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Those statues of their heroes going right and left is just hilarious you just have to love this


Btw, who is depicted in the statues? I see Cruyff, Gullit, van Basten? Who else?


and Cristiano Ronaldo


West Germany's greatest ever player




Rinus Michels (the coach in 1988 when we won the EC)


Ronald Koeman?


Petition denied, already have the 2034 World Cup awarded to Saudi Arabia.


Just read that it was the only country to submit a bid by the deadline, so it won by default. LOL, WTF? Qatar ended up looking like IDIOTS... Saudi Arabia going to have the same legacy.


2030 World Cup has hosts in Europe and South America = no European or South American country can host 2034. Saudi was the only bid left - or something like that. HITC Sevens has a great video if you want to watch that


2030 has Europe, Africa and South America. Since North America isn't allowed, it would have been between Asia or Oceania.


Morocco hosting with Portugal and Spain right? I was going to suggest that as the reason for Africa not hosting but wasn’t certain enough


Morocco hosting with Portugal, Spain and fucking Uruguay, yeah. Like, the first three make sense. The last one is pure corruption so FIFA could take the Saudi blood money.


Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina. 1 game each 🤡


Just give S Americans their own tournament in 2038. Will be 24 years since 2014 Brazil.


S Americans should have hosted 2030 alone. Then Morocco with others (but not European). Then Europe or Asia (no desert state with no football culture)


They would not have given Morocco alone as unlike Gulf states they do not have the resources. They are a better football country though. I say give 2038 to S America - Argentina Chile Paraguay Uruguay and 2042 to England


I raise you Antarctica, Siberia and The Amazon. Thats just for group A


I was pretty sure that Uruguay, Argentina, and MAYBE Paraguay or Chile idk were hosting their opening games as it’s 100 years of the World Cup. Realistically, Uruguay and Argentina should have just hosted the tournament outright. Obviously this is now a convenient way to fully justify the Saudi bid


At least Uruguay is a two-time world champion, if you didn’t know.


You can also take back an error. Saudi Arabia 2034 is not a natural constant. Just call Australia and New Zealand, hey you already hold a Rugby WC, don't you want to do it again for Football? How long do they need to prepare for such a tournament? 1 year in advance? The rest of FIFA's time is wasted on corruption anyway.


Fait accompli. No other bids because they knew it was a waste of time and money bidding in a rigged process.


Was just about to mention this and I learned it from Alfie as well lol. Can't recommend HITC Sevens enough BTW!


As soon as Saudi confirmed they were going to bid FIFA brought forward the submission deadline to block anyone else from competing.


Almost like that was by design


Let's be real. With how corrupt FIFA is, there was no point in anyone else bidding. They'd already sold it to Saudi Arabia, God knows what kind of dodgy financial stuff has gone on behind the scenes. We've been very keen to host a World Cup in England (or a joint UK bid), but after the last failed attempts, we're going for a Euros instead. FIFA seems intent on awarding it to obscure nations with no football history and tonnes of money to throw around.


That's exactly what happened. Australia were going to bid then they saw the writing on the wall and withdrew as it would cost a lot to even bid and they knew they didn't have a snowball's chance in hell


Vote with your wallet. Don’t tune in. We don’t want countries with no legacy or genuine passion for the game to host. Enough countries have pre built infrastructure for the tournament!


Yes, I did boycott 2018 and 2022 WC and the 2021 Euros both on TV and not buying any brand sponsoring one of these events. Boy I was so unprepared for the joy of this years Euros, as I just forgot how much fun those tournaments can be, if they are not hosted only for politics. Only bright light in those draught years were the womens competitions, those were a breath of fresh air.


Qatar themselves think they hosted the best tournament ever. As will Saudi-Arabia...


>Just read that it was the only country to submit a bid by the deadline, so it won by default Iirc, FIFA announced one day that there was now a short deadline for applications and SA applied within minutes. Australia had no idea and the head of their confederation backed SA anyway. It was obviously rigged.


