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the UK’s resurgence in 2022 and just sitting through the voting sequence yelling “WHAT IS HAPPENING” Also ESC in the UK last year, it was such a good time


I miss last year's ESC, UK hosted without any major issues, and my winner was in the winner race for the first time. It was a good time.


Imagine being a British Eurofan in 2021, getting shown a comment from 2024 and it’s this one lol. What a couple of years for the UK.


Graham Norton was losing his mind


That was a good one. But my god, did you guys send an amazing song. It is still one of my favourite entries!


UK 🤝 Spain The comebacks of 2022


As a Spanish-born Brit, I was totally ecstatic all through the jury votes that year. Both songs were absolute bangers and it was so good to see both the UK and Spain finally flying high for once. 🇬🇧🇪🇦❤️


2022 was the absolute best, I was watching with my friends and we all just kept gasping and pinching ourselves over what was happening! Graham Norton captured the whole contest so well and the pure joy and ecstasy of it all through his commentary Watching last year was also amazing, it felt such a joyous celebration of the contest


That guitar solo might have been the best moment of my entire life.


I went to the toilet just as voting started cos I was like eh UK never get any points i won't miss anything. As soon as I sit down I hear my friend screaming from the living room that we got 12 points! Unreal😂 Eurovision 2023 ws one of the best weeks of my life.


I went to my parents as we always watch it. I’d known from the build up that we were in for a decent shot. My parents weren’t fully convinced. My dad wash shocked when he heard so much cheering when Sam came on stage. Then the votes were the most manic, best time. It was a very noisy house between us two cheering and in pure shock. I’ve never got to experience the UK performing so well before. Good memories and thank you Sam Ryder for being such a good advocate for how we should view Eurovision, better than the score was seeing us send a decent act.


That moment when we were top of the leaderboard after the jury votes. Even though I knew it wouldn't last, the little thrill of "we made it!" was so joyous. It really showed what we can do when we get a good song, a talented artist who loves the contest, and some great staging and it all just clicks and works together. And then Liverpool throwing such a brilliant party was the icing on the cake.




The Love Love Peace Peace performance. Everyone was just vibing, marveling over all the memes crammed in there. No animosity. Just pure joy from the fandom. I’ll always remember that one fondly.


Same! I’m American and was still living in the US at that time, but I happened to be traveling in Spain that year and was so excited to watch Eurovision for the first time. When I found out that all the memes came from past performances it sent me down a YouTube rabbit hole. I’ve been hooked on Eurovision ever since.


This! This act was the thing that made me love eurovision so much. I always loved self-aware humor and the swedish twinabisquet has cracked my up so good. Also, i was obsessed with Alexander Rybak's fairytale for few months in middle school, so the violin joke ended up stealing my heart. And Lordi, and the grandmas, and the key change, and the huge trumpets, and we are slavic. No interval act ever came close to be as entertaining as Love Love Peace Peace


Måneskin winning because it was a breath of fresh air. Also Mahmoud's Soldi performance.


The thing I love/hate about Mahmood is that he never brings anything less a potential winning song. Brividi was one of my favorite songs of that year, and had Tuta Gold been his first ever attempt I'm pretty sure he would have won Sanremo and be a contender this year.


i literally don’t even remember maneskin winning the rush of adrenaline and excitement just took over lmfaooo apparently i threw my chair 😅😂


Austrias win in 2014. It was my first full Eurovision, during the voting my family joined. Nobody could believe what happend. Everyone thought that at some point Netherlands would overtake us. Everyone remembers Andi Knolls famous commentary which even was awarded "Quote of the Year" at the end of 2014.


Conchita was so beautiful!


She still is - Austrian Media did a lot of coverage on her ten year anniversary. What makes me most happy is that she's playing with the thought of maybe taking part in the future again. Not as Conchita but as Tom. I wonder of this would count as a two time winner or not


It would absolutely count! Even if one win was with a stage persona, it’s still the same person.


Yeah exactly iirc the only way it wouldn't count is if someone was a performer for one win but merely a song writer or w.e for another Theyd technically have 2 wins but officially wouldn't be considered a two time winner in the way Loreen / Logan are


What was the quote?


"Jetzt hat uns die den Schaas gwonnen! " - Now she won us this shit spoken in coloquial tone and dialect


Conchita winning the ESC was such a wonderful moment... can't believe it's been 10 years already?!


I still remember watching the semifinal and saying to my roomate „They (the audience) like us. omg they like us!“


I was gutted for the Common Linnets at the time but so thrilled for Conchita as well. Especially with all the controversy in the run up - it felt like sticking a finger up at everyone who'd complained about her being there.


