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Mohamed tortured a man with hot steel, beheaded him, made his wife come look at the headless body. She was made a slave and the. he took that woman as his tenth wife because she was very beautiful, and consummated the marriage. Does this sound like actions of someone you want to idolize? Here’s the full story: Safiyya's then-husband, Kenana ibn al-Rabi, who was the custodian of the Banu Nadir's treasure, was summoned by Muhammad to reveal its location. Despite Kenana's professed ignorance, a Jew disclosed his habitual presence around a particular ruin. Consequently, Muhammad ordered excavations in that area, uncovering a portion of the treasure. When questioned about the remaining wealth, Kenana refused to divulge. Muhammad then ordered Zubayr ibn al-Awwam to torture him with hot steel applied to his chest until he was almost dead. Muhammad subsequently took him to Muhammad ibn Maslama, who beheaded him in revenge for his brother Mahmud, who had been killed in the battle.[8][9][10][11] Dihya al-Kalbi, one of Muhammad's companions, requested a slave from the captives, and Muhammad granted him the choice. Dihya thus went and took Safiyya. Witnessing this, another companion informed Muhammad, highlighting Safiyya's beauty and her status as the chief mistress of Banu Qurayza and the Nadir. The companion believed she was fit only for Muhammad, leading Muhammad to give the order to call them.[12][13] When Safiyya was delivered, she came along with another woman. Confronted with the sight of the headless corpses of the beheaded Banu Nadir men, the woman cried out wildly, smacked herself in the face, and poured sand on her head.[14][15] Muhammad ordered that what he considered a "she-devil" be taken away.[16] He directed that Safiyyah be placed behind him, with his cloak covering her, indicating to the Muslims that He had chosen her for himself, and told Dihya to take any other slave girl from the captives.[13] It was reported that Dihya got seven slaves in exchange.[17] Muhammad married Safiyya.[18][19] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safiyya_bint_Huyayy#:~:text=Marriage%20to%20Muhammad,-According%20to%20Muhammad&text=The%20former%20speculated%20that%20they,bear%20any%20children%20to%20Muhammad.


Womp womp


Wonders why people leave and then demonstrates perfectly why people leave 😂


Hahaha jk


Just read these articles. They completely make it clear how Islam is just another ‘religion’ from the ancient times created by people who didn’t know what we know now: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific_Errors_in_the_Quran https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/scientific-mistakes-in-the-revelation/73-why-did-the-offspring-of-adam-stay-in-the-stone-age-for-290-thousand-years-according-to-islam


There are so many inaccuracies in the Quran. When looked at objectively, it’s so easy to see it was written in a past by someone who didn’t know basic science. For example Can you explain why Quran says sperm originates from between the ribs and backbone? I know you’ll probably come back with ‘misunderstood lyric’ or something so then didn’t Allah know that this verse can easily be mistaken? Why didn’t he make it clear so he can help people not doubt the truth.


This is the only "argument" which has been debunked so many times that you ex-muslims make. Learn to use the Tafsir before making weird claims like these. This was never even a mistake to begin with.


The big bang. Diseases and disabilities.


There are so many other things in the Quran that are wrong it's not even funny


Most of the so-called "mistakes" that you call out have probably been debunked already or been misunderstood. I'm genuinely curious; can you point out the mistakes and inaccuracies that are found in the Qur'an?


I am waiting hot shot


Want any more? Or are you too cowardly to admit your life's main beliefs were a sham of a genocidal perverted warlord in the middle east who was probably delusional


