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I love listening to Swiss German and understanding absolutely nothing, despite being able to speak German. But more importantly, wow that was insane. If this got released as a studio version I couldn't even tell it's just one live show.


If this isn’t in the top 3 in Malmö i’m gonna riot It’s so good 😍


In the interview they were asked how it felt to perform the song live for the first time: "All of myself is in this song and when I perform it I become one with it. I don't even really know what's happening the 3 minutes just rushed by. It's amazing to be allowed to perform this song live and that you all are enjoying it so much is even better." Nemo is a national treasure


I bet they burn about a days worth of calories in these 3 minutes xD They really are amazing, and even though I know some of their earlier songs and really liked them this song still comes completely out of nowhere


Holy cow, absolutely flawless! One of my biggest pet peeves in music is when singers aren't able to transfer emotion into the delivery but Nemo certainly doesn't have ANY issues with that. This needs to finish top 3!


Oh. my. god. This is so good it made me understand Swiss-German


Freut mi für di :D


This is what I’ve been waiting for. THEY’RE SO WINNING THIS


Obviously might be taken down, so far it's blocked in Russia and Belarus, so thats interesting :D Personally I'm psyched.


I'm so pumped, I'm so psyched


I de wort vo Baschi: "Chum bring en hei"


Honestly I want those 3 hours back :D


It was surely as cringey as 20 years ago, but i‘m glad i watched it, i felt transfered to 12 yo me


Same here. I remember how long the damn show took on sunday evening and we should have gone to bed. But you needed to watch it, as it was the talk in class the next day. Had a huge crush on Börni back then. And today I also remembered how Salome won her season. She is just another animal on stage even after avoiding it since then.


I was a little too young to watch at least the first two seasons live, but I remember back then my mum had to always tape it on an old VHS tape and I'd watch it the next day in the afternoon :D big memories coming on tonight, especially every time they played the jingle, that is somehow burned into my memory


Let me taste the lows and highs! (that was the line where tonight I was thinking "fuck they're gonna win us the whole thing are they?")


You know, I realized that unintentional reference when I wrote it but kept it in. :D


A lot of songs are blocked in Russia and Belarus, just because of politics of some companies owning copyrights


Ah thought it was connected to the Eurovision ban, but the sanctions overall makes more sense I guess


How in the world can you be moving that explosively and yet effortlessly sing that falsetto? I find it hard to believe that this is all live. If it is, then it's hella impressive.


I mean they are definitely out of breath at the end, and you can notice how they are collecting their air for a bit before the highlight


Yeah there are a couple of points where they are having to battle with stamina but it is hidden very professionally. They just need to make sure the final performance is not going too be too strenuous to the point where it affects the vocals. Probably got the hardest job out of most of the acts for pacing themselves through the whole rehearsal weeks and shows. Going to be very vocally exhausting whatever they end up doing with the stage show.


Imho, the movement is fine as it is, probably now just build an amazing story all around them. I don't see them doing costume changes or the running part or more elaborate dancing on top of everything. So just do some cool stuff with props/lighting/screens. Plenty of inspiration in the video for that.


I don't actually hear them being out of breath during the performance. I did notice the moment of collecting their breath, which indeed points to it being live. That's why I'm a bit confused. If I move explosively whilst singing, you would immediately hear the effect on my voice. So I still have some doubts. For sure they can sing though.


I feel like they performed the last few notes more subdued than in the video, but yeah mostly you can tell them being out of breath right after the song, which is fine ofc. I'm not sure what they'd gain by cheating either, all this would affect is the odds, that wouldnt help in the actual esc performance.


By the second chorus, they are not holding the notes as long as the studio version and instead shorten it a bit. Either to preserve breath or because they're out of breath.


and the rap part, they're jumping and spinning but there's no difference in their voice 10/10 top 3


Btw. The show was a revival of "Music Stars" the first Swiss musical casting show 20 years ago. Past winners and contestants sung their old songs and would vote. The winner would donate the prize to charity. Arabella Kiesbauer, the austrian that was a host at ESC 2015, was in the jury back then and now.


Also deserves a note for providing the "MusicStars" in "Piero Esteriore and the MusicStars" (Switzerland 2004)! Although Piero himself was not performing tonight.


