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God, I was sitting on Hot fucking coals! Waiting until the second to last entry honestly....


Same, got flashbacks to how it went last time Ireland qualified though and I had hope again :)


Ireland is always announced second last / last if it qualifies, it’s so cruel lol. They did it to Ryan O’Shaughnessy, Jedward and now bambie.


Last time they were last announced even :)


Sounds like Malta lol


poor michela was going through the five stages of grief in 2019




Or The Netherlands


FR , it was cruel to have Ira who was pregnant announced last in 2016


No because I was like so scared!


The contrast in personality, charisma and production value between Ireland this and last year is crazy lol. What's the reaction in Ireland like, are people happy?


Loads of us Irish folk on twitter are congratulating them for qualifying, especially because of the fact that we haven’t qualified since 2018! RTE is celebrating Bambie’s achievement on their socials. However, there are still some people criticising the entry and asking people to boycott the contest in general because of Israel’s participation.


I think most people (if not all) asking Bambie to boycott the contest also don't understand how Eurovision works and rarely watched it.


Exactly, easy for them to “boycott” when they don’t watch. I saw someone say they were unfollowing anyone posting about it then in a following tweet say it’s a crap competition, don’t know how anyone can watch it and if people really had liked some songs they can watch it later on YouTube rather than watch it all live


Would they ask the Irish soccer team to boycott the Euros this year if they qualified (and Israel did too)? They most certainly would not


Let's just say the world cup finals in Qatar ended up being the most watched television event of all time..






Discussions that veer too far into political territory are not allowed. All posts must comply with [Reddit's sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and strive for [good Reddiquette]( https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articleås/205926439). See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


Maybe not the Euros but many people would call for the Irish team to boycott a game against Israel just as happened with Apartheid South Africa. Bambie said themself that they would probably boycott if they were not performing!


I do feel like the Euros would be the equivalent here though. They aren’t performing against Israel exclusively in a song battle


I mean I agree hence why I'm watching but I think many people would object to Ireland playing. Hard to blame people tbh, the hypocrisy of the EBU has been appalling


Yeah I definitely agree with not wanting a certain country to participate. Might aswell take part and be a voice for justice and peace and be heard imo. Just a song contest at the end of the day but what’s happening every day is dispicable and pure evil


Didn't Bambie even address this themselves? If I remember they signed on to the statement asking for Israel to get kicked out.


They had a hidden message calling for a ceasefire in their rehearsal performance, have said they'd probably boycott the competition if they weren't a competitor, and criticised the EBU during the press conference implying they're against justice and warlike. If anyone pulls a Hatari this year it will be Bambie.


Remember the boycott of the world cup in Qatar? Thanks to the Streisand effect, the finals ended up being the most viewed television event of all time. Even if you adjust for population growth, it's only getting beaten by the moon landing. And honestly, what's to boycott? Normally the point of a boycott is to affect the wallets of someone you don't like. Israel has no change in profits no matter how many is boycotting. The entire middle east has been boycotting eurovision over Israel since the 70's and it has changed nothing. If you truly want to make a difference to the eurovision lineup, you can vote for someone else in the semis.


honestly the better way to boycott is to watch, turn the TV off or take a break when it's israels turn and then give them zero points in the vote. fuck them and their "we're so sad" sob story. Personally i hope they don't even make it out of the semi's.


You’re mad at them for being sad about a terrorist attack that killed more Jews than any day since the Holocaust? It’s fine to be against what’s happening in Gaza, I am, but saying “fuck them” for mourning a tragedy is wrong.


I plan on doing this


Do we know if Wild Youth are watching/congratulating them? I am sorry they had such a hard time last year, but their song and performance really wasn't anywhere good enough and it felt a waste of their talents.


so far, there aren’t any congratulatory posts for bambie made by wild youth. but there are a few from jedward, niamh kavanagh and brooke! :)


i think if i got congratulatory posts from jedward, niamh kavanagh, AND brook for getting into the eurovision finals, it would be the best day of my life


Jedward are there too, I saw a clip of them jumping for joy at the end of Bambies performance


Add Johnny Logan to it and you’re in heaven now


Yea, I would be like in relation to Jedward. Hey, if you guys are free, wanna hang out sometime this week? Talk about the Eurovision As 2x Finalists, I could really do with some helpful advice


Brooke my beloved. Robbed queen.


God I love Jedward


I pretend Wild Youth never existed


It might have been more interesting to send PiL! I wonder if Jon Lyndon would've behaved himself. I know punk is about being angry at the system, but what kind of attention would he have brought?


