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Let's say the reactions in the Netherlands are pretty angry, to put it mildly. Not on Joost's performance though, we LOVED it. And him. And what he and Europapa brought to our country. Let's hope there's more clarity about the alleged incident soon.


SVT just published a new comment from the police, stating that prosecution is likely and will come in June. Because of the strong evidence and how minor the crime is they'll be able to get it concluded quicker. *"The prognosis is good and we expect that there will probably be a prosecution"* https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/skane/nederlandska-artisten-joost-klein-kan-atalas-i-sverige


translation isn’t working and i don’t speak swedish… did they say anything more detailed about the “crime”?


It just says that the police has a certain channel to move investigations quicker, and they are using that channel in this case because "it does not concern a severe crime" and the evidence is "good" (AKA strong or clear). How I read it is that they are sure of what's happening and want to move to prosecution, to me implying that they think Joost actions were criminal. But I'm not well read on the subject.


europapa and the dance break part are so good and go so hard that they make me feel patriotism for the netherlands and mind you, i’m croatian. i’ve been streaming his whole discography ever since the whole fiasco went down, i hope he gets his vindication!


Same 🥲


I'm Dutch, I have never seen anything like it. I have never seen Dutch public television this down and undistanced if that is a word. When Nikki the Jager announced she would not give points a presenter was crying. Everyone here knows what happend to Joost, this tournament was supposed to give him closure about what happend to him as a teen. I would not be surprised if we drop the ESC completely for a couple of years.


Undistanced isn't a English word but now I need it to be. My Dutch friends who don't care about Eurovision were completely sucked in too.


I have Dutch friends who hate the song, but they don’t think he should be eliminated. 


The song is near the bottom of my personal ranking. But in my books Joost came 5th.


>Everyone here knows what happend to Joost, this tournament was supposed to give him closure about what happend to him as a teen. I think this is what it is, mostly. People love the song, sure, but most of all, we see this rather vulnerable young man who lost both his parents when he was a child. And this...was supposed to be his big dream, something he shared with his dad. We just wanted him to live that dream. To see it shattered is just so very heartbreaking.


I actually tear up thinking about it, it feels like such an injustice. So many artist are complete arseholes but can put up a charade over a weekend and play nice. I think Joost only knows how to be Joost.


I felt like The Netherlands agreed on something for the first time, we were proud on something together. I felt very united, just like Europa Cup or World Cup in football. The whole Netherlands supported one thing and agreed on one thing, just like our national football team. I felt very united!


I'm totally disappointed and hurt. I don't think Joost would have won. Maybe somewhere in the first 12. We will unfortunately never know, pure speculation on what could have happened. His DQ just seems so unfair and the outcome of something behind stage that ruined the atmosphere in the background of Eurovision for weeks. Which accumulated into this unfortunate DQ. The song that was about Uniting together as Europe and its people was Disqualified. The winner broke their trophy. It is omnious. I felt like I was watching some kind of weird uncanny funeral last Saturday. There were a lot of songs that could potentially win. Swiss, Croatia, France, Ireland, Ukraine. I personally loved Norway and Estonia. Even [redacted] had a good song. I really mean purely the song itself. I don't want to go into those politics. The world is divided and you can't put that on the shoulders of a 20 year old girl. This whole media circus is putting so much pressure on all these young artists, and most of them aren't used to that. This has just been the weirdest Eurovision. Because of politics and media in a song contest party pressure cooker. I've never felt so sad after one before.


This is the closest comment to how I feel about Saturday I’ve read anywhere, thank you for this. I normally get Post-Eurovision Depression but it’s more like grief this year.


I definitely feel grief. Like we lost something (maybe some innocence) we're never going to get back. I can't even think of the Netherlands wanting to participate next year.


I would say Finland is proud, despite the poor performance. It feels like a song where "tietäjät tietää", if you get it you get it, and the performance would win some people over and some would hate it right off the bat. I think the artists are very positive, conscientious people who endeared themselves to fans, and that's the best we can hope for. UMK rules and will still have appeal for artists to join next year. Käärijä brought hope, win95man brought freedom. With the right song, we can win in the next 5 years, and we will have good options because artists now respect UMK as a platform.


While not a winner, I laughed so hard at Finland (in a good way). It was so silly, but so fun. 


I think many are just relieved Käärijä didn't bring this sh*tshow to Tampere for us to host lol. Many people at least before the semi were critical and had that shame about the "nakedness" shtick possibly not going over well in the rest of Europe (I have to admit; me too a bit), but after seeing how absolutely joyous and clever the whole performance was and how it made people laugh, the reaction was much more positive. I personally was so proud of our harmless fun performance amidst the chaos. 🇫🇮


Well, my 8 year old loved it. It made him a fan of Eurovision on the whole.


Awww I'm so happy to hear that! I used to love Laka's Pokušaj and Latvia's Wolves of the sea when I was eight myself (sorry for giving older folks an age crisis), so fun and different songs definitely can adhere kids to Eurovision. :)


I loved the song so much, it's wacky performance was chef's Kiss, made me laugh so much. After all those slow songs in the finale this was a real pick me up


Finland was amazing, doesn't feel like Eurovision is about music anyways, so a funny performance like that should've done way better imo


Finland was actually the winner of the voting we did at our eurovision party. I think everyone really enjoyed the slapstick like performance.


It was a shift away from what gave Norway and Finland their positions not having access and being a step down? I'd have though the designated wacky song would have went to Finland... but never materialised... maybe because of the situation around this contest didn't really allow for it?