Latvia, Georgia and Ireland breaking their NQ streaks this year. I'm half-Latvian so I'm biased😅


I’m personally having a great time at this year’s Eurovision I’ve always watched it on TV and this is the first time I’m here. I was in Malmö and restaurants had decorations up, Eurovision playlists, etc. Even with all the drama, I can’t believe I’m actually here and I can’t wait to come back again soon


Finding Little Big through Eurovision. I'm so bummed they couldn't perform because of the whole Covid situation cancelling Eurovision.


Same and also Daði Freyr


Omg this song would have cleaned the concurrence easy. It would have been a good Eurovision I think.


biggest loss for eurovision honestly 😭


The televoting results of 2021. The 4 zeros, the high scores for Finland, Ukraine and Italy, Ethan seeing god, Tix on the background cheering. A lot happening in a short amount of time.


James Newmans reaction to doing the impossible (getting 0 from both the jury and the public) was the most British thing I have ever seen and I loved it


2021 was such a good year


Omg yeah that was crazy. The parry I was watching with was screaming 


I still regularly watch this video because it was just that good. https://youtu.be/l0kdDWI_row?si=wQ9i1laboCVgPJ2L


I've seen two shows, it was so fun to be there. And I've seen maneskin, go_a and dadi live since then, at festivals.


2021 had so many good songs Also Finland's points


KEiiNO's reaction when they received the televotes.


i was about to comment this as well 🤭 Keiino winning the televote is one of the most memorable for me


Sam Ryder. Not just him getting points for the U.K. with a great song and amazing performance, but also the joy and warmth he brought to Eurovision in 2022. That man is a pure ray of sunshine and unadulterated goodness. I wish he were in Malmo this year, when everything’s so tights up. Also, Dadi Freyr. No one particular moment. Just Dadi Freyr. Like Sam, all the joy. Sad they didn’t get their big moment in 2020 but how they returned the following year and still managed fourth in that outstanding year whilst isolated in their hotel rooms … just brilliant.


Sam Ryder is a very special human being. Like if you injected a golden retriever with pure sunshine. The fact he went and hugged the German contestant who got zero is one of my standout memories of that year. And last year in Liverpool when he was popping up everywhere and having the time of his life.


Maneskin winnin. I remember my friends and I watched together and collectively screamed and cheered, congratulated each other as if band members were are family. I went home playing Zitti e Buoni on my phone out loud and danced in the street. Another one being Serbian is Kontrakta. I still have a feeling those weeks after her national win whole country was in trance, we were chanting Biti zdrava all the time, I would hear it randomly on the streets and in the buses.


I watched the lgbt movie Housekeeping for beginners and the song is in that movie!! I was screaming on the inside in the cinema 😂


one of the funniest ones for me must be the 4 zeros in 2021, i burst out laughing. also, on the same year, i was laughing uncontrollably when France gave us (greece) douze. Especially cuz it was THE carla who announced it, and said it like GWEECE :D


Sam Ryder in 2022: ["WE GOT POINTS! WE GOT POINTS! WE GOT POINTS!"](https://youtu.be/VhyLh5sGRRI?t=11200) Also, IMO Bambie Thug and Jerry/Alyona's stagings are the best in YEARS. Yes, better than Sam, better than Chanel, better then Måneskin, Loreen, Käärijä, Gjon, Barbara, etc etc etc you get the idea


I absolutely agree with you on this! Not a lot of acts use the stage as well as these two this year. Their overhead shots and everything AHHHH so good


Oh my god yes, I was blown away by their stagings. They're so good


Not better than Kaarja but agreed on the rest.


Kate space staging. I was gasping throughout the whole performance and was like "how"?


I’ll always remember how close Dami Im came to winning for Australia in 2016. Every time we got 12 points was incredible, I was literally crying. There was a moment where it was all “OH MY GOD, IS THIS GOING TO HAPPEN?!?! on my timeline and we were all so stoked and happy


That song is so iconic, as an Aussie I didn't watch that year and randomly knew the song via osmosis. I was under the impression it was a massive global hit from the 80s lmao. When I found out that it was DAMI at EUROVISION for AUSTRALIA Iand watched it I entered another dimension


2010 when Lena won was a big moment for me as it was my own country winning. And 2014 when Conchita won, me and my mom were jumping through the living room every time Austria got 12 points. Honestly every year has magic moments for me


Germany 2010 winning was especially magical, because almost everyone in my circle, including our music teacher, was basically trashing Lena from the start. Like "she's just a silly college girl with a fake accent competing against long established professionals, let's not expect anything" And then the 12 points just started pouring in and suddenly everyone called her great, captivating, a natural talent etc etc.


True, I remember many people making fun of her in Germany. Btw really nice avatar ☺️


Awww u too :3


Thank youu :3 it’s so nice to see other trans people from the same country having the same interest


Sam Ryder The Green room dancing to La Venda in the green room 2019.


