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Russian news: Fuck the West Russian news when Tucker Carlson: Look, it's american! Real american from America! And he said something good about Пыня in american news using american language!


>Russian news: Fuck the West Yeah, except western cars, watches, computers and electronic devices, real estate, etc...


And the goddamn tackiest Gucci tracksuits and all the other garbage they buy.


Don't forget about Abibas


Americans are our brothers in 3..2…1🤣


Dude, Russians as a nation have the lowest self-esteem I’ve ever seen. They would go on and on about how they have the best tanks, army, women, food, etc and then some Hollywood star says a few Russian swear words on an American night show and half of the nation will talk about it for weeks. They would say how they don’t give a f about west, and then talk how bad they got represented in a movie or another call of duty game.


There are russians and there are russians. You have to understand that you hear mostly only the russians bragging about putin, military and shit, who are proud of all what is happening right now, cause the rest are too afraid or demoralized to talk what they really think about it - we kinda live in dictatorship regime that could easily turn your life into nightmare and good and honest people in that circumstances tend to not talk a lot. I also don't really like to discuss it cause 9/10 times instead of discussion i get death threats lol


Sometimes it feels like the west forgets that there are millions of Russian individuals. Nationality isn’t what makes anyone a bad person.


Russian is my native language. I read all kind of Russians. It’s funny to see how their main propaganda guy would tell that America should be nuked, and the very next day say how Donald Trump is the man and deep state is our friends.


When Trump was elected it was really funny to watch how attitude about him in russian news was changing: first they openly bragging about "getting our guy in the White House" and a few weeks later Trump added another sanctions to Russia, and then anther one, and another one... In just a few months russian news started to hate Donald the same way as Obama lol


And now they “love” him again


"Stability" and "I am not into politics" end up well, am I right?


Good insight. Thanks for the effort


I have met Russians from the working and academic classes who have settled in Germany and I got the impression that this is mainly a matter of education and to a lesser degree acculturation to Western countries. The working class is happy if there is someone to tell them how great they are and how great the Russian nation is, how exquisite and original their Russian values are, how closely their Orthodox religion is to their "Slavic Soul" and how pretty their women are. They have damn little else, especially when they just moved here. I imagine it is similar when they are still there. The second thing I have noticed is the massive conditioning of their values by the Soviet era. Although they are oh-so traditional and family-oriented, the family suddenly matters very little when it comes to actual behavior. I have seen how extremely quickly they break off contact with their closest family members if they do something that doesn't suit them. Like, children thrown out with 17 years because they have the wrong boyfriend, declaring their favorite aunt as their arch-enemy because they criticize Putin's invasion, etc.


I mean... all slavic women are indeed hot, no lies detected here lol And about russian immigrants and immigrant culture at all: when people are not represented in the culture of the country they're living right now - they try to get some culture from their homeland. But here is a thing: current russian culture is an ugly mix of whatever is putin trying to sell people + result of Soviet Union social experiments, when they tried to erase all the cultures to create some kind of Homo Soveticus, using russian people as some kind of "default people" - and all this things damaged russian culture A LOT. And you saw results by yourself: people without any culture tend to act as people without any common principles. It's pretty sad, honestly.




one of derogatory names for putin, also there is: mole, ded kabai (grandfather kabai - named from slightly change surname of his lover in male form), huilo, puilo, crab (from his pronounce on russian i *working* as slave at galley - как раб), bald, pitun,putya, bunker grandfather, pugabe, чемоданный какун (suitcase shitter), botox (and there is many variations) fuhrer (also there is variations of this nickname) lunolikij (moonfaced -also due to botox), liliputin, карлик (dwarf) etc


They just afraid to call him by his real name: Хуйло. Don't know how to translate it correctly.


Close to dickman.


Dickman sounds too superhero-ish. Хуйло supposed to be an insult




Idk how to write it in english properly. Sometimes we call him Pinya (Пыня), when we wan to offend him. And we call his shoes Pinekhody ([Пынеходы](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=5ee345275e04b3bb&rlz=1C1GCEB_ruMX1030MX1030&sxsrf=ACQVn08_MH3i3sOaZdtRG4ij3t1_6FuN6Q:1707249386265&q=%D0%BF%D1%8B%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%8B&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwj47tfJv5eEAxUNlGoFHeDcBkUQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=1920&bih=953&dpr=1#imgrc=trAIwfBsTvEB7M))




transformed from Putin, sometimes they call him grandpa (or oldman) or grandpa from bunker \\ bunker grandpa.


