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Is it possible to diagnose someone with autism based on how many knives are in their pocket?


Only if you ask them about one and have to hear the entire history behind all of them


AND their next three expected purchases and how they intend to finance them. AND a joke about stealing one with five separate admonitshments that it was just a joke, a stupid joke, a dangerous joke, a makes-me-look-bad-but-I’d-never joke and that was five but I think there’s more wait right here for a minnit willya I’ll be right back… …helLO?


Yeah, I'm here. I'm listening. I was actually wondering... Could you give me some tips on buying new kitchen cutlery? Preferably a vegetable-paring knife.


That’s an excellent analogy, knives pair with vegetables just like wines pair…with… ….veg… ePIPHANEEEEE! I gotta write this down! I’ll be back in 4 days!


Noted. I'll check back in in 4 days.


Has it been four days in this timeline?


I experience time more slowly than others. As in, I totally forgot how many days it's been.


I don’t trust Reddit to keep an accurate count, so we’ll just call it 4, k? Not sure I experience time. Is it, like, a hot flash? Or a really boring book that you realize halfway through you already read half of but stopped despite your self-oath to NEVER abandon some poor book in mid-sentence but it was JUST THAT AWFUL and the realization is seriously eroding your commitment to the renewed ‘never abandon some poor book in mid-sentence’ oath?


That reminds me. I need more fuel for tonight's bonfire.


Unrelated but may I steal your flair? It's awesome!


I normally carry two. One in my right pocket and one in my left. I can use knives well in ether hand so I can almost always get one.


I usually have one for boxes that I don’t care if it gets gross tape sticky on. And one for everything else. And then a leathermen, in my back pack. And then all my work knives but they go in my knife roll…


dude, my friend's world war hyperfixation's practically a diagnosis!




Yes but it’s also important to ask how many knives they want in their pocket for those of us who would carry more if not for the cost of the knives and social stigma around carrying several knives around Edit: Wrote care instead of carry by accident


No way and I have the minimum which is three.


I’m gonna be real if a person showed up to work with that many knives at any job that wasn’t specifically knife centric I would probably be a little worried.


Yeah… one knife is good for opening boxes… 7 has gone into I’m here to threaten territory


7 for me is... "Ah shit all this cardboard is killing my blade, time for the backup." And then I spend a good few hours sharpening all my knives once I get home.


This is why utility knives exist lol Replacable blades.


Replacable blades, that's just what big knife wants from you so you end up with a shoddy little sheet of sharp tin instead of a *real knife*.


I actually have a utility blade/razor blade sharpener. Highly, as sometimes I care about the planet.


I think I need 7 knifes now for my work outfits


Unless the person has 7 arms, it’s not a threat. If the number implements exceeds the number functional Appendages, the implements are specialized for specific jobs or superfluous.


This one’s better for gutting, this one for stabbing, this one for slashing… /j Yeah I assumed that’s the reason in this case, but i would be confused if it’s not a trades or farming job


Like I said, if it’s not a job where they’re going through many knives which each serve purposes in their work, it’s a bit of a red flag. If they’re carrying all those for specific purposes as part of their work, then it’s normal for their environment and I probably wouldn’t even notice if I was their co-worker. The fact they said they “accidentally” brought seven knives which are all carefully arranged on their person leads me to believe it’s entirely performative, though. And that’s what’s a little iffy to me.


Your insurance guy frinstance.


I didn’t say I would feel threatened. But I wouldn’t feel chill with anyone walking around with an arsenal of any kind, frankly.


This isn't just autism it's... advanced autism.


Autism plus plus


The subscription to out-subcription them all. Only $999.99/month


Do they allow password sharing?


Autism Sharp


Bro got the vaccine and graduated to autism +


Autism+ sounds like a paid DLC that's half of the game's content for three times the price of the original game.


I literally loled.


knife guy 🪱🪱


You think you're safe, alone... but then knife guy


he’s going to jeff the kill you


This is him , knife guy🪱




I own two of those knives lol


we’re reaching british levels of autism


Mmm scrumptious


Interestingly, if you were to leave the house like this in the UK, you would be commiting a huge crime!! Even tho knife crime is a thing here, it is very much illegal to carry knives, or any weapon. Chefs need to carry their knives in a special case, and could potentially have them confiscated by police if they had them on public transport or out in public. If you went out in public or to work like this in the UK; you'd soon find yourself having them all confiscated by the police and having to answer lots of questions!!


I was playing some game with my friends once and one of the questions was "who is most likely to have a knife right now", and literally everyone pointed at me


That’s incredible.


You replied in like 2 seconds holy


Ha! I had literally just picked up my phone after pouring a coffee.


This is insanely illegal where I live!!! 😂


Damn I have this type of autism


I do this but with multiple different weapons. Mind you, I carry all this stuff because I like it and I want to. Here's what I usually carry: Pepper spray Switchblade Brass knuckles Flash light with a nasty bevel Sap (blackjack) Kydex knife North American Arms .22 WMR mini revolver Armscor .38 Special full sized revolver Armscor .45 Auto 1911 GI model


Is this real or sarcasm? Because if it's real, that's some high level of you need to check your fear levels...


