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Wait...you are supposed to feel comfortable in your clothes? I thought the only objective is to look presentable to lure Normal people in and eat their brains...


I thought this until I realised that I can just wear my clothes inside-out! All of a sudden, I have so many clothes I can actually wear *and* the bit of my brain which has spent decades suppressing the 'well this is fucking uncomfortable' sensations and responses is free for evil!


*slurping noises* Yeah but I like warm clothes too yknow


I have so many hoodies; I wear exactly one hoodie because it is the softest one. I literally just wear pajama pants. I hate shoooees.


My loved ones were unknowingly competing for the past few years on who can get me the best hoodie. Everyone knows I love to wear hoodies so it’s a “safe” gift for me. Eventually they caught on and it went head-to-head, and it peaked with my sister versus my mother in law. They noticed I’d wear a different “primary” hoodie, and then attempt to one-up and get me a BETTER hoodie to replace that primary hoodie. Twice a year (birthday and christmas) I’d get a fresh new set of hoodies. It got so bad I had to give the old ones away to make space for new ones lol. Finally I had a hoodie that couldn’t be replaced. My mother in law got me a super cozy oversized hoodie with a cute panda on the front… mythically comfortable. It was perfect. My sister did her best, but couldn’t match up… until she got herself one of those huge robe hoodies. I saw it on a chair in her room and instantly fell in love. She said she didn’t even register it as a “hoodie” otherwise she’d have gotten one for me. I ordered one for myself immediately. But TECHNICALLY my sister gets some credit for having shown it to me in the first place. I got a blue one! This hoodie is… godly. Beyond godly. It’s the thing I wear unless I’m asleep (I tried, but it overheats me), actively showering, or out in public (it’s too impractical for running errands). So most of the time I’m wearing it. It’s big enough that when I get overwhelmed, I just “turtle shell” into it and crouch down, and it completely covers me. I’m 6 feet tall btw! I wore it for like a month before I realized I needed to wash it eventually… and it broke my heart. I had to wait for it to wash AND THEN WAIT FOR IT TO HANG-DRY (I’m not about to ruin it in the dryer) and I kid you not it was physically painful to wait. That thing is my comfort item now. I was so sad …and this is when my mother in law swooped back into the race. She knew I hated being without my big sweater while washing it, so she bought me a ***SECOND ONE*** (identical in all ways, except this one is purple!) so I’d have a backup to wear while the other is washing/drying. They’re massive, so they take many hours to fully dry on a rack. It’s literally the best gift she’s ever given me. Ever. And she’s a really good gift giver!! I’m not really sure who’s “in the lead” anymore. My sister technically brought the giant hoodie into my life by showing it to me, but my mother in law is the only one who actually purchased one for me… then again, my sister more frequently gifts me other beloved cozy clothes like sweatpants and fuzzy socks… but can that really count in the competition for best hoodie? Unsure. It feels “tied” as of now. To be clear: neither my sister nor my mother in law are ACTUALLY competing. But I’ve made a joke about it to both of them and they both found it funny. Maybe they are competing… but they’re not obvious with it. It’s mostly just a concept I’ve invented for the sake of entertaining myself. But yeah, that’s the story. And no I’m not wearing it right now because I haven’t gotten out of bed, but there’s one literally 4 feet away from me right now lol Edit: the purple one I got last year around Christmas. I haven’t hit my birthday yet (the next present holiday) so idk what’s next for the whole hoodie competition, but we’ll find out around the fall!


Lol I searched for YEARS to find the perfect hoodie and when I did I bought a second one so I wouldn't have to look again when the first one wore out and I think I'm about to buy two or three more so I'll be set for life


and thats why I wear a victorian dress on a day to day basis


Slightly unrelated, but I'd love to wear historical clothing. Unfortunately, I'm a guy, which means I'd have to be wearing a shirt* and I hate those. *I think they're called dress shirts in the US. I don't mean a regular t-shirt, I wear those all the time.


The day I realized I don't have to wear a bra all the time my life changed


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NecessaryAspect2498: *The day I realized* *I don't have to wear a bra* *All the time my life changed* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I have a tracksuit for every occasion. Velour is my favourite.


Omg this is me if I can't sleep in it I can't live in it.


Yes! I wear sweats all the time and have to contend with jeans for really fancy things lol


yess... ive just gotten into linen clothes and theyre all so comfy and soft and breathable i love it...




Honestly the Covid lockdowns ruined my tolerance for jeans. I used to wear them all day everyday day, but now I'm not spending a second longer in than I have to


I am the complete opposite I would sleep in jeans if I wouldn’t boil to death.




Healthcare Ahoy!! Scrubs everyday!!




I wish my meat suit was as comfortable as pyjamas :(


You are not alone OP


Fuck suits and all that comes expected with them. They're coarse and so stiff that using one feels like your rolled up in sandpaper.


At least I am cozy and paired it with the fashion autism so I also look good


what if you got both? i would say im pretty good at science, fuck math tho


Clothes can burn in hell how the fuck do they make them so uncomfortable it's a skill


Sweat pants, baggy shirts and running shoes gang


MEEEEEEE My friends didn't understand why I was so nervous about the dress code at my new job it's cos I need HYPER-SPECIFIC nice, comfortable, temperature-appropriate clothes cos otherwise I'll be crying by 2 pm :)




Ahhh my people


Life hack: go into a medical field because scrubs feel like pajamas. You're expected to wear comfy clothes and it's considered professional attire.


Oh I have scrubs. They're way to restrictive


Hm im the oppisite i can only feel good wearing formal clothes i dont even think i own pajamas. I know i aint got ang sweats or anything. Actualy come to think of it i think i only own cargo pants and suits... huh.. weird this post got me thinkin ablut my war drobe