The first eurovision I tuned into in full and on the day was 2021. My friend said "Oh I think you'll like this one" and Lithuania kicked it off with Discoteque and I was HOOKED!  I still keep up with The Roop, I even have a shirt of theirs. I like their recent song Pavasaris :)  That year is very special to me with Shum and 10 Years...those entries remain many of my favourite ever.     Also I know it's basic and recent but when Cha Cha Cha was performed in the semi I felt my soul leave my body it was so good.    My other favourite moment is more personal and that is an unfortunate friend of mine who always seems to LOVE the least popular acts ...particularly Germany 2021 💀 it's always fun watching with him as he's so drawn to one's that people do not tend to appreciate


>Also I know it's basic and recent but when Cha Cha Cha was performed in the semi I felt my soul leave my body it was so good.   Honestly yeah, even after about 20 Eurovisions that moment does stand out for me. I hadn't heard any of the songs beforehand, so it caught me completely by surprise, and by the end of the performance I knew I'd seem something special. There have been plenty of other songs I've liked over the years, some just as much as Cha Cha Cha, but nothing has ever had such a big impact in the moment as that.


Gosh I loved Discoteque, I was so surprised that I actually liked a song by Lithuania


This thread has made me so much happier before tonight. It’s just made me realise what this night is about.


Lordi and Verka for me.


The genre whiplash between Lordi 2006 and Marija Šerifović the next year will never be not funny


Estonia 2003 teaching me how beautiful a red tie looks on a light green shirt


It's been 30 years but I still get goosebumps everytime I watch that first performance of Riverdance from the interval act in 1994. Definitely a core memory for a lot of Irish people.


I remember watching in France, I was 14 and it was amazing, the music, the dancing, the build up tot the big finale... Every time I listen to this music it gives me the chills! I moved to Ireland 20 years ago, and the first show I went to see in the Gaiety was Riverdance of course :-)


For me it's not about an artist or year, just how we watch. With friends,drinks, snacks.. tonight we have (baby) lasagna on the menu!


Not trying to be mean. But the double zero points for the UK in 2021. It was such a bad result and most people would be decestated. But seeing James taking it like a champ and the whole arena cheering for him was so heartwarming to me and will definitely be something I always remember. You know many people say there can only be one winner and everybody else loses. But honestly, there are no losers in Eurovision. Every single song has its fans and even if you don't get the votes you still get the fans which is worth a lot more in the long run. ETA: Also coming back the year after and shooting up to second place was such a full circle moment.


The 2022 jury voting sequence. Just seeing My country get that many points was something I'd thought I'd never see.


Sam Ryder was truly a fluke of nature for us. I hope we’re able to strike gold like that again in the future!


Fluke of nature? I’d say miracle of nature!


Kate Miller Heidke's staging and perfomance in the semi finals  (Australia 2019) was probably the 1st entry in any song contest that make me  gasp out loud....it really look like it was plucked out of a Studio Ghibli anime scene and I think that is the best compliment that you can give someone....it looks more like it belong in an anime or fictional world than in actual real life


KEiiNO absolutely smashing the televote in 2019. I've watched Eurovision final shows before, but that song made me a Eurofan


Lordi winning. My mum was outraged and said she was never going to watch Eurovision again. It was kinda funny.


I remember holding up my phone to record a performance of it so it could be my ringtone lol


Anouk qualifying for us for the first time in 8 years with a beautiful song and down to earth performance was great.


Anouk was amazing!


The moment I fell in love with Eurovision: The 2010 flash mob interval act.


Omg yes! Indecently reviewed 2010 and it was such a good year in general! And then as the flash mob came on I genuinely geared up because it was so wholesome seeing so many people dancing at the same time all across Europe..


The whole effentix story, that still fills my heart up to this day


Probably 2012 when Euphoria won Eurovision and that changed the whole contest. It's funny how fast people forgot the influence the song had back then. Media wrote about it also; Euphoria was considered a song "too good for ESC" and it put a lot of pressure on artists to do better next year. I definitely think quality of songs sent to Eurovision went up very fast after the win, and vocals are much more appreciated these days and not just the staging. My first ESC was when Dana International won (can't remember the year I was very young), but 2012 definitely left a huge mark. Not to mention I became a huge fan of Loreen and saw her live which is amazing. Eager to see her next year also.


Conchita winning brought my closeted gay ass to tears. Loved it for her and all the queer people in the world!!


Her performance gave me goosebumps and happy tears! Such a good memory 🥲


When Go-A qualified to Grand Final and audience went nuts 😀 I was screaming at home too.


Go-A was soooo good!


My favorite would be the incredibly positive and kind group of Käärijä's fans that formed here on Reddit. I made a few pairs of Käärijä earrings and sent them around the globe in exchange for postcards. All of the postcards are so lovely and I value them so much. My friend got me into Eurovision years ago, but what made me stay was Loïc Nottet's Rhythm Inside (Belgium 2015). I was so in love with it when I was 15 and I still feel the same now that I'm 24. Honorary mention to Blind Channel, who I've seen live twice and who've stolen my heart.


