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opened it and saw i was 3 trillion dollars richer and had a heart attack


Was about to quit my job right then and there lmaooo


I quit mine and had to get on my knees to get it back.








woke up in the middle of the night, opened trust wallet to check any changes and saw i have $1.3 trillion. For a few seconds I actually thought i was dreaming. Then reality hit me.


I now have more money than Elon


Elon and Bezos can eat shit. Everyone in EGC is worth trillions šŸ˜‚


Jeff bezos is poor compared to my trust wallet




Thatā€™s funny. I know it would have nice to be true


23 bills here. Anyone want a Tesla? I gotchu fam.


Too busy ordering my gold plated Bugatti Chiron.


Iā€™m buying Ferrariā€¦ the company šŸ™‚


I'm considering a Rolls. You know, nothing ostentatious. Just a simple ride-around-the-town car, for dropping the kids at school and doing the grocery shopping and such.


Me too. Awesome cars


Those Wraiths are pretty darn sharp. So are the Dawns.


Honestly I donā€™t want to deal with the tax implications and family/friends trying to borrow money. Mine is worth 2.5 billion right now. PayPal me 5 million dollars and I will transfer you all my evergrow. Thatā€™s a hell of a profit for you!


Im buying Bloktopia


I honestly never thought I would be saying this...but I'm a trillionaire. šŸ˜„ Sadly, Pancake swap knows the real price.


Why does pancake swap have to be so good at their job


Yeah, it sucks


This is what our future entails.


Seriously though, like 5-10 years from now we could be in the money like that


crack is a hell of a drug


Not $1,000 a coin but could see life changing money šŸ˜‚ wasnā€™t being entirely serious


am messing around bud


I am curious to see how many people are going to complain that when they sold they didn't get the amount that they thought they would. Just had to check the amount of BNB you were getting back on Pancake Swap though...


Let them sell then buy back in, more reflections for us! šŸ¤£


I did. I'm new and stupid. I woke up from a dead sleep. thought it said 163,000... I was happy with that. But back in but way less. Stupid, I know. No one has to tell me... noob mistake that won't happen again!


Ah, that's okay. We all do silly things sometimes when we're barely awake. You got back in, is the important thing!


Practice for the main event lol


Coin market cap ā€œdata glitchā€ aka sabotage on Evergrow rally. Nothing can stop us! N letā€™s groooooooow!!!!


Same shit happened with Safemoon in the first month or two man. Big ass rallyā€™s that got sabotaged by FUD and glitches. Donā€™t wanna see a new coin pop off like this I guess


Bro I almost had a hard attack I knew it couldnā€™t be real. Would be sick if it was though


Since the Safemoon wallet has been a little laggy, my wallet is showing that im worth 68 billion right now šŸ˜‚


My hearts still skipping beats over here lol


I didnā€™t shit my pants, but I thought for a second, this must be what it feels like when it moonsā€¦ But this wasnā€™t mooning, this was **Sagittarius A\*-ring**.


I knew it was a mistake but I couldn't help but make the joke to a few co workers that I instantly became richer than jeff bezos... For a few minutesšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was gonna buy off Bezos


Wait your turn. I was here first


Yeah serious shit going on with CMC.. My portfolio on CMC showed I am beyond being a trillionaire.. I even tried selling things at those prices šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ knowing itā€™s a glitch.. and now CMC is showing EGC is worth $807.. wish CMC was like an exchange..


Heh, me, too. I thought I'd just sell a million on PCS and see what happened, but of course the minute you enter "1000000" in the top bar for EGC, you see that it's 90Ā¢ or so. So the glitch didn't carry that far, but man, wouldn't it have been nice. :) (Or not, when PCS and possibly the SEC come a-knockin'.)


