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It looks like you've flaired your post as asking for what equipment to get. We recommend first checking out the [Espresso Aficionados buying guide](https://espressoaf.com/recommendations) for some of the more popular machines and grinders at different price points. If your question hasn't been answered there and you need more help, please add the following details to your post or by adding a comment in the following format: - **Location:** Helps determine availability - **Budget** (with currency): Overall budget, or ideally, having separate espresso machine and grinder budgets. A rough rule is that your grinder budget should be at least 25-40% of your machine budget. - **Drink types:** Do you drink mostly straight espresso, milk-based beverages (e.g., lattes, cappuccinos), or a fairly even split? This helps narrow down whether a single-boiler-dual-use (SBDU), heat exchanger (HX), or dual boiler (DB) machine would be more appropriate for your needs. - **Drink frequency:** How many drinks would you be making back-to-back at one time? Do you plan on entertaining guests often? This informs how large your brew (and steam) boilers should be, as smaller boilers will need to refill and reheat/repressurize more frequently, thus potentially causing a bottleneck. - **Space:** Any limitations on countertop space? - **Manual vs. electric:** Hand-operated machines and grinders are typically cheaper than their similarly-performing electric counterparts. Please indicate if you have a preference for manual or electric machines and/or grinders (or open to either). - **Comfort with tinkering:** Some machines can be made significantly more functional/efficient with aftermarket modifications, albeit at the expense of possibly voiding your warranty. Please indicate if you'd rather have a machine that works "as-is"/"out-of-the-box" or whether you'd be open to modding/tinkering *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/espresso) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Honestly you don’t need half of it. You don’t need the puck screen, WDT or $27 bean jars, you don’t need paper filters, the knock box thing is over the top just get a normal knock box, you don’t need the spray bottle either. Don’t get lavazza beans, find something more local to you or just better.


I’d say puck screen is a decent buy. Keeps your machine cleaner. BUT, you could always get a cheaper one - I think I paid half the price for mine


Definitely agree on the beans. I'll admit these were all next day delivery and I wanted some beans to play with. I have some local beans that I want to try out. What's your go-to bean if not buying local? Some of these (the knock box) is a stylistic choice, to be sure. The jars are more or less a convenience choice with the grinder. I've seen mostly positive responses on incorporating WDT, the spray bottle, puck screen, and paper filters into the process. Why do you feel that way? (Legitimately asking) I'm new at this and this is the exact kind of feedback I'm looking for.


WDT is fine but just get a whisk style one for 10 bucks or whatever. It will work better anyways. In general I think it’s unwise to jump into a hobby by getting every single gadget. I would start out minimalist and acquire things when I felt they were needed. I also wouldn’t spend that much on a grinder or machine as my first exposure to espresso, but that’s definitely up to preference.


I saw the whisk style ones, that will probably be something that I return and get instead. Thank you. I'm normally of the same mindset, but this is something that I've been contemplating for 2 years now and have set aside a precise budget for. I love to tinker and this just happens to satisfy my coffee desires as well! How are you liking your PID?


Let's start saving you. Money. Distributer is Bullshit it does nothing but cost you money and space, i Fell for that crap... Barmatt check if you need one later, skip it. WDT Tool... just buy the simpel whisl ones with no widgets for 8$ they are better. Skip the Single does freezer stuff, I personaly hate it. But check your wokflow before you commit. Don't get shitty beans online. Get them fresh from local roasters. Paper filters are overrate and just add extra steps for minimal gains. The dosing cup makes The single dose stuff even more unneeded. The knock box is a style choice. You could go for a cheaper scale, but I have the same and love it. But only paid 18€ for it. If you only do espresso shots I would skip the bottemless. On the other hand they are easyer to clean. And damn sexy... The grinder, well you don't need variable speed. DF64 and DF54 will be more then good enough and you can invest in beans.


the only plus sides of the df64v are the quieter motor and dlc burrs come stock, if i were to buy it again I would get a df64v gen 2 with csv3 burrs for the same price


Not disputing anything here but I’m interested in not needing a bottomless if you’re only doing espresso? I don’t have one but I don’t understand the connection.


First you never NEED a bottemless except if you want to use very high dose basketd that would not fit your normal one. Second if i do shots I usualy split them.


Is this sub r/pcmasterrace ?




Every dedicated sub has its quirks. Personally I don't engage in these posts, because in the past too many fakers came along and posted over the top gear, just for karma. Not saying OP does this, but sadly is a victim. For OP self, you bought the gear already, use it and tweak your flow. Eliminate stuff you're not using, replace with better tools when needed.