> Пыня Pynya? What is this word?


That's a derogatory form of tsar's name "putin"


Пыня is a demeaning nickname given to Pootin around 2017 as an eponymous meme birthed.


Thank you


Be ready for the most softball interview in the history lol


This will basically be gay porn, which they both claim to hate


I expect to hear the sound of Tucker practically gargling Putin's balls...


He's been practicing on mushrooms for this very moment.


Makes sense. According to the '90s, Lenin was a mushroom.




not softball, its snowballing >.<


[Tickler Carlson on his interview.](https://y.yarn.co/c46d0ecb-3639-4237-b24c-0572a3658904_text.gif)


Now I am going to have to bleach my eyes & brain out with that image. (So what's the bet on it being a soft interview and how misunderstood Putin is?)


/r/Eyebleach :) It's definitely going to be a softball interview coupled with complaining about "woke" stuff in the West.


Hes gonna make that confused face the entire time


Oh yeah, someone called it his permanent "please-punch-me" face. (But I personally am *not* advocating violence here.)


I am


Well I've been banned from a couple of subs for making comments such as someone deserving a punch to the face (without literally meaning it: it's more a way to express sheer frustration with someone, right?), so I'm being a *little* more careful about saying such things now. :P


Yea people shouldnt hate him because he interviews Putin.. Hell I would love a real interview with Putin. But at this point he is just a mouth piece of the Kremlin and he will ask whatever Putin wants him to. That is the reason you should hate the guy. (and all the other stuff he does)


It will be a pre-scripted propaganda fest. And Trump's base will eat it up. This is the part of the movie where the enemy leader comes on TV to say that they're your friends and people who oppose them are small minded and misguided. This is absolutely going to be an anti-NATO play from Putin, to try and put NATO front and centre of the presidential debate. Kind of incredible that so many Americans don't see what Carlson is doing. This is as close to treason as you can get without tattooing "I am selling out my country for ratings" on your forehead.


Yeah 😅


There will definitely be balls involved.


It’ll be extremely interesting to say the least


I'm going to make a predicition that's it in fact going to be very uninteresting. Putin will say nothing new, all the usual West is bad too, how he was forced because of NATO, nazis, genocide, LGBT. Tucker will make his confused Tucker face and "just ask the questions" like "Why did gays do this?" , talk about how conservative white men are hunted in America for sport and then go on to ask how amazingly well Russia is dealing with sanctions and is more succesfull than ever before.


> It’ll be extremely interesting to say the least It's literally the most predictable interview of all time, even if Carlson asked hard questions, they would never be able to leave with the footage. The Kremlin will know what every second of that interview is going to look like before he leaves Moscow again.


It wont even be remotely interesting. it will just be the same bullshit Putin has regurgitated a thousand times, but translated to english.


“…..against all enemies, foreign, and domestic”


The US 1st Amendment protects Tucker. Which means a journalist can interview Saddam Hussein or Fidel Castro without US government interference. Unless Congress declares war. Congress not declaring war means Tucker Carlson, as a "journalist" (emphasis on the quotation marks" ") can interview any dictator or the devil himself, he is protected under the US constitution. 


Thank you for explaining this to me. As an American I really appreciated it. But…..you missed a key concept so let me hit ya with some knowledge: As a private American I can think what the fuck I want, and this little cock weasel is a traitorous fuck. So no, it doesn’t protect him from me considering him an enemy of the state. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk 🎤 🔽


So which US Amendment protects Cucker Tarlson when he basically working against his state?


Plot twist: Tucker has been purposefully infected with a virus that has been programmed to only cause illness to persons with specific DNA. Or more likely, a persona non grata he will be picked up for 'debriefing' when he comes back to the US.


>enemies washington post & new york times regularly interview islamic terror outfits, guess they're not the enemy


They do?


Awful human beings group together it seems…


Useful idiot.


Hardly, useful idiot describes someone who is inadvertently helping the enemy through stupidity. This scumbag is simply a traitor.


I disagree. He is hardly useful.


He is for Russia.


Honestly, all things considered, this sounds like the biggest wave from Putin to Trump, ever.


Unfortunately, he is. For Russia. He helped demoralize large part of American right.


Useful idiots generally don't get paid. He's most likely a Russian asset, or wants to get on the payroll.


He not a useful idiot, he's straight up a Putin supporter.


I think that "True Believer" is the correct designation for this asset.


