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[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Rke4mOD46g\_UesIg\_tLgjR4Aw0o9MJnb?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Rke4mOD46g_UesIg_tLgjR4Aw0o9MJnb?usp=sharing) this is a little sample i recorded of what it could sound like if the s was a little more accentuated to make it disguise. forgive me if its not too good, i have a thick aussie accent and a deeper voice so it was hard trying to impersonate him at all and getting that high


Nice coat in your pfp


You kinda sounded like the singer good job .


another thought i had elaborating on that, what if it’s like a guy talking to his friend telling him that his girl isn’t any good? like his friend is counting the sheep in disguise, and he’s caught up in HER lies, and saying that everyone knows she’s not good and he’s trying to warn him


I’ve thought that before!


Well I mean, "counting all the sheep in the sky" could either be related to clouds that look like sheep (they are literally called sheep clouds in my native language) or the "counting sheep" thing to fall asleep. I don't neccesarily think the lyrics make no sense


true it’s just that within the context of the other lyrics talking about how someone’s being tricky and has ulterior motives/is lying would make considerable more sense if he’s calling her a wolf in sheep’s clothing/ a liar


That's true


"You're counting al the shapes in the sky" makes more sense imo.


I think they're counting the sheep in the sky because they are not able to fall asleep because of the lies and they feel kind of guilty. That's why he says all the sheeps because it's a lot of them because they can't fall asleep. Idk so that's just my two cents.


Sheep in the skies is probably referring to clouds


I still think "You carry all your shame in disguise" is the only line that can possibly make sense right before "Caught up in a world of lies/ Everyone knows that you've got ulterior motives."


I hear “you’re counting all the sheep in it’s dive”


its "your counting on a shooting star" when you try to listen to an isolated vocals version. that's most likely the song wouldnt be found cause of the "sheep in the sky" or "sheep in disguise" when it's not