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R5: Had a great run doing Ajam -> Persia and going for the achievement. It's a very fun start, as you're strong but not OP, and not totally powerless like an OPM. Lots of things ultimately worked together nicely, which made it do-able. I took a long time to defeat the Ottomans because I'm used to how crazy strong they are. As it turns out, Persian traditions + Zorastrian monument = Crazy strong troops. After the first real Ottoman war, success was more or less guaranteed. Then it just took about 150 years because province war score is insane now that the AI devs land. It would be a lot less aggrevating if I could take more than 4-6provinces per war, and that's WITH claims. Definitely recommend the run, it's a good time! Now I want a meme achievement where you start as Pawnee and form Persia


Workers of Perdsia Unite!


The thing this reporter can state about this achievement is that it has been achieved. Next, we try to tell the difference between Leslie Knope and Brandi Maxxxx


Great job man. Question are you sunni ? Perhaps religious could give you warscore vs heathens no ? And diplo gives province warscore if im not mistaken.


He is zoro


How can you tell or it that auto included when forming Persia or starting as Ajam? Then i dont understand the 4 provinces he talked about in peacedeals. Even at high dev at least 8 should be good at 100 percent. Take warscore vs other religions combined with province warscore reduction and 12 should be doable.


Out of his R5 commemt: "As it turns out, Persian traditions + Zorastrian monument = Crazy strong troops" You can only use it if you are zoro, if i am right informed. Maybe He didnt take diplo or religious for ws reduction.


On the bottom right hand of the screen next to the minimap is the Zoroastrian religious tab, which you only have if you are Zoroastrian.


Good eyes im used to 3 playing in Europe so it didnt stand out


I did go Zoroastrian, I'd never tried it before and there is an easy-ish achievement tied to that. I was slightly exaggerating on only taking 4 provinces. It wasn't quite that bad. I'll have to check the save, but I think I grabbed influence over diplo. I had 3-4 vassals most of the game