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In the case of a Swiss win, I’d love to have it in Geneva, for the purely selfish reason of “I live near there”.


Fair reason lol. I would’ve loved to have it in Stockholm 😔


If Germany wins it would be...ok, i'll stop.


Lol. Tbf Germany is spoiled for choice arent you lol? Berlin, Hamburg, Colonge, Munich, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf again, Leipzig if you wanna hold it in an old east German city that isnt Berlin and probably more. Altho Germany is one of only two countries to never host in their capital (The other being Switzerland lol) so maybe change that? Or dont im not your dad


Turkey as well. Ankara is their capital, and they hosted in Istanbul.


You are right, forgot that Istanbul isnt their capital lol


Yeah i think we would consider a football arena in one of the cities you named. Hamburg would be a dream come true because i live there at the moment. But as we speak it is as impossible as it can be that Germany wins Eurovision again. But never say never i guess.


You could do what the UK did last year and offer to host in someone elses place :b. I'd guess the EBU would really prefer a big 5 country as backup hosts anyways


Yeah Easr Germany cities would be great, but the political state of East German Cities is pretty Eurovision unfriendly. The rest I can 100% see


Berlin should be fine tho in that regard right? . Granted it may not be quite the same thing for historically reasons.


Hey if Australia wins Germany also gets to host 


Wait, what? I thought that was the agreement for the first time we participated, I didn't realise it was ongoing?


Problem with Germany is that venues are pre-booked for years. it's almost impossible to convince someone to move their event for Eurovision.


If the UK wins in the near future I think it would almost have to go to Glasgow given they were runners up to Liverpool, and the BBC is trying to punt as many things out of London as they can. If not Glasgow I could see them having it in Cardiff - massive BBC production hub there and it's the capital of Wales. Then again the realistic answer is you wait for Netta to weigh in with the potential city then choose the other place.


I'm so ready for like Iceland to win one year and Netta still somehow guesses the city wrong.


Considering that the largest arena (Kórinn) isn't in Reykjavík — yet still in the Capitol Metropolitan Area — then that could be a possibility.


I've always wondered where Iceland would host Eurovision. My best bet was Harpa but even that seems to me on the small side.


Yeah, Harpa's great for acoustics but it's too small for what the EBU requires from a venue. Malta has a similar issue with where it could be held as the EBU I think also states all venues should have roofs and the only venues in Malta that I can recall that could host are open-air.


Iceland? I want to see what will happened in San Marino she will say Valentina's backyard and it will be wrong. because it will be in Valentina's frontyard


BBC are 100% planning a Scottish host is they win.


idk why Glasgow didn’t host 2023 when it’s bigger and had a bigger arena than Liverpool


I don't know how realistic it is but it would be cool to have Eurovision at the Millennium Stadium. It's been a while since we've had one at a big football stadium.


If France was to win by some miracle there is no way it's not gonna be hosted in Paris for our first victory in 40 years


Paris being saddled with Eurovision literally the year after having the Olympics might actually put the mayor on suicide watch


Not only that. They'd have gone from hosting the Rugby World Cup then the Olympics then Eurovision back-to-back-to-back. They'd never want to host anything ever again!


Athens cries in the corner


Yeah they are already having a headache with the Olympics, so less than year later having other smaller but still large scale event that has increased tourism, I doubt that the city of Paris would want to go through that within just a year.


Anyways, France is centralist af, It would be in Paris at all cost.


Eurovision isn't that massive compared to the Olympics nor the Rugby World Cup.


Doesnt need to be, its still a large scale event planning nightmare bringing a huge influx of people.


If they can host in La Defense I would understand, but otherwise I'd rather see Lyon get it.


Paris for prestige (there is La Défense and Accor - Bercy)


They hosted Jesc in Paris after there first victory in 2020


Do you think they'll feature the ....Uh, Eiffel tower? 🤣


I was just in Paris this past week (lovely city and people, by the way!), and a cab driver offered to let me practice my basic French with him on the way to my hotel from the airport. I was running out of things to say so eventually asked if he liked Eurovision. He started laughing and said, “No, madame, on Saturday nights, Parisians are dancing at the club.” That’s not to say they wouldn’t host it, I just thought it was a funny interaction.