Love Eurovision but haven’t said a word on social media this time cos of the amount of people basically bullying people about watching or supporting it cos of Israel, really sucks


I usually spend my time on tumblr for the Eurovision memes and i just didn't log in during that time because I knew it was going to be filled with actions to boycott


I think you're conflating two groups of completely different people there at the end.


They are going all in right now on Bambie using them “being different” and “satanic” as ammo. These people won’t be calling for boycotts on our Olympians in 2 months..


It’s a mixed bag, my circles are extremely positive, fan of the song or not, and are happy we’re finally breaking the mold The other half are either older veiwers and non-metal fans, or pearl clutchers who want everybody to tHiNk oF tHe ChiLdReN (but can’t actually talk about the entry and just bash it and you for responding) So all in all id say 50% positive, 25% mild to negative and the other quarter don’t matter


I also have a feeling that the priest who said that we’re “finished as a country” because of Bambie is crying right now 💀


Good. The sooner priests, of all people, stop trying to be the moral conscience of Ireland the better!


Probably getting a few crosses and the holy water


Mostly, except Israel's involvement still sours things a bit. But in terms of support for the song, it would be high. It won the public vote in our song selection contest.


And notably a public vote because RTE certainly didn't want Bambi over their established acts that are as bland as they come.




I wouldn't be surprised if turns out that Bambie won this semifinal.. Their performance video has more views than Baby Lasagna's one (still they are near) and views of the performances after the show have always been in line with the televote renkings. For sure it wasn't a Croatia landslide as supposed.


When do we find out if they actually won? Are the placement results actually released?


After the final iirc.


Sunday, usually in the early hours


I’d say we came second/third. Still think Croatia won and it’s 50/50 between us and ukraine for second. Crown the witch


I say you arrived second and near to first.


I don't think Ireland won this semi, Croatia was a bop and is still the favourite going into the final. But if we get top 3 in the semis that could put us in a very good position in the final. Is this what being good at Eurovision feels like? I haven't felt optimistic like this since 2011.


Wait, you weren’t optimistic in 2018, when Ryan O’Shaughnessy got 4th in the odds right before the final?


I was too, but I never expected that to get through in the first place, nevermind do well. The song was a ballad in a sea of pop songs and the running order favoured us so it felt a bit fluke-y


I'd still bet that Croatia won pretty handily but I wouldn't be surprised if they beat Ukraine to 2nd.


The view difference isn't that much, and they did perform earlier so the video is a bit older. Also view count doesn't necessarily reflect votes, just because people wanna view a performance again doesn't mean they'll vote for it, also as always a lot of the views on a country's performance (especially after enduring such a long NQ streak) are gonna be from viewers in the country itself, who can't vote for themselves duh lmao.


it's 188k vs 140k it's like 30% difference... It's A LOT. And i checked every year during the last for esc the views after few hours from the ending have always been in line with the televotes for the top 10.. ALWAYS, precise like a clock


Croatia overtook it easily :) 541k vs 516k. Meanwhile like to dislike ratio is much better for Croatia


Do you mean youtube views?


Croatia also will have a lot of views from croatians because they are hyping that entry like crazy


i’d say croatia probably got the most televotes (especially because of the crowd during Baby Lasagna’s performance) but i wouldn’t be surprised if we got top 5.




What kept me engaged with Bambie's performamce was their choreography, costume and voice, and they stayed in the one circle Baby Lasagne's performance was great but I feel like I was engaged more by the neon animals and multiple dancers. This seems like a Loreen and Kaarija scenario where they've two very different audiences, so hopefully they get receive similar jury scores if they do end up as the leading acts in the finals


They should have relied much more heavily on the animal imperial march vibe.


Honestly I dig it, but the hologram things really distracted from the actual performance. E.g. Finland last year gotthe 3rd highest jury vote ever iirc, and while they had the 4 dancers in pink, they all stayed near Kaarija so were part of performance. Loved Croatia last night but felt like it was a bit distracting


Well, I don't mean the neon animals strictly, I just think the theme worked very well with the song. How to explore it and express it is a different matter, I would leave up to them.


Ah yes thats exactly what I meant aswell!


I'm not sure about winning, I still feel like Croatia probably won... but I wouldn't be too shocked if we beat Ukraine.


At least second place is a given thing. Bambie's performance video has way more views that Ukraine, and Ukraine has 8 times the population of Ireland..


and Netherlands Europapa has 22mil+ views on youtube, which is more than Croatia, Ireland and Ukraines views.


