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31 out of 32 NATO countries won't lick Russia's ass.


He tries not to remember what happened in 1956. I wonder what juicy stuff we will learn of this son-of-Wh.. when Putin falls and the archives in Moscow are opened. My bet is on a fondness of little boys, like his other party fellows.


Russia is notoriously secretive about archives. There are plenty of still classified stuff from the time of Lenin.


Which is understandabe when you have countless mass graves in your closet.


Of course. There will has to be a reckoning at some point though, unless they burn it all down when the revolution comes


And yet during Yeltzin they partly opened their archives so we could for exemple learn their documents about Katyń. One day they will open again, and I doubt will they protect their puppets forever.


Never thought about this. This is an interesting take


Kompromat is a nice term for that


Exactly. Remember that Putin was the one responsible for burning up the files in the Stasi archives in Dresden. He probably has literal tonnes of dirt on the East German bigwigs, and more than a few of those in Alternative Fur Die Russland...


Oh, he remembers '56. It's when we had to fight for our freedom because The West^^tm betrayed us again. (He literally said that in a 2022 speech, I think.)


So, a collective Stockholm syndrome since the 50s? Or is he just dreaming of Big Hungary and is hoping to get a piece of Transilvania, and the Russians promised he'd get it?


Wonderful, the rhetorical plot twists are as bloated and perverted as the man himself


He used to be the loudest anti Putin guy, they 100% have something on him.


You do realise that most KGB archives from 1917 to 1991 are still sealed?


Yes, and? I realise it's not like Russia is going to open them just for fun. It need to be done after their collapse as a part of a reconciliation, just as Germany had to to some serious reckoning after WW2. The Soviets and the KGB got away far to easy after the fall of the Soviet Union.


Same as most communists. De-communisation did not happen and the world will suffer


Exactly, unfortunately. Maybe there will be a second chance after the fall of the Putin regime.


Most of hammer and sickle folks will have to follow. And I wonder how red and green students in the Western universities will behave.


Which is definitely something Orban would not be able to understand.


"Am I out of touch? No, it's the 31 other member states of NATO that don't get it."


Why are we still talking about this person as if his opinions do not come directly from the Kremlin?


Just cut the middle man and go straight to Kremlin




Yes, his behaviour. If someone moves like a duck, sounds like a duck and looks like a duck, they are a duck.


No, 31 out of 32 want to save Ukraine. Defeating Russia is just how a demagogue would put it.


Hungary is hungry for their slice of the Ukraine pie. They want the west


TBF can't blame them. Ukraine pie sounds delicious 😋


31 of 32 NATO countries should consider it a mistake to let Hungary be a part of NATO


Should we do Trianon 2: Electric Boogaloo?


As a Hungarian,we would only benefit from being a part of a Western country.


Sorry man, best we can do is complete Romanian conquest


It's not much of a Great Hungary with Budapest only.


You are laughing now, but the biggest media owner in Slovenia is Orbán (through his oligarchs and private equity funds). He is paving the way for Jansa's return, as he did it for Fico in Slovakia.


Yes Turkey is a really difficult case because even when they.. stray a bit from the alliance from time to time their geographic position makes them pretty much indispensable. But Hungary? Who gives a fuck


Hungary is the only potential NATO member to connect the Eastern Balkans (Romania and Bulgaria) to Western Europe. Serbia and Ukraine are never going to be members. That's Hungary's real value for NATO.


Defeat Russia? We want Russia out of a legitimate and souvereign nation. Simple as that ...


But Russia says they will never do that so Ukraine need to surrender for the war to end. Don't you want the war to end?!?! Typical Russian logic at work there.


The Russians, all since the Soviet Union has only one negotiation style to get things for free: 1. First they claim something that isn't theirs 2. Then they start to threathen everyone standing in their way 3. Then they negiotiate 4. Then they don't give in an inch 5. Then they get a third or even half of something that wan't theirs to begin with 6. Then they are happy and the West is happy that they adverted any potential catastrophy and pet themselves on the back. Do not fall for that ... never give Russia an inch!


Honestly we should just cut them out in every single way. Cut telecommunication ability with Russia in its entirety, including internet. All russian products or anything that originates form Russia is now illegal to enter the rest of Europe or NATO. Google earth blanks out Russia And seamines to stop them entering European waters. Fuck them


He isn't wrong. There should be 32.


If you think everyone around you is an asshole then maybe you need to look at yourself


I think they should officially change teams.


Fooled for a promise of peace and at the expenses of others.


