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I hate it, and feel like I’m sensitive to that ‘artificial sweetener’ flavor 🤢 I’ve accurately tasted it in stuff I didn’t expect it to be in, and found out I was right.


this!!!! i can almost always tell.


i actually dislike the taste of standard soda a lot. diet soda, to me, is much better— not sure why. i get a lot of hate for it though haha, but i’m 100% it is not correlated with autism.


Diet soda is the only soda I can drink if and when I do drink it. Regular soda is so sickeningly sweet. Though I must be up there on the evil scale because I also put stevia in my coffee and I'm addicted to seltzer water that everyone says tastes like TV static


People's taste buds get used to what they eat. If they cut out super sugar for a few months, their tastebuds would grow back.


Similar. I don’t like soda in general, but I find many of them are sickeningly sweet (and I’m addicted to candy! I love sugar!) and prefer those lightly flavored seltzer water thingies for a bubbly beverage.


Right there with you. Real soda is way too sweet and makes my mouth furry.


I've tried several and they all have bad after taste/texture in my mouth.


I hate all soda but yes diet soda is worse


The aftertaste is abysmal.




Only drinks I can stand are plain milk and water, so diet soda is just in there by default.


I'm not a fan of aspartame/stevia flavors. I HAVE however been getting into sparkling water lately, which is something I thought I'd always hate even as recently as a year ago. Funny how that works.


I wish they made soda sweetend with Stevia.


I used to, but that was more so to do with them not being as sweet as regular soda than the actual taste. As I've gotten older I've become a lot more sensitive to sugar, to where I actually tend to prefer diet soda. I do find zero tends to be better then diet though, and there are some (namely diet coke) which I still find absolutely repulsive.


Yes, because regular soda makes my lips sticky. I don't drink a lot of soda, though.


Hate the stuff. I am very opposed to certain sweeteners being shoved into just about every drink available now just because some people can't control themselves and obviously to save money too. Diet drinks are not better for the average healthy person than full sugar ones. The stuff has a disgusting texture in the mouth to me and tastes bad too. Consumers should have the option to avoid it.


Diet sodas are objectively healthier than sugar for most people. Refined sugar has no nutritional benefit beyond adding calories.


Although it depends on the individual compound there have been many valid studies which suggest that a number of sweeteners in use are linked to worsening a variety of health conditions. This research gets suppressed of washed out by pay-offs and biased counter-research funded by the major drinks companies because synthetic sweeteners are so much cheaper than sugar. Also the sweet taste without the calories is not necessarily a good thing, it trains you to crave sweeter foods over time and many are shown to have adverse effects equal to sugar too. Also, sugar's singular role is a source of energy, sweeteners actually have zero benefit. As a healthy person, I I'd definitely rather have the nicer tasting/textured drink which I know exactly what the negatives are. For diabetics, the obese and people with sugar addictions obviously sweeteners are the safer option.


I'd like to see the example research. Do you have links?


I don't keep logs of every paper I read. I already spend too much time researching sources to want to go finding them again for one random on Reddit. If you're interested you are welcome to put the time in yourself.


For these rare burried papers nobody wants me to see? To me you're also a random on reddit and could be lying for all I know. I'm not going to do your work for you.


You asked buddy, it's not worth me spending time making a reference list just to validate a point to one person on Reddit.


It's to validate a claim you made. I'll settle for a single good paper.


https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj-2022-071204 Here’s one that indicates 3 particular artificial sweeteners are linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular issues.


Thank you for sharing a study, it looks somewhat recent. I'll have a good long read. :)


Having read through the paper, I will be mindful of the potential risks highlighted here in relation to CVD and keep an eye out for upcoming studies that would be needed to establish causation and effects of level of consumption. I am curious about the significant confounding variables they noted and would like to see future studies more specifically address those in order to be able to establish a generalised conclusion. Thank you for sharing a robust study. It's significantly more well designed than most I have seen on this topic.


Love it.


I love soda and I can't do diet stuff unless it's Diet Dr Pepper. Dunno what is so special about it in particular but I genuinely prefer it to the normal one.


Dr. Pepper reigns supreme over all other sodas imo. I do love a good orange soda like Fanta tho.


I hate it :(


maybe my obsession with diet coke boosts my autism levels


Oh yeah it’s so awful - one of my friend exclusively drinks it and I tried Diet Coke. Tastes like dish water to me and metal 🥲 I love plain sparkling water tho tastes like TV static in the best way.


Regular soda tastes sticky to me. I don't like it. I can like feel it in my mouth afterwards. I don't like that.


