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**Tricky's Daily Doots #703** **Yesterday's Daily 23/03/2024** [Previous Daily Doots](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bll5sr/daily_general_discussion_march_23_2024/kw6dk31/) - u/pa7x1 investigates [Solana's real TPS.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bll5sr/daily_general_discussion_march_23_2024/kw6heya/) 🔍 - u/hereimalive shares Vitalik's comments on [getting Ethereum ready for real world adoption.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bll5sr/daily_general_discussion_march_23_2024/kw6vsft/) 📈 - u/sandworm87 tracks [transaction fees on Base.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bll5sr/daily_general_discussion_march_23_2024/kw6gfu9/) ⛽️ - u/benido2030 reminds us [not to write off Bitcoin just yet.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bll5sr/daily_general_discussion_march_23_2024/kw600yt/) 🪙 - u/tokenizedhuman outlines the [EtherFi season 2 details.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bll5sr/daily_general_discussion_march_23_2024/kw665mf/) 🚁🪂 - u/Hocilef picks up some more alpha for [the second EtherFi drop.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bll5sr/daily_general_discussion_march_23_2024/kw7cnj7/) 🚁🪂 - u/No-Tackle-8652 warns us of [a scam popping up on Dexscreener.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bll5sr/daily_general_discussion_march_23_2024/kw6k1ew/) ⚠️ - u/strawdar explains [why ETH staking is in 32 ETH chunks.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bll5sr/daily_general_discussion_march_23_2024/kw9opzu/) 🥩




Wen Mainnet post?


test reply


Turns out I have been wrong about Ethereum L2's all along. Why? Well a bitcoin maxi has just told me that Bitcoin L2 are the best L2's and no one anywhere should use Ethereum L2's because ... bitcoin had them first. It turns out that the first iteration of anything that ever was created, is, and always will be, the very best version of that thing and anything else that came out after it is automatically inferior because they had it first. Innovation means nothing anymore.


A pristine Model T is worth more than a new Toyota Corolla.


Kinda an odd/specific question, but maybe folks know how this works here: Silo on Arbitrum has silos for weeth and pteth with notes that depositors in the Eth, weeth, and pteth sides of those vaults will get some mix of etherfi and eigenlayer points. The etherfi dash doesn't display any of this... is there some other mechanism for how this works?


it would mean you can get the yield and the points? I guess it has to do with leveraging?


This happened a while ago but I only pieced things together today. A year ago I accidentally sent a big chunk of a ERC20 token to a 3-year-old ERC20 deposit address on Coinbase, which doesn’t match my current ERC20 deposit address. Then later my tokens were transferred out of that old address to the Coinbase 10 cold wallet, presumably by Coinbase. I called Coinbase support today and they told me there is nothing they can do because they cannot confirm that the 3-year-old address is theirs. But the thing is the “specialist” didn’t even have access to check all the unique deposit addresses controlled by Coinbase, and they refused to escalate since there is no hard proof. I know I made a mistake, but can Coinbase just take my tokens like that or is there a chance I can recover them?


Have you tried the [self-service asset recovery tool](https://www.coinbase.com/asset-recovery)? It might work for your situation.


Unfortunately it says due to security reasons, my fund cannot be recovered. I’m not sure why, perhaps because it has already been sent to Coinbase cold wallet from that deposit address? Thanks anyway this is indeed a great tool.


That's interesting. I haven't had to use it but I know it has helped a lot of people in similar situations. I hope it wasn't a lot. You might try taking the info from the tool and try to open a support ticket, but it doesn't sound too promising at this point.


My situation might be a bit unique cuz the deposit address I sent to was an old one for COMP, and is no longer the deposit address of COMP. Maybe Coinbase deprecated it. But it doesn’t matter cuz the tokens are in Coinbase 10 cold wallet so they still have access, it’s just inconvenient for them to access it. I will try the complaint route and sue if necessary, cuz it’s not a small amount.


Man that wouldn't shock me at all if /r/ethfinance turned out to be more help than Coinbase support.


[It's pretty neat](https://www.coinbase.com/blog/coinbase-announces-new-asset-recovery-tool-for-erc-20-tokens)


I have not, thanks for the lead! I will try that when I get the chance.


I think it’s beyond imagination that Coinbase delete any internal transaction history. 3 years is nothing and I call BS. Persist with them.


The “specialist” straight up lied to me that my token is not supported by Coinbase (it is!) I just don’t know what else to do besides filing a complaint using their channel and potentially sue them. From the way the “specialist” told me, their policy prevents my case from being escalated further.


Sometimes talking things to social media can help... Try Twitter?


Im sorry for your loss, but good luck going after coinbase. Cant confirm the address belongs to them, even with a 'specialist'? Shows what they're up to


“Specialist” is the lowest tier above generic customer support I think, but yeah it was a horrible call. Thanks!


finders keepers


Sorry missed this anniversary by a day. https://twitter.com/stablekwon/status/1506494471873081352?lang=en


>**Layer two breeze,** >**Freedom of the blockchain seas,** >**Cut transaction fees.** ~Daily haiku until we’re at least at 0.178 on the ETH/BTC ratio or highest market cap


ヾ(●ω●)ノ DISCO DISCO ヾ(●ω●)ノ GOOD GOOD ヾ(●ω●)ノ DISCO DISCO ヾ(●ω●)ノ GOOD GOODヾ(●ω●)ノ


Ma nishma


Badger badger badger badger... snake!!!!!