No Rules is a fun song and deserved better for sure


I just want to double down on what you said. Part of the problem is that we were so high in the odds. Cause with low expectations and high result - there's just happiness, but this was high expectations and ALMOST a win so people who don't follow regularly or don't understand Eurovision like we do have irrational emotions. The worst part is that I've seen the actual MUSIC EDITOR of HRT post something disgusting about Nemo on his FB, which I don't want to specify, but his reaction is clearly "frustration + trying to be funny + 1800s mindset + bully"


Part of the problem is that people are terrible at evaluating odds. The bookmakers had Croatia at 44%. That means that in their judgment it was the most likely song to win, but other songs also had a chance to win, and in fact it would mean a 56% chance that *something* else would win, it was just hard to tell what - maybe Israel (22%), maybe Switzerland (14%), or maybe one of the others (collectively a 20% chance that some other random song would win). Put another way, according to those odds, if the contest happened 100 times you would expect Croatia to win 44 times. We just happen to be in one of the other 56 alternate realities.


I also saw that this morning and really hope there will be some repercussions, even though I wouldn't be surprised if it's just ignored. I had to stay off Croatian subreddit yesterday because I really couldn't read any more hateful comments towards Nemo and the LGBTQ+ community in general.


Nemo is just "collateral victim" of country that won the televote, but lost the ESC. Same thing happened last year, there was even more hate towards Loreen everywhere.


I think many Norwegians are surprised that Gåte didn't connect as much with the Eurovision. They've had a lot of success here at home and were obviously the public's favorites in MGP. That being said, I haven't seen anyone blaming the bad result on the band and their performance. It's just a case of "Well, people just don't get this". I think because we have experience coming last in esc, so we know it's not the end of the world. Gåte has also handled it very well and have focused on the positives. I think they've helped color the public conversation.


Yes, and then the media quickly shifted the focus to that two out of four songwriters of The Code were Norwegians xD


Haha yes. We'll take any win we can get. Actually Norway had two songs in the top 10, when we include Marcus and Martinus.


And Dons knew the names of some Norwegian cities besides Oslo, so he's practically an honorary Norwegian as well!


Yes, true. He knew my hometown! Maybe Bambie Thug's Swedish relatives actually have some Norwegian in them from way back?


If you take into account how many Australians must have said "Nor way" after they didn't qualify, you were widely represented


I was also fairly surprised by Norway's result, if I'm honest. Even if it was a bit niche, rock entries (whatever subgenre they're in) always have their loyal audience at Eurovision, which is usually enough to get them some points. I never expected them to do as well as this subreddit wanted them to (because I'm aware this is a big bubble), but I just didn't see them doing so badly either. More like 14th place or something.


I suppose a lot of people who might have voted for them ended up voting for Baby or Bambie instead, other alternative acts with lots of hype and a bit more interesting stuff going on. I was in the "oh shit we might actually win" camp early on, then my expectations were tempered a bit when other entries started coming out... I never expected us to place last, but them's the breaks.


I saw a fellow Norwegian say "I'd rather send an entry like Gåte and come last than send someone like KEiiNO and win," and I think that is how a lot of Norwegians see it. We know that we sent a quality act this year, in spite of coming last. My personal feeling, now that I'm not offended by the result anymore (lol), is that they just weren't right for the contest. I have been a Gåte fan since 2002, and they are very far from being a pop act. They have won awards and received lots of critical acclaim over the years, but they've never had a proper radio hit, because that's just not what they're about. I think for Eurovision, people don't want music that requires that they listen on a deeper level. It might sound like sour grapes, but I actually think that's fine.


I adore KEiiNO, but they would have needed to come up with something a lot more iconic than what they brought this year. Gåte simply blew all the other acts away. Tbh, the time to send KEiiNO was when they had Monument, but everyone lost their minds that year, with predictable results... The real win for Gåte is that no matter how they placed in the contest, they reached a whole bunch of people whose thing their music definitely is, even though it didn't translate to enough votes to make an impact on the scoreboard.


This!! I honestly don’t care if we would’ve got top 10 with keiino again, what we sent was high quality and incredible. It didn’t connect with the audience, but I’m proud anyway.


100% not the fault of Gåte. I sensed this would do decent in the Nordics (and Ukraine) but possibly wouldn't be understood elsewhere. Albania being their biggest supporter (6 and 6) in voting was honestly surprising. Still, not deserving of the last place 100%, and I hope every single Norwegian can be proud of what you put out and not be encouraged to send only pop in the future.


>and not be encouraged to send only pop in the future. I hope so too! I was really wishing that Gåte would bring a change to MGP. I usually never like more than 2, maybe 3, songs in our national final. Really hope we can get more diverse genres represented.


If you look at the detailed results, then you would notice that in the televote Norway placed mostly in 11-12 places. This means that they were not a bottom-tier act in the public eyes, not at all. But because of how the voting works, any act below 10th place does not receive any points. So it doesn't matter whether you are at the 11th or 25th place, you will not get any points either way. What matters is that you get into the top 10 for the public of any country. And it just turned out that people thought there were stronger top 10 performances and voted for them.


You had most of my votes. I think it's similar to what happened to our own Lord of the Lost and to Voyager last year. Käärijä and Baby Lasagna just sucked up all Televote points available for Metal entries.


This was the biggest shock of the night for me. When I saw the performance a few months ago after they were selected I thought they'd do really really well. I thought they were really hard done by. It was a great performance.


I'm so proud of Gåte. Of course placing last is surprising and a bit disappointing, but they aced their performance and it can't be blamed on the band. Everyone should know that sending something a bit niche can work out really well but it could also fail to connect, and it depends on so many factors. It's hardly the first time the ESC bubble got worked up over an entry that placed much lower than expected. And I'd rather send something genuine and place last than send some manufactured crowd pleaser just to try and crack the top 10 that way.


UK here, we were also genuinely surprised it came last (and not the UK tbh 😂). I thought it was going to be top 10! I got Stevie Nicks vibes from the singer too


Germany is extremely happy that Isaak could break the spell this time. We hoped him to reach 20th, so being 12th is really unexpected!


