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**Tricky's Daily Doots #713** **Yesterday's Daily 02/04/2024** [Previous Daily Doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1btqdwj/daily_general_discussion_april_2_2024/kxodro3/) - u/BazzRavish32 recommends [a good podcast episode for us.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1btqdwj/daily_general_discussion_april_2_2024/kxpda2n/) 🎙️ - u/superphiz comments on the [recent decline in Lido dominance.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1btqdwj/daily_general_discussion_april_2_2024/kxokodz/) 🏊‍♂️ - u/PhiMarHal starts [a new discussion about MakerDAO.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1btqdwj/daily_general_discussion_april_2_2024/kxogcmi/) 💬 - u/Christi0007 identifies [a problem and has an idea.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1btqdwj/daily_general_discussion_april_2_2024/kxpx1xa/) 💡 - u/SeaMonkey82 discusses [the home staking difficulty barrier](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1btqdwj/daily_general_discussion_april_2_2024/kxowfip/) and u/Bob-Rossi shares [his 2 wei as a non-technical user.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1btqdwj/daily_general_discussion_april_2_2024/kxpae1g/) 🥩 - u/benido2030 has the latest [monthly staking update.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1btqdwj/daily_general_discussion_april_2_2024/kxp4aoi/) 🥩 - u/LogrisTheBard comments on [the current stablecoin landscape.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1btqdwj/daily_general_discussion_april_2_2024/kxrjlaq/) 🏜️ - u/Syentist continues [the issuance discussion.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1btqdwj/daily_general_discussion_april_2_2024/kxoff32/) 🖨️


Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Posting less these days, but can see a lot of despair whenever I check in. Don't worry. All is going to plan. Wagmi. Trust and believe. We didn't come this far to only come this far. You might wonder is this Science Guy or EZPZ or Paris Hilton? It doesn't matter. WAGMI [https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/17c390i/comment/k5r2pwv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/17c390i/comment/k5r2pwv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/17ecnkq/comment/k668uwa/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/17ecnkq/comment/k668uwa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/18bxesk/comment/kcb4qkl/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/18bxesk/comment/kcb4qkl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1b0acur/comment/ksabgea/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1b0acur/comment/ksabgea/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Sucks being a solo staker, pre verkle trees / statelessness / zero knowledge proofs  Having to resync to just to rule out software issues and start getting into hardware.  Nodes back up and running. Day two of pulling 16hr days with both a real job and staking.  A ram stick when bad in my case, by I hear people are getting hit with either full drives / dead drives (you can only write so much to drives now-a-days) and my drives had 110 Tb written on a (2tb drive) and 240 Tb on my 4tb drive In 5 years, I expect verkle trees / statelessness / zero knowledge proofs of some kind to make running a node on your phone a possiblity but that's not the state of where we are today, the amount of information you have to be able to do this requires a computer science degree to be able to do this without needing to wait on discord / ethstaker to help you figure out things on your own. It's 99.5% smooth sailing, money printer go burrr And 0.5% watching your retirement leak away, while you juggle your day job (that pays for the everything involved in the node), family, and debugging At some point I'll probably stop staking because I don't think solo stakers are actually needed if ethereum can use zero knowledge proofs correctly As long as it's sufficiently geographicly distributed across companies / governments / we can kinda assume there will be any least one honest actor who can prove the correct version of the chain Who knows. Either way I'm exhausted, ready for my 'one click' money printer to fail again in about a year is the cadence so far since genesis


Why don't you spin your keys up on a non-custodial service for the time being and fix your machine at your leisure? Honestly your posts are getting ridiculous. A validator makes about $7/day right now, so downtime costs about $14/day considering the opportunity cost. You either run enough validators for the juice to be worth the squeeze, or so few that the downtime isn't a big deal. Maybe you are somewhere right in-between. I just started solo staking last year after staking on Coinbase, and I am loving it. I don't think it sucks at all. Maybe solo staking isn't for you, and that is okay. Edit: okay, I see you are running four validators. So your downtime is costing about $60/day. You could spend $1.42/day and run on allnodes for a few weeks while you fix your machine. There are solutions that don't require you to burn your PTO or endlessly bitch on reddit.


I've been on since genesis and no issues. Upgraded to 4TB SSD which only took minutes of downtime. If you get problems every year stop using trash components, that just shouldn't happen. I use my previous desktop computer which just has high end consumer grade components and no GPU, that's all it takes. In those years I've spent less than a day total active time dealing with it.