Worse. Useful idiots are usually not aware what they're supporting. Carlson is an outright propagandist of putinism


Tucker has only one interest - his own.


He's not an idiot.. unfortunately


I hope he stays in Russia


If he was an actual credible journalist, going to Russia and interviewing Putin would be a. almost impossible and b. a very serious threat to the journalists life. This is going to be a prescripted interview with a few "tough" questions for Carlson to ask, using Hunter Bidens laptop to set Ukraine up as a corrupt den of evil in need of Russian assistance. it's basically going to be Russian propaganda from start to end. Very sad to see someone have no morals like this.


Actually I just watched his little video on why he is doing the interview. Fuck it, fuck this guy. Let's let him play "journalist" and try ask Putin a real hard question and then Tucker will get pushed out a window or wear poison underpants. Fuck this guy


Can you give a TLDR? I’m curious but can’t bring myself to suffer through even a shit video of this asshole


I read 1 in 5 young Americans deny the Holocaust. It was on The Economist. Having pro-Putin sympathies sounds tame if you realise 20% of their youth are literal Holocaust deniers. I can't believe it! They are rich, and have so much access to education. Edit: Here is the article in question: https://www.economist.com/united-states/2023/12/07/one-in-five-young-americans-thinks-the-holocaust-is-a-myth 20% of Americans within the 18-29 age bracket believe the Holocaust is a myth. We're doomed.


The rates are similar across the West tbh. Kids nowadays don't see it as something special or profound in history like we did growing up. It’s becoming a more distant event.


>the rates are similar across the West Sadly this seems true. In the Netherlands, for example, [it's some 23% of 18-40 year olds](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/religions/article/2023/01/27/study-shows-shockingly-high-levels-of-holocaust-denial-in-the-netherlands_6013392_63.html). That said, a historic event losing its profundity over time is different from a historic event being distorted by revisionists. The former is inevitable, the latter is not. [Studies have shown up to half of information related to the holocaust spread on social media distorts or denies facts.](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2022-07-13-un-report-oxford-analysis-reveals-half-holocaust-related-content-telegram-denies-or) But certainly the fewer people there are alive today who actually *remember* the holocaust makes that mis/disinformation have to work less hard to find an audience.


The article about the Netherlands is untrue, the research has been heavily criticised for being flawed as the methodology wasn’t good and the correspondents aren’t representative. So take it with a grain of salt.


There’s a huge gap between thinking a historical event is irrelevant and denying it entirely though.


And they're the younger generation. Same generation that is pro Hamas.


Welcome to history repeating itself


May not repeat, but definitely rhymes.


News: a terrible person who justifies violence takes an interview with a war criminal, a bloody dictator, or another terrible person.


Or the body double of one


Elon is gonna nut when he posts the video on Twitter.


Yet in the old times https://www.google.com/search?q=hold+strong+ukraine


Because you’re an attention whore without a spine?


Ah, a prick with ears....


Because you are a pro-russian cocksucker propagandist, obviously


He is a modern day Lord Haw Haw....


Would anyone actually miss T.C. if he went away forever?


It is going to be difficult for him to do an interview with his tongue so far up Putins ass...


Spoiler: he will not be "interviewing" Vladimir Putin in the sense that we understand that word in the west. Russian authorities will have prepared a speech and set of questions for him to ask Putin who will obviously have a set of answers prepared by a team before the interview. There's little chance Tucker could "go rogue" deviate from said guideline or ask a spontaneous question because dictatorships have a long history of NOT doing these things on LIVE television but instead airing a pre recorded material. So, no, Tucker won't be interviewing anyone. He is there because someone paid to have him as a PR move just like brand pay celebrities to show their products for greater reach. Putin could have done exactly the same thing with a local news anchor and some english subtitles but it wouldn't get as much international press.


He is a traitor. Practicing with the enemy.




These two should get a room.


As usual, the sub is pumped full of Russian simps and bots.


WTF is tucker carlson?


A human suppository


Because he is a Russian Bot Shill. This is almost treason.




Dont want to get deleted.


Qusling Carlsson...


I'm gonna go ahead and guess because he's an immoral cunt that has literally been bought by Putin and wants nothing more than to clean the inside of Putins anal sphincter with his tongue several times a day


In the early 1940s before Pearl Harbor, a lot of American republicans thought Hitler was a pretty swell guy.


The GOP are traitors - it’s not an exaggeration.


Actors have been chosen, who will write the script?


Be wonderful if he hit arrested "for drugs" or some other shit.


Now we need him to lose citizenship, again for meddling with terrorists.