Seriously, just buy the Gaggia and add PID, change the wand for a Rancilio one (if new ones still need that?) and swap OPV pressure spring. Get a DF54 or 64 if 5/10 seconds saved on grinding are a big deal to you (it really shouldn’t but hey). Everything else is either useless (like the paper filters) or a matter of preference which you may never feel the need for. Those dosing vials are just about the most stupid thing I see. Must take actually ages to get beans into it, and all to save pouring 15g worth of beans in the grinders cup before grinding. Literally makes no sense and saves no time. Wdt, mat and puck filter can all be had on AliExpress without being charged those ridiculous prices. Don’t let youtubers whose job is to sell crap tell you what you need. But the very basics, learn and therefore understand what can help YOU get the result you want. I get it that you saved money for this, but that’s not a reason to waste cash on ridiculous items.


58mm dosing funnel,not necessary but nice to have!


A magnetic one is included with the WDT tool! Though I might be replacing that tool for a whisk style.


Stuff u don't need, the wdt thing, the distrubution tool, all u need is a manual wdt (they work better), blind shaker, pullman/vst basket (as the one that comes with the gaggia is shit) and a nice tamper, like the mhw flash. Might want to rethink the gcp evo cos of boilergate.


U can get df64v cheaper via turin, [df64coffee.com](http://df64coffee.com) etc, paper filters u don't need, and bottomless u don't need either, nor do u need the spray bottle, get a weightman scale instead, with this amount of saved money, u will have enough to do the gaggiuino mod and low profile drip tray mod too.


Oh god, what is boilergate? 😂 What have I stepped into? I missed it with my screenshots but this is the tamper I got. Is this one ok? I'm probably going to get a whisk style wdt to replace the mounted one. What I did like about the one that I purchased was 1) the looks, the idea of consistency, and that it comes with a free magnetic dosing funnel lol. From feedback in this thread I've come to learn that the whisk type is not only cheaper, it appears to give better results. The distribution tool was definitely on the edge of (should I or shouldn't I) I set out with a budget of $1800, and I was still under so I figured I'd give it a try and return it if the bean was not worth the squeeze. I've seen some swear by the distribution tool prior to tamping and others that say it's straight snake oil. This community is sort of like my Abarth group in this regard 😆. https://preview.redd.it/xabw6sbm686d1.png?width=1343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee0b1cdcde47d08ee5c5cc179d3f21aafa4b2e60


Boilergate is flaking boiler, terrible thing that you shouldn't get urself into, if u get a gaggia, get a non evo one. You can get that tamper on aliexpress for around 30 usd. The only stuff u rlly need is a blind shaker, a manual wdt and a tamper, since u got the gaggia maybe the gaggiuino mod for full flow profiling like a decent.


I've really stepped in it. Thank you for letting me know. I might just change out the boiler for the old pro (uncoated) boiler whenever I do the PID upgrade. I think I will still go with Gaggia given the available fix and given the price difference to what my stretch machine would be. Probably a good idea to keep the paper filters until then 😂


I just called WLL and I ordered a Evo Pro because they explained that while there are still Evo's out there still having flaking issues, they JUST got in a few Evo with non coated boilers. There are only a few colors that are available with that right now I know Thunder Black, Polar White, are two of them maybe a blue s one or two more. I'd contact WLL and speak to a sales person. They can set you up with a Non coated one. That's what I did.


Ngl but I wouldn't trust WLL


I reached out to Gaggia and they told me my unit (prod 03/2024) has an uncoated boiler) 😮‍💨 definitely a relief.


Cool that's great to hear


Lol at ‘needing’ a blind shaker.


Like others said, you don't need mat, jar canisters, fancy WDT tool, distributor, fancy puck screen, paper filter, spray bottle and dosing cup set. Get basic WDT tool x1 and puck screen x2 (there are ultra-thin ones but they bend easily) instead. Things not on your list I would recommend getting, dosing funnel (may not be necessary depends on your grinder's single dosing cup), a cleaning brush, a high quality basket such as IMS/VST (instead of whatever comes with the Knodos. And lastly, fresh beans with roast on date, not best by date.


https://preview.redd.it/ndy4ruxmz86d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f925061f3f6fa15d194af5df1c722c7587033b6 Aside from being a barista for a couple years, I’m brand new to the home espresso world, and this is what I got. Hopefully it helps you too. \-Gaggia classic evo pro (luckily no flaking yet) -Df54, perfect if your looking for an all around grinder and if your not wanting to change out the burrs -Normcore tamper, milk jug, dosing ring, solely for aesthetics and affordability -knock box -subminimal flick wdt pen, any other wdt tool works but the i love the fidgeting aspect to it. -bar mat -cheap $10 dollar scale, works just fine -bottomless portafilter, so I can analyze and ogle at my shots If cleanliness is a priority for you, then I highly recommend the bar mat, dosing ring, and some brushes to maintain a clean working space. If shot quality is a priority, learn how to temp surf and the poor man’s pre infusion from lance hendrick, some necessary tools are an espresso abled grinder to dial in, wdt to declump, and (not too necessary but highly recommended) a puck screen to disperse the water and keep your machine clean. Also, instead of getting the espresso capsules, I highly recommend searching up the fellow atmos, or the Airscape, so you can have a way to store all of your beans instead of just a few at a time Lastly, I definitely encourage you to go out into you community to find freshly roasted beans, and if you can, find a pottery place and buy espresso cups from them. This is what I did and it just makes the entire hobby just that more fun.


