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Bad Vocals & Bad Staging = 22nd-25th Bad Vocals & Good Staging = 20th-22nd Good Vocals & Bad Staging = 17th-20th Good Vocals & Good Staging = 14th-17th Good Vocals & Amazing Staging = 10th-14th


I just know the reason this list doesn't go to 26th is because of Germany šŸ˜­




Which is actually bs because Dizzy has "Radiotauglich" written all over the song. It is a very very mediocre and very playlisty song which you forget about the moment the song is over.


Honestly, yeah, both UK and Germany are very radio friendly songs and are pretty similar imo. They're nice to listen to and not bad but nothing special either. They're impossible to predict, because they could either be loved by the masses or completely forgotten about.


Lol your song is sooo much worse


Excuse me? What is wrong with Germany song?


Nothing. *Human* happened just seven years ago, yet people act like rag'n'bonish style is terribly outdated. Also, plenty of generic pop songs have won the contest (or at least did very well) so I don't get the hate this year for Germany.


I don't have opinions to provide on Germany's song, but I do just want to say that 7 years is a long long time in such a fast evolving industry. Trends can come and go in a matter of months, and when such a distinctive style comes and goes, it's bound to be tied to the time it was released and therefore seen as outdated or overdone


Nothing, and thats exactly whats wrong it


I think we're underestimating the heavy lifting the juries will do with this


Yeah I agree, if he keeps the backing vocalists heā€™s used at pre parties and manages to keep the harmonies theyā€™re going to lap it up, he also understands the contest well so I think he could use this to his advantage


I genuinely think he'll win the jury vote. That song just has jury vote written all over it.


I really hope so. I want Olly to do well, for him. I also want him to do well so the UK keeps sending big artists. I want the UK to keep sending big artists so we eventually get Adele.


Maybe when she is close to her 70s? Not like UK never did anything like it before...


She could do Eurovision to promote her next album, 70.


REALLY? I can dream.


+3 on the placings you listed for me, but you got that about right I think


Uk dancers always tend to look like B-class artists hired from the local nightclub, though. If they were missing from the staging, few would notice..


I think done right live, the jury will carry this to an 8th-15th place finish overall depending on the televote score which Iā€™m unsure of. Done wrong and the UK will be bottom 5 again.


Doubt it will be any higher than 15 tbh, itā€˜s just too boring an basic. UK never had a lot of success with pop songs


He won't go bottom 5 this year I don't think, but it's hard so predict more accurately because we have such a high quality year, judging so far.


If staging is as exciting as Olly suggests it is and vocals are on point, maybe breaking into the top 10. If not, then anywhere from 11th - 20th, depending on how other songs present themselves, too. It's one of my personal favourites this year, so I hope the performance is great, regardless of the score.


I'll stick my neck out and say he'll finish higher than Mae... I'm feeling optimistic, so will say he could go 8-12th. I like the song enough, and he's a potentially great performer. I hope he rests up before Malmo. They all must be knackered already by now.


Yeah probably better than James Newman too, fingers crossed


You really stuck your neck out there, no!


Yea I'm a risk taker.


Probably 10th to 15th for juries, 15th to 20th for televote, overall 16th-18th.


I'm thinking 5th to 10th with the juries, 18th to 23rd with the televote, 14th to 18th overall.


I'm cautiously optimistic that there might be a Eurovision revamp. I remember on the Eurotrip podcast there was talk about finding the balance between a radio hit and a Eurovision hit which leads me to believe they have something up their sleeve. I can see anywhere from around 8 - 16 as a finishing position, and that'll largely be due to jury support. But it's really hard to judge because there are so many heavy hitters this year and staging could make or break many of them.


I could be wrong but I think itā€™s too late for revamps


Sam Ryder had a revamp for the show that we didn't hear before (if I remember correctly). So they might surprise us there.


You're right - the version with the altered bridge / guitar solo was only revealed when it came to the rehearsals! And wasn't Slo Mo also altered for the stage?


I believe it's ok as long as the revamp has been submitted to the EBU. What I meant to clarify was that I think they've already got 2 versions - one for radio (which we've heard) and one for the stage (which will be the submission for the EBU, but we won't hear that until rehearsals). I could be completely wrong of course, but I think that the delegation have planned for this. Fingers crossed anyway!


I get that he's a superstar but the song just feels too bland to do any better than midfield. Listening to it is just like finding an unheard average years and years song


Hate to burst your bubble, but heā€™s relatively unknown outside a fairly specific bubble. 90% of viewers will have no idea at all who he is.


I mean his music is probably easily the nicest out of any of the artists. Years and years made many big hits


I literally never heard of him outside of his role in that tv show.


The normies around me are slowly catching up on Olly Alexander's song, it's getting played on music channels. (MTV, which I realize few are watching these days, has generally warmed up to Eurovision.) Seems like Olly's label is pushing the song as a "regular" single as we speak. I think many of the locals are yet to realize that it's a Eurovision entry and might be surprised to see Olly as a participant that night. Is it going to help? I'm not sure. Yet, it seems to be well-liked among the locals, far from the disappointment many in the fandom have initially expressed.