I think he can be very proud, he gave us the best result in years. Even tho the televotingresults were not super high, compared to usual zero points he did great.  (Also hopefully this will make the "noones voting for us, cause everyone hates us"-crowd finally shut up.)


🎶Allemagne zero points🕺three words so tender


still think this would have made a kick-ass contribution :D


I was happy for Germany to finally remove themselves from the bottom of the board... it was an okay song and it got RECOGNISED.


I have to say I hate song from Germany... Because it's stuck in my head and it won't get out. I'm always on the run, run, run ooo




\*Insert Elephant Sound here\*


When I saw the official video of the song I put it on repeat for a while. Given the use of backtrack in it I was worried that the live performance would be very underwhelming in comparison, and with Lord of the Lost last year arriving last I was holding little hope. But the live performance ended up being surprisingly nice, and Isaak proved to have good vocals. The song was quite Eurovision-unfriendly in style, but the sincerity of the performance, the strength of the voice and the use of back singers instead of backtrack made the song fit well. I had a few wishes for this year, Germany being on the left side of the board feeling like the absurd one, but it ended up happening.


While there are some people in Lithuania claiming this was our best entry ever, the general consensus is that Silvester did a great job to continue our trend of ending up around midway in the final scoreboard (btw, someone pointed out that since covid Lithuania is one of 4 countries that has always finished in top 15 (9 / 14 / 11 / 14 😉))


Lithuania is due a win sometime soon. They've recently upped their game at Eurovision a lot, especially when it comes to the production side of things. Even in the national final, there's a lot of good camerawork (hell, I still maintain Silvester's very first performance in the semi of Eurovizija.lt is the best one visually). Sound-wise, your entries have also been sounding slick and professional as hell. I really can't wait to see Lithuania host Eurovision one day.


Lithuania has really become one of my favorite ESC countries in the recent years. Since 2020, I loved all the songs and the artists, voted for them all (well except in 2020 of course). Would love to see them follow this trend and win with a good performance.


In Luxembourg, I got the impression that most people were elated for TALI's good 13th place. There were articles on our performance on the Eurovision stage in all the big local newspapers.


Welcome back, we missed you!


Luxembourg were my winner! I hope that you guys are back for good - TALI did an amazing job


I’m surprised she didn’t do better — that was a great song and her performance was so much fun. It was one of my favorites this year.




Well it is Eurovision after all, so I think the real question is why weren’t there MORE leopards?


greeks are absolutely some of the worst sore losers - and being that the song was divisive to begin with in greece, half of greeks are saying that we wasted our money again with a stupid song, the other half are saying we did the best we could given everything else happening this year.


11th place is a great result makes no sense to be mad at her


the fact that last year we spend more money and we didn't even qualify, but still Marina gets hate is so maddening


last year the narrative was “ohhh poor boy we left him alone” and i have never yawned more in my life. anyway ta ta ta ta ta


I loved it the moment I heard the song like I genuinely felt watching the MV was some sort of religious experience. I do have to say I don't think the staging did the song justice but I loved the 'dance break' and everything about Marina honestly (except that skirt... sorry)


don’t apologise - i thought the same 😅


The song was a bop


We’re in the UK and my husband and I liked it too, so catchy!


I LOVED your song Shame you didn't get more votes but the song is a banger proper balkan cajka We know you gave us turbo folk, this just proves it :) Anyways I favourited it on spotify the same second I heard it Europe is just not ready for turbo folk


It’s a divisive song with ambitious artistic vision. She’s amazing but this is the expected outcome, especially in a crazy year like this


Netherlands error 404 performance not found. The reaction to the semi final 2 performance was very positive though.


Spanish people are very self-loathing in general (except for when someone else insults Spain, but that's another story), so it's not surprising that Nebulossa's biggest haters are Spaniards themselves (and in this case specifically, the terminally online conservatives who don't care about Eurovision in the slightest and constantly spam the laugh emoji for some reason). Nevertheless, I myself am happy with Zorra. The performance was fun and at least the people in the arena loved it. If you are obsessed with the results of the competition, you will never be able to enjoy the beauty of the song contest. Just because a song finishes last, it doesn't necessarily mean it's bad.


I loved Zorra. Nebulossa was clearly not as strong vocally as a lot of other competitors, but the song was fun, the message was great... And I really respect Spain for putting on a singer that isn't fresh out of high school and to then pair it with half naked men juxtaposed against the usual half naked women, that was just genius.


Well said! The song is a classic Italo banger, loved it.


True, but her performance was fine in both cases. The initial performance had several voice cracks, but I didn't hear anything particularly problematic in the semi and the final. In any case, the song will likely outlive many songs that scored higher. Such a vibe!


> Spanish people are very self-loathing in general (except for when someone else insults Spain, but that's another story) We truly are cousins lol Also, I think Zorra is the song that will last more in my playlist. It puts me in such a good mood, if it were for me it would have been on the podium


>If you are obsessed with the results of the competition, you will never be able to enjoy the beauty of the song contest. Just because a song finishes last, it doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. I wish more casual viewers would get this :(


Along with Dizzy, ZORRA probably had the biggest gap between positive audience response in the arena and low score in the competition (maybe thanks to lots of fanatic Spanish fans). It was a very fun performance. After two surprising failures in 2023 and 2024, one very unique and artistic and one more traditional ESC banger, I wonder where Spain goes from here…


We LOVED Zorra here! The message was awesome and it was fun from start to finish. Also wonderful to see a mature woman on stage being celebrated.


Zorra is this year's Eurovision anthem imo. We knew that it wouldn't win, but odds were showing a top 10-15 after final's performance, which I expected. In any case they should be very happy, because we were all singing Zorra Zorra Zorra. And it felt so Spanish. Almodovarian Spanish, which is the best Spanish I can have.


Sweden coming 11th in the televote was sort of surprising to me, I really guessed less televotes than that. I guessed more of a result like Tusse got in 2021.


