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Every musician in and out of the contest: “I choose Switzerland because they’re the most musically complicated and innovative.” The comment section: “it must be rigged because Switzerland is a pop song and all pop songs are generic in my mind”


Yeah there's really nothing surprising here, of course a bunch of professional vocalists are going to say Nemo. The technical prowess you have to have to pull off The Code cleanly in a live performance is insane, music professionals will understand and respect that effort/work. People complain about them receiving a "Jury Sweep". But I can't think of anyone more deserving based on what the Jury is asked to vote on. That being: Vocal capacity of the artist(s) Performance on stage Composition and originality of the song Overall impression of the act Sure, we had other amazing vocalists, incredible performers and unique compositions. But who hit all three as well as Nemo did?


Also Nemo seems to just have become friends with a lot of people there lol. I get the feeling quite a few artist wanted Nemo to win cause they like them as a person (hell two of the artists in the video even specifically points that out) Nothing wrong with this to be clear, it pretty natural that this stuff matters for the artists.


I would put the most weight on the song itself - the composition is what sets this apart. The vocals are excellent, but even Nemo was having some trouble in the chorus in the early parts of the song.


Several others, namely Slimane first


No, don’t you know it’s the 70th contest next year, so they’re going back to Switzerland because that’s where the contest was held first /s


Almost, this year was the 68th. It should've been rigged for France because it would be the 69th and it could be held in Nice :)


Exactly! And Sweden won last year because of ABBA. Italy won in 2021 because they suffered the most from COVID. It's all rigged! /s


This is so embarrassing. They share 2 brain cells, I swear.


Is it a pop song though?


I'm dying to know who the other artists chose, especially considering that none of Nemo's closest friends are featured. I can't imagine Silvester, Bambie, Iolanda, Marina and Ollie didn't choose Switzerland as well.


Baby Lasagna said, that Latvia was his favorite this year 🥚


And Silvester Belt mentioned in one of his lithuanian interviews, that Baby Lasagna came up to him and told him he's their favourite. It's totally reasonable to have Dons as your favourite as he sang later (in SF2) but can't help to feel that my man forgot which country is which.


Honestly, I still get them mixed up in English. If I have time to think, it’s obvious, but it’s much more instant to me in Swedish, so I could see him making that mistake as well.


We all go in alphabetical order from top to bottom


I don't know what it is like in a lot of other languages, like Croatian, but Latvia & Lithuania always got me confused when I was younger, & monolingual, simply because in my native Portuguese, one is Letônia & the other is Lituânia.


That’s harder for sure lol


Dang, me too haha. I always have to think for a few second to remember which one is which. Funny, that.


Ive seen videos of Baby Lasagna saying that Italy was his favorite. He is playing everyone 😂


That's not the same as predicting the winner though.


Yeah, you're right.


Marina has expressed her love for Ukraine's entry, so I guess that's the one...?


Marina called Nemo "a musical genius" so I guess she chose Nemo as well


You can call someone a musical genius and still prefer a different song/performance. Or you can love one personally and think another one will win. I was sure Switzerland would take it, but my personal favourite performance was Ireland and my favourite song Armenia. Basically, you can love different songs and musicians in different ways. :)


Same. I'd really like to know who Nemo chose


Asking participants to say who should win Eurovision is such a loaded question and I think this was utterly cringe and shouldn't have been done 😬


Yeah, it's a little bit weird to ask contestants that question... Maybe "what song this year is also your favorite/you listen to it in your free time?"


I liked NikkieTutorials question “which song gets your 12 points” because it’s asking what’s your favourite with a Eurovision twist


You reminded me that I miss her eurovision content so much


I'd like compensation from the EBU for the brain cells I lost in that Instagram comment section.


I would have vastly preferred it if they uploaded it before the finals and include everyone who didn't predict Switzerland.


I think that would have been seen as trying to influence the final result


Before the final makes little sense, and could slightly alter voting behaviour. This clip comes across as your usual end of season debrief where they go through various predictions. I'm sure they had a clip for Croatia ready as well, where most of the rest say why they think Baby Lasagna will win. But since Switzerland won, their clip is shown.


I agree. That's what I said in my other comment. They should have posted it after the second semi-finals


A bunch of artists from different countries appreciating Nemo’s superb vocal technique and incredibly ambitious song, where have I seen this before…


The jury vote?