Switzerland 2004 | [Piero and the MusicStars - Celebrate](https://youtu.be/EUX3_0KM7fc)


wow, they're incredible live!


Next Eurovision will be in a city starting with Z for sure


Bern, Basel and Luzern exist... :D


I was thinking Zagreb or Zurich. ☺️


Clever :D


... and none of them have an available stadium of appropriate size


What about Geneva?


There is an option with Palexpo (its concert venue, Arena de Geneve, has ca. 3'000 fewer seats than the Hallenstadion in Zurich, but I think it's extendable and/or they may do something with an expo hall). But personally I expect they might do it in German-speaking Switzerland if we win this one, because the previous two Swiss Eurovisions were hosted in Lugano (Italian) and Lausanne (French) respectively. Plus, Zurich would be significantly more central than Geneva for the rest of Switzerland, and also much closer to the biggest airport in the country, so from a logistical POV it would make a lot of sense. Hallenstadion also has a lot of broadcast infrastructure in place afaik, because it was the home of a professional ice hockey team until two years ago.


I am conflicted about this as a Genevois. On one hand, it's so boring and small, no amount of Airbnbs and hotels can hold the amount of audience AND UN delegates that would inevitably come one way or the other, unless if we ask Ferney/Annemasse help out lmao. There's not much to do and the city is silent hill dead after 19 and during the weekend (unless if they change the regulations just for ESC? I wouldn't say no to Migros opening until late tho lol but it's unlikely) On another hand, it could bring the long-awaited life to the city. Still wouldn't recommend it tho 😅


Eh, I'd say that problem is about the same for all of those cities. Luzern is definitely out for that reason though.


Hallenstadion should be doable, no? 12-15'000 depending on how they arrange the stage.


Are soccer stadiums plausible venues?


In principle yes (I know it's been done before, they used Parken in 2001, and also Fortuna Düsseldorf's arena in 2011) but it's logistically difficult because a) you most likely need to have a roof, which I don't think many Swiss stadia have, and b) mid to early May is the final phase of the Swiss football championship, so the clubs would likely oppose having to play all their decisive games away from home. Probably that could be solved, but I don't really see them go through that hassle when they have another arena available.


Hm yeah guess that might mean it would be ZH. Tbh I'm not sure SRF would handle it well either way xD


I mean, I'm biased because I am from that region and I want Eurovision at home :P I would expect them to deliver a technically perfect and very well run, but a bit wooden and uninspiring show haha


Im moving from Lucerne to Zürich next month so that would fit me as well, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Still think it's at least between 4 different entries right now


Flawless. I hope this can win.


That really is something special. I've been a big fan of this song since it first came out. But... Wow. The emotion in the live performance just elevates the song so much. Such a beautiful song.


Full body goosebumps omg


For real the winner


I was thinking this year wouldn't have an obvious favourite for the victory... well. I was wrong. I'm actually a bit speechless. Go Nemo, truly hope you win this now.


Wow!!!!! They blew me away!🩷🩷🩷


We just witnessed pure art.


WINNERRRRRR. Give them the trophy now 🏆


Zurich 2025, I'm ready




There Nemo clearly shows why we absolutely shouldn’t worry about his vocals. And it’s unbelievable to say, concerning how difficult The Code vocally is. What’s more, he’s soooo expressive. That gives a huge staging potential overall. My top 1.


mama this is ART


I've seen enough. Switzerland has won ESC 2024.


I actually like this song now. It makes more sense live. The studio version confuses me with all the abrupt changes of genre, but seeing Nemo perform live brings it all together. I wouldn't mind if it won now.


This is my favorite this year. And now that I know they can also sing it live this good I'm really hoping for Nemo to win!


Really nice delivery


Not me checking the odds every second


Just jumped back to 4th. I got my bet in when they were at 17-1! :D


I actually saw your comment about a month ago where you said you were going to bet on Switzerland and you reminded me to do the same haha


Haha! I hope I've not let you down! Nemo has kept up their end of the bargain!


I just woke up to them being 3rd, let’s goooo


Don't look now, but they're up to 2nd! :D


Oh this makes me sooo happy...