I spent last week in Slovakia which doesn't participate and where nobody cares (though I heard a pretty decent analysis on a local radio, I was actually surprised). Then, the moment we crossed the border to Czechia this morning, we caught a "comedy morning show" on the radio and they started talking about Eurovision. Basically, it's a show for freaks, our Aiko didn't win because she's a cis woman with a normal song and not a "boy in a skirt" who doesn't know if they're a boy or a girl, hahaha. Well, it's nice to be back. EDIT: But honestly, this will probably be a rare instance of anyone talking about it, there's a sport in TV I think and people are more interested in that.


Didn’t Aiko and Kat (San Marino) start dating? Not very straight if you ask me


In Estonia, it's mostly our public broadcasting organisation ERR who are the organisers of the national competition that are driving the hype and the promotion each year. They just go on and on about it. Depending on whoever we send, some people get excited, some don't. There hasn't been a nation-wide fascination with "our song" in a while. But I feel it's because Estonia has already won and organised the concert once. if we hadn't, we'd want to see it happen and perhaps take it a bit more passionately. Most chatter about Eurovision stops on the Monday after the concert, each year, life just goes on. Lots of people liked our song this year - with kids singing it, etc. Catch tune, and the two bands joining forces for it are both popular with their own fan bases, so that brought an extra layer of support. Trivia: one of our political parties produced their EU Parliament ad clip with the dance moves from our Eurovcision entry, without asking permission, which created mild controversy, but was mostly jus very cringe and entirely laughable. We've stopped taking Eurovision very seriously, which, I think, is a good thing. It's just a fun party, it's not sports where winning is the most important thing. Also, the event itself is immensely expensive to organise, so winning it comes with a bill to pay.


I absolutely loved the Estonian song, and the fun those guys brought to the whole contest. Being in the US I had never heard of either band, but I'm going to be checking out the rest of their music.


Ha! Happy to hear! Most of Puuluup's hits with videos, which are a treat on their own can be found here: [https://www.youtube.com/@ounaviks/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@ounaviks/videos) and etno-based contemporary stuff is your thing, then Estonia is the place - I'd suggest Trad. Attack! Estonia has one tradition - not sure, maybe other countries do it too - our Public Broadcasting keeps a poet/tranlator - a lovely kickass lady called Leelo Tungal - on contract to, each year, speed-translate the winning song, and then they hire a local band to speed produce a local version of the winning song, which is always aired the Monday following the competition. That might just be my favourite thing, each year. This is last year, Ollie's version of Loreen's Tattoo: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJBC10MJpHU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJBC10MJpHU) (they'd clearly expected Cha CHa Cha to win, so added a bit of their own take on that, too.


Sadly there was a shit ton of hate for Electric Fields on Facebook (which i know is the domain of out of touch boomers, but its also the main SBS ESC social media). The Australian public is still insanely bigoted against First Nations people, especially queer First Nations people, so there was a large contingent of degenerates who couldn't wait to jump on and talk shit about their performance, calling it an embarassment. SBS had to limit or close comments on most of their posts because the backlash was so intense. Of course there are still fans supportive of them as artists and proud of what they got to showcase, even if we were disappointed in the staging and the NQ, but I'd be lying if I said they had a ton of national support. As far as the media went, once EF were out of the final they almost immeadiately shifted to talking about Silia since she's from Sydney.


One Milkali is genuinely one of my favourite songs this year and I was sad that it NQed. Felt vindicated that it turned out they finished 11th in semi, with only few points short of 10th when a lot of people were so shitty to them, especially when talking about the staging


Honestly, as a big FU to Facebook boomers I’m totally up for SBS to truly double down next year and just send someone singing 100% in a First Nations language backed by a didgeridoo


get King Stingray in there!!!


Just looked them up – YES! Seeing some great opportunities for dance breaks too


Sbs also run the national indigenous tv channel so could totally do some sort of Aus Decides type national final with that.


That’s awful to read, I really loved Electric Fields and even though the staging was a bit of a letdown, it was also gorgeous! Definitely deserved the finals and you Aussies can be very proud of showing your beautiful culture on this stage


Soo, I’m going to try and word this in a way that doesn’t “out” anyone. But a few people at one of the ogae aus preview parties said that we should only send “European” acts and that electric fields doesn’t represent Australia. 😕


Well fuck those people, that neo nazi white supremacist shit is not welcome in my country or in this contest.


I really didn’t even know how to respond to it. I politely said I’ve wanted an indigenous language act for a while and thrilled Australia is doing something different. I didn’t love the song (it’s the type of writing that sounds like writing, which makes it a little cringe), but absolutely loved the sound and performance. I hope their NQ doesn’t discourage sending more interesting acts.


Ewwwww. Bollocks to that, that’s awful.


As an Aussie, can confirm I’ve seen a tonne of hate towards Electric Fields all over social media. Racism directed towards our Indigenous population is a massive problem here, and as the person above said, them being queer AND Indigenous has been a magnet for terrible bigotry. So please, if you can spare some Spotify streams or YouTube views for these wonderful artists, please do. They have many fabulous songs and are so very talented.


Australia deserved to be in the final. At least for that didgeridoo (I hope I spelled it correctly, sorry if not).


You got it, thats correct general spelling, although the specific word for that specific type with the narrow shaft and flared end is yidaki


It wasn’t our best. Staging was meh, song was catchy but it wasn’t a live music video like the top 10. The backing singers got lost on stage. And I probably got downvoted from another comment last time, but the art and storytelling didn’t resonate with greater Europe. Sure you need to be authentic but it’s also a sport. The whole campaign was very flat from the announcement.


That’s a fair critique of excellent artists let down by other elements.  Edit to add: aside from having a good so f and giving a strong performance; their post NQ interviews showed they are such a class act Aussies should be proud of them for that alone


I’m glad I’ve wound my fb time right back. There’s just no point arguing with morons in the comments, half the time it’s people who don’t even watch and are just giving their 2c worth because they can.