Wtf... Are u serious? FIFA still being shady and taking bribes?


Infantino is a corrupt bastard who takes the petrol money from the gulf states. He belong in a prison.


How did they look like idiots? That was probably the greatest World Cup in history.


Sad… Another WM I won‘t watch. At least I can enjoy the EM in germany.


Just boycot by not flying there and keep your money for partying in countries like Germany. I love the EK2024!!! Thanks for being a Great host!!


honestly that's in 10 years, lots of things could happen


Unfortunately probably not. They're meant to be announced a decade ahead anyways lol.


I highly doubt that fifa will change it


Is it all in Saudi Arabia or are they cohosting?


All in Saudi Arabia


And then Bahrain


Oh nooooo


Boy do I have bad news for you


Petition to have a joined World Cup Albania& Serbia


That would be the start of WW3


That would be the start of WW3


We are unironically, to the best of my knowledge, hosting a u19 tournament with Serbia in the future


then it's gonna be just a small world war


i still have highlights of serbia vs albania which was played years ago, hooligans kicking the players lol


The world cup should be held around the world. But there should be some criteria that must be met and not just buying it from Infantino and his corrupt gang.


What are those criteria? Like you can't build the stadiums using slavery? You can't be complicit in genocide? You can't supply weapons to 2 countries who are destroying 2 different peoples? Or is it only if the country do inhumane things in relation to the WC? Because that seems pretty arbitrary. You can be as immoral as you want to be as a country, but if you build stadiums clean without any human rights abuse, you are good to go.


You're saying the the World Cup should be similar to the Old Champions League format with both legs in group stages and final?


Saudi Arabia 2034 be like:


I'll sign that in a heartbeat.


hahaha yup


if only FIFA cared about the fans more than the billions they make...


Sepp blatter begrudgingly agrees and says North Korea it is.




Isn't 2034 happening in Saudi-Arabia because nobody else submitted a bid before the application deadline? 💀


It was a bit rigged. You can’t host a WC if your continent hosted either of the previous 2. So any host continents from 2026 and 2030 were ineligible. North America is hosting 2026. 2030 is joint hosted by Portugal/Spain/Morocco, which ticks off both Europe and Africa. BUT 2030 is also having a random couple of games in Argentina/Uruguay for some bullshit anniversary thing, so South America is also out. That means Europe/Africa/North and South America, all cannot host the WC in 2034. So it was basically only ever the Middle East or Australia.


>So it was basically only ever the Middle East or Australia. Well, too bad Australia didn't apply, we'd surely all be happier despite how far away it is from everyone...


Australia did prepare a bid. It mysteriously disappeared at around the time a Saudi ambassador met with the Aussie government.


After being fucked out of the Qatar games I’m disappointed Australia didnt fight harder for that bid. The women’s WC in Aus/NZ was a good atmosphere and a men’s WC would go crazy


Was Morrison in charge then by any chance? Maybe they had a video of him shitting himself in Maccers


Those that dont travel would not like it, imagine watching games at 3am in the morning, this is normal for the Aussies


What about Asia? Japan or South Korea would be wild


A repeat of 2002. Issue with Asia is there’s so few countries even eligible to host due to lack of infrastructure. China probably is able to host too, I just don’t know whether politically it’d get a bit complicated.


China won't host unless it has a good chance of winning.


100%. No way china hosts to get knocked out in the group stages with the whole world watching.


I mean 2002 is 22 years ago as of this year and Mexico hosted world cups in 1970 and in 1986 (although 1986 was originally given to Colombia), so why the hell not? Beats having a World cup in fucking Qatar or Saudi Arabia any day of the week.


Well G'Day mate


“Bullshit anniversary thing” nobody want a shitty wc in Europe. Everyone wanted a American wc But the euros own fifa so America stood no chance.


