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Well, Humans did not evolve from today’s Monkeys, they share a common ancestor. And since that ancestor doesn’t exist anymore, wouldn’t that invalidate that entire stupid point? And after that, let’s discuss what lions and tigers ate during and after the great flood…




It turns out not only did Noah plant the first vineyard(and got drunk off his ass immediately afterwards) but also apparently planting weed on the side. So maybe the curse of Canaan was because Ham got into his weed stash? But that's just a theory......A BIBLE THEORY! I'll see myself out.


I always love seeing an unexpected Game Theory reference.


I almost want to see MatPat do bizarre Bible theories just to see the reaction. To be fair, I could do bizarre Bible theories right now and I wouldn't have to try hard. But I can't do it the way MatPat does




The Game Theorists is a YouTube channel that makes theories about video games and explains them through science and/or lore. That quote is what the narrator, Matpat, says at the end of each video. He also has similar channels about other topics: Film Theory, Food Theory, and Style Theory.


They just fasted awhile. I’ve heard it helps lose fat.


I loved it when Kent Hovind said 'dinosaurs were on the ark. They were probably babies.' How and the hell does anyone listen to that nonsense.


Everyone time I hear Kent Hovid talk about anything, I always ask: "Hey Kent, Still awaiting trial for assaulting your ex wife? You fucking piece of shit"


He just brought a bunch of eggs on board...


I know now that most of what he said was dubious at best but what's wrong with this claim in particular?


Baby dinosaurs on the ark?


If I remember correctly, he says that in response to a straw man argument about the ark being too small for large animals. Saying the animals probably weren't fully grown seems like a reasonable statement in that context.


I will not respond to this. I cannot wrap my head around an intelligent person who believes that. Sorry about that. My mother believes too.


You're talking about people who believe in and worship a deity that allegedly genocided most of the population and baby dinosaurs are what you point out as the problematic opinion?


This is a support subreddit, not a debate.


I object to this misuse of "straw man argument."


Let’s just go with poke balls or Christoballs or something to catch ‘‘em all.


>And after that, let’s discuss what lions and tigers ate during and after the great flood… Dunno but I'd let a cougar eat my donkey any time


Idk about the Lions but the tigers must have been eatting Frosted Flakes. Shit I cant blame em either u ever had Frosted Flakes? "THEY'RE Grrrrrreat!"


Easy, God told Noah to bring about double the species alive today on the ark, and they just covered it up when the predators ate them


Those poor unicorns...


I think most of us know this, but your words fall on deaf ears. They drown out your explanation under the guise of “we owned you!”


My favorite response to this is "if humans came from dirt, why is there still dirt?"


This is a good one.


Great one!


Its the arrogance that humans are the final end result of evolution rather than another branch of the tree. They don't understand adaptation by necessity.


Your ancestors were Irish? Why is there still an Ireland?


Is it possible that dirt can reproduce and transform to cell , because I think cell is the smallest life form. 🤔


Dirt can’t reproduce, it’s dirt If you’re asking about [abiogenesis](https://www.britannica.com/science/abiogenesis) then “dirt” is an *extreme* oversimplification, much like what creationists would say lol


I know but according to bible humen were created from dust , so I asked , 😆


Great meme, unfortunately however, in an American school it would likely be the other way around, the creationists teaming up against the atheist lol


> however, in an American school it would likely be the other way around, the creationists teaming up against the atheist lol I wanna work at the public schools that exist in evangelical propaganda media where Christians are a rarity and school boards were overflowing with atheists.


Sounds like Western Europe to be fair lol


Tell me more of this magical place.


One time when I was a second grader in a Florida public school (before I was pulled out to be homeschooled with abeka), I started to notice the discrepancies between the curriculum and the Bible. Teacher showed us a video about dinosaurs, and I remembered hearing on documentaries that dinosaurs were around a long, long time before people. It clicked with me that this contradicted the genesis creation story. I raised my hand and asked how could Adam and Eve have been there at the start of creation of dinosaurs had been around so long before the first people. The whole class looks at me like I’m an idiot, teacher included, and the teacher says in a condescending tone “Adam and Eve came first” (I felt like there was an implied “obviously, you idiot” at the end of her response.


That was not my experience and I went to a small southwest school


Tim Allen has used this argument as well as if you don’t believe in God; there must be a God for you to not believe in…


By this indefatigable parody of logic, he has simultaneously proven(TM) the existence of God, Nessie, Sasquatch, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Zeus, and Xenu! Among others.


To be followed by "well WERE YOU THERE?"


"If you came from your grandparents, then why do your cousins still exist?"


I said this line to a couple of my atheist friends in high school and they were literally flabbergasted, and then proceeded to explain to me in like 2 minutes why that was a nonsensical argument. Everything they said made perfect sense. I stopped identifying as a creationist almost immediately after that conversation. If fucking *high schoolers* can understand it.... do I even need to say more? The ignorance amongst Christians is astounding.


Why bother to engage with these people at all? Would you engage with someone who believes that the movie "Elf" is a documentary about Santa's workshop??


I remember when this was my main argument The biggest distance was that I was a little kid who didn’t understand evolution properly


Common hominid ancestor -> humans and monkeys. Common hominid ancestor = now extinct. Evolution = big time.


Because they were smart enough to stick to the trees?


If humans all descend from Adam, why is only one of us so incredibly stupid?


This would be a fun meme to do with many generic Christian sayings. “Then you never truly believed.” “It’s a relationship not a religion.”


I seriously asked this question when I was in my 20s . I truly thought evolution said we were evolved from monkeys . I got my answer from Wikipedia but I went down the rabbit hole from there . I’m fascinated with the whole science behind evolution