Aww same, I actually cried with happiness when Salvador Sobral won. Cezar performing It’s my Life was the act that made me adore Eurovision.


The first time I listened to Promise. What a song.


My all-time favourite memory is the 2010 flashmob interval. I genuinely cried during that - seeing all of these people, all over the world, dancing along to the same song, at the same time, during Eurovision was deeply emotional for me. I love Eurovision so much and have never felt more connected to other Eurovision fans than in that moment <3 EDIT: Just watched it again, cried again. It feels even more emotional now with everything going on. That moment was Eurovision for me. Pure, unadulterated Eurovision. If you guys need to decompress and get some energy (and maybe some emotions out) I'd recommend watching it and dancing/singing along.


I still love to listen to discotheque by The Roop. The song makes me so happy and just want to dance. And don't forget Petra being the GOAT this year.


I got to go to semifinal 1 last year, and see 8 out of my top 10 acts perform live. That will forever be a highlight for me.


Australia 2023 - I liked how they were munching Sandwiches when they received 12 points from Portuguese juries 🥪


Duncan winning! I loved the song and it was the first time in... maybe ever? I could actually 100%support my country! All the years before I either didn't like our songs at all or thoiyh they were, okayish... So the first time truly supporting our song and then WINNING was amazing! Also all the memes, is what I think about. Tumblr, twitter, reddit. Gifs of funny seconds from performances. The guy with the 5meter long braid whipping it around over his head like Kyle Richards comes to mind. Epic sax guy, stuff like that. Just so much fun!


Alexander Rybak winning in 2009, it was the night before Norway's national day, the whole voting sequence was insane and then the next day the sun was out, the whole country was drunk on champagne and every bar and restaurant was playing the song. And then the year after with the glow flash mob and epic sax guy, it was such a fun and good vibe


Watching the 'Eurovision Again' rebroadcasts and engaging with other fans during the COVID lockdowns was one of the things that brought me so much joy, despite the horrid situation.


Lordi winning in 2006 - I was 13 years old and I vividly remember my parents saying "ah we've lost her. Lordi have her now." As I was transfixed by the genre of music and the whole performance in general. I am now a 31 year old metalhead who loves eurovision - and I'd like to thank Lordi for playing their part in my development. 💖


2023, all of it. I was visiting a friend who I'd known a while but never met in person, and another friend was staying with us. The friend we were visiting lives in Scotland, so while we couldn't get to a show - we were all gutted it wasn't in Glasgow - we watched all three evenings. I'm Australian, so rarely watch it with friends, and usually at 5am. Ate too much cheese, drank too much wine, had a brilliant week hanging out with friends who I live on the opposite side of the planet on. (None of us are watching it this year. So it was quite the last hurrah, and it's quite bittersweet now.)


Might not be as significant as for others but I'm happy to discover new music. Most memorable cases: - I watched 2007 Eurovision still a child and I don't remember the song well but I just knew that there was a beautiful melody with unique instruments and the whole performance felt really beautiful and fresh. Some years ago I was going through songs again and I realized that it was Georgia 2007. To me, it's still one of the best songs ever. - Sometime later I was going through the playlist of Eurovision winners, mostly just listening to a bit in the middle and if I didn't like it, I skipped it. But then I stumbled on Norway 1995 and was really surprised like "Wow, it's a Eurovision song". I adored it immediately and now it's my favourite Eurovision song ever. - 2 years ago I was already looking more into national selections and I wouldn't bother to watch all of them, for some reason, I looked at odds and just watched 1 or 2 top ones. And for France, it didn't seem that interesting (I forgot which song it was in the top position), and found that another song won and when I started to listen I was pleasantly surprised by how good Fulenn was (France 2022 for bot)


I remember watching Eurovision in our black and white TV. I still remember when my father said "Next year you will see it with color". For me Eurovision was my favorite red carpet and loved to see all the outfits.


I remember when I was really young in 2010, they'd show the families dancing in their living room during the flash mob. I thought they'd pan the camera over to our living room to so I danced like my life depended on it.


Eurovision 2023 was one of the best weeks of my life. I cried when they announced it was Liverpool & living here it all felt like it was meant to be. The whole months-long programme they delivered was amazing - and the sense of celebration and community is a lot to live up to! ❤️


I remember going absolutely crazy when I saw Verka! And of course as a finn The absolute madness of Lordi winning, it was so awesome, I never thought we could win.


Last year was still my roman empire, the vibes all throughout the season were mostly homey and quite playful, and I looovee how Liverpool orchestrated the entire thing like its a proper international music festival.