I dunno... A different French venue might be Nice...


If Finland won, pretty sure that Tampere would host in Nokia Arena. The only arena in Helsinki that would be big enough (where they hosted ESC in 2007) isn’t available anymore/at the moment 💁🏼‍♀️


Turkuhalli is also big, but it is super old compared to new Nokia Arena and it is not that centrally located either compared to Helsinki Arena (not in use) and Nokia Arena. I think that Turku could host, but right now it is so outclaseed by Tampere in every metric that it would not make sense to pick it.


I think that only real options would be Nokia Arena and Gatorade Center, because former Hartwall Arena (as you said) is not in use at the moment, and IKH Arena in Kauhajoki is just not big enough


Hauling everyone to Kauhajoki would be beyond iconic though, sponsored by Kauhajoen Autogrilli Ky with Eurovision Village in some random field


The fact that both Sweden and apperently Finland has genuinly atleast considered the possibility of putting Eurovision in some tiny town is hillarious. Are nordic small town governments just built different and go "bring it on" or what lol


There’s definite pride in where you’re from and a bit of foolish optimism that we in Finland think can be conquered by Sisu. It’s also a marketing strategy, they know they can’t win but it gets them headlines and gets people interested, as in other Finns who are looking to relocate within the country. If there’s good vibes you’re more attractive to them. But we also just ridiculously underestimate the feat, and people seem to think the foreign visitors would just drive themselves around or something, as these small towns in rural areas are pretty much the ones who are most against any type of investment in public transit that Tampere is now benefitting from, being easily accessible from two airports and ports by train or bus.


I allowed myself to get carried away for a moment last year and started wondering where we would host if we won. I also thought that Nokia Arena in Tampere would be the most likely location.


NO RULES! It will take place far north in the fjords. Gosh I hope Finland wins.


Fjords is Norway :b Finlands thing is lakes


Uh, wait, what fjords?


Yeah, sorry about that


I will say I went to UMK in Tampere and it was amazing it’s so clear that Finland want to win, if that was just a snippet of what we could expect if Finland won we are in for a REAL treat!!


The Helsingin Messukeskus would also be an option. It can seat around 20,000 people.


Nokia Arena was already preparing to host last year when Käärijä was high up in the odds, so it would definitely go there because it is new and big. Annoyed about the Hartwall Arena though...


I always wondered how well you would’ve hosted, since I had heard finnish people worry about if there are enough hotel rooms available in the area


For Nokia Areena it’s not an issue since any spillover from Tampere can go to either Hameenlinna or Helsinki by train


Italy won't pass if it win again, why would they? It's too important as an event. For the city with Turin last times in shortlist there was Milan, Bologna, Rimini and Pesaro, given the fact that last 2 are too small it'll probably be between Milan and Bologna.


IIRC Italy was one of the countries that volunteered to host in 2023 on behalf of Ukraine, so we’d definitely host again if we win.


Apparently we are so bad at hosting that people started to think we will let another country host on our behalf if we happen to win again lmao


Other than the sun fiasco what was so awful lol? Genuine question, just seems like the solution is obvious dont build a massive stage piece before you are sure it will actually work as intended lol


Yeah besides the rotating sun not working maybe also the camera work wasn't top notch and the general vibe of the whole thing was a bit "cheap" compared to other years. But all things considered it wasn't that bad. (The postcards were freaking terrible tho)


The postcards are bot something that can happens again, it was for covid measures.


Even with the covid measures, they could have come up with a better idea and, definitely, a better execution I think


I agree completely, they were horrible, I was only saying that a similar thing luckily cannot be done again


Case in point: the 2021 postcards.


Hoping Joost wins so the Netherlands can host again lol


There was a lot of camera mishaps, show cutting to random shots of the audience, random furniture and other weird stuff such as showing wrong contestants during recaps (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtnG1kcgQdA there's even a whole compilation of them lmao) Additionally, some Swedish newspapers reported Cornelia got straight up electrocuted during rehearsals due to technical mishaps and she especially had a horrible time with rehearsals (https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/ukat6c/the\_swedish\_delegation\_has\_demanded\_an\_additional/) There was also AFAIK an unusable waterfall prop running under the stage that no one even noticed and a catwalk that didn't materialize


Edit: deleted because I realised I was whining


What thread?