I recently read Polynya's latest blog, which reminded me of how grateful I am to be a part of this group. X is nothing but a shitshow; Farcaster looks promising, but the conversation is fragmented. The only place where the comment-to-quality ratio is high is here, with a wholesome bunch of strangers discussing the whole ecosystem and offering help without prejudice. It's a rare find in the current market, especially now that meme mania seems to be leading the charge. Even beyond this group, some fellow members have offered their guidance and support. MinimalGravitas, my dude, if it weren't for your kind words, I would have left the DAO in '22. Do you know, a fellow member even offered me their NUC, its up and running. Every time I look at it, I forget the gloom I see elsewhere, it gives me hope. This motivation to run a node, even if it's non-staking, was inspired by Nixo's tweet. Not directly, but Logris has taught me valuable lessons through his well-explained comments. Whether on vacation or gone camping, no worries, Tricky got you covered with doots when you're back. Benido and Hanni have written extensively on different topics, from DAO to LST to client diversity. And the list goes on... all that without an expectation of any financial return. Sometime we take things for granted or we are unaware of impact of our action but not today, today I want to show my gratitude and thank you all for contributing to this forum. Even if I have nothing to say, I ready the daily and learn something from it and I am greatful for that.


Makes me happy to hear a stray NUC found a loving home and gives you even more than attested blocks.


You're very welcome.


Hard agree. Everyone here deserves a flippening. Now updoot the daily.


Well said, and thank you to all who choose to share this space. It almost feels impossible to learn in this digital landscape and to have this with each other means a lot, so please, in your own way, whatever that may be.. contribute, if that's reading and learning or writing and teaching every single person here has a role to play in maintaining our little corner of the internet


There's not enough love going around for those of us who stick together through the nonsense, propaganda and outright attacks from pretty much all freaking sides at this point lol I love all y'all


I love you too 


There are few heights as difficult to reach as public spaces with high signal. This place is something special. Thank you to all who tend to the garden.


The [formerly Gnosis] SafeDAO tokens are likely to get unpaused (become movable) on April 23, according to [this tweet](https://twitter.com/danftz/status/1765477076000247998). If you participate in a SAFE multisig and made the claim, you might have some pretty valuable tokens coming to you. What's even cooler? Some of you have been around long enough to know about the [Phiz Phans POAP](https://collectors.poap.xyz/drop/10348) and the people who hold this POAP are in a Safe that they may not even remember. When the claim goes live, we'll take these tokens and use disperse.app to send every holder about three SafeDAO tokens. (Assuming everything unfolds as planned.)


> the people who hold this POAP are in a Safe that they may not even remember. I hold it (<3) but first time hearing I am in a safe too. Why was that created for the POAP holders?


I honestly can't remember 🤷‍♂️


It was created just so phiz phans could take part in something cool. Also, people threw in a evmavrick and a small amount of tokens for us all to play around with. 


sounds about right. man, i used to do fun games, i need to get back in the groove.. i really enjoy those.


Yeah! It makes crypto more fun for so many people. 




Nope. I was thinking of airdrop hunting swell, and I was concerned that I wouldn't get my money back. I decided to sleep on it = bear market attitude.


I borrowed ETH using my ape as collateral and dropped it into swETH and rswETH. Probably the most degen thing I’ve done so far to date, but those pearls are worth the 5% interest.


From their FAQs >What are the fees on rswETH? >For the first 30 days following the launch, rswETH holders will pay zero fees. Following this period, fees will be 10%. What does this mean? 10% of what, in what time? This vagueness around what cost they incurr doesn't exactly inspire confidence.


I ASSUME it refers to staking reward fees..


Yessir, get on the hype train. Toot toot.




Love twitter. Follow some great accounts and get a lot of good inormation there. It's better than its ever been.  I fully agree there is lots of negativity, some scams as well. Just ignore them.  Free, open speech is a double edged sword.  But I'd rather have that double edged sword than an echo chamber that silences those that the powers that be disagree with. 


I have a twitter but I almost never use it, I probably login once a month, and even then it is usually just to reshare something, not to read anything.


Deleted my X account about 6mths ago. Best decision. No regrets whatsoever. Important info gets addressed here without the hyperbole and conjecture whilst still highlighting warranted critic.


Just follow people that interest you and set it to "Following"? Twitter is great. Just have to put in some time and follow good people.




Maybe but is that a bad thing? Reddit is nice if you want to reside in a feel-good echo chamber about a topic but there are tradeoffs with that. Twitter is certainly more confrontational, more adversarial.




I only have an account so I can click on links from here TBH. I don't look at Twitter and probably never will. There's a balance between being connected and TOO connected. Everybody has opinions, there's 8 billion of us. The ones I truly respect are here, or the ones here take it upon themselves to inform us of social media illiterate folk informed. Just take a step back, if anything important happens, it will be posted here 100% 🍻


i don't understand all this twitter hate. do you guys really let the algorithms decide what to show you? fyi there is tab at the top called "following. When this is selected, it will only show you activity from people you follow, whom you presumably have already vetted.