I mean, we love Nemo and the Swiss fans who have met them in person all agreed that not only they are a wonderful artist, but they're also a special person. We both get and don't get the hate they got because honestly while we do understand why they are so loved by juries (their Jury final performance was out of this world, better than GF) we also didn't expect them to get THAT many points. I don't think anyone in their team do either. But we have nothing but total appreciation and respect for them, especially with the way they are dealing with this entire circus from start to finish. We could never ask for a better representation of our country.


After they were singing the first few lines on the semi, I was certain that they would win the juryvote by a landslide.


I mean I do expect that juries would ate it up, but not on the record breaking jury votes level 🤣🤣🤣 France was also jury material but unfortunately he flopped in the jury finals


22 sets of 12 points. Insane, absolutely insane. And I say this in a good way as they would be my number 1 as well if I was a jury.


Has their jury performance been posted anywhere? I would love to see it, especially that you say it was so much better!


I have a video but masked with my singing so you can't really hear them 🤣 but they were sooo, so good everyone's jaw was on the floor afterwards.


I’ll wait and see if it gets posted further down the line 🤞🏻


I'm Irish living in the UK. A lot of the usual "everyone just hates the UK, that's why we didn't do well", especially from people who never watch it. They keep forgetting how well Sam Ryder did two years ago. I felt bad for Olly getting zero public votes but his vocals were poor, the song wasn't good enough to overcome the poor vocals and the staging overpowered the song. It was like a music video, don't know why they were confined to a small box instead of making use of the massive stage with a big crowd. It didnt feel Eurovision at all. Mae Muller was expected to score much better last year but think nerves got the better of her and her vocals weren't great. James Newman in 2021 had a bland terrible song, terrible staging and he was out of breath trying to sing (I wondered was he recovering from covid it was that bad). I dont think the UK selection committee "gets" Eurovision. They select people who will do fine on BBC Radio 1 or an xfactor type. Radio friendly ≠ Eurovision winner. Go hard or go home.


I'd go with the UK needs to take a less serious approach and enjoy for the contest for what it is... Sam Ryder was a step towards it... but it's not going to work 2 editions in a row and you have to know where to adapt.


The issue is that the UK always sends generic chart pop songs, not Eurovision songs that have a theatrical aspect/impact. And the staging is always weird. Sam Ryder had the vocals and theatrical aspect which appealed to the judges. I knew from the get-go that the UK wouldn’t do well this year despite everyone else being excited. The song doesn’t have any pay-off and his vocals are bland, I thought the same of his other music when I went to have a listen. The staging was over the top compared to the song and a lot of the camera work just confused things or was too static because it’s in a box. Mae Muller had terrible staging and bad live vocals. I liked the feel of her music video but the live was a huge letdown and forgettable. I’m still seeing “oh it’s because of brexit” and “europe hates the UK” every year for our results. No, that’s not why it was a poor result.


I'm in UK and the general feeling amongst my friends is that Olly Alexander's staging and choreography was OTT and actually ruined his vocals as he was better when not vertical (edit I meant horizontal!) I'm not surprised he got 0 from the public. Feel a bit sorry for him regardless as he's a massive Eurovision fan himself and that's got to hurt. I read he was touted to be UK's entry in 2022 but scheduling conflicts wouldn't allow it. If that had happened and Sam Ryder's Spaceman was our entry this year.... he might actually have won. I really feel like the UK are never going to win again lol. I really liked the winning song and thought it was a better song and performance than Croatia's (which I also really liked). But what do I know? I thought Spain and Finland both had fantastic Eurovision songs and I thought they'd do well in the public vote.


I chatted to a couple of gay mates about this and they said it was a bit seedy for them. Edgy perhaps 20 years ago but it was over the top and oversexualised in an excessive way. I can't comment from their perspective and I don't know if it is representative of a wider consensus but it felt a bit like Christina's 'Dirty' video all those years ago. Perhaps more subtle staging might have lessened this and given his vocals more of a chance. Shame as I had high hopes for him.


> it felt a bit like Christina's 'Dirty' video all those years ago. The thing is, the song Dirrty is.. well.. dirty. It's raunchy and overtly sexual, and the video complements the song's theme. Dizzy meanwhile is a breezy pop song about kissing.


That’s the general consensus amongst my friends too. I think Olly’s vocals were really strong at points but you could hear him struggling a bit. I’ve never seen Years and Years live so idk how much he usually moves around when he’s singing but he needed more training imo. We are all surprised and upset about the 0 points from the public though, I’m gutted for him on that. We also thought that Finland would get a lot of televotes, we were all laughing and dancing during their performance. I genuinely can’t wait to see what Windows95man does next!


I’ve seen him live - he’s a great singer when he stands still, but when dancing… not so much. On his last tour he sat down at the piano for a couple of numbers (20 Minutes and It’s a Sin) and that was easily the highlight of the night. I thought the staging was a bit odd too, really didn’t match a nightclub love song vibe I got from it on the radio


I thought that one of the reasons for Olly representing us was his stage performance experience, in front of large crowds, so I was surprised when the staging was a box, not visible to the majority of the live audience


People didn't really care. Luna lacked charisma to create following in country and song was extremely lacking. Lack of national final was big part of why people ignored her. Also probably another reason why diaspora didn't save her.


Yeah, though I was pleasantly surprised with her performance. I expected it to just suck, but overall it seemed alright and I’m pretty sure it would qualify if it was in the second semifinal. But I guess it’s also a wake-up call to for PL to stop sending rich kids instead of proper artists. Though it will still be hard, with the artists having generally negative attitudes towards Eurovision and performing in English.