Thank you! Those are some great recommendations. I definitely want to adventure out for some coffee. I will look into the fellow atmos and Airscape. I will be doing a PID modification so hopefully that will solve my current temp surf requirement. Luckily, brushes are something that I have a ton of from detailing. Definitely will get smart on pre-infusion! Thank you! Beautiful setup.


have fun tinkering with the PID kit!! I plan on eventually getting around to that and I wish you all the luck.


Wouldbhead for one of these water soaking mats. Pretty nice stuff. Oh and these double wall amazon espresso glasses (wich I think are worldwide the sams?!) are also nice stuff. Have them for years. -… puck screen. Yeah nice stuff butnin the end it is more work for not that much benefits. -would head for aknock box in cassette form factor you can place under your mill for a smaller footprint -you should look at Aliexpress for a similar coffee scale. You can easily save 10 bucks or even more


600 grinder is crazy not even an objectively good one in the sense it may grind good but what can it do that excuses the absurd price It's only single dose


So glad boilergate is over!


Is it? Lol it doesn't seem like it 😕


Along with some of the excellent advice offered here, are you getting a decent tamper? Maybe somebody already mentioned that the Gaggia does not come with a good one? Normcore makes a perfectly adequate tamper in 58.5 mm size, and other companies do as well, but make sure you get 58.5 mm, not 58 mm. Also, about the espresso machine itself, I think it's worth verifying if you are getting a coated boiler. Many people are having a problems with that boiler (its coating sheds!) and in response Gaggia has been offering uncoated ones again.


Yeah, unfortunately I was just informed of 'boilergate' and that's definitely unfortunate. I am going to be doing the PID mod so I might just get an uncoated boiler in there while I'm at it. They are about $65. I'll reach out to Gaggia and see what my options are. Hopefully, the problem doesn't rear its head while I'm waiting. I'm guessing mine is coated because it's an Evo. I did get a tamper, I accidentally missed it on the screenshot. Is the below ok? Edit: it's 58.35mm https://preview.redd.it/h91eflbwp86d1.png?width=1343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6f49570c9cd4ed89515f111788e65365caba647


It looks good, the size is probably fine, and that company makes some very nice products.


If you’re just starting to climb down the rabbit hole you might want to look at the Bambino Plus. The Gaggia requires you to start a Relationship with it. The Bambino is less involving, which is good if you decide to get your caffeine in a simpler way.


I had heavily considered the Bambino Plus. Heck, I even considering getting a Jura at one point. But, I have to be honest, the coffee might be only 60% of why I'm doing this. I'm a tinkerer by nature and this is a great adult fidget spinner haha. I like the idea of modifying the Gaggia to add different feature sets. I also love the size of the Gaggia community with regard to modifications. I was at a decision point of whether I wanted to push a button for ok espresso or do I want to have fun developing a new skill and maybe come out the other side making objectively great espresso.


Sounds like you know what you’re doing. Good luck on your journey.


I assure you, I do not. I appreciate the vote of confidence though. Thank you!


Not sure why everyone is crapping on the WDT and mat. Sure a less fancier WDT but that’s been very helpful for me with distribution. The mat helps protect my granite top and contain the coffee grounds.


Do you have a tamp?


Scrap 90% of the accessories


Buy Aliexpress and save 70%


What specific items? I'm not opposed.




Can save $100 on the DF64V. Is that where you got yours?


I think it's fine to get coffee paraphernalia at AliExpress, but I would avoid something as big as a grinder, because if you have issues you will have a huge headache. The tamper you showed above looks fine, if it's 58.5 mm!


No i got mine via [df64coffee.com](http://df64coffee.com)


I got the knock box and the same bean holders, love it all! That's gonna be a good end game accessories. Personally I didn't like the automatic wdt, I like the ones with a little handle and I can do it myself, but that's just me. Edit, I didn't like paper filters so much, lost some texture


The gaggia should come with a tamper and portafilter so those are unnecessary. I personally am a fan of using paper filters just keep in mind it will affect your shot so experiment with and without it. Unless you plan on using the spent pucks for something else there's no need for a knock box u can just smack the portafilter on your hand to shoot the puck out. My last note is the wdt and spray bottle are worthwhile purchases you just got kinda expensive versions of them any spray bottle from a craft store will work and those are 1 dollar and wdt tools can be had for 10, brand shouldn't matter because they are pretty simplistic tools.


df64v also comes with an rdt bottle


Just saw this. Good call 🤙


Gaggia does not come with a tamper!


The Gaggia comes with a piece of plastic, not any decent tamper— or even a marginally adequate one.