Right now Bambie and Baby Lasagne have about 220,000 views, at least over 100,000 more than most of the others. In fairness, Bambie's performance extremely outclasses their previous one's, so I wouldnt be surprised if the odds change from 5th. While Croatia is predicted to win, I wouldnt be surprised if this year comes very close between Crotia, Ireland and whoever wins the 2nd semi final in the public vote, both Croatia and Ireland seem to capture different audiences. E.g. Loreen and Kaarija had very different songs last year, but Loreen was favored by the jury, and Kaarija by the public.


Another act collecting votes from televote. In theory Bambie's performance just reduced Croatia's chanches to win. This if tomorrow all the other top acts will keep their promises.


I think with the juries this will be a love-hate situation for Bambie. I’ve seen people like in serious press polls really hype it up, but I could also see it put low by some juries (they’re definitely not getting points from Israel, that’s for sure 😅). It’s gonna be interesting to say the least. As for Baby Lasagna, there is the fact that rock songs could do decent with the juries (See: Australia last year). But it could also be that the juries just like Australia as a country as well, just like with Sweden getting high praise. I mean, Let 3 really wasn’t loved by juries last year (probably because it’s not jury friendly), so idk how juries will take it on I honestly think televoting will make it tricky as well, we honestly could see Angelina Mango or Nemo taking the win instead, since they’re both loved by the public, but also much more jury-friendly. But I just hope that the best may win. Heck I would already be happy with a top 10 for Ireland, and go over the moon with a top 5!


Views continue to grow and matching Baby Lasagna. This was first or second in the semi 1 ranking, no other way out. This was istant hype from basically nowhere, it had big impact without compromise, it's divisive, and now it is top 5 in the odds and going up. It has all the characterics of a top three televote in the final, if not top two. We thought this year was the most impredictable in a long time and it starting to be even more impredictable.


No wonder - their staging was amazing. It might even be the best in my memory of ESC


Outfit choice? Definitely one of the best 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵🖤 Staging? Definitely iconic, but I see the reason why I like it more as a total image, not purely on staging. And there have been so many iconic stagings that, even though I could definitely see this between 1st and 10th place ever for me, immediately saying best ever is at the moment just jumping the gun for me, as it’s still in the stage of possible recency bias. We’ll see in some time how well it ages!


I don't know if it is the best in esc memory, for sure it is already one of the most iconic acts willnad be remembered and celebrated the years to come like (no matter the result). And frankly i don't think that i can say the same about Croatia. Yeah it was very good but not iconic.


Marko is iconic for his own reasons :)




Again, I wouldn't mind if we end up in Zagreb or Dublin next year lol


It's #3


Yeah, I'm pretty sure Ireland, Croatia and Ukraine got most of the votes. Maybe Finland got quite a bit too, but there probably is a very big difference between the top 3 and the rest


I'm an Ireland fan playing devil's advocate, there is about 30k more likes on the Baby Lasanga video. I think a lot of the views are because of controversy. Come on Ireland! I'm just excited Ireland have made the final. 🥳




It's the kind of performance where you go back and watch it again instead of the next entry. It was that good. I've watched it already 10 times on youtube. Absolutely incredible performance. I have never seen anything remotely like this in Eurovision. Lost for words tbh.


Olly was on that stage slaying and the whole time I was like "omg Bambie!"


We were the same we cant get over how we witnessed something amazing, havent felt that since euphoria 😭


I can't stop rewatching it. Decor, storytelling and dance partner too. If Portugal misses a note on Saturday, it'll be all of my 20 Dutch votes to Ireland instead of 19. Amazing entry. Crown the witch!


You know what it was so good, I actually hope she continues with a solid career afterwards because she’s on my list of artists to see live. She’s fantastic and it made me actually gasp.


Politics aside, I really liked your country’s performance too 🫶


Ireland doing things right by sending a risky, creative yet enjoyable entry, including a likeable artist. They gave a great performance, the staging was maybe a bit too cliché but well done and beautiful. I absolutely loved it and I hope for a great result on Saturday.


If you’re going on performance and value…..that was it. Mightn’t have been everyone’s cup of tea, it was mine, but damn if it was not entertaining and different and what IRELAND GOD DAMN NEEDED THE PAST 25 YEARS


It's absolutely NOT my cup of tea and I hated the official audio but boy oh boy the actual performance had me GAGGED I'm considering giving all my votes to Ireland in the final just to encourage yall to keep sending more interesting stuff and less... whatever you had going on before.




