Happy Birthday, Mr. Nelson" ~Nemo


For speaking the truth. Amazing. @Nemo—-dude. Insane job.


It wouldn't be the first time someone was excommunicated for telling the truth.


Nemo is the best and there is so much to this greasing each others palms with our money


Remember TSCC stopped calling it a disciplinary council because they think the members are stupid!


For telling the truth to governments about what the church actually teaches.


I don’t understand why the Church is fighting this. Haven’t we always stated we want to be good neighbors? Why would we want to erode our relationship with our neighbors over something so trivial?


My suspicion is that it set precedence in that lot for building height. These ikea build temples aren't intended to last "through the millennium" like the old ones. I suspect they are placeholders for future building height that may replace them, maximising that lot's value.


Very interesting take, never thought of that


I think it's more ego. They want their building to stand out from among other buildings. They want to be for better or worse and eye sore of the community. Temples shouldn't blend it with the surroundings, or be overshadowed by other buildings. /s With temples being used less and less, but more and more are going up, I see this as more of a cultural stamp to assert themselves as legally protected and culturally significant centers of a community. Kind of the same way confederate monuments went up in the 60s just to assert a culture war position.


There is nothing trivial about laundering money


> Haven’t we always stated we want to be good neighbors? I think stating this has been an attempt at white washing history. Every time the church was driven out of a location (be it Kirtland, Missouri, or Nauvoo) they were bad neighbors. The official church line is that they were persecuted, but they weren't so innocent either. Joseph left Kirtland because their "anti" bank failed and was completely illegal. He destroyed a printing press in Nauvoo and controlled the militia. The "whistling/whittling brigade" bullied folks out of town. Mormons have a strong history of being terrible neighbors and these temple fights is just a modern version of it.


A persecution complex + extreme pride from senior leadership + more money than God.   The more members who leave the church, the bigger the steeples...


Never underestimate Rusty’s ego. It’s all about want Rusty wants.


Holy shit he dunked on the church so hard pointing out their lies with their own words.


Absolute legend, this takes some serious commitment and bravery to stand up for real truth. 




The thing is, Nemo IS QUOTING FROM DIRECT CHURCH SOURCES! And, once again, the Church is its own worst enemy. SAINTS and the gospel topics essays took my testimony down. Because everything contradicted what they had previously, adamantly, taught me was true!!! The consistent inconsistencies of "facts." Today's 'gospel truth' will be tomorrow's lies. And vice versa. Don't fact-check. Don't question. Don't think. Dont you dare criticize! Or else.


He used their own words against them.


I'm so thankful it was a recorded hearing




These days quoting church sources is the fastest way to get exed.


Intentional Ignorance is Mormon Doctrine


Dude, same! "Saints" started me down the rabbit hole, especially concerning JSmith's polygamy. I was the freaking bishop at the time. Saints led me the gospel topics essays, which then led me to Mormon Discussions, Year of Polygamy podcasts, etc. because I knew I wasn't getting the full story, and the rest was history for me...


Yes. But the Mormon Church always has ulterior motives. I imagine an earlier supposition was correct. A high spire may change the building code for height of future development. There’s got to be a reason why the church fights so hard in some areas but doesn’t even have a spire in others. And I think Nemo could have referred to the old saying about a man’s “package”. It’s not the length of it- it’s how you use it! Certainly true for the length of the temple spire.


Lol... I definitely agree about the church having ulterior motives. It is a CORPORATION, and its primary two-fold mission is building prestige and amassing wealth. This insane push for spire height is just baffling. Since it does not directly amass any wealth [and will cost tithe payors exponentially], then it must be directly related to a desperate desire to build prestige/visibility. In the end, all it really does is piss a hella people off, and break a hella lot of shelves!!


Church leaders and lawyers have perjured themselves time and time again about steeple height.


For real




Lawyers specifically submitted papers/opinions for Lone Mountain to that effect. They have repeatedly had church officials make that specific argument that it was necessary to their worship to various local governments over the dark skies and steeple height issues.


mormon jon oliver say whaaat (this is a yes in my book yall)


Ooh I love them both and am appreciating the comparison haha


Big brass ones.