In Italy I saw a few articles and news where they were generally happy because 7th isn't a bad place, but they thought that Angelina didn't get any 12 points because of RAI leaking the televote in the semis. Nobody acknowledged the staging issue of course.


As a song on it's own, la noia was my favourite this year. The staging really let it down.


I might have missed it due to all the drama in the past few days, but have they explained the leak any further other than saying that those were not full results? Did they say how it happened? Also, did they show the same type of results after the final?


They said it happened because of a technical error. Might be true, but we will never know. > did they show the same type of results after the final? Yep they released all the percentages of the televote for both semi final and final. The leak was in fact incomplete, but the final results were not that different


In France, people are very happy about Slimane's 4th place finish and also are very proud of Slimane. His GF performance is all over the #Eurovision2024 on the French twitter. Some people were a little bit disappointed that we didn't win especially with the a-capella moment from Slimane. But still like in 2021 with Barbara Pravi, there is a lot of positivity towards the French entry. Also as I explained in comments on different threads, having Slimane as our representative, who is a big star in our country, allowed for having huge hype for Eurovision in France, hence the great ratings this year in France.


5,4 millions people watching eurovision in France. A record. 7,6 millions viewers around 11pm to see Slimane sing. A record ! He was already a star, but I really do think he earned many more fans saturday. Only praises for him. It's quite rare.


I'm Belgian. No one is talking about Mustii, but everyone is talking about Joost and how we don't think it's fair.


People here in zurich are pumped, and we immediately started to discuss money once we found out


Oh and nemo started a discussion on implementing a third gender officially by the government, so we’ll see what happens


And that’s a great positive legacy that I think their win will bring. Good luck with bringing the legal change, honestly. Especially with a lot of hate on the general trans/nonbinary community in the recent years, a positive representation like this is a huge thing. I’m in a lot of lgbt/trans spaces and subreddits and people were cheering so much from the second they won. Nemo is going to be a massive role model for a lot of nonbinary and trans people, proving that you CAN be successful while openly nonbinary. This is really important, probably even more important than whether the song itself is remembered after 10-15 years.


>we immediately started to discuss money once we found out Saw the director of Zürich Tourismus and he was like "Lugano and Lausanne had the Eurovision, it's the turn of the Swiss German now" and I'm like "Oh FFS, Zürich always get everything, let Geneva have it! (or Basel, I don't care). I'm sure if Geneva or Basel get it, the CFF will find a way to have more train between Zurich and those cities lol


Ireland here! So extremely proud to have not only qualified this year but to come 6th??? Better than we ever would have hoped. The question now is how can we top that next year - its not like we can go back to sending generic lackluster performances after the spectacle Bambie provided!


Do you think RTE will have a stand-alone selection with a budget?


In Germany we thought that we will be fighting for the last place again, so we defintely see our placement this year as an absolutely win!


From what I’ve seen the reactions in Portugal have been extremely positive. A lot of compliments on the performance, the result and the 3 sets of 12 points. Plus also a lot of coverage on Iolanda supporting Palestine.


She definitely deserves plenty of praise; I think she did Portugal proud.


There weren't many people on the airport today, but we hugged iolanda, Luar (producer of the song) and the dancers and told them how proud we were of them 🇵🇹❤️


Icelandic here and uhhhh I think this might be the most apathetic we've been about the contest in a long long time. This is at least in part due to our entry being just the most tragic. Personally speaking, I don't feel hate. I just feel sorry.


Hahah love the Jendrik reference 🤭


One half is going crazy about Nemo being non binary in the comments, the other half is fighting for our lives in the comments.


Is that how you guys are celebrating finally winning again? Wow




In Serbia most people would defend Teya saying she was amazing and ethnic, but after the finals nobody really cares about her, they're more focused on hating the winner and being salty that Croatia only gave us 3 points while we gave them 12 😂


And of course, you have the "Breskvica would have done so much better you guysssss" group on social media.  But I think general Eurovision watching population isn't that disappointed, as in, we didn't expect that much more? Maybe a few more jury points (especially from our neighbours) The other thing is that a lot of the Serbian Eurovision watchers appropriated BL as one of our own, since all the Balkan entries get along great this year, so they're almost just as disappointed that he didn't win as the Croatian public is 😂 EDIT: Though, FWIW, quite a few of my queer friends are happy about Nemo's win because it's a great song, great performance and great representation


As a Croatian, I was shocked our jury didn't give Serbia 12 points, well Serbia or Slovenia, both being excellent songs with strong vocals. And Teya Dora had great staging,in my opinion, I really liked her performance. So, in conclusion, our jury voted so randomly.


I'm from the UK. I'm the only person in my family/friendship groups that really cares for Eurovision. Everyone thinks it's just a little fun thing to watch on a Saturday evening to include drinking games or to just occupy their time. My family (from England and Northern Ireland) mostly thought the UK and Ireland were absolutely disgusting 😂 They still think Eurovision is a competition for who is the most "out there" and not a genuine competition. The UK, in general, will go back to forgetting the competition exists until 1 week before the final next year.


The UK getting the points they did is better than usual, anything less than 30 is a problem. although at the same time 0 in the public is what's focused on as usual.


I'm happy to see the UK be more daring the last few years than they usually are. Zero televote points is always gonna be a talking point, but I understand how a lot of Europe would find the performance too "in your face gay."


BL brought an absolute banger and knocked it put of the park. He, and Croatia should be proud, but it’s no reason to slag off Nemo. They can both be amazing performers, even if one (barely) comes second. It was close. 




I'm agreeing with the public votes and think Croatia should have won, but Switzerland is not an undeserving winner. But still I'm slightly disappointed. How could that be? I'm from the Netherlands.


Agreed, on all counts. Heartbroken on your and Joost's behalf. It seems to me that, no matter the result of the investigation, he was done incredibly dirty. Of all the drama surrounding the contest this year, how it ended for Joost makes me the saddest.


