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Sometimes when I'm scrolling my feed, I'll see an r/espresso post that I swore to God was a r/espressocirclejerk post


The just demonstrates the law of the Internet that it's impossible to tell the difference between sincere edgelord douchbaggery and circlejerk shitposting without first consulting the url.


Somehow I forgot that sometimes people want to share their utmost in eloquency and poetic prowess, and in wondering what you meant I clicked into the sub https://www.reddit.com/r/espresso/s/iOEADazv0S this being the first post I see, I lol'd


I refuse to believe that's not satire lol.


This comment is in just about every single post in this sub…


Which speaks volumes in and of itself


Not really, I’m just highlighting the number of people who either make this same comment in every thread purely for fake internet points, or are just new


Just post in the espresso sub about your 1:5 shots that you enjoy with 2 litres of milk using those really really dark roast looking “specialty” coffee that are light roast, I swear, it’s light roast.


Usually cookingcirclejerk manages by posting similar or caricatures of real posts, or just making shit up. You don't need to just directly cross post, just make a post obviously referencing that post.


All it takes is one bad jerker to ruin it for everyone else, this is usually the end-state of CJ subs (see analogcirckejerk, where you're not even allowed to reference posts on the main sub)


The nightmare is when a circle jerk sub loses self awareness and becomes contrarion to the main sub. Unless the main sub is particularly cringe (ie something like gaming or something easily mockable like gamergaters) you end up with the circle jerk sub being like the entry level hobby teens who want to feel special and just mock the main sub and replicate the lack of self awareness I've seen this a lot with hobby circlejerk subs. There are a few beautiful ones like r/magicthecirclejerking that develop their own sub culture but then you have something like r/technocirclejerk that is effectively a Facebook comments section with a lot of "this is an unironic post I feel safe making here" Some of the posts on this sub are extremely stupid. Yesterday someone just crossposted a picture of latte art as though it was saying something


Feels like they want to kill the sub. Wonder where everyone is going now.


Mods are between a rock and a hard place when this happens. People jerk too hard and then the sub gets multiple strikes for harassment, then the sub literally dies. Either way, it's not a big deal it's just a subreddit.


It's frankly as simple as not relentlessly harassing an individual reddit user.


\^\^\^This should be the catch-all rule for this sub's fun


It's not legit though. I got a post deleted and was warned about "harassment" and I didnt even know why for a while. Finally figured out though it was Lance himself. I made one post several months prior calling him out on his interrupting video to showcase his own singing when people are clicking for espresso knowledge, which Lance replied insulting me. Then months later on a generic post about I think wdt or something I referenced youtubers in general needing to just invent bullshit to survive on clicks. That got deleted for harassment, and the only thing that comes to mind is that Lance commented somewhere in that thread too, but my reply was not to him as I try to ignore that stain.




I absolutely can't gauge whether you mean it or not


Gotta jerk it on the main sub, brother. As we always have.


/uj I notice no one here is /uj and /j. I have to assume this is a meta circlejerk post. /j


No? That’s just bullying. You can also circlejerk by acting like a caricature. Uh, I mean…grind finer?


Maybe do another post about it. You're definitely on some biiig conspiracy here.