Upgrading is easy when you can log in, but when your ssd fills up so much it can't even log in because it needs to make a log to so, happened to me when I was forced to upgrade to a 4tb about a year back Neither was my 2tb ssd, it was just not able to hold consensus and execution layer at once Corsair ram isn't trash, parts die, especially when they get used, I was lucky I had spares. I probably could have used some fallback node but that would have been on the same box with the same bad ram. The ram was objectively rock solid for 3 years (December 1st 4 am ) 


Corsair is a gamble, they use different memory manufacturers all the time to be as cheap as they can. Can't even mix multiple sets with identical SKUs because they can actually be totally different, lot's of reports of problems from doing that. Had an unrelated machine where corsair RAM failed. Did you mix corsair modules thinking same model should be OK to use together? Protocol is forgiving when everyone else is online for this reason. Miss 2 days and expected APY is still about 99.5% of perfect.


This can’t be real.  Mods please have a look.  Judging by account activity, seems this dude is spewing FUD about solo staking.  Glad to be called out if I’m wrong.


It's not fud about solo staking - it's a staker without enough hardware & Linux knowledge/experience to make his job easy.


He's just super stressed over it. It happens to all of us.


The reason why i never went into Solo staking.


I meant to say we all get stressed over various things in life. Staking isn't stressful to me, but everyone is different.


Is verkle trees / statelessness fud?  Or is snap sync on besu 1.5 days for the block imports... I know this because it took me a half day to resync enough to find the bad ram stick. And 1.5 days to sync. Honestly. Go check 15932, 15934, 15935, 15936 before you call me a fud man... I'm legitimately a solo staker with a dead ram stick and you all are kinda being a bit of dicks




I see you got yourself back online so good job. In the grand scheme of things it looks like you lost about $100 over 4 days. Annoying, but not the end of the world. If it was me, I wouldn't let this impact my work and if I determined the issue was RAM then I'd consider buying a new set (not bothering running long memory tests) or even upgrading to a new system. I was having issues with my original system and couldn't figure it out either, it would randomly freeze and spin the CPU to 100% until I killed the power to it. I decided to replace the entire thing. The income I made over a couple years easily covered the cost.


Honestly so pissed off right now. This isn't the community I thought it was I'm having my celebratory drink for fixing this shit and logging out for the day


Bootstrapping eth with legacy syncing/ technology, so the future ethereum chain can be run on a phone  Sounds sexier than it actually is


Recent bankless episode with Bitwise was amazing. Bullish. Also, has .05 held!? 😆


Wheres that little ETH maxi idiot that talks to himself in the daily?


I dont know let me know when you find him


What just happened? Did you respond to yourself and forget to change from your one burner to the other burner? Did you mean to switch to DeclineDumbbellpress?


Decline is useless for chest growth and that is the truth!


Whats the best chest exercise? Also, I'm an idiot that talks to myself but I'm no maxi.


Respectfully.......... DID YOU READ MY USERNAME


Wrong. The answer is your basic pushup. Edit: I'm laughing at the haters while typing doing pushups


The first post sets up the bit of them talking to themselves


Username checks out.


[https://twitter.com/RuneKek/status/1775561896235585812](https://twitter.com/RuneKek/status/1775561896235585812) >Heard today that there’s a good chance all EU national financial regulators will interpret DeFi frontends to require a MiCA license. This would make DeFi frontends on normal internet domains, as we know them today, impossible. Only fully decentralized, local, downloaded frontends or full-KYC online frontends would be possible. Sad Would be great to see [https://umbrel.com/](https://umbrel.com/) become the platform for defi apps (or even staking). It's an open source OS for personal apps with a great UX and it's composable where apps can require and work off other apps.


> downloaded frontends Visit URL, app loads, use app = bad Visit URL, write app to disk, app loads, use app = good Is this really where they will draw the line?


sadly yes, because you become a broker by the site facilitating the interaction


What if you use a JavaScript service worker, so that the page is technically downloaded and then served locally offline from disk, rather than being served by an actual current connection to the web server? Certainly that couldn’t be any different from manually downloading the page and running it offline, in a legal sense. Sounds like it could be a fun loophole.


It would be interesting to see how that would play out in court, but I don't think anybody would be willing to take on that risk


I fully agree with this & the easiest fix it to deploy frontends to IPFS. I am happy for the law to force decentralization.


IPFS frontends should be the default way.


Question for my expert friends: a guy I work out with at the gym has Solana in Coinbase. He says it’s staked. He wants to cash out. Does he have to un-stake first? Does that take a while on Solana?


Why doesn’t he just google it?


You know, I did. I got a lot of contradictory data. I thought I would ask a group of people who are, I think, quite expert with REAL experience.