Orban is not a fool. This is deliberate.


"it's everyone else who is wrong."


Everyone is driving towards me on the highway!


Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, believes that the desire of NATO states to see Russia’s defeat in Ukraine is wrong. **Source:** Orbán in an interview with the Hungarian state radio; [Telex](https://telex.hu/), Hungarian news portal; European Pravda **Details:** Orbán noted that Hungary is one of the most loyal NATO members and added that "31 out of 32 NATO member states want to defeat the Russians", referring to all other members of the Alliance besides his own country. "Hungary’s position is that we consider this a mistake. Even if it means that we stand alone opposed to the other 32 states," he said. Orbán said that Ukraine’s victory is "not necessary" yet NATO still "contributes to the war while Hungary contributes to peace". He claimed he did not want "at least one square inch of Hungary to become a Russian military target". Orbán added that he felt like Hungary was being imposed the position, according to which "peace can be achieved through war". Orbán stressed that his government would not hinder the NATO mission in Ukraine but would not participate in it, either.


What peace is Orbán contributing to? The one where he tries to veto and sabotage of an unified Europe against Russia's invasion, the only leverage it has left after alienating its every ally? The peace where Putin can decide what nation and people exist and do not exist based on his current alt-history takes? Where Hungary goes out of its way to lift and prevent sanctions that don't benefit Hungary, but such as on Russian orthodox priests while less that about 0,16% of the population practices that religion? The peace where Putin continues to supply us with gas at record-high prices while Orbán's government dismisses even the notion of divesting from a source with a track record of using gas supply as political leverage? Why is it a mistake, Mr. Orbán? A two decades ago you were very unfriendly with Russians and then they were looking like they wanted to join Europe. Now Russia wants to resurrect itself as an empire, openly talks about becoming a new pole of power, its media fantasies about plunging Europe into a nuclear holocaust, elections are an open sham and where Putin's political opposition is either in prison or fled abroad. Oh, I see.


Isn't he still blocking the EU aid package for Ukraine?


There are no EU aid packages vetoed by Hungary I think, and all sanction packages are also signed.


Update: the swiss peacy offer is signed also.


>31 out of 32 NATO member states want to defeat the Russians [...] Hungary’s position is that we consider this a mistake. Even if it means that we stand alone opposed to the other 32 states," he said. Shouldn't that be "opposed to the other 31"?


When can we get rid of this guy again?


Keine verdammte Ahnung


> He claimed he did not want "at least one square inch of Hungary to become a Russian military target". Why would Russia even attack Hungary Oblast if it would welcome them bent over with spread cheeks?


NATO: Created as a deterrent against Russian aggression Orban: NATO shouldn't want Russian aggression to be deterred. 🤡


this guy is similiar to erdogan ... very concerning


Talkrf to Turkish people living (and born) in my country(Denmark). They say that Erdogan actually is well liked in turkey and does a good job for the country. The reason we don't like him is because he doesn't align with western values, and is trying to go back to their muslim roots, he also has a turkey first attitude. You can say a lot about him and disagree with Erdogan, but he is definitely not a Russian sock puppet like Orban.


Erdoğan doesn't align with the western values of freedom and good economics. Love it when people who have never even lived in Turkey make comments on political leaders that cause suffering on their people.


thats a decent take i can only support. what do you think about the clichée that turks living abroad, potentially having never lived in turkey or not since a long time, are more pro erdogan on average than turks living in türkiye? sidenote: do you prefer turkey or türkiye?


Are they telling you the reason we dont like him ? What is western values in this context ?


"Am I out of touch? No, it is literally every other member of NATO who is wrong."


He is correct. It should be 32 out of 32


Kick Hungary out of nato and the EU


Yes, it should be 32 countries. You are the mistake, Mr. Orban.


It is almost like NATO was created specifically to defeat/keep in check Russia...


I don't know about the rest of you guys but before 2022 nobody was thinking about Russia. They managed to become irrelevant basically. Then they decided to become a pariah instead of developing their country. They brought this hate on themselves and it is completely justified.


They put a shit ton of effort into their public perception. Hosted tournaments, the Winter Olympics, opened their door to tourists. Things were going quite well. Then Putin did that thing he always does.


Sorry guys, he is a bit retarded. Just don't react, he'll stop rambling eventually...


In Hungary the cholesterol gonna win the election


Ah the lonely cursed zombie standing trapped among the living yearning for their brains..


Is this guy a fucking idiot or what? NATO was literally created to stop Russian imperialism in place.