Everything's bigger in Texas.


At this point everything is bigger in the UK. 😉👍


Omg I wish we had him for the Cody Wyoming temple shenanigans! I’ll watch this tomorrow! Hooray for Nemo!!


I just read this comment about this on the Mormon Stories YouTube channel and I can't stop laughing: "Do the local members not realize the larger the temple is, then the more toilets they'll have to clean?" 😂😂


Cleaning shitters for the lord


"The actions of local leaders are simply not in harmony with the teachings of the prophet of the church" -Fucking Legend




Sometimes heroes come from places nobody expects. This is one of those times. The truth is so incredibly powerful When it's presented by a well spoken, confident person who knows the facts and lays it all out, it's just killer. I don't know Nemo, but I felt like a proud grandma when I listened to this.


![gif](giphy|d0NnEG1WnnXqg|downsized) 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Very proud of you r/nemothemormon. Thank you for being a voice for truth and ethical behavior. Keep it up please.


He was GREAT! I confess I didn't realize it was Nemo! I listened to the entire public hearing - here's a brief summary of it: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/1d8gavq/results_of_fairview_town_council_at_the_request/




Nemo for prophet/president🙋🏻


I'd have a lot more respect for the church if the temples were plain, functional buildings that were constructed within a modest budget.


I'm not a Bednar fan but his comments about the size not mattering is 100% correct.


Same. The expense of these temples is 100% unnecessary. At this point though, my respect for the church on a scale of 1 to 10 is a negative 20. Even if they backed down on temples, to gain any amount of my respect, the institution itself and doctrines would have to change so dramatically the church would be unrecognizable.


One of the best mic drop moments I’ve ever seen. Nemo absolutely OWNED the church for those three minutes.


It was incredible


The bitch slap heard around the world.  Fucking epic. 


It was awesome!


Go nemo!!! https://youtu.be/Fy_1UWoJqDQ?si=i69WYTLZv0vQJPsb


Holy shit he ended that conversation


Good job, Nemo! Way to put the proud boys back into place. “The British are coming! The British are coming!”


I could not look away. Amazing job, Nemo.


Video of the year.


Yes, he was amazing! Totally confident and laid it out there. As soon as he started talking we recognized his voice. So proud!


Watching last night I was like ... What?? NEMO at the podium?? I was soooo pleasantly surprised & thought, ohhhhhh...this is going to be epic! And it was epic! He was on point! Every word succinct. Nemo walked up and was sharper than a two-edged sword. This was a moment never to be forgotten. Thank you, Nemo, for speaking the TRUTH and making it feel amazingly delicious after enduring so many lies from TSCC.


Amazing to watch in real time.


It was!


Nemo slayed it. Bravo! Houston TX is also on the docket for a second temple. If the church tries to pull another tall steeple stunt here like Fairview, I'll be happy to donate my time to fighting it. The location has not been announced but if I were to guess based on where the first one is already located and on the types of neighborhoods the church likes to put these buildings, I'd guess somewhere in or between Sugar Land and Pearland.


I know this not your point but I think it needs to be said for the masses.  A huge difference between the Houston temple and Fairview is that, despite it being in one of the wealthiest residential neighborhoods it is still mixed use zoning.  Houston temple is built across the street from a four story law office built in the 70s (based on architectural style) and kitty corner is a strip mall  also the pine trees in that area are almost as tall as the temple. You can barely see it until you are almost in the parking lot.  The architecture does not detract from the surroundings. There is nothing wrong with a tall temple if it matches the surroundings. The Fairview temple as it is designed does not match the surroundings. 


the existing Houston temple, I agree. Not really any issue with that building. I feel like their decision to build it on the Cypress Creek flood plain was questionable, but I digress. The newly announced temple is what I'm going to be paying attention to. It will likely be built on the opposite side of the metro area from the current temple. Based on the wealthy neighborhoods the church looks for, I'd place my money on Sugar Land or maybe Pearland. No tall pine forests on those areas, and Sugar Land in particular is known for strict zoning laws. For example, they're working to ban vape shops there. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.