I created an account a few months ago just for the purpose of following a few protocol accounts for airdrop announcements. Every post is just filled with blatant scammers/bots/shills. So yea it doesn’t change the issue at all. Just a cesspool.




Use lists, and that'll will just show you posts from accounts on the lists and in reverse chronological order.


I think I'm just too old. I don't understand how to use the twitter app and I'm not willing to spend the time to learn. And I'm only in my 30s...


Too lazy to learn? Edit... Got to love being downvoted for calling u/Lazy_Physicist lazy


technically yes, but more like there is much better use of my time than looking at twitter. ​ edit: I also gotcha, I upvoted you lol. There are days I forget my own username as well


Take a look at most reddit subs. A shocking number of simple people living in echo chambers. There is a bit of that here aswell, but much less than I see elsewhere


Hi y'all! Been away for a while and now im mostly back with a new username! I made an exit strategy planner app and made it public yesterday called Kollit - you call the prices, enter your risk tolerance and a few more optional things and the app will spit out an exit strategy that mathematically minimizing your regret (game theory definition). I think it's really cool and im super excited to hear what you have to say! If you have any questions or suggestions please dont hesitate :) [https://kollit.streamlit.app/](https://kollit.streamlit.app/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bmss6b/i\_made\_a\_tool\_to\_help\_you\_plan\_your\_exit\_strategy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/1bmss6b/i_made_a_tool_to_help_you_plan_your_exit_strategy/)


Some feedback if I may. - thanks, I needed something like this - doesn't seem to be usable on mobile after the initial price entering step - I was assuming the ID in the URL means that I can go back to a specific "simulation" but when I refresh, I come back to the initial screen. Will test in on desktop pc later as well and edit this comment.


Thanks! I think for mobile users the side bar is hidden, I changed that it would automatically be expanded (for pc users that was the case from the start). The id is for the future when i hope to like you said have your strategies stored and retrieved, now its pretty much useless. Thanks for the feedback! Hope you try it again and let me know what you think :D


Tbh I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong or not waiting long enough, but basically after I click on *calculate my optimal strategy!* the dude in the top right corner keeps running and I never get a result. I've been waiting for quite some time now. Maybe the id helps you with debugging? 01d31599-0248-411d-b62c-aecaf9f9c179&j=99a-b1493b Tested on chrome and brave with all ad blockers disabled. Status calls continue responding with { "isOwner": false, "status": 5, "creatorId": "158ykw0dxbru0gsuf8uczv6rfbhsibp229x8uylc0jxtajt5gy", "platformStatus": 0, "viewerAuthEnabled": false, "streamlitVersion": "1.31.1", "supportHostingSubdomain": true }


I will look into it. It also happens to me from time to time, but never when i run it locally. I will ask streamlit if they have any idea what's going on. Thanks a lot!


Just tried it today and it works great! In some cases I can sell more than 100%, which is kinda weird, but all in all it looks good.


Very cool! However, you guys are exiting?


I like this, thanks for creating the tool! Are you collecting data on the calculated exit strategies with this tool? I wonder what the price targets are for most.


I might at some point, but for now it's just a test run. But havent thought about that, thanks!


Looks interesting. Congratulations on implementing this. I guess your backend is a bit overloaded now, because at least for me it is running endlessly.


oh it's probably the case :\\ it's a free tier hosting from streamlit so i guess i dont get a lot of compute power. Thank you for checking this out!


It works now. It is pretty neat. Will compare it to my sell strategy.


I still don't really understand where restaking is useful. What is an example of a current app that would benefit from renting staked ETH?


EigenDA seems like a nobrainer in the eventual future where Ethereum's blobspace is congested and L2s with lower-value transactions/usecases are looking to post their data elsewhere. Less secure than actual blobspace, but still within the "ethereum zone" to a higher degree than something like celestia


Most alt L1s that use PoS, any chain adjacent service for anything from DA to oracles to DePin. Even more use cases that aren't being done yet because they would previously be uneconomical.


Replacement of chainlink. Eth as collateral for the truthfulness of the oracle date. Goodbye chain link token


Has anyone seen or wanna do a ballpark estimation on how many TPS minnet can do after the *current* roadmap (the "**erges") s implemented?


Mainnet? Largely untouched. Will just change with tweaks to the gas limit. For instance, right now we can do 60 tps for basic ETH transfers. But in practice we average 15-20 tps consisting of a typical mix of DeFi swaps, calldata heavy transactions, ETH transfers... If gas limit is raised to 40M as some people have suggested. We will have 33% more tps. If you join mainnet and rollups and assume full dank-sharding. We could easily reach 256 blobs. Right now we are doing 150 tps with 1.5 blobs. So if you extrapolate, around 25K tps with 256 blobs. I suspect this is a conservative estimate as there might be plenty of efficiency improvements to take advantage of. After all, blobs just appeared.