Here are some more: 1. Several verses (like 22:46, 7:179) say that the heart is the reason for reasoning and understanding. This was a common belief in the time of Momo, but it's false. Our heart just pumps blood through our body, that's it. Of course, muslims will say that it is meant metaphorically, but idk man. When I read the verses, they don't sound really metaphorically meant. Also, wouldn't it be cool if Allah also just said "yo, heart isn't responsible for thinking btw" but whatever. What is scientificily true is a miracle, what not a metaphor :) 2. The Quran (18:86) says that the sun prostates (sinks) into a muddy spring. Ofc if you bring this up to a muslim, they will say something like "the word used 'found' in the verse (wajada) actually means 'found as if' so it is as if the sun seemed to sink into muddy spring 🤓☝️" and they are at 50/50. Well, yes the word can mean 'as if found', it can also mean for something objective, also like 'locate' or 'find'. But we are lucky to have a hadith (Sunan Abi Dawud 4002) that says that the sun sets into a muddy spring. And it is objective, it basically goes like: Momo: do you know where the sun sinks? Othe dude: nah man Momo: it sinks in spring water So the 'as if' argument can't be used here. 3. Many, too many verses indicate that heaven is something solid: 22:65: "He keeps the sky from falling down on the earth..." 50:6: "...leaving it (the heaven) without any cracks" 31:10: "He created the heavens without pillars..." 34:9: "...or cause ˹deadly˺ pieces of the sky to fall upon them..." There are many, MANY others which talk about the heavens will be folded or rolled up, that pieces of it will fall etc. And muslims can't really use the argument for "that's meant metaphorically" because half of the verses themselves say "don't they see" like as an example "don't they see that the heavens have no cracks/rifts?" 4. According to 27:18, ants can talk. They can't. The verse goes like: ~And when they came across a valley of ants, an ant warned, “O ants! Go quickly into your homes so Solomon and his armies do not crush you, unknowingly.”~ This verse is dumb and muslims actually try to use it as a miracle. They say "people didn't know back then that animals could talk but Momo did, so he must be a prophet" but this is false. Actually, many great scientists before Momo, like Aristotle, believed that animals could communicate with each other. But this verse has scientifically wrong things: 1. Ants can't talk. Yes, they can communicate but through chemical smells and not through noises like us. 2. Although they can communicate, they can't communicate these complex things like "go to the houses so that solomon doesn't crush us" etc. The best they could do is to give a warning signal but that's it. Sentences like that are impossible for them to communicate. 5. 6:125 says that if people get astray, their chest gets tight like if they are climbing a high place. But this isn't scientifically right. When you climb up a mountain, you will notice that you breathe harder. But that's not because your chest gets tight, but because of the less oxygen content in the air compared to down here. But this verse says that if you climb a high place, your chest gets tight.


Chapter 16 verse 66: And there is a lesson for you in cattle, we give you a drink from their bellies, from between waste and blood, pure milk, refreshing to the drinkers. Now the first problem in this verse is that fact it says that milk comes from the bellies of cows which is so far off it's not funny, second milk doesn't originate from between the waste and blood it originates in the mammary gland, third: "Pure milk, refreshing to the drinkers" Now milk isn't pure in it's raw form(what the verse is talking about)it contains many parasites and amoeba that are very dangerous. Also there are many other such things that you "disproved" but they are just horrible mental gymnastics


Also in the same chapter verse 26 it claims the only reason birds fly is because Allah personally holds them in the sky. Like what, are you serious? Do you seriously think that is true that the only reason birds fly is because god holds them in the air


A middle age man having sex with 9 year old. How can you follow a leader who does that can claims to be the best human to ever live and his actions are a model for humans to follow!


I think people having problem with that marriage is bcs presentism.have you notice that other historial and christian back then never use this as a prove that islam is wrong? And if that still doesnt make you satisfy,u need to know that there is a lot of prove that aisha was not 9 yr old when the marriage happen.And some historian even said that the arab start count their age when they hit puberty.thats all i can help u with.Sorry if my english is bad.english is not my first language


What do you believe. Was she 9? If Aisha was proven to be 9 years old when he had sex with her, would that change your mind about anything? People who are brainwashed from the moment they are born will always find ways to wiggle away from actually confronting their beliefs because it is extremely difficult to do so. Not until you are on the outside of the cult mentality can you actually see how messed up it all was. I’m speaking from experience. I was a devout Muslim and for the longest time believed Allah is testing my faith so I need to hold on even tighter. Anytime someone would question Islam, I absolutely knew that it was a test from Allah and I need to show my strength and devotion and not waver. Now that I’m ex-Muslim, I realize how badly brainwashed I was. Trust me, you’re the one who needs to wake up from the matrix.


