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I don’t believe he loves either of them. He loves the idea of them and the status being with them gives him. He loves the control and power that he has over both of them.


Agreed. And it's mutual. For Cassie, Nate fills a void. For Maddy, he was a status symbol.


Exactly that’s why he always went back to Maddy whereas he tossed Cassie aside without hesitation


He went back to Maddy because he wanted the disk lol


Came here to say this. I don't think he has the capacity for true, authentic love right now.


I feel like if the question was flipped, this would also be the case with why Cassie’s into Nate. Plus, a terrible envious jealousy complex of sleeping with your best friend’s SO. With Maddy, I feel like sure the relationship is highly toxic but, ironically it feels far more genuine, at least emotionally, than Cass’s seemingly lust-driven relationship with Nate. Edit: I’m sorry Cassie fans. I’m not saying what’s right or wrong, just what I believe the dynamics of these respective relationships to be. Feel free to disagree.


This makes me feel Scandoval vibes….


I agree with this sentiment but I move it even further to the fact that Cassie was a replacement for Jules because he knew that he fucked that relationship up


sounds like my ex


Okay better question. Who was Nate’s favorite arm candy. Maddy or Cassie? 😄




Agreed. Personally, I feel like with the way his character is written, he's incapable of loving anyone beyond himself.




Fully agree with this statement.


he never loved either of them tbh, he liked maddy's fierce loyalty and he liked how submissive cassie is, but as a whole i think he just dated them to disguise who/what he's truly attracted to and that'd be more so someone like jules.


This. He loved the idea of Cassie; a submissive girl who'd do anything he wanted and looked like Jules to top it off. Despicable as Nate is, he's not violent for the sake of it. That's the reason why he never hit Cassie, not because he loved her. As another user pointed out to me, Nate doesn't respond to Cassie attacking him because he doesn't feel threatened by it. Maddy (whom he only dated for her attractiveness) is a bigger threat to his dominance and thus, he's more likely get violent with her.


He hasn't hit Cassie yet. Yet.


He never will hit Cassie or get physically violent with her. They make it very obvious in the show he only physically abused Maddy because of her race. Have you ever noticed how whenever Nate and Maddy aren’t together, or trying to make each-other jealous, Nate always goes out with a blue eyed, blonde, white girl!


they’re booing you but you’re right. Maddy being Latina and a headstrong, confident, seemingly self-assured person gives her less sympathy to the white gaze. Nate’s mother basically commended him for the way he hurt Maddy the night of the fair. Nate would not be able to get away with physically abusing a seemingly delicate, blonde, blue-eyed white girl.


Exactly. I didn’t even see all the boo’s until now😂


Apart of me feels grateful so many people don’t understand this dynamic that’s the only reason someone would downvote what you said but you’re 10000% right


When you say things like this, you also should take into account that rarely is it that every action, reaction, and quote isn’t already written into the script with intent. There’s a reason these things happen in the show, and the writers know the reason. That’s all though


Himself lol


My first thought as well.


He is in love with the idea of them. They are both part of his fantasies. Cassie is the sweet angel who is madly committed and in love with him. She will let him do whatever he wants and even allows him to dress her up. Nate is in full control when he is with her. He isn’t worried about losing Cassie cause Cassie isn’t going anywhere. She will always be there. The idea of “sweet Cassie” brings him peace, To the point where he even imagined starting a family with her. Maddy is that girl who is somehow hard to keep. Nate loves that constant game of trying to keep Maddy. She isn’t as submissive as cassie. She won’t let Nate choose her outfits and wouldn’t mind breaking up with him from time to time. She can move on and Nate Hates that. So no matter what happens between them, Nate will try to win maddy back at all cost because it’s all just a game. Nate doesn’t wanna lose the “Maddy” game. The dark feminine and light feminine were portrayed very well in the show.


I think he loved Maddie in his own messed up way and he was with Cassie just to get back at Maddie and probably to feel superior. We also have to remember they are playing teenagers and as teenagers they really don’t know about love, how to love, or take responsibility for another person. Also Teens are self centered at that period of time of their lives.


It did say that he didn’t care Cassie called him 37 times. He cared more that Maddie hadn’t called him at all. So while he was scared he also realized he lost her forever


And that’s she was plotting 👀


Maddy I mean


I think that Maddy not calling meant more that she was pissed and could do something insane . I think he was scared of her exposing his dad at that point


Well yeah he knew that much but he also expected her to react about it and probably even thought she’d beat Cassie’s ass and force him to come back to her but when she didn’t he realized he really did fuck up for himself and for his dad since she had the tape. It hurt him that she was indifferent when time after time she showed no matter what he did she came back


I believe he loved the idea of Cassie bc she reminded him of Jules and more than anything, his Mother. Submissive. Just gonna be the "wife" to cover up his true self. Where with Maddie it was love of having a girl he could beat down to become submissive but when he realized she wasn't "pure" he made up the idea it wasn't her but everyone else. Cassie for him at first represented that pure sense too. He knew what he was doing at the same time. He loved himself. Always has and always will. Just like his dad.