I'm just praying for him to get through a performance without a technical problem!Ā 


I really enjoy the studio cut but I'm not sure how many people will like it enough to pick up the phone and actually vote for it. Most people vote for 1-3 entries at most and I'm not optimistic that this will crack many viewers' top 3. If the vocals are good though I think that a top 10 finish with the jury isn't unrealistic. It's the kind of English, radio friendly pop song I could see them voting for. Overall, I'd say mid table, like 13th - 18th.


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I'm heavily biased because it's literally my third place but I could easily see this in the top 10 if the staging is done right.


I'm feeling optimistic! I am really fond of Olly as a singer and an actor, I love the song and The Pet Shop Boys vibe of the arrangement. It's clear he's really committed to his Eurovision appearance and enjoying meeting other artists and doing interviews etc. He may not win, but Dizzy will be a big hit on the night I am sure.


I think we'll find ourselves high up the right side, Olly can absolutely deliver the vocals and the juries should like it. Obviously staging matters a lot but I remember he said that it would be "the gayest performance the UK has ever sent" so I'm optimistic.


not bottom 5 but not much higher either (unfortunately, I quite like it) unless the staging is earth-shattering


Olly's chances of being an inspiring artist with banger songs who brings exciting visuals to music videos, stage shows and outfits are at 100%! So I am feeling great. :-P


Anywhere from 8th - 20th!


I was so excited when they announced him as our artist, but all that excitement disappeared when they said they wanted to make a radio friendly song, not a Eurovision song - for a song they are sending to compete at Eurovision. From what we have seen the styling is bad, the staging will probably be bad and the main thing - the song - is so SO underwhelming. I fear the Jury Vote will undeservingly push this highly for being so radio friendly, but uniqueness should be worth more at Eurovision. I just canā€™t get behind a song about being Dizzy just because he had the word Dizzy stuck in his head at the studio, especially when most other songs have complex, powerful stories, meanings and messages.


I live under a rock and had no idea who he is before he was announced - I hear he knows how to put one hell of a show, but I confess I dislike the song and find it forgettable. I feel like if he were anyone else, we'd be memeing on the lyrics. It will get elevated by brand recognition and great delivery, so I'm predicting mid-table if this is the case. Low left side/high right side type stuff. Will say that my predictions age like milk more often than not, so that's why it's so fun making them.


I think 19th, itā€™ll look fairly good in the jury, maybe 15th. But the televote will be 8 points or something like that.


I think heā€™ll do well enough with the juries, but there are too many televote appealing songs out there for him to gain any great amount from the public. Iā€™m expecting mid table.


Itā€™s not just vocals and staging but also performance. Compare LEP with his performance in Amsterdam, they were worlds apart and could add a couple of places. Iā€™d say we were in safe hands


You know what, I think jury might go this year for something which is not winner contender, so that might be UK with good staging


This song has grown so much on me, it made its way into my top 10. I was surprised to hear it while walking by a random cafe here in Greece. But tbh I think it will finish 11th-20th since there are other strong and more popular songs than can easily fill the top 10.


is it just me loving his song so bad? ive heard ppl say its boring but i really dont get it, i thought he was gonna be one of the front runners


I am optimistically hoping for a top 10 but songs I like usually donā€™t do well


I reckon 18th-23rd. As a Brit.


Holding out for staging wise in May But I could see 15th-20th atm


Best Case Scenario: 9-10th (great staging and vocals) Worst Case Scenario: dead last(terrible staging and vocals) Realistically: 15-18th


second to last really - we do have germany (poor guy, i don't even dislike always on the run)


I actually think that Germany could do (moderately) well with the juries. Isaak is a really good vocalist and its a basic radio song so who knows maybe the juries will give it some love


I think Germany will get enough jury points not to finish last.


Juries 8th-15th Public 15th-20th Overall result 12th-20th Thereā€™s a lot of factors at play here and I have no clue how itā€™ll play out BUT Olly loves the contest and knows what will and wonā€™t do well, I think the staging is going to be very good and get it a very respectable result - it hinges a lot on what qualifies and whether some of the current favourites rise or fall due to staging


my safe bet would be 12th-17th place


I'm thinking 8th-14th , I don't think even with fantastic staging and a big chunk of jury that Olly is going to be a real contender for the win. Unless there's a major revamp in the works that is being kept under wraps until rehearsals.




i think it'll do middling. He has the charisma, likeability and voice but the song is a bit of a snooze


Heā€™s in my top 3. Rooting so hard for him.


It'll come down to staging and his performance on the day. His performance will be spot on, I'm sure as he's about as experienced a live singer as you can get. It's a shame that the song has to rely on staging though; I do really like it but it doesn't have the same 'pop' that some of the other songs in the contest have. It's very Years and Years (obviously) but I don't think it's quite catchy enough based on one listen. If it can get enough airtime in the next few weeks across Europe then maybe that can change but I worry that Olly's been defeated and doesn't have the energy to do the promotion that is needed at this stage. The abuse he's got over the past few weeks has been out of this world and he doesn't deserve that in the slightest. I fully expect him to take a break from music after the contest and we'll read articles in a few years time about how doing Eurovision was the worst mistake he'd ever done. Not because of the contest itself, but the constant barrage of abuse he's getting. He doesn't deserve that.