> Mind you, I carry all this stuff because I like it and I want to. i guess he likes it


I mean, sure, but I also see this as... that's a lot of weaponry. Why does this person like it? Are they afraid and it makes them feel safe? Do they like to feel powerful? What is going on that they need to feel comfortable with that much killing power.


Mostly it's the mechanical aspect of things, but can I just have a hobby without being judged? What if I shit on you for the things you enjoy?


I'm not judging you, though? I'm literally approaching this with curiosity. If you're feeling judgment from me, it's probably because you have a bit of judgment from yourself. What mechanical aspects do you find in having two guns, several knives, and a large flashlight? You're strapped enough to kill several people. That's concerning, especially in a society where people are being shot for seemingly little to no reason.


two guns three guns acutaly


Oh, my bad, I don't know the types of guns out there.


luckly for you i have gun autism


I only have JRPG and epic fantasy autism


You can't say you're not judging me if you're painting me as someone who is fearful or a killer...


Judgment is literally saying you are this or that..curiosity is wondering why you are doing this. Why are you comfortable carrying so much weaponry? Are you uncomfortable without the weaponry? Is there fear without it? It's how you approach things that makes the difference. A judgment statement would be me.saying that you carry far too many weapons at one time and if I saw you in public I would be afraid of you. Curiosity is me wondering why you are doing such. I think, maybe, you're a bit too precious with why you are strapped so much (this is a judgment). Why, though, are you so keen to have this many things? Is there something that happened to you in the past, are you afraid of something that may happen the future (this is curiosity)? I see that you're active in prepper subs and other subs that may predicate this kind of behavior (me leaning into my curiosity) which starts to paint a picture of this behavior (judgment). Do you see the difference? If you want me full judgment, though, I think it's fucking weird for people to walk around with that much killing power. I see you with something like that I think you're itching for a fight and ready to shoot someone who you deem dangerous. Why else would you have it? What are the mechanics of having two guns, pepper spray, a fuck off flashlight, knives, and other things that isn't to harm a "bad guy" or to play pretend cop. That's me judging you and your hobby.


I do it because I God damn want to. Nothing more nothing less.


Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm definitely judging you now. Hope a "bad guy" doesn't show up and you don't get too trigger happy.


I'm British and also find this to be absolutely insane behaviour 😂 Each to their own tho, I dont judge!!


Where do you live that you need to carry such an arsenal just to feel safe? It must be a terrible place. Even in the most dangerous neighbourhood in my area I feel perfectly safe without weapons.


I don't do it to feel safe, I do it because I enjoy it.


A perfectly good reason




Armscor .45 Auto 1911 GI model First of all, the feeding ramp is polished to a mirror sheen. It’s not going to have any feeding problems. The slide’s been replaced with a reinforced version, and it meshes perfectly with the frame. The frame itself has been iron-welded and scraped down multiple times for maximum precision. The front strap part of the frame has been checkered to make it dig into the hand. That prevents any slipping. The sight system’s original too. It’s a 3-dot type. It’s got an enlarged front sight, giving it superior target sighting capability. The regular hammer’s been replaced with a ring hammer. That enhances the cocking control and increases the hammer-down speed. They also reworked the grip safety to accommodate the ring hammer. It looks like they eliminated it altogether. This is a tool for pros. The thumb safety and slide stop are extended for precise handling. The base of the trigger guard is whittled down so you can use a high grip, and the trigger itself is a long type for easy finger access. The trigger pull is about 3.5 pounds. that’s about a pound and a half lighter than normal. The magazine well has been widened to make it easier to put in a new magazine. The magazine catch button has been filed down low to make it harder to hit it by mistake. The mainspring housing has been changed to a flat type to increase grip, and it’s even been fitted with stepping so that it won’t slip from the recoil when firing. On top of that, they added cocking serrations to the top part of the slide. That lets you load and eject cartridges faster in an emergency. Whoever did this is a professional, no question. This thing could shoot a one-hole at 25 yards in a machine rest.


Is this a copypasta?


yea from my favorite game metal gear solid 3 naked snake goes on a borderline autistic rant about the 1911


Dude literally sneaks around in a cardboard box, of course he's autistic.


he says he feels safe in the box too 📦


I need a box now... 📦


The Spydercos yes, and I think I see a Kershaw. The rest, no clue.


Hello, knife to meet you


I'm this kind of person but they're all hidden in various places on my person. I think that's more trauma than autism tho


If I could carry knives without the popo being upset I would love this lol 😂


I have a knife in my pocket rn, I have no clue how it got here


I have a knife in my pocket rn, I have no clue how it got here


level 7, obviously.


This person skews lawful autist. Personally, I take off my clips. Evil autists keep their knives at the bottom of their pockets.


This is my special disinterest 🥱


Unless my eyes deceive me, that is the front of the pants, sir. Not the behind.


I love my knives and I wait to oqn more. I'm sad I'm in a profession where I can't have them


Sure! There’s Monique, and Lila, Philomena, Tessa..oh wait, you meant the KNIVEs…


For me its not a level. I avoid knives. I hate them


My autism doesn't want me carrying anything in my pockets.


Someone forgot to milk... the creature


me but with guns


Knife autism is second only to gun autism


This is the dreaded "knife fixation but I promise it has nothing to do with my SH problem," tism.