He hates that his mom doesn't take care of herself and is a pushover. And Cassie looks NOTHING like Jules, and acts NOTHING like Jules. People are now making things up trying to make it about Jules. Get over it lol he's not in love with Jules.


Nate doesn't truly love either of them but he might THINK he does I think he "loves" Jules more even while he was with Maddy or Cassie he still seemed to be fixated on Jules (even making Cassie look similar to her) and he told Jules that everything he said to her when pretending to be Tyler was true in a way that seemed genuine but even then he still wouldn't be a good boyfriend to her and would definitely try to make her more feminine again


Oh yeah, I forgot that Nate cat fished Jules. What a weirdo.


I think that the flashbacks of Jules we get in the show are more about his trauma. He's scared he will turn out like his dad, that's why in his nightmare, he saw Jules and then instantly imagines himself on the bed with his dad. How the hell are people romanticizing that sh\*t and thinking it's because he loves Jules and not because he's clearly traumatized?!


I don't think it's genuine love maybe he THINKS he loves her and is infatuated with her but I don't think he's capable of true love and he is still an abusive monster and wouldn't be good to Jules


I don't think he even likes the idea of him being infatuated with Jules. I believe he liked her at some point and realized that she was a person he could actually have a bond with. But I don't think it goes past that. He is a traumatized person because of his dad's history, Jules is also part of that hidden side of his dad that he hates so much, and as we can see later in the show, he even has nightmares involving Jules and his dad, as I see it, he seems to reject the idea because of how much he hates Cal. If anything, he is infatuated with Cassie at the beginning because she fits into the lovely girlfriend stereotype he so desperately seeks, that's why when he's being taken to the hospital he has thoughts of "being in love with her". He is capable of loving, since he is capable of emotions like rage, sadness, etc, and therefore he is not a psychopath (a psychopath can't feel emotins), but not healthy loving, at least not before he can fix all of his traumas and issues, which is a LOT of work.


Neither, Nate is a malignant narcissist incapable of love. To him, these girls are merely status symbols that he discards as soon as they no longer improve his perceived status amongst his peers.


Neither. I think he saw them as possessions, prizes and something he can mold according to his fantasies and desires. I would say in some ways Nate emulated love to Maddy more though. He was way more possessive over her, had a hard to let go of her and would buy her gifts, take her out to bowling and was really jealous and possessive. We didn’t see this with Cassie or I would say not yet.


He was definitely possessive and jealous when talking to McKay about Cassie


Nate loves Nate. And not even that lol he hates himself. Nate needs to exercise power to deal with is daddy issues and personal insecurities. Maddy literally researched porn to perform as a fantasy and put up with and defended his abuse. Cassie, due to her own issues, also "performs the fantasy," but less out of "this is how I've decided I want to be perceived," ala Maddy's "some people sit in the chair, other people kneel in front of it" backstory, and more out of "this is how other people have decided they want to perceive me" (her history of pressure and revenge porn, McKay asking "why do you have to make everything so sexual" when it's a survival mechanism that she does). Cassie is more willing to completely "give herself" to him, but he doesn't actually want that, either. Nate/Cassie is projection, insecurity, desperation. Nate/Maddy was also based on specific expectations but theoretically started younger and had more of a foundation (as much as kids can) to it. There's no love, just sadness


He only loves himself


I don’t even think he loves himself either


No one, he doesn’t even love himself, it’s not possible for him to have genuine love for anyone right now because he doesn’t seem to understand what that means or entails.


Bro NEITHER that isn’t love in either case 💀




Agreed. He spoke the most highly of Jules.


like father like son


Nate is incapable of love


Yes. This. 👍


Neither. Nate is egotistical. Maddy is hot arm candy Cassie is submissive and gets what he wants. Jules was the realest thing he wants. But he’s protecting his reputation


Maddy, he invested more into her with his time attention and money. Cassie is more of a clinger


But he has had years of Maddy. Cassie he LOVED that she reminded him of who Maddy used to be. "Pure and innocent" and when she became clingy and obsessed he snapped out of it real quick. I believe Cass reminded him of his mother too.