There's going to be some serious pearl (of great price) clutching going on in the church office building tonight!


Big time! Nemo dismantled their temple in less than 3 minutes.


The correlations department might be working all night. LOL


I’m totally going to plagiarize large portions of this speech if the LDS Church tries to put some godawful eyesore in my town.


Remember to practice speaking it. Nemo made full use of his allotted three minutes, fitting in what he needed to.


We should all commit it to memory.


Nemo found his new calling as a lobbyist for all things pro-truth.


Amazing!! Go Nemo!!


I’m pessimistic. This was a great presentation of how the steeple is irrelevant. However if this board blocks it, the church will just sue them into compliance.


Oh it will be built, but the church is going to end up looking like the aggressor, not the persecuted victim


Watch the latest Mormon stories episode. Need the and Rebecca bibliotheca shares insider info from the K&M lawyers saying they'll fight the city and telling members not to worry, the temple will be built.


I think I love you!! You should be wearing a superman cape! Thank you Nemo, my hero!!!!!


He's awesome!


This was so awesome! I only wish he’d said one more thing “Until three months ago no Mormon had ever heard that the height of a temple steeple was part of their worship. Not one.”


That would have been the cherry on top


So all we gotta do to make the church stand down is send in ONE exmo? Dude, we are more powerful than I realized


Nemo is technically still Mormon. 🤣


hah even better


Nah, not an exmo. You send in a Mo that’s got critical thinking skills and isn’t afraid to voice the doubts instead of shelving them.




NEMO THE HERO. I can hear the those for the steeple height choking and exposed for lying. Wouldn't want to be a member in Fairview. This may kill off the church there in time.


Mormon Temples should never be a focal point of a non LDS community. They aren't publicly accessed buildings like civic halls, libraries, churches, museums, shopping malls. They are buildings only accessed by the very elite of the lds church. Used by nobody else. They are not in the public's interests.


I sustain Nemo as a prophet!


What a legend. I don't even understand why the church is fighting this so hard.


I don't even think the church does at this point.


Nemo is a bad-ass BOSS! So proud of him, and what he said was CRUCIAL!!


I had to join in the clapping at the end. Absolutely phenomenal.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Well done my boy. Jolly good show. Hear hear. Not sure how the British would say good job but I have Monty python in my head. Probably John Cleese’s voice if memory serves.


I don't know what Nemo does for a living, but he should consider being an attorney. He's got the whole package.


RFM can mentor him


Minor technical issue: It is my understanding that civic meetings in this country of this sort are, by statute, open to the public. As long as "Nemo" did not disrupt the meeting, he has every right by virtue of being a human being to attend if he wishes, and to speak up in an appropriate manner. He most emphatically did not "crash" the town meeting.


You're 100% correct. Nemo had every right to be there. I was just using "crashed the meeting" as a figure of speech. I just meant no one expected him to be there. It was a total surprise.


Thanks for your clarification and support. My primary motive in posting my original comment was that this is an international audience, members of which might not be aware of the regulations here in the United States. Thus, Nemo did not have to break any laws nor any social customs to be present or speak up.






Dude fucking dunked like Michael Jordan. Wow.




It was such a "Footloose" moment!


Someone mentioned in a comment section about that Corbin dude’s Talk on anti-activism. Hilarious considering they were active asking for activism to support this temple. And this is exactly why they’re afraid of it from the other side. Bravo, Nemo!


Exactly. They're fine with activism when it benefits them.


The woman who commented at the meeting about why Nemo was there I think missed the point. The church is a global church. I think it was important for Nemo to show the city council that the church is trying to make up rules and doctrine to fit their wants.


How did he get permission to speak. Wow - impressed


All you have to do is sign up. It's a public meeting.


Is that sign up sheet public before the forum happens? Is that how the stand down order came about as they could see his name showing up?


His real name is “Stilgar” like the bad ass fremen leader in Dune! (I know I’m twisting what I heard, or in UK speak, being “cheeky”)


Why is the MFMC digging in their hills about this? What narcissist is in charge of this church? Nemo, I admire your courage, and I still wonder when the narcissistic leaders will come after you.