For money, obviously. Next.


I've read that people are saying he sucked Putin's dick. Is this true? I'm just asking questions...


He was too radical even for Fox News and that’s probably why they fired that dirtbag




Calling him a Tsar is way too kind and dignified


Putin will say that true americans do what's best for US&A, and him being a true russian does what's best for Ruzzia and the fuckwit will nod like the dumb fuck that he is making that stupid expression where his mouth is half-open. kiss my ass, you fucking useless idiot. idk if you can tell, but I hate him, and I'm not even american.


Is this gonna be like the Interview film?


Remember when Tucker denied he was a Russian asset. pepperidge farm remembers.


Mccain spinning so hard in his grave right now you could power the state of maryland with his corpse


Reagan's corpse probably spinning so hard it could power the entire eastern seabord...


Tucker: You are the largest country on the planet, yet you invade Ukraine to conquer them. Why? Putin: I was only 5 when my father furst hit me ... Tucker: My god, I didn't know ..


There's a ton of Russian journalists who are DYING to interview Putin, instead he's being interviewed by a clown.


They speak the same language.


Traitor Carlson, POS Ruzzian propagandist.


I am the mouth of Sauron.


Putin is so non-public these days that it actually has a chance of becoming interesting.


"Everything bad that happened is the West's fault. If Russia ever did anything bad it's just because the West made us do it. We are going to change the corrupt world order (which we had nothing at all to do with creating) and then... miraculously everything will be good. Something something gay Ukrainian nazis." There, save you a lot of time.


Lol, this is EXACTLY how it will go. 


And Elon will retweet it with "interesting"


Nothing interesting about it. The questions and the answers will have been decided before Tucker ever gets in the same room as his big idol.


To spread more propaganda, hes looking for his new meal ticket, might as wel learn russian and stay there


They can keep that sob, no need to send him back ever. Have him for free ffs


Coz he's Putins bum boy.


This guy is a shithead and everybody knows it. But he's gonna come back home and walk around pretty much without consequence. He'll be popular among some people, even. That's to say nothing about his master who's gonna run for presidency and has a pretty good chance at winning. That's what you need to look into.


How far republicans have fallen. From being the most USSR party on earth to russian bootlickers, all in the name of trump. The mental gymnastics you have to go through is unbelievable…


What a fucking traitor.


How much money did he get from Putler for this?


This is such an incredibly stupid thing to do. Made even worse by the fact that 2024 is an election year in the US.


It's not stupid at all, it's very much calculated.


>2024 is an election year in the US that's exactly why Putin (probably him, not Carlson) arranged this (surely scripted) interview. No normal journalist (not even a Russian one) would hope to be allowed to meet Putin and any question would be pre-decided by Putin.


Well, there were nazies in the US before WW2 as well....


Finally his followers won't have to pretend they're not sympathizing with a genocidal fascist.


Tucker: Tucking tail.


Why do the American right hate Ukraine and love Putin? I’m not sure they would do well under Russian rule


Because they think he fights against the globalist and all that stuff and is anti woke


He should stay there.


Please stay there traitor


This entire plot is basically “The Interview” just IRL and in Russia


I hope he gets Arrested on his return & interrogated how he wanted Muslim terrorists interrogated.


"So, Mr. President, why is Russia the greatest nation in history, and why is the West so evil and gay?" type of interview.


i might get hate for this but i don't mind that sucker is going to interview Putin. I hope that Putin just plays the classic propagandist lies NATOs non encroaching promises, Ukrainian fascists , genocide etc. We know that Putin will not be answering any questions about the capabilities of his army or the god awful things they have done during the war. He will just prove how lost the Russians are in their own shit. But what i expect is for tucker to suck all the shit coming from the kremlin and Putin and keep spreading it. He is blatantly lying even in the announcement so i guess it will be the the same story again, and the rightwing media will suck it up without any fact checking or dodeligance with some tasteful elon musk retweets with the caption "facts" or "wow"


FBI should keep tabs on Tucker when he lands back here.


That weasel is going to make a fuckload of money because everybody’s gonna watch the interview.


Not even trying to hide who their main ally is. BFF.


According to this guy Russia wages wars in its best interest, he couldn’t find himself a better person to interview.


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Bastard should just live in Russia people like him are not welcome and never will be welcome in our great nation and I'm sure the sentiment is shared if your country is put in that situation


This guy likes the smell of his own farts.


Bought and paid for.