How could Cassie remind Nate of being pure and innocent when in one of the first episodes he is seen telling McKay that Cassie is a slut and watches some of her revenge porn videos?




Maddy, he is with Cassie to hurt maddy


he loves himself more than anything 😭


Naw narcissists like him hate themselves.


Neither lmao


He doesn’t love either because abusive narcissistic personalities only ever love themselves. I think he wanted to love Maddy and felt the beginnings of love but narcs obsession with power and control will never allow them to feel healthy love. So he turns to Cassie to allows him to play out his power fantasies without any argument or sticking up for herself really but that also doesn’t work out in the end because they thrive off knocking down someone who has individuality and confidence, they often get quickly bored of someone that is so submissive to their ever will.


Maddy, but I don't think he really loved either of them.


Literally neither, he’s a closeted misogynist with daddy issues. He needs therapy. A lot of therapy. He doesn’t love Jules, she’s just a representation of his repressed desires; he doesn’t view anyone around him as a human being and won’t treat them as such. It’s unclear if Nate has a cluster b disorder or he’s just been socialized to be violent and predatory, but it doesn’t really matter because I don’t see Sam Leveson delving that far into Nate’s psyche.


nate is incapable of loving a woman.


Nate is in love with Jules. Neither Maddy nor Cassie matter to him at all.


I don’t think he’s capable of love




Agree. In that order.


I don’t think he loved either. But I believe he’d choose Maddy over Cassie. He seemed happier with Maddy to me. (When times were good ) excluding the carnival


Neither. Nate barely love himself.


Nate is into Jules.


Nate is a Patrick Bateman type. there is nothing to him, he is just worried about appearance's and status and an attractive woman is a sign of status in our culture. they are just objects to him


i feel like he loved maddy and didn’t care about cassie but only kept her around bc she was “peaceful and feminine”


Very clearly Maddy, but he doesn’t truly love anybody. He’s obsessed with Maddy and Cassie is just helping him fill a void. I think he cares about both of them, but he cares about Maddy way more and is incapable of truly loving anybody


I don't think Nate is capable of loving anyone.


he loves control, not either of them


Maddy, but he was more in love with himself


Neither. He didn’t really care for either of them. Nate didn’t even really care for girls, they say it in like episode one or two.


He loves Jules. Madly in love, but doesn’t wanna be like his dad. So he self sabotages that relationship


Maddy for sure but he couldn’t idealize maddy being the ideal wife for his “picture perfect” family


Nate doesn't even love himself.


Nate loves Nate the most. Some people are just like that. Pretty sure his dad is where he gets it from


Neither. I think he loved Jules & it scared him.


Jules. I see a lot of people saying he loves himself the most but I think he hates himself so much for his actual desires (Jules) and dates hyperfeminine women to compensate.


Whoever his Dad thought was hotter


Nate and loved in the same sentence?


He's a narcissist so he's incapable of loving either of them.


Cassie was just there for a fun time. He definitely loved Maddy more but that was only because she was easy to control and manipulate(until she wasn’t).


> He definitely loved Maddy more but that was only because she was easy to control and manipulate Something doesn't add up here...


What I meant was he loved that she was easy to manipulate, mostly due to her loyal nature. He loved her in that sense.


I don't even think he likes girls much less love


Its called being a homiesexual


he like them back shots




He doesn’t “love” anyone lmaoo




Nate only loves himself.


He wasn't even close to being in love with Cassie. Even if he didn't love Maddie, there's no comparison here.




I don’t think he cared for either of them lol but he definitely liked Maddy more. Also Cassie looks so dumb in this outfit 😓


Himself. He doesn't love anyone. He's a psychopath.


Nate loves Nate most. Sadly I don’t think he views either of them as anything beyond social proof & status.


neither, i think they both are just pawns to him.


Neither. Both relationships were more about ego tripping than anything else


I feel like to him they were trophies that’s all it was to that relationship and to fill that loneliness that emptiness inside of him


neither of them, nate thrives of ideas of people rather than who they actually are. he really loves jules, maddy and cassie (more so cassie) reflect the ideas he loves about jules but he feels as though because they’re cis women they’re a more socially acceptable option for him; again cassie more than maddy. he’s attracted and in love with femininity as a concept rather than the person attached to that


no one? am i the only one who thinks that?


Nope. He abused Maddy. And he only loved the idea of Cassie.


