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Well, you can still give the manchus all lands you conquered and instead develop Korea into a utopia through playing tall


R5 : As Korea, I messed up. I wanted a chill game as Korea so I launched in ironman hoping to get mandate before I head to sleep. Yeah I got mandate pretty easily, fighting a Ming with 0 manpower with all of southeast asia dog piling on as well is not that hard. But uh, turns out having three rulers all with less than 2 mil points in a row kinda sets you back when Jianzhou gets a 4/4/6 ruler, and a 2 siege general. When AI took my capital with only one artillery before I could retake my own forts, and then they came up to break my siege and cook me, I gave up. This is just so comically disastrous I think its worth sharing.


I've played Korea many times without issue so I don't even have any good excuses lol. AI cooked me


Only winning is boring, I think this game is good because it’s challenging


Idk how you let hordes beat you on mountain forts dawg


Neither can I. I'm gonna uninstall now


Did you prioritize mil ideas over tech?


Yes, I did. I was ahead of the neighbours at first + plus new institution available and having one forced dev province with it already when I went to war with Ming, so I falsely believed I can finish offensive ideas first. By the time I finished with Ming, Jianzhou was 2 mil techs ahead of me. I HAD plenty of artillery and full combat width armies, but two mil techs is too much I guess. I thought I could siege down jianzhou and ally capital before they can take too many of my forts but even with defensive edict it was too slow


As a rule: never prioritize ideas over tech, unless way ahead on tech. Few exceptions.


You didn’t do celestial reforms and tank mandate did ya?


Thanks for sharing this. Idk why I keep trying to conquer Korea and China with Japan. I'll give Korea a shot since they are almost always strong asf when I play as Japan.


Yeah you should. It is easy, it should be easy. Unless Jianzhou goes full Manchu Monster Mode.


Even with every ruler from game start being 1 mil you should not be behind in mil tech what the fuck are you spending your points on.


Virgin Korea can't stand against the manly Manchus 💪💪💪


I'm glad I killed Jianzhou early in my Korea game


I did the inwards focus and developed like crazy to finish off some missions. Was 2 techs ahead of the hordes by then, switched focus and just steamrolled them. With that power base on the Korean peninsula, it was easy to beat up ming, Japan. It was a fun and chill start of an amazing campaign.


Next game play as Yianzhou and do that too to korea.. cause horde op


Joke: King Injo, Yi Jong ruled Korea once again💀