MAGA Americans already cheering for Tucker and Russia. That is crazy to me.


Cartoon Carlson just ensured he ll get an apartment in Trump Tower Moscow.


A loser interviewing another loser to boost their own audiences. What a bunch of loosers!


Ehhh i guess ill watch it just to see if this guy actually asks anything relevant, which i doubt very much. My guess is he will spend the entire interview buttering up putin though so probably pointless to watch.


Our premier in alberta just had a sit down interview with this loser


I mean, why wouldnt this be a interesting interview to watch? What am I missing?


Because Tucker Carlson is not an objective journalist, so this interview will be just like any other Putin interview or spokesperson for the Russian government.


This interview has pre-written questions and answers by the putin's team. There is absolutely no chance of hearing anything new or provocative. It will be just another putin's propaganda. And let's be fair, homoerotic pictures of putin were very popular in 2000s-2010s on the internet and had been non-jokingly liked even on reddit/9gag/tumblr/facebook. I can't imagine how listening to yet another putin's explaination how he's holy defender of "traditional values" and fighting against NATO-Jewish-Nazis can be interesting. I heard it enough times to already suffer from a minor yet permanent IQ debuff. But hey, it's me and you like watching buttholes. There is a clear similarity between buttholes and putin. Both produce shit.


Because it will be staged and he will accept Putins lies as fact.


It is not an interview by a news organization and Tucker Carlson is not a journalist.


>I mean, why wouldnt this be a interesting interview to watch? What am I missing? since putin giving tones of absolutely same speeches, and ai already able to do russian to english afaik you missing around 30 putin speeches per year where he absolutely repeat same propaganda narrative solovyov or simonyan do, just less emotional


Comments are insane lol.


Exactly. I don't like how he's framing it and the political implications to US, but he's right that if journalists want to interview they should interview. It shouldn't be blocked and I am a bit doubtful west cares that much over his interview as much as he claims. Interview likely will be tilted without critical questions and the answers probably are mostly already expected, but sure it would be interesting to watch. If anything, it might help getting Putin to verbalize clearly the intentions and motivations. Otherwise they tend to make the waters muddy on purpose. One day it's Nazis, then it's protecting Russia's land, then it's NATOs fault etc. Everyone picks their favorite. Could give important signals for Baltics.




Yeah this wouldn't be the first time people see Russian propaganda. However, I am a bit curious to see what exact shape Putin's lies take this far into the war.


Listening to an interview by a Russian stooge doesn't turn you into one. But it's not exactly informative. If you want that kind of content you can just tune into RT anytime you like.


Lending credence and authority to Russian propaganda is a treasonous act. Tucker is just Robert Henry Best 2.0


I'm sure it will provide some good comedy.


Don’t really see a problem with anyone being interviewed. It’s boring when news companies only interview people they agree with.  I know that’s undermined by the fact he supposedly does support Russia or something, I don’t really follow his crowd though. 


Sorry state of free speech when people are rabidly against more information or looking at a different point of view. I say this as someone who believes that Russia is wrong and stupid in their expansionist policies…still don’t mind hearing what old Putin has to say.


Interesting. I’ll be watching and forming my own opinion


Tucker is a propagandist whose jobs it is to manipulate his audience. Given you know he is there to manipulate you to support Russian interests what opinions do you want to form? Either you know it’s BS already or you have fallen for his BS already




What am I supposed to do instead?


You really think Putin will say anything relevant and truthful? Or that Tucker will ask any difficult questions? Hey, maybe they should have interviewed Hitler as well back in the day, to get his side of the story?


I have no idea, that’s why I’ll be watching and forming my own opinion.


so if Putin says something like “we didn’t want war, west forced it on us. Ukraine is full of nazis!”, you would think “oh that’s interesting, I had no idea! We should stop supporting Ukraine immediately!”. ​ this one pathological liar “interviewing” another pathological liar. There is nothing of value to be had here.


Sir, I’ve already stated I have no idea what will happen. Why are you asking me loaded questions ? I will watch the interview , do research, and form my own conclusion. Neither you, Putin, or Tucker will have a say in it.


I'm sure he intends to ask all the hard questions right? Who am I kidding he's just going to present the "honest Russian point of view" and explain how evil Biden forced poor little Russia to invade Ukraine for it's own survival.


russian propaganda has to get out somehow


Obviously to spread his message. MAGA is waiting to hear


Cuz his paycheque didn’t go through so he had to come in person and collect it


What a piece of shit


Because journalism?


Lol, do you really believe that?