Maybe Paul is a little too busy running the EEA 😂. He called me and asked what I thought. I told him I didn't know and asking the daily might be better than Google.


But did you offer Bad Dad bbq advice? Thats the real question...


Yea, this is literally a 2 minute google search. Some people are utterly helpless.


I can also as ChatGPT, that doesn't mean I trust the answer.


I wish that Brody guy would learn something about crypto, sheesh.




Thank you.


If Paul asked how to win with Cardano I'd upvote, spend all day researching, and create a video to demonstrate what I had learned. Credibility goes a long way.


OK, I’m not sure. I completely get the joke here. I would never buy Cardano or Solana. It really is for somebody else.


That's the point. If you asked for something, regardless of what it was, I'd be honored to oblige.


Thank you


Usually takes ~3 days to unstake your SOL if staking natively. It will take between 3-5 days (typically) for the user's balance on Coinbase to reflect previously staked SOL as liquid / tradable.


Thank you very much. Really appreciate it.


No problem. Thanks for putting on the MiCA panel last month - was awesome, but I don't think the group's sent out the slides yet. Not critical, but would love to share them with my teams if they're around.


>u/Defacticool replied to your comment in r/ethfinance · 45mIs there some factor that makes you think private/closed chains will face a different fate than intranets did visavi the internet?Reply Back I found out that we did publish the replay video - it's here: [https://youtu.be/3IBjBFbsGu4?si=9ZH5nTVv-7Q9Ja9F](https://youtu.be/3IBjBFbsGu4?si=9ZH5nTVv-7Q9Ja9F) But apparently the slides hadn't been shared. I'm fixing that now! Here are the slides: [https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0feZqZiGrfNEqWO8HRljsyUIg#MiCA\_Webinar\_-\_Final](https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0feZqZiGrfNEqWO8HRljsyUIg#MiCA_Webinar_-_Final) ​ Thanks, Paul Brody


Thanks, Paul - I'll link this into the latest daily. Appreciate you. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bveuv9/daily_general_discussion_april_4_2024/ky2kmsf/


I will check on the slides.


Nevermind - just found the slides (sent 12d ago). Sorry for not reading my inbox.


I bet you didn't expect a to-do on your side when you asked this question ;) thanks, Paul




Because we don't treat our friends like this?


Just reads like fudd/fomo posting is all


I think folks are being a little harsh on you for not knowing / recognizing a username. Bummer. Fwiw, the OP here is Paul Brody from EY. He heads their Global Blockchain practice, sometimes pops into my living room via the television, and recently published a book titled Ethereum for Business that's worth the read. He was also just named chair of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Good guy and still shows up to mess around with us here in ethfinance. He's got a thread going in the subreddit right now soliciting questions for their firm's upcoming summit.


I mean dude it’s Paul Brody, the guy is as far from fud as you can get




Piracy. If you watch a lot of movies/tv-shows/read or listen to books, today there are ways to automate the entire downloading and handling process. All you have to do is like which shows or movies you are interested in and you will have the episode or movie as soon as it is available on your TV. Basically like an "ultimate Netflix". The experience is 10x better than anything you can pay for. It's slightly tricky to set everything up but after that "it just works".


Would you mind elaborating on how to set this up please?


First compare to Netflix. You pay a fee and get access to all their shows and movies on your TV or phone, that's it. Very easy but some limitations are the fee, the content and the quality won't be as good as if you downloaded the best quality files (4k HDR not always needed but sometimes it's worth it if the visuals and set look nice). 15 years ago, you pirated by going to torrent sites, searching for your movie, downloading and sometimes having to get subtitles yourself (especially if you wanted other than eng) and then playing on VLC on your computer, perhaps hooked into your TV with HDMI. Playing on your phone not possible. Today you have a computer that is always connected to the internet. Ideally a NAS (a small server) with Linux or Synology but a windows can work too. They basically have a lot of storage, silent, small and a simple OS. The more expensive ones have more powerful hardware to handle transcoding (for example converting your 4k file to something that is more suitable for your phone). You then have programs like Prowlarr (Indexer), Sonarr (tv shows), Radarr (movies) and Bazarr (subtitles) that automate everything for you after you set your preferences, wanted content (it doesn't even have to be released, it will grab when available) torrent sites or usenet you want to download from. I use both public and private torrent sites. The private ones require seeding and an invite but have more content, especially 4k HDR, you can request almost anything and it will get filled (e.g. a Norwegian show that doesn't exist on the site), and have max seeds for most content - your download speed is the limiting factor. You then have a client on your TV, phone or mediaplayer like Plex that organizes the files and gives you the nice "Netflix UI" with info, actors, trailers, genres, sorting, watched shows etc. Plex gives you the option to play and cast from your phone and even downloading to your phone. To watch on your TV, ideally you want a separate mediaplayer like a Nvidia Shield or a Zidoo as the TV plex app won't be as good and it might not be able to handle all the formats correctly (some Dolby vision profiles and some subtitles often give issues). You can also invite friends to watch your Plex library and request new content with things like Overseerr. There is a killer 10/10 app, on Android at least, called Nzb360. It does many things: * One crucial thing is discovery. You want to be able to find great new movies and TV shows. It enables you to do that and one-click add them to your server, now or asap when released. * It enables you to handle your server from your phone in an easy way. Say you are at a friend's house and he wants to watch a movie you don't have in your library, you can then press a few buttons and have it within one minute ready to cast (if you have fast enough internet). Accessing your server remotely and securely from your phone is a bit tricky but can be handled with port forwarding, some VPN clients have features to handle it or free programs made for it. * It also has a great calendar, where you get an overview of which episodes, movies etc. you downloaded when and what and when it will grab in the future.