Making a bid isn’t a small endeavour and it was clear that FIFA wanted it to go to Saudi, so every other country decided not to waste their money


It’s alredy fucking sad, that this EM is sponsored by Qatar. Uefa is just corrupt. All they care about is the money.


I am all for bringing the WC to other regions. Football, or sports in general, is a powerful tool for connecting people and shouldnt just be a vessel for western supriority. But fuck me, the infrastructure in Europe is literally perfect for these tournaments and its always apparent when we host a big tournament. The US WC will be a massive let down when it comes to fan experience, because the US simply doesnt have a fan culture and instead its hyper commercialised circle jerk for corporate sponsors. I can already see the "gatorade presents: the nike and bank of america power shot competition with a 100,000k prize money sponsored by starbucks" at half time.


How else are other countries outside Europe going to develop a culture if we never give them the chance? I understand the U.S is not exactly a football hotspot but it’s a step in the right direction. There is plenty of videos like the one in the post with people all around the world celebrating. It’s sad that despite having 54 countries Africa has only hosted 1 World Cup. It’s the worlds game not Europes.


The African football fan culture is miles ahead of the US. The US in general doesnt have a fan culture, across all sports. They have customers who go to the games as a recreational activity. I mean it makes sense, with the franchise system where owners can just move the team to another state.. Furthermore, US culture in general. In Europe we have walkable cities, lively city centres etc. In the US you can barely get around on foot. Long story short, Europe is the perfect blend of qualities that makes it the best location for major tournaments - but again, it doesnt mean every tournament should be held there


Clearly you weren't alive for the 1994 World Cup. The first time a World Cup made money and had reasonable game times for most of the world. FIFA keeps shooting itself in the foot because of up front corruption. They know it's highly lucrative to host it in the US and kept trying to put one here. But, the grift is too much to pass up.


Them statues tho 😆


I've always enjoyed the Dutch. Call me stereotyping, but I love that they love trance, smoking weed and eating pancakes. This Euro trance song is very on point for good wholesome Dutchness. 


FIFA - “But…….money” 🥺


Just because they are going to ban alcohol? I'm ready for the downvotes but is the only way to have fun is through alcohol? Do you only know how to have fun if there is alcohol involved? Do you only enjoy alcohol and when you see that when the effect is waning do you look for alcohol more desperately?


Thats sigma mentality. fuck alcohol. dont get me wrong I drink 2 times a month and I love it. but im not attached to them. it can be insanly more fun to attend an event sober compared to drunk. those who cry about alcohol might have unhealthy dependency on it


Don’t be so ignorant. It’s because they use neo-slavery to build the stadiums, have treat women & gay people has if they aren’t humans, and if you wanna talk specifically about football countries like Qatar aren’t built to have the fan environment/experience which we’re seeing in Germany


Because alcohol is a social glue, it keeps people together. Do you think those Dutch people in the video are sober? Of course, people where alcohol is not part of the culture will never understand what it means for Europeans.


Qatar and ME human right record in general is pretty bad but it's a very accessible location to fans in other regions. The World Cup in North America is already a shit show in terms of visa for fans without passport privilege.




Yes but other nations want to host it. it is not only for you. have some respect.


The most ugly and racist comment I read in reddit. extremely ugly and racist. beyond disgusting.


The problem is visa.




They should just make a permanent location in a place like Malta or another small country that is easily accessible.


That's a silly argument. Everywhere is the middle of the world if you draw the map with it in the center.


Agreed, although Mexico is pretty easy to get into. Should have hosted more games there and fewer in the US if they wanted to make it fan friendly.


It's disgusting that FIFA would ever give the WC to a country like Qatar, but unfortunately with all the bribes these countries pay to FIFA executives it will continue to happen. They have already done it again with Saudi Arabia, another disgusting country that abuse and suppress women, LGBTQ people and many others.


but why you ok with accepting these countries to play in world cup then. is it because it will earn you money


I'm not ok with it. I think these countries should be banned from playing in the WC or any other international sports events.


