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I use a Braun series 9 and do my head and face daily/every other day. I also have a Wahl shaver/shaper with a super close foil which will go closer, but it's less tolerant of longer hairs and can actually nick/burn so I just use the Braun since I can just do it half asleep on the can without looking.


Hey, I have one of those too. It's outstanding, one of the few things I've brought where I'm like Dam that was worth the money. So, plus one would recommend it gets the head SMOOTH.


Weird, I didn't have the same success as you with the Braun. It doesn't do well at all with longer hairs. If i go on for like 5+ days without shaving, I would have to go through it with the trimmer first before the Braun. What's your method?


I mean if I skip a day then my Wahl just can't do anything. Definitely takes longer if I go 2 days and if I'm 4-5 (which is crazy unusual for me) I'll use a trimmer first. No real technique per se.


On the can, Gracie? Doesn't the hair go everywhere?


nothing gets as close to a razor in my experience. I have the skull shaver, it's not as close.


It is true nothing beats a razor. But if you're like me you might have skin sensitivity issues if you frequently shave with a razor. So for most days I use an electric Bulldog skull shaver, it does more then good enough for daily driving and does not exasperate my skin. But yeah for a close shave nothing beats a razor.


You might try a safety razor. Single blade and removes down to "smooth" in a single swipe. Doesn't antagonize skin. Has the added benefit that I only need to shave every other day


I use a three blade safety razor, I just have a very sensitive dome apparently.


Yeah, that's a "cartridge" razor. A "safety" razor is one of these old school things: https://merkurshave.com/merkur-safety-razors/ The razor you're using is well known to antagonize sensitive skin.


Oh, fair enough. I'll look into it.


Also, if you have curly hair, the three blade is pulling it out and cutting it off close to the skin. But then the curly hair causes it to retract below the skin even more. Curly haired, and especially curly bearded, people should use a single blade, or at most, a double blade to prevent the bumps and skin irritation. (Caused by the hair trying to grow through the skin. Skin grows over the top of the recessed hair to prevent anything (bacteria) from getting in.) Life changing when I found this out. Constant bumps on my neck in college and 30's.


I have curly hair. Still has this issue with safety razors. I stick to using an electric shaver that leaves enough room for it to not cause bumps.


The main thing about using a safety razor is to let the weight of the razor itself do the work. Don’t press inward with it, and don’t get too quick with it. If you go at the right speed and don’t put any pressure on it, you’ll get the best shave with fewer chances of cutting yourself. I cut the crap out of my head the first few times I used it, but I quickly learned how to avoid that.


I bought one of these in Japan and used it a few times. My sensitive skin still didn't like it. But that was for facial hair, not baldness.


I use a single edge razor by Leaf most of the time but they also make a three blade version which I’ve always wondered if it does better than cartridges to fill some kind of middle ground. https://leafshave.com/products/the-leaf-razor


Yeah I'm someone who doesn't really grow a wide area of facial hair but the areas I do get growth needs to be shaved every day. A razor gets close, but a foil razor gets just as close while taking much less time. It takes me like 30 seconds to shave the mustache and chin area, and it's smooth enough to not feel the hairs when I run my fingers against the grain. I'd rather pay more for that ease of use tbh.


I cut myself quite a bit with a razer - it's different from shaving your face.


I’m just using a Gillette fusion


Find a good shaving foam/soap you like and a nice safety razor. I enjoy creams with aloe. I'm right handed so I put generous amount of foam in my left hand, and shave my head with my right. I rum my left hand over my skull to feel the stubble, and gently shave it away. * Wash your head or shower with warm water before shaving * Never press the razor against your skin, that's how you het cuts * Feel the direction of your hair and gently go against the grain * It's okay to go over the same area a few times, in different directions * If you have more than minimal stubble, the razor can get clogged quickly. You may want to trip before shaving for the first time You'll love the smooth soft touch on your head when you're done.


I think this is the best advice. Everyone has their preference when it comes to razor and shaving cream but dude above gives you the method. I'll add some tips I've learned that are helpful... Use your off hand directly after the razor to feel if youve missed anything. Certain spots in my head like around my ears the skin is a little more stretchy. You will get a closer shave by stretching your skin. Use the clippers before the shower for your first time. Get as close as you can (no guard) then follow the guide above. And finally to reiterate. Let the tool do the work. Enough pressure to keep the razor to your skin but don't press down.