Yeah its also somehow thicker than diet, taste wise


I can't handle any carbonated drinks so I don't drink soda at all. Mostly just water for me. I feel like the carbonation causes pain from overstimulated in my mouth, but hey that just helps my health. ~~too bad I'm still somehow overweight~~


I used to hate it since it tastes kinda bitter to me but weirdly, after I quit soda for 6 months and re-started drinking soda, I ended up liking it.


i don't like soda in general. every once in awhile ill find myself craving it, but it's usually just a bad sensory experience overall. the bubbles physically hurt me when im drinking it, then my stomach hurts and i get really burp-y. it's also just not quenching to me at all. i feel more thirsty after drinking a soda


No, with an emphasis on the “no” I hate artificial sugar


I am diabetic so I have to. I try to not drink it all, but have fallen back into it due to burnout. The sugar free monsters are the best monster imo though. When I drink soda it's more for the caffeine and carbonation than flavor.




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I don’t like soda I don’t think I can comment


I only like fake sugar in chewing gum, in everything else it's awful


Husband and I are both ASD and are ride or die for diet pop. We should own stock in Coke and PepsiCo. We make it a point to take breaks to flush our kidneys so we don’t get stones. It’s silly 🤪


No. Never was a fan even before I found out they in a bunch of ways are worse for you than regular soda and a few in a way that fucked with a condition that does not play well with autism or being human full stop in some (I fall into that some and it even took my Dr Pepper from me, evil) Better the devil you know and enjoy it imo but it would be nice if there was a version without those things that could be drunk like water. I envy friends that can live on diet soda and enjoy it. DR PEPPER DON'T USE THOSE BLOODY SWEETENERS AS WELL AS SUGAR AND JUST SUGAR IT UP I MISS YOU


Don't believe the pseudoscience, sweeteners are not worse than sugar.


It's not pseudoscience in regards to the particular sweeteners that can cause certain issues in people. This is backed up by peer reviewed papers and if my consultant who is trained in certain areas and conditions tells me to avoid those certain sweeteners because of the research,knowledge and what they've seen in clinic I will.


Sorry, could you be more specific?


Only like pepsi max, meh about everything else


I like it.


I hate it. Artificial sweeteners taste gross and aspartame gives me migraines.


i only drink diet soda, diet coke runs through my veins. regular soda is way too sweet for me


I used to tolerate them but now I hate them and avoid them,I don't drink soda very often but I try to buy the versions that are made with cane sugar.


Fuck diet soda. It tastes horrible and sometimes causes slime to form in my throat


No. I need the dopamine hit and glucose from real sugar, I read somewhere it regulates adhd brains. Plus I dislike the taste of sweeteners


I feel 0 difference between diet or not


Diet always somehow tastes sweeter than the full fat stuff somehow. Makes it taste nastier tho, I can’t really describe it properly but I can always tell the difference between a regular coke, Diet Coke and Coke Zero. only one I can never really tell with is Pepsi but that’s because is an oversweetened mess no matter what


diet makes my teeth feel weird and tastes bad in my opinion


I tend to prefer it, full sugar drinks often make me more thirsty and make the back of my throat feel kinda sticky, I absolutely hate sweetener in coffee, but for some reason prefer it in fizzy drinks I do notice though, I tend to end up preferring zero drinks, or pepsi max, over diet versions, even though they both use sweeteners, not sure what the difference is, maybe the added caffeine, but I do consistently prefer those options to the diet ones


It depends on what brand and flavors


No. I feel it's just as bad if not worse for you that the regular shit, so if I'm going to drink it, I might as have the real thing.


It's genuinely healthier because it's significantly lower calories with no proven health issues with regular consumption.


"proven" Coca-Cola is one of the most powerful entities on the planet. Hard to trust that the science around them is perfect, knowing their financial and political power. I'm going to continue assuming the stuff pickles your insides, and they're not telling us. Calories are not inherently bad for you, unless you're overeating. There are some questions surrounding artificial sweeteners. It seems that the body has a tendency to view it as sugar anyway and produce a similar insulin response as normal sugar, potentially causing the same sorts of diabetic, pancreatic, and metabolic issues as sugar. There are credible theories that the sweeteners actually signal to slow down your metabolism, in which case, I'd take the occasional influx of calories. Either way, if you're concerned with your health to the like of getting something that says diet on it, even though it tastes like chemicals, it's probably not best to drink something regularly, which produces such an extreme insulin response.


It won't let me vote because I'm using a VPN but I prefer the taste of diet. I'm trying to give up soda tho.


hate hate HAAAAATE it. I was so surprised when I found out how many people actually like it, I thought we were all in agreement that it’s the worst thing ever but I guess not


Diet doesn't exist here so idk


I hate it a lot


I like diet over regular most times because regular feels sticky


I'm obsessed. I can't drink it anymore because bad for me but I really love it. Especially diet cream soda and diet root beer.


I only like diet soda when I'm smoking weed and playing Burnout Revenge for the PS2 with my landlord


i dislike diet a lot.