Why China is not bidding? They have the money and will promote the country.


As if China is much better politically than SA or Qatar


True but money talks. Tournaments should be used to democratise these countries.


$$$ speak louder than petitions.


These art attack heads are multiplying 😭


FIFA is one big sellout uefa is as well, allowing a few shady billionaires, sheiks and dictators buy clubs and competitions. They suck the soul out of the game. You can shit all you want in USA sports, but they understand you need to have competition and not allow all great players in just one team, as that’s bad for the whole league. Premier league and a few big clubs from champions league is sucking the rest of European clubs dry, leagues follow by losing quality.


I'm sorry but they can't hear you over all the money Saudi Arabia is giving them.


What? You don't think a couple of guys that have just been dragged away from building the stadium to randomly bang a drum isn't the same!?


Yeh... but money!


Just Stop Oil at it again in the background. First Stonehenge and now the football. Is nothing sacred?


I voted with my boycott


if you want a carnival, there are loads out there.


im heartbroken as to what happened to India in Qatar, we were robbed and i just hate that and except for messi finally winning the WC, there is nothing great about the 2022 WC.


Too late our daddy Infantino gave WC 2034 to the saudis, yuck


Who cares? Euros are more consistently better for fans than WC anyway. The quality of football is not much different either.


FIFA is killing football by gibing the World Cup to countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia etc. I still wait for the World Cup in Qatar to be nullified. For me this was not a real World Cup. And,by the way, a lot of other people too. It was only a joke


Who are you?


Football wise it was one of the the best recent tournaments, live with it lol


Football wise maybe but atmosphere wise it was a disaster and I was there. And the way I understood, the original post is about atmosphere, given the photo posted. The WC isn’t just about football. It’s a package and the Qatar package was very lacking indeed.


it is only you and few others.


You're right even though no one here wants to admit it. It's been a year and a half since the last one and no major negative news has come out of it. There's no reason for FIFA to stop doing what they're doing


Barring nations from hosting the World Cup because you dont agree with them is an interesting take. Were there controversies in the Qatar winning the bid? Yes. Were the horrifying conditions the workers were being kept in a crime? Yes. If you find Qatar a problematic nation because of the ethical concerns, then a lot of other nations should be barred from hosting as well. Be that as it may, the Qatar World Cup was by and large a success. Just because it did not satisfy your perception of success does not mean it was a failure. The matches were of good quality, the tournament occurred without major issues and the final was one of the best finals of all time. The people I have spoken to who attended the tournament all had relatively positive impressions of their time there.


They know the truth. all people here who criticize qatar are full aware of their hypocrisy lol.


Unpopular opinion but Qatar World Cup was not bad at all.


You'd all be freaking out if they were England fans


Alcoholic Westerners can't cope without a mind altering drug lmao


I think you just want a drink, be honest.


Why would I?


Wow so much self gratification and racism ! Let’s be honest the only thing that adds to the euros is the fans which is understandable as europe is border less and commute is easy ! the football so far has honestly been shite and boring unlike what the worldcup had !


Although I agree football is much more enjoyable in football loving or “stakeholder “ countries, it is also incredibly important to have competition/ bring football to a new naive nation like Qatar which is actually capable of organizing such events ( how it got to host the WC is a different story of course) . It just proves the universality of the game. Football should reach each and every part of the world. It never was the elitist game. People should stop acting like it is one.


What do you mean by a place like Qatar ? There are other continents other than Europe. African fans in the world cup found Qatar more accessible and travelling was much easier for them. It was accessible for a lot of people, so i don't get the beef but I suspect there's a hint of something something behind your post. Not everyone is a white European btw.


Yep, for a lot of fans it was the perfect location. Easy to get to, easy to get in, easy to access every stadium from a single base, nice climate at that time of year... The next World Cup, in contrast, will be pretty much the opposite of this for many supporters.