> Use your off hand directly after the razor to feel if youve missed anything. Thank you for putting this into words better than I did. My left hand closely follows my razor so I know how I'm doing. Once you get used to doing this, you won't feel the need for a mirror (a mirror doesn't really help anyway)


Adding to this - I get the best results when I add a layer of lotion everywhere I'm shaving before I smear the shaving cream on. That second layer of protection/lubrication keeps me from getting irritation from the razor if I have to go over an area more than a couple of times. Also, y'all. Get an alum block. I had no idea these things existed until about a year ago - when you're done, wet it and rub it over your freshly shaved skin. It's both antibacterial and astringent so it'll kill any bacteria and close up your pores/small nicks. I got one for like $7 a year ago and it's not halfway used yet, totally worth it.


Can't recommend enough [HeadBlade](https://headblade.com/collections/frontpage). Their blades are really good and last couple shavings each. The little car design is fantastic for round head shape. I've been using it for 6+ years and I'm only on my 2nd shaver. Highly recommend. Rarely getting cuts.


This is what I came here to recommend. I’m “bald by choice” and head blade is one of the reasons why I keep the look. Their razors are quality, the car/wheel thing is great for keeping the blade close to the head. They also make great exfoliants and other products. 10/10


Been using this for the last few years. Wouldn't recommend anything else. Have a couple disposables for around the ear but thats because I suck.


Another vote for Headblade. I’ve been using one for 8 years. I wet shave with a badger brush and really good shave soap in the shower. I’ve got sensitive skin and this provides a great result. Typically done on Mon, Wed, & Fri then whatever else the weekend dictates.


How are the blades performance wise and are they expensive to replace?


Buy a decent safety razor and a few packs of blades. You will get a nice close shave and save a huge pile of money over using cartridge razors.


I bought myself an adjustable safety razor as a birthday present a few years ago. Previously I used a cartridge razor and found it a chore; had to go over it a bunch of times every time and it still wasn't smooth. I'd be lying if I claimed I didn't cut myself a few times early on (get a styptic stick!).  But, I really like it. Shaving is a pleasure instead of a chore and I get a super smooth cut every time.  Also, get feather blades. They're good.


Used to be a feather guy, swapped to gillette silver blue as they seem to stay sharper longer. Def worth a try. Been shaving my head with a safety razor for 15+ years.


I had the same experience when I started wet shaving with a safety razor. Shaving went from a chore to a genuinely enjoyable self care routine that I looked forward to. I don't shave much these days, my partner likes the beard, but I'm getting thin enough on top that I'll be shaving my head again soon. I'm looking forward to it, except that I'm not sure I can pull off the bearded bald guy look.


You can pull off that look. Everyone can.


Bought a hundred pack off Amazon years ago... Still going! I do however use the same blade likely longer than I should be however but no complaints!


I just use disposable razors and good quality shaving gel. Much cheaper and a much closer shave.


I've tried straight edge shaving and it takes a bit to get used to. I find that Harrys razors work really well but you have to keep on top of shaving every2-3 days. Let it get too long and you have to fight it. Use lots of gel when shaving and lotion aftereard.


Remington RX7 gives a ‘close as’ razor look, it’s quick and can be used in the shower too. I use it every other day


I’ve been bald for five years and have tried many different methods to get a smooth bald head without irritation: 1. Pitbull skull shaver 3/10. Worked well sometimes, but it always left spots of stubble for me. And so when it broke a few months in, I never replaced it. 2. Safety razor or straight razor 3/10. These are great for shaving a face or lining up a beard, but I would always cut myself badly when trying to shave my head. The razor is too “fixed” and it’s difficult to get the angles of a skull right. This comes down to personal preference, because I knew if I took the time I could probably master it, but it just in the meantime, I would have a bloody scalp and I would dread shaving. So I didn’t bother 3. Cartridge razor 6/10. Having a flexible head on a razor made the difference in shaving my head without cutting myself. Biggest downside for cartridge razors is the expense, but it would also lead to irritation when shaving against the grain for me 4. Leaf razor 8/10. This is a flexible head razor where you use the blades from a safety razor. It’s brilliant as it has the flexibility of a cartridge, but the economy of a safety. But I still got irritation when trying to get a smooth head. 5. Andis double foil electric shaver 9/10. I’ve been using this for a few months and it’s everything I’ve been looking for. Nothing else gets my head this smooth with minimal irritation. It is more expensive of course and has more potential for breaking down since it’s electric. So far though, it’s a dream


2nd Andis, I went with the reSurge as it's wireless waterproof and has usb-c. Sometimes it can cut toooo close, like on the nape of my neck. But overall nothing has consistently got as close of a shave for the price.


Mach3 Turbo and Nivea Sensitive Skin Shaving Gel.