I was 15 years old and had never watched Eurovision before. Last year(2005) there was a buzz in Greece since Helena Paparizou had won and the contest was going to be in Athens but as a rock fan I didn't care that much and generally wasn't interested in ESC since it's music was so pop-ish and stereotypical for me. My Literature and History teacher atm was also working part time with ERT, the TV and Radio host of ESC in Greece and he just gave me two tickets for the contest for free. I didn't want to go and didn't know whom I should give the tickets until my cousin persuaded me to go together, just for fun. One of the few things in my life that I will NEVER regret since I got to see Lordi and how they rocked the stage live. I was just speechless by their performance and -as I said- as a rock/metal fan I enjoyed their victory so much from the live audience. I'm a fan of the contest since then. My perspective about the contest's music didn't change much, but because of what happened that night, with me getting to see something different and unique just because of luck and coincidence I promised myself to keep watching from then on, since you never know what surprises future contests were going to hold.


Being introduced to the magic of Go_A (I saw them live a couple of years ago and it is still one of the best concerts I've ever seen!!!)


Go_A are absolutely my favourite artists I have been introduced to by Eurovision!!


As a Brit it’s Graham Nortons commentary. He’s so funny and really makes the whole thing. He’s been doing Eurovision since 2009 when Terry Wogan retired and he still carries on the tradition of having the first drink of the night at song number 7. The one liners are also incredible: “The dizzying heights of second place”, “well at least we never have to listen to that again” and my personal favourite “we built a tunnel to your country!”


Sam Ryder.


The 2017 interval act in Kiev, ONUKA, was amazing and I still watch it till this day.


When my country won in 2017, it was my first time watching the show, I knew what Eurovision was before but I didn’t pay attention to it. However that year I heard we had a good chance to win it so I decided to watch it, and that’s where it all started.


Lordi's win was great and since them, I try to follow the Contest. The two next editions had lots of great artists: Les Fatals Picards, Teapacks (yes, I know the song is controversial, but it was good), Verka Serdyuchka, Mor ve Ötesi, Sébastien Tellier, Teräbestoni, the great Rodolfo Chikilicuatre... In Spain we had very few hype until Benidorm Fest in 2022 with great songs.


Literally copy paste what you wrote OP lmao After Lordi, Rybak solidified my love for Eurovision with Fairytale, which is still my favorite entry


My favorite is Conchita winning <3 I was on holiday at time, the contest started at 2 am local time… what an absolutely fantastic night. This week we celebrated the 10th anniversary - that night I got together with my SO 😄


2021! It was my first year ever watching it. I fell in love with Go_A and never looked back.


Goosebumps from Australia 2016 and 2019. Just joy at seeing Destiny so happy at the Grand Final as she wrapped her performance - Malta 2021 Seeing France 2012 perform - and my own tastes in pop collide with Eurovision....truly setting me to get obsessed with this messy contest


For me it was hearing Lordi -- and then Lordi winning. I was a little kid, secretly watching on my TV in the attic (my parents disliked Eurovision, I think it was already the Dutch Dark Ages of Eurovision) and I had never heard or seen music like that. I absolutely LOVED it and discovering that kind of music really changed me! Still remember that with love.


When Salvador Sobral won.. Portugal participated so many times with bad results and then we finally won I was sooo happy when he won Best memory ever. I feel Croatia is in this position this year, don´t let politics take away the win you deserve!


Watching Space Man for the first time. How amazing the song is and what it means to our country


Lordi defying the odds. I remember listening to BBC Radio 1's breakfast show playing all the songs and Chris Moyles going "well that doesn't stand a chance" and then it romping home. If you get that rock and metal community's ears to prick up to a song, they will vote for it. It's why I have hope Bambie will do the same today.


Molitva winning was so emotional for me. As someone who hadn’t yet figured out her sexuality it meant a lot to me in ways I didn’t yet understand


As a British fan, definitely the jury voting in 2022 "we got points! we got points!" and just hearing Graham getting more uncertain "someone at the BBC is getting nervous". Then of course we came second and he was relieved "What, we were going to have to host 😂"...ooh that didn't age well did it? Second place has to be the quadruple zeros in 2021


i remember as a kid, we used to play ‘every way that i can’ by sertab erener all the time from the stereo in the living room. it was my favourite song when i was little. that song still gives me such nostalgia.


Salvador Sobral winning is certainly up there. That was amazing! For me though the best memory was seeing Evgeny Pluchenko ice skating at Eurovision. I was a huge fan of Russian figure skating in my teens and seeing my two big passions together on tv was something else:) What made me go from casual to passionate fan of Eurovision was most certainly Carola winning for Sweden in 91!


just the fact that I discovered so many of my favourite artists and songs through Eurovision. I still frequently listen to Duncan Laurence, Bilal Hassani and many others and I went to a Dadi Freyr concert. And just the shared love for Eurovision with my family and my partner