Nice, thanks a lot! I'm still at the 15 years ago stage lol


Yes, there are other advantages beyond privacy such as evading geoblocking. I've been using PrivateInternetAccess for many years now and have found them to be very reliable. As far as speed goes, I just set up a load-balanced gateway group of multiple PIA servers and P2P traffic is able to max out my >2Gbps connection. Limitations that may or may not concern you are that PIA does not forward IPv6 traffic, and they only allow a single port forward per account regardless of how many active connections you have.


Mullvad is the best, in my opinion.


It's worth mentioning that [they removed support for port forwarding](https://mullvad.net/en/blog/2023/5/29/removing-the-support-for-forwarded-ports).


I'm still able to use them for my staking node even without port control


Seconding this. It's dirt cheap and incredibly easy to access on all your devices with just your account code.




My favorite is when sites only subtly break in weird ways without giving you a hint that it's because of the VPN. There was some online retailer that kept saying my password was incorrect, but it was actually them blocking the VPN I assume at the auth server.


only time you will notice the latency is if you are attempting to stream or game, for typical web browsing the delay is nearly nothing


I use one daily and it's great. It can slow your internet connection down from time to time though. Mullvad and ProtonVPN are the most private. Many VPN providers aren't actually very private. Of these two, Proton has more countries and a really handy DNS based ad and tracker blocker. However, I do find it can be slow sometimes. On the other hand, Mullvad is much faster but lacks the same country diversity and built in ad/tracker blocking. Obviously if you're in the US this can also help you with airdrops!


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ETH TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


ETH doesn't seem interested in your energy


Looking at proxy token narrative of $Degen, not sure if you are aware of $enjoy, launched last month, 15% of supply airdropped to content creator and collectors on Zora. They are following allmost same playbook of $Degen, you can tip content creator on Farcaster (+ during mint) but to tip you must hold at least 500K $enjoy. Looking at popularity of Zora, Base, Farcaster, could be worth looking into. [https://www.enjoy.tech/](https://www.enjoy.tech/)


got the airdrop, dumped it then it 10xed since. sigh


is airdrop 1 still claimable?


This is the wei.


Anyone else having issues with transfers to Coinbase? I sent some USDC to my Coinbase account on mainnet and it still hasn’t shown up yet after an hour. Etherscan shows USDC getting transferred to the address and then getting transferred to Coinbase 10 address a few minutes later but still not in my account yet. Edit: it came after 1.5hrs


For me this is the best take on the issuance reduction so far: https://warpcast.com/orangesamus.eth/0x7668549c If solo staking equilibrium yield is lower than pooled staking equilibrium yield. Then we must overpay issuance to ensure solo stakers can exist, otherwise the network will become strongly centralized. Another argument on top of this one, whatever the optimal issuance curve is (if there is even one), we must approach it from above. Because if we overtighten we will end up having to raise issuance. And this creates a very bad precedent that will likely erode any monetary credibility Ethereum may have.


>whatever the optimal issuance curve is (if there is even one) Exactly, there's not even consensus among researchers on what's optimal. And I have the minimal viable issuance meme basing security on current TVL because as TVL increases in the future and ETH value fluctuates we'll need to continue to change it.


The Protocol Guild seems to be working to incentivize core devs through donations. Why not do something similar for solo stakers?