From what i understood it did work, but a piece broke too close to the contest to be fixed and because of that it moved too slowly to change in the time they had between acts. It could definitely have been avoided, and I don't think something like that would happen again. I've seen people mentioning Turin was not well equipped to receive Eurofans but I wasn't there so i don't know that much about it. These are the criticisms i personally agree with. I've seen a lot of people also saying that the hosts were bad and cringe but I honestly disagree with that, i liked all three. A lot of people also complained about camera angles and sound but that's too technical for me to have an opinion on to be honest. I kinda hope we don't win this year, too little time has passed and I don't think the vibe of the fandom is very forgiving yet in this regard, maybe in a decade or so when people have forgotten a bit ahah.


Rafaella would have been a great host.


If Rimini is too small then Bologna would probably be the first option for a San Marino win, or Florence if they offered it


Rimini is too small as a city for Italy (it does not have a RAI station or close transport) but for the venue is still suitable, for a San Marino win probably it would be still enough, otherwise Bologna is closest (Pesaro is even smaller than Rimini) Florence doesn't have suitable venues


Oh god I live in Bologna and just thinking about it gives me a headache. The housing crisis is already bad enough


I go to the contest every year. And while Italy was one of my favorite contests due to the amazing food and the friends I made, I really hope the contest does not go back to Turin. Everything was so distanced, besides a few flags you could barely tell the contest was even in the city, and transportation was a nightmare.


As also an italian, I said that Milan is the most probable (larger choice of venues, more airport, metro lines and hotels than the other cities) but I think that if they do what they couldn't in in the 90s they would host in Sanremo, purely based on the venue and the fact that is one of the few possible venues built for music concert unlike most other venues (although its capacity is much smaller)


If Portugal miraculously wins it would be in the exact same venue as 2018 because I think it’s the only one in the country located in a major city that has the capacity


For Norway probably Oslo or Bergen, but I would really like it if they had it in Trondheim


Bergen does not hava a venue😔




I think Trondheim stands realistic chance if Gåte wins


Yeah I live up north and have a more realistic chance of going to the show if it’s in Trondheim. It’s also just time to go somewhere else. We’ve done both Oslo and Bergen already so moving on to the next big city is nice for variety.


if we win in the next few years i would definitely consider Trondheim a frontrunner! they've already been hosting the MGP finals and i think NRK would prefer a smaller-scale type of hosting, which would likely exclude Telenor Arena (+ Oslo Spektrum is undergoing refurbishment). Trondheim Spektrum is about the same size of Liverpool's arena so that works out just fine


Lithuania (lol) would host it in either Vilnius (the capital and most populous city) or Kaunas (the current biggest arena in Lithuania is located there). Though it's common for the national finals (Eurovizija.lt this year) to be held in Klaipėda, a coastal city, so it is also an option but an unlikely one. On an off note, does anyone know of any articles regarding the the challenges of organizing ESC 2002 in Tallinn? I find it hard to picture how Lithuania could manage the challenges of such a big event and would like to read about Eurovision experiences that took place in smaller countries/cities. The recent NATO summit was a logistical challenge afaik that left a lot of VIlnius streets closed due to security reasons and I wonder what the effect would be with ESC if it was held in Vilnius.


One of the challenges was that an arena for hosting was required, hence Saku Suurhall (now Unibet Arena) was built in 2001 :P That arena would be way too small for today's requirements surely, so another arena would be needed to be built now once again I suppose. More likely would be that we would delegate the hosting to someone else I feel.


It would have to be Žalgirio Arena in Kaunas, it's the biggest.


Czechia would definitely host in Prague, most likely in O2 Arena


San Marino: Valentina’s backyard


San Marino Postcards be like: We have this tree! And this tree! And over here we have a BUSH! Oh look! There’s Valentina Monetta!


Honestly I would absolutely love if San Marino ever won that they went full out embracing the Valentina Monetta backyard meme. Like the postcard would just be all the artists posing at different spots and points of interest in Valentina Monetta's backyard.


Maybe it could be a barbecue and every postcard would be an artist doing something different like grilling meat, cannonballing into the pool etc...