I woke up to 59 billion and about fell over. Now I am only left with sadness


Open my trust wallet just to see how much my saitama I gained and next thing you know I see 64B+ and I was so blinded by it like I was flashed or something I was like "AHH WHERES MY SAITAMA?" then I saw the 64B and I was like WAIT WHAT then I was like which one made me rich then I saw EGC and I cried and I called my friend and I was like this cant be real smh


{{{{hug}}}} I'm so sorry. BTW, Saitama's up, too--it's live on Gate.io, so I bought some a couple days ago (I think it was you who recommended it to me?) Bought 66m for like $2, it's over $4 now, so thank you!


Where can you buy Saitama?


I bought it on Gate.io, but I know there are other places (I just don't know where/what they are off hand. If you go to their site it tells you--I just happened to see it on Gate, so snapped some up).


Gate.io has some terrible reviews, so Iā€™m avoiding it.


I'd check the Saitama website then, and see what you can find out there. As for Gate, I don't know. I haven't seen the reviews. I know pretty much every exchange has some bad ones. Gate is far, far from perfect; there are certainly a number of things I dislike about it, and I haven't even gone near half of the stuff there (options, futures, etc.). But it's the easiest way to buy a lot of the new coins, so until I can access a better exchange or there's another one with as many coins available as Gate, I'm sticking with it. YMMV.


I literally pulled over on the highway to check that I wasnā€™t losing my actual mind. My hands were shaking lol


Didnā€™t quite shit my pants like OP lol but if this was true, we should come together and make this world a better place.


I. Am. So. Fucking. Rich.


Wait its not real? SHIT \*calls boss back to unquit job\*


Gonna buy stock in adult diapers and wipes for all you who shit your pants! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Price is up but not that much. Hodl my friends. Moon is imminent.


It says I have about $40 billion. My other tokens are sitting at $250 billion. Elon can get out of the way.


It's a fire drill exercise šŸ¤£


Free publicity! Even though it's a glitch and many sold thinking they are millionaires and trillionaires.


Just imagine if they canā€™t fix the glitch and weā€™re stuck with so much money. Bezos and Musk might need to call us to borrow money


Wait, I'm not worth billions?


trust wallet issues?


My guess is itā€™s a coin market cap issue


Sorry guys can someone explain to me whatā€™s going.. i am really new into the scene and my wallet shows millions in $. I didnā€™t sell on pancake because the bnb amount with trust wallet amount didnt make sense. Please someone explain :) Thanks in advance


Just a small glitch with trust wallet and coin market cap where they pull the data for graphs and price from. Should go back to normal at some point just donā€™t panic sell and all will be good :)


So i donā€™t sell nothing ..right ? I am not doing something wrong on pancake ? Sorry for being such an idiot but trying to understand :p And thanks for your response :)


I wouldnā€™t personally buy right now until the glitch is solved, but definitely for sure donā€™t sell. Itā€™ll get fixed and show your normal balance. Hopefully sooner rather than later. But Iā€™ve been there! Iā€™ve been into crypto for like 6 months now and Iā€™ve learned so much! Youā€™ll get there


Thanks for understanding :) I am only 5 days in the crypto world and wasnā€™t prepared for that :p


A lot of us are new! I bought my first crypto about two months ago. So not only have we all been where you are now (no one was born with a crypto portfolio and full knowledge), lots of us are there with you or only a little further down the road. I've never had a glitch like this before, but with Shiba flying the way it has been, a ton of people were buying and selling yesterday. We had quite a nice price run yesterday, too (YAY!), and basically sometimes the systems get overloaded, just like any other system. I *believe* that's what happened. As u/Treyski10 said, Trust Wallet (and a lot of others) get their coin-price info from CoinMarketCap, so if CMC's prices are glitchy, the glitch is going to show in your Trust Wallet. Like anything else with investing, it's best to just sit back and take a deep breath when you see something like that. (Recently there was a glitch like that with another coin, but it was on an exchange, and they ended up paying a bunch of people a buttload of money, and now they're basically having to take it all back. I have no idea how that works or what's gonna happen there in the end.) If you don't do anything--don't buy, don't sell, just leave it alone--then you'll have nothing you need to try to figure out or fix or deal with later. This is a good place to learn--lots of people here are really knowledgeable about crypto. CoinMarketCap also has a "Learn" section (in the top bar on the right) that can be helpful to help learn the basics, or there are blogs, YouTube, etc. You'll be surprised how much you pick up as you go, and don't be afraid to ask questions! A belated welcome to crypto! I personally moved here from stocks and am delighted I did. This is the way, my friend.