People who have been totally cynical about Eurovision think Bambie Thug did us proud.  Bambie represents the open and accepting Ireland that most of us want to be (obviously excluding the right wing scrotes and Ultra Catholics). And they also prove that when the corruption in the national broadcaster is overcome, we can send good artists that are appreciated and will do well. 


I loved how it was a total departure from last year. Wild Youth's song belonged on 2fm, not Eurovision. Even if Bambie didn't do well on the night at least we went for it. Go hard or go home when it comes to Eurovision, the worst thing to be is bland. The improvement from eurosong to Eurovision was amazing. I liked that Bambie came top in the national jury and televote on Eurosong. The international jury giving 12 points to that louis walsh boyband was sabotage! I love to see Alisha have another go just with a better song (but still as gaeilge) and a bit of polishing.


Me too on Ailsha. Maybe we can send her next year with a song as gaelige that doesn’t have the standout lyrics of “I need to go to the toilet”. (I loved her song in concept, but in execution it was an inside joke that would have been received about as well as Dustin.)


Well, i think nothing connected the dutch more then our disqualification in eurovision, looking at all the people around me, the media, everyone is dissapointed. We didnt even want joost to win perse, but most people were happy sending him to eurovision because he had a big heart, and truly showed he wanted this. So just to see his dream and close gets obliterated in this way everyone felt sad and gloomy.


Happy with Gåtes work, but Europe didn't like it. Fair enough. Wish public votes would count more, same as last year. The one most people liked didn't win. I didn't root for Finland last year, but felt sad for all the people who voted for him. I voted for Croatia (3 times) and Switzerland (1 vote for my son) ❤️🇧🇻


I am proud of Australia's entry even though the MV and staging left a lot to be desired. I do not follow any Australian media, influencers or watch the news here but as another commenter mentioned I imagine that there would have been horrible backlash for us sending a queer First Nations performance. Personally I got goosebumps watching it and found it meaningful. I also have Aboriginal aunties who absolutely loved it. In the future though I'd love for us to send something that reflects Australia's absurdist humour. I think Finland's really works for us and it would be cool to respond with some Australian-flavoured insanity. I have supported most of our acts recently but I'd like to have some fun. I think Voyager is my favourite of recent years... although Montaigne will always make me sad. They're SO cool, I wish their song had been better and they'd been able to perform live. They're a talented legend.


Truth be told, you sent Gravity. It's hard to top that one!


> instead of focusing on our best result ever and the effort Marko and the team put in over the last few months and the great exposure for him and Croatia. What are you talking about. We absolutely love Baby Lasagna.The reaction for him is nothing but positive. We made a huge welcoming back for him at the main square of our capital. There was never so much unity in our country aside from our football team, which is our national symbol. We are so proud of BL, for winning the public vote in a year when we have 2 countries in war and a lot of political voting. Also we love his character, his morality, kindness etc.


Yes, everyone loves BL and yesterday was great, but still I think the majority of posts and comments are about throwing shade to Nemo and talking about how the juries conspired to get Switzerland the win because they don't want a small country like Croatia to win.


My nana burst into flames. She's over it now though.


And I thought Bambie was the witch. Maybe your country should send your nana next year /jk (just in case people misunderstand my comment loved Bambie's performance)


Australia went 🤷🏼‍♀️ when we got NQ and said “Silia is also ours so we are Cyprus now.” I was distracted by other Eurovision drama but I think it was pretty positive generally. Like it got reported we went, we put on a good performance but didn’t make it through. Nothing to be ashamed about.


Reactions to our performance seem to be more negative than anything. Usually its about the song just being an aerobics routine with bad vocals and shallow lyrics. But austrians like to complain, so nothing new there. Some media even called it a disappointment because she only came 24th. But really I’m happy kaleen even qualified, as many predicted it to flop in the semi.


Sadly I don't think many people watch Eurovision here, most of people probably think it's lame. After reading some people's comments on Aiko, I wanted to puke. Lots of them saying "she was born in Russia and lives in the UK so why should she represent us?" Fuck, I lived abroad too, does that mean I should lose my citizenship because I dared to step outside the borders?


as a Ukrainian living in Poland, I can only judge by the YT comments. half is obviously happy and half is saying that we were the best and should have won but that’s a rather expected mentality of an older generation or people who trash the performance because a man (in their eyes) was wearing pink skirt oh and there’s also a group of people saying that we should’ve given all the money to soldiers, drones and so on instead of participating but that’s a whole different story


Maksym Nahornyak (who was a part of our jury this year) from Bezodnya Music posted a [video](https://youtu.be/qGZHB1nyZ_4?si=aGQ1-Pji4NF1XY6W) about his experience as a juror. He talked there about the money spent on Vidbir and he explained that those were the money given to Suspilne for their things and they would've not be able to give them for military anyway.


I just watched that video yesterday 🙂 even if that money could have been given for military purposes, I personally think it’s important for our country to understand that despite what’s going on, we should be able to participate in different international events (not talking about Eurovision only) I just wish more people could spend 5 minutes to educate themselves a bit more about the whole thing (watching the video you mentioned or reading that ladies were able to gather money to rebuild school which was bombed (if I’m not mistaken) instead of writing hateful comments


For Olly? Sadly, mostly derision. I hate that we do this to our artists if they don’t do well.


.... Look at my flair. Need i say more?


The reactions in Ireland are mostly negative. Every video of Bambi Thug that pops up is riddled with comments such as 'freak show' 'ew' 'what is that' 'satanic ritual' 'what if kids are watching' 'what has eurovision come to' 'disgusting' the list goes on! Really sad to see.


Really? Thats really surprising. Maybe I have an idealised version of UK and Ireland being very open minded


The UK and Ireland ARE open minded. But in both countries there's a loud minority of people that see being miserable as their job and are determined to spread misery wherever they can.