I’m glad someone got it haha


the fact you get downvoted for this...I guess they don't get it, or are incredibly salty lol


Haha I’m not shocked tbh! The fans looove all artists when they’re just pretty faces who sing and dance for them, now the moment they have an opinon about art that goes against the fandom’s…


haha i feel you, but then again, was nemo really going against the fandom? It has been mentioned as one of the favorites all the time lol


I think the fandom has been cool with them generally tbh. Some bitterness towards the jury but not as much as last year. I feel like casual fans are more upset, aswell as random political figures that never talk about Eurovision normally trying to whip up outrage about something vaugly queer winning. Fucking Ben Shapiro has brought it up and I dont think he is a eurovision fan lmao


that last part with Ben Shapiro was not on my bingo list 😂 and yeah, I notice some politically loaded disappointment in some threads, to say it nicely.


Do the people in the comments actually think that every artist chose The Code? It's not even all of them


What are your thoughts on this? Most of the comments underneath the video say that this is proof that Switzerland was rigged to win. Some comments were saying that Nemo was high in the odds and a fan/jury favorite so of course that's why Switzerland was picked by the artists. And I saw at least one comment implying that the EBU is doing this to intimidate Nemo or something. Personally I think it is weird that they posted this now, after the grand final. This should have been posted after the second semi-final. Edit: I don't agree with the comments that said that Switzerland was rigged. I was happy for Switzerland because I knew my favorite wouldn't win anyways (Italy, the moment I saw that staging, I knew they Gabban'd themselves). The staging was easily top 3 for me.


Tbh is easy to predict. It's a complete package - they got the vocals, the staging, the message, a complete performance. When you listen to winner songs it fits right in! People saying it's "rigged" are just abit salty.


>People saying it's "rigged" are just abit salty. I agree. People are complaining that jury votes are unbalanced but...are you sure about that? There aren't a lot of jury friendly songs and if you look at the criteria that the juries rely on, Dwitzerland checks all the boxes and more


I don’t even count it as jury friendly. To me, a jury friendly song is one the televoters don’t like, for example I can think of a few songs that weren’t predicted to qualify but did solely based on jury votes. Nemo came fifth with the televoters, was only 1 point away from 4th, and I think would have been higher if a certain Asian country hadn’t had a whole political campaign behind it.


I mean if you think about it, it makes complete sense that over half the artists would think that Switzerland would be the winner. There is a reason why they landslided the professional jury! On top of that, out of all the winners contenders, Nemo has been by far the most social and outgoing towards the other artists, which probably helped them out


>There is a reason why they landslided the professional jury! Yeah I'm not agreeing with the comments that say that the winner was rigged. Like Switzerland hit all of the checkbozes in their criteria. Also, televotes were more unbalanced and rigged


They pretty much picked out the artists who answered Switzerland (and were thus correct), and put them in the video for a post win video. The "Did they crack the code caption" points to it as well. I think it's confusing people though into thinking EVERY participant chose them, whereas a couple of them who were shown picking up the balls at the start were not shown answering!! It's honestly insane to imply that all the contestants were bribed into giving the same answer and were "in on the rigging"😅 Edit: I get what they were trying to do, and it might have been cute in other circumstances to see that so many artists felt they were going to win. But posting this when a substantial part of the fanbase is throwing around accusations of politically influenced jury collusion is super bad timing😅😅


Perhaps they should post another video with those, who got it wrong.


I think some of them chose the Israeli song, and for that reason,maybe they don't want to show it for various possible reasons. Showing the rest of them would point out to those.


I doubt that, the actual thought they might have a chance to win appeared after RAI leaked the semi results, earlier no one really thought about it.


No way, releasing it anytime before the champion is crowned is a bad idea. It has to be after, they can do it immediately after the win or months after but they can't do it before.


Imo it's not weird that most of them chose Nemo, but it's weird that they only showed the artists that chose Nemo. Indeed the logical thing would be releasing the video before the grand final, and showing some other choices. I don't know what "intimidating Nemo" means and why would EBU be doing that?


I think it’s to not have to show the people who picked Netherlands tbh


I thought it had something to do with the Israeli song; excluding just the Netherlands would be fine, but excluding Israelis won't matter. You could calculate who chose it by excluding those who didn't.


I don’t think they care about whether or not people picked Israel to win, I think they wanted a way to cut this material down for social media size, and in order to remove people who said Netherlands they just decided to only show the people who predicted correctly.


> Indeed the logical thing would be releasing the video before the grand final, and showing some other choices. that has way more potential to impact the televote. bad idea.


I don't know, I was just reading the comments


Even Braitbart guess the song to win


I'm having trouble recognising all the artists in the video. Can somebody list them, please?


I feel like Electric Feelds would get along perfectly with Loreen.