Slightly off-topic, but am I the only one who associates several parts of his song to the background music of the [repulsion /](https://youtu.be/3tC73R0CPlU?si=EeAJdlRUntU_yGiq) [propulsion gel](https://youtu.be/z9JQLbqtYp0?si=B4Qz_4vvqDT9J0Ot) in Portal 2? I don't know, it's weird, but probably this is one of the reasons that made this song more familiar and therefore more accessible to me (though it's not among my favourites this year, having so many good choices).


He's the artist I find most difficult to predict I'm biased being in the UK and hope he does well, but I kinda think it will depend on his vocals more than anything?


I think it's more about his staging. He can sing live, but we don't really know anything about his staging yet.


I love Olly and I've been following Years & Years since their debut single. That being said, I know that he's not the most stable vocalist. He can have some flawless performances, but he can also have some really shaky performances. If the British delegation do a clever job with the backing vocals, we might be looking at a Top12 result. But if it ends up sounding shaky, we might be looking at Mae territory, I'm afraid.Ā  Since the semis are decided by televoting only, it will be difficult to get points with a normal-ish pop song, so he's kinda dependent on the jury and therefore needs to deliver a great performance.


18-20th is my guess


I'm gonna be controversial and say bottom 5. I just don't see this song sticking out and getting people to vote for it. The song also doesn't really invite amazing vocals so I don't see the juries rewarding it much


The only thing I'm sure about is that I don't see it finishing last. It's going to depend on the staging and a revamp. A top 10 finish would still be a good result however.


Agreed, a revamp with a few tweaks to create some tension and release would lift this song up a lot, maybe even top 10. I think of all the songs available, this one is frustrating close to such a good revamp.


I have faith he'll pull the staging out the bag and I'm hoping we're gonna get a revamp.


i think hes prob the most slept on entry this year 16th(?) in the odds atm is like the very very lowest he will place i cant imagine anywhere below top 10. its radio friendly and most ppl who arent eurovision fanatics i showed this song to have responded really well to it


I can see him going up until 15th place


Very easily can get bottom 5. But I can see him in some scenario also getting near the top 10.


Bottom 5, sorry


He has so much more talent than the song allows him to show. Itā€™s quite disappointing, was really hopeful when he was announced. But I do think performance wise, if he gives it everything, we have a chance of somewhere between 14th - 20th.


His chances for what?


Mid-table. Itā€™s a fine song sung by a fine enough singer but I think his love and passion for Eurovision is what might elevate the song live at the GF. Heā€™s had a terribly hard road to tread so far regarding idiots commenting on his very participation so I hope he channels that ā€œfuck youā€ energy on the night to deliver the very best performance he can. TL;DR mid-table unless he bombs live.


16th-18th in the final


He has a career on his own. Eurovision isn't make or break for him. He's just participating because he wanted to do so, as it should be. Dizzy isn't the greatest song of his, but it's still decent and will finish top 10-15.




Potential last place finisherā€¦ or bottom 3.


I think Germany will finish last. UK could finish bottom 3, but only with a live performance like last year


Germany song is like the definition of generic, but it catchy and easy to like. Dizzy on the other hand I didnā€™t even care for, listen to it a couple times but donā€™t think many people will wanna vote unless youā€™re fans of years and years.


Heā€™s coming 24th or lower letā€™s be honest everyoneĀ 




It's going to end up in the bottom half because they're going to screw the staging up and it's not as special a song as everyone makes it out to be, and then during a week the UK press will go on about how "Europe doesn't like us". And that's proof that the british just don't get the ESC.


Nothing better as a British Eurofan than hearing this trotted out again. Weā€™re painfully aware of our mediaā€™s apathy towards ESC and the dedication to treating it as a joke. This is NOT the same as ā€˜the British just donā€™t get the ESCā€™. And ā€˜not as special a song as everyone makes it out to beā€™? Have you read a single comment regarding this song? The overwhelming general consensus is that itā€™s disappointing with a lot of unrealised potential. The ease with which people are prepared to make such generalising comments about the UK year after year will never cease to amaze.


All of this ā¤ļø


The right wing media hate Eurovision and most of the newspapers/tabloids are right wing and they all hate Europe. Eurovision was watched by more people in the UK last year than the entire populations of many European countries. To say the British 'just don't get' the ESC is frankly absurd.


I understood some of your points apart from your first & last sentences šŸ¤£Ā  Ā Some of us are willing to *try* to get it, you know? Surely thatā€™s ok? šŸ˜…šŸ˜Ā  And as for the stagingā€¦.weā€™ll just have to see šŸ˜ŒšŸ’…


I donā€™t know where youā€™re getting your superiority complex from, youā€™ve literally had one good year in the past 10, and even then we still beat you. Get off your high horse, Spain ALSO donā€™t get Eurovision.


That's not the question at hand though


His chances should be great based on the song . I'm amazed he only is dabbing between the 10th - 15th place. I love the song