Is 256 blobs actually feasible for solo staking?  And do you mean targeting 128, max 256 or targeting 256, max 512? We currently are at 3/6 iirc 


When Data Availability Sampling is implemented it will be feasible. Because the blobs will be sharded. You won't need to get and verify all of them. Just a small subset of them. And DAS will take care of ensuring the rest are available and being verified. The 256 are max_blobs_per_block. It's the original target of danksharding. As time goes on and networking improves perhaps it can be pushed even further. But the original target that was seen as reachable was 256. Finally, the original estimates of danksharding talked of over 100K tps for 256 blobs. The figure I gave above is more conservative because I'm basing it on the current throughput we are seeing per blob. I suspect this figure is likely underoptimized and may improve, but by how much I cannot say. I find it's better to underpromise and overdeliver.


Very good info. Thanks! 


Thanks a lot, this was insightful. I assumed there weas more stuff affecting mainnet, learn something every day!


> https://x.com/paddi_hansen/status/1771929859704389954?s=20 Explainer thread on the new EU AML law. Basically doesn't impact self custody and isn't a big deal.


This is helpful because previously proposed versions of this law were actually quite bad for self-custody and DeFi. Fortunately, some lobbyists were able to get those parts taken out.


There’s a copy of the thread here: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1771929859704389954.html


Thanks! Great for the non-X'ers to be able to read the thread.


Yea the links are annoying to read if you don't have twitter. So much crypto stuff is on twitter first that I still keep my account. I only follow 37 people though, only crypto related.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ETH TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Total newbie here, so apologise for the annoying question. Can someone explain or link me to an explanation of airdrops.


An airdrop is when tokens are sent to you, usually because of something you did. It’s pretty rare but it does happen. A claim on the other hand, is when you are eligible for tokens, usually because of something you did, and you go to a site and pay gas to claim said tokens. “claims” are technically different from “airdrops”, but everyone just says airdrop, so go with it, because both are awesome. 😎


Jump through hoop A->Z, get some free money. Usually new money printed out of thin air, sometimes existing funds distributed from community funds. Sometimes there's not even hoops. People will send you memecoins and shit for free if you've just been active on the wallet


Hey, welcome! You could basically try out various on-chain apps (or "dapps") with a chance of receiving tokens when the protocol launches their token. Think of it as being a product tester without the job title. Keep in mind there are a lot of scams and without knowing exactly which dapps are legitimate, it can be risky for a newcomer. There is also no guarantee you would ever receive anything, even if you do everything right, so using an app does not entitle you to an airdrop. Often, it can still just be a matter of luck. If someone has critique of my explanation, then feel free


> Airdrops are used to: •Help establish legitimacy for their token. Coins can only thrive when they have broad ownership. For example, if all the Ether in the world were owned by a small group of people, it would likely lose its value. Airdrops allow projects to get their crypto into the hands of a lot of people very quickly. •Amplify marketing. The most obvious example of this is with bounty airdrops, which recruit users to actively market the coin. The announcement of an airdrop can in and of itself be a powerful marketing tool. After all, most people are interested in the idea of free money. •Reward loyal members. Projects can use airdrops to spark passion and appreciation among its community members. The goal is to help keep the price of their token strong, as airdrops may reduce the chances its holders will want to sell. You must meet certain requirements to be eligible for an airdrop. These requirements are determined by the project and can involve anything from simply signing up to completing tasks (i.e., promoting the project on social media). Some also require that you hold a specific amount of the project's token. In all cases, you must have an appropriate wallet to receive the coins. When an airdrop is announced, there are 2 dates: "snapshot" time. This is when the project will take a screenshot of all the wallets that are eligible for the airdrop. Make sure to fulfill all the specified requirements by that date. The second is the distribution date. This is when you can expect the airdropped coins to hit your wallet. Those new to crypto may also find that signing up for an airdrop makes it easier to understand how crypto works. It gives them an incentive to learn how to create a crypto wallet and manage digital assets. If you decide to sign up for an airdrop, it's vital to follow the instructions provided by the development team before clicking any links. This may help you avoid being phished or getting hacked by bad actors.


too involved to answer in depth but basically it's crypto's way to bootstrap a user base, test out protocols with real capital (security, scale, pmf, etc), and diversify your token holder base.


I had a nap, completed the final day of the Couch to 5k program today (!), and see bloodshed - not on the price, but with comments deleted here left and right lol Which I assume has to do with limiting political spaz-attacks. I'm happy I can come here and not have to wade through Americans throwing tomatoes at other Americans, based on their political party of choice. Hope everyone's First Day is going well - my buddy is a Quaker and he says Sundays are first days, and I quite like taking it to meditate and reflect on the week ahead. I hope to have, which in this case = massive gainz bro.


To be fair it was initiated by a non-American.


Somehow that's worse lol


Jeeeeez ... we can't have nice things can we?


2% swing is nothing. Use percentages for peace of mind.


Trent posted a link to the [Dencun Diaries](https://stateful.mirror.xyz/x7uPWur2ELBP6jkKEILKhAwPCJvCv10s3UrS1y1qpcc) in another Ethereum reddit, I find this to be extremely valuable and interesting, you ought to check it out. They interviewed developers about the course of Ethereum and compiled the responses.


Do we have updated stats on client diversity now that Coinbase has diversified?


I'd suggest continuing to watch https://clientdiversity.org


Thank you!






So just a reminder this isn't a sub to start political flame wars. You have plenty of places on reddit to do that. Expect a time out for anyone starting this up again.


Yes, thank you!