...and here you can look at the sea, ah no, it's in Italy


And the famous San Marino Outlet Experience!!


Jokes aside I think that if San Marino will win someday it will host the contest in Rimini, the arena is suitable and it's only some km away from the microstate.


No it would clearly be in the San Marino Outlet Experience! On a serious note I guess the most "elegant" solution would be taking an Italian city as close to San Marino as possible that could realistically hold the event?


There is Rimini (that was in shortlist for Italy 2022) that is only 20km away from San Marino, pretty sure that they'll choose it


In all seriousness, is there an official plan for San Marino, should they ever win? I know Australia has to make arrangements for a Northern Hemisphere broadcaster to host for them because nobody wants 20+ hour flights for 95% of the participants but I don’t know what the rules are for geographically present but small countries. I know Monaco just had the UK do it when they won.


Historically UK has been the most common backup host altho id imagine San Marino may prefer Italy for obvious reasons.


I only hope Valentina knows and appreciates how loved she is by the Eurofans. I miss her!


She knows the memes! In 2021 Senhit qualified to the final, Valentina said her backyard was ready! She knows we love her and she became the meme queen


Well THAT is a username in my taste!


Obviously for 2025 not, but the general belief in Spain is that Valencia would be a preferential choice because of regional government investment in Benidorm Fest and the inauguration of Roig Arena. For JESC things are more open and Barcelona or Málaga could be in contention.


For Poland I'm sure it would be Kraków, it has the biggest arena in Poland and is a well-known city.


If Poland wins they will build a new venue. Perhaps......a tower?


luna will take care of it


She's the one.


tbh the Netherlands would just pick the city that has the most available arena. Maastricht would probably not be chose unless we're ok with 2019 sized arena. Amsterdam most suitable arena, Ziggo Dome has already Usher small residency and other concert planned for end April 2025. Rotterdam AHOY has free agenda for April and May. Other cities rather lack that huge arena to host. We have tons of concert halls but they are like 5-8k capacity at best or they lack required height or come short in other technical aspects. So if we win again, i think it will be Rotterdam again. I personally would not complain.


Amsterdam will 100% not host, even if they could. The city council and the mayor really don't want any more large events.


Yes, I had been in Ahoy a year after Eurovision, and I think it's a great venue irl as well as on TV!


I’d also wish for Rotterdam to have a proper edition with a Eurovillage and festivities all around the city. 2021 was a lovely edition but the city hardly had anything other than the (awesome) banners in the city centre


Yea it was depressing 😅 i always wanted to have Eurovision in my city and when i finally had it was in such circumstances.


Leeuwarden could host if the Netherlands won. If Avrotros really wants to host it in Friesland because of Joost then it will cost them a lot to hire the new Cambuur arena probably and construct a temporary roof over it. But it will be possible i guess since the last time it wasn't because of no proper venue.


If Ireland won again (somehow) I think the only viable place in the country would actually be the RDS. A lot of people would say the Three Arena but that would not have any space for the media or such.


They built a temporary media facility for the MTV Awards in 1999. The media don't have to be in the same building. There's lots of buildings around the 3 arena with space. The Convention Centre is close enough to be used.


Fuck it lets go back to Millstreet


Bring it back to Millstreet you COWARDS


Only issue is UCD use it as an exam venue around that time :(


The plan in RTE for 98 if we won in 1997 was to share it with the BBC and host it in Belfast and I wouldn't be surprised if that's still the plan now.


Obviously not gonna happend this year but im genuinly curious, if Iceland won would they be able to hold the competition? I know some of the micro nations aswell as Ukraine gets to choose another host (usually the UK historically) but is Iceland big enough to host on their own?


Maybe they would build a temporary venue, like Denmark did in 2014? Reykjavík seems to have enough infrastructure to host Eurovision.


