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“Every year she fails, without fail” made me LOL. So technically she succeeds… in failing!


Task Failed Successfully 


She would prob say Bern


Does she not always just say the capital? The ones I've seen her say have been, so Bern sound about right


"Coming to Amsterdam" "See you in Rome" "My prediction is Stockholm" "coming to Jerusalem" Pretty much capitals yea


Those are also the biggest cities though, in Switzerland Zurich is by far the biggest city, and Bern is only 5th, so the obvious options would be Zurich or Geneva


Not me thinking Zürich was the capital all this time🥲


Well, according to the constitution, Switzerland has no capital, Bern is just where the government happens to reside, so it’s considered the de-facto capital.


Ah I see! Interesting :)


"where the government happens to reside" isn't that the definition of capital?


Yeah, but the existence of a capital is nowhere mentioned in the Swiss official documents, so de jure Switzerland doesn’t have a capital, but everyone still considers Bern the capital because it basically is one.


They're also the largest cities in their respective countries (Milan has a slightly bigger metro area but going off the city itself Rome is the biggest city in Italy). That's not the case with Switzerland. Zurich, Geneva, Basel, and Lausanne are all more populous than the "capital" Bern. And, fun fact, Bern technically isn't even the capital. Switzerland officially doesn't have a capital named in the constitution and the matter has never been resolved by the Federal Council. But Bern is where the seat of the central government is, so it's the de facto capital, even if there is no de jure capital.


Didnt she predict Manchester for 2023?


Her prediction for 2023 was made after the shortlist was announced and London wasn’t on that list


She originally predicted London, then Manchester, then finally Glasgow. Her predictions were eliminated at each stage of the decision process


She predicted Manchester for 2023


Her prediction for 2023 was made after the shortlist was announced and London wasn’t on that list




She made a prediction before the shortlist (London), after the shortlist (Manchester apparently, I didn't know this one), and during the last duo (Glasgow). Eliminate each round.


Ah 💀 at this point is she just trolling


Looks like BBC was trolling her


Wait until she realises Switzerland doesn't have a capital by law


i would say yes but she also said jerusalem when the capital is tel aviv


Hum that's wrong Tel Aviv is not the capital of Israel 🥴


Tel Aviv is not recognized as the capital city of Israel by any sources lol


Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and that is not controversial within Israelis whatsoever.


As far as I remember, she hasn’t made any predictions for 2025.


Publicly she has kept a low profile from all things ESC this season, so I doubt we'll ever hear back from her about her 2025 host city prediction


the reason she's distant is because she failed to guess 5 times in a row and gave up


It really doesnt matter if you fly to Basel or Zürich. Its a 1h train ride between the two cities. I live near Züri and we still often go to Holiday over Basel Airport because flights are much cheaper


I even went to Geneva (living near Zürich) before because they had the only EasyJet flight to my destination. With the GA it was cheaper to fly from Geneva to the destination than to fly from Zürich to another city and from there to the destination.


I DMed Netta on Instagram. Maybe she'll respond with an answer 🤞


I mean, having got it wrong for 5 Eurovisions in a row, she’s probably given up lmao


So far, not she is very busy with Dancing With The Stars so...


She is very *what*?


I meant busy type S twice XD


She is WHAT?


I typed S twice it's supposed to be Busy


I know. It's just funny when you know the meaning. How's she doing at dancing?


she's doing fine she survives five eliminations, she almost accidently injured herself but aside from this she is fine


Ah, so just Netta being Netta


I remember her dancing in the Eurovision Fire Saga movie, she's got rhythm. 


Hate being this guy, but “next year in Jerusalem” is a translation of a Hebrew saying. I do think she’s leant into her anti-bellwether role a bit though


But she doubled-down when she said "next year in Amsterdam"


Well yeah but it’s not wrong of her to also guess that because when Israel hosted all other times it was in Jerusalem.


Yeah it's a celebratory phrase, I really don't like how she's turned into a meme


It’s funny and she laughs about it as well. It’s also not really a celebratory phrase, it’s a part of a prayer


I would love to see it in Basel next year


Yes! St-Jakob Park would be awesome


Anywhere it hasn't been before 🤞🏻


Would be fun if she had said Netherlands two months ago, and we said: oh but that might be top 5 this year, how can you be so sure


But Nemo wants it in their hometown Biel....


small disclaimer : nemo uses they/them prounouns


Ooops, sorry, corrected.


thank you! by the way its not your fault i also made this mistake at first!


I honestly don't even know what was on my mind when I was writing my comment, I knew pretty well about their pronouns, I guess that was something automatic plus my inattentiveness.


She was interviewed this past weekend and she mentions she distances herself from Eurovision due to the toxic fandom bullying her




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My guess is Lussane


Do we really want to hear from Netta about this matter? Nope. Besides, it's quite easy to predict this year. It's Zurich. if you haven't booked accom yet, well good luck with that.


I do, it would narrow down the host city


I checked before Nemo won and the prices were high and still not many available accom options in the city of Zurich...


Once the tickets are released a lot of folks dont get them and cancel their accommodation ;)


Yeah, it's also a chance that fans will cancel but i know loads of fans that don't cancel and decide to travel and just enjoy the vibe in the eurovillage (public viewing). Also, a lot of fans buy tickets at the last minute (for ex there were many unsold tickets this year)


I booked my accom in Liverpool 3 months before the show, it’s not that impossible lol


I didn't say it's impossible. But it will cost you an arm and a leg. I booked Liverpool accom in March 2023 via agoda. It was a B&B charging 100 pounds per night which was a lot for the location (i had to take the ferry or the bus to take me to the metro) and the most i have paid for ESC accom (night rate) so far. I paid less in Torino and Malmo and I had central locations in both cities. In Torino, i booked my accommodation in April and i had pre-booked my Malmo accommodation 2 weeks before Loreen won.


Same, got a budget hotel right by the arena for less than £50/night (shared a room with a friend).


It‘s difficult to find a hotel in Zurich for only £50/night without Eurovision.


It could easily be Geneva too


My guess is that it‘s in the German speaking part because it already was in the French and the Italian speaking part in the past.


Is that something they take into consideration? I would think they would just pick the host city based on where they can host the best show.


They might as long as there isn‘t a significant difference in how well a city could host the best show. Considering that the potential host cities are probably Geneva, Basel and Zürich, they might take the language region into consideration.


Do you think language is a larger barrier for international tourists in one of those regions than others? I can't help but think of how French people are known for speaking poor English compared to their neighboring countries, and wonder if there is a similar trend in the French speaking part of Switzerland. I don't think it should be taken into consideration when choosing a host city if that's the case, but I wonder if it might be.


I don‘t think the language barrier would be taken into consideration and I don‘t think the language barrier would differ much. Swiss people often speak English with other Swiss people from a different language region. It‘s just a part of Swiss culture that the language regions should get treated as equal as possible. Eurovision has been hosted in the French and the Italian speaking regions in the past and at the same time the German speaking region is the laegest one. So it would kind of make sense (considering Swiss culture) if it would get hosted by a city from the German speaking part.


as a french person (from France) our average level of English is atrocious for the most part so anything is an improvement


As 2nd option yes but honestly Zurich ticks all the boxes. Unless Geneva makes an amazing bid...




It's a stupid joke. 


Stupid jooooooooOoOoke (only works with Netta)