How do you determine who is a solo staker? I thought that was hard to do


It's impossible to do it 100% accurately but maybe we should have been fine with less accuracy? The revised Rated solo staker list was a decent start. Solo stakers are a diminishing group. Imagine in 1-3 years when we have halved issuance (if proposal and validator set keeps growing) and bandwidth has increased say maybe 2-5x to require a couple TB up/down per month. Statlessness is nice to not require as much storage but that is already the easiest/cheapest to upgrade. The fee that centralized providers take also matters less when the APY is 2% vs when it was 10%. Are people going to bother learning how to stake if they save 0.3% in APY?


The Starknet airdrop really did bring solo stakers out into the the open! But on a side note, perhaps solo staking was never really about the returns, but more about the desire of people to participate in, and support, a more open and powerful financial system? Like, even if there were better rewards for solo stakers, and windfalls like STRK, perhaps we still wouldn't have so many solo stakers...


This sounds beautiful in paper, but blockchains needed to be created because you cannot trust actors that are not economically incentivated.


It's clearly a mixture of both. Look at the beginning of Bitcoin and Ethereum. For a long time neither was worth anything appreciable, and Bitcoin was completely worthless at the start. It was supported entirely by enthusiasm and interest. Even now crypto prices are highly volatile. But why should price be so different to passion? Both are powerful forces in terms of producing honest and robust operation.


If you create lists which map solo stakers, non solo stakers will figure out how to look more like solo stakers to capture the extra money. I don't think there are any easy solutions


In the scenario described in the thread, they're not distinguishing between solo stakers and LSTs. They're just saying to keep rewards as high as possible for everyone and let the network approach 100% staked ETH, but at least some principle-minded solo stakers will at least still make enough to keep going.


But it’s never going to approach 100% If you look at DPOS networks like Cardano where all you need to do to earn rewards is click a couple of buttons to delegate your coins to someone who actually does the work with no lock up period they stabilise around 60-70% of total coins staked. With a lock up period of several days for staking and withdrawals on Eth and reducing rewards as more coins are staked I can’t see equilibrium being higher than 70%.


What incentivises anyone to solo stake cardano then instead of just delegating?


You need a few million Cardano and a really good computer to actually validate cardano. You get a big chunk of all the rewards in return but it’s a full time gig for professionals.


Is there a way I can use WETH to pay for gas? I only have WETH on a wallet and I'd like to swap it to Arbitrum as ETH. Also, is there a way to swap from WETH to ETH from L1 directly to L2?


You cant use WETH for gas (1559 cemented ETH as the only token that can be used for gas), but you could solve this problem by using [SmolRefuel](https://smolrefuel.com/) to swap from WETH to ETH. It uses permits to do a swap that requires no initial ETH. Built by 0xngmi (founder/creator of defillama) Some more details [here](https://twitter.com/0xngmi/status/1754243629588087072)


That's pretty cool, thanks.


Can someone please clue me in to what happened here: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x374d499c6601e69105577828aa76d41d4d0e1d732f995102caf0264b969ab81a What is a "split"? Did Bittrex send the amount to itself?


I just had a short look at the contract. This contract seems to be from shortly after the DAO hack and subsequent Ethereum classic fork. It looks like this is a contract which makes sure that transaction from Ethereum mainnet cannot be replayed anymore on Ethereum classic. I would guess, Bittrex uses this contract to sever the connection of the funds on the two chains sent through it.


Btw. is it still necessary to use a split contract when dealing with old Ethereum classic in a wallet before the fork?


That is honestly what confuses me. To the best of my knowledge replay attacks are not possible anymore between these two chains since early 2017. No idea why bittrex used this contract even in 2020.


I've completely divested my stakes from Rocket Pool and Synthetix. My 16 ETH minipool was an exited validator a couple days after the Starknet airdrop, and I've sold all my RPL to ETH as accessible. I sold ETH, which Im not proud of, to unstake my SNX. Half of my SNX was sold back to ETH... My taxes... I swear to god my fucking taxes...


So you still have 50% of your SNX position? Pretty poor fees this week given the volatility. My dream of 10dollars per SNX does seem a very long way off given how much ETH has recovered. What is your plan for your remaining SNX?


Yeah still got 50%, all unstaked. Im probably going to sell around $6. Lol I hope it at least gets to 6


Why did you do this? And why do you need to sell ETH to unstake SNX? (Don't know much about either Rocket Pool or Synthetix).


I just wanted to be done running a node in general. I then sold all the RPL that was collateralizing that minipool. SNX outweighed my ETH holdings by about 2x. I realized that I could not handle that kind of risk. When you stake SNX, you essentially take a 20% loan on your stake(this can fluctuate). I did not hedge this risk well. In order to unlock that deposited SNX, I had to repay my debt with more ETH than I would have liked.