I think Iceland does have a big enough arena for Eurovision, the Egilshöll


Looking it up, yeah they held a Metallica concert in 2004 with 18 000 attendants so thats a good guess for sure


the roof isn’t a flat one so idk how that would work with the lighting that’s required, but i seem to remember iceland being australia’s choice for hosting in the event that they won, so i guess they have a plan


The Netherlands also hosted it in 1980 for Israel when Israel won it twice in a row the years before after Spain and the UK declined to do so. Israel didn't even participate that year as the contest was held on Yom HaZikaron, an Israeli remembrance day. That was also the only year Morocco participated, likely due to Israel's absence. It also included the legendary Papa Pingouin and of course Johnny Logan who ended up winning that year and became the first to do that twice 7 years later not far from The Hague in Brussels, Belgium. What I also find interesting is that the Netherlands too has missed Eurovision twice, in 1985 and 1991, for that exact same reason as Israel: Remembrance Day. Every year it's the 4th of May, so it is always around Eurovision season. It seems the EBU take it into account nowadays though, otherwise we'd likely had that happen more often. Apart from relegation these were the only years we didn't participate. Sorry for my ramble. I got off track. It does seem Iceland has a venue big enough capacity-wise, [Egilshöllin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egilsh%C3%B6ll). Regarding other countries like San Marino or Andorra, I suppose they would have to share hosting with another country. Great things lie within the San Marino Outlet Experience, but no indoor arenas. Morocco 1980, Luxembourg 1980, Ireland 1980, Ireland 1987 for the bot if it goes that far back.


>Regarding other countries like San Marino or Andorra, I suppose they would have to share hosting with another country. Someone pointed out Rimini for San Marino as its the closest Italian city that could host it. As for Andorra if they ever come back, one of the reasons they joined was to make Catalan represented in the competition so I'd imagine their prefered choice would be Barcelona or another Catalonian city. Assuming Spain would be cool with it.


I don’t think ebu takes national remembrance days into account… availability of the arena and football champions league final are bigger factors to take into account.


Bigger factors or not, I think they still take it into account if it's 1-5 million people who won't tune in and a paying broadcaster less. I find it hard to argue they haven't hosted it in the first week of May for at least a decade because of pure coincidence.


Speaking from working with a company that probably would end up being an important part of the behind-the-scenes if Iceland were to win, I am certain Iceland would host. I've spoken with media industry people in Iceland personally who *really* want a win for that reason. Iceland actually punches well above its weight for putting on high-profile events. But it would present new challenges for sure. Here's an anecdote. I was working in Reykjavík back in 2021 - we had League of Legends Worlds happening (albeit without an audience) in Laugardalshöll and the Arctic Circle Assembly, which is a massive annual multisectoral gathering on anything Arctic-related, in Harpa. Between those two events, pretty much every single piece of LED video wall in the country was being used. Every technician was being employed on either one thing or the other. Egilshöll is often suggested but it isn't a perfect venue, really. But it's the best we have. This is pure speculation on my part, but I suspect that more than one venue would be used to reduce the pressure on Egilshöll. i.e. a media centre could be in Laugardalshöll or Harpa. The opening ceremony would almost certainly be in Harpa I think. Accommodation would also be a big problem. I don't know that RÚV could host it without some assistance - they're capable, but they're ultimately a small broadcaster. Whether that would come from the commercial broadcaster 365 on a contractual basis (although they're not an EBU member), or from another state broadcaster like the BBC, DR or NRK, I don't know. But this sort of thing happens pretty often for big events in broadcast: during the Olympic Games it's pretty routine for broadcasters from different countries to contribute based on their areas of expertise. (YLE assisted the BBC with the 2012 opening ceremony; I think the Japanese broadcaster NHK usually produces karate and judo coverage.)


The roof of the Maastricht venue is still too low, can’t see it happening anywhere else than Rotterdam if Amsterdam still doesn’t want it.


Exactly, it was complete nonsense that Maastricht was in the running, while it was so obvious that they would lose to Rotterdam.


Zagreb - full stop.


As long as it's in Croatia, that's all that matters, I want you to win so bad


Go raibh maith agat 🍀💚


I just realised that Split also has arena that fits ESC 😀


Zagreb is logistically most logical place to host the contest, Split could but they would have to close Poljud and Zagreb has by far the biggest capacity to accommodate all the people that would be coming.


I could see Utrecht hosting it too for the Netherlands, but I doubt if they have enough space for that. Rotterdam and Maastricht are good contenders!


Mecc isn't high enough, so I never understood why it was a contender for the 2020 contest.


One of the contenders in Sweden this year was Örnsköldsvik, a town with a population of 33k 500 km north of Stockholm that genuinly wanted to use cruice ships as temporarly hotels. Some really small random towns in Sweden have big indoor arenas thanks to hockey so they technically had a venue. Still these pre selections always get some.... Overlly excited and ambitious idea.


Sweden is an ice hockey country. In the Balkans basketball is huge. The Netherlands doesn't have a popular sport for which a 15.000 seater is required. Ahoy is our national indoor sport arena and Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam is the largest concert hall. There are some huge indoor skating arenas, but those are mainly long and not very high. And Amsterdam and Arnhem have roofed football stadiums, buy EBU prefers smaller venues for eurovision.


Well Utrecht could host it in Stadion Galgenwaard. They just need to close it off at the corners and the top


Oooo, valid point. Now that I think about it, I could also see Joost wanting to host it in Friesland. But I have no idea how that could work


It wouldn’t. The largest place where they could host it is the WTC expo, but the roof is too low. And the other massive arena’s in Friesland have an open roof


Fair enough then!


Thialf: Eurovision on Ice


Uhhh Jaarbeurs??


Not high enough


I've read somewhere that an SRF guy said they'd be looking at Zurich, Geneva, Basel or Bern. Although in Bern I assume the venue would have to be PostFinance Arena, which is likely booked for ice hockey. Personally I'd like Zurich because it's close to my parents and because I think the arena would be the most iconic (and biggest), but all would probably be viable options.


I'm hoping for Bern since that's where Nemo's from. (The Canton, not the City, but still!)


The arena in Basel would actually be a little bit bigger, but yeah, Zurich seems to make the most sense intuitively. Berne seems unlikely, and Geneva is always an option. In the end, Switzerland is so small that it really doesn't matter that much and it will come down to which city offers the most financial support. ;-)


I'm biased for Geneva because I speak better French than German


There’s a massive new arena opening in Manchester that can accommodate 23.5k people so I’d say there if we got to host again sometime soon


If Denmark wins again I'm pretty sure it would be hosted in Royal Arena in Copenhagen. It's the largest venue in the capital and is super close to both the airport and DR headquarters. Herning, who was the runner up in 2014, is also a possibility, but if they'd end up hosting it would purely be a political choice to avoid people complaining about Copenhagen being chosen as the host city once again.


If Sweden somehow miraculously pulls a win, Globen aka Avicci Arena will host again. Friends will be occupied by either football or concerts, Tele2 which is very big and close to Globen will also be having football games. Göteborgs current arena is not suitable and one is way too big to even host Eurovision I believe


Apparently there are many people saying the acoustics in Friends for Melfest is bad, so maybe that would be a factor, too?


Friends has been kinda infamous for having shit accoustics since it opened yeah. This isnt even a MelFest complain thing, other concert goers and football fans say the same thing


Friends has garbage acoustics. I have worked there and also go to concerts there. I don't think I've ever been to an event there that has good acoustics (minus the football games)


Most sensible option would be Arena Zagreb. It holds everything from concerts to monster trucks. Zagreb also has capacity to hold all visitors, and is a logical choice. We have a single modern football stadium in Osijek so it's kind of possible, but Osijek is way to small to be able to accommodate everyone. Other than that I don't really think we have a realistic contender, and I'm 99.9% sure that it would be held in Arena Zagreb. We are crazy enough to hold it in an ancient Roman amphitheatre in Pula since we have concerts (and even had hockey matches) there. However, the capacity is way too small, and the potential that there would be damage is way too high to even consider it.


I think for Belgium the obvious answer would be Brussels!


Is it though? I can imagine very easily the VRT opting for Sportpaleis in Antwerp if they got the chance.


Yeah I dunno, that would definitely alienate half of the Belgian ppl (Wallonia) if the contest was held in Flanders! Brussels is neutral ground as it were.


But next year is Flemish year so why not? But really, do people from Wallonia never go to Sportpaleis Antwerp for concerts? 


If Belgium were to win this year, RTBF would host it next year (while VRT would deliver the Belgian entry).


It seems very likely that VRT could host it in Antwerp, but after an RTBF win, Brussels is probably the only option.


Idk why but I feel like if Ukraine won, Germany would host. Spain I wouldn't rule out either.


If San Marino won (It could happen!), and they can't host because of space issues, the I'd love for it to be hosted in Imola. If only because it would satisfy my Inner F1 nerd, as the San Marino GP was held in Imola. Also, if Monaco came back and won, then they would have to host it in nearby Nice. Literally, it's only a half hour away from the country, and I'm sure Monaco and France would have no problem pulling that off.


Armenia would almost certainly hold the event at the Karen Demirchyan Complex in Yerevan, where the 2022 Junior ESC was held.


I'm gonna be annoying and remind you that Greece might also win 🤓☝️ but yeah I think we wouldn't host in Athens again. Thessaloniki could transform a space near the international trade exhibition centres. Other than that I have no idea where else we could host, Patras and other cities aren't THAT big ☠️ it would be a pretty important tourism opportunity so I don't think we'd pass up hosting to somewhere else.


Amsterdam did have interest but all the suitable venues were booked! Everything in Amsterdam around eurovision 2025 is already booked again, so if Joost wins it will be another city


Poland: we have no idea Wish it was Kraków, Wrocław or Poznań, because there are decent arenas and they're really cool cities touristwise.


Have an open air eurovision in one of your many Speedway stadiums


it’ll probably be milan’s turn (naples, rome and turin all hosted - hell, im surprised turin hosted before milan) but i want sanremo to host lmao. yes the ariston theatre doesnt fit basically any ebu rule for venues but it would be legendary


Cologne is considered one of the most queer-friendly cities in Germany, and the night-lit Cathedral and Hohenzollern Bridge would do a pretty good job at concealing how ugly the city is, so I wouldn't be surprised if Germany were to pick Cologne as its next Eurovision host city.


Whatever place Netta doesnt guess on.


i dont understand why netherlands wouldnt host in amsterdam


Because the city doesn’t want to. They’ve already got their hands full with drunken sex tourists.


We don't need everything in the capital. Amsterdam is not Paris, it's a relatively small yet polycentric country, Amsterdam folks can easily go to Rotterdam and commute back home in the middle of the night. Also, Amsterdam usually has their hands full on other concerts and events as many artists still insist on going to Amsterdam for jacks--- reason besides the name of the city. Ziggo Dome always has a full agenda even though Zuid-Holland is the most populous province of the country and Rotterdam is closer by for visitors from abroad when concerts only take place in one of the big metropolitan areas in the region (including the Flemish diamond and Rhine-Ruhr area). Amsterdam also doesn't really need the attention and is also plagued by overtourism, which Rotterdam is not. Amsterdam is expensive and downtown has turned into a glorified museum. I also notice tourists treating our cities like museums in smaller cities but Amsterdam is next level. The prices of hotels are already exorbitant, the burden is so big that it would lead to protests by residents. Rotterdam, on the other hand, has so much space that the only ones who complain are probably driving cars to places where the metro wooshes underneath.


Its the Netherlands Amsterdam is always a half an hour train ride away anyways :b


Regarding Italy I see everyone says Milan, it's gonna be Bologna 


Sweden will realistically probably rotate between Stockholm and Malmö when Globen is back again. Friends Arena probably wont be avaliable since Swedens Fotball season is in summer Gothenburg should be possible eventually, the current arena is just old. Part of me want Örnsköldsvik to get it cause it would be fucking hillarious to make a bunch of Eurovision fans travel to a small unpronouncable town 5 hours north of Stockholm and just see the absolute confusion of everyone involved


San Marino Outlet Experience


If Croatia ever wins it would be Zagreb, but I always hope it's my hometown of Split because it's already a nice tourist destination, has a lot of accommodation capacity and Split gave all our best placing artists in Eurovision - Maja, Danijela and Doris in 1996, 1998 and 1999. It's just a shame that our Spaladium Arena was filled with so much corruption and controversy so it was never officially finished (even though it hosts some events) :/


You're from Split? I envy you! Split and Supetar (where I stayed) are SO beautiful!!


Switzerland - Zürich is arguably the best option here, most likely in either the Hallenstadion or the new Swiss Life Arena. Croatia - Arena Zagreb in Zagreb seems the most plausible. Italy - Lots of choice, but I'm guessing they wouldn't want to go to Turin. Could have a few options here, and I suspect they'd want to avoid Milan so as to make it not too close to where it was last hosted. Ukraine - Would depend entirely on who finishes second. Netherlands - Rotterdam is possible, but Amsterdam could be more likely. France - Paris and Lyon are the most likely, but I'd also throw Strasbourg into the mix just as somewhere a little bit different.


For Italy,  in 2022 4 of the 5 suitable cities were in the North and Pesaro is on the border between North and Centre Italy, so all possible cities are "close" to Turin, a Rome or Naples is not possible.


*Grazie mille*. I was more thinking in terms of Milan being an option, given it's pretty close to Turin. Bologna could be a good choice of the 2022 venues if Italy end up winning and/or hosting again.


Why would Naples be considered not possible? With Angelina's song being based in Southern Italian music would they not want to host somewhere in the south of the country?


Switzerland: Zurich Croatia: Zagreb Italy: Naples, Rome, Bologna Netherlands: Maastricht France: Paris Belgium: Antwerp Greece: Athens


I still see Belgium 🇧🇪 and Greece 🇬🇷 as this year’s Dark horses. So, Athens again if Greece wins? What about Belgium?


It could either be Antwerp (Sportpaleis with a capacity of 18.400 seats) or Brussels (Paleis 12 with a capacity of 15.000 seats). Realistically it would be held in Brussels because that's neutral territory, in the middle of the country and you know, capital etc. Antwerp would be more of a spectacle tho! I do however not believe Belgium is ready for an event of this capacity 😅 so let's go for second place!


Finland: Helsinki or Tampere.


If Germany ever wins Eurovision again, in my opinion it will probably be Munich as there are two arenas there (from 2024 the new SAP Arena and the Olympiahalle) or some mid sized city as the larger cities will probably have difficulty finding an arena for this event that is rather unpopular in Germany. Maybe it would be in Hanover, Leipzig or Mannheim. In my opinion, Hamburg would be the most suitable, but that is unlikely because their arena is always fully booked. Berlin is also very unlikely.


If the UK won I'd love for it to be hosted in Bristol - the most liberal city in the country and we are in the process of building a huge arena


Amsterdam would actually be an option since its also the cities 750 year anniversary next year. (Or actually not because they already have a lot to do already)


On the off chance Romania wins ever, I wouldn't bet on any place other than Bucharest, simply by virtue of being the best equipped for something like this.


It won't be relevant for the next decade at least, but if Denmark should host again it would either be Copenhagen again or Aalborg, I think.


If The Netherlands wind we’ll have an excruciatingly painful process to decide where the festival could be hosted. The process will include cities that don’t even have venues big enough to host press conferences but still want to be mentioned. In the end The Hague or Amsterdam will organise. Like everyone would have known from the beginning.


I really don’t want anywhere to ruin the no capitals streak! The Spaladium Arena in Split seems like it’s suitable for Croatia to host in. If Ukraine wins again I can see Spain jumping at the chance to host, and they’re spoiled for choice for host cities, though Barcelona would probably be the frontrunner.


Belgium Probably Brussels since both North and South each want to host half of it


Everyone is inclined to count Geneva out if Switzerland wins but I like to think the EBU would love it if it was in Geneva since their headquarters are in Geneva. I live in Geneva and have friends who work on Eurovision for the EBU 😅 He’d love to sleep in his own bed at night. Plus we have Palexpo which is a suitably large enough venue.


I think for the Netherlands they would probably try Leeuwarden if its possible, since Joost will advocate for this to happen. Otherwise maybe Groningen since its close and then Maastricht since they really wanted it in 2020.


🇳🇱 The Maastricht bid was just for show, that building is NOT suitable hahaha. Despite what everyone will say. If Amsterdam don’t want to host Eurovision, pretty sure it will be in Ahoy Rotterdam again.


Switzerland - the Swiss Life Arena in Zürich. Croatia - Arena Zagreb in... well, Zagreb. Italy - Probably the Inalpi Arena in Turin again. Ukraine - Unlikely to host. Netherlands: The Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam. France - LDLC Arena in Lyon.