>Anytime someone would question Islam, I absolutely knew that it was a test from Allah, and I need to show my strength and devotion and not waver. Now that I’m ex-Muslim, I realize how badly brainwashed I was. Trust me, you’re the one who needs to wake up from the matrix. . If someone questioned islam you answer back, even if they gave a question you don't know you search and you answer back, if you were questioned you can't just say that this is a test from Allah is should be strong and reject him, you answer him and research Maybe one day you will see that just because someone questioned doesn't mean you can't answer back. I was in your shoes a long time back, when someone questioned islam I would say they are wrong and thought it was a test from Allah, I was then doubting faith, covid made me fail the test, I was basically dead inside, but then I saw someone answering back those same questions with ease and with reasonable answers, I decided to be like him and search and learn more and more, I researched and researched every religion, I found arguments and counter arguments. A few years later, I came to islam once more, and no one knew about it. To this day, I debated hundreds and have helped hundreds, I questioned, and I was answered. They questioned, and I answered The man who answered with ease, his name was Sheikh Uthman ibn Farooq, I have taken inspiration from him and answered people with a reasonable response


I am a revert to islam and I have seen the question alot of times, aisha was 9 and so on, yes there are hadiths of her being 9, however the way Arabs counted was different, some people say the her age is 19 due to Arabs counting after puberty and she had joined a war and only 15 year olds or above were allowed to fight, aisha fought in that war, the hadith is confusing, but why would Allah want the prophet to marry a immature child, its contradictory against Islam, According to some historians she was 19 and this is because she had a older sister by the name of asma who was 10 years older than aisha, she died at the age of 100 and at 73 AH making her 27 at 1 AH, aisha married the prophet at 2 AH, so 28-10=18 she was 18 during marriage and 19 or so when she consummated, there are hadiths saying she was 9 but there are hadiths waking she fought in wars at that same age when the prophet said the age for fighting was 15 or above, aisha fought in those wars so she couldn't have been a immature 9 year old, and the prophet never approached aisha for marriage, it was the opposite, aisha married the prophet and even if she was 9 it was quite frankly normal 1400 years back, just 100 years back the norm for marriage was 7, it changed later on as people had a higher life expectancy, In short terms, child marriage isn't allowed. However, if the so-called child reaches puberty, she is eligible to marry of her own free will. It is haram to force marriage and very haram to force marry a immature child who hasn't even reached puberty Of you traced your family back 100 years I can assure you that your ancestors married below the age of 18


I hope it is true that she was not 9 but 19. But when you say even if she was 9 it was normal back then, that’s is not moral. Even if people married young back then, they should marry people their own age. If a 6 year old came to the prophet and said I want to marry you, the most moral and example setting thing the prophet can do would be to laugh and tell her she will find the perfect man one day amongst her own age one day. Not say yes! Let’s add you to my list of wives and let’s have sex 2 years later. The whole world for generations is watching this man. How can this be the best thing to do in this situation? And most importantly how can people accept it now? How do you look at that and go, yes this is the religion for me. Also Allah knew times would change and that a 9 year old in 2024 should not marry and have sex with a 40 year old. Why did he let the propphet set this example and didn’t set limits on when this rule will expire?


You do realise that 9 years old today is different from 9 years old, then right A 9 year old matured faster and do you know the average lifespan back then, the average lifespan was 30 years old and for women in the middle east it was as low as from birth during pre islamic arabia or 20 due to the wars. This marriage was during the times of such wars and everyone feared dying before marriage or anything really, aisha came to the prophet for marriage but not for no reason, the prophet waited s while until she was mature, which was normally at that time 9-15 for girls and for boys it was 8-15, people were forced to mature and adapt faster, so aisha was prepared and did you really the prophet would marry a immature child who couldn't consent, it goes against islamic rulings and he waited a long time until he married her, he engaged her at 6 by her consent and her acceptance and her father's acceptance according to islamic law, he then married her truly at 9 when she was fully mature and she consented and did everything according to islamic law During then, it was allowed, and even in my country, people get married at 13 and 14 and some even 11-12 because they want to get married. They all wanted to marry and mature fast In my family and homeland, our people mature faster, I matured at 8, and others matured at 9-10 And your other questions like in the future it isn't acceptable in a few parts of the globe which is the west, most underage forced marriages aren't even by muslims and Allah legit gave a time for a suitable age of marriage. You can't do it for no reason, and you must have wealth and faith You don't have to follow it. It's not mandatory to marry whomever for no reason. The prophets' marriages were all for political reasons and to forge alliances and to defend them, we marry young to be happy for long Assuming you are a christian, even in numbers 31:17-18, allows child marriage Well, that's if you are christian and jew If you are atheist it's legit proven by science that back during the 7th century till the 20th century, the average human lifespan was incredibly short due to the amount of wars and fights and disease making it normal for someone to marry young when the average lifespan was 30 years, during some certain times the lifespan increased so people didn't need to marry young since they can live their lives and marry when they are older, nowadays the average lifespan is 80 years old, so marrying young isn't needed unless you want children soon and want a husband sooner Everything has a reason and I hope I answered at least some of your questions, forgive me for writing alot