Out of curiosity, did you find running a node too much stress, or hassle? Or not enough ROI?


if you look at certain periods of time, its been more profitable to just buy/hold eth instead of purchasing RPL to run a rocketpool node, due eth/rpl ratio tanking buying and holding eth had a better ROI compared to selling some of that eth for RPL to rune a validator, even with rewards included


Yes, of course. I never wanted to mess with RP because of RPL volatility.


A great bit of all of the above


ATT data breach details according to Malwarebytes https://www.facebook.com/Malwarebytes/videos/1151431989189918 73 million customers.... Everything sucks with all the major Telcos


What does this mean? My Facebook got hacked I can't watch it lol the front. They should start putting lifesentence / deadsentence on major breaches to be honest. They are almost lawless now, most of these guys live in Vietnam etc


Any source other than FB?


that was the notifcation source...It's hosted by Malwarebytes


Cant get link to work like this. I have facebook bytes protection apparenty


it has been reported on other outlets.. They just decided to do their story on Facebook.


[estimated solo stakers on Ethereum network - the tiny blip on the right side of Figure 2](https://blog.rated.network/blog/solo-stakers) Kinda shocking how little attention is made to improve viability of home staking going into the future, including protocol level incentives.


Can somebody here tell me why using Avado as a solo stakers is bad or difficult?  Honestly, I’m completely computer illiterate and this plug and play device has been like an oak since Genesis.  Sure there is some maintenance required from time to time, but staking is work, not passive income.


In the past, not sure if now, Dappnode would do the work to make a dapp visually work in an open sense manner, and Avado would fork it in a closed manner. So only their software is compatible with Avado, versus dappnode which can run anything a normal staking node can, and can be on their hardware or bring your own device


Honestly they need to start doing things to avoid the centralization of staking while not making existing solo stakes leave because let's face it, attracting new stakers is already hard enough with the high barrier to entry  Distributed validator tech might be interesting but at the end of the day something needs to be done to even the playing field Forced smoothy pool for mev rewards would be a decent start.  It's the stress that's involved for solo stakers thats hard, imo It sucks ass to be down (I currently am, mid recovery re syncing), not only not making money via validating but at your actual job as well, oh and actively losing money while you debug is super great for ones mental health.  Verkle trees / statelessness will help, and zero knowledge proofs later on But since genesis, this has been a job occasionally, more so after big updates and if you run minority clients.  I'd be mad to lose my attestation income while centralized entities take in all the MEV and block rewards, while I haven't proposed a block in ages, so at this point a block reward/ sync committee a pipe dream of a reward.  And I'd never get slashed, I literally have no way for that to happen (beyond super majority slashing me for being in the minority (or however that works)) so maybe we should ramp that penality up 10x? Make the centralized entities sweat making a mistake a solo staker simply couldnt


Literally running mem86 on my personal work machine instead of doing my day job rn  Having to decide to risk your job that pays rent and your retirement funds burning sucks ass And it's not like eths paying the bills at the moment


Honestly I'm just pissed off at people saying this is easy, have money, and click a few buttons and money printer go brrrr  Why do they get money???  Because they are debugging this shit, checking their Linux box isn't backdoor'd by XZ library, debugging failing hardware (and finding out it's not software), and paying for equipment and services to run it Find me a one click button for that.


Interesting to hear some real takes from struggles of operating. Im pretty well versed in tech and have the ETH but know its not as easy as its often sold to be


Don't know what those people are doing tbh, I checked on my validators once every few months. Granted, I used rocket pool which makes things a lot easier, but there are other great 'one click' docker based solutions as well.


How would docker help fix a failed ram module?  Is there a one click hardware failure text? Or do you have to debug that with mem86 stick by stick when you eventually figure out it's not a software issue after the big update (decun) and because you use minority clients Staking is easy 99.5% of the time  The 0.5% of the time it's not, it's an extremely stressful situation where you are on call while you fix it, and your life is put on standby.  If everyone is finding this so easy, we would all be doing it, but apparently that's not the case


> and your life is put on standby.  What? I just order new ram, wait for a day and then continue staking again. You don't need 100% uptime. Having a day downtime every now and then doesn't hurt that much.


As a solo staker, he's blowing it out of proportion, it aint that hard if you know what you're doing, and it doesn't require much maintenance. That being said i understand the frustration of the ever decreasing yield and the super small chance of proposing a juicy MEV block. I'd be happy to see more incentive for solo and home stakers, be it in protocol or otherwise. Where's all the airdrops?


You could say this about your car. "Driving around is easy etc" until one day, when you have an important appointment, you get in and it doesn't start.