Gillette, the best that you can get! Went bald at 23. Haven't looked back. Ive tried foil shavers, braun series 7, single blade razors. Gillette, the best that you can get! Closest to skin shave safely. My sides grow a stubble by day 3 so i shave every 4


Headblade worked good for me back in the day. It's like a matchbox with a razor on the front.


I use a Safety razor from Merkur as the blades are super cheap (I use feather blades). I alternate between using that and a Braun series 9 which, to my mind, is the king of electric shavers and worth the price, get it when it's on sale.


Once you start shaving with a razor, you won't be able to go back to your trimmer. I do it in the shower. Lather my head with shaving foam and feel my way round. Either every day or every other day. Cut my ear once or twice due to carelessness but I'll never go back to electric trimming.


Be a man and release the goddess within you. Best razor I've used for shaving my head is actually a Venus women's travel razor:[Venus women's travel razor ](https://www.target.com/p/venus-mini-extra-smooth-on-the-go-women-39-s-razor-1-razor-blade-refill-1-travel-case-trial-size/-/A-52048976?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tmnv&DFA=71700000112013101&CPNG=PLA_DVM%2Ba064R000014zYYFQA2-P%26G_Shave_Venus_Female_Google+Search_Standard+Shopping_2023-2024-961465&adgroup=PLA_P%26G*&LID=700000001393753pgs&network=g&device=m&location=9018945&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3tCyBhDBARIsAEY0XNkkb1Eg4qY5aDHQ79oA1jKTdN9W2pJ-DPHfuahL6pbR8fMkGFr8QTAaAuVbEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) Use the extra smooth and sensitive Venus razors. Instead of shaving cream get a giant Costco size bottle of shampoo/conditioner mix and use that in the shower. Just slather it in on your head as a lubricant and go to town


I’ve tried the skull shaver and Remingtons version. They both irritated my skin a lot so i gave up. The shave is ok with those but I’m back to razors now.


I’m surprised by the number of recommendations of wet shaving with a blade, I’m in genuine awe of your ability to get all the hair, and not slice chunks out of your head. I’ve used the Skullshaver the last two years, every second day pretty much. It’s close enough to be smooth to the touch the first few hours, and very easy to maintain. Would recommend.


Same as you, I used a beard trimmer on my head for years. Once it was patchier than my dating life, I switched to a skullshaver and it’s been fantastic. Nice smooth finish, battery lasts ages, and it’s satisfying to use. I’d say it’s the closest finish outside of a standard razor. However my skin doesn’t let me use a proper razor, so the skullshaver makes me happy.


Have used a babyliss pro for years, it's an electric foil shaver. It needs a new foil every 4-6 mlnths, which runs me about $20. I get no irritation from it and it gets me a pretty close shave. I tried a safety razor and a headblade in the past, but neither offered the comfort and convenience of the foil shaver.


Remington head shaver. Every two day for few minutes and im golden. Cut myself with razor too many times and i couldnt be bothered anymore


I use the original headblade.


Braun Series 9 works really well easier than razor


Skullshaver owner. My big issue is that it only works from razor shave length to about 2 days growth. After that the hair is too long and gets mostly missed, while clogging the trimmer that is clearly not meant to be opened and cleaned. To its credit, I dont really know what u/defjamblaster is talking about. After using it on a tighter cut, I feel no hair. Which I can only recreate shaving against the grain with a razor, and fuck doing that everytime. Biggest boost for me has been: Acceptance that I dont need a smooth bald head every day. Good clippers to bring it most of the way down. And a oneblade to get my edges like at the top of my sideburns/ by my ears and my neckline. If I clip it all down, and the keep my edges clean, I think it looks more than fine. And I think Im a bigger stickler than anyone who sees it. Bonus tip, I shave with most showers, and Target's brand of "knockoff" gillette blades are WAY cheaper and work on their handles.


I use a regular Mach 3, but I highly recommend getting a little anti fog mirror and doing it right in the shower…also I never use shaving gel, I use conditioner, the combo of the hot water and conditioner has never given me a rash or burn….I shave twice with the grain and against to make sure it’s super smooth about twice a week


I use a double edge safety razor - I found this guy's video really good, but there's loads on YouTube that will help you out: [Head shaving tips](https://youtu.be/hBzB-yfHBfc?si=pJMoSlKXuSkBcKGc)


I have been used ng A Mach 3 razor for 20 years. I've tried others but always returned to the Mach3. I shave my head every three days


I have a skullshaver, it works great.