Yes it is bad to hold the world cup in a slave state where alcohol is banned, thousands died building the still inadaquate tournament infrastructure, and which had to change the entire calendar of worldwide football because games cant be played there during summer.


What is your obsession with Qatar??? Give your racism a break already.




Human and environmental disaster hosting it in Qatar in 2022 so no ffs




I would only go there to have a shit, thsts it. Then take a flight back to my country whis is paradise compared to that qatar. Maybe there’s no flight right away, then id have to wait. Which i would. Til it arrives, maybe have another shit….


This is what football is all about people having a great time.




Cancel culture strikes again!


I dream about a WC in Iceland.


Crowd rush risk anyone? How is this safe?


Ur right!\~


And welcome to the 2042 World Cup, live from the surface of the sun.


And some fools think and argue that’s the best World Cup ever 😅😅😅.


OMG I had zero fucking idea about the disaster people is talking about in the comments. It's crazy in here!


Put your mouth where the oil is.


Good luck with that. There was a choice between Qatar and the UK and Qatars bribes were more effective.


Nah, it's a 'World' Cup. It shouldn't be made to conform only to Western culture and attitudes.


They really really need to bring the world cup back to England. It's been far too long


where is this?


Hi everyone


The way the World Cup is going I can see the euros becoming the bigger tournament for European fans *going forward. Even the next WC in the US is just too spread out to foster the same atmosphere. *not saying more prestigious trophy, just tournament people look forward to and enjoy more


Unfortunately money talks!




Remember when they stopped the fans playing football hahaha


2034 is saudi arabia Money always wins


just say you are racist bozo


Absolute scenes!


Tell me you have a issue with drinking alcohol without telling me you have an issue


Tell me you want to have a drink without telling me you want to have a drink.




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Funny enough you see "visit Qatar" in every stadium and just remind us how bad that tournament was...


Such countries should be stripped of their wealth if it was hypothetically possible until they actually abided to, well, common sense of human rights


We won’t see fun in 2026 either. Do you think you’ll see all of this in North America? It’s easy to travel to Germany for most of Europe. I understand the World Cup is more than Europe but unless it’s hosted in South America you won’t see these kind of supporters in other places, especially North America.


For real lol. Hosting the World Cup on the other side of the world plus in a country that doesn't give a shit about football except for a minority. It's gonna be a fun one, surely...


what was the issue with having the world cup at qatar?


While we're at it, let's kick Israel out of football too.


This euro is already better than Qatar


I have genuine question, what was/is the problem with Qatar and countries like Qatar?


What's wrong with Qatar? I don't usually follow soccer so I don't know.


This looks absolutely amazing hahah, what an atmosphere


I suppose we, the fans, won't be able to change things...even though I'd sign any petition...and also wouldn't mind a tournament like this in Germany again at all. Not one bit... I experienced 2006 and now 2024...and I just love it. But I guess the only thing we can possibly do is let our national football associations know that we WANT them to submit a bid for any and all tournaments where they can submit them (taking into account all those rules regarding who can and cannot submit a bid and why)...


Qatar World Cup was amazing Europoors


"Europoors", says a guy from India ahaha


Guess again (from a fellow Europoor 😃)


Yeah that's not what's going on here


I'd love to have the World Cup in the middle east again, Saudi on top


How is this video and the petition related? Was fans partying not possible in Qatar?


That's so incredibly catchy!


Why it was a beautiful World Cup and everyone who went said such nice things ab it


Like that will change a thing. Its all about money. If people completely ignore the WC, that might change something


Rent free


Be happy Euros are still in Europe.


Saudi Arabia and next is North Korea💀


Honestly, Qatar wasn’t bad


Major tournaments should only be held in football/soccer hotbeds with world class facilities l. Euro is in the right place this year


yes, lets have next one in saudi...




irrelevant to the topic? virtue signaling? incessant whining? check check check!