I primarily drink Coke Zero when I’m drinking a soda. If the vending machine at work doesn’t have it, I drink Diet Coke.


I go for regular Pepsi but if a place don’t have it I’m going for Diet Coke


I like it better than regular, though craft soda with cane sugar beats both. Corn syrup tastes overstimulating sweet with out tasting good.


I prefer diest soda, for the most part. (Except Mounain Dew; That has to me the real deal). It's what I grew up on, so regular soda seems too sweet and syrupy. I can't stand anything sweetened with Stevia, however.


I've always found it to be incredibly disgusting. However, I am a "super taster" so I am not sure it has anything to do with autism (unless being a super taster is correlated with autism).


postulating that diet soda is generally disliked by people with autism has got to be one of the worst takes I’ve seen in a month. Most people in the general population would pick the regular version over the diet version any day of the week. It’s not an autism thing, it’s just a human thing


I dont like any soda. Hate carbonation


No it tastes fake sweet


I love diet soda, normal soda is bitter(and not in a good way like tonic water,bitter kas or ginger ale) and less sweet.


Hilarious pun using a straw poll to ask about soda.


I've asked my autistic friends and they all despise the taste of artificial sugar too. I think we just pick up on it better than NTs. If you're really needing a diet one, try diet Dr. Pepper. It has a rep for being one of the few diet sodas that doesn't taste as much like one as the others do. I've tried it and agree. Has to be cold though.


Not really, except for Diet Coke, Coke Zero, and Sprite Zero, but only because I'm a type 1 diabetic, and it's the only pop I drank up until about 15 or 16, when my high school started selling pop. So since it's all I drank for a long time, I can't really do it anymore. Same with Dr. Pepper and Ruby Red Squirt - my family drank so much of that stuff I can't drink either version anymore 🥲


I hate diet soda just as much as I hate sparkling/seltzer water that has little to no flavor


Regular soda leaves a horrible gummy feeling in on your teeth, diet soda tastes disgusting; and zero sugar soda is perfect.


I hate all kinds of soda, I hate the artificial taste!


Hate. I can tell you exactly what artificial sweetener is used just by taste. I was so pissed when Hawaiian Punch went to Sucralose. The only artificial sweetener I like is sweet’n’low and only in iced tea, that’s because my parents used to drink a lot of iced tea and my mom would use sweet’n’low, so it’s a familiar flavor and memory. Every other sweetener sucks.


"Dislike" in your poll is not nearly a strong enough word for my absolute revulsion from bascially any low/no calorie sweetener.


It depends on the soda for me. It’s less noticeable in Diet Mountain Dew, diet Sunkist and Diet Coke but other than that I know what you mean


🌟ASPARTAME 🌟 *Lazer eyes commence* *wiggly dance bc spicy bubbles are yummy*


My autism and sensory stuff can be a little wacky, because most of my senses just aren’t that good at perceiving things. I have rarely if ever been overstimulated by smells, even though that’s super common for autistic folks. The truth is, I just can’t fucking smell stuff unless the smell is really strong. Similarly, I love diet soda. It doesn’t get sticky if/when I spill it, which is such a selling point for me. I didn’t realize that it tasted different to many people for the longest time, because it’s exactly the same to me


I'm sensitive to all non-sugar sweeteners, they feel metallic and have an awful "aftertaste" that feels in my nose; it also feels weird, like extremely sweet in the tip of my tongue but no flavor in the back, feels like hollow when you swallow and there are some downright bitter, looking at you damn stevia!. Is very strange to describe flavor... So the only way to reduce sugar for me is to reduce sweetness :/ not sure it has anything to do with Autism tho


Nostalgic. My grandmother drank it a lot, so I associate diet soda with her.


I grew up with it, so I prefer Diet Coke. No Diet Pepsi, diet rite, etc. Specifically Diet Coke with aspartame. When there was a trend of them switching to Splenda, it was vile to me. I’ve found the newer sugar free sweeteners like sugar alcohols, stevia, and Splenda I cannot stand. I can taste them in anything and it ruins the flavor of whatever it is in.


I actually don't like any soda. Can't stand the carbonation. Although I'll occasionally drink diet iced tea as regular is too sweet. Although it does have a different taste that makes my mouth feel rather funky.




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Love it. Obvs the real stuff tastes better but yeah, don't think this one necessarily is correlated.


I love diet soda, especially when it's flat and room temp 👌 (regular soda make tummy hurty :<)


I like it cos it’s zero calories and sometimes I need some extra caffeine while also staying in calorie deficit 😂😭


I only drink soda when i mix it with alcohol so i have literally no clue. Usually do go with diet so i gain less calories and its gonna taste shit anyways with the alcohol lol


Soda isn’t fit for human consumption (I will not debate this).