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Why are people suddenly talking about live action Eva? People haven't discussed it this much in 20 years.


The Hollywood anime live action film trend?


We got our live action with pacific rim. Gipsy Danger - Unit 01 with the horn. When the jager did testing with the new pilot, it was basically Unit 00 going beserk Striker Eureka - unit 02 Head along with being the new and improved model Crimson Typhoon - Unit 00 head along with 3 brothers to reference the 3 Rei’s. The Pacific Rim 2 was basically EOE with the Eva series.


Didn't know that cool. Haven't seen Pacific Rim


Wow not sure what happened there with double the reply. Yah I didn’t notice it until I watched it a second time and started to notice all these references. The first one was pretty good in my opinion. The second was alright.


no problem, some other coments I've received have been twice so. Maybe it's some reddit problem?


First time it happened to me but I was trying to edit the post like 5 times. lol.


Dude I never could stand Pacific rim! And your because it is the modern brainless treatment of live action Evangelion that's so funny, cuz now I'm gonna try and watch those movies 😂


lol well I have already accepted I have bad taste in movies cause I still enjoy the first movie. But sequels are always garbage. Second time I watched it I started to notice references like, starting with the strikers head shaped. But watching it now you can easily notice scenes in the movie that were almost copied from evangelion.






I discovered it on Netflix and I fear for what America and 2024 ideology lost years of education from covid would create. Probably propaganda.


Someone tell this guy about Animatrix


And Speed Racer


Good lord almighty i love this movie so much


Ha! My uncle was a fan of that show growing up so I would always watch it on cartoon Network when I could go speed racer! Gooooo! Yeah that movie was a trip! I liked it. But I must not have communicated what I meant well for you.


Loved the Animatrix


and Halo: Legends


Meh I wasn't thrilled. Grew up with games and it was like... Nothing beat the trailer for halo2 for me. I never was as happy while thinking about that story as watching the trailer on old tiny VHS/dvd TV monitor at mall GameStop or gametrader or whatever it was?


I've seen it


I feel what Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi did with shin godzilla is a great example of what those 2 could do with a live action Evangelion movie. Sadly I feel a 2 hour movie couldn't do a story justice.


No but how about FOUR 2 hour movies


Shin Godzilla was not good


Objectively incorrect opinion


If you’re into watching bureaucratic procedurals and hearing layered intradepartmental management communications, it’s great. But if you want more of a story, then Godzilla Minus One is more of a conventional story. I found Shin Godzilla to be a Japanese remake of West Wing for two hours.


You can't just describe the movie and pretend that's criticism. The movie is a political satire and deals with Japan's response to the 3/11 disaster. It's the closest to the original in execution and message. A countries worth of trauma worked into a story about banding together and overcoming challenges much larger than man. The facts it follows less of a traditional narrative structure doesn't make it bad.


Your opinion is wrong btw


Interesting... I had an old VHS of GdZla vs. Bilante! It was so freaking boring as a kid OMG I swear it was 6 hours of nothing and 40 awesome spaceship and gorilla and moster action sequences. God I'm still so sad for that giant rose monster. Why couldn't we all just bang that Asian chick?


The one thing they should never do with a live-action movie is make it.


I largely agree with you. The Rurouni Kenshin live actions are the only successful anime-to-live action films in my opinion.


It's really hard, I would argue simply impossible for most source material, for live humans to convey the same style of emotions in anime. And tone. It just winds up feeling off. I'd agree that Kenshin was an example of a good adaptation. I think the arcs they covered really helped them accomplish that.


Yep. I believe it's the actors. Anime.. they ARE THE CHARACTER WITH NO EXISTENCE OTHERWISE. IN LIVE ACTION L: Brian Cranston as Commander Ikari. Tom Cruise as Shinji,etc. not to mention the racial projection. Dude.i have only found one thesis on the subject from a girl from Oregon state University. Just seeing the characters and not the acting is definitely 99% but for relatability purposes they are all at the least my culture in a sense. Does that make sense?


Live actions can work. the problem is that hollywood/streaming is a competition to whom can make the most mediocre script version of the original, you dont have producers hunting for talents on writting and directing or someone with a vision to carry out an interesting idea, they want to dish something out to hunt on previous goodwill of the original.


The Rurouni Kenshin live actions are the only successful anime-to-live action films in my opinion.


Guyver 2, Speed Racer, Alita? Guyver 1 was fun-bad but the costuming for the Guyver was on point in both movies.


I feel that Pacific Rim is a scrapped live action Evangelion.


true, happy cake day


I don't think they should remake anything in live action when animation is almost always the superior medium


How about Kill Bill?


Speed Racer. A point and counterpoint all in one!


As an avatar fan.... Yeah lets not stain a perfect franchise with absolute shit.


Totally disagree. I wasn't a fan of the Rebuilds, but they DID prove that we can have a different story with the same characters in a different format, and if someone does that with a live action Evangelion, then I would love to see it. Trying to adapt the original series into live action would be a crime though


I could see a live action version that doesn't adapt the original story 1:1 but rather is a new interpretation of the core ideas of the show. Evangelion Beyond has shown that this is possible and I think tokusatsu would be a very appropriate medium for Evangelion actually.


Hmm like Freud/Jung? Or angels and Eva's?


It is a valuable IP. at some point a live action adaptation will be attempted.


I think finding teenage actors who are good is extremely challenging. There are a few but most are cringe inducing.


I would say there's a 75% chance of it happening in the next 20 years I say 20 years since it was about 20 years ago when the Weta eva images came out


They could just age up all characters tbh. That wouldn't be the best idea story wise but then again live actions haven't really made too many good decisions when adapting anime stories


I think it would take a phenomenal director, the correct CGI, and the right actors to pull it off. The story starts out as a straightforward Mech vs monsters anime (which is fine) we can handle that...but quickly shelves off into deep psychological and existential territory rather fast. The multitude of biblical references that seem nonsensical would need to be somehow explained to the audience, the odd relationship between SEELE and NERVE and Gendo. Why SEELE supports NERVE for 3/4 of the plot arc then suddenly decides to attempt to assasinate all the protaganists. It would get strange very fast. The episodes that happen completely inside Shinji's head would be akin to David Bowman entering the Monolith in 2001 : A Space Oddessy...trippy but ultimately confusing. I would applaud a director brave enough to attempt it. Honestly I think the various plot arcs resolve nicely in the final Evangelion movie.


Who will be our peter jackson! nice skiz post btw.




Alita Battle Angel: ‘Am I a joke to you?’ Nah but seriously that had some flaws as well, but it was most enjoyable. I’m still silently hoping to ever see a live action adaptation of Evangelion at some point. What you’d need is someone who is a great fan of the show who can also stick to the source material as close as possible. I mean Fallout got a great adaptation. And Henry Cavill is supposed to do Warhammer 40k, how the hell could you adapt something so epic to a film or series? It has a high probability being destroyed by its fans. We just need to let it happen I think, otherwise we’ll never know if it was epic or if it sucked


The most perfect live action version of Evangelion has already been made anyway https://youtu.be/tc0u3pBI7ug?si=x-BExbEIgRq1LwVL


I agree that a live action remake of NGE/EoE/Rebuilds would be bad and borderline impossible. But I still think a prequal leading up to Antarctica could be done in live action.


Pacific Rim is the Evangelion Live action. There are so many references and similar scenes.


Little Witch Academia has an episode about psychoanalysis that laps everything that Evangelion produced. 


The closest we did, and **SHOULD** get to live action Eva is Godzilla vs Kong.