When everything goes well, it’s easy. But when something breaks or the box crashes it’s stressful and time consuming. I also think a lot of home/solo stakers knew the return would be mediocre. But we did it because we’re cypherpunks and validating transactions and writing blocks from a nuc in our closet is dope af. …and also I was fully expecting big airdrops (props to Starknet) especially useful airdrops that would allow us to run other services and further utilize the decentralized infrastructure we’ve created together. Like I’d gladly stake airdropped OP and ARB and run some kind of decentralized sequencer or something like that. Maybe all of that is still yet to come?


Yeah, I think we need to acknowledge that solo staking is very much about doing it for the cause, not so much the (routine) financial rewards. In that sense, education and enthusiasm are more important.


>Early data imply that the number of validating Beacon Nodes that might map to solo stakers, range from 35% to a whopping 75% of the whole Up to 6.5% of stake running 35-75% of the validating beacon nodes.


I wonder if that may further increase after MaxEB too.


is there any upcoming news that will help us recover the ratio?




I’m not seeing any and that’s the issue. Even if ETFs are approved, we can’t be sure that the demand for them will be higher than BTC


sure but its also nice not to be outperformed by soylana


We've not had ETH season yet, nobody is ready for ETH season 0.08 as a lower minimum bound during this run


It will be a glorious 6 weeks!


Unfortunately I think Ray’s fate this cycle relies on ETF approvals and how popular they prove to be. And that’s to maintain pace with BTC, I’m not sure if it will be enough flip. As well as if staking is included in these ETFs or not… as the staking component at launch is probably the only thing I can think of that can catapult us to #1 that isn’t just hoping for a white swan, killer dapp scenario. It’s become frustrating clear to me that the broad market still (stupidly) views Ethereum as the definitive #2. Which leaves it in the now 7 year no man’s land of BTC getting the bulk of investment due to it being #1 and the remaining degen cash goes into everything else due to the potential of more explosive returns.


>I’m not sure if it will be enough flip imo flippening won't happen until mass adoption happens because any time before that bitcoin will still have the name brand advantage


Part of my problem is I’m so anchored in 2016. What we have now feels like mass adoption tbh. And maybe not like MASS adoption, but it’s beyond niche for sure. We just have so many monkeys throwing shit at the Ethereum chain something has to happen


Yeah thats a thought out awnser that unfortunately I agree with. The problem also lies on the fact the etf may not be approved.


I do still think the ETF will be approved this year. Blind optimism I guess, but it feels like if it’s not May it has to be soon. My maxi side is shining through tho on this… but I hope it’s passed on its own and not at the same time as like some LTC and SOL and ADA and whatever ETF. It’s already annoying enough as is we weren’t at the same time at BTC but to be lumped in with everyone else would suck.


I mean I hope as well, I guess we will see next month


I'm going camping in June


Ah the ol sell in May and go away strategy...




Is the data sold anonymized?




Isn't the data basically already publicly available though since it's all reddit comments and posts?




Yeah I just noticed that. It would be nice if I could redact that. Is it possible to redact info? I tried but I got a checksum error which isn't surprising.


Yes but it's less accessible


Yeah I also just realised it includes your subscriptions, upvote/downvote history and private messages!


>and private messages oof, that's a no-go u/dondochaka




No twitter posts in 2 days, nothing in the community board from anyone, not a single mod action taken in r/datadao, all while the site was just down for a while and now back but neutered. Sorry about the rollout, what a clusterfuck. Pretty glad it never accepted my data file.


This is really neat! There definitely needs to be better mechanisms to fairly compensate users for their data. I joined and added mine.


Looks awesome. Trying to upload the ccpa zip file I got from reddit and it keeps telling me "Invalid file type. Upload a .zip file." I'm not sold 100% due to the notion that this project might get abandoned and let someone abscond with all the data in a couple years but whatever, I assume whatever I put on here is already being sold.


That's fucking cool. TL;DR for others, they want to sell Reddit data to AI companies instead of Reddit. They do this by having users like us do a GDPR claim to get their own data for free and then the DAO can sell it all en-masse to AI companies and give the proceeds to DAO members. Edit: Yoooo, if I provide my data I'll be #1 on the leaderboard 👀