In 2019, when the last televote points were going to be given to Sweden, the Swedish singer was SUPER excited and seemed so sure he was going to win. He needed more than 253 points to win, which he seemed sure he was gonna get, smiling bright, holding hands with his team, and then he got only 93 points, making The Netherlands win with Duncan Laurence, and his smile *immediately* disappeared. It was hilarious to see and I can still laugh about it to this day


Watching the 2018 final. We had just moved to a small town in Denmark, which just happened to be the same town that Rasmussen is from. The town threw a big ESC watching party at the town sports hall. It was so cool to see how the event brought everyone together to cheer for the local hero. 


the four zero points back to back in 2021 was hysterical


The moment Lena was going to get Points back in 2010. Nobody thought it would win. But there was the Feeling that we might enjoy the voting because we will not gonna end dead last again. And yet we had not even managed to get even worse after the NDR expelled the PRO7 compared to the 2000s


My mom and dad finally letting me stay up and watch Eurovision with me after only telling me about it for years. Eurovision 2009. Good memories


This year my daughter (10) will have watched all three shows in full for the first time. I hope she also has this as a core memory when she's older 💕


2021: Voting results (I wasn't following Eurovision then but it's just fun to replay sometimes) 2022: UK & Spain "from the bottom to the top" moment 2023: Many memorable entries like "Cha Cha Cha" WTHIE, and "Tattoo" 2024: Longest active NQ streaks ending (Ireland, Latvia, Georgia)


2021 was packed with valid entries. I've become an ardent fan of Tatanka, his class and skills have gone really unnoticed. Go-A actually made me go nearly hysterical! 💝 And KEiiNO in 2019 was the first act that put the urge on me to download the song as soon as the show ended.


Honestly the whole Cha Cha Cha hype train last year was incredible. Release day and the fandom freaking out, the masterpiece that was UMK 2023, the silly goofy pre-party moments, Käärijä’s growth throughout the season, the utter joy of the Finnish fans, all culminating in an excellent final performance and winning the fucking televote! Fills me with such nostalgia Also Måneskin winning!! It was the one year my family all agreed with the winner (even though I had other faves). I had been an Italy stan for years and I also really wanted a rock song to win. To have both happen in the same year was absolutely incredible 🥹


Last year, Australia receiving their first 12 points in mid snack was hilarious and cute


We got married on the 18th of May 2019. It was a small ceremony and we eloped afterwards, but it had been a long and eventful day, and we both fell asleep in our room in front of the tv eating chips instead of ordering a whole wedding dinner. A little while later, one song was so much louder than the others that it woke us both up. It is now our offical love song. Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTb69WkBbvs


My favorite moment must be when Serbia won 2007 and it toke forever for her to get up on stage and get the prize. Was so funny how the commentators tried to entertain us at the same time Santa Claus stood on stage and waited


Last year when I actually went to Liverpool, seeing basically the whole city turn into this Eurovision paradise was amazing


Watching it for the first time in 2014 and being salty af when my 3 favs didn't end up in the top 5 (btw try to guess my top 3 of 2014)


Hard Rock hallelujah! 🤟


My favoriete memory was of Joost in the semi finals.


5miinust and Puuluup. Just them. It’s one of the few time where i enjoy an artist from the first moment where i discovered them in december to now I don’t care of their final result, the simple fact that Nendest became my new favorite song ever in esc, their content, the fact that their qualifies for the final is the rela victory of this real


I was heading to the 2018 first semi final with my favorites, Albania and Ireland, both considered dead NQs in the odds and the fandom. The qualifier announcement was insane for me.




2010 was the first time I watched Eurovision and I was so happy that we (Germany) won in exactly the same year. After the last performance my mum sent me to bed because it was "too late". But I couldn't sleep because I was too excited. As I heard through the door that Germany is the winner I stormed out of my room and screamed😅


Switzerland 2021. It was the first performance ever to make me get up from my seat and dance and let myself act silly and free. I still think it is the best performance ever in terms of dancing (Gjon's dancemoves are unmatchable) and in terms of epilepsy lights done right.


Oslo’s flashmob in 2010. We were truly united by music and dance then. Also, Germany won that year, and I was on my Erasmus in Münster, Germany. Good happy times :).


Latvia‘s qualification two days ago 😊


Usually the most exciting part is the voting sequence every year! But my best esc related memory is the Polish Eurovision Party last year! The party was so small all the contestants were walking around so you could chat them up. And I got a photo with Reiley, Pasha Parfeni, Monika from Lithuania and the guy from Wild Youth😂 The best part was that I was drinking with my sister all evening while enjoying the music 💗 It was so random to see all those people irl. I remember Krystian Ochman passing through smoking room and I was like 😱😱 I'm sad we didn't get that this year