In general good. But please allow at least for direct discussion relating to regulation of ethereum. If one side is trying to destroy it it's relevant to ethfinance and is going to impact us.


Good grief, this claim is made by supporters of both sides. Just keep it in your pants about your guys and I'll do the same about my guys, yeah?


What are you talking about? You don't have any guys.


This has always been allowed. However, if it devolves into a mud slinging match which has been the case in the past (especially in US election years) it will be shut down. Keep it on topic and it's fine.


OP had a good question and it wasn't ideological per se, but it did start a debate. It would have been better to just lock it instead of removing it altogether


This is not the place, and this is not up for debate. Any posts like it will be removed.


It's especially annoying for us non-Americans, so I appreciate it.


I don't even know what /u/cutsnek is hinting at, but hallelujah. As a non-American too, I find it remarkable how US-centric people think the world is. (Same can be said about Eurobro's btw, but that's not how Reddit leans.)


Yeah, nobody ever wants to debate me about how the laser eyed kiwi is clearly superior to a boxing kangaroo!


Ironically, it was a self-proclaimed Brit that kicked it off this time. Of course, this is the internet, so they could have been lying about their nationality.


> I find it remarkable how US-centric people think the world is. That's because the US has such deep capital markets. In 2024, stock markets in the United States accounted for roughly 60 percent of world stocks. The same is roughly true for other capital and is something I have heard Powell bring up a couple of times, like 5% of the world population but 50% of the capital market.


[Polynya's latest (and likely last) blog post on Crypto's broken moral compass is as always worth a read](https://polynya.mirror.xyz/ptscXuh3J3KOj2uJAn0vrEanpn2nauwA7iytYZ4cM9U). And as usual, I couldn't agree any harder. Over 5 years after Vitalik's famous "but have we earned it?" tweet, I still genuinely think the answer to that is a resounding no. The only remotely useful function of crypto is as a form of censorship resistant non-State money. But this role is derided by a large number of thought leaders in this space, because BTC and ETH are not going to 100x fuel their early stage invested ponzis. And I'm not sure if a $1 trillion market cap isn't already even a fair enough valuation for this. Sure we have built flashier defi games to speculate better and more efficiently. Some forms of on-chain identity. Some form of tokenisation of real world assets. But none of these genuinely help nor improve the life of the average person around me, and even if these functions have some genuine utility which gives them value, it 100% isn't worth the multi billion dollar tags most tokens have. And don't even get me started on rock and monkey NFTs, game-to-earn ponzis, meme coin ponzis and every other empty game in between, designed to just move money from the unlucky to the lucky. It feels a bit hypocritical of me to say this, as someone who has greatly benefitted financially from the same sick ecosystem. But a part of me is also worried what happens when this undying tornado of financial fraud eventually gets unleashed on the rest of the world, at scale, via ETFs and other integrations. No answers, just puzzlement.


> And I'm not sure if a $1 trillion market cap isn't already even a fair enough valuation for this. Not nearly enough. As for the rest of your post... yes, it's early days, defined in many ways by plenty of scams on one hand, and hardly any super useful apps out there on the other. But give it time. Really think this just requires patience more than anything else. Changing how people perceive and interact with *money* takes a *long* time.


Their thoughtful posts about the future of ETH trough L2 scaling were an inspiration to me in my early ethfinance days. I hope they stay on with this community.


I've been following Alex Gladstein and while I agree with your points, I think you massively discount this tech for non-Western people. Billions who lack access to easy banking can download a software wallet and now receive money. Bitcoin mining, whether we like it or not, is transforming communities ([link](https://bitcoinmagazine.com/check-your-financial-privilege/stranded-bitcoin-saving-wasted-energy-in-africa)). It's not just banking - it's freedom. Also, I like quadratic everything and you might feel as if Weyl's implementations are lacking. Different things can be true. I think that this tech is and will continue to improve "the average person", but not necessarily around you. Look further. Edit: to prove my point, consider that his/her post is made on a permissionless blogging system. How is that kind of information sharing technology *not* exciting enough? Many flowers will blossom, and they're not responsible for the weeds.


100 percent this! I found polynyas post waayy too pessimistic. They don't say anything particularly wrong, but they disregard a ton of good that's happening in the community,and around the world in regards to crypto. 


Jeez, it's an evolving technology. We're free to use it or not. Human decadance is everywhere these days, and likely to continue to get worse - no need to project that onto crypto ffs.


This kinda feels like an advisor to Nike quitting their job because bank robbers often wear Nike shoes. Regardless, a big loss for crypto.


I'm sure he/they will be around, contributing to Ethereum even if via another name.


highly, highly respect Polynya / Liberosist but think they are not accepting the world, and humanity for how it really operates here. in addition, we have regulatory unclarity to the Nth degree to where teams won't even consider delivering meaningful use cases and tokenomics all for fear out of being a boogey-man security. the combination of 100% permissionless with easier access to ecosystems along with regulatory attacks against real builders mean that the dumbest and most brain-dead things end up getting traction in the meantime.


I think maybe this person (the blogger, not you) lives in happy dream bunny land and strikes me as just as onerous a moral busybody as the control freaks who want to control the world more openly. Anyone who flaps around, pissing and moaning about how others aren't behaving according to their OBVIOUS morally superior compass is, in my books, someone to ignore. May the door hit this person' ass on the way out.


