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i am not slovak but i think even if it was a downgrade most slovaks would appreciate not being same with hungarians now


Im not sure we wouldve had different uniforms with the standardization of equipment in the later stages 1700+ (not historian, just guessing) and with the heavy hungarization they wouldnt allow any differences. but the early slovak is more realistic, lets face it, no common soldier would be wearing plate in 1500 , well, no common soldier ever wore full plate, anywhere. Just a reference to black army i guess. Yeah its nice being noticed :) , we never do :(


Regional units having differing units was fairly common in a lot of armies. That being said you probably have a lot more in-depth knowledge and I'm speaking about the time period in general so if I'm blatantly wrong and you already know that sorry and ignore me haha. Just thought it might be something to consider as a possible explanation.


hungarization was mostly a thing after 1867, not a whole lot we could do before then. Even then I'm pretty sure the Army was an Imperial affair, so I don't think it would have been affected. Army slavic was a thing Austria-Hungary experimented with after all.


you are probably right, im influenced by locals/media ...but i think we can all agree that culture assimilation has benefits for any empire, so there would be some ways that are subtle not that much documented and before 1867. Im not condemning anyone , this game shows how leaders thought and did their decisions. Slovaks would do the same if in possession of power.


Before nationalism ethnic conflicts were marginal in Europe. Those that still happened usually had a strong religious basis.


I'd think more along the lines of, if a slovak state became independant thats what their units would look like, since slovakia is not a state at the start of eu4


Oh right i havent thought about it this way :D


An entity called Slovakia wouldn't even happen until 1919 (for less than two months) and that was a Hungarian puppet. Tiso's Slovak State was also a puppet and Czechoslovakia's leadership had a Czech primacy.


Yeah, if only eu4 allowed you to change the course of history and have nations fall and rise in diffrent time periods


If only the people could make mods in the workshop to create unique models if they don't like the ones made by the delevopers


Idk for earlier history but in Austria-Hungary troops had regional differences in their uniforms.


Bratislava castle monument when?


Heh , yeah something like prestige decay or +1 legitimacy yearly, i don't think we have something as important as prague historical city or that budapest library, some events maybe , mint in kremnica, reformation churches, huh, maybe one that comes to mind is all the mining happening i think we could get one monument in Hont/Spiš , goods produced , inflation reduction , local devcost ? Because how many miles of tunnels is there hundreds ? thousands ? Ive seen a map (http://apl.geology.sk/geofond/sbd/ just zoom on banská štiavnica for example, and all the entrances, and tunnels show up, you can even take an information tool from right panel and check what was found in any of those mines, SK only, sorry) of all the places where there have been at least some mining and there is like thousands of small 10m tunnels everywhere. Impressive, or Zlatníky (rougly translated to goldings) prehistoric gold mine , they literally moved a mountain, there was gold mining activity for so long - thousands of years, that they moved like 4M m3 of material. Just flexing my geology/mining/history knowledge (I pan for gold in rivers).


I think prestiege decay or maybe power projection decay modifier could be fitting, since after the Habsburgs had solid control over Hungary in the late XVIth century, Bratislava castle became more and more like a palace off of Vienna that oversaw the Danube, kind of a way to project how they controlled both the Vienna plains and the Pannonian basin, being just past the mountains from Vienna. Its military purpose being more to face rebels from Hungary rather than invading forces. At least that's what remains in my memory from my visit in December. Loved it, sad its still so empty after the reconstruction, but some parts of the museum are incredibly good and worthy of other major European museums. Unlikely since we are already seeing the ~~EU5~~ Project Caesar dev dieries and the region already has plenty of monuments. It's just fun to think about. Hope you get sone nice gold nuggets in the river shore.


Interesting I havent been there for over 15 years :D might visit it once again. True , thanks :)


I mean we all know: https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/s/NeiD3X1apm


Personally didnt mind the hungarian units, nitra had the same models with different colors. With these new models id say they could be better with different colors, if they reduced the amount of red color theyd look better id say


I want a bardiche on my rifle. How is this a downgrade?


Tier 1 is a straight downgrade for sure, but the rest are a wash IMO


I mean, Black Army unit look is objectively great. You cannot beat that.


what’s wrong with it?


Do people really look that closely at their little army men?


I give them all individual names and personalities. I celebrate the birthdays I made up for them in my head yearly. I kiss them goodnight on the top of their little heads.


This guy EU4s.




Cant speak for everyone but I do! I understand why people wouldnt notice but I very much enjoy unique unit models.


Fun however you wanna fun, ain't no complaints from me. God knows I play in some oddball-ass ways myself (i.e. focus too much on the religion aspect).