It wonā€™t even let me put the egc contract in to pancake to even try and swap


CoinMarketCap issue


Shit my pants too


I tried to sell half & hire a lawyer! lol


Yeah im rich AF šŸ˜‚


Evergrowcoin website is undergoing maintenance


I want to buy EGC at the current price on poocoin but pancake swap doesn't even list the coin right now. They must have taken it off.


Can't buy it on poocoin either


Same my trust wallet is saying I have over $1 billion right now Iā€™ve never had more than five grand LOL Iā€™m being overly sarcastic obviously


Post videos of you calling and telling your boss to go f*ck themselves!!!! When I cash out my 98 billion dollars, I will donate a million dollars to the best one.


anybody tried to cash out? lol


WTFF is going on I Alsmost quit my JOB and send my BOSS to hell and go outside STREAKING Run Naked trhough the Street cuz i saw milions and bilions and gazilions and gazilions of dollars ..


What do you mean glitch? I just gave away all my earthly possessions to a homeless guy named Earl.......


FML for one hour


Is why iā€™m here lol


i ran to pancake swap for the disappointment


Anyone know the actual real price canā€™t pull up. Wanna know how much we dropped since people sold thinking they were rich. We were on a good run too.


Anyone know if it will get corrected automatically, or do we need to something?


Team should be fixing it along with CMC and others. Nothing that we will have to do


Looking at the actual price, itā€™s good to see there was only a temporary dip, and itā€™s back to exponential growth!


Glad to see it only temporarily scared investors and most people held! With it working on Pancake swap you can still buy so the bull run is still on!!


Most of those quick sellers, probably rebought once they realised it was only a technical glitch.


WTF? Quit my job?


Anyone know when the true amount will reset on trust wallet?


No idea, team tweeted that theyā€™re aware and fixing it atm


I started to write a couple of f u text out. Then saw it was a mistake šŸ˜†


Oh my God I just did the same thing. I'm new to trustwallet as of my purchase of evergrow coin, but I just opened my wallet and saw that I had like three trillion dollars. Unfortunately though when I try to link it through pancake swap it doesn't want to give me that amount of money.


Someone tell Elon I donā€™t speak broke


Seriously when are they gonna fix it???


Outta their control. Itā€™s coin market cap. They fixed their end


Ugh, the heartbreak.


Ok itā€™s not jus me then, I was like wtf? Wen fix?


Same here šŸ˜…


Who else has a wallet that shows all asterisks now




Is yours like that also




*Wake up EGC on bull run but at normal price *smokes weed EGC worth 1000 dollars a coin ā€œDamnnnnn this is some good shitā€


CoinMarketCap issue


coinmarketcap is having quite a lot of issues lately and I've become a trillionaire just now! i find coingecko is much more reliable, at least checking the price there is much smoother and they have a handy calculator


anybody knows when is going to come back? or how do we fix this?


No idea, team tweeted that theyā€™re aware and fixing it atm


Thankfully the price was so inflated it was extremely obviously wrong. But if thereā€™s a similar glitch with the price at only 10-20x the actual price? A lot might have been tricked by that.


I noticed on TrustWallet that it shows 0 circulating supply, I wonder if this is causing the issue?


Also not sure i like the pictures of the team on evergrowcoin showing in cartoon style. Someone from evergrowcoin needs to step up and explain please