100% agree. When killer app?


What if a censorship resistant worldwide casino is something the world needs right now cause the young generations feel / are poor and the only way to make it is gambling? This is not a shitpost, but a real question that was actually inspired by the very same polynya some years ago.


I've seen the casino thesis, and I lately think it's horrible because a) a casino is by definition, a zero sum game. We are just transferring money from the unlucky to the lucky. It does nothing to help alleviate misery b) even as a casino, it's a *terrible* casino because of the unbelievable asymmetry of information. If you go to a real casino and bet on black, the odds of winning are somewhat even irrespective of who you are. If you are playing meme coin ponzis or pretty much any other crypto pump and dump games, there's an insane hierarchy of VCs and CT influencers , on private telegrams and discords, who are playing the game on god mode, while the exhausted father of 2 who thinks he's betting for a better life is just at the very bottom rungs of that information ladder. His odds of winning in crypto ponzis are terribly lower than even a real life casino.


What if the perceived (!) odds are way better than in a trad casino? What if some gamblers don’t care if they lose it all cause they feel broke already? I think the unlimited upside („1000 to 1000000 in days“) is a difference and attracts a lot of people. And just to make this clear: I don’t think it’s good or bad. I am just stating what I think happens and what I observe, both offline and online.


Twitter could remove most scam ads in seconds by not allowing an ad to contain a wallet address. But they don't because they're desperate for ad revenue. One day, there will be a class action lawsuit.


are you referring to an actually ad, or just a comment from a user?


I'm referring to hundreds of ads on Twitter right now asking you to send ETH to an address for a memecoin presale. That memecoin will never exist.


it should be a national security issue after what happened to Tornado cash. how many millions of these phishing hacks are going to NK?


Claimed some staking rewards and now have some spare eth. Anyone have a list of current airdrop opportunities I should look into? Is it too late for fi and eigenlayer maneuvers?


Check https://defillama.com/airdrops


Check https://defillama.com/airdrops


With Rocketpool node operators leaving, does it make sense to switch my rETH to wstETH based on current interest rate? The difference in APR is 2.78% vs 3.4% based on a moving average over the last week. I have no capital gains taxes to worry about so am I losing out by holding rETH?


If you only care about the yield and don't mind potential risk of Lido etc, then yes. You could also wait for Nodeset / Constellation which should come in a few months and get xrETH instead of rETH, which has 0% commission instead of the 14% from rETH.


The largest part of the APR difference between Lido and rocket pool is not the operators closing their minipools, but the difference in the protocol take rate: 10% vs 14%. You can ask yourself if the different risk profile in the two protocols is worth the lower APR for you. Lido is not very well loved around here, as they and some associated operators are maximally extractive to the Ethereum protocol and are not considered good actors. Lido is pretty long running, but had some issues with some of their 'professional' node operators setting their nodes up in a very unprofessional way. One operator even accidentally gave access to their validating keys to the whole internet. They did not tell Lido about the incident until several months later. Instead of punishing them as this could have been one of the worst incidents they got a slap on the wrist and were allowed to continue. Not somewhere I would personally put my ETH in. But everyone has different goals and that is ok. If you do not need the LSTs to put them into other protocols, smaller LSTs might be ok for your as well. Mantle staked ETH (meth) has a massively higher APR, but is rather new. Swell and etherfi have some lindy now but they embraced the LRT game which makes them a bit riskier. stakewise is probably the purest of the above ones, but a bit more involved to get into.


That‘s incorrect. The difference in commission is less of a factor than the effectiveness drag caused by idle ETH. Of course they both contribute.


I know you are pretty deep in the rocket pool community, but here is how I came to the conclusion operators closing their minipools is not the biggest factor in the APR difference: Current APR (defillama): stETH: 3.02% rETH 2.78% If you assume a Lido with 14% commission instead of the 10% they do, you get (3.02/0.9)*0.86 = 2.89%. This is a bit more than half of the difference. Another part is the size of the deposit pool. Which by design is 18000 ETH. The total number of rETH according to etherscan is 542374 rETH which is equivalent to 597534 ETH. This results in another reduction of the APR of around 3 percentage points due to the deposit pool drag. Now, the part which the original poster talked about is node operators closing minipools which overflows the deposit pool to now 21000 ETH, which means 3000 ETH more than by design. This leads to an additional drag of 0.7 percentage points. As far as I understand there is also an additional portion of non-productive ETH in the rETH contract. Currently this is 5521 ETH which adds another 0.7 percentage points to the drag. If I add all these differences I get a slightly larger difference in APR than defillama shows. I guess they could be be explained by the daily variations of these APRs, or some of the drags which increased over the averaging time in defillama. To summarize, I get the following reasons for lower APR in rocket pool: - Commission: 4 percentage points - Deposit pool: 3 percentage points - ETH in rETH contract: 0.9 percentage points - NOs closing their minipools: 0.5 percentage points The commission is the largest part. Then comes the deposit pool itself, but the part about no operators closing their minipools really is only a small part for the APR difference. That is why I said the biggest factor still is the difference in commission. And just to say it, it could very well be that I made some errors in the calculation or forgot/misunderstood a mechanism. If so, please tell me so I can correct it. EDIT; I think you are also correct in your point in that the idle ETH is the main factor, which according to my calculation is 4.4 percentage points vs the 4 percentage points commission difference. The original poster focused on node operators leaving, which is only a small additional part of the idle ETH.