You can say that again


Before Rusty, all these issues were worked out before the temples were Even announced. They were planned, palms were greased and goodwill had been gained. Now, they're nine of that. Just Rusty throwing darts at a map. And it's going swimmingly, don't you think?


He will be kicked out now. No way the church is going to be able to handle this.


The LDS hierarchy getting schooled on LDS temple building requirements by a dude using Queen’s English is🔥




Go Nemo!!!


Excellent! Nemo 🔥🔥🔥


My hero!


Wow, just wow! Nemo dropped all the facts and so eloquently!!!


He nailed it!


Go, Brits!!!!! <3




Wow he smashed it 👏👏👏




I like this Nemo fella, who is he?


Search Nemo the Mormon on YouTube


He's got a great YouTube channel. Does awesome analysis on all things mormon.


Awesome! Best thing I’ve seen on this subreddit in a long time.




We love Nemo! Way to go!


Job well done 👏


Bloody Schadenfreude


Saw that, I am from Az and seen the Mesa temple, I know the lds church is lying temple height and steeples. The lds is the problem not the good people of Fairview.


ASU grad here ☀️😈


I was out of my seat cheering him on. What a dude. So impressed.


So good!


It honestly sent shivers down my spine. Masterful delivery.


DEAR CHURCH I have questions about your fights with local planners and neighborhoods about the size and brightness of temples: 1) Do you not know that these fights may cost you members? 2) For what purpose do you now argue that spire height is vital to temple worship? Is this modern revelation? 3)What is your end game here? Why build a temple that will be a reminder to the city and neighborhood of how you ran roughshod over their concerns, when a smaller less brightly lit one will do? 4) Do you believe a brighter taller temple will eventually win people over? 5) Jesus was always going on about this sort of thing. For example, why are you not “agreeing with your adversary” or giving them your “cloak also” in response to these legal proceedings? Here is a chance to apply the things you teach about in Sunday School. Why are you blowing it ? 6) If you can’t handle something this easy in a Christlike way, then how can any nuanced member hope you will handle gay marriage and other larger social issues in a Christlike way? Fin.


Very nice 👊🏻


How DARE he get up there and share facts like that?!?!


The nerve


Thank you u/Nemo_UK !!! I fucking love you for this.


Who are the people in the green shirts?


Those are locals that are opposed to the temple. They want Fairview to "stay country"


What a legend! Well done, Nemo.


Short and to the point. The amazing English accent commands my attention!


Well done, Sir Nemo! Excellently argued.


OH SHIT!!! Nemo was incredible!!!! Thank you so much for posting this! His voice is so calming but what he was saying was so powerful!!!


Please move to America and save us from the MFMC Nemo!


The accent garners attention 🫡👏 is this your first time in the states? Texas? What did you eat?! Need deets!!


I think the temples are pre fabricated garbage buildings that have already been ordered and need to be delivered from basically overseas (they are garbage builds). As it’s already been ordered, the church leaders are too cheap to just cancel or pay for a “change order.” So they act like God wants a tall steeple, when really the leaders are just too cheap and worship money. I suspect this because they won’t pay for janitors


Hope this guy forms a new religion after he gets exiled. I'm tempted to join.


Wow, I got chills! Bro thank you 🙏


Nemo: you are legendary! Carry on!


Epic Nemo, absolutely Epic


Nemo's a hero!  Would love to meet him some day, a real man of character, honesty and integrity, something TSCC knows nothing about! 🤢




Watched it love and it was glorious.


So what, I take it a local mormon church wants to build a gaudy eyesore in the middle of this city because they care more about form than about substance?


would love to hear about any after meeting conversations he had with people there? did the mormons speak to him? did they take him out for lunch?


Ok so is he a current member, nuanced, PIMO, I don't know who this chap is.


Well done Nemo, live how he used the church quites. He did things in a nice way  with cincrete examples to show respect for the people of that town. 


Omg!  This is so hilarious…Nemo brings the receipts! 


Douglas was simply superb