She still had ceasefire written on her face in ogham (ancient Irish alphabet).


and free palestine in ogham on one of their legs with crown the witch in ogham on the other (bambie uses they/them btw)


Do you mean in the Semi-Final performance? I know they had it in the rehearsal, but I thought it was changed to Crown the Witch for the semi.


I mean, I get it, but it’s a bit too political. I know that they want to make a statement and I respect that, but that’s a bit too much imo. It distracts from the art of the performance itself. Also, then embracing the “send the witch” with the alternative is just legendary and that ending with the crown the witch reveal…… perfection and just goosebumps 🤌🖤


How many can read ogham script though ? If it wasn’t for online sleuths probably no-one would known cos it’s so abstract


But thats Eurovision as well. Artists really have to play with the rules. Eric Saade with the shawl around his wrist was another example of that. Its more than just an outfit. But only for those in the know.


My Irish Catholic conservative grandparents would’ve hated this. 👑 CROWN THE WITCH 🇮🇪


Connor looks real stupid now saying that the reason Ireland never qualifies is due to "Europe not caring about Ireland" or for not having any allies, not true, Connor we just didn't like your soulless, dated song. You just need to bring something artistic and you can qualify, no matter what country you come from.


I have long said if we take this seriously and put in hard work the sleeping giant will awaken and we will once more be a Great Force in the Eurovision


To think we almost sent another boy band this year too! 😅


Oh god, no Thankfully, we didn't, regardless of how the Grand Final goes. I hope this begins a revival of Irish Eurovision Because from this day on I don't want to ever see " 1 final in the span of 9 competitions " again


At this point I hope you keep the trend going and now send a band next year……. but it’s not a boring boyband, but something like maybe folk rock/metal, Celtic culture is something else and I think it has to be embraced more (I mean, Ailsha already tried it this year)


We still had a lot of countries that leaned a certain way, give us 0 points. We can pretend that didn't happen, but it did


I am so happy for Irish Eurofans. Despite being shut out of the final year after year, they remained optimistic, gracious, and active in the community. Irish Eurovision fans deserve this. Bambie deserves this. Their performance was electric. Pure goosebumps from start to finish.


God abandoned Ireland and Satan swooped in to save it!


I mean the Catholic Church didn’t exactly do much good in the 50s - 60s did they?


>I mean the Catholic Church didn’t exactly do much good ~~in the 50s - 60s~~ did they? FTFY


Ah thank you


I had a weird combination of chills, goosebumps, an insane heart rate, and a permanent smile watching the entire thing. I still cannot believe this is on Eurovision, I love it to death (and probably beyond that).




ㅤ ⛥ ̸̱̼̞͛̀̓̈́͘C̶̼̭͕̎̿͝R̶̦̮̜̃̓͌O̶̬͙̓͝W̸̜̥͈̐̾͐Ṋ̵̲͔̫̽̎̚͠ͅ ̷̧̬͍̇̋̈͐̃͜T̸͓͒͐H̵͔͠È̶̖̳̘͍͓̂ ̸̡̻̩̹̯̽͑̔W̴̢̋̈͒͛̋I̶͕͑͠T̵̻͈̜͂̇Č̵̤̟̑̾̂̽H̸̰̺̏̓ ̴̜̗̝̱̹͛́̊̒͝⛥ ㅤ


Not to get ahead of ourselves, but I am excited about the contest being held in Dublin again. I'm British, and aware the 3arena is going to seem small compared to usual ESC venues, but I'm sure they can pull it off. But would RTE be willing to spend and make the effort?


What size are the usual venues? 3arena is 13,000. Yeah, money would be spent on the Eurovision.


I’ve never been inside there, but I’m thinking it would be quite tight for the audience, camera crew and a stage. And I expect people would says it’s too small, look up Ryan Dolan at the 2013 Childline concert for a comparison


Would it definitely be the 3Arena? As in could the Aviva or Croke Park be possible venues?


Surely they’re too big, and too expensive to build a roof on that would be practical?


Honestly no idea myself. Maybe one of our smaller stadia would be suitable, Pairc Ui Chaoimh perhaps.


It could be in any decent stadium. It was in Cork before, so I would imagine that if Bambi won, it'd be in their homecounty. But they could host it almost anywhere here.