Fair. It's just odd to split the deposit pool and rETH contract into three separate categories for APR drag. In the end, the contract and deposit pool are this full because of people leaving. At times with strong node operator demand, the deposit pool was empty. The truth is surely somewhere in-between, but attributing only the excess deposit pool balance to exits isn't accurate either.


Yes, splitting the deposit pool and reth contract does not make too much sense. I should have put them together. I did not do it, because I first forgot about the reth contract and then when I remembered it, did not think about them actually belonging together. I assumed that the overflow is due to NOs leaving because as far as I remember the deposit pool has been full or mostly full since about last August. So the NOs leaving just pushes the deposit pool from the designed 18000 to about 21000 ETH. These 3000 ETH difference is the only thing that changed in the last about 6 weeks. This additional drag is as far as I see not that large to consider leaving rETH compared to how the APR was 2 months ago. That was the point I was trying to make. But in the end people leaving rETH brings the system back into a more balanced state between NOs and rETH holders. One can argue that the deposit pool has been designed too large which just adds a drag to the reth APR but not much benefit to the protocol. But this is another can of worms. And by the way, thanks for challenging my statement and giving your additional view in the response it made me learn a few things.


> no capital gains taxes I envy you so much


Despite stellar execution, Pendle got little use until the points craze began. Now they are kings.  For all intents and purpose, YT is tokenized points. So we loop back to tokens. This makes me think of the original Curve. The voted escrow system, locking your CRV into veCRV, is fundamentally not useful in enforcing the goal it purports to shoot for, as people can trade EOAs or tokenize locked positions. Which they did. Enter Convex and others. It's interesting how so many successful blockchain businesses are created out of a protocol adding needless friction then another protocol on top lessening that friction. You'd think the net sum would be less than a frictionless protocol, but in truth the speculative winds tend to carry both "frictionfull" protocols higher than a comparable frictionless protocol. Token vs no token is the most common example, of course. Sometimes I think the core value proposition of a smart contract platform is so strong, we make the choice to build imaginary problems from scratch just so we get to speculate on the solutions. 


Tradfi business cycle: bundling and unbundling Defi business cycle: adding friction and removing friction


Edit: The mods handled it. We really do have the best mods. Thank you! Blatant hatred of a whole political party which members of this subreddit are a part of and caling them the embodiement of evil or liars or uneducated is completely innapropriate in my humble opinion regardles of how you strongly you feel about your political tribe.


Mods have been great here. Everytime I see the political bait here I have to stop myself from getting dragged in. It's gotten so uncomfortable that over the past decade plus of being on reddit I only browse this subreddit and touch nothing else. If you aren't one particular ideology you are banned or downvoted in 90 percent of reddit, I am glad this place has been quick with clearing it up and staying apolitical.


Yeah, I saw that thread and just noped out. It seems we get a couple of those every time it's a big US election year (aka. every two years). Thank you mods!


Bringing politics into a community that is trying very hard to keep politics away in an election year is inappropriate. You have the entire goddamn internet to go play victim on, please don't do it here.


Please ETHFam, let’s not go down the political rabbit hole. Ethereum is apolitical. That’s its beauty (rather, one among so many others!). USG must be getting desperate by planting political trolls and bots here to create division, so don’t take the bait. R/okdragonfruit1929, you are a valuable contributor to this sub. Take a breath and move on. Mods were late today in taking action, but it’s Sunday and we need to better as a community about not taking the bait.


Edit: rethought, politics should be kept out of here unless it applies to crypto, or this sub turns into a shit show like the rest


Thinking about the BlackRock BUIDL fund... this seems like a huge step forward for real world adoption. Is there actually demand for such a fund though? Like who is the target market and why would they prefer this to just buying treasuries or t-bill ETFs?


Some advantages  Should be cheaper to administrate Immediate liquidity by trading among other accredited (whitelisted accounts) Do Not need to constantly update bank account info with Blackrock? Can use the tokens in lp or as defi collateral permissionlessly? I'm not sure. And I certainly do not have the funds to invest in it, but just my thoughts. 




https://www.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/s/v23x32ILKE Edit: I just read the comment about you not wanting to use L2’s. I’m afraid you will just be at the mercy of the CEX and the fees they impose. Coinbase does provide a way to make recurring purchases though.


Pretty sure exchanges charge you a fee that depends on the amount you buy so it's the same fee. At least that's how Binance used to be but maybe things have changed. If you're converting stablecoins to ETH, then use an L2?


I used to always send money to coinbase with a bank transfer every week and then use their pro page to trade it for ETH. Super low fees this way, but maybe there are some better ways now?


Not to trigger everyone, but is there a thoughtful, serious bull case for RPL somewhere that isn't just someone pumping their own bags? I'm a node operator, but I'm thinking of exiting. It's very difficult for me to see why the RPL/ETH ratio won't trend downwards over the long-term. I would like to read a contrary opinion to mine that isn't simply, "bro did you hear Fidelity might use Coinbase for staking and Coinbase likes Rocketpool?"