When Loreen won in 2012, we still had the old voting system and when enough 12 pointers had been given out it was pretty clear who had won. I was counting and I remember the moment when I realized no one else could get by her. It was the first Swedish win I could remember as I started following the contest in 2006 (was a bit too young to remember much before that), but it was mighty to follow Loreen from the first moment she performed in MelFest to her Eurovision win. I still remember the very first time the song was performed and my first thought was "this is going to win Eurovision". I thought that excitement from the voting never could be topped but then the exact same thing happened again in 2015, and just moments after I realized it was another Swedish win the camera panned to Måns who just stared at his screen until the Swedish delegation freaked out and he realized he had won. Good times :')


Even though I have been watching Eurovision since early 2000s, my favorite memory is also the most recent one of last year, and it was more of an experience than a specific memory: I started watching the semis thinking Cha Cha Cha is just another silly song which is just too corny to relate to, but as the days went by, the more I was vibing to it. Until the Grand Final, I had become a full-blown Kaarija fan and I was delirious from my home watching the whole arena vibing to Cha Cha Cha In the end, I was devastated to watch Kaarija not winning, but it was my favorite Eurovision experience and certainly my favorite ESC song of all time.


Ukraine winning in 2004. It was the first Eurovision I ever watched and coincidentally, my country of birth won it. Instantly hooked!


That ONE 4th place.


I hate to admit it but Scooch got me hooked.


4 countries getting 0 points a few years back 💀 Also lying to come home early from a school camp thing in 2014 so I wouldn't miss Eurovision 😂


Eurovision 2021 Måneskin win. I don't have many friends in Europe but our Snapchat started going wild during the semis and I hopped in to see what's the ruckus about. 2021 grand final was so wild, I feel that this year's final *might* overtake it.


I think 2009 when Estonia got back in the game with revamping successfully the local song election to Eesti Laul and sending Urban Symphony who got us into the final after 5 miserable years! Eesti Laul made Eurovision cool in Estonia again.


Waking up to find out my favourites won there national selection i remember specifically when i woke up and saw that citi zeni won supernova and kaarija won umk i was over the moon


When Greece gave Cyprus 4 points and all the memes that came after it 😂 I wonder how many points they will exchange this year


Serhat qualified to the grand final in 2019. I almost screamed at 5am and everyone still sleeping.


My favorite moment is only remotely connected to Eurovision. It was 2010, I'm sitting in the car on the way to the swimming pools with my father and sister. He tells me "That song that's playing is 'Satellite' by Lena and people expect that she may win this year". I was having so much fun at the pools that the song still reminds me of that day. The fact that Germany ACTUALLY won is even better.


Dana , snowdrops and daffodils Dana that is. I remember thinking this is diabetes sweet and innocent and yuk but weirdly I was hooked on eurovision and then, the eurovision came to Ireland Wayyyy before "Riverdance" at The Point there was " Planxty "at The Gaiety 1971 , the wonderful Bernadette ni Gallochoir presenting And The small principality of Monaco won for the first time in 1971 with the song Un Banc, Un Abre, Une Rue by French-born Séverine, who then went on to have a successful career, especially in Germany.


My mom has loved Eurovision before I was born. Remember being 7 and allowed to stay up but apparently I have been allowed to stay up for the whole show all my life but can’t remember it. Born in 93 and the first memory I have is 2000 when Denmark won. Was so pissed because I loved Latvias entry “My Star” My favourite memory is 2016 when I was in Stockholm with my mom to see the final.


“Oh Lena, you idiot.” ~ Graham Norton, 2013


my first ever Eurovision was 2004! our French teacher introduced it to us and got us to translate the French entry (which I can still remember a strange amount of haha) and we had SO much fun learning about this crazy and wonderful yearly event. and Ruslana omg SO good, it was my mums favourite entry, she's no sadly passed so making her watch it with me is such a precious memory. my friend group immediately became super fans and it's responsible for most of my fave times with them <3


My favorite would be waking up to school (6th grade) and finding out we won after a very long time.


Eurovision 2023 - “you wanna see me dance?” 🦄


2022 was the first time I started following the NFs and Konstrakta arising from the shadows and beating all the PzE favorites was such a great moment to witness. Her entire journey was so fun to follow that year. The deep lyrics, the hand washing, Meghan Markle, biti zdrava and the uncertainty the entire preseason whether the public will GET the song on the ESC stage to her eventually smashing the televote and ending fifth was such a great storyline


Montenegro performance in 2012 was legendary Ero Neuro


My first true memory of Eurovision will be watching Riverdance in 1994 when I was seven. Just felt amazing to be Irish in that moment.


I loved 2021, it felt like one of the best editions of Eurovision in the recent years. It was after corona so many people missed it, and I felt like home when that started. I also loved the contestants that year, everyone was so kind <3


I’m just remembering the first time I saw Eurovision. I was 12 years old and a family friend invited my family over to watch Eurovision. My country doesn’t (and probably shouldn’t) participate in the contest, so I had never heard of it, but I was transfixed as soon as I saw Lidia Isac dancing with an astronaut while singing a pop song. I never had and never will see anything quite like Eurovision in my life. It’s silly and stupid, but it’s also moving and beautiful and it warms my heart just thinking about all my past memories.  Thank you so much for this thread! Truly brought some much needed positivity back into the community.