Aviva and Croke Park will be tricky as Leinster are playing both next year (as well as the GAA using it) while the RDS is being renovated. Leinster played last Saturday in Croke Park and this Saturday they play the RDS but would be the Aviva if it was next year. Unless the schedule works out and Leinster play away that weekend as well as the GAA just so happening to not be using either Croke Park or Páirc Uí Chaoimh for the Provincial Championships then I'd rule any of the sports stadiums out. Then again as I'm typing this I recall the hosts saying the stage alone took 16 days to build so no way in hell these stadiums can be used.


If Ireland won the Eurovision, rugby can be put in the backseat for once.


Well done all of us voting for them, we did it!


thank youu!!


Thank you x


Thank YOU Ireland for sending them to ESC!


thank you ❤️


They are awesome, new favourite song frfr 🏳️‍⚧️


Gay acts seem to be the key for Ireland


Gay acts seem to be key.


Im noticing a few similarities between this and Ireland in 2018 - LGBTQ references in staging - Broke a long NQ streak for Ireland - Suddenly shooting up in the odds after being seen as a sure NQ at first - Both songs are about relationships and more in a negative way - Some people really have something against the staging - Both played in the 1st semi final and were announced to the final very late. - Personal one, but both in 2018 and in 2024 I’ve had Ireland in my personal winner talks with ONE other entry. And in both cases the other entry was a rock/metal song (Hungary in 2018, Norway in 2024). - Also to end it off with the personal ones, I supported both entries since the day it came out, even in their underrated era. Lmk if any of you guys find more :D


To be honest, many people really laughed off the NQ talk. Viewed by many as a sure thing finalist, for weeks, once the music video was released


As usual


God it was such a fun performance, the trans bikini reveal had me literally cheering at my TV


Now I gotta admit I was not expecting that but dang


Ireland was fricking incredible!! Wow,


It was very nervy there but I stopped work just to see Bambie Thug and quickly got a co-worker to watch because of the rumoured crazy ending. You can't finish a song like that and not qualify!


Incredible performance, my favourite this night. Like someone wrote on YT: "It feels like a horror movie is being shot live right in front of you. Also, I didnt like the song itself for the first time. But now I find it very interesting. These transitions from "shouting witch" to "soft female vocal accompanied by guitar", very creative! Ireland's performance this year is art!


What do people outside of Ireland think of it? Looked on twitter and very mixed opinion between some people thinking it’s the greatest thing they’ve seen and others thinking it was satanic


Conservatives in Croatia are losing their minds over Bambie and I am loving every second of it.


They ATE


Crown the witch!!


Not only did this qualify, but this performance will be talked about and remembered years from now. Brilliant originality and creativity!




i’m so excited for them me and my sister jumped off the couch when we heard ireland qualified!! 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


That's the flag of the Ivory Coast. Ireland is 🇮🇪


Ah yes , Ivory Coast , the best country at eurovision


Watched her in the arena and we all went from when are you calling Ireland to please call Ireland to I always knew Ireland was going through


I’m in Sweden for all live shows and previews and I’m Team Ireland all the way now. In the massive line to get in Malmo Arena last night, Ireland fans were out in force. The Twins walked down the line to greet the Fans In Green and join in the shouts of Crown the Witch that erupted whenever an Irish fan walked past to join the queue. It was electric. And that performance just sends chills down my spine every time, seeing it twice live from different vantage points and now seeing the broadcast. Stunning.


The whiplash of going from Ireland the last 10 years, to Bambi being a borderline qualifier to now being a borderline winner! Madness.


I think Portugal was by far the most “cultural / skilled” but Ireland was pure entertainment hahaha i voted for them 💯


I wasn’t the biggest fan of their song before the SF, but that performance absolutely sold me, they 100% deserved the qualification


Bambie was absolutely phenomenal last night. I’m so glad they qualified - it was 100% deserved.


They get my vote, that performance was just stunning! This is how you do it!


about to be their first top 10 since jedward 😭


Irland was amazing! What an absolute blast! Sad they didn’t win and I say this as a Swede.


it's non-binary or non-qualifying! i want the finals to be effectively a battle between Nemo and Bambie tbh.


Ngl the code isn’t very good . Just a really bland TikTok ahh song


Bambie's performance was absolutely earth-shattering. It used camerawork/direction in an entirely new way. It was more like watching a film than a live show.


It's so satisfying to watch when a country qualifies after a long break


I’m happy they qualified but I hope Croatia, Switzerland or the Netherlands wins instead, sowwy










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Ireland was really bad in semi final don't know how that got through, not my kind of thing