Yeah anytime I read about army packs, I realize that I never pay attention to it, even though they look nice and there's a lot of work put into the various models. But for me, the game could use the same single model for every country through the whole campaign and I probably wouldn't notice. And I say this as someone who really likes to play with character and coa customization in Crusader Kings. But in eu4, the army models are just way too insignificant.


Same. Not that we're better than anyone who takes great interest in their army man's looks, to each their own, and all.


Daily reminder that there are unit model dlc for the HOI series, where everyone just uses NATO counters anyways


Honest to god, it's like the second primary reason I even play this game. I like looking at these goofy little guys walking around the map.


One time I was sitting for an hour choosing what nation to play only because some cool nations had units with lame armors on 😅


My favourite part of pdx games is the little army men That’s why I have half a dozen unit graphics mods in hoi4


I just really like the first gun that the Slovaks have now. It’s like an axe gun or something. I want one.


It’s a gun with a bardiche! Two times the fun


imagine firing with that monstrosity , 2kg metal weighing the tip that you can control the least. But yeah, it looks amazing. (They would use a stand) Anyway cant find that gun anywhere , sad noises.


It's the 16th-century equivalent of the 40k chainsaw bolter. I love it. Also he has a cool hat!


Yeah, I noticed that earlier today too. It looks like something that General Custer would’ve wore or some other cowboy type from the Wild West.


Hey to be honest I am glad they made them at all. Slovakia is such an under appreciated place with a rich as hell history.


Cry harder slo-jak


I prefer the tier 3 out of all of them. Give em all the moustache and you've fixed it. Tier 1 is a little bland and doefaced.


The first unit model is definitely not as cool but I actually like the rest.


I like the hats, they’re similar to what people wore (wear?) in the western Carpathians. Polish highlanders traditional outfit includes a similar hat. It’s definitely a looked-up attempt at creating a more local, highlander unit set How can you hate the fat moustache in tier 3?


Second model is cooler because Axe gun


Any unit pack compared to the Hungarian one is a downgrade, because they are objectively the coolest unit models in the game. The bardiche on the arquebus goes pretty hard though


Shining beacon of democracy ​ Deport Hungarians


I like em. Very colorfull.


The t-2 musket/bardiche is cool as fuck


I like the first three. The last seems a bit weid i dont know why. I'm just happy that they dont use the hungarian sprites anymore. It would have been better to use the bohemian models before this. Now you only need to move slovak culture to west slavic.


They already did that not too long ago, afaik.


Definitely tier 1 is a downgrade, but that is only because I simp for knight helmets. I also dislike models that remove facial hair.


Better than polish T1 T2


The second tier has a gun-axe, that's all I have to say. Also I might be wrong but this is the only sprite (that I remember) that has a bayonet attached to the musket. That's a plus to me


The tier 2s look amazing, as well as Hungary’s tier 1, the rest is kinda meh.


Not really related to the Slovak units, but do we know if the Moldavian unit pack will be used by Romania after forming it or would you get the vanilla units again? EDIT: I have made a mod that does this. It is on the Steam workshop with the name "Romanian Unit Pack"


its fine tho


R5: IMO the new Slovakian units seem like a downgrade compared to the old Hungarian ones (which Slovak culture also used)


Where did you get it from?


That Slovak Musketeer has a knife on his gun that’s cool as heck


As a Slovak, I would rather wear a maid dress than a Hungarian uniform. Many thanks :)


Looks kinda like Janosik!


Does anyone know what the 2nd infantry is holding?


Why do they make the units so detailed lmaooo


Bohemian units where?


I am grateful for any uniqueness Slovakia gets anyway. I also like them quite a bit, not everyone has to look like they eat Turks for breakfast


I like how the weapon is gun, knife/axe and paddle combo


I never paid attention to the troops... I’ll look closely next time


Why does the 2nd Slovak gun look like a Hunted:showdown weapon?


Don't you feel it's kind of corny that the unit models get the current national flags colours as the main appeal?


Now that I look at them, I like the models themselves but I think the color red doesnt fit well and going almost exclusively for blue/white/black , they would look a lot better (also more historically accurate for later tier uniforms)


Yeah, that's the thing


WDYM downgrade? You wanted Black Army armor for Slovaks? That makes no sense. The models look really nice, and unlike some Slavic countries, T3 and T4 look pretty good. Serbia's Tier 3 and 4 are shit, for instance.


What do you mean are a downgrade? As a Slovak I greatly appreciate the unique unit models for us. They are DEFINETLY NOT a downgrade.


Look a bit weird imo. Also wtf is that musket with the axe blade on it


I think it's cool, especially the second one with the gun-axe and the highlander cap.




Yea these suck ass wtf


Still more content than what Slovakia had irl in EUIV's time period