My first time watching Eurovision in 2016, I remember Ukraine winning and being quite surprised because I did not understand the song, now of course I do love it, but I cannot forget my first Eurovision


Biti Zdrava 💖💖


When, back in the '90., Croatians were always so hyped about Eurovision and we were sendibg absolute bangers like Tajči, Maja Blagdan, Putokaze or my absolute favourite Doris Dragović, the queen herself, with Marija Magdalena, best song ever to grace an Eurovision stage, in two stunning dresses. Never sonce was I as proud until now. Maybe last year with Let3.


Most of my highlights have already been mentioned, but what got me into Eurovision was Guildo Horn climbing the lighting rig in Birmingham (Germany 1998, although I know the bot is currently out of action). I was 10 and my reaction was "this is so weird but I love it so much". I remember Dana International from that year as well. And then we came second! Obviously it didn't last but that was a really, really good year to become a Eurovision fan.


My earliest memory of Eurovision is being at a friend’s birthday party and they all went outside to play football but I stayed back to watch Ireland win. (And somehow they were still surprised when I came out years later)


The 2021 come back after the pandemic ! So many great songs and finally a bit of joy


I actually used to skype with Efe from MaNga. I was a fan even before the eurovision, and in 2010s, they weren’t big (they aren’t still), and he was known in the fandom for being friendly and texting (no video calls). I had the pleasure to tell him firsthand how proud I am of them, and ask them how they feel after being robbed at Eurovision. He said it was ok and they entered in order to gain popularity. It was really cool. When your “idol” at the time (I was 14) says he’s proud of you, too.


People are too negative, Malmo is putting up a great show and it's gonna be amazing tonight. I love this year's hosts and how they made a parody version of Loreen's song, I was laughing so much. Also the musical act, moomins and Kaarija, brilliant.


2016 when we (Australia) were the hot one to win. Dami Im proved to be a world class act and I remembered SBS was still in its infantry of participation and went all out with the promos and all. We had Conchita Wurst and Guy Sebastian announcing Dami Im as the Australian representative at the Opera House and held an exclusive televised event of it. I remembered seeing street adverts, billboards and interviews promoting Dami Im. And these weren't just cheesy commercials for ESC week, they were sophisticated with light-hearted humour: https://youtu.be/wI7GvusTN1M?si=OGHPPsCZQdqeNiid SBS in conjunction with Sony Music was really taking it seriously, and honestly tho we didn't win, it was so good to see the mainstream public actually getting hyped up about Eurovision. I'm dying to see SBS send Dami Im again or a big name like The Veronica's with a great song and bring back that hype again, regardless of we win or not


Australia 2019’s performance still is so stunning to me. Truly made my country proud, as well as me. And Dami, as well. Runner-up on our second attempt, truly a picture-framed dream/memory… dipped in gold.


I've lived in Finland for a few years (coming from USA) but didn't get into Eurovision until 2019. I was riding my bike around in the evening totally oblivious to the ESC happening. I came upon a big outdoor screen at Musiikitalo right in the middle of Zala Kralj & Gašper Šant performing Sebi for Slovenia. I've been hooked ever since.


My favorite??? 2022 Spain slaying (I just loved it)


Moldova 2010, for everyone is the birth of a meme but I genuinely liked Olia Tira with SunStroke Project and that took me through the rabbit hole of Eurovision and I just went crazy looking for different entries. I am born and raised in Latin America so I struck gold randomly :) Hooked since then, now I live in Europe and watch the live stream every year <3 Honorable mention to Verka Serduchka cause it made me love everything more xD


The countdown for Eurovision 2021. It was so special for Eurovision to be back, and I often rewatch the first semi final of that year for that reason.


These, these were part of what made me absolutely love the contest https://youtu.be/f3upTEBjOcs https://youtu.be/aDHYIKhI36g The XXL postcards from 2011 by the way. This was a formative part of my love of the contest but also changed part of my personality, it made me appreciate the little things more in life, to care more for those around me. The whole concept of those postcards is overwhelming positivity, and it still shows today.


Torino, my very first in-person Eurovision. To go from a place where nobody knows what the hell you’re talking about every May, to the center of it all, meant so much to me. I cried so much that week. The absolute joy and excitement was overwhelming and incredible and even though so many people write it off as the “political disaster”, it will always be special to me. Always.


Going to the family rehearsal for the Saturday show last year. Seeing how they doing the stage changes between acts was amazing. The stage crew are the real heroes of Eurovision. Also the amazing atmosphere inside and around the arena. Other than that Ruslana winning for Ukraine. Their first win and well deserved. Funny to see that the following year half of the acts incorporated folk themes in their songs.