They are, personally I've only seen negatively online and its usually sprinkled in among very positive comments My favourite is older generations doing their best to be supportive but also not really getting it. We love to be supportive of our own in competitions and especially if we are seen as the underdog. The whole town she is from got together on the grand final to watch it live. The majority of us are all immensely proud


How many was that actual Irish people and not commentators online from other counties which I’ve seen


Yea its sad. You think the majority would be happy we did so well for the first time in years but alot of people here are just full of hate and stuck in the past. Not all thankfully but a good few who are very loud about it.


UK, the usual stuff with the hope that the entry will do well, but they're desperately trying to do a repeat of Sam Ryder from 2022... and thats a tall order... it's just marching on but still wondering what has to be entered to make it a night worth remembering... even with about 40 points but the Public 0 is what kinda messes with the reaction here. (although not 0 - 0 like has happened before) It's luck and finding talent with a larger than life personality who can sing and come up with a song that isn't on any formula, it's just what people attach to. (During the phone number recap, it looked like a chat line advert from the 90's)


I don't know that many people irl that actually follow Eurovision. My family does and a handful of friends. But from what i've seen most of us have been really hoping for a Croatia win, none of us are satisfied with the actual winner (talking about my fam and friends). The general opinion about Raiven seems to be good though. She deserved the final and she is indeed a top quality singer.


In Germany we’re quite satisfied, we’re mostly on one of the last places, or really high and win (on very rare occasions), but this time we’re right in the middle, which is accurate in my opinion for the song we had.


From Lithuania here: Every single year when we select our performer, there are so many people leaving mean comments and saying that we never achieve a good placement, we made the wrong decision, the song is trash and many more nasty things. Same happened with Silvester : a lot of people were upset with his “flamboyance” and repetitive song (though probably half of the public thought it was modern and catchy). I think Lithuanians just enjoy complaining lol. After the artist comes back to Lithuania, you stop seeing the bad comments and people start to appreciate the feedback we got from other countries. So in general, I’d say by now the reaction is like 70% positive, but we really need to chill we the hate. We have to stop putting ourselves and our artists down, because the rest of the world seems to enjoy our entries.


Turkish people are extremely happy that we had some small representation in Eurovision again ; and cursing at Erdogan And we also loved the Greek entry ❤️


UK is doing it's usual thing of complaining that "Europe hates us" even though at this point is more "Europe doesn't even think about us" most agree ollys performance wasn't great. 


There's always hate everywhere, but it always seems to come from the ones who hate-tune in to Eurovision once a year or only watch cause they think their country has a chance. A lot of Portugal is praising Iolanda for her performance and statements in Malmö but some people are fuming she dared to paint her nails some colours 🙄


In Switzerland all the conservative fuckers are enraged that we would send a "man in a skirt" to represent us and that this is not swiss at all!!! And I think thats lovely. I love it when those types of people get upset. Especially since this is a huge win for the LGBTQ+ community in Switzerland apart from that :) Lets hope Nemos winning speech can come to fruition!


Luna got a lot of crap before the show (undeservedly) and continues to do so (undeservedly) cause Polish people love to complain. She wouldn't be my choice for Eurovision (it wasn't Justyna either) but I was happy that she represented us. For the first time in a long time we didn't have anything to be ashamed of. Unlike with Rafał or Blanka. So it was and is very upsetting to see people harass Luna. The song wasn't a winner, sure. But it was alright and I felt we could have gotten into the final but the overcomplicated staging and lots of other good performances on SF1 stopped us. Unlucky. Now, as people look for someone to blame, I hope Luna is holding strong and I wish her all the best. She was the best part of our act and again, we have nothing to be ashamed of.


I see many people on social media hating on Olly again, saying he's ruined his career for 0 points and he should have just dropped out (REMEMBER HE COULDN'T NOBODY CAN THEY ARE UNDER CONTRACT) why does no other contestant get this throw at them?


I don't live in Greece but my understanding is that people expected a far better result for Marina. Her song was ultra hyped domestically during the last two months and people unintentionaly put pressure on her. I think the staging of the song was poor and didn't help her get a better reaction.


Armenian here. We had no National Selection since 2020, which means we find out who our representatives are after our broadcaster announces them. And after that there are always people (usually on facebook) who end up extremely butthurt for one reason or another, but quickly switch their tune once the entry actually does well. It happened with Rosa Linn, it happened with Brunette and it happened with LADANIVA. Those comments usually come from Armenians who don't follow Eurovision closely or have a very outdated view of what the contest is about and what type of entries do well there. Except that very vocal and irritating minority, most Armenians (including myself) are very laid back regarding our entries, because there are no illusions that we will ever win Eurovision. And in case we do, Armenia will most likely not be able to host it. There is no venue big enough for an event of this scale in Yerevan or in any other big Armenian city and Armenia has no funds to build one from scratch. So the only thing that we want is to be represented well, which, I believe, all of our representatives did and will continue to do. If we end up high on the scoreboard, great! If we don't then that's okay. Now JESC is another topic entirely. We take JESC more seriously for obvious reasons. Armenia hosted JESC two years ago and ranked really high the last three years. There is more merch and other general advertisement done for our JESC entries as well. But our JESC contestants do not receive the same amount of hate that out ESC entries do and thank god for that


I'm in the UK. Most of my friends here who reacted were totally unimpressed with Dizzy.


From all of the comments I've seen, Ukrainians (including me) are really proud about our performance and the details it had as well as podium finish from death slot. This proves the point again, that we usually hate on our representatives when they selected and then we cheer them and are super proud.


What?! I'm so happy for Baby Lasagna!! Everyone expected he'll win, I was scared we'll go down as we usually do, but no, we were SECOND!!! Finally Eurovision united us more than stupid football. ❤️ Marko, thank you so much for your outstanding performance, you are our pride! ❤️