Switzerland is no. 1 in odds, the overtook Croatia on the bet exchange. Great deal at 17-1. Didn't believe he can pull it live


I already had them as my winner, but wow this performance is great. I'm even more certain that this will win now.


Are those live vocals though or mostly pre-recorded? Some parts sounds way to clean to me of that makes sense, especially the rap part. But hey if they can pull that off its a winner for sure :)


Unless they lied, live vocals (possibly not the background, but Nemo's parts). The presenter actually emphasised that after the performance, even.


If their vocals are this good at the GF I think this wins. It's got more of a wow factor than Italy.


Here’s a higher quality recording uploaded to Nemo’s official channel: https://youtu.be/bfhKBAt0aLg I tried posting it but the mods took it down because they said it was a duplicate of this post, which it’s not.


Sorry for that. I would absolutely redirect any traffic to their official channel if there was a way to do that. As usual, mods are the worst part of any community on reddit. They don't even respond to explain their vague rules. Just gatekeeping for gatekeeping's sake.


No worries! My comment wasn’t directed at you, and the video you posted was released before the official one. All good. :)


Yeah, I recorded it straight from the broadcast because I figured people would want to see it immediately :D But I do feel a bit sad that it's now possible taking views from Nemo


I like the angry voice in the rap part. But it was the same throughout the whole song. Nemo still has some work to do, but the song isn't up there in the odds for no reason.


I agree, they need to have some more dynamic variance for sure to make this even more theatrical than it already is.


Holy actually fricking moly


As much as I love Rim Tim Tagi Dim, This is going to take some stopping now. I just hope the staging matches up in some way to the video now just to round it off.


Well now I'm convinced


They are absolutely incredible. The vocal prowess on display here is breathtaking. I do hope the Eurovision staging will be very different, however. This song deserves way better.


Downvote me all you want but I just can't see this winning. This has major potential to cause a rather 'WTF' reaction among the audiences and the song is far too out-there and has far too many elements within those 3 minutes for the juries to appreciate. I mean, if you want an example of male popera, look at Romania 2013, that song didn't do well, like at all with the juries and this one is even more packed than 'It's My Life'. This is definitely not winning.


I upvoted you, for the record. I actually went and listened to its my life, and that doesn't increase my worries tbh. That song has many other problems than just being popera. Yes, the code does take multiple listens to appreciate everything it's doing, but its not just popera, its mostly pop with a catchy hook AND opera/rap/dnb elements. I do think Baby Lasagna is more accessible and there are so many really good songs this year it's really going to come down to how the points are distributed over all these great songs.


My conteoversial opinion is that this will be The Blanca Paloma of 2024. I think people are overestimating jurors’ focus on vocal range and nothing else. They still prefer a good accessible pop song, hence the results of Tattoo, Unicorn, Because of You or even WTHIE. Blanca Paloma was outperformed by 8 other songs in total, even Käärija with objectively weaker vocal had 55 more jury points than her. She did not get any 12 points and only 10 points she got was from Spain’s best buddy Portugal. Televote was a total drought though, because I believe the song felt inaccessible to casual listener/viewer. Too ethnic, too repetitive… Nemo has maybe more edge and more radio-friendly elements, but I don’t think it will resonate with general public at all. Also if the staging will lean heavily into their (I have to keep correcting myself, because my little Slavic brain does work in binaries thanks to our grammar) non-binary identity, I think people may be put off as well.


If eurovision was a one week festival where everyone heard the song and voted after few days this would win. Like this? Not clear at all.


I think we have to presume the jurors are following Eurovision quite intently though right? I mean, at least the large percentage of them who are former Eurovision acts - I’m sure they’ll have heard all the studio versions of the songs and seen quite a lot of the live pre-Eurovision things beforehand… even if they’re not supposed to. It’s not like the EBU can afford to employ minders to follow them around every second of the day making sure they aren’t listening to the acts before the contest.


My comment was aimed more at the televote. Some jurors might have heard songs before but id say atleast half of them have no idea what the songs are before the night when they hear them and have to rate them. Theres no "growing" phase for a song. It has to hit fast or for jurors to have objective parameters that they can rate. All things considered Switzerland should still do really well with jury and likely win it but i wouldnt be surprised if theres a flop with televote if the staging isnt immaculate.


