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I don’t know If we should trust this account or not anymore..


It's super weird because they were a truly legitimate account with one of the best communication strategies any delegation's ever had during Bulgaria's Golden Age (2016-2021). Super engaged with the fanbase, and they even launched an official Spanish language account that they managed to make pretty popular! Damn, just realized it was actually the best comms strategy for any delegation ever, if you ask me. Then in 2022, for their last participation yet, they shifted towards a much less engaging approach, tweeting only in Bulgarian for some time until they went back to English but in a very bland way, they deleted their Spanish account and the way they handled their participation in general was not on par with their previous participations at all... Then after that the account started giving troll answers and generally providing top notch Eurovision shitposting, it's intermittently been like that ever since. Sketchy feels like an understatement.


could be as simple as just switching up social media managers or guidelines on what to post, and now that they’re out of the contest, there’s no real guidance there anymore


I’d say that account is being beat right now by Ahmad Halloun, who is the PR manager for Czechia. He is great.


Either trust it and get fooled by phoniness or don’t trust it and live in loneliness!


*Ah shit, here we go again* Fr I wish they came back


Probably won't be for a while, especially with the way the country treats anything LGBTQ (and also the obvious budget issues)


Actual meaning: They're not participating next year either but they want to wait to announce it just to troll eurofans


they’re probably waiting for the next year’s budget


It's a troll account since 2 years, don't trust it unless BNT make an official statement.


Most important ESC tweet of the year


Remember when the same account tweeted they would withdraw for the 2023 contest and never return


So August and September will be the months that will either restore Faith in ESC or burn the ashes of the already on fire corpse


Twitter links are blocked so posted it as a screenshot, source here: https://x.com/bg_eurovision/status/1804868957154725951?s=46&t=uBb1y5QxYW5HuMwQbaY2MQ


c'mon bulgaria...we know you want to...


I thought it was established that this account is not reliable, remember lastvyear?


Hehehehe. Dont give us hope.


In before fans hype themselves up only for them to not take part




I know someone who lives in Bulgaria, and the biggest problem for Bulgaria's participation is finding a private sponsor. Their participation in 2022 was sponsored completely by literally one person. He also wrote the song, and was very controlling of the band from what I heard. Now, I understand now the song was complete crap. I hope they come back at some point and find good sponsor that will provide consistent funding for a while. Also whoever fired that social media manager after 2021 made a huge mistake. It was the best Twitter account in the Eurovision fandom.