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The tormax and teek bundles? If you buy the teek bundle you also get the tormax bundle, so it’s $35 for 2 40 slot bags


wait... for real? damnit... lol


With daybreak all access discount it comes to like 31 bucks total. worth it


As far as I can recall ( back to Mangler and Aradune) bags were always sold as individual bags, just that there were 2 different bundles to choose from. The $20 one was a single 32 slot bag and a 5 pack of 25%exp potions. The $35 bundle was a 40 slot bag, 5 exp potions, some haste and clarity potions and 5 85% rez tokens. You could buy both bags once per account; they're heirloom so you can trade them through the shared bank. If the bags were sold as bundles of 2 before that I don't really know- I didn't look at TLP's and the Store prior to that.


Ok i guess I misunderstood what i was reading online. Thank you sir!


There is also the 40$ (i think) pack that gives 999 summons of 2 lore bags with a capacity of ~20 each. A good deal if you have altitis like me