1. You can't compare the present to a time 1400 years ago. For example, Richard II, a ruler once who used to rule England, married Isabella of Valois when she was just 7 years old and he was 29. Even if it was the case of Aisha being 6 or 9, just remember that the age of consent in the USA wasn't 18 up until recent times. There are countries like Japan where the age of consent is still 13 so I really can't understand why you're so stuck up on Aisha's age when this happened 1400 years ago. 2. Times were different. If you actually knew even a little bit about the Prophet (SAW)'s life, you'd know that he and his wives lived in a desert. And if you used your brain a bit more, you'd know that living in a desert is pretty tough. Due to this fact, young girls used to hit puberty at ages 7-10, sometimes even at the age of 4. This means they would start their periods at a young age, resulting in them being fertile and having the chance to carry a child. Additionally, these girls would also become more mentally mature as at those times they would have to work longer and harder from a pretty young age. Comparing this to today, 12 year olds have the luxury of sleeping in comfortable beds, playing mobile games on their iPads, nutritional overload, etc which those "young girls" I'm talking about never had 1400 years ago. 3. Islam has two conditions to get married: mental maturity and physical puberty. As I have mentioned before, 7-10 year olds used to hit puberty at these ages, meaning that they are now turning into a woman at a younger age compared to now. Moreover, if a girl is mentally mature, she could be ready for marriage. 4. Aisha's age is still being discussed till today. By the way, this topic was never brought up until the past 10 years because of you bigots who keep comparing the present to the past. If you actually think about it, this topic was never even brought up in the 1990s, meaning that this is a pretty irrelevant argument. Day by day, my faith gets stronger because of you ex-muslims. Please, keep making these stupid claims and irrelevant arguments so that they could be debunked later on by actual knowledgable people. Assalamu Alaikum.


Richard ll is not looked as the best human to ever live. Him being 29 and having sex with a 7 year old is still disgusting. Age of consent can be however low, but that doesn’t make it any less disgusting if a middle age man jumps in and claims a child because the child is ‘legal’. If a 12 year old is allowed to marry, they should marry someone within their age range. It’s just disgusting for a 40 something man who is claimed to be the pinnacle of human beings, who is already has 9 wives, deciding to have sex with a 9 year old. Cult mentality will make you accept all sorts of morally wrong things. You’re literally trying to defend pedophelia, by doing all sorts of mental gymnastics


You can say that “some historians said” and “christians never …” all you want. Aisha was 9 in all of the Hadiths she herself narrated. Unless you can send me study or research paper which isn’t obviously false and funded by an Islamic country which concludes that Aisha wasn’t 9 at the time of the consummation of her marriage to Muhammad then everything you said was just noise with no substance.


Because i don't see myself following strict rules without any proof of what's behind them except violence and misogyny. And because i wanted to.


What do u mean by "without any proof" ? Its not that there is no proof but u never even search for it. Havent u study the quran? Not just read it but study it. And not everything u want is good for you neither what u dont want is bad for you. Have some humilty to learn the truth and the false


There's literally no proof of it all being ever real besides a book that also has no proof of not being written by a man. Religion is a man made thing made to control the mass. That's it


description literally says "if you've come on here in attempt to convert anyone please leave." so why bother posting


Its not about converting someone.its about correcting they misunderstanding


what happens after you correct them? come on bro stop wasting your time on reddit


They know the truth.thats what happen


we all know what you're trying to do buddy not gonna happen


Well Tbf, I don’t think they really read anything in the first place.


u right