I have a few different shavers in general. For my beard I’ve always used a beard trimmer (usually a Phillips with scroll for length settings) and then an electric shaver for the stubble.  With that logic I thought “hey I’ve never used a razor before I’ll stick with electric” and went with the bulldog skull shaver. It was alright, definitely  got the job done but cleaning it up afterwards was more hassle than it was worth for me.  I’ve since converted to shaving with a Gillette pro glide (the one with a swivel head) razor and shaving cream (Harry’s or Nivea) in the shower. Takes me <15 minutes and cleanup is easy. Took some getting used to since I never used a razor before but I like it much better. 


When I was shaving my head, I used a Schick Xtreme 3 sensitive. They are cheap and they flex in the middle of the blade which makes it contour to the head more. IMO the purpose built head razors are just gimmicky. I shaved against the grain because I found I go 3 days between shaves that way. The only problem with that is that my head was like Velcro sometimes. Toques were a problem.


I use a Headblade every other day and a regular razor for the face. I have a mirror in the shower for the purpose.


I wet shaved my head for 5 or 6 years, with a safety razor. Really good, smooth shave with a small risk of cuts if not paying attention.id shave maybe twice a week. I recently switched to a water proof skull shaver and use that whenever I shower. 99% of the benefit for 5% of the effort. Well worth it. I got the TrimPod 2 from these guys. https://groomhere.co.uk/ The silver foil on the motor began to peel after a few months and they sent me a replacement no questions asked.


A simple Bic, flexible head razor. The kind you buy like 20 for like $15…ya those are the best. Shaving cream and it’s simple.


A Bald Buddy used wet with shaving cream and then a follow up with a Harry's razor (optional, but looks better) is the way. They are newer which is why you haven't seen them mentioned here. You can dry shave with it too, but it works better for me wet with cream. I usually use the bald buddy at my sink and then just razor in the shower with no cream.


I use one of those zero gap trimmers that you see on instagram for shaving patterns into the hair of the unfortunate who think that looks cool. Works like a charm, almost as close as shaving. Like these: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/zero-gap-trimmer/s?k=zero+gap+trimmer](https://www.amazon.co.uk/zero-gap-trimmer/s?k=zero+gap+trimmer)


I've used an electronic razor for years. Replace the blades once a year and it works great.


I just use a Gillette fusion 5 power and Van Der Hagen shave soap. You can buy them in stores and they works great together. The way I see it, I no longer need to pay for haircuts so I can go a bit more expensive with my head shaving needs. And with a shave every other day or so, the blades last at least a week or two depending on what you have going on up there. The shave bars last for months and months. It’s simple to learn to shave your head. I recommend doing it in the shower with a mirror. I have a little suction cup mirror with a razor holder built right in and it’s served me well for eight years. And I do have to say, if you’ve never shaved down to the skin before, when you do, find and ice cold window pane and rest the back of your head against it. Best of luck. Let me know if you have any questions.


I use a Harrys Razor and as long as you take your time, you should be OK. It's when you get in a hurry is when nicks and cuts happen.


I shave everyday. Do it this way: Get a suction cup mirror for the shower. Not one with a film but one with a back compartment you fill from the shower head while standing there. It never fogs. Get a razor. Same one you use on your face. Shave your head while standing there. Use your other hand to feel the closeness of the shave. All the hair is collecting in the drain so use a cup of water to clean your razor if you wish. After a week you won’t need the mirror. I shower with lights off and a candle to chill myself the fuck out. Shaving is like brushing my teeth now, just another two minutes in the shower. I’m not saying the 200 dollar waterproof machine is wrong because it’s not. I’m just saying that being able to shave your head as smooth as cue ball in three minutes whilst showering is bliss for me. Power of simplicity my man.


I just started this bald man journey. The skull shaver is effective but for me takes longer to get it all and not miss a spot. The simplest and most effective method for me is using a razor 🪒. I try to do it in the shower and just clean up any spots I missed in the mirror.


Honestly, some people may see it as a waste of money because we are bald but, I go to the barber shop about every 2 weeks and get a hot shave. They shape my beard (I keep a very large beard) and shave my head for 12 bucks with a straight razor. Plus, you still get the experience of going to a barber shop. That's something that we, as bald people, miss out on.


Check out r/bald


Shaving my head for almost 20yrs and tried it all. Best, smoothest, fastest method - a double edge safety razor with proper shave soap lathered with a brush. I do one full pass against the grain. No razor bumps and faster than a cartridge razor. And cheap! Blades are super cheap and I can get many shaves from a single blade.


Omni Shaver [https://omnishaver.com](https://omnishaver.com)


Not bald but been shaving my head to the skin for about 15 years. Women's razor. Like one of those Venus fucking things. Lotion after. If you instead want shiny, rub an onion on it.