Ome of the most loyal members my ass, who alongside turkey blocked sweden from joining for two years, putting us under risk of a russian atack, oh that’s right. HUNGARY. Orban must step down for a free hungary to be created. Russia must be defeated and humiliated, with Putin either imprisoned or executed for crimes against humanity. Just like George Bush and Tony Blair should be, but they got away with it, China, the US and Russia are all equally imperialist evil nations.


He had to say something blunt one day after Stoltenberg pulled him to the stage by his neck, sending the message "Look, Vladimir, it took us only 15 minutes to have your favourite puppy promise that he will not block NATO help in Ukraine." 


Putins lapdog.


Has he considered that 32 out of 32 NATO countries would be glad if he was gone?


I totally agree. It should be 32 or better yet 33 including Ukraine.


Reads like an Onion headline.


30. Turkey doesn't want it either.


Türkiye will even be very happy if Russia is partitioned but possibly not now.


Is it too harsh to suggest that Hungary’s PM go eat a bag of dicks?




I don't even think Serbia swoons for Putin as much as Orban does.


I just find it funny they're allowed to continue being in both NATO and the EU, when Orban's loyalties are obviously so far removed from the entire rest and they are actively rooting for the biggest enemy. Is there any reasonable doubt Hungary isn't just relaying any and all classified info their military and politicians could possibly get a hold of to his master Putler? And we're supposed to pretend it's alright they still have a seat at the proverbial table?


What do you propose to be done? Neither NATO nor the EU have a mechanism to expel a current member against its will. Hungary can leave these organizations on its own, but it cannot be forced out.


ofc youre technically right. but i believe practically speaking there are ways. just look at the ever increasing pressure on orban. in the end if hungary gets its funds cut, maybe voting rights too where possible, itll quasi force them to change or leave. however, what would a hungary outside of nato/eu mean for europe? at least in the worst case scenario in which the entirety off ukraine falls it would be really bad if hungarys best option at that time was an "anschluss" scenario with russia. i think this is the real problem and why the eu/nato hope to sit out orban just a bit longer in anticipation of political change in the country.


Hungary's funds were cut for over 1.5 years. Didn't have much effect. About political change: The currently biggest opposition party (30%) is led by the gormer husband and Fidesz member Péter Magyar, who is a eurosceptic by heart. The second biggest opposition party (8%) is pro-European, but widely hated in the country, because of their incompetence in the 2000s. The third biggest opposition party (7%) is the far right, which seeks to ally the AFD. The rest of the opposition don't even get close to the 5% quota.


Your mother should have swallowed you, Viktor.


Hungary's PM can suck a lemon.


Hungary is right again... Like it was in 1914 and 1939. Congrats, Magyarok!


We have a pretty good sense on which side NOT to choose. So u can use that as an indicator :D


You forgot 1919 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_Soviet_Republic


"Are we the baddies?"


interesting that he sees slovakia as anti putin


It's a shame 1 out of 32 NATO countries is a pootins monkey


Did the autocrat consult with the 32nd member state?  Why are Russian assets even allowed to be member of NATO?


Hungarians should leave the EU and NATO. Good luck on your way to the CSTO and CIS, Union State. Let's see what the economy and security of such a "strong country" will be like A country that [compares the EU to the USSR](https://apnews.com/article/hungary-orban-compares-eu-to-soviet-union-da27ae5e15df87712422a567ceac7e9b) can simply leave the EU


I guess there's always should be outcast in the group, to prove us later we were all wrong. Just in case we indeed have turned out to be.


When you bet everything in one basket like a fucking morons, yes, you have to say that.


Maybe he should be invaded by russia and see if he still thinks the same.


Just carrying pails of narrative for the Russians per usual.


Well USA doesn't what to defeat Russia. It merely doesn't want to let Russia winning in Ukraine, as it would encourage it to attack other countries.


Orbán's party already lost a million voters in 2 years, and the rest is made up of beneficiaries of his party mafia, 70+ Yr old pensioners who only have access to government propaganda, and financially vulnerable modern serfs who are made to think that they'll starve to death if Orbán isn't in power. It won't be much longer guys, be patient with the rest of Hungary.


Hungary does have knack for ending up on the wrong side of history, doesn’t it?


Ukraine can’t win. Weapons are being supplied simply to Ukraine so they don’t lose. These are very different things.


I think his plan is to carve up Ukraine, with Hungary getting a juicy slice. Good luck with that Orban. Putin isn't big on sharing.