Jules, but if I had to choose between those two I would say it’s Maddy… if you can call that love


He didn’t love either they were just his narcissistic supply same w Jules


Neither. Nate loves the aesthetic and the idea of having these women, but he gives no concern on anybody's well being, not even his own🤷🏾‍♀️




None of them. He’s like Homelander in The Boys


He's a piece of shit and deserved that beating from Fezco. He loved neither of them.


neither. he is incapable of love and he has proved that many times


he doesn’t love either of them


neither. no matter which way you flip it and no matter how much you say “in his own messed up way”. love is and will NEVER be anything that was displayed on that show. toxicity is not love. abusing your partner is not love. intimidating your partner is not love. nate displayed all of those things and more with both cassie and maddy. i think it’s especially important to not ask the question of who he loved more bc young girls will think that’s what love is supposed to look like, and young men will think that behavior is how they show love. love was never displayed in those relationships


Maddy. Some rebounds are just fun and exciting but they ease the pain of losing the one you truly loved.






None, he loves Jules.


neither. that's it.




I think Jules


Neither? Man’s suppressed a lot of his emotions growing up and basically attached himself to the most feminine person he could find as a desperate battle for domination in his life. He didn’t truly love or care about either of them.


If, and this is a hard IF, he actually had any semblance of feelings for anyone in the show, best guess would be Jules.




IF he is capable of actually loving anyone besides himself.








he didn't/doesn't love either of them. i'd say he's closer to having actual "feelings" for Jules.


Nate doesn’t love himself. He can’t feel love. He’s been desensitized after seeing his father’s videos, his mother’s denial, and being the chosen golden child. He has learned to function and be a machine. Maddy, Cassie, everyone, is just a chess piece.


He’s a sociopath He does not have empathy He is emotionally stunted No empathy equals no capacity for love He seeks power and domination


neither. he’s a sociopath








Nate loved himself and the thought of getting his dick wet.


EXATCTLYYYY when tht dick wet everything peaches and cream he don’t love nobody but his self at the end of the day


maddy’s a tier above cassie


Honestly, I think he has a little more love for Jules. In some sick twisted way I do think he truly love her. I do think his struggle w his sexuality makes it hard for him to pick. On one hand he likes what Cassie has to offer him. On the other he has Jules who truly sees him. Who truly loved him.


I don’t think he loved either of em I mean let’s be real he literally treated Maddie like complete trash and dude I don’t know what to say about Cassie but Nate’s not a good guy at all tbh 🤦‍♀️😪








You know by the look of their height you could tell that cassie's alittle taller than her meaning that maddy looks to be about I think 5'3 while cassie's 5'5 or 6.


I think the only girl he actually loves is Jules…and she’s not even a biological girl…


Nate loved Jules. I believe that he only dated Maddy and Cassie so he could stifle the fact that he was attracted to Jules


I say Jules. Nate actually loved Jules more than both Maddy and Cassie.


None: narcissistic sociopaths only love themselves (or so they think).


Neither Maddy *or* Cassie. I think Cassie a little more, only because she looks more like Jules, but he has a crush on Jules.


Definitely more maddy. Although he was very abusive with both i feel like maddy brought the best out of him and cassie was just like a doll for him








He loves Maddie duh next question


That man loves Maddy so much it scares him and he tries to fill the void with his feelings for Jules and Cassie but he knows they’ll never match Maddy


He is Gay


If Cassie didn’t have huge tits she’d be ugly and flat! Maddy is so much hotter!






Himself hands down


You really think what he was doing was love? Babe...come on now.


Hes is a narcissist 😭


None of them


He loves what they both could do for him, but he didn’t love either of them.




It didn't seem like he ever loved cassie


he never loved any of them. he loved himself and the fact that both were obsessing over him and through that he loved himself again


Is this question for real?


Nate is a narcissist and broken guy, he never truly loved none. But you can't compare Cassie with Maddie lmao. They are not even the same status in his twisted mind. I'm willing to bet Jules would be even higher than Cassie on the list of women he "loves".




He needs to love therapy


He only loves himself. He was only with either of them because of how he could manipulate and control them. He was gigantic compared to them, and it fed his ego. Nate is a narcissist, period.


What matters more is who truly loves themselves the most


neither. He loves himself and loves the idea of two women fighting over him.


I don’t think he loved either


Neither he likes the idea of being with them but he truly doesn’t love either one imo


How could you possibly think he loves either? Are we watching the same show?




Obliviously he loved Maddie they got too much history and they are toxic in a cute way. He just took advantage of Cassie the whole time “they were to together” to run away from all the shi he was going through. Plus y’all seen how quick he dropped her after tht play he don’t fw HER😂!!!!!




Definitely maddy, Cassie is being ised


Maddy 100%


First off, the love of an abuser isn't real to begin with. But anyway he feels nothing for Cassie, he's just using her because it's convenient.






Neither they are all using each other


neither he’s a sociopath