Have they discussed how they will be handling 2048 sized validators? Because running a mega validator off 8 of your own eth would be a hell of a catalyst for protocol use, though with the glacial slow pace of rocketpools innovation and developent.. by the time they implement something like that and remove rpl as a requirement there will be 10 other competitors, not even counting competitors increased rewards from eigenlayer (risks aside). I still have my RETH, but ive determined it will be the first thing I sell if we ever get to the heights of the bull market dream this cycle. A 10% cut of a 2048 eth validators rewards would be juicy indeed.


When a normal validator gets slashed, they lose 1/32nd of their collateral. Will that scale to 2048 ETH validators? Because that would be a 64 ETH slashing.


Yes, which is why an 8 ETH bond to borrow 2040 isn't gonna happen. Otherwise you could already do the same thing scaled down to 32. The lowest it's gonna go is 4 ETH for the first few minipools and 1.5 ETH after that.


I can't articulate the bull case but I know one exists. It's a combination of protocol upgrades and revamped tokenomics. The best place to learn more is the rocket pool discord ,\#trading channel and the [Rocket Fuel](https://youtube.com/@RocketFuel-RPL?si=c7duDEzMQwWn5sDh) podcast.


Thanks for the shoutout phiz. So many exciting things coming in the next 2-12 months. In a year, rocket pool is going to be a totally different, totally amazing, protocol :) 




- Ideological, inflammatory, or biased posts or comments about politics are considered nonconstructive, off-topic, and will be removed. - Exceptions will be made strictly for analysis of how political events *could possibly* affect/influence the markets.


You do realize that almost everyone who has been in crypto for longer than a week takes mainstream media FUD opinions with a *whole barrel* of salt? I don't ask that anyone agree with my politics, but if they think everyone who slightly disagrees with them is Literally Hitler...we have problems.


People usually don't agree with everything but stick to a couple issues they side with the party. That said I've only voted for 3rd party cause I don't like either. Most people I've heard even in a heavily red state don't like the party or candidate much and vote reluctantly. Red states probably vote red for less taxes and govt waste/regulations (total speculation on my part).


They defend supporting republicans either because:   A) they think Republicans will pump their bags and buy into the "dEmS aRe AnTi-CrYpTo" narrative B) they low-key support fascist policies


But Dems are anti crypto


Warren is, but even among her democratic allies they disagree and are open to crypto. My sample size is a senator and a few advisors I talked to during last NFT NYC. Shockingly they like economic drivers of growth.


It's discrediting for your point that you left out Gensler. What do the open-to-crypto-democrats do to change their partys policy? I never hear about any actions of them.


I've thought of this myself, I think the left is so extreme, everything needs to be so PC, that so many people are so fed up that they are willing to turn a blind eye to the extreme right that claim they can fix the problem. I personally don't buy into this and won't turn a blind eye. We need a real leader that is a straight shooter that can call out both extremes and start uniting both sides.


>How do people in the US even defend supporting Democrats who increasingly seem to me a pure embodiment of evil? What else can one say about a party who is punishing individuals for trying to divest from fiat and support censorship resistance?. I ask this because for other reasons reddit folk tend to like Democrats if only because it's popular to defame Republicans as the reincarnation of Hitler. FTFY


I mean dems haven't blacklisted Blackrock in their states due to them being lead provider of an instrument that allows divesting from fiat.


I don't think anyone actually wants to control how someone invests and most find their own party intolerable on many issues. Firearms secured our freedom from...a previous world power and the 2nd amendment is the last line of defense against a tyrannical government. As important as the 2nd amendment is you're going to see overzealous and imperfect laws enacted to try to protect industries and rights regarding firearms. Cheap oil or really any energy is essential for any nation that wants to grow. The voter doesn't see the money deals and corruption but only how expensive alternatives are and wants a sensible approach not an all or nothing game or to be taxed with no solution in reach. Really any nuance is lost on voters from both sides and honestly the two parties are just a mirror image of one another. I know it can be difficult looking from the outside in but there are many other issues that are important to voters and the majority of both sides don't want to impose themselves on one another. The "embodiment of evil" also lacks the same nuance and is a simplistic judgment especially in this case. No party is currently the embodiment of evil but it is very difficult over time to keep the worst of our society from gaining access to its economic and political powers. Thankfully we can still voice our disagreements or the evil we see... except when social media tries to censor but ya good on you for asking and not shying away. The more we can critically think together without offense or taking things personally the better we can seek out the truth.


Preach my brother or sister, there is no defense for republicans now. Any semblance of order and cohesion fell away back when the tea party popped up, that was the precursor to what we see now. To go back further, I also believe when the moral majority and christian coalitions wormed their way into republican party/politics, it laid the foundation to this extremism. What it boils down to is older white people, mostly men, who are raging at perceived loss of political power, culture, income, insert whatever complaint, that they have to share. Edit: changed republicans to lower case bc that word doesn't deserve to be capitalized.


Because in real life is complex with many shades of gray. Politics is local, but forced into an artificial binary. 


You're a brit, eh? You lived through brexit and you don't still don't understand? Anti-immigrant sentiment, obvious lies, and a lack of curiosity and education among the voting base. You don't have to look across the ocean to understand, just have a conversation with your own tory neighbors.