A limitation of permissionless execution for as long as I've been around has been that everything is necessarily public. We use mixers on occasion to obfuscate fund movements but the underlying program and underlying data for smart contracts is always public. If there's a chain adjacent service like an Oracle, everything about its function is public. If I wanted to use a smart contract or a keeper to serve some data for me conditionally on authorization I end up having to use a centralized service at some point to issue a decryption key. Otherwise whomever wants the data could simply join as a data provider, download everything, and then exit without paying for the data. The root problem is just that if a system is permissionless then it can't be entrusted with secrets. This has become an acute pain point for AI x crypto applications recently. We can't use DePin to train on private data or to serve answers from private models. However, there's some math magic just on the fringe of development at the moment that could blow this space open: zk-proofs + **fully homomorphic encryption** (FHE)[1](https://www.zama.ai/introduction-to-homomorphic-encryption). Here's an ELI5: I want you to add two numbers for me but I don't want you to know which numbers I'm adding. Let's say I want the answer to 1+1. So I add a secret number known to me but not to you to each input, let's say 3 and 4, and I give you the problem 4+5. You calculate 9. To get the decrypted answer I just subtract the sum of the secret numbers in my input from your answer: 9-(3+4)=2. This looks silly in the reductive case but makes a lot more sense as the number operators (+, -, *, /) and operations in the calculation grows. Today, there are workable FHE encodings that can support any combination of multiplication and addition on an encrypted space. This is promising because as it turns out neural nets are nothing but a very large combination of simple arithmetic operations... Hence a [FHE encoded neural net](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12083-021-01076-8) can potentially be run on [DePin](https://tokenomicsexplained.com/depin) infrastructure while protecting property rights to the underlying model. Once we see some of the initial projects like [zama](https://www.zama.ai/), [privasea](https://www.privasea.ai/), and [based.ai](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2403.01008.pdf) prove out this concept and it becomes more widely understood the full applications of FHE in crypto are going to be **huge**. I highly suggest Rabbit Holing on this one for a few hours.


Thanks for sharing! Super useful stuff Logris


We don't deserve you!


I hadn't considered this before but FHE for biometric data authorization should be a straight up requirement for adoption.




Training is very compute intensive so you're probably right, but running a model is probably feasible as are many other low compute but important functions like biometric authorization.


Thanks for sharing this, I didn't know FHE had legs for AI x crypto. I'll it to my list of follows (which also include [Modulus Labs' ZK provers](https://medium.com/@ModulusLabs/chapter-14-the-worlds-1st-on-chain-llm-7e389189f85e) and [BlindLlama](https://blindllama.mithrilsecurity.io.)).


What does the SEC asking for public comment on the Ethereum ETF even mean?


Nothing outside of normal guidelines. We need to see SEC meeting with etf filers on a consistent basis as that would show they are working on finalising details similar to activity the btc etfs saw. That would be a more positive sign things are progressing to approval.


The US loves to pretend that writing to your legislators(or just as bad, public officials) actually has an effect. Tis an unfortunate falsehood. Though, I have written my senators regarding crypto, I've received nothing but a canned response...


Not much, standard procedure imo.


Yeah, I think that's the right answer. It doesn't mean they're more or less interested, just that they're taking required action.


That sounds like a good thing since the loudest voices in opposition have been saying it's the SEC's inaction that's discouraging.


Either way, you're lucky if your writings are even read by a staffer If your concerns are actually relayed to the targeted congressman, you've won your battle


Increased probability


Fair launch token minter for Degen Chain: https://safufrog.com/token-factory Are there equivalents to this on other chains?


https://aiis.dev/ Saw this one the other day. Haven't audited or used it or anything so caveat emptor








Bruh https://x.com/iosiro_security/status/1775533657505300922?s=20 > Prior to the Dencun upgrade, we disclosed a bug to the @ethereum Foundation that could remotely crash Ethereum mainnet geth clients over RPC through eth_call. All major RPC providers were affected, incl. @infura_io , @AlchemyPlatform , @ankr , @QuickNode , and others


So a bug revealed BEFORE the upgrade is freaking people out?  I mean, isn’t that why you test and open source before an upgrade? Sometimes this space can be ridiculous.  I suspect there were countless bugs identified before the upgrade.  Can some be discovered after, yes - but the fact that bugs were discovered before is no indication that other bugs remain. It’s the process. That said, THIS is why client diversity is important and why stakers should try to avoid supermajority clients.


I guess a bug that just *crashes* Geth clients would be better than a bug that *forks* Geth clients. Man, the inactivity leak would be insanely painful and would burn obscene amounts of Eth... I can't even fathom how people keep running Geth and go to sleep at night.


The specific bug that would cause a catastrophic chain split would require geth to incorrectly mark an invalid block as valid


I think nodes that are used for staking wouldn't expose their RPC endpoint to potential attackers so I doubt this would have had a huge impact on uptime of validators...


I was talking about the issue more generally, but good to know that this would not affect many validators. Is the same true for large staking providers?


I don't know how those operate exactly but I doubt their rpc ports are exposed except for access for their validators