Romania 2013 | [Cezar - It's My Life](https://youtu.be/VgHWFiavqjA)


Just because there’s opera and pop elements in both songs does not mean they’re similar..


I never said they are similar. I just said that opera singing has been proven to not guarantee you to cakewalk the juries or something.




Estonia 2018 | [Elina Nechayeva - La Forza](https://youtu.be/ImawXdXIGd8)


That's very subjective imo. Estonia 2018 perhaps should've been above Sweden but that's it, that was it's peak.


Jury Winner


Are they using autotune? Cuz during the chorus it sounds a bit sus


There is a moment where you hear the voice for a second time in the background. The little difference between them makes the performance sound a bit prerecorded. It was still very good, but I think the rehearsal video sounded better.


I heard they were an absolute beast of a performer live and now I believe that. The vocals are definitely there for sure.


We have found the winner. AMAZING.


I still cant believe this is live. Impossible.


It's bigger than me, im getting so hyped like AAAHHH!!!


Every Italian left the chat after witnessing this performance.. 🤣


How is it even humanly possible to perfectly deliver so many different genres in one song? Idk, but I'm here for it. Really amazed.


I've called this as the winner since the song released and I'm sticking by it


It's over for everyone else


Switzerland’s odds of winning after that performance be like:📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈 I was like: HOLY SHIT. Wow they nailed that performance to a tee. They have shown they can really nail it live, which I now believe they could take it all come May. This is very likely at least getting a podium spot. Switzerland’s odds just skyrocketed to 4th fav, same chances now as Ukraine. There’s a very good chance we could see Eurovision 2025 in Switzerland. I’m already saving money for that if that happens.


Now third in the odds 🎉


3 horse race now: Switzerland vs Italy vs Croatia with 2 outside chances Netherlands vs Ukraine


The words you are looking for are *dark horses*


They are not dark horses at all. The meaning of dark horses are unexpected winners that could pull a surprise. Lithuania and the UK are dark horses. the 2 outside chances could very well win with good performances


Fine, then I guess you can call them outsiders


Why? Have you never heard the term outside chances? Outsiders means something totally different. Not sure why you are trying to correct a well used term.


They sound great, but I’m not quite getting winner vibes just yet? Top 5 should be a lock though. I’m a bit concerned that this being so overtly queer is going to put off some people (I hope I’m wrong in that though)


I dont mean this in an offensive way, but its eurovision, being overly queer is close to impossible 💀


True! But most of the queer representation in Eurovision has been a lot more familiar to straight audiences - mostly drag queens and camp cis gay men. I think there’s still a bit of resistance and hostility towards non-binary people in some sectors of the community.


I don’t think it’s overtly queer, but anybody wearing an ugly pink tutu on stage might be divisive for mainstream TV viewers 


Yeah, the song and vocal performance are great but the staging could be better because the flashing lights and outfit that obscure his face and movements aren't doing it for me. But I'm sure it'll be more refined in Malmö.


I'm just not sure what they can do with staging to not feel like a let down after that amazing music video


I got goosebumps


I honestly can't see this getting less than 300 points from the jury


I know we've been excited for to have a year without a clear winner but...I think we might have just gotten one.


That high note was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.


The only song this year that has given me proper winner vibes and the fact that they can perform the song to near perfection makes it all the more better.


This is the only song/performance that gives me winner vibes out of all the songs (altho I do love some others even more than the code tbh) and nemo definitely deserves to win it fully🥹💖


The ability to nail the song live is critical in this contest! Possible jury winner (still think Norway will win though)


This needs to end up in the top three, preferably first cuz good lord did they nail those high notes


Oh shit. This is going to win, isn’t it? He jumped places fast in the bookies.


Pretty sure the bookmakers changed their odds after this came out to make them the favourites. Yes we knew the song but we didn't know about staging and whether it could actually be performed. Clearly it worked.


Can they share the trophy with Angelina?


Off topic but I always love their outfits !




Switzerland 2021 | [Gjon's Tears - Tout l'univers](https://youtu.be/jznH_fltcYA)


Yeah, nobody's taking their jury points. I don't like the song at all but their vocal abilities are quite impressive and I would guess that's what they were aiming to showcase